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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: discobiscuit1 on February 09, 2005, 10:59:45 AM

Title: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: discobiscuit1 on February 09, 2005, 10:59:45 AM
Ill be pretty brief in my initial statement/question.

Axl as the main songwriter in nu gnr has had over 10 yrs of writing alone and debatedly 7 or 8 yrs writing , recording etc with various people of the highest caibre (moby,wylde,navarro,brian may possible izzy contribtions, 7? or 8 of the most high profile producers out there, numerous famous composers,etc etc etc....and last but not least the guys in his bucket and other former members)

This said after god knows how many yrs and help from amazingly talented musicians, even if CD is can Axl really get much credit for that??...I mean I would assume with $13 million to spend and the best producers/musicians money can buy? for a 6 - 8 year period most artists could make a pretty spellbinding album....So what would ....or could possibly make it so special???

remebering that bands like the beatles and Led Zepsimply churned out classics evry year.....seriously one album of classics a year.

Also whereas most bands starting off have to deal with day to day things like 40 hr a week jobs /poverty (and please dont gimme the being rich law suits stuff....thats of his own making)  either way most people starting musically dont have the luxuries of millions to spend/ endless time/ endless highly talented people to help with all this why could it possibly have taken so long??..unless at least a part of the puzzle is missing chemistryof the old izzies chords , slashs riffs over them and Axl feeling at home being....simply himself singing.

The one saving grace Axl has in my eyes (cos if CD is anything below awesome ...its TKO slash in my eyes) is that he is a great lyricist....if his lyrics are timeless....THEN for me that will be worth the wait.

I said Id be brief....but im drunk :)...and I wasnt...

ur views?????????

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: 0001001 on February 09, 2005, 12:44:16 PM
you're right

nevertheless I cant wait to hear the beast!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Charity Case on February 09, 2005, 01:09:33 PM
Your post is 100% accurate.  I too am looking forward to seeing what 10+ years of work and $13 million results in, but even if it is what?  Almost anyone with a shred of song writing ability could take those resource and produce an amazing album.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Fuckin' Gunner on February 09, 2005, 01:18:05 PM
No, it's not like this.

You forgot that the CDs in Led Zep / Pink Floyd period had 7 or 8 songs each one, so they were a lot easier to make. And seems GN'R worked in a number of songs at least 10 times bigger.

GN'R is not all this years making only one CD, you can't forget it.


Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: lennonisgod on February 09, 2005, 01:36:37 PM
Your post is 100% accurate.? I too am looking forward to seeing what 10+ years of work and $13 million results in, but even if it is what?? Almost anyone with a shred of song writing ability could take those resource and produce an amazing album.

I don't know about 100% accurate.  Izzy contributions??  I don't ever remembering Izzy coming into the picture.  Who really cares about how much the cd is going to end up costing?  Its not going to take away from the fact it's a great cd (if it is a great cd).  And I disagree with people saying ANYONE could write a great album with the money Axl spent on the cd.  Thats a bunch of shit.  Making great albums isn't the easiest thing in the world no matter your budget and who you have working with you.   

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Funeral on February 09, 2005, 02:15:46 PM
.. he knows this project might be his last recorded legacy left to the world.

So there's the BEST reason for giving himself, the band and the music the time it requires.

You're right on the money!  Trust me Axl will not give into pressure from anyone.  If he decides tomorrow that he needs to scratch everything and start all over, that's what will happen.  We just have to be patient and hope CD eventually sees the light of day.


Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 09, 2005, 02:25:50 PM
Axl as the main songwriter in nu gnr has had over 10 yrs of writing alone and debatedly 7 or 8 yrs writing , recording etc with various people of the highest caibre (moby,wylde,navarro,brian may possible izzy contribtions, 7 ?or 8 of the most high profile producers out there, numerous famous composers,etc etc etc....and last but not least the guys in his bucket and other former members)
The guys that were brought in originally, were brought in to possibly play with the old band. Although Im sure some material came from guys like ZAk, May, etc I doubt Axl will be using it. The only guy that I can see having a big contribution on the album is Josh Freese and Bucket. Thats about it.

how can Axl really get much credit for that??...I mean I would assume with $13 million to spend and the best producers/musicians money can buy ?for a 6 - 8 year period most artists could make a pretty spellbinding album....So what would ....or could possibly make it so special???

Do producers make the music? The just direct and oversee it. In order to get the best producers you have to shell out some cash. Most big bands today make sure they work with top notch producers. You also have to remember GNr have made a wide variety of songs over the years. Hence Axl brought in different types of producers for particular songs.

Also whereas most bands starting off have to deal with day to day things like 40 hr a week jobs /poverty (and please dont gimme the being rich law suits stuff....thats of his own making) ?either way most people starting musically dont have the luxuries of millions to spend/ endless time/ endless highly talented people to help with all this why could it possibly have taken so long??..unless at least a part of the puzzle is missing chemistryof the old izzies chords , slashs riffs over them and Axl feeling at home being....simply himself singing.
Why get on Axl and GNr because they arent coming from the gutter? You can only come from the gutter once. Even if the old band stayed togther they still owul dhave took their time, spent th emoney, etc to make an album. AFD happened once and thats it. How can a band grow if they just stay in that whole grime phase? When you get big you get rich. Its a natural progression. There are still ways to stay true to your roots and be able to progresss.

The one saving grace Axl has in my eyes (cos if CD is anything below awesome ...its TKO slash in my eyes) is that he is a great lyricist....if his lyrics are timeless....THEN for me that will be worth the wait.

In my mind Axl will show a lot if he comes out on top with this new band and album. He has the chance to take 2 different bands and kinds of people and make them great. Axl is like a great point guard. He elevates the level of play around him. Hopefully he has done that with the new band. IMO, the lyrics and vocals on CD will be mind blowing. The question for me is how will it all sound with the rest of the band. Will the band be able to capture all their talents and mesh them all together into a gnr sound. Not old school gnr. A more modern gnr. If they were able to do that then....its gonna be a special ride....

FInally...youre post actually proved a point. The point being how Axl isnt as selfish as we all think. You named a million people that you think might be ob the album. Band members and Axls actions have proved that he is looking down every street corner, tunring over every stone and incorporating all of that into his music. Thats whats great about Axl. And if he was able to bring it all together in a gnr kind of way then again...we are in for a real treat...

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Malcolm on February 09, 2005, 02:36:49 PM
Many of the best albums ever were written in a very short period of time. Black Sabbath's Paranoid was written and recorded in like 9 days...Back In Black by Ac/Dc couldnt have taken that long..And i know thereis more but there are some great albums done very quickly..It could be 30 years and absolutely suck...but CD is gonna be great

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: damnthehaters on February 09, 2005, 02:50:52 PM
I knew someone was going to eventually say something like this.  It's bullshit!  Putting an awesome album out is very difficult no matter how you look at it. 

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Naupis on February 09, 2005, 02:54:25 PM
He could long have released a dozen albums and MAKE 13 million dollars if he wanted to - but would they be quality?

I don't think so.

Appetite was done in under a month, and I would argue it's "quality" is equal to any rock album ever written. I would have much preffered a new album every year or 2 similar to the "quality" of Appetite or the Illusions than wait 10 years for an album that arguably won't even have the kind of impact or timeless success Appetite had.

While some consider the ridiculous wait for this project a committment to quality, I would argue it could also support the idea Axl was struggling to come up with qualtiy material or a finished product, as he has shown in his past projects he can pump out timeless work in a short time period when dedicated to actually finishing an album. It's all just a matter of perspective.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ppbebe on February 09, 2005, 02:59:28 PM
 :rant:It's bullshit!  Putting an awesome album out is very difficult no matter how you look at it. :rant:

Just granting damnthehaters's request. :P

I mean I would assume with $13 million to spend and the best producers/musicians money can buy  for a 6 - 8 year period most artists could make a pretty spellbinding album....So what would ....or could possibly make it so special???

Objection!!! It?s about $11 million according to the recent article of the Times. Update it.

remebering that bands like the beatles and Led Zepsimply churned out classics evry year.....seriously one album of classics a year.

To add to Fuckin? Gunner?s excellent post, they say that Led Zeppelin's rush recording, like in their self-titled debut done under thirty hours, shows in the lack of originality composition-wise.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: madagas on February 09, 2005, 03:00:32 PM
Appetite was a fluke-lightning in a bottle. I agree with Conny about the album's importance to Axl's recorded legacy. His entire career will be defined by this record. It's his game to win or lose...his legacy. All his artistic ability has been put in to this. Gnr will always be defined by AFD. Axl as an artist will be defined by Chinese. ?:yes:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: PhillyRiot on February 09, 2005, 03:23:14 PM
I would take 4 or 5 great albums over 1 awesome one.  Axl's legacy?  He has already taken 10 years out of his prime, in basically in hiding.  CD better be freakin awesome (although I don't think we'll ever hear it).  I will remember Axl for the old GNR.  Now there was a guy who put his talent to great use!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ppbebe on February 09, 2005, 03:24:36 PM
Gnr will always be defined by AFD. Axl as an artist will be defined by Chinese.   :yes:

I don't think that's exactly what he's aiming at. :no:

If that's the case,  they should change the project name to Axl Rose and "so and so" band and He would have, but he hasn't. To me this is not an Axl Rose Band.

