Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: McClane on January 24, 2005, 02:50:06 PM

Title: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: McClane on January 24, 2005, 02:50:06 PM
Come on people, stop starting stupid rumors, it's always bullshit...Be realistic and don't expect CD to be release before the album leak on the net. When somoene will finally put there hands on the cd, it will take about 1 month or less before CD comes out. If there's no leak yet, that's because the album is not done yet, that's it ! And for some people who really thinks that Axl will be able to release his album without any leak on the net, you're dreaming...U2 is one of the biggest band in the world and I got the album about 3 weeks before the official release. Same thing for the last Metallica album and everyone knows that the same thing happened lately with the last Eminen album. So there's 3 huge artists and they were'nt able to keep their album from leaking...I know that Axl is a freak and maybe a little bit paranoiac, but this album is one the most anticipated album of the decade so there's no way he will be able to release CD before it leak...So my guess is that CD is just not ready yet and 100% finished like some says, because it it was the case, we could already find it on kazaa or soulseek...If the april release date is right, we will get some songs in march...If we get nothing by the 2nd week of march, the april release date is bs.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on January 24, 2005, 03:02:39 PM
Mind you, some (if not most) leaks are intentional, much like the U2 leak. They create buzz, and it's been proven that a leak does not affect album sales. Just because an album doesn't leak doesn't mean the album doesn't exist. Besides, this is no ordinary album. There has never been a more protected piece of music...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Mikkamakka on January 24, 2005, 03:17:50 PM
Mind you, some (if not most) leaks are intentional, much like the U2 leak. They create buzz, and it's been proven that a leak does not affect album sales. Just because an album doesn't leak doesn't mean the album doesn't exist. Besides, this is no ordinary album. There has never been a more protected piece of music...

But Axl can't keep it in his house forever. Once it'll be going to be released, Axl will lose his full control over the album and someone will leak it for sure.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: younggunner on January 24, 2005, 03:24:49 PM
Im sure Axl will do everything he can {contracts,death threats, etc} to prevent leaking.....

even if it leaks i wouldnt listen to it anyway...How about everyone else? Maybe, just maybe I would listen to the songs we have already heard just to see hwo they are studio wise. Other than that im gonna have to hold out. It would be tough but Ive waited 5 years I can wait a few more weeks....

But its a problem I think we would all want to face : ok:

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Mikkamakka on January 24, 2005, 03:30:22 PM
Im sure Axl will do everything he can {contracts,death threats, etc} to prevent leaking.....

even if it leaks i wouldnt listen to it anyway...How about everyone else? Maybe, just maybe I would listen to the songs we have already heard just to see hwo they are studio wise. Other than that im gonna have to hold out. It would be tough but Ive waited 5 years I can wait a few more weeks....

But its a problem I think we would all want to face : ok:

Download everything. You can wait with listening, but hey, be sure to download it, cause plans can change  ;)

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Lesty on January 24, 2005, 04:25:40 PM
I'm not sure what the point of this post is.
 And as Minzu said, there has never been a project under such security. Other artists aren't nearly as conversative with demos and rough mixes of future tracks.
But...Sooner or later, yes...the music will have to be released to other
people to be manufactured and completed for sale and I suppose it will eventually leak before it's released. But the fact that it hasn't turned up on Kazaa or Winmx doesn't mean it's not finished.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: R. R. Dadfield on January 24, 2005, 04:29:43 PM
I'm tempted to agree with McClane - but isn't this the reason we can't get any info out of anyone about the release date? - because as soon as its ANNOUNCED (ie not when its finished) someone will leak it. ?OK - so you heard the U2 album 3 weeks early, but i bet it was finished way before then: ?only when everyone knew it was on the way was a leak produced. ?It's the same with ChiDem - it's the most anticipated album of the decade (not quite of all time, I don't think), so if Dizzy or Tommy just blurted out "Oh yeah, it'll be out April / June / September / whenever, then 'leakers' (!) would be out in force to ruin it for everyone. ?So I wouldn't be surprised if the whole process - from announcement to release is REALLY quick, so try to prevent this problem - of giving a long time for losers to leak the material. ?And to those who say I'm being naive, I say this: ?given the number of people who have heard / have access the the album (and it's quite a few, all the different musicians, their groupies, studio guys, technicians etc.) why hasnt a leak of a lesser known track like 'Thyme' or 'There Was A Time' been posted already? ?If nothing else, the security around this album is absolutely first class: ?which is both frustrating and a weird comfort. ?And for my views on why the album WILL be released this year, see the 'Chinese Democracy Thread' page 65. ? ? ?

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Mateoson on January 24, 2005, 04:50:22 PM
The album will be leaked. I'm sure Axl & Co. will float a phony version to throw people off. But, there is no way in hell this thing won't be leaked. If it is not bootlegged somehow then my hats off to Axl... but it's gonna be damn near impossible.

Here's an idea though... if they release the album on itunes exclusively first it would be a good way to cut out all of those people who will have access to the album in physical production. Then they could release the album in stores like a few weeks later. Now I know some people would say it would be stupid to release on itunes because people who buy are just going to share... Well that is true, but statistics have shown when people buy mp3s online they are less likely to share on a P2P network... who the fuck knows.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: McClane on January 24, 2005, 04:59:20 PM

 And as Minzu said, there has never been a project under such security.

Why everybody say that ? Who went there too see that this project is under such security ? Do you really think that someone is sitting 24 hour a day in that studio to watch who try to enter ? Maybe Axl himself live in that studio...Of course they try the best they can to avoid leaking...but one day, somoene will put his hands on this cd...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Dust N Rose on January 24, 2005, 07:27:12 PM
Either way, should we download the album? You miss everything if you do that.
Ok, if you think that we will have a leak and then no CD release.... ok I'll download everything then :hihi:

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: mega_music on January 24, 2005, 09:07:36 PM
If the album does end up on the internet and all over the file sharing programs. I hope everyone that downloads it gets caught and fined by the RIAA. How would you like it if someone came to your house and stole something that took you years to get?? Axl is a very smart man and his lawyers are probably some of the best money can buy. They will not tolerate any early leaks. If CD does leak on the internet it will be the day the cd hits the shelfs. But again I hope it has some kind of copyright that if you try to rip it to share your computer will die or your info will be sent to the RIAA. I dont mind people downloading old shows of bands, or downloading a song then buying the CD. I do hate those people who have every song made and only have it for the bragging rights of haveing 200gigs of music and didnt have to buy a single CD. Get a life bands make music to make us happy.. Thank them and buy there music.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on January 24, 2005, 09:16:05 PM

 And as Minzu said, there has never been a project under such security.

Why everybody say that ? Who went there too see that this project is under such security ? Do you really think that someone is sitting 24 hour a day in that studio to watch who try to enter ? Maybe Axl himself live in that studio...Of course they try the best they can to avoid leaking...but one day, somoene will put his hands on this cd...

I know it looks and sounds stupuid, but there *is* security. I don't mean someone is constantly sitting outside a safe with a rifle, but the material is well protected. If it wasn't so well protected, there would've been a leak already, so that's pretty obvious...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: patience on January 24, 2005, 09:17:38 PM
excellent point mcClane, I'm 100% with you bro.

p.s if you can get it , i want a copy too

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: jbenzz on January 24, 2005, 09:52:16 PM

 And as Minzu said, there has never been a project under such security.

Why everybody say that ? Who went there too see that this project is under such security ? Do you really think that someone is sitting 24 hour a day in that studio to watch who try to enter ? Maybe Axl himself live in that studio...Of course they try the best they can to avoid leaking...but one day, somoene will put his hands on this cd...

Actually, if I'm not completly confused, this project is under huge security.  If my memory serves me (and if I'm wrong then someone tell me), I remember reading about how axl made sure every paper that was ever sent out was watermarked with the recievers information on it or something that way they would know exactly who leaked any information that got out.  And I'm fairly sure that it is common that studios would have a security guard working to ensure that no one breaks into the studio.  I don't have a source but maybe someone can back it up, or if I'm mixing my shit up, just correct me

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: darknemus on January 24, 2005, 10:30:54 PM
If the album does end up on the internet and all over the file sharing programs. I hope everyone that downloads it gets caught and fined by the RIAA. How would you like it if someone came to your house and stole something that took you years to get?? Axl is a very smart man and his lawyers are probably some of the best money can buy. They will not tolerate any early leaks. If CD does leak on the internet it will be the day the cd hits the shelfs. But again I hope it has some kind of copyright that if you try to rip it to share your computer will die or your info will be sent to the RIAA. I dont mind people downloading old shows of bands, or downloading a song then buying the CD. I do hate those people who have every song made and only have it for the bragging rights of haveing 200gigs of music and didnt have to buy a single CD. Get a life bands make music to make us happy.. Thank them and buy there music.

