Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: mitchejw on February 05, 2005, 03:38:06 PM

Title: A crazy thought...
Post by: mitchejw on February 05, 2005, 03:38:06 PM I was racking my brain with a friend of mine trying to decide where or if we should go some where coming up on this spring break when my buddy said something like..."let's go visit Axl Rose..." we both had a good laugh and continued pondering other ideas and locations...some how we got back on the topic of how a person would go about "visiting" a celebraty or how you could even approach it. Is it even possible? Would a couple of college students even have a chance of being acknoledged by a celebraty...let a lone a recluse of a celebraty...

I keep picturing a Micheal Moore esque set up where I literaly walk up to the front door (as in Farenheit 9/11) and competely take a shot in the dark. Maybe approaching from a sort of documentary point of view...???

So here is the question I pose to all of this half-witted idea even feasible? There is so much information to be attained before anyone could even begin to tackle such a task.

Hell...even I came up with a few...

Is this bordeline stalking/obsessing?
Am I crazy for even considering?
Where the hell does he actually live? Florida? would he even be there?
Would he even grant me an audience? Why would he?
If there was anything he wanted us (the fans) to know he probably have put it out in the press so what's the point?

and tons more...all the signs point to lame idea, but I'm still intrigued by it...on top of that, my buddy is a journalism major and he was dumbfounded by the idea bringing such an opportunity.

Anyway, I'm just asking for your input, or rather...your reaction to the idea...I want productive criticism if you are going to be negative...if you think the idea sucks...tell me why...

Also...Jarmo, I appolgize in advance as I could see how this topic may be breaking some rules or at least have the potential to break the rules...i urge you to end this discussion if you feel this is too great of a violation...(as if you needed my permission)

So...bring on the discussions!!!

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: odd1 on February 05, 2005, 03:56:31 PM
Go and talk to Elvis instead, I hear its alot easier 8)

Seriously there is no chance in hell you would get to talk to him.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 05, 2005, 04:01:28 PM
my buddy is a journalism major

your buddy should have some insight on what it takes to arrange an interview with a celebrity.
on that note... it does not appear that Axl is interested in doing interviews at the present time.

i believe the next time Axl 'gets in touch' with us will be when the album release is announced and a tour is planned.

so i'd say... leave it at that.
if you want to express your support of Axl and the band that is great.
we so that all the time around here ?: ok:

but the whole idea of 'walking up to his front door'... ?

there are many of us that would love an opportunity to meet Axl Rose... one day...
but I'd bet you that none of us (including you) would want it to occur under circumstances which would, in and of themselves, turn the realization of a dream into a living nightmare... for you or him.

so you are right - its a crazy thought
hope i've helped bring you to your senses ;)

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: cineater on February 05, 2005, 05:09:11 PM
I'm reminded of some young guys in LA.  Took a few chances, didn't play by the rules. 

You know who I'm talking about.

Got to work those crazy dreams to get there.

And if you do this,
your on your own man, I don't you.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on February 05, 2005, 11:02:00 PM
It'd be awesome, but I highly doubt Axl would just go out and talk to a random fan standing at his house. He has a security gate, also :p

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: Dust N Rose on February 06, 2005, 02:06:05 AM
I'm reminded of some young guys in LA.? Took a few chances, didn't play by the rules.?

You know who I'm talking about.

Got to work those crazy dreams to get there.

And if you do this,
your on your own man, I don't you.

Nah, let them go, kids need to have stories to tell when they grow old.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: Luigi on February 06, 2005, 11:46:50 AM

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: AdZ on February 06, 2005, 12:09:37 PM

If you're just gonna reply like that, what's the point?

Sort it out.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: jabba2 on February 06, 2005, 02:23:12 PM
Everyone in LA probably knows where Roses mansion is. You can see it clearly at nite because of a large light shining from the property. The problem is getting onto the property. Rose doesnt open the gates for just anyone.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: kiss-from-a-rose on February 06, 2005, 04:58:07 PM

I don't think it's good to get there (or in general at someone's private home) without invitation!
That's my point.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: AxlFink on February 06, 2005, 05:11:07 PM
you cant get near the house.  there is a huge gate.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: xPhoeniX on February 06, 2005, 08:50:59 PM
I hope your ass gets stabbed by Axl...  just for thinking so hard about this and taking the time to write all that shit. 


Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: Captain Obvious on February 06, 2005, 11:04:41 PM
Hahaha...ass gets stabbed by Axl...haha. I think one of his bodyguards will just tell you to screw off.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: V on February 07, 2005, 12:58:09 AM

Is this bordeline stalking/obsessing?


Am I crazy for even considering?


Where the hell does he actually live? Florida? would he even be there?

Why would you think he'd wanna see ya?

Would he even grant me an audience? Why would he?

Indeed, why would he? If you wanna know, write to the record label (Sanctuary Records). Or do a public web page stating you wanna talk to him for this and that reason. If it's interesting enough Axl might wanna see you, he'll write back to you. But that's his choice to decide, not YOURS. Does Axl come at your house unannounced? That's rude, and would you do that, I'd kick your ass.

If there was anything he wanted us (the fans) to know he probably have put it out in the press so what's the point?

People have no life of their own, creative jobs are rare...  people get bored so they have to go talk to Axl Rose.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: mitchejw on February 07, 2005, 11:33:33 AM

let me first start off by saying i appreciate your honestly, as brutal as it was from some of you...

I never realized that thinking out loud in a forum delegated for exactly that reason was grounds for being stabbed, eh Phoenix? i said, it was just an idea...and if i were to carry it out, there would be a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it....and that's  basically what i'm getting at here....what would be the most appropriate way to carry it out while being respectful and as inconspicuous as possible.

I know it's wishful thinking but who knows what could come of it.

Thank you to those of you who offered some kind of support for the's easier to ridicule than it is to offer support or constructive criticism...don't let anyone ever accuse you of thinking

see yas

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: noonespecial on February 07, 2005, 11:55:17 AM
I'd go to California, get you picture taken in front of Axl's gated off estate and then go have FUN in California...there are a TON MORE FUN THINGS TO  do than try and talk to Axl Rose if you are in California...and the picture should be enough for the "when I was a young whipper snapper story that you will tell your grand kids when you're  old" : ok:

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: pilferk on February 07, 2005, 12:21:23 PM
Do it.  Absolutely 100% do it.  But I have some sugestions:

1) Don't go actually expecting to talk to Axl. 

2) Film the WHOLE trip, from start to finish. You mentioned Micheal Moore in your post.  If you haven't, already, watch some of his older stuff.  That's what you're going for.  The shot of you buzzing the gate (His house is in Malibu, FYI) and being told to go fuck yourselves would be, if done right, just as satisfying of a climax to the documentary as actually bagging the interview...well, not just as satisfying, maybe.  ;D

4) Do some interviews with those who live nearby, work nearby, etc.  Random people who probably know absoltuely nothing about Axl.  Come up with a set of GOOD scripted questions about Axl and GnR.  Don't worry if you end up with a bunch of footage from people who know NOTHING about the recluse.  That could very well be the point of the film.

6) Watch the M. Night Shamalamadingdongdong "mockumentary" from the Sci fi network (you can buy or rent it on DVD right now).  Lose the supernatural leanings, and that piece would be a pretty good "model" for you.

7) Do other stuff in California...but film as much of it as you can.  The whole film should, eventually, when you edit it, be about YOUR search for Axl, not about Axl, himself, if you get my meaning.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: Scabbie on February 07, 2005, 12:26:45 PM
Do it.? Absolutely 100% do it.? But I have some sugestions:

1) Don't go actually expecting to talk to Axl.?

2) Film the WHOLE trip, from start to finish. You mentioned Micheal Moore in your post.? If you haven't, already, watch some of his older stuff.? That's what you're going for.? The shot of you buzzing the gate (His house is in Malibu, FYI) and being told to go fuck yourselves would be, if done right, just as satisfying of a climax to the documentary as actually bagging the interview...well, not just as satisfying, maybe.? ;D

4) Do some interviews with those who live nearby, work nearby, etc.? Random people who probably know absoltuely nothing about Axl.? Come up with a set of GOOD scripted questions about Axl and GnR.? Don't worry if you end up with a bunch of footage from people who know NOTHING about the recluse.? That could very well be the point of the film.

6) Watch the M. Night Shamalamadingdongdong "mockumentary" from the Sci fi network (you can buy or rent it on DVD right now).? Lose the supernatural leanings, and that piece would be a pretty good "model" for you.

7) Do other stuff in California...but film as much of it as you can.? The whole film should, eventually, when you edit it, be about YOUR search for Axl, not about Axl, himself, if you get my meaning.

That was hilarious!  :hihi: Do it!

(Just remember that he has a fondness for Uzi's and sawn off shotguns)

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: mitchejw on February 07, 2005, 01:30:30 PM
Do it.? Absolutely 100% do it.? But I have some sugestions:

1) Don't go actually expecting to talk to Axl.?

2) Film the WHOLE trip, from start to finish. You mentioned Micheal Moore in your post.? If you haven't, already, watch some of his older stuff.? That's what you're going for.? The shot of you buzzing the gate (His house is in Malibu, FYI) and being told to go fuck yourselves would be, if done right, just as satisfying of a climax to the documentary as actually bagging the interview...well, not just as satisfying, maybe.? ;D

4) Do some interviews with those who live nearby, work nearby, etc.? Random people who probably know absoltuely nothing about Axl.? Come up with a set of GOOD scripted questions about Axl and GnR.? Don't worry if you end up with a bunch of footage from people who know NOTHING about the recluse.? That could very well be the point of the film.

6) Watch the M. Night Shamalamadingdongdong "mockumentary" from the Sci fi network (you can buy or rent it on DVD right now).? Lose the supernatural leanings, and that piece would be a pretty good "model" for you.

7) Do other stuff in California...but film as much of it as you can.? The whole film should, eventually, when you edit it, be about YOUR search for Axl, not about Axl, himself, if you get my meaning. that's the kind of feedback I've been looking for...I get exactly what you mean...

where can i get these Michael Moore films from the early days? and this is something I could definately sell to my friends (the idea).

I have approx. 6 weeks to get this all together so lay it on me... I like where you're going with this.

I have a few questions...

Have you any experience with this? What is the best way to approach people? things of that nature...what type of equiptment would you use...etc...

I love it...keep the ideas rollin'

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: Continental Drift on February 07, 2005, 01:48:29 PM
Some great ideas. Maybe just to balance out all the people that know "nothing" of Axl- you should go down to the Sunset Strip and see if you can get some people (i.e. club owners, bar employees, etc.) who may have known Axl back in the day to talk a little bit. There should at least be some people down there who were around when Guns shut down the entire Strip for the Estranged video. Maybe go to that club where Axl made his first live appearance in nearly seven years with Gilby Clarke in '00- see if anybody wants to talk in there. See if you can dig up the address of the sh!thole apartment in LA where the whole band lived before they made it big. Maybe a few shots of the main Greyhound Bus Depot in LA where Axl first arrived in LA, etc. That way you'll get a "sense" of Axl's presence in the film even if you never get the guy on tape. Just don't cross the line into being too harassing of the man himself and I think you'll have a great project there. Good luck! :beer:

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: pilferk on February 08, 2005, 11:08:59 AM
Do it.? Absolutely 100% do it.? But I have some sugestions:

1) Don't go actually expecting to talk to Axl.?

2) Film the WHOLE trip, from start to finish. You mentioned Micheal Moore in your post.? If you haven't, already, watch some of his older stuff.? That's what you're going for.? The shot of you buzzing the gate (His house is in Malibu, FYI) and being told to go fuck yourselves would be, if done right, just as satisfying of a climax to the documentary as actually bagging the interview...well, not just as satisfying, maybe.? ;D

4) Do some interviews with those who live nearby, work nearby, etc.? Random people who probably know absoltuely nothing about Axl.? Come up with a set of GOOD scripted questions about Axl and GnR.? Don't worry if you end up with a bunch of footage from people who know NOTHING about the recluse.? That could very well be the point of the film.

6) Watch the M. Night Shamalamadingdongdong "mockumentary" from the Sci fi network (you can buy or rent it on DVD right now).? Lose the supernatural leanings, and that piece would be a pretty good "model" for you.

7) Do other stuff in California...but film as much of it as you can.? The whole film should, eventually, when you edit it, be about YOUR search for Axl, not about Axl, himself, if you get my meaning. that's the kind of feedback I've been looking for...I get exactly what you mean...

where can i get these Michael Moore films from the early days? and this is something I could definately sell to my friends (the idea).

I have approx. 6 weeks to get this all together so lay it on me... I like where you're going with this.

I have a few questions...

Have you any experience with this? What is the best way to approach people? things of that nature...what type of equiptment would you use...etc...