It?s safe to say  Axl as a producer will be defined after Chinese. All his artistic ability of today has been put in to this.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Johnnyblood on February 09, 2005, 03:55:43 PM
I don't know about this one. On one hand, it's easier to write a bunch of great songs over 10 years than it is to write them all in one year. But then, some people never write a great song. So if this album has, say, 12 great songs, and there's a more waiting in the wings as we've been told, then you have to take the album on those merits. Because ultimately good music is good music. You can't scientifically engineer it. Plus, this hasn't been entirely a process of writing. There was also a band that had to be re-built, and in some cases re-built again. All in all, though, I think Axl should have put something out AT LEAST in spring 2001, a good four years ago.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jabba2 on February 09, 2005, 04:00:12 PM
What my problem is with CD, is Axl reportedly isnt writing any of the music. Which to me is far more important than lyrics. I mean shit, i dont have Axl's voice but give me enough time and i might come up with some amazing lyrics any band can use them. But it doesnt impress me. Writing notes/music is alot more difficult IMO.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ppbebe on February 09, 2005, 04:14:22 PM
What my problem is with CD, is Axl reportedly isnt writing any of the music. Which to me is far more important than lyrics. I mean shit, i dont have Axl's voice but give me enough time and i might come up with some amazing lyrics any band can use them. But it doesnt impress me. Writing notes/music is alot more difficult IMO.
For me, writing amazing lyrics is far more difficult.
Besides, I think you'd better not believe rumours.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: blasphemer on February 09, 2005, 05:43:23 PM
10 yrs 11million dollars. So you could make a album just as good?  Yeah anyone could couldnt they, I think not. Dont u think theres a reason behind all the yrs and money, a reason, a damn reason.  Axl is the reason they put up with it, cause of AXL. Hes fucken AXL. Do u get it.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 09, 2005, 06:11:41 PM
i dont even agree a little bit with this statement.

Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd had a much easier time than what Axl has right now. besides judging what is classic and what isnt is so debatable it doesnt even matter

"whole lotta love" is classic? ::) not to me it isnt.

Axl has an entire legacy to live up too plus LZ and PF didnt have really anything before them so everything they tried was pretty much brand new

Axl has to try and create innovative,classic, awesome music in an era where almost everything has already been done before, thats a much more challenging task than any other band in music history.

people get off this 10 years bullshit.

the new band have been together since 99-00

if u think axl will use any songs written before the new band u are crazy.

im sure when he had the lineup in place he wanted, he started over, may have kept some of his sketches and lyrics he came up with, but any music written by anyone not in the current lineup was scrapped im almost positive of it.

give axl some slack

i dont care if this record takes 20 years to make, if its great it is great

making a classic amazing record isnt some easy feat *which is why a classic album doesnt happen often*

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jgfnsr on February 09, 2005, 06:29:30 PM
It's still anybody's guess just how much Axl really cares, but this is exactly the no-win situation he's caught between.

After all this time, with all they hype, people are expecting nothing less than an absolute masterpiece.

But even if they get a masterpiece, their response will be much of the above.? A decade in the making, millions and millions of dollars, a revolving door of musicians and producers, etc. etc.

Axl is facing a 2,000 pound bull and could be gored on either horn.

Which is why I think he's ultimately making this record for himself.?

Anything after that, whether it be commerical success, critics reviews, general acceptance of the new band, is an after-thought.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Timmy on February 09, 2005, 07:22:50 PM
even if the album sucks, it would be rewarding enough just to have the damn thing...

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 09, 2005, 07:51:52 PM
anyway I just prefer to never hear a new gnr's stuff than hearing a stupid album made by GNR...all what i mean is GNR has made amazing albums from the start but Slash couldn't make the same with his poor bands like Snakepit n' V.R so it's been fine to wait for a new gnr album after 10 years for sure ...Slash also could to do to the same but he did prefer to be around making those kind of shit like their bands which no one seems to hear these days  :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: F*ck Fear on February 09, 2005, 08:08:39 PM
I think it will be great,but I am only going by Axl's past record.

And Wylde didn't give much of a contribution to Guns....i saw an interview with him where he said he wrote all these riffs,but he left and used those riffs for the first Black Label Society record Sonic Brew.(Awsome fucking record) :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: bad tripp on February 09, 2005, 08:12:11 PM
money and time dont create good albums every time. just because there has been so much time spent on it doesnt mean it will be a brilliant album. as nothing can live up to the hype of this 10 years in the making 11 million dollar piece of work

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: CamelWides on February 09, 2005, 08:20:13 PM

What if Chinese Democracy is only released in China?

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: RnT on February 09, 2005, 08:41:59 PM

What if Chinese Democracy is only released in China?

Make your bags!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 09, 2005, 08:47:43 PM
money doesnt equal great art

some of the greatest albums of all time were recorded on shoe string budgets

thats what i miss, bands going into an old fashioned reel to reel studio and just hammering out the tracks as a band

no protools, no computers

get back to the old fashioned way

it worked for many decades!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jarmo on February 09, 2005, 08:55:23 PM
thats what i miss, bands going into an old fashioned reel to reel studio and just hammering out the tracks as a band

no protools, no computers

get back to the old fashioned way

it worked for many decades!

Why do you miss Pearl Jam?  :P

How can you miss something that's basically been "the thing" quite recently? All these young bands who sounded almost the same. The Hives, The Strokes, The Datsuns, The White Stripes.....

Just because you use computers, doesn't mean your music loses something. The problem is when people use them just because they have to.


Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 09, 2005, 09:02:28 PM
I give Axl a free pass because everyone goes on and on how its been 10 years.

it hasnt and do u realize how hard it must be to find the right bandmembers with the right chemistry?

i say that took Axl much of that time just trying to find that.

whether it takes axl 5 years 10 years or 6 months expectations are great. As much as i love Contraband if CD is on par with that i will be and im sure many others will be disappointed.

I just hope everyone gives CD a chance and dont damn it by saying "it cant be better than Appetite" before they ever hear it.

i think Axl is making one of the greatest albums ever and however long it takes him to do that ill be here supporting him.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Naupis on February 09, 2005, 09:15:18 PM
I just hope everyone gives CD a chance and dont damn it by saying "it cant be better than Appetite" before they ever hear it.

While I agree with that statement somewhat, I am not sure how he can possibly release an album that will accomplish more and have longer legs than Appetite did. Off that album you have a universally recognized top 10 guitar riff, 20 million in album sales, and a universal stadium theme in WTTJ that is played at every sporting venue from here to Timbuktu, not to mention PC, which is also timeless.

While CD will probably have some major epic stuff like NR and Estranged, nothing on there will surpass NR in terms of its place in rock history with a top 10 riff and one of the most famous videos of all time.

No matter how good CD is, people are just going to slag the rockers as not being as timeless as Jungle and SCOM, and all of the epics will be looked at as ripoffs of the NR, Estranged formula. That's just the way it is unfortunately when you have that body of work to go up against and you dump the band that made those songs along the way. Unless this incarnation of GNR releases something that popular culture embraces more than songs like Jungle, SCOM, NR and estranged, it will be viewed as a failure when you disbanded a championship team to bring in a group of guys who can't make it out of the conference finals.  Right or wrong, that is something he will have to deal with.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: CamelWides on February 09, 2005, 09:22:35 PM

I am so happy with Contraband, as it's the only new rock album that I know of, and I hope it chips away chunks of the alternative scene which, along with rap, is like a cancer on my radio dial.

If CD just rocks, I will be in heaven. If it sells as well as Contraband and works its way onto radio and such, then it will do wonders for returning rock into the mainstream, whether the studio execs and radio homos like it or not.

I'm not much of a fan of Motely Crue (kick start my heart and "girls girl girls" are some of the best rock songs ever though), but I hope they come out with a Contraband/CD quality album too, to help  in the war against the pussy "alternative" stuff the music industry is shoving down peoples throats.

Rock fans would do well to support all three bands, unless they just don't like their music.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: F*ck Fear on February 09, 2005, 10:18:46 PM
Last night I was going through some of my old interviews I kept from magazines and in 2001 I believe Axl said that the Illusion records weren't complete in his eyes.....And that he gave into a lot of pressure from the band/record company and shit...He doesn't want to put out something he doesn't think is done....I think considering the pressure and actually releasing Illusions they turned out great.
In my opinion,I think we should let the fucking guy finish this beast then put it out.....I don't think Axl will dissapoint. :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 09, 2005, 10:36:00 PM
why not Naupis?

why cant he write a bigger song than NR?
why cant he have bigger rockers than wttj and PC

thats all im saying

we havent heard anything yet so who is to say it isnt possible for him to do that?

lets all listen to the cd than compare and contrast the album to other albums but i refuse to say it cant be better than this and this before we've even heard it.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: noizzynofuture on February 09, 2005, 11:41:31 PM
I give Axl a free pass because everyone goes on and on how its been 10 years.

