Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Jessica on January 21, 2005, 09:00:14 PM

Title: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Jessica on January 21, 2005, 09:00:14 PM
I am curious.

After all these years, what attracts you to the the phenomenon " Axl Rose" ?

I mean aside from voice, stage presence, bla bla bla.

It's got to be something else if you are all, like myself, still here, and still waiting in the hope new music is offered to us.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Saul on January 21, 2005, 09:01:40 PM
the braids.  : ok:

and that smile.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Kahz on January 21, 2005, 09:04:19 PM
The monthly paycheck.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Narcissa on January 21, 2005, 09:08:34 PM

I'm not here waiting for anything.
I'm here celebrating what once was, and I'm quite satisfied with the fact that it will never be again.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Jessica on January 21, 2005, 09:09:30 PM
The monthly paycheck.

Sharp and sarcastic, i like it. Was it realistic though ? ;)

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Jessica on January 21, 2005, 09:17:16 PM

I'm not here waiting for anything.
I'm here celebrating what once was, and I'm quite satisfied with the fact that it will never be again.

How sad though. Axl is a fiction, William was the man on stage, and William had talent and probably still has. I would have liked to see this proud fiery soul on stage once more, with self assurance and love of a well done work along with mastering of one's craft.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Saul on January 21, 2005, 09:24:30 PM
jessica , to be quite honest you didnt leave alot of room for intereptation did you?

you didnt want us to say "voice , stage presence etc etc blah blah blah" ... so I mean how could we really answer it?

"yeah , I'm hear cause I'm hoping axl breaks out the "form" fitting bicycle shorts of the old days"

I'll tell you why I'm still an axl fan since 1987 .. his voice , lyrics and stage presence .. I think axl is the greatest rock n fucking frontman to ever get onstage .. he's also the greatest rock n roll lyric writer and singer .. ever. But thats just my opinion and just my opinion why I still wanna hear "real" news about him and why I still WISH he would release Democracy.

I kinda was let down by most of the new songs but madagascar and OMG and to a lesser extent the title track are classic axl rose , only a lil more mature.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Jessica on January 21, 2005, 09:33:37 PM
jessica , to be quite honest you didnt leave alot of room for intereptation did you?

you didnt want us to say "voice , stage presence etc etc blah blah blah" ... so I mean how could we really answer it?

"yeah , I'm hear cause I'm hoping axl breaks out the "form" fitting bicycle shorts of the old days"

I'll tell you why I'm still an axl fan since 1987 .. his voice , lyrics and stage presence .. I think axl is the greatest rock n fucking frontman to ever get onstage .. he's also the greatest rock n roll lyric writer and singer .. ever. But thats just my opinion and just my opinion why I still wanna hear "real" news about him and why I still WISH he would release Democracy.

I kinda was let down by most of the new songs but madagascar and OMG and to a lesser extent the title track are classic axl rose , only a lil more mature.

Thank you for being honest and i know i idn' leave much room for interpretation.

Maybe i want to go deeper into people's souls for once.

They always have usual and typical answers, and very rationnal ones, but sometimes, the why we are attracted to people is totally irrational.

That's why i am hoping to find more " creative" answers. And more honest ones too.

PS : He does have a great singing voice, presence and has an influence on people.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Saul on January 21, 2005, 09:45:35 PM
jessica , to be quite honest you didnt leave alot of room for intereptation did you?

you didnt want us to say "voice , stage presence etc etc blah blah blah" ... so I mean how could we really answer it?

"yeah , I'm hear cause I'm hoping axl breaks out the "form" fitting bicycle shorts of the old days"

I'll tell you why I'm still an axl fan since 1987 .. his voice , lyrics and stage presence .. I think axl is the greatest rock n fucking frontman to ever get onstage .. he's also the greatest rock n roll lyric writer and singer .. ever. But thats just my opinion and just my opinion why I still wanna hear "real" news about him and why I still WISH he would release Democracy.

I kinda was let down by most of the new songs but madagascar and OMG and to a lesser extent the title track are classic axl rose , only a lil more mature.

Thank you for being honest and i know i idn' leave much room for interpretation.

Maybe i want to go deeper into people's souls for once.

They always have usual and typical answers, and very rationnal ones, but sometimes, the why we are attracted to people is totally irrational.

That's why i am hoping to find more " creative" answers. And more honest ones too.

PS : He does have a great singing voice, presence and has an influence on people.

Well jessica , Axl Rose , through his lyrics , voice and videos were there through some of the best , worst and confusing times of my life .. you cant just shut that kinda influnce out .. thats why I guess I'll always be an Axl Rose fan no matter what BS happens. Album or no album.

That said , the same goes for the rest of the original gunners , they were there too , maybe not as "much" as axl , since axl WAS infact the guy singing but the music was also huge to me .. I dunno. I guess I was the "right" age , going through the wrong "things" and they were the "perfect" band to compliment my "lifestyle" ... those kinda years get "forged" into ones pysche after awhile.  ???

peace and respect!

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: norway on January 21, 2005, 10:41:34 PM
2me exept from voice and and that, i was 9-10 and had long (white) messy hair like axl in wttj
so it was kinda cool style too  :)

got hooked by the voice, music and image at 5-6 age

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Falcon on January 21, 2005, 11:26:43 PM
Nothing musically.

For me, he's an intriguing figure, the same way Howard Hughes was. 

I find his eccentricities absolutely fascinating.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: jgfnsr on January 21, 2005, 11:38:05 PM
Nothing musically.

For me, he's an intriguing figure, the same way Howard Hughes was.?

I find his eccentricities absolutely fascinating.

Oh c'mon Falcon.

I realize you're one for the "rockers."  No emotional ballads or piano-driven epics for you; considered by many to be Axl's forte'.

But "nothing musically?"  I don't believe that.

For that to be true -

1) You'd have to believe that Axl had nothing to do with the "rockers" that are the attraction to GN'R for you.

2) You, known by all as the board's ultimate "realist," most likely wouldn't be coming around anymore.  There is a part of you that's just itchin' for Chinese Democracy just like the rest of us.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Jessica on January 21, 2005, 11:39:22 PM
Nothing musically.

For me, he's an intriguing figure, the same way Howard Hughes was.?

I find his eccentricities absolutely fascinating.

But howard hughes died in pain, alone and hooked on painkillers as well as heroine. A sorrowful ending for such a man. I hope Axl never turns out the same.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: 33 on January 22, 2005, 05:32:35 AM
I am curious.

After all these years, what attracts you to the the phenomenon " Axl Rose" ?

I mean aside from voice, stage presence, bla bla bla.

It's got to be something else if you are all, like myself, still here, and still waiting in the hope new music is offered to us.

Genius. Plain and simple. I imagine he would be the most fasinating bloke to sit down and have a beer and a chat with.

I'm not here waiting for anything.
I'm here celebrating what once was, and I'm quite satisfied with the fact that it will never be again.

Shut up and leave then!

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: willow on January 22, 2005, 07:26:33 AM
Its the full package! The additude, the look, the personality, and the talent. I have to admit, I have always been drawn to guys like him.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Philly Rose on January 22, 2005, 07:50:41 AM
I cant describe it, since I started to love his full style when I was about 6 years old. There was, is and will be a natural feeling.

edit: He is the most interesting human I know, I've allways loved his stage performance (especially when I saw him running around and dance).

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Genesis on January 22, 2005, 08:26:33 AM
Nothing. The guy's an eccentric fuck who can sing.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: ppbebe on January 22, 2005, 08:42:34 AM
:headscratch: Attractions?
The band he leads. Oh My God, Chinese Democracy and Riyadh. 

the braids.  : ok:

and that smile.

and the Cheek. :yes:

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 22, 2005, 08:57:27 AM
beside the "rational things" like voice, lyrics, music

i have to say that i love how he thinks he is sooooo cooool on stage, but is not.

he is so ridiculous.but doesnt care. he doesnt care, thats what i like.
he is the lamest, craziest, dumbest, ridiculousest, pathetic, arrogant, brat you can imagine, but still thinks is cool.
he rants like he is genius while his sentences are barely composed of 3 words.
he talks about politics and all while he is just a redneck.
he tries to make deep philosophical rants (chicago 92) while he barely graduate from 1st grade.


thats my definition of axl rose : he thinks he is so cool while he is just a lame "clich?". i love that.

axl rocks (rocked)

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Drew on January 22, 2005, 09:16:35 AM
Axl's(and GNR's) music has an affect on me like no other music. I can identify so much with the lyrics in the songs. I've always had a hard time with words and expressing the way I feel. Axl does this almost with perfection for me in many of the songs. What also attracts me to him is the mystery that surrounds him. We don't know the William. We only know the Axl. But I like his "reclusiveness" if you want to call it that. And the way he keeps a low profile. It's  very respectful. He also seems very supportive and generous to the people he loves and cares for. I like to think these characteristics remind me of myself a bit. He also says what's on him mind alot. He's not afraid to say it or who hears it. Maybe later on he regrets alot of what's he's said or done. But it only makes him human like the rest of us.

I'd be crazy to leave out his looks and the attractiveness that so many women have for him. Some may say it's vanity to mention looks. But it's an attention that he gets that's envious by many of us. There's alot of attractiveness from attention given by someone.

Worthy of note: Axl's simply an amazing writer and performer. His stage presence is unlike anyone else.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Bad_Apple on January 22, 2005, 12:45:42 PM
first and foremost: the band is the greatest, his lyrics are smart/touching, his voice is electrifying, his performance is attention-getting, and his attitude is pure rock n' roll.

but aside from all this, the original Q asked, was what ELSE makes him so interesting/special?  For me, what sets him aside is that he (as well as the band) is totally honest.  He speaks his mind, and doesn't care what others think.  His speaking voice is sexy (deep) which surprised me since his singing voice is often a few octaves higher.  His looks are gorgeous, with beautiful skin, green eyes, and devilish grin.  He also makes himself mysterious currently so I'm intrigued with what he will offer to the fans....

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Wooody on January 22, 2005, 01:05:33 PM
He is insane.
in a cool way. :smoking:

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 22, 2005, 01:24:40 PM
what attracts me to Axl Rose...
see thread

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Gunner80 on January 22, 2005, 02:09:08 PM
beside the "rational things" like voice, lyrics, music

i have to say that i love how he thinks he is sooooo cooool on stage, but is not.

he is so ridiculous.but doesnt care. he doesnt care, thats what i like.
he is the lamest, craziest, dumbest, ridiculousest, pathetic, arrogant, brat you can imagine, but still thinks is cool.
he rants like he is genius while his sentences are barely composed of 3 words.
he talks about politics and all while he is just a redneck.
he tries to make deep philosophical rants (chicago 92) while he barely graduate from 1st grade.


thats my definition of axl rose : he thinks he is so cool while he is just a lame "clich?". i love that.

axl rocks (rocked)
That's funny,  Axl thought he was cool and so did I, weird!  Why are you here if you think everything he did was ridiculous? 

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: squeezeboxwho on January 23, 2005, 12:24:19 AM
I love everything about him: his looks, his voice, his talent and so on lol

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: christina_rose on January 23, 2005, 12:40:17 AM
Everything. It started with the look. I saw 'November Rain' on MTV, and saw this guy with reddish-brown hair playing the piano. I had never heard a song so beautiful. I completely feel in love. I needed to know more. I read all of the articles in the magazines, and bought the two books that I could find, and just wanted to know everything. And as I read, about this man named William from Indiana, and all of what he went through, I felt for him. I could identify with it. And I can still identify with what he's going through. And through not just the music, but his life in general, I found strenght in myself. And I found ways to deal with my life. Axl Rose was the first role model I ever had. And I honestly, truly looked up to him. No matter what he did, or how much of an ass he was, or is, I still DO look up to him. I think he's a fantastic person. I really hope he can get himself together, for his own sake. But it's not easy to deal with the things he deals with. The inner demons. I whole-heartedly believe in him, and will continue to support him.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: disease51883 on January 23, 2005, 01:47:28 AM
Well, aside from his singing and lyrics and whatnot, I just like the fact that I can relate to him. I?m a red-headed, open-minded, mood-swinging, perfection-driven, hermit-like nerd from a close-minded town in Indiana. And I?m obsessed with myself. *Sigh*

Title: Axl's Performing Abilities
Post by: marknroses on January 23, 2005, 03:07:40 AM
WEll, whats attracted me to Axl the most, aside from his image, his music between 1985-1994 is his performing abilities.

He makes you like a don;t have a choice.
There are songs out there like "My Michelle" and "Dust N' Bones" and many others in the GNR catalog that I probably would not have cared about nearly as much had I never watched Axl perform to these songs at his peak abilities. I still cannot take my eyes off the guy when I m watching the old bootlegs.

TAKE "Dust N' Bones" from the 1991 show in Indiana at the beginning of the UYI show:
At the end of the song, when the band hits the heavy jam that fininshes it off, you see Axl shaking the mike stand violently, and then proceed to stomp his feet and spin like 7-8 times. You can really feel the song the way he's performing it - its very mesmerizing. I just started noticing this performance recently and its quickly become one of my FAVORITE BOOTLEG. Also, when the band plays Civil War and Axl sings "my hands are tied!!!", he runs off the steps and to the front of the stage and then suddenly stops and sings "the billions shift from side to side". MY MICHELLE from 1988 Felt Forum is also a cool performance because Axl does a 360 before singing "Your Daddy Works in Porno!!!

I still consider early UYI (from Janaury 1991-September 1991) and late UYI (March-July 1993) to be Axl and the band when they sounded their best and clicked so well. I guess it had something to do with Izzy being there so long at first and then Gilby having been there for over a year.

If you still aren't pleased with Axl's performing abilities, then you have NO heart. You may not like his music, you may not like his image, but the man at his peak was a FLAWLESS performer, the likes of which we never saw before or will probably ever see again in Rock Music.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: D on January 23, 2005, 03:20:23 AM
Well, aside from his singing and lyrics and whatnot, I just like the fact that I can relate to him. I?m a red-headed, open-minded, mood-swinging, perfection-driven, hermit-like nerd from a close-minded town in Indiana. And I?m obsessed with myself. *Sigh*

wow dude, u described me also, except im from a small town in Kentucky and i have brownish/blonde hair

thats why i love axl also

i can relate and he gives me comfort when my life feels unrepairable.

i can take comfort knowing someone else can relate to how i am and feel and it makes me realize im not different or weird or crazy, im just unique.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: kiss-from-a-rose on January 23, 2005, 06:25:02 PM

...Chemistry...I guess.  ;)

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Falcon on January 23, 2005, 06:32:28 PM
Nothing musically.

For me, he's an intriguing figure, the same way Howard Hughes was.?

I find his eccentricities absolutely fascinating.

Oh c'mon Falcon.

I realize you're one for the "rockers."? No emotional ballads or piano-driven epics for you; considered by many to be Axl's forte'.

But "nothing musically?"? I don't believe that.

For that to be true -

1) You'd have to believe that Axl had nothing to do with the "rockers" that are the attraction to GN'R for you.

2) You, known by all as the board's ultimate "realist," most likely wouldn't be coming around anymore.? There is a part of you that's just itchin' for Chinese Democracy just like the rest of us.

Believe it.

I find what he has to say in a non musical arena decidedly more interesting than the music he's been involved in since AFD. ?Right or wrong, he's and opinionated guy who's views are somethimes warped as hell and other times are smart and insightful.

Sure I'm interested in what CD will sound like but any excitement is tempered. ?In line with my original thought, from the VMA's on, I've found the times Axl spoke in interviews much more interesting than the new material he brought to the shows in '02. ?

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Lady Livin on January 24, 2005, 07:34:40 AM
I can't even think of the words to describe why.
How anyone else can without editing their post to add more is beyond me.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: kira on January 24, 2005, 10:29:54 AM
i wouldn't say so much as attract but relate to him in some ways

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: discobiscuit1 on January 24, 2005, 10:37:06 AM
honestly....and in no way is this a dig....but im attracted to the persona and voice he used to project.

I watched the 1988 mtv version of jungle today and oh my fuckin god how cool was axl then.   He looked sooo bad asse and his voice was soooo extreme and full of fire, passion and venom.......the vma of 2002 or ANY performance of jungle of that year looked very tired and like a very, very poor copy.

Im sorry its true.

Other than that Im attracted to his poetry in songs like locomotive.......brilliant.   I long ago left behind any attraction to his personality, cos its not healthy to copy unhealthy people.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Elrothiel on January 24, 2005, 01:21:04 PM
Well, aside from his singing and lyrics and whatnot, I just like the fact that I can relate to him. I?m a red-headed, open-minded, mood-swinging, perfection-driven, hermit-like nerd from a close-minded town in Indiana. And I?m obsessed with myself. *Sigh*

wow dude, u described me also, except im from a small town in Kentucky and i have brownish/blonde hair

thats why i love axl also

i can relate and he gives me comfort when my life feels unrepairable.

i can take comfort knowing someone else can relate to how i am and feel and it makes me realize im not different or weird or crazy, im just unique.

Hehehe! Me too, only I'm a girl from countryside England and I have black hair, but everything else is spot on! Strange how so many people are similar...
honestly....and in no way is this a dig....but im attracted to the persona and voice he used to project.

I watched the 1988 mtv version of jungle today and oh my fuckin god how cool was axl then. He looked sooo bad asse and his voice was soooo extreme and full of fire, passion and venom.......the vma of 2002 or ANY performance of jungle of that year looked very tired and like a very, very poor copy.

Im sorry its true.

Other than that Im attracted to his poetry in songs like locomotive.......brilliant. I long ago left behind any attraction to his personality, cos its not healthy to copy unhealthy people.

Hehehe! He was soooooo badass! And he still is badass! Only in a more... underground and political way. I love Axl's voice, he can fucking belt it out and make everyone actually FEEL the music! Not just hear it, and not just see it, but FEEL it, and UNDERSTAND it. His voice rips through your soul, right to your heart, and even the toughest people can't say they haven't cried while listening to the lyrics of at least ONE song!
Gotta say I love his style!! He has the fucking balls to wear what no other person would wear, that's just great! I liked what he wore best in the video for Patience (I own a belt like that!! Only without the big circley bits, but its a motherfucking huge belt! And it ROOLS!) , only I DO love that cop hat with the aviator shades, that looks fucking sexy! I own a hat like that, only I got it in Japan, and its too big, and its too floppy. I want a proper one! If I were to meet Axl, the first thing I'd ask would be "Where the fuck did you get that hat!? I want one SO much, and I can't find a decent one!!"
And I want to know how the hell he got his hair to go like that in the WTTJ vid! His hair is so straight and shiny that it must have taken FOR FUCKING EVER to get his hair to do that! I can't get my hair to do that, and I tried to get my friend's hair to do that (didn't work).
And I'm rambling. Gotta go! Bye!

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: 2NaFish on January 24, 2005, 01:36:37 PM
the bum. no doubts about it.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Drew on January 24, 2005, 02:16:07 PM
Another example. The interview from the MTV VMA's with Kurt Loder afterwards. The excitement that was in Axl. He looked happy and looked to be having so much fun. The smile on his face. Axl's laugh, when Kurt said "Axl Rose, he's back!". He looked real. Not fake at all. And that's very attractive to see those characteristics in someone.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 24, 2005, 02:57:27 PM
i like luv that crazie snake dance he doeZ@!

it is sexy as shit but that does nt make me gay or nuthin

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: nesquick on January 24, 2005, 07:33:45 PM
He is a real artist, with a real personality. When he has something to say, he says it and he doesn't care if it's shocking or not (like me  ;D). His goal is not to "please" people, to be a fake, he is just the way he is and that's it.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: Continental Drift on January 25, 2005, 01:03:20 AM
His 100% authentic artistic expression.

Title: Re: What attracts you to Axl Rose ?
Post by: thelostrose on January 25, 2005, 07:51:08 AM
there's just one thing that really atrracts me to axl: estranged. all the feelings, the music (even with the help from others), the lyrics and his performing is so awesome. i guess i've listened to this particular song like a thousand times and still it doesn't bore me a second. with this song, and others or course, but espicially this song, he has earned my loyalty, since music is my biggest hobby. so i hope he can pull out another song like estranged... that's why i'm still here.