You're funny.  I mean this with all due respect, but, umm, Democracy will leak just like every other album leaks once its sent for production.  Not quite sure how an MP3 or a Lossless compressed music file is going to 'make my computer die' - but hey, its an amusing concept. 

Here's the difference between your analogy and a real 'theft' from my home.  In the case of digital property being 'stolen' - it still exists.  If you were to come to my home and steal my 65" widescreen TV, then yeah, its gone.

CD will leak a couple of weeks, at least, before it hits stores.. welcome to the Internet.

Oh, and for the record, notice how I never disagreed with your statement that we should buy the music of the bands we like, I fully agree.  However, if you think, for even a moment, that once Democracy is available to download that I won't grab it, you're, as Axl says, "Fuckin' Crazy"

As far as my info being sent to the RIAA - I hope they have fun with it.   Like I really give a damn if they have my IP address and want to go through the trouble of subpeona'ing my records?  Go for it.

What's so funny about all these companies is that they don't get that their antiquated distribution model is dead, dead, dead.  Its almost at the point now where every individual can be a content provider - just wait til we get one big fluffy wireless cloud for all us.  Good luck finding me in the ether.



Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Acquiesce on January 24, 2005, 11:40:41 PM
Don't expect CD to be released before you hear an official release date. It's as simple as that. Sure, the album will probably leak but I suspect there will be a release date first.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: YouCouldBeMine on January 25, 2005, 01:16:31 AM
If the album does end up on the internet and all over the file sharing programs. I hope everyone that downloads it gets caught and fined by the RIAA. How would you like it if someone came to your house and stole something that took you years to get?? Axl is a very smart man and his lawyers are probably some of the best money can buy. They will not tolerate any early leaks. If CD does leak on the internet it will be the day the cd hits the shelfs. But again I hope it has some kind of copyright that if you try to rip it to share your computer will die or your info will be sent to the RIAA. I dont mind people downloading old shows of bands, or downloading a song then buying the CD. I do hate those people who have every song made and only have it for the bragging rights of haveing 200gigs of music and didnt have to buy a single CD. Get a life bands make music to make us happy.. Thank them and buy there music.

You're funny.? I mean this with all due respect, but, umm, Democracy will leak just like every other album leaks once its sent for production.? Not quite sure how an MP3 or a Lossless compressed music file is going to 'make my computer die' - but hey, its an amusing concept.?

Here's the difference between your analogy and a real 'theft' from my home.? In the case of digital property being 'stolen' - it still exists.? If you were to come to my home and steal my 65" widescreen TV, then yeah, its gone.

CD will leak a couple of weeks, at least, before it hits stores.. welcome to the Internet.

Oh, and for the record, notice how I never disagreed with your statement that we should buy the music of the bands we like, I fully agree.? However, if you think, for even a moment, that once Democracy is available to download that I won't grab it, you're, as Axl says, "Fuckin' Crazy"

As far as my info being sent to the RIAA - I hope they have fun with it.? ?Like I really give a damn if they have my IP address and want to go through the trouble of subpeona'ing my records?? Go for it.

What's so funny about all these companies is that they don't get that their antiquated distribution model is dead, dead, dead.? Its almost at the point now where every individual can be a content provider - just wait til we get one big fluffy wireless cloud for all us.? Good luck finding me in the ether.



You're an idiot, I mean you probaly dont think you are becuase in your mind you justified stealing...but yeah you're an idiot. It's a product of his WORK (that words probaly foriegn to your geeky ass). And stealing it, is limiting his profit, CD sales, and probaly the willingness for a record company to sign and promote another act (if people don't buy the big mans CD's then why would they buy the little up and coming guys CD's). You don't think with the invention of the internet, MP3's, iPod's, etc, etc, that maybe the definition of "theft" has maybe been updated? So from your logic, I can copy off a test or extract sensitive data from some top secret military site and its all gonna be ok?  So Maybe you'll buy the c.d. but ALOT more people wont. And for even thinking that downloading music isnt illegal you're a 100%-grade A-fuckin loser

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: norway on January 25, 2005, 01:36:01 AM
Don't expect CD to be released before you hear an official release date. It's as simple as that. Sure, the album will probably leak but I suspect there will be a release date first.
i think you're sooo right  : ok: a hand-over-production- and then...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on January 25, 2005, 01:46:05 AM
U2 is one of the biggest band in the world and I got the album about 3 weeks before the official release. Same thing for the last Metallica

Did u go out n buy these albums after u downloaded them?


Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: thelostrose on January 25, 2005, 03:09:49 AM
If the album does end up on the internet and all over the file sharing programs. I hope everyone that downloads it gets caught and fined by the RIAA. How would you like it if someone came to your house and stole something that took you years to get?? Axl is a very smart man and his lawyers are probably some of the best money can buy. They will not tolerate any early leaks. If CD does leak on the internet it will be the day the cd hits the shelfs. But again I hope it has some kind of copyright that if you try to rip it to share your computer will die or your info will be sent to the RIAA. I dont mind people downloading old shows of bands, or downloading a song then buying the CD. I do hate those people who have every song made and only have it for the bragging rights of haveing 200gigs of music and didnt have to buy a single CD. Get a life bands make music to make us happy.. Thank them and buy there music.

You're funny.  I mean this with all due respect, but, umm, Democracy will leak just like every other album leaks once its sent for production.  Not quite sure how an MP3 or a Lossless compressed music file is going to 'make my computer die' - but hey, its an amusing concept. 

Here's the difference between your analogy and a real 'theft' from my home.  In the case of digital property being 'stolen' - it still exists.  If you were to come to my home and steal my 65" widescreen TV, then yeah, its gone.

CD will leak a couple of weeks, at least, before it hits stores.. welcome to the Internet.

Oh, and for the record, notice how I never disagreed with your statement that we should buy the music of the bands we like, I fully agree.  However, if you think, for even a moment, that once Democracy is available to download that I won't grab it, you're, as Axl says, "Fuckin' Crazy"

As far as my info being sent to the RIAA - I hope they have fun with it.   Like I really give a damn if they have my IP address and want to go through the trouble of subpeona'ing my records?  Go for it.

What's so funny about all these companies is that they don't get that their antiquated distribution model is dead, dead, dead.  Its almost at the point now where every individual can be a content provider - just wait til we get one big fluffy wireless cloud for all us.  Good luck finding me in the ether.



You're an idiot, I mean you probaly dont think you are becuase in your mind you justified stealing...but yeah you're an idiot. It's a product of his WORK (that words probaly foriegn to your geeky ass). And stealing it, is limiting his profit, CD sales, and probaly the willingness for a record company to sign and promote another act (if people don't buy the big mans CD's then why would they buy the little up and coming guys CD's). You don't think with the invention of the internet, MP3's, iPod's, etc, etc, that maybe the definition of "theft" has maybe been updated? So from your logic, I can copy off a test or extract sensitive data from some top secret military site and its all gonna be ok?  So Maybe you'll buy the c.d. but ALOT more people wont. And for even thinking that downloading music isnt illegal you're a 100%-grade A-fuckin loser

c'mon, 15 years ago i copied the LPs or cassettes from friends, and they did it with mine. but nobody had a problem with that. so this whole music-stealing-stuff is BS.
and i guess you're a bit naive in another matter. ripping a CD is not the only way to get them on mp3. just connect you soundsystem to your PC and records it from there. so there's no way the f#*king music industry can forbid that. and if CDs would be cheaper, a lot more people would buy the albums. c'mon there's so much BSmusic out there, no wonder why people don't buy it anymore.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Cocaine__tongue on January 25, 2005, 04:55:11 AM
Chinese democracy will be leaked and I will download it.

When it's released, I'll buy it.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Mr. Nik™ on January 25, 2005, 05:56:57 AM
if you calculate the release counting on leak you are a fuckin' moron

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: leesixxrose on January 25, 2005, 06:09:53 AM
of course it will leak...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Philly Rose on January 25, 2005, 07:19:35 AM
there will be NO leak. The internet is a fucking tool, dont forget that. Something like that Axl said before.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: noonespecial on January 25, 2005, 07:47:54 AM
"I know that Axl is a freak and maybe a little bit paranoiac, but this album is one the most anticipated album of the decade so there's no way he will be able to release CD before it leak..."

That's the viewpoint of a total GNR fan (not that there's anything wrong with that)...big picture...the majority could care less about GNR and still think GNR is the old original lineup...most anticipated album? I don't think so, but I assure you there will be a barrage of post to the contrary...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: leesixxrose on January 25, 2005, 07:59:22 AM
That's the viewpoint of a total GNR fan (not that there's anything wrong with that)...big picture...the majority could care less about GNR and still think GNR is the old original lineup...most anticipated album? I don't think so, but I assure you there will be a barrage of post to the contrary...

I couldnt have said it better...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: R. R. Dadfield on January 25, 2005, 08:04:18 AM
Look, if everyone's so convinced they'll be a leak, can someone explain why there haven't been leaks of the lesser known songs already? ?Let's assume Tommy's right, and they are 'nearly' done (give or take a few vocals): ?then why don't we have a clue what they sound like yet? ?The answer is - we don't know beacuse the security's good.

Now, obviously, when the album goes into production, then the risks are higher. ?But the nearer it gets to release, the less it matters. ?I mean, what's the point of illegaly downloading possibly fake or poor quality versions when you KNOW that four weeks later you can buy it in the shops. ?The really dangerous period is the one we're in, when a leak would be devestating because everyone would get it, not knowing exactly when they'll be able to hear the finished product. ?So this is why I think the time from release date announcement to the first sale will be really quick: ?the less time in between, the more pointless a leak would be. ?And no, I'm not being naive - someone WILL try to leak it - it's just that if Geffen play their cards right, they can minimise the damage. ?Any anyway, they've spend 10 years hiding this goddam material, they're no gonna chuck it illegally into the open a few months before it comes out. ?

That's the viewpoint of a total GNR fan (not that there's anything wrong with that)...big picture...the majority could care less about GNR and still think GNR is the old original lineup...most anticipated album? I don't think so, but I assure you there will be a barrage of post to the contrary...

And no, I don't agree with this.  Precisely because most people still think GNR's the old lineup, is the reason why it will sell.  Whatever we might think, the name's still the name - and everyone's heard of Guns N Roses, regardless of who plays drums in it.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: norway on January 25, 2005, 08:05:40 AM
"the majority could care less about GNR and still think GNR is the old original lineup,
almost everyone knows and has differnet opinions about this, ?:yes:
i think it is as known as the original beatles line-up don't exist and are as relevant as that imo (boring, nothing new, forgotten)

...most anticipated album? I don't think so

it is, it was even expected in 94, but thing goes as a merry go'round ?:hihi:
in the musicworld it is anyway : ok:

i expect it's coming this year first part ?;)

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: darknemus on January 25, 2005, 08:14:26 AM
I don't recall ever saying downloadng music wasn't illegal (at least in the U.S. it is - live in a place like Sweden, and the rules change).  So is driiving over the speed limit, J-Walking, gambling at a friend's house (i.e. when I go to play poker), and probably 100 other different things I do or have done in my life.  I don't consider myself an idiot for taking advantage of the technology available.  Don't get your panties in a wad because you think Axl's going to lose an album sale on account of me.  Let me explain it really simply:

Those who don't buy Chinese Democracy, never would have bought Chinese Democracy.  (And you can insert ANY album name there)  I remember a local radio station playing the entire Illusion albums about 4 days before release.. all of them.. bad lyrics, good lyrics, didn't matter.  I taped it.  I played those tapes about 20 times over the next 4 days.  Oh yeah, then I STILL waited in line at Specs at Midnight for my 'official' copies.

I'm not out to justify piracy or stealing or whatever you'd like to call it in your head.  really, I'm not.  However, my point remains - the album will leak, nothing will happen to those who download said leaked material, and the earth will continue its standard rotation and orbit.  Life wiill go on, for whatever its worth.

When you talk about this being the most anticipated album of all time.. be very careful with that statement.  Would you like the name of a debut album that sold more than Appetite for Destruction?  (At a time when Music Piracy was at least a small factor)?

Alanis Morrisette "Jagged Little Pill" has 16+ million total sales.  Appetite has 15+ million.  GNR may be the best thing since sliced bread to you or I - but to the general public, its sort of an 'ehh, whatever' thing..  The mainstream is called that for a reason, they are the main proportion of the population.   Doesn't make them right and us wrong..but it does make them able to encourage a company to pay an artist like Alanis or Eminem or whatever more than they'd ever pay Axl.. sad, but true.  The majority makes the rules.. the minority finds ways to clandestinely defeat them :)



Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: anarchy on January 25, 2005, 08:32:28 AM
If the album does end up on the internet and all over the file sharing programs. I hope everyone that downloads it gets caught and fined by the RIAA. How would you like it if someone came to your house and stole something that took you years to get?? Axl is a very smart man and his lawyers are probably some of the best money can buy. They will not tolerate any early leaks. If CD does leak on the internet it will be the day the cd hits the shelfs. But again I hope it has some kind of copyright that if you try to rip it to share your computer will die or your info will be sent to the RIAA. I dont mind people downloading old shows of bands, or downloading a song then buying the CD. I do hate those people who have every song made and only have it for the bragging rights of haveing 200gigs of music and didnt have to buy a single CD. Get a life bands make music to make us happy.. Thank them and buy there music.

You're funny.  I mean this with all due respect, but, umm, Democracy will leak just like every other album leaks once its sent for production.  Not quite sure how an MP3 or a Lossless compressed music file is going to 'make my computer die' - but hey, its an amusing concept. 

Here's the difference between your analogy and a real 'theft' from my home.  In the case of digital property being 'stolen' - it still exists.  If you were to come to my home and steal my 65" widescreen TV, then yeah, its gone.

CD will leak a couple of weeks, at least, before it hits stores.. welcome to the Internet.

Oh, and for the record, notice how I never disagreed with your statement that we should buy the music of the bands we like, I fully agree.  However, if you think, for even a moment, that once Democracy is available to download that I won't grab it, you're, as Axl says, "Fuckin' Crazy"

As far as my info being sent to the RIAA - I hope they have fun with it.   Like I really give a damn if they have my IP address and want to go through the trouble of subpeona'ing my records?  Go for it.

What's so funny about all these companies is that they don't get that their antiquated distribution model is dead, dead, dead.  Its almost at the point now where every individual can be a content provider - just wait til we get one big fluffy wireless cloud for all us.  Good luck finding me in the ether.



You're an idiot, I mean you probaly dont think you are becuase in your mind you justified stealing...but yeah you're an idiot. It's a product of his WORK (that words probaly foriegn to your geeky ass). And stealing it, is limiting his profit, CD sales, and probaly the willingness for a record company to sign and promote another act (if people don't buy the big mans CD's then why would they buy the little up and coming guys CD's). You don't think with the invention of the internet, MP3's, iPod's, etc, etc, that maybe the definition of "theft" has maybe been updated? So from your logic, I can copy off a test or extract sensitive data from some top secret military site and its all gonna be ok?  So Maybe you'll buy the c.d. but ALOT more people wont. And for even thinking that downloading music isnt illegal you're a 100%-grade A-fuckin loser

Hah, you called Darknemus stupid which is funny because he's actually a smart bastard.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: norway on January 25, 2005, 08:42:28 AM
but to the general public, its sort of an 'ehh, whatever' thing..? The mainstream is called that for a reason, they are the main proportion of the population.?
still not an undeground act imo  ::)

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: McClane on January 26, 2005, 08:31:21 AM
U2 is one of the biggest band in the world and I got the album about 3 weeks before the official release. Same thing for the last Metallica

Did u go out n buy these albums after u downloaded them?


Of course I did buy them...I'm a fan and I want the official cd with the booklet, lyrics...

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Dust N Rose on January 26, 2005, 05:47:25 PM
I can download albums that were in done in a few hours without any compunction.
But an album that needed 7 years or more(depends on release) downloaded in a few minutes it's disgrace.
When it's out it will be probably 20 fuckin' dollars or more, c'mon people... appreciate the effort.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Lord Kayoss on January 26, 2005, 06:42:55 PM
If it is leaked I will download every song - but when the album is officially released I'm still gonna buy the damn thing three times.

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Nytunz on January 26, 2005, 06:53:18 PM
If it is leaked I will download every song - but when the album is officially released I'm still gonna buy the damn thing three times.

I wonder if i have the patience to wait!
After 12 fucking years!! Damn, I dont wanna destroy the feeling of having bought CD, got home! A cup of coffie, and relax listening to the damn ting!

Title: Re: Don't expect CD to be release before...
Post by: Captain Obvious on January 26, 2005, 08:30:53 PM
I can see it now. If a single song leaks,  you can forget about Chinese Demcracy for the next 15 years. Keep in mind who we are dealing with here.