D, you can say the new band hasn't been around for 10 years, but in reality axl has had 8-10 years to write new material and hasn't put anything but omg out to the public.

using the revolving members excuse is just weak because most of them might have stayed if not for axl dragging his feet and looking for the perfect cd.

sorry it's been too damn long and there isn't a viable excuse for the delays.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 09, 2005, 11:59:21 PM
Naupis you keep mentioning how AFD has certain songs that are legendary. Thats true....but why does that mean CD cant have as good if not better than those songs?Records are made to be broken, Cd will not have the gaudy record sales that AFD does. Its probably impossible. But that doesnt mean CD cant be a great album.

We have to take this album and put it in context of today, not 1987. I am expecting an album that is as good if not better than the old material. Strictly on the music...not the numbers.....

I wanna see the band have the same ferosity and intensity that old gnr displayed in their albums. Stuff liek that. Comparing is natural and fine...but it can only go so far. As long as CD is a great album, I will consider this band a success.

As for the whole 10 yrs thing. You people want your cake and eat it to. You want this to be a band effort yet you complain about the amount of time it has taken. When will you people realize that Axl wanted to get the right band in order to move foward with music. That means finding the right chemistry on a musical and personal level with the band...and the band with eac other. That takes time. The GNr timeline is not that hard to figure out. Serious music has been layed down only in the 2000's .....thats 5 yrs!.....and not just that Axl wants to show meaning with.

Axl could have easily put together a supergroup and shelled out albums left and right. Im not saying he hasnt made mistakes but the guys gameplan is in the right place musically. He decided he was gonna take all the time in the world until he felt its all good. Theres too much on the line for him not to. This album and band will define his career and legacy. He can raise his status or take a step back.

I would say from 2002 on its been on Axl. Anything before that is not delays and stuff. In my mind the clock started from 2002.

We all know the lyrics and vocals on this album are going to be 1st class. the million dollar question is the sound... and how the band meshed with Axl. were they able to create memorable music.....that cant be answered until we get the album in our hands

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 10, 2005, 12:05:35 AM
i agree 1000000000 percent Young Gunner

so u are saying axl wrote guitar riffs? drum parts? bass parts?

no way dude!!!!!!!!!!!

Axl may have tinkered with the piano but i say he took a long extended break to find the proper musicians, especially after Duff left.

if u think he will use any of those riffs any member of the old band wrote u are insane.

they started fresh once the final carnation of the band got together

hell slash didnt quit till when? 96?

its been a  long time but if its an amazing record it wont matter bout time.

u cant rush inspiration

i agree withyounggunner, it wont sell like Appetite but the music i think will be better!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Naupis on February 10, 2005, 12:18:25 AM
Thats true....but why does that mean CD cant have as good if not better than those songs?

Sales aside, my barometer for success of this project will be him surpassing the musical achievements and cultural relevance of the songs created in the past. Jungle is played multiple times at almost every sporting event in this county, the riff from SCOM is generally found on any top 25 riff list, PC is an anthemic song that is still played heavily on rock formats today, the NR song and video are almost untoppable as it is always in the top 5 of any video list, hell...Appetite practically killed off the hair metal craze in the 80's.

None of those things I listed have anything to do with sales, yet they were all achieved by Axl and the old guys. I would argue if the new band doesn't at least somewhat duplicate that sort of success and give our culture long lasting songs and NR Rain like videos that the fans of GNR have been shortchanged as you took an entity that wrote Jungle,SCOM and NR and replaced them with a group of guys who wrote great music, but not music that still gets played almost daily 20 years later.

CD will no doubt be a great album, I just don't think its possible that anything on that album will replace any of those other songs as the primary songs you think of when you here GNR or epic music videos. I may be wrong, but I just don't see them putting anything out there that will be held in higher esteem than Jungle or any of the other songs I mentioned in the view of the general public.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 10, 2005, 12:24:35 AM
Sales aside, my barometer for success of this project will be him surpassing the musical achievements and cultural relevance of the songs created in the past. Jungle is played multiple times at almost every sporting event in this county, the riff from SCOM is generally found on any top 25 riff list, PC is an anthemic song that is still played heavily on rock formats today, the NR song and video are almost untoppable as it is always in the top 5 of any video list, hell...Appetite practically killed off the hair metal craze in the 80's.
Ok so then when Cd comes out go away for 5-10 yrs and then come back. That is when we will know the impact of CD and its songs. New songs dont make charts as soon as they come out. Its been said there will be a few anthem type songs on the album. SO we will se ehow those stack up with WWTJ and PC......

CD will no doubt be a great album, I just don't think its possible that anything on that album will replace any of those other songs as the primary songs you think of when you here GNR or epic music videos.
Why do the new songs have to replace the old songs!?! Why cant we have 2 great eras from GNR? Thats the beauty of this whole thing. Is to POSSIBLY see Axl take 2 different bands in 2 completely different eras and make meanigful music. Why cant GNR be a dynasty of great music? Why does it have to be old or new. I never go tthat. Nothing will replace the old material. The old material is great and memorable. But that doiesnt mean there cant be other music as good, on par or better than that. And memorable at the same time....

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 10, 2005, 02:01:52 AM
i dont really care what you think naupis anyone else on the board,or the world at hand or the cultural impact

if i listen to CD and the songs inspire me and move me more than the old songs, to me it will be the greatest success ever.

thats why Estranged will always shit on NR to me. it isnt as famous but is way better.

Things are different and biased these days i can give u some examples

Prince for instance changed his name to a symbol and created one of the greatest masterpieces of his career "emancipation" 3 cds 36 brand new songs all great quality

but critics couldnt get past his name change long enough to give that record its proper due.

same with axl, no matter how Great CD is, some critics and fans will never accept it because it isnt the old band.

thats why i dont care if there are any hits or what have u

all i know is, ive been listening to Madagascar and The Blues for 3 years now, and i just got through listening to Maddy and it still moves me and affects me emotionally as hard now 3 years later than the first time i ever heard it.

so i could care less about those things u mentioned, if it moves me and inpires me more than the old stuff, thats good enough in my book

 since ive made sense of the quotes and can understand them and relate them to my life, Maddy is easily a top 10 GNR song of all time for me and it isnt suppose to be a big gun but even if it really is thats fine because its one of the most brilliant,innovative, amazing pieces of music that ive ever heard.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Continental Drift on February 10, 2005, 03:37:18 AM
Well, those who take the time to research the story will realize that what Axl has done is totally unprecedented in the history of rock: the complete remodeling and resurrection of a first ballot Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame band and then arming it with a new album of (hopefully) relevant and historically significant music that scores huge on the charts. I think the vast majority of the people will recognize that not just "anybody", even with 10 years and 13 million to burn, could pull that off.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 10, 2005, 08:31:12 AM
i think its silly to say that time+money awesome album

it is not the time
it is not the money
it is the talent and dedication of those involved

the time and the money has been 'allowed' because of the talent and dedication  : ok:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: madagas on February 10, 2005, 10:34:51 AM
Naupis, if Axl has songs as BAD as Think About You and Anything Goes on Chinese, I will be highly disappointed. I place those songs right up there with Silk Worms-just bad and cheesy. At least Silk Worms has a twisted/demented element to it. As far as the 10 years thing goes, I will have to hear the album before I could determine if "anyone could do it."

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: RnT on February 10, 2005, 10:39:13 AM
Naupis, if Axl has songs as BAD as Think About You and Anything Goes on Chinese, I will be highly disappointed.

TAY is one of my favorite songs on the album...

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Walapino on February 10, 2005, 11:00:30 AM
Think About You its pretty good btw.

Just speculating but I think a mayor issue will be if the music in CD sounds GNR, I think Axl might be concerned that using the GNR name means the music in it should fit GNR. Im not referring to the quality of it, which im sure will be a good fucking album, but what people expect of GNR. BTW im all for the change and taking new chances and progressing as an artist but the essence has to feel GNR if it doesnt then it would have been a drag and waste of time to keep it in the first place..


Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Assman on February 10, 2005, 11:22:02 AM
Your post is 100% accurate.? I too am looking forward to seeing what 10+ years of work and $13 million results in, but even if it is what?? Almost anyone with a shred of song writing ability could take those resource and produce an amazing album.

Thats just not true, and you know it. "anyone with a shred of song writing ability..." Never! The truth is that it is easier if you haven't released albums before. Artists that have released 4 or 5 albums many times (not always) find their creativity going down. Sometimes it is 7 or 8 but eventually the albums qualities are fewer. Look at Springsteen, Neil Young, Clapton, Dylan, Stones, Aerosmith, etc. They can still produce some decent songs but the truth is that they are nowhere near their prime.

But in Axls case he's still got that hunger... He doesn't have a family or children to lean back on. So he's hungry, not full.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: norway on February 10, 2005, 11:26:30 AM

But in Axls case he's still got that hunger... He doesn't have a family or children to lean back on. So he's hungry, not full.
he got an apetite 4 destruction lol  :beer:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 10, 2005, 11:35:46 AM
I agree any good band can sit around for 6-7 years with countles people putting in time to the effort and make one great album..   People will be like this album is amazing, yeah but look how long it took to make.,. ANyone can extend a solo, change lines, add effects, change anything.. Any song made there's always room for an improvement, but who wants to waste their lives  (and their fans) sitting in a recording studio breaking out an album every 8 years.. There's no enjoyment in that..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 10, 2005, 11:41:22 AM
I think it will be great,but I am only going by Axl's past record.

