Title: Joe Perry Solo Album (3\1) and Tour Dates to Follow... Post by: noonespecial on February 07, 2005, 03:57:29 PM For any Perry fans that may exist on this board:
JOE PERRY'S SOLO ALBUM OUT THIS SPRING! For all you Aerosmith fans needing a fix...Columbia Records is set to release Joe's new album, titled Joe Perry. This is the eagerly-awaited new solo album from rock icon, Joe Perry, whose incendiary guitar work and songwriting for Aerosmith helped earn the group its ongoing multi- platinum status, four Grammy Awards, and induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (2001). Recorded at the Boneyard--Perry's basement home studio in Boston--Joe Perry achieves a smoldering intensity via Perry's signature guitar riffs and unmistakable deep vocals. The album's 13 tracks include 11 new Joe Perry original compositions as well as covers of the Doors' "The Crystal Ship" and Woody Guthrie's "Vigilante Man." Joe Perry is in stores on Tuesday, May 3. And tour dates to follow! All happening this Spring. Title: Re: Joe Perry Solo Album (3\1) and Tour Dates to Follow... Post by: MadmanDan on February 07, 2005, 04:41:52 PM Well this should be interesting. Any cool guest vocals, maybe, like Ozzy, or even bandmate Steven, or (I dare to dream) Uncle Axl?
Title: Re: Joe Perry Solo Album (3\1) and Tour Dates to Follow... Post by: Wheres Izzy on February 07, 2005, 09:22:48 PM I hope it sounds like vintage aerosmith guitar wise. Aerosmith stuff in the 70's is some of my favorite ever. I expect some cool fucking guitar riffs from Joe. That was the greatest strength of him and steven writing almost all the songs in the 70's. I love alot fo the later stuff after their comeback but the songs with the guest-writers are usually lacking something. Bobo was good, just push play was the worst thing they ever did, so hopefully joe will make good for the big Aerosmith fans.