Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: discobiscuit1 on January 24, 2005, 10:23:31 AM

Title: update...take as u will
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 24, 2005, 10:23:31 AM
I posted on here about 8 months agos....roughly that my former bass teacher ( a very well respected guy with various books on bass,  by the name of stephan XXXXXX....sorry no last name given as i respect him, had given me some info regarding GNR's recording.

To put it simply he is a classicly trained guy and knows various musicians and does a lot of work in L.A.  He described some work that a few voilinists etc had done with GNR as he knows Im a fan.  He described how a lot of the basic ideas had apparently been written with orchestra then transferred to an electronic medium and vice versa to give 'unexpected' feel......or more to the pointmake electronica a little more organic. He said that the musicians involved felt it was kinda up in the air and didnt expect much of it to be used.

To cuta  long story short....his word of mouth through friends (mind u he doesnt care too much for GNR so my attempts to get info r a tad slow) that vocal work is still to be done....that there is more than one cd....and that the initial cd while elaborate is pretty much straight forward rock.

feel free to Im me.....I only know so much....but hope this is of some help

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: norway on January 24, 2005, 10:35:08 AM
thanks, the violin stuff converted was cool, i got violins too and it's really cool to use filter or distortion  :D

and that the initial cd while elaborate is pretty much straight forward rock
yeah, axl said something about that in an earlier interview, i love rock  :love:
about second cd goin more to aggresive electronica... kinda cool to see how it sounds  :smoking:

initial=first? remember tommy said something about epics too, can't wait :drool:
hope they really are gonna release within few months, and release backup soon after : ok:

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 24, 2005, 10:41:07 AM
I will happily answer any questions...though dont go going all conspiricy theory on me...i can only get so much info. I said in the initial post on this subject months ago that Id get back to you guys....cept nothing came of it...

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Nytunz on January 24, 2005, 10:48:46 AM
thanks for the update!  ;D

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: ppbebe on January 24, 2005, 12:12:28 PM
Ta discobiscuit1!  :D  Hum.  When do you think his info was on? As late as this year or?

To cuta  long story short....his word of mouth through friends (mind u he doesnt care too much for GNR so my attempts to get info r a tad slow) that vocal work is still to be done....that there is more than one cd....and that the initial cd while elaborate is pretty much straight forward rock.

BTW this board is hell slow again! :'(

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: younggunner on January 24, 2005, 12:39:16 PM
stuff liek this i tend believe rather than other crap that pops up...thanks for the info

btw its clear the whole hold up to Cd is Axl and the vocals.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Will on January 24, 2005, 03:50:24 PM
vocal work is still to be done....

Most rumours tend towards that theory (and your info seems legit) I guess there's no fire without smoke. But WTF?
In 2002 Axl said they already chose the order of songs, the cover was ready, and a few months ago Tommy said he heard the first rough mixes which were obviously complete with vocals...I don't understand what the deal is. Are they re-recording (re-mixing) vocals every 2 weeks or something?

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Lesty on January 24, 2005, 04:29:55 PM
The "no vocals" theory is so strange, but it's been rumored to often the past couple of
years to not have some merit. Axl is either really a perfectionist, really lazy or
just having voice issues. I find that hard to believe, as he sounded great in concert
in 2002.
Regardless,the weird thing is that there's more than one album. I don't doubt they have
enough material for more than 1 CD, but all we've heard about is Chinese Democracy, and I can't imagine they're completing more than 1 CD at this time. It just seems like the record
label just wants one, really good finished CD to release, and worry about the next record down the road.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: SADIS on January 24, 2005, 04:37:07 PM
I think Axl layed down the vocal tracks a while ago, I just think he keeps them separetely from the music so no one can put it on the internet. I really think he also tells everyone they aren't layed down yet so everyone thinks there's nothing coming/nothing to steal. And when they go into final mixing he will give them out...... Axl ain't stupid, he knows the time is now!

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: vicarious existence on January 24, 2005, 07:36:05 PM
I don't doubt they have
enough material for more than 1 CD, but all we've heard about is Chinese Democracy, and I can't imagine they're completing more than 1 CD at this time.

Well... I interpreted it as Chinese Democracy the record will consist of more than 1 CD... the first one maybe being more traditional rock and the second one being more experimental... discobiscuit, correct me if I'm wrong..

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 24, 2005, 07:59:57 PM
The "no vocals" theory is so strange, but it's been rumored to often the past couple of
years to not have some merit. Axl is either really a perfectionist, really lazy or
just having voice issues. I find that hard to believe, as he sounded great in concert
in 2002.
Regardless,the weird thing is that there's more than one album. I don't doubt they have
enough material for more than 1 CD, but all we've heard about is Chinese Democracy, and I can't imagine they're completing more than 1 CD at this time. It just seems like the record
label just wants one, really good finished CD to release, and worry about the next record down the road.

How do you figure? There are at least 30 rumored tracks and that is the ones we have heard for  years, I am sure there are others we have not heard the title of either. Brian may said they had 2 full albums done back in 2001 or so. You really dont think they have more songs done?

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Vicious Wishes on January 24, 2005, 08:21:12 PM
What Brian May heard may be good, hell may be mind blowing. But if our favorite uncle doesn't think so, well...

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: nesquick on January 24, 2005, 08:46:42 PM
good point Will.
Same point for me, WTF with the vocals? because this is what takes the most of time so it could mean no CD before a long time. :-\

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Fuckin' Gunner on January 24, 2005, 09:22:56 PM
I think that the problem with the vocal parts is the lirycs. Seems he and the band wrote the music first, as he told Kurt Loder back in 1999:

Quote from: Axl Rose
Rose: In ways. What we're doing is we're rehearsing with different guitar players, and we're still recording. I'm doing the vocals. I'm about three-quarters of the way through, and it's a very difficult process for me.

I write the vocals last, because I wanted to invent the music first and push the music to the level that I had to compete against it. That's kind of tough. It's like you got to go in against these new guys who kicked ass. You finally got the song musically where you wanted to, and then you have to figure out how to go in and kick its ass and be one person competing against this wall of sound.

Why I chose to do it that way is that, you know, I can sit and write poetry 'til hell freezes over, and getting attached to any particular set of words... I felt that I would write to those words in a dated fashion, and we really wouldn't get the best music. "Oh My God" is a perfect example. When we finally got "Oh My God" where it needed to be, then I got the right words to it. With "Appetite," I wrote a lot of the words first, but in, like, "Oh My God," I wrote the words second, but the music was written like "Appetite." We kept developing it until it we got it right. [With] "Appetite," everything had been worked on, and worked on, and worked on. That was not the case with "Use Your Illusion."

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 24, 2005, 09:53:05 PM
I know its not a lot but i hope this is of some help.....god knows we dont have much.  As far as the vocal work thing goes, im guessing that the music is continually sure they have at least a few albums completed....just that it may be hard to have a defining sound like appetite, so work may continue till they have 3 very distinct albums.

But thats a guess.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Continental Drift on January 24, 2005, 10:32:44 PM
I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's vocals that's holding CD up. That's likely the part of the recording process that most emphasizes Axl's perfectionism AND his insecurities. There will no doubt be some scrutiny of the lead guitarists because of Slash's departure- but basically we can expect that most critics and reviewers will be almost entirely focused on Axl's singing and lyrics. The slightest hint that Axl's lyrics/vocals are "forced", "fake", "insincere", "dated" etc. or that his voice is "weak" and the critics will cut CD up like an arts and crafts project irregardless of how great the band sounds.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: norway on January 24, 2005, 11:40:10 PM
Most rumours tend towards that theory (and your info seems legit) I guess there's no fire without smoke.

don't think so, axl wanted to release an album earlier but it was stopped because some thought they could do better,
don't think they would have been releasein a instrumental album,? :P
and doug said in 01 i think, that they were 80 % vocal done and expected a release...

'm think that there is instrumental version of the album tho...
i'm sure it's not just axl and the musicians that delays, think it's the buisnesspeople too? : ok:

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Nytunz on January 25, 2005, 08:51:57 AM
well, i dont belive its the vocals on Chinese Democracy they are talking about! Axl said himself there wil be 3 albums! And he wanna "put the final touches" on them before he is ready! So, maybe some of the "Axl still gotta do some vocal work" romours dont has anything to do with CD at all!

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 25, 2005, 10:12:04 AM
have to say im suprised that only one person has IM me....after all this wait.....seems GNR  really is dead considering all the long term fanatics dont give a shit anymore.

Sorry Axl, it seems u blew it and slash etc were right......tko round one.

that scepticism aside IM me all u want happy to chat.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: John Daniels on January 25, 2005, 10:26:36 AM
have to say im suprised that only one person has IM me....after all this wait.....seems GNR? really is dead considering all the long term fanatics dont give a shit anymore.

So GNR is dead because no one doesn't want to IM you asking about that shitty rumour? If you still have something "important" inside fact, please feel free to share it for the board without that IM shit.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 25, 2005, 10:48:56 AM
So GNR is dead because no one doesn't want to IM you asking about that shitty rumour? If you still have something "important" inside fact, please feel free to share it for the board without that IM shit.

shitty rumor????....its no rumor...i said what Ive heard, and have stated the same thing for 8 - 12 months you douche.

I am suprised in the lack of interest in this board regarding many things.....I truly feel that the level of interest in GNR is fading massively. I have nothing ...."Important" tell.....I have small details thats it.

Im a GNR fan....and more inmportantly a MUSIC fan. I like to share things with other fans.........thats it.

Do me a favour and Im me so you can see if Im full o shit or not......otherwise sod off.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: Nytunz on January 25, 2005, 10:52:18 AM
i wonder if all the rumourmakers are lying so much that they start beliving it theyrselfe   :-*

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: ppbebe on January 25, 2005, 10:56:43 AM
I?d rather get an answer here. Hey, discobiscuit1, you skipped my question!

Did your friend say this info was about the current state or sometime during the past 8 months?

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 25, 2005, 11:03:29 AM
feel free to mention all the rumors Ive started???? the one who called out raoxle....and called out one of the most prolific posters on this board for lying about backing up this person.  ...quote "i know for a fact this person is an insider/telling the truth"........yep turned out to be a huge lie.

Call me  a liar.???....put up....i will  : ok:

not like im saying dates....just sayin what ive heard....and if jarmo or a mod wants to say hi Ill give details confidentially of my source.....not that the news is groundbreaking anyways.

in answer to ppbe
this is something i was told while studying about a year or so ago.....nothing new at all....ive recently had some contact with my former teacher and a few vague references....but he doesnt care too much and his interests lie elswhere

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: ppbebe on January 25, 2005, 12:05:42 PM
Ok, so it doesn?t mean the vocal parts are yet to be done at this point of time. Sorta relief. Cheers, discobiscuit1.

As to the vocal parts:
He might be the kind who sticks to it out to the last minute and just makes it by a hair?s breadth (or late / rather mega late). In this case, if something (e.g. legal issues) should postpone the deadline, he would restart tinkering around with the works already done several times.  Therefore the vocal talk comes up every now and then. ---- just a thought.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: grog mug on January 26, 2005, 12:26:49 AM
Well it's a simple update on some musical aspects of the new GN'R album.  Do you really think you'll be getting PM's like crazy over something this small?  I don't think so.  GN'R will never be dead, and will re-emerge when Axl actually comes out to play in the jungle again, LOL.

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: mick on January 26, 2005, 05:26:06 AM
I have voiced my concerns/doubts about CD numerous times, but I wanted to throw something out there.....

If someone is asked to do an arrangement or contribute some violin, tuba, kazoo </sarcasm> to a particular song, it seems reasonable to me that they could be presented with just the music of the song to add thier part to (read music minus vocals). This could be to prevent the "song" from being leaked, and to be honest the person being asked to contribute really doesn't need to hear "the words" to add their part in the context they are being asked to participate.

In this day and age, it would be feasible to provide just the music to that person, and put the words back into the song when that was completed.

So it would explain some of these "rumors" as the person would have heard the music tracks without vocals, and tell a friend "Hey I added / did such and such to a track" to which the person extrapolates "damn the vocals aren't done".....

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: leesixxrose on January 26, 2005, 07:32:55 AM
I truly feel that the level of interest in GNR is fading massively.

I feel this too....

Title: Re: update...take as u will
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on January 26, 2005, 05:16:49 PM
I dont think the interest in GN'R is fading at all. Just look at Greatest Hits, its still in the top 50 (where some other bands album isnt).

I just think that the interest in stupid fuckin rumours is fading. We are sick and tired of stupid assholes coming to our message boards posting shit like they know what the fuck is going on. If something was really going on then Axl would say it himself, he doesnt need little fucking internet junkies to go and spit shit out like they know what the fuck is going on. All you fuckheads just need to stay away cause we are sick and tired of the fuckin rumours.