And Wylde didn't give much of a contribution to Guns....i saw an interview with him where he said he wrote all these riffs,but he left and used those riffs for the first Black Label Society record Sonic Brew.(Awsome fucking record) :smoking:
Just to talk about teh first line (axl's past he's always delivered) I don't think the new songs are that good, the rockers are bad actually.. Sound nothing like gnr.. Also in the past when the real group was around and they rocked it wasn't just axl, it was the actual band making those songs, so axl was a part of something great.. It's like saying the beatles was only paul..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 10, 2005, 11:54:49 AM
I agree any good band can sit around for 6-7 years with countles people putting in time to the effort and make one great album..
But your taking the GNR situation out of context. Your all making it seem as if Axl has intentionally taken 10 yrs to make an album. That is not the case. Since 96-98...he has had to rebuild the band, settle legal disputes, and make meanigful songs, which have turned into 3 albums.

People will be like this album is amazing, yeah but look how long it took to make.
And I say to those people ...yea and? If its a great album its a great album. Will peopel 20 yrs from now realize and understand the delay? If the album is around in 20 yrs that means its a great album. And they will appreciate it even more than people ofd this time period.

ANyone can extend a solo, change lines, add effects, change anything..
Anyone can do anything...but they dont. Rock music has gone down the fukin tubes. If the majority of bands out there would take a shred of consideration for what they put out there rock wouldnt be in its current state. Not all bands but most suck. There not memorable music out there. I could careless if a band pumps albums. Some great albums take a week to make others take doesnt matter as long as the MUSIC is great.

There's no enjoyment in that..
The members in GNR wouldnt agree with that...

What have Tommy and BRain been saying...I miss the band, when we are together its fun...stuff like that..

Just to talk about teh first line (axl's past he's always delivered) I don't think the new songs are that good, the rockers are bad actually.. Sound nothing like gnr.. Also in the past when the real group was around and they rocked it wasn't just axl, it was the actual band making those songs, so axl was a part of something great.. It's like saying the beatles was only paul..
No1 is taking away what the old members did. They did an absolutely amazing job. But Axl is like a great point guard...he makes people around him work harder and better. That doesnt mean CD will automatically be great. Thats what Im most curious to see. TO see if Axl had that impact with the new band and material.

As for the songs we have heard...You say they sound nothing liek the CB songs sound anything like GNR? Why does every new song have to sound like all gnr? WHy the hell did the band break up in the 1st place! Because Axl wanted to move on from that sound...not leave it behind but incorporate new things and still make it gnr....and so far he has done that. It doesnt have to sound like gnr to be we having heard the big guns yet anyways so theres no way of knowing how they sound....we have heard a collection of fillers....some of them are great!....

Did NR and Dont Cry sound liek AFD? Peopel to this day are split with old gnr in terms of thie rmaterial. SOme dig AFD and lost interest after UYI, Some like UYI...and most liked both! The point is GNR have always and will always push the envelope with their music. Im sure along the way you will not like some new songs, but I guarentee you others will. Thats the greatness of GNR. They could appeal to many kinds of people. Whyw ould you want the new guys to sound just liek the old guys. They would get laughed off the street if they tried to copy the old band. I want the new band to be their own. And thankfully thus far they have been. Not compromising to anything. If they tried to be like old gnr you would have people complaining about how Axl is using the gnr name and formula....when he does the opposite you complain too...

whatever the case may be...people will always question Axl no matter what he i take it with a grain of salt

I hope the new album doesnt sound like AFD. Ill be pissed off. I dont want that. I just want the band to be thier own, have thier own sound yet mold it into the GNR way of doing things. FErocity,Intensity,Passion,and sound.....

As for Axl and the old band thing. Tehres a reason why peopel still care about GNR. Its because of Axl. Like him or hate him the guys gets peoples attention. His aura is not on the same level as the old guys.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 10, 2005, 12:20:53 PM
wow you wrote way to much :o as for people saying dc didn't sound like afd, you are right, but they were good songs.. silkworms, omg, rhiad, etc are just not good... Sure dc was different but it still had what a gnr tune did, good intro, good singing, and good solo..

Sure years from now if the album is good or great no one will know, but hey I know and that's enough for me.. Like someone said in this thread I rather have good albums every couple of years then one amazing one every 6-7..

I'm not debating how good the album will be, i just thinkt eh idea it took so long doesn't make it as sspecial if they were able to make soemthing great quicker while everyone is young.. :hihi:

u-2 makes real good albums, they did great in 2001 and now they are out again in 2004 with more really good material.. Sure they could hide out for 6 years and make an even better album, but they have interest in playing and giving the fans music.. That's what I want, shame gnr changed so much..

as for cb, why should it sound like anything from before, it's not gnr nor is their singer axl..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 10, 2005, 12:28:18 PM
as for people saying dc didn't sound like afd, you are right, but they were good songs.. silkworms, omg, rhiad, etc are just not good... Sure dc was different but it still had what a gnr tune did, good intro, good singing, and good solo..
I think they are good...Just because it doesnt sound like classic gnr doesnt mean its not good...

Like someone said in this thread I rather have good albums every couple of years then one amazing one every 6-7..
BUt the situation didnt allow the band to pop an album every few years!

That's what I want, shame gnr changed so much..
such a shame but your still here....

as for cb, why should it sound like anything from before, it's not gnr nor is their singer axl..
why should the new material sound like the old? its a new band. Im not saying dodge the old sound which they wont but its not gonna be like the old....get over it

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: fesxine on February 10, 2005, 01:02:02 PM
i think the album is gonna be excellent! with tracks like madagascar and the blues and the more time spent on it the better it should be.

Also gnr r in a position where they can take as much time as they like.

Didn't Def Leppard take years to record Hysteria? and that is a classic album so Chinese Democracy should be the same

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mr_yoshimaroka on February 10, 2005, 02:02:27 PM
Think About You its pretty good btw.

Just speculating but I think a mayor issue will be if the music in CD sounds GNR, I think Axl might be concerned that using the GNR name means the music in it should fit GNR. Im not referring to the quality of it, which im sure will be a good fucking album, but what people expect of GNR. BTW im all for the change and taking new chances and progressing as an artist but the essence has to feel GNR if it doesnt then it would have been a drag and waste of time to keep it in the first place..


He should've created his own band to explore new styles of music and continued with the old GnR.  oh well  :-\

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ppbebe on February 10, 2005, 02:52:32 PM
mr_yoshimaroka,  he doesn't have a capacity to do 2 things at a time, betcha.  Do you?

but they were good songs.. silkworms, omg, rhiad, etc are just not good... Sure dc was different but it still had what a gnr tune did, good intro, good singing, and good solo..
:D omg and rhiad are my absolute favs. I?m no better Idol worshipper than you.  I love this band and the music.

Hell, except OMG you're dissing the songs you've only heard live or off the boots, comparing to the old studio recordings. Yet, many here with quick ears already like them.
I guess you would have said the same thing on DC if you had heard it in 86, pre-AFD time.
If not, well tastes differ but you can?t say they?re bad. 

There are a few people don?t like Beatles while the music is widely loved.
Everybody knows them for Yesterday but not for HELTERSKELTER.
It?s not good or bad.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on February 10, 2005, 05:23:16 PM
Who says that they can't outdo AFD?  Clearly that will always be the bands defining album that produced the most famous songs but on an artistic level, the Illusion albums blew it away in my opinion

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 10, 2005, 05:44:20 PM

I am so happy with Contraband, as it's the only new rock album that I know of, and I hope it chips away chunks of the alternative scene which, along with rap, is like a cancer on my radio dial.

Rock fans would do well to support all three bands, unless they just don't like their music.

what the fuck?  :o  ?everyone is free to hear something but the contraband  ain't a good album at all, at first I thought Slash/V.R could make a' amazing album like UYI I 1 n' UYI 2 but all what I hear is just crap from this album...I can honestly say that The Rasmus n' The Hanson do make greatest hits more than that shit called V.R...if you hear the new Hanson album it has better songs to hear than the contraband album, oh sad but true buddies!!!...maybe slash was drinking too much while they were recording it or maybe scott was so sotned too,whos knows  :hihi: ....Axl should be laughing at all take it easy guys...Axl isn't a jerk to make a stupid album, you'll see!!!!  : ok:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Walapino on February 10, 2005, 05:49:35 PM
Think About You its pretty good btw.

Just speculating but I think a mayor issue will be if the music in CD sounds GNR, I think Axl might be concerned that using the GNR name means the music in it should fit GNR. Im not referring to the quality of it, which im sure will be a good fucking album, but what people expect of GNR. BTW im all for the change and taking new chances and progressing as an artist but the essence has to feel GNR if it doesnt then it would have been a drag and waste of time to keep it in the first place..


He should've created his own band to explore new styles of music and continued with the old GnR.? oh well? :-\

Exactly, but he was hell bend on keeping the name so now he has to deliver gnr style.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 10, 2005, 06:21:56 PM
the thing with "GN'R style" is that it is not one style... from the past catalogue you see a wide variety of styles and sounds
even on the 'purists favorite - AFD

Axl said long ago that he was interested in evolving... and that is what I expect CD will show
a new era of GN'R... still GN'R though ;)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 10, 2005, 06:29:05 PM
Exactly, but he was hell bend on keeping the name so now he has to deliver gnr style.
No, because if the old lineup managed to work out their differences they still would have evolved from AFD and UYI. Im not saying it would be as drastic as silkworms but something along the lines of CD. The whole reason the old band broke up was because of musical differences. Just because he has kept the name doesnt mean he has to do AFD type thing all over again.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 10, 2005, 06:37:14 PM

I am so happy with Contraband, as it's the only new rock album that I know of, and I hope it chips away chunks of the alternative scene which, along with rap, is like a cancer on my radio dial.

Rock fans would do well to support all three bands, unless they just don't like their music.

what the fuck?? :o? ?everyone is free to hear something but the contraband? ain't a good album at all, at first I thought Slash/V.R could make a' amazing album like UYI I 1 n' UYI 2 but all what I hear is just crap from this album...I can honestly say that The Rasmus n' The Hanson do make greatest hits more than that shit called V.R...if you hear the new Hanson album it has better songs to hear than the contraband album, oh sad but true buddies!!!...maybe slash was drinking too much while they were recording it or maybe scott was so sotned too,whos knows? :hihi: ....Axl should be laughing at all take it easy guys...Axl isn't a jerk to make a stupid album, you'll see!!!!? : ok:

 ::) mates!, it's so fucking easy to notice gnr has a better style since old gnr members have gone...i ever knew Axl wasn't so stupid to do what slash wanted to do with the old GNR...Axl did it fine when he faced ex-gnr members up to make'em see GNR needed some change so they had to be kicked off the band cuz they thought gnr could sound forever like Rolling Stones or Aerosmith! ...Anyway V.R just makes us know that GNR does have a better style these days  :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: norway on February 10, 2005, 06:38:50 PM
short axl quote on the matter? :)

I think it is like old Guns N' Roses as far as, like, the spirit and the attempt to throw all kinds of different styles together
it has been lots of new musical directions and styles in the world since oldgnr?-era, they inspiration? :peace:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 10, 2005, 06:44:47 PM
I think it is like old Guns N' Roses as far as, like, the spirit and the attempt to throw all kinds of different styles together
That quote hits it right on the head....That is what Ill be expecting with the new material when comparing it to the old

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Pandora on February 10, 2005, 07:16:05 PM

what the fuck?  :o  ?everyone is free to hear something but the contraband  ain't a good album at all, at first I thought Slash/V.R could make a' amazing album like UYI I 1 n' UYI 2 but all what I hear is just crap from this album...I can honestly say that The Rasmus n' The Hanson do make greatest hits more than that shit called V.R...if you hear the new Hanson album it has better songs to hear than the contraband album, oh sad but true buddies!!!...maybe slash was drinking too much while they were recording it or maybe scott was so sotned too,whos knows  :hihi: ....Axl should be laughing at all take it easy guys...Axl isn't a jerk to make a stupid album, you'll see!!!!  : ok:

 ::) mates!, it's so fucking easy to notice gnr has a better style since old gnr members have gone...i ever knew Axl wasn't so stupid to do what slash wanted to do with the old GNR...Axl did it fine when he faced ex-gnr members up to make'em see GNR needed some change so they had to be kicked off the band cuz they thought gnr could sound forever like Rolling Stones or Aerosmith! ...Anyway V.R just makes us know that GNR does have a better style these days  :smoking:

Would you be kind enough to let us know why you constantly quote yourself and....generally sound like you've just been released from a mental institution?

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Lord Kayoss on February 10, 2005, 10:45:11 PM
IMO - "Chinese Democracy" can be the greatest, most brilliant album ever created but after all the money that has been spent making it ($11 million, $13 million - whatever) it's gonna have to sell like AFD to make a worth-while profit.? As much as I love Axl and GN'R I just can't imagine that happening.? As great as both UYI discs were they reportedly sold just over 5 million copies each and that was at the height of GN'R's popularity.?

I don't see how CD is gonna break any records after all this time (although I'm still gonna buy it 3 times? : ok: ).

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 10, 2005, 11:29:21 PM
record label generally gets around 6 to 7 dollars for every record sold

so 2 million and they turn a profit

now no one here can try to tell me it wont sell 2 million freakin copies.

if it sells 6 million worldwide they will almost triple their cash, so dont worry bout them losing money.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 11, 2005, 04:01:55 PM

what the fuck?? :o? ?everyone is free to hear something but the contraband? ain't a good album at all, at first I thought Slash/V.R could make a' amazing album like UYI I 1 n' UYI 2 but all what I hear is just crap from this album...I can honestly say that The Rasmus n' The Hanson do make greatest hits more than that shit called V.R...if you hear the new Hanson album it has better songs to hear than the contraband album, oh sad but true buddies!!!...maybe slash was drinking too much while they were recording it or maybe scott was so sotned too,whos knows? :hihi: ....Axl should be laughing at all take it easy guys...Axl isn't a jerk to make a stupid album, you'll see!!!!? : ok:

 ::) mates!, it's so fucking easy to notice gnr has a better style since old gnr members have gone...i ever knew Axl wasn't so stupid to do what slash wanted to do with the old GNR...Axl did it fine when he faced ex-gnr members up to make'em see GNR needed some change so they had to be kicked off the band cuz they thought gnr could sound forever like Rolling Stones or Aerosmith! ...Anyway V.R just makes us know that GNR does have a better style these days? :smoking:

Would you be kind enough to let us know why you constantly quote yourself and....generally sound like you've just been released from a mental institution?

why should I tell ya about?...backing to this topic the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A  :hihi:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Skeletor on February 11, 2005, 08:35:48 PM

AxlRoseVen is like the official town drunk of HTGTH.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: railroadblues on February 12, 2005, 06:57:03 AM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A 

I suppose you mean the other way round

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 12, 2005, 05:03:37 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A?

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't  ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!  :hihi:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: *Izzy* on February 13, 2005, 12:29:58 PM
Timewise there are a couple of things to remember;
1. Alot of songs from UYI were written before Appetite
2. Axl is a perfectionist and will not release CD till it's perfect
3. Im fairly sure CD would be out by now if someone put some pressure on Axl, but it might not be as great as it will be

Also Think About You ang Anything Goes are great songs

? ?

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jgfnsr on February 13, 2005, 08:23:12 PM

AxlRoseVen is like the official town drunk of HTGTH.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? ?:rofl:? ?:hihi:? ?:rofl:

While you and I have disagreed here and there in the past Skeletor, you hit it right on the head about AxlRoseVen.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Walapino on February 13, 2005, 11:34:59 PM
Some people didnt read my first post, gnr style means a lot of varieties of styles.. thats obvious and I know they woud have evolved but would have kept the GNR sound, like a stamp! Thats what I meant!! AGH!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 14, 2005, 04:54:23 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A 

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't  ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!  :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about  : ok:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 14, 2005, 06:44:45 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A?

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't? ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!? :hihi:

people are so blinded, the reason new gnr will sell out those shows, close the vmas, sell out arenas is because they (axl) own a business name that is established.. It has nothing to do with the guys in the band, it's the name that carries the weight.. Name it the axl rose band and see how different things are.. Guess we'll never know thought being new gnr never tours, well at least axl doesn't..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 14, 2005, 06:45:49 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A?

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't? ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!? :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about? : ok:

 :beer: thank ya Jim Bob!, I ever knew YOU'RE AMAZING from the start!,...the thing is those guys can't see yet that Slash won't play for gnr anymore!...still they hope Axl can forvige Slash someday when the guy ever speaks shit 'bout Axl!!!! ?::) ...Axl prefers to don't make a new album before Slash might play for GNR once again...the new album will be In Stores sooner or later meanwhile Axl watches all his enemies eat their own shit! ?:hihi:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 14, 2005, 06:54:28 PM
people are so blinded, the reason new gnr will sell out those shows, close the vmas, sell out arenas is because they (axl) own a business name that is established..
So your saying new gnr if/will only be successful because of the gnr name and if they bomb it will because of their own music? AT what point in time do they credit for what they put out{when they do, if they desrve credit}?

It has nothing to do with the guys in the band, it's the name that carries the weight.. Name it the axl rose band and see how different things are.. Guess we'll never know thought being new gnr never tours, well at least axl doesn't..
How come you forgot to mention the aborted 2002 tour? Did CC not pull the plug on GNR and cancel the rest of the tour? Did GNR sell out every arena on that tour?

You cant have your cake and eat it to. You want to tell every1 the reason newgnr have had and will have success soley because of the gNR name. So when/if they do well it will be because of the name and if it bombs its because its not old gnr. And thats bullshit.

I totally agree the name helps. But we have discussed this a million times! It will only go so far. Thi band has much more to overcome in the LONGRUN....BY THEIR CHOOSING{by keeping the name}. Initially the name will help album sales. But who has established the gnr mystique and myth over the past decade? not the old members but Axl. Why isnt he entitled to some of that promotion.

But ultimately this band will be judged by their material. Case closed. People are going to compare them to the old band and if they dont rise to the occasion in terms of material they will not be granted the red carpet. You act as if people are waiting with open arms for gnr to return. But arent you and your buddies always telling us how the gnr name is ruined? So how can it be such ahelp afterall?

Guys like you want it both ways and its not gonna happen

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 14, 2005, 07:02:56 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A 

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't  ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!  :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about  : ok:

 :beer: thank ya Jim Bob!, I ever knew YOU'RE AMAZING from the start!,...the thing is those guys can't see yet that Slash won't play for gnr anymore!...still they hope Axl can forvige Slash someday when the guy ever speaks shit 'bout Axl!!!!  ::) ...Axl prefers to don't make a new album before Slash might play for GNR once again...the new album will be In Stores sooner or later meanwhile Axl watches all his enemies eat their own shit!  :hihi:

I for one am looking forward to watching $lash eat his own shit  :rofl:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 14, 2005, 07:11:02 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A?

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't? ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!? :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about? : ok:

 :beer: thank ya Jim Bob!, I ever knew YOU'RE AMAZING from the start!,...the thing is those guys can't see yet that Slash won't play for gnr anymore!...still they hope Axl can forvige Slash someday when the guy ever speaks shit 'bout Axl!!!!? ::) ...Axl prefers to don't make a new album before Slash might play for GNR once again...the new album will be In Stores sooner or later meanwhile Axl watches all his enemies eat their own shit!? :hihi:

I for one am looking forward to watching $lash eat his own shit? :rofl:

 :rofl:  do u imagine the new gnr band playing around the planet while Slash eats his own shit? Hell!, that'd be a hard lesson for Slash to learn!....I can't understand why Slash tries to laugh at Axl it's just cuz the guy hasn't a new album ready in stores yet while Slash just couldn?t record a decent album with V.R?it?s not ironic, guys?? :hihi:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 14, 2005, 07:13:21 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A 

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't  ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!  :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about  : ok:

 :beer: thank ya Jim Bob!, I ever knew YOU'RE AMAZING from the start!,...the thing is those guys can't see yet that Slash won't play for gnr anymore!...still they hope Axl can forvige Slash someday when the guy ever speaks shit 'bout Axl!!!!  ::) ...Axl prefers to don't make a new album before Slash might play for GNR once again...the new album will be In Stores sooner or later meanwhile Axl watches all his enemies eat their own shit!  :hihi:

I for one am looking forward to watching $lash eat his own shit  :rofl:

 : ok:do u imagine the new gnr band playing around the planet while Slash eats his own shit? Hell!, that'd be a hard lesson for Slash to learn!....I can't understand why Slash tries to laugh at Axl it's just cuz the guy hasn't a new album ready in stores yet while Slash just couldn?t record a decent album with V.R?it?s not ironic, guys?  :hihi:

yes!  ;D

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 14, 2005, 07:24:26 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A?

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't? ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!? :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about? : ok:

 :beer: thank ya Jim Bob!, I ever knew YOU'RE AMAZING from the start!,...the thing is those guys can't see yet that Slash won't play for gnr anymore!...still they hope Axl can forvige Slash someday when the guy ever speaks shit 'bout Axl!!!!? ::) ...Axl prefers to don't make a new album before Slash might play for GNR once again...the new album will be In Stores sooner or later meanwhile Axl watches all his enemies eat their own shit!? :hihi:

I for one am looking forward to watching $lash eat his own shit? :rofl:

 : ok:do u imagine the new gnr band playing around the planet while Slash eats his own shit? Hell!, that'd be a hard lesson for Slash to learn!....I can't understand why Slash tries to laugh at Axl it's just cuz the guy hasn't a new album ready in stores yet while Slash just couldn?t record a decent album with V.R?it?s not ironic, guys?? :hihi:

yes!? ;D

 :rofl: oh fuck, you do rock Jim Bob  :beer: ... would someone imagine the new gnr while they're recording the new album in a studio n' would someone imagine V.R while they recorded their stuff in a studio?, truly there?s a difference between these bands?...hell!, of course!,  the difference is : V.R members have to chill Scott out cuz he dances like the baby spice(spice girls member) while he sings a song to record it at there!!!!!?if u think I?m kidding why don?t you check all the V.R videos then?  :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Pandora on February 14, 2005, 07:37:01 PM
Newsflash for our favorite village idiot and his new buddy Jim Bob : this message board is not a chatroom. If you want to pursue your conversation, do so privately.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Shoeboy017 on February 14, 2005, 07:44:46 PM
I haven't gone through the whole thing, but in response to the original post, "Who couldn't?"

My response to that is, essentially, anybody who doesn't have musical talent.  How rocking an album do you figure Poison could make if you gave them $10 million?  $100 million? You could take that money and replace C.C. DeVille with Joe Satriani, replace the other two schmucks with Stu Hamm and Neil Peart, give them forty years locked up in a state of the art recording facility custom built specifically for them, and when they came out you'd have a crystal-clear, 300 track, surround sound recording of extremely competently played  horseshit. 

Now, lock Bruce Springsteen up in a hotel room with a 4-track Portastudio, a spiral notebook,an acoustic guitar, and a pile of blow, and he'll churn out "Nebraska" for you in about a month.

Money has no relationship to the quality of the music, just the quality of the recording.  If CD is great, it will be because it's great music inspired by great ideas.  If it sucks, it'll be because Axl spent 10 years chasing down a sound that doesn't exist.

IMO. anyways.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 14, 2005, 07:51:30 PM
the new GNR album will sell out many discs around the planet more than V.R could sell around L.A City-U.S.A?

I suppose you mean the other way round

 :rofl: oh fuck!... would ya think V.R will play at rock in rio fest or caracas pop fest-Venezuela someday?no, they won't? ::) cuz "Boy George" sells out albums more than V.R THESE DAYS...n' when the new GNR album gets ready so V.R won't sell another one anymore!!!!!? :hihi:

he may sound crazy.. but the dude knows what he's talking about? : ok:

 :beer: thank ya Jim Bob!, I ever knew YOU'RE AMAZING from the start!,...the thing is those guys can't see yet that Slash won't play for gnr anymore!...still they hope Axl can forvige Slash someday when the guy ever speaks shit 'bout Axl!!!!? ::) ...Axl prefers to don't make a new album before Slash might play for GNR once again...the new album will be In Stores sooner or later meanwhile Axl watches all his enemies eat their own shit!? :hihi:

I for one am looking forward to watching $lash eat his own shit? :rofl:

 : ok:do u imagine the new gnr band playing around the planet while Slash eats his own shit? Hell!, that'd be a hard lesson for Slash to learn!....I can't understand why Slash tries to laugh at Axl it's just cuz the guy hasn't a new album ready in stores yet while Slash just couldn?t record a decent album with V.R?it?s not ironic, guys?? :hihi:

yes!? ;D

 :rofl: oh fuck, you do rock Jim Bob? :beer: ... would someone imagine the new gnr while they're recording the new album in a studio n' would someone imagine V.R while they recorded their stuff in a studio?, truly there?s a difference between these bands?...hell!, of course!,? the difference is : V.R members have to chill Scott out cuz he dances like the baby spice(spice girls member) while he sings a song to record it at there!!!!!?if u think I?m kidding why don?t you check all the V.R videos then?? :smoking:

 8)  Jim Bob n' I aren't kidding, the point is we make ya see there's a difference between these bands while they?re recordin? their own stuff!!!!! sometimes I think Scott had to performance with spice girls cuz he does know how to move on stage

....the new gnr album is comin' up no matter if Slash is crying now cuz of this!  :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Lady Livin on February 14, 2005, 08:09:01 PM
I totally lost track of what this thread was even about halfway through.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jimmythegent on February 14, 2005, 08:13:06 PM
Newsflash for our favorite village idiot and his new buddy Jim Bob : this message board is not a chatroom. If you want to pursue your conversation, do so privately.

haha that is hilarious ? :rofl:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 14, 2005, 08:21:15 PM
2002 tour cc pulled the plug, that's laughable..  Like they let the two opening acts play and they caused the riot?? If they pulled the plug no one would have played..

Again gnr is a business, the name is what sells, just like maiden or kiss, or any other established group, it's the name that sell with loyal fans, it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is..  So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

ANyway this was in response to axlroseven, he says gnr is going to do so much, things vr can't, and I said it's because it's the name.. Without the name they wouldn't get special treatment.. To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 14, 2005, 08:23:32 PM
2002 tour cc pulled the plug, that's laughable..  Like they let the two opening acts play and they caused the riot?? If they pulled the plug no one would have played..

Again gnr is a business, the name is what sells, just like maiden or kiss, or any other established group, it's the name that sell with loyal fans, it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is..  So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

ANyway this was in response to axlroseven, he says gnr is going to do so much, things vr can't, and I said it's because it's the name.. Without the name they wouldn't get special treatment.. To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..

fuck that shit. i'm glad axl decided to continue the legacy..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 14, 2005, 08:42:54 PM
2002 tour cc pulled the plug, that's laughable..? Like they let the two opening acts play and they caused the riot?? If they pulled the plug no one would have played..

Again gnr is a business, the name is what sells, just like maiden or kiss, or any other established group, it's the name that sell with loyal fans, it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is..? So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

ANyway this was in response to axlroseven, he says gnr is going to do so much, things vr can't, and I said it's because it's the name.. Without the name they wouldn't get special treatment.. To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..

fuck that shit. i'm glad axl decided to continue the legacy..

some legacy, every show makes fun of him and the 2002 tour, and the vmas performance.. You actually have to play and release material to be continuing anything.. Axl's no known in the outside world as someone who has plastic surgery and has terrible braides, not really what I would call keeping the legacy going..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Lady Livin on February 14, 2005, 09:02:52 PM
I happen to agree with mike the most in that I agree it's from the name solely from which all of the attention and hype derives. Not only the name of Guns N' Roses, but of who's in charge. It has already been made a point that no one would have given as much of a shit about the rest of the crew if it weren't for the project they're involved in. They are so vulnerable to being poked fun at in the media because they keep a low profile and no one knows what the fuck is going on. The most this album is going to do, in my opinion, is shut those up who say they haven't done anything "in a decade." It isn't going to change their mind about the old band, the old material, and the old status. I believe it's always going to be considered Rose's solo project, but as I do believe he has and will deliver, at least some amount of respect will be granted towards them. If taking years off is what it takes to not blatantly screw up HUGE tours, than so be it. It's hard enough being a gunner fan nowadays because you just can't take something so ambiguous this seriously.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 14, 2005, 09:11:18 PM
2002 tour cc pulled the plug, that's laughable..  Like they let the two opening acts play and they caused the riot?? If they pulled the plug no one would have played..

Again gnr is a business, the name is what sells, just like maiden or kiss, or any other established group, it's the name that sell with loyal fans, it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is..  So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

ANyway this was in response to axlroseven, he says gnr is going to do so much, things vr can't, and I said it's because it's the name.. Without the name they wouldn't get special treatment.. To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..

fuck that shit. i'm glad axl decided to continue the legacy..

some legacy, every show makes fun of him and the 2002 tour, and the vmas performance.. You actually have to play and release material to be continuing anything.. Axl's no known in the outside world as someone who has plastic surgery and has terrible braides, not really what I would call keeping the legacy going..

well if thats how you feel what the fuck are you doing on a gnr board fuckface?  way to be supportive...

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Lady Livin on February 14, 2005, 09:20:27 PM
Get lost, you. How about there are people who have been fans from the get-go, and just because they don't feel comfortable with how they're treated outside the Gunner territory, or how the band they care about is being percieved, it doesn't mean he's any less of a fan or cares any less about the future of it.  ::)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: norway on February 14, 2005, 09:38:24 PM
if axl wasn't it the gnr name, i don't think it would be as succesfull as the asia and european tour tho  :)
or as intrestin 4 the general public  :yes:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jgfnsr on February 14, 2005, 10:20:42 PM
Am I the only one here who gets the feeling "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are multiple-personalities of the same disturbed individual?? ?:nervous:? ? :confused:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jimmythegent on February 14, 2005, 11:09:38 PM
Am I the only one here who gets the feeling "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are multiple-personalities of the same disturbed individual?? ?:nervous:? ? :confused:

send 'em both packin' i say

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: younggunner on February 14, 2005, 11:12:29 PM
it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is.. ?So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

It obiviously wasnt about new material on the last tour. do you think your breaking ground with that comment? Like I have said, GNr will benefit from the name because they will have an established fan base. WIth that being said they still have to prove themselves in the longrun with the music. GNr will not be an overwhelming success if it just relys on its old fanbase. Plus I highly doubt GNR will market towards the older crowds. They are doing this as a new band type thing, hence will be trying to get NEW FANS. ?and how will they get new fans? BY THE MUSIC THEY MAKE. ?So, yes, the past tour wasnt for new material but future GNr endevours will center around the new material. And although most of the old fanbase is a lock they still have to prove thier worth to the old fans. SO its not a cakewalk.

To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..
If GNR do another 2002 tour, and re release old gnr material, then you will be correct, they ar eliving off the name. BUt I will guarentee you that will not be the case. They might have an established name but they still have to prove themselves with thier music. Music that will be compared to the old for the new bands better be good....

"hired players" earn their way? Fuck off dude. If you still dont get this new band and what they are about and are then just fuk off or shut up. Im sick n tired of people claiming that this isnt a band. When in fact they are.

ALmost every VR article mentions stp and gnr. I have eben heard them being intorduced in a live festival show as former gnr members. Lets not make it seem like they are unknowns. People who care, know who VR are. WHat makes or breaks a band in terms of what...thier music...

some legacy, every show makes fun of him and the 2002 tour, and the vmas performance.. You actually have to play and release material to be continuing anything.. Axl's no known in the outside world as someone who has plastic surgery and has terrible braides, not really what I would call keeping the legacy going..
thanks for proving my point

lets take a step back for a second. lets just go with your argument and say the gnr name is huge. which it is but in the terms you make it seem.....when peopel think of gnr today what do they think of?
They think of Axl and the whole make a perfect album thing. They are thinking about what must Axl be working on thats so important for him to "break up" the old band.....these peopel arent thinking about old gnr music. They are thinking about axl and the whole gnr myth, "joke" thing. Axl has created that. He has created a mystique and hasnt done jack shit.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 15, 2005, 12:22:28 AM
this isnt to diss VR

but the reason GNR will sell more and do better is simply cause Axl Rose is more famous than all those guys combined

Axl Rose is one of the most recognizable personalities and voices in music history

VR had 2 number 1 singles so its pretty safe to say GNR will have as much chart success

the only difference is GNR will have success on the billboard top 100 charts where VR only made it to the tops of the mainstream rock and modern rock charts.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jimmythegent on February 15, 2005, 01:43:06 AM
this isnt to diss VR

but the reason GNR will sell more and do better is simply cause Axl Rose is more famous than all those guys combined

Axl Rose is one of the most recognizable personalities and voices in music history

VR had 2 number 1 singles so its pretty safe to say GNR will have as much chart success

the only difference is GNR will have success on the billboard top 100 charts where VR only made it to the tops of the mainstream rock and modern rock charts.

I think that's over-estimating how famous Axl is a tad. He was one of the most identifiable figures back 10-15yrs ago, but he has a lot of catch-up to do. In actuality, there are plenty of people who regard him as nothing more than a curious footnote in music history - a rock-star who for better or worse is very attached to a certain age/era of music.
This is of course not my view, but one must put in perspective how long out of the spotlight Axls been. I certainly think that he did more harm than good in 2002 with his 'comeback'. It would have been far more effective a comeback with a killer CD to promote rather than a half-assed aborted tour and a dreadful performance on live TV.

I think Slash is easily as famous as Axl, but the name/image/brand Guns N' Roses is still extremley famous and Axl obviously saw this long ago...

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 15, 2005, 04:37:53 AM
Am I the only one here who gets the feeling "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are multiple-personalities of the same disturbed individual?   :nervous:    :confused:

send 'em both packin' i say

why because we both support the band while others like Mike G sit here and whine and complain?

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jimmythegent on February 15, 2005, 05:55:26 AM
Am I the only one here who gets the feeling "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are multiple-personalities of the same disturbed individual?? ?:nervous:? ? :confused:

send 'em both packin' i say

why because we both support the band while others like Mike G sit here and whine and complain?

no, because you offer nothing to the discussion at hand - just bland/moronic drivel eg "what the fuck are you doing on a GN'R board fuckface".... and i've seen your past work

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Skeletor on February 15, 2005, 07:42:38 AM
Am I the only one here who gets the feeling "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are multiple-personalities of the same disturbed individual?? ?:nervous:? ? :confused:

send 'em both packin' i say

why because we both support the band while others like Mike G sit here and whine and complain?

no, because you offer nothing to the discussion at hand - just bland/moronic drivel eg "what the fuck are you doing on a GN'R board fuckface".... and i've seen your past work

+1, sorry Jim Bob but if stupid people knew they were stupid, they wouldn't act that way now would they? Think about it.

EDIT: Hmmyeah, shouldn't've contributed to the off-topic crap, but you know what they say about living with apes and trying to keep clean ;)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: jarmo on February 15, 2005, 07:49:16 AM
Back on topic....  : ok:


Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Scabbie on February 15, 2005, 07:57:21 AM
I couldn't write an album, even with $13million dollars in the bank.

This topic reminds me of a film called 'Brewster's millions'!

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 08:21:49 AM
I couldn't write an album, even with $13million dollars in the bank.


Good point and that's what this thread's about is't it? Money is used to produce music, but time, knoledge, wisdom and feeling is used to write it :)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ppbebe on February 15, 2005, 11:48:49 AM
I agree with Shoeboy, Scabbie and *Izzy*

Add to that, it matters little how much of genius an artist is. What does it matter to you, unless you're the sponsor of the project? I?m concerned with how much of genius the efforts are.

Basically, I don?t expect something any human can't do from rock music.
I expect it to be very human, something a human/individual and co together dare do.

Or do you prefer superman's quick farts to the outcome of superhuman efforts?

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 11:59:04 AM
Or do you prefer superman's quick farts to the outcome of superhuman efforts?


Exactley the longer we wait the more we will be rewarded : ok:
Still I really hope CD comes out soon :-\

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 15, 2005, 12:06:25 PM
2002 tour cc pulled the plug, that's laughable..? Like they let the two opening acts play and they caused the riot?? If they pulled the plug no one would have played..

Again gnr is a business, the name is what sells, just like maiden or kiss, or any other established group, it's the name that sell with loyal fans, it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is..? So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

ANyway this was in response to axlroseven, he says gnr is going to do so much, things vr can't, and I said it's because it's the name.. Without the name they wouldn't get special treatment.. To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..

fuck that shit. i'm glad axl decided to continue the legacy..

some legacy, every show makes fun of him and the 2002 tour, and the vmas performance.. You actually have to play and release material to be continuing anything.. Axl's no known in the outside world as someone who has plastic surgery and has terrible braides, not really what I would call keeping the legacy going..

well if thats how you feel what the fuck are you doing on a gnr board fuckface?? way to be supportive...

It's not my fault the truth hurts..

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on February 15, 2005, 12:08:23 PM
For one thing they haven't been working on Chinese Democracy for 10 years.  With the current lineup, they've probably been working on it about 5 years.  The first song released by the "new" Guns was Oh My God in 1999, and that song featured a drummer and two guitarists who aren't even in the band now.  Freese was out in 2000, Navarro was never in the band, and Huge hasn't been there for 3-4 years.  It seems that they didn't have a clear idea of what direction the album was going until around 2000. 

With that in mind, any idiot could not make a great album no matter how much money you gave them or how much time.  Give Bret Michaels ten years and $10 million and he would still put out shit.  Axl's obviously doing this album for himself.  He's rich,  so he has the luxury of taking his sweet ass time and releasing the record when he's satisfied with it. 

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: norway on February 15, 2005, 12:50:42 PM
He's rich,? so he has the luxury of taking his sweet ass time and releasing the record when he's satisfied with it.?
we're in 4 a threat lol,  :D

just that the album was scheduled 4 release in 2000 and axl talked about how the second would sound-
-and tommy said some songs hadn't changed at all when he heard it 4 two cents  : ok:

all i know is that richard only redid pauls stuff, so i think in upcoming releases alot based upon that wall and buildt further
along with new stuff...
also bucketheads part stays accordin 2 the members  :peace:

Money is used to produce music, but time, knoledge, wisdom and feeling is used to write it
yeah,...  :yes:
i think every artist has their own personal signature  ;) i like what axl's done and up 2  : ok:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 15, 2005, 02:57:39 PM
2002 tour cc pulled the plug, that's laughable..  Like they let the two opening acts play and they caused the riot?? If they pulled the plug no one would have played..

Again gnr is a business, the name is what sells, just like maiden or kiss, or any other established group, it's the name that sell with loyal fans, it's not about their newer material or which reincarnation the band is..  So selling out shows isn't anything in regards to the group, p[eople follow a name and it happens with most older groups..

ANyway this was in response to axlroseven, he says gnr is going to do so much, things vr can't, and I said it's because it's the name.. Without the name they wouldn't get special treatment.. To bad axl couldn't start his own band and not live off the old one and those hired players could earn their way..

fuck that shit. i'm glad axl decided to continue the legacy..

some legacy, every show makes fun of him and the 2002 tour, and the vmas performance.. You actually have to play and release material to be continuing anything.. Axl's no known in the outside world as someone who has plastic surgery and has terrible braides, not really what I would call keeping the legacy going..

well if thats how you feel what the fuck are you doing on a gnr board fuckface?  way to be supportive...

It's not my fault the truth hurts..

again.. why would you be on a GUNS N ROSES board if all you are gonig to do is talk shit on the lead singer, who doesn't owe you a GODDAMN THING, he never did, you are a blubbery vagina and you need to go to a fucking VR board or something... goddamn.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 03:53:39 PM
Everyone calm down, if you like Gn'R keep praying that CD will be out soon and if you don't like Gn'R then go away.

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 15, 2005, 04:06:46 PM
Am I the only one here who gets the feeling "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are multiple-personalities of the same disturbed individual?? ?:nervous:? ? :confused:

 :smoking: maybe "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" is W. AXL ROSE tryin' to get some fun by the internet, It's a secret no one knows, dude!....i'm so sorry for ur minds cuz you won't find the truth out ever!....backin' to this tread it's better this way if Axl wouldn't record any new album cuz i prefer this than hearin' a' fucking album as V.R's made these days...that sucks really!  ::)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: ppbebe on February 15, 2005, 04:16:01 PM
maybe "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" is W. AXL ROSE

If you were Axl, I'd give up on the wait. :hihi:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 15, 2005, 04:23:16 PM
maybe "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" is W. AXL ROSE

If you were Axl, I'd give up on the wait. :hihi:

well, you try to laugh at me but how can you know truly if "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are the same guy who kicked Slash off GNR for life in thed end? !...Axl Rose was born like a poor guy n' later he reached fame out in L.A if he did that why he can't be "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" too? sorry for ya cuz it'd be a big mystery for ya n' for everyone 'round da planet always, oh fuck!!!!!!? ?:hihi:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Skeletor on February 15, 2005, 04:42:53 PM
you try to laugh me but how can you know truly if "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are the same guy who kicked Slash off GNR for life in thed end?

Well, for one thing Axl speaks English...

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 15, 2005, 04:51:59 PM
you try to laugh at me but how can you know truly if "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are the same guy who kicked Slash off GNR for life in thed end?

Well, for one thing Axl speaks English...

i speak 2 languages, u just speak english...buddy back off now  ::) , don't u notice axl loves latin america for some reason?, he speaks spanish TOO, it's been a' amazing secret to tell!  :smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Vicious Wishes on February 15, 2005, 04:54:49 PM
maybe "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" is W. AXL ROSE

If you were Axl, I'd give up on the wait. :hihi:

well, you try to laugh at me but how can you know truly if "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" are the same guy who kicked Slash off GNR for life in thed end? !...Axl Rose was born like a poor guy n' later he reached fame out in L.A if he did that why he can't be "AxlRoseVen" and "Jim Bob" too? sorry for ya cuz it'd be a big mystery for ya n' for everyone 'round da planet always, oh fuck!!!!!!? ?:hihi:
This guy is hysterical. :rofl:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Skeletor on February 15, 2005, 05:04:01 PM
i speak 2 languages, u just speak english...

Finnish is my mother tongue, and in addition I speak English, German and Swedish. So that would make four languages ;)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: *Izzy* on February 15, 2005, 05:06:25 PM
Hysterical ain't the word....oh no wait you're right hysterical is the word ?:hihi:

AxlRoseVen if you are Axl could you please hurry up with CD : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy ?:smoking:

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Pandora on February 15, 2005, 05:46:05 PM
Shut the hell up ARV. No one cares who you are or where you're from. All we know is you're a tiresome retard, and that's more than enough.

Now back on topic  :)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Lady Livin on February 15, 2005, 05:57:54 PM
 :rofl: Jesus.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: D on February 16, 2005, 04:14:12 AM
i speak 2 languages, u just speak english...

Finnish is my mother tongue, and in addition I speak English, German and Swedish. So that would make four languages ;)

well pin a rose on your nose! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

whats up with all these new posters comin on here and just being ridiculous? Its annoying and frustrating reading nonsense.

however if i see those people's names, i skip em. come on, post something! stop all the ridiculous crap.

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 18, 2005, 05:39:44 PM
Hysterical ain't the word....oh no wait you're right hysterical is the word ?:hihi:

AxlRoseVen if you are Axl could you please hurry up with CD : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy ?:smoking:

:smoking: why must i hurry up with? ... I just prefer to see V.R on TV while I laugh at them, don't u notice I have too much money to get tired of making a new tour again? i don't wanna do that anymore!!! , it?!  ::)

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: Jim Bob on February 18, 2005, 07:01:16 PM
Hysterical ain't the word....oh no wait you're right hysterical is the word  :hihi:

AxlRoseVen if you are Axl could you please hurry up with CD : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

hey now!  dont rush an artistic genius  ;D

Title: Re: even if CD is awesome ...10 yrs...who couldnt??
Post by: AxlRoseVen on February 18, 2005, 08:10:00 PM
Hysterical ain't the word....oh no wait you're right hysterical is the word? :hihi:

AxlRoseVen if you are Axl could you please hurry up with CD : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

hey now!? dont rush an artistic genius? ;D

AxlRoseVen and Jim Bob are the same person who's called W. Axl Rose? who knows, it'll be a' interesting thing to wonder for life!  :beer:  :smoking: