Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: izzy29 on January 26, 2005, 06:15:20 AM

Title: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: izzy29 on January 26, 2005, 06:15:20 AM
Don't ask me how I got it, but here it is: 1.Chinese Democracy 2.Forgotten Dreams 3.I.R.S. 4.The Blues 5.There Was A Time 6.Seven 7.Pretty Little Box 8.Catcher In The Rye 9.Thyme 10. Disturbances 11.Infinity 12. Madagascar 13.Rhiad And The Bedouins 14.Oh My God 15.Underground...This is it folks...Like it or not..Dont Bother Bitching

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Tucka on January 26, 2005, 06:20:28 AM
u sed dont ask bt how did u get it???!?!

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: norway on January 26, 2005, 06:21:39 AM
hmm... not gonna say anthing but i will remember this....  ::)

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Pandora on January 26, 2005, 06:22:04 AM
Oh, post a supposed tracklist with no source and expect people not to bitch?

I should lock this thread right away, but I'm too curious to see what the different replies will be.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: SADIS on January 26, 2005, 06:30:13 AM
I wouldn't believe this list if Axl was telling it to my face because of this one little thing; Oh My God.

It's not gonna be on the album. The tracks is 6/7 years old. Forget it.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: roxxi on January 26, 2005, 06:42:04 AM
I wouldn't believe this list if Axl was telling it to my face because of this one little thing; Oh My God.

It's not gonna be on the album. The tracks is 6/7 years old. Forget it.

I agree.

If there's no source, don't believe it... And if the source is 'I know someone', ban 'em. That's what I think!   :smoking:

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: 2NaFish on January 26, 2005, 06:42:21 AM
go home junior.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: leesixxrose on January 26, 2005, 06:50:35 AM
of course  Oh My God isnt going to be on that album!!!!!!! anyone who fucking thinks that Oh My God is going to be on the album is a stupid fuck..... 

Im could tell you what the real track listing is.. Coz i got today when i was on AOL... someone sent me an IM with it and made me promise not to tell you...

My friend also told me what it was coz he used to pick up the trash at the studio where GnR are recording it and he found it lying on the ground .. he has a copy of the track listing and it was the same as the one that Axl Pm'd me on AOL ..

and if you belive that your even nuttier than Axl Rose is.....

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: norway on January 26, 2005, 07:03:57 AM
of course? Oh My God isnt going to be on that album!!!!!!! anyone who fucking thinks that Oh My God is going to be on the album is a stupid fuck.....?
not to be an smartass, but i think it's maybe be on the album but most likely not? ?:nervous:

if you got something, please back it up? :peace:
- cause i haven't heard any definite about this, did axl said that?

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: SkinnyPuppy on January 26, 2005, 07:04:55 AM
Ok,youre the same guy that said this :

Quote from YOU...on the December 10, 2004
I would like every member of the board to take this poll. Do you believe this album really exists or not?? I know some people think Axl is pulling a cosmic joke on the world. Maybe thats why he called it chinese democracy:something that doesnt and never will exist. We all know he has something cause we all heard it in 2002. But how much does he really got?
If he just has the 5 or 6 songs he should release those on a sountrack to a movie/video game and get on with his life. And then the rest of us can get on with our lives!! In my honest opinion he should beg Izzy to come back and then we might finally get to have a real album!!!

About a month didnt even believe the album existed mate ???? ???
backing your shit up is going to make you credibile
so back your shit up ?:rant:

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Tucka on January 26, 2005, 07:08:14 AM
2 b honest this bullshit. havent we heard from tommy before that there will be around 12 songs on the album. Also if there is supposedly 6 or 7 epics like november rain or estranged on the album then the other 8 tracks are gonna have to b about 2 or 3 minuted long which wud b shit

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: leesixxrose on January 26, 2005, 07:12:37 AM
if you got something, please back it up? :peace:
- cause i haven't heard any definite about this, did axl said that?

I dont think that axl has said that but i dont think it takes a rocket scientist to figure this out.. and axl HAS said that he has alot of songs written and that he has changed the track listing a few times so he knows that he wants to put ALL his "big guns" on that album

Axl would not waste one of the 15 or so tracks with a song that has already been out and heard and wasnt really well recieved or lauded as a hit...

i did like "oh my god" though... I think its better than CD, Maddy, Blues, ?and i think the other 2 riyad and silk worms are absolute shit...

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: izzy29 on January 26, 2005, 07:55:39 AM
I stand by my statement 100%. This is the leak you dumbfucks have been waiting on for years. And you reward it by shittin on me? Oh well, it'll be official in 2 weeks anyway. I'm leaving this shithole...cya...wouldnt wanna be ya...