I love it...keep the ideas rollin'

For MM's "early" films, I was thinking, specifically, of "Roger and Me".  You can probably find it at the local can definitely order it off WalMart's web site.  About $14.  Excellent stuff, especially his interaction with/interviews with the corporate world. Ditto for "The Big One" (which can be hard to bet is the MM Collectors set, though you may be able to find it on ebay on the cheap).  Bowling for Columbine should be watched simply for interview technique.  I'd just Fast Forward past the "montage" stuff, though.  Not that you shouldn't edit in some historical "montage" into this should...but it'd be a VASTLY different style than MM uses....quite a bit lighter, I'd think.

I have VERY little experience with documentaries, and any expierience I have with "filmmaking" is vicarious (friends, etc).  That being said, if you have a camera rig, and look at least quasi professional, I don't think you'll have a problem getting interview subjects.  You just approach the "man on the street (or woman)" and ask if they'd like to be interviewed for a documentary film you're putting together.  I'll bet you dollars to donuts you don't have any problems.  ONE THING..very important...make sure, if you have any intention of showing this in public, you get them to sign a standard image release, so you can use their image without paying them.  You can find these forms out on the web.

For equipment, I'm not sure what you have access to.  I'd steer clear of a simple "home video" camera, if you can.  Try to rent something that looks a little more professional, and is going to give you a good quality shoot.  The Panasonic DSR-500WS is nice, but expensive (and big).  The Canon XL2 is likewise a big rig, but less expensive. The JVC JY-HD10U is smaller, less expensive, less full featured, but good quality.  You can find a multitude of older equipment, as well, for rental.  Just gotta look around. 

Another suggestion:  Find some old footage of the band...and I mean while they were playing the Strip.  It's out there...the only caveat is you may have to find the person who shot it to get their permission to use it.  I know that some of the film out there has an easilty traceable geneology, specifically some of the home shot Roxy and Troubador stuff.    It'll make nice montage stuff and the rights are pretty easy and cheap (mostly free) to use.

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: railroadblues on February 08, 2005, 05:07:49 PM
Name it Citizen Rose ---

since Citizen Kane is about Howard Hughes

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: pilferk on February 09, 2005, 08:33:59 AM
Name it Citizen Rose ---

since Citizen Kane is about Howard Hughes

Actually, it's "about" William Randolph Hearst.

One of the greatest movies of all time. 


Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: railroadblues on February 10, 2005, 05:00:15 AM
Sorry. Of course you're right --- must've been confused with The Axilator - you know, this guy who wanted to do the biggest record ever but never got it straight

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: leesixxrose on February 10, 2005, 05:20:41 AM
If you can get past the gates... the cameras.... and then if your lucky to get past EARL... yes that big black motherfucker that looks like he could snap your neck that never leaves axls side....

yeah if you can do that you have a good chace of making your documentary....

You could have easier access to President Bush than you do asking Axl Rose your questions....

you wanted suggestions... My suggestion is that you use your vacation doing something usefull like chasing chicks or drinking or go to the beach....

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: pilferk on February 10, 2005, 10:57:15 AM
Sorry. Of course you're right --- must've been confused with The Axilator - you know, this guy who wanted to do the biggest record ever but never got it straight

I must say...I like "The Axlator" just as much as "Citizen Rose" (the titles...not the movies you're basing them off of...Aviator was good...but no Citizen Kane).

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: railroadblues on February 10, 2005, 11:12:02 AM
what about Finding Axl?

But seriously, it's not such a bad idea. As a closing shot, you could have those gates again and then turn the camera around and walk it down a stretch of the boulevard or whatever there is, in an amateur 'un-steadycam' manner, that would express the disappointment ---

Title: Re: A crazy thought...
Post by: GNFNR_UK on February 10, 2005, 06:51:10 PM
Everyone in LA probably knows where Roses mansion is. You can see it clearly at nite because of a large light shining from the property. The problem is getting onto the property. Rose doesnt open the gates for just anyone.

The gates will be no problem, listen to me, I saw this shit on a movie once. What you need is a piece of steak, smear it with poison and toss it over the gate so the dogs snack on that and ultimately die. Now all you need is a blowtorch to melt the lock on the gate and your in!

Seriously though if you think you have a chance of meeting the man, in the words of Axl himself 'You're Fuckin' crazy'  : ok: