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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: alternativemonkey on January 18, 2005, 04:12:27 PM

Title: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: alternativemonkey on January 18, 2005, 04:12:27 PM
There is an interesting story about the Use Your Illusion albums in the most recent issue of Mojo magazine that might shed some light on why we haven?t received an official update on Chinese Democracy from Axl despite rumors from band members that it is finished.

?One of the many side-effects of [Alan] Niven?s departure was to delay [Use Your Illusion I & II) still further ? the band were allegedly holding Geffen to ransom over a new contract before allowing it to be released. As a result, it remained unavailable throughout the first three-month leg of the tour?.

The ill conceived, ill-fated 2002 tour proved that GNR no longer has the popular appeal or media drawing power to launch a world tour sans a new album. Therefore, GNR, ergo Axl, must negotiate a new contract before launching a tour. For added leverage, he can credibly maintain that he will never release the album without being properly compensated because . . .

1.) he already has stayed a recluse for nearly a decade
2.) he has left the status of ?Chinese Democracy? in doubt ? remember ?don?t hold your breath?

Axl never communicates with his fans. If he updated the GNR web-site or made a lot of public appearances there would be more external pressure on him to release the album, therefore undermining his bargaining position with the record execs. This contract dispute could be at the center of the ??legal issues? that Dizzy and Tommy have alluded to. I think the band members would remain loyal to Axl for a long time knowing that he is negotiationg for a better contract and not still in the studio.

It?s all speculation (what else is there), but I thought the ?Use Your Illusion? story gave an interesting insight into Axl?s unwavering business savvy.

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: norway on January 18, 2005, 04:33:27 PM
The ill conceived, ill-fated 2002 tour proved that GNR no longer has the popular appeal or media drawing power to launch a world tour sans a new album.
GH proved otherwise :P + the fake european tour sold out many places without promotion  :beer:
the situation in us is?

thanks 4 the article, intrestin  : ok:

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: Mateoson on January 18, 2005, 04:48:08 PM
Well... I think this sounds like a pretty good guess. It does seem possible that that this could be the reason for delay. I wonder if we will ever truly know. Once all of this waiting on axl or whoever bullshit is over i hope we will find out... This is becoming like a soap opera. I'm hooked... but I have no fucking idea why. I mean what the hell am I hooked on? There is not a damn thing happening in GnR world. It has been months since we've heard anything. And Tommy & Dizzy hardly count as credible sources... they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. From now on they should say, "ask axl, we don't know shit".

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: norway on January 18, 2005, 05:15:22 PM
and axl may have no idea with the stuff inc works either, when he hands over that master...

my fiction is that gh and gta is a build- up since it actually works as commercialising gnr and axl
refresh memory too :)

lets hope the company aren't gonna delay the disc anymore, :yes:

and neither axl
since the timin is very good for havin new and more gnr stuff outhere upcoming months :beer:

I think the band members would remain loyal to Axl for a long time knowing that he is negotiationg for a better contract and not still in the studio.
:idea: good one, thinks so too, kinda : ok: they say it's just legal issues left now... :drool:

so cool :peace:  :beer:

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: ppbebe on January 18, 2005, 05:40:52 PM
Both Tommy and Dizzy mentioned "legal issues". Also From Brain?s article I got the impression that there?s some big obstacle in a CD?s way, which made him say ?If it ever comes out?? and I thought it could be something to do with the record company. And this is it? :-\

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: echrisl on January 18, 2005, 05:52:08 PM
From Brain?s article I got the impression that there?s some big obstacle in a CD?s way, which made him say ?If it ever comes out??

Here it is:


Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: estranged.1098 on January 18, 2005, 11:37:01 PM
It's all cool to speculate and everything, but it seems some people think they know what's going on.

Listen up, you have no idea!

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: Ax on January 19, 2005, 02:52:19 AM
As someone else said, I just hope that when it finally does come out we will get a detailed explanation from Axl about why it took so long.

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: jaknudsen on January 19, 2005, 03:00:44 PM
[...] he is negotiationg for a better contract and not still in the studio.

Or still not in the studio  :hihi:

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: Saul on January 19, 2005, 03:36:58 PM
From Brain?s article I got the impression that there?s some big obstacle in a CD?s way, which made him say ?If it ever comes out??

Here it is:


Hahah , I gotta give you credit for that one .. hilarious.  :hihi:  I personally think the fate/date of the album is in axl's hands .. I dont see this as being legal issues , label issues or whatever .. I think it's axl issues and only when axl is ready will we see it.

Title: Re: UYI Contract Negotations Could Fortell CD Difficulties
Post by: norway on January 19, 2005, 04:52:25 PM
I think it's axl issues and only when axl is ready will we see it.
axl said in 00 maybe, that they wanted to release but someone (managment\company?) stopped it? :(

and added "when it's finally released it's gonna be something i'm confident in" something like that,
lil of both i think,? :)

and if it's true it's only legal issues left...? ?:beer:

anyone know what types of other issues it could be, and does this takes time?