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: anarchy on January 26, 2005, 08:00:15 AM
I stand by my statement 100%. This is the leak you dumbfucks have been waiting on for years. And you reward it by shittin on me? Oh well, it'll be official in 2 weeks anyway. I'm leaving this shithole...cya...wouldnt wanna be ya...

You're shocked that we didn't bow down and worship you? Then you're the "dumbfuck".

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: ppbebe on January 26, 2005, 08:02:14 AM
13.Rhiad And The Bedouins 14.Oh My God
Whatever. I hope they come true. : ok:

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: leesixxrose on January 26, 2005, 08:08:51 AM
Oh well, it'll be official in 2 weeks anyway.

and when its not do you promise never to come back??

oh wait you said your leaving didnt you? that was the easy way out.. chicken shit

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: McClane on January 26, 2005, 08:16:56 AM
come on ! There's no way Axl could release CD with Oh my God on it ! He took about 10 years to finish the album so he can't put an old song from a movie soundtrack on it...^be serious people !

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: norway on January 26, 2005, 08:20:41 AM
no silkworms? i always thought the songs revealed was goin to be on that cd too...
maybe others?

yo izzy29, you made this poll
where it seems you belive that there's nonexisting and now you provide us with an completed tracklist?

thanks for sharin...
 but whats up the drastic change of view and how did you get from there and to the finsihed traclisting?
you do not need to share any detailed info, just something to back that stuff up ?: ok: that't be cool

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Nytunz on January 26, 2005, 08:50:13 AM
Humm, back in the day, someone clamed that "Oh My God" only was a Demo version of the song. That it would be recreated. If so, it could be that a new`er version will be on CD. Just a thougt!

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: norway on January 26, 2005, 08:52:45 AM
Humm, back in the day, someone clamed that "Oh My God" only was a Demo version of the song.
wasn't that axl? or am i wrong?

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Christos AG on January 26, 2005, 08:55:35 AM
7.Pretty Little Box

I honestly want to believe you but I can't... cause of this song.

Doesn't seem like a title Axl would choose.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: killingvector on January 26, 2005, 08:57:43 AM
wow, this must be true, after all this guy took the time and effort to register, post it here for all of us. :drool: :drool:

These scamps will never learn.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on January 26, 2005, 09:04:10 AM
7.Pretty Little Box

I honestly want to believe you but I can't... cause of this song.

Doesn't seem like a title Axl would choose.

Pretty little box could be a synonym, box=pussy.? Just a thought.?  that would be something Axl would choose.    But with the huge amount of wierd ass rumors form HTGTH and GNrforum i.e Sticky Fingers, Edward Rose, this guy etc.  Either we got one person startin shit, a group of people startin shit, or something real is going on.  I prefer to just sit back and enjoy the ride.  February might be an interesting month.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Nytunz on January 26, 2005, 09:06:00 AM
Includes news and information expected February 2005

huh! Just gotta rely to that one!

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: SLG on January 26, 2005, 09:11:26 AM
Just a thought,but...Maybe with Axl signing a new publishing deal someone at the new publishers has leaked the info.
When you sign a publishing deal all the songs and lyrics are handed over for copyright reasons

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: coldenim on January 26, 2005, 09:47:55 AM
Thank you finally some exclusive news from someone who knows, no, I want ask you how you found this.....thats incredible.  You know if you didnt give me this insight on the track listings of chinese democracy, I dont know what I would do.  Thank you, oh great...... we need more insightful people like you, who can somehow, dont worry I want ask, that can have some eptitemy to make stupid rumours like this let me guess this info was given to you by your step mom's ex husbands brothers kid's.

thank you ....thank you.....thank you

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Pryor Murphy on January 26, 2005, 10:08:28 AM
I like these rumour threads, because the other users will go: "you're lying motherfucker! You don't know shit!"
and the starter(who has only a few post..)goes: "You fuckers, you unbelievers! I will never come back again!"
Then he will delete his account. makes a new one and probably come on the same thread that he made just an hour ago, and say something like this: "you're lying motherfucker! You don't know shit!"

It's funny, when you think it like that...

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: shaun on January 26, 2005, 10:09:15 AM
Well i guess most of those songs will present in CD, probably not in that order though. I can't honestly see OMG being on there, that's an old track. Not unless it's some sort of remix or alt lyrics version or something. Guess i'll wait and see  ;)

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: shaun on January 26, 2005, 10:16:26 AM
I like these rumour threads, because the other users will go: "you're lying motherfucker! You don't know shit!"
and the starter(who has only a few post..)goes: "You fuckers, you unbelievers! I will never come back again!"
Then he will delete his account. makes a new one and probably come on the same thread that he made just an hour ago, and say something like this: "you're lying motherfucker! You don't know shit!"

It's funny, when you think it like that...

Heh, yeah, the person who posted the track listing don't know shit. I know for a fact that CD will be on 5 discs's, with about an average or 5 songs per disc, as most of the songs are huge epics. I should know, i heard a rough cut. I bumped into this bloke in a bar while on holiday in LA. This bloke works at the studio where CD is sitting in the like the biggest vault on earth (built special, just to house *ALL* the hours and hours of CD material). Anyway, this bloke has the keys to the vault, and one night while every one was out, he opened the vault and manged to record some sounds onto his iPod. So there you go. Believe it or not, that's up to you  ;D

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Lesty on January 26, 2005, 10:31:00 AM
I think it's very funny when people post rumors, give no credible source or thread of why we should believe them (especially if they have very few posts), then get all upset
if we don't take them at their word.

A word to any other rumor starters:
Waiting for this CD has hardened a lot of us diehard fans over the past 6 years.
We're pessimistic when we hear any rumors. We've been conditioned to not get our
hopes up when we hear a possible release date, and we take every bit of unconfirmed
news with a big grain of salt.
So please, if you post a rumor without any way to back it (or your reputation) up,
then you're going to get flamed. For better or worse, it's the way we've learned to
deal with the eternal delays of this project.
And I too would be shocked if Oh My God was on there. Unless it's an entirely new version, you would assume Axl has enough new material not to warrant getting that song

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: ppbebe on January 26, 2005, 10:45:56 AM
Noo shit! shaun, the bloke must be my neighbour. I haven't heard it coz he asked me to pay some bucks for a listen. He's a meany. 

By the way, I like the idea.
I know for a fact that CD will be on 5 discs's, with about an average or 5 songs per disc, as most of the songs are huge epics.
It?s Innovative n more Creative than the list. : ok:

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: shaun on January 26, 2005, 11:09:03 AM
Noo shit! shaun, the bloke must be my neighbour. I haven't heard it coz he asked me to pay some bucks for a listen. He's a meany. 

By the way, I like the idea.
I know for a fact that CD will be on 5 discs's, with about an average or 5 songs per disc, as most of the songs are huge epics.
It?s Innovative n more Creative than the list. : ok:

5 disc's in a huge box complete with t-shirt, a poster AND hidden in 5 of the 20,000 boxes will be a signed KFC bucket  : ok:
Each CD huge box is going to co$t in the region of 100 bucks  ;D

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: norway on January 26, 2005, 11:25:08 AM
plus as a bonus we'll get seeds from the chickencoop : ok: that's the limited version...

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: DazRose85 on January 26, 2005, 12:28:23 PM
It's also been suggested and heavily rumoured that "This I Love" will feature on the first album.

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: blues rocker on January 26, 2005, 12:38:10 PM
hmmm...not that i believe this thing on bit, but if it was true i would be disappointed that "oh my god" and "rhiad..." are on there...not a big fan of those...but, the rest of the songs could be kick 2 crappy songs out of 15 ain't bad...even the illusions had a few bad songs, but they were still good albums...i think overall this cd will be pretty awesome...i think it will be mostly epic ballads and straight rock in the tradition of gnr, but i think there will be a few more modern/experimental songs as well - such as "oh my god"...whatever the case, i think this will be a great album and will kick the shit out of "contraband"...anyone who thinks VR is a worthy replacement for gnr will have to shut their pie holes after CD comes out

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: norway on January 26, 2005, 04:49:11 PM
It's also been suggested and heavily rumoured that "This I Love" will feature on the first album.
this title was rumoured from around 99 wasn't it? btw, thats a really good avatar : ok:

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: Mysteron on January 26, 2005, 04:58:25 PM
Don't ask me how I got it, but here it is: 1.Chinese Democracy 2.Forgotten Dreams 3.I.R.S. 4.The Blues 5.There Was A Time 6.Seven 7.Pretty Little Box 8.Catcher In The Rye 9.Thyme 10. Disturbances 11.Infinity 12. Madagascar 13.Rhiad And The Bedouins 14.Oh My God 15.Underground...This is it folks...Like it or not..Dont Bother Bitching

I think not :rofl:

Title: Re: Here's The Tracklist
Post by: jarmo on January 26, 2005, 05:15:13 PM
If you're gonna post "news" like this without a source, you better realize that your thread will be locked.
