Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: GunsnRoses0522 on January 03, 2005, 04:46:55 PM

Title: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: GunsnRoses0522 on January 03, 2005, 04:46:55 PM
Hey I know I am one obsessed fan of the millions there are. Who else is there that are obsessed and say why.

1. 90% of my room is gnr related
2. I have gnr stickers all over my guitar and my shit from school
3. I have about 90 gigs of gnr stuff on my computer!

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Wooody on January 03, 2005, 05:04:35 PM
I am. It's driving me insane. I can't take it anymore;  :-\ :-[ ??? :confused: :nervous: :crying:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: axlass on January 03, 2005, 05:18:14 PM
I am soooooooooooo in love with axl rose!  My husband thinks i am nuts because Im alwasy looking stuff up about him and talking about him and playing his music and I am only 24 so i was pretty young when they were big but i still love him I think he has been hiding for too long doesnt he know how bad people are dying to see him again?  Motely is comin back out on tour i think gnr should just get over what happened between them and get back out there life was so much better when they were here.  It would be so big if they came back I remember watching the mtv music awards when axl was on there everyone freaked out!  Please come back axl you cant hide forever and if you do come back i have one tip your old music is a little better then your new so stick to that sound it might not be whats in now but its gotta start somewhere.  Lots of llove and wishes   axlass

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: 2NaFish on January 03, 2005, 05:25:59 PM
alot. ok more than that. very.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: using my illusions on January 03, 2005, 05:29:04 PM
i listen to every album, every day, sometimes twice a day. at work, and at home...this is fact.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 03, 2005, 05:39:35 PM
i can't eat, i can't sleep, i can't take it anymore !! it is too much !! i hate it !!!
i can't even say how much i am obsessed !
i am speechless ! i have no speech !

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Ignatius on January 03, 2005, 06:28:15 PM

i am speechless ! i have no speech !

That's a Seinfeld quote

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: mrlee on January 03, 2005, 06:29:34 PM
i can't eat, i can't sleep, i can't take it anymore !! it is too much !! i hate it !!!
i can't even say how much i am obsessed !
i am speechless ! i have no speech !

its a "bad obsession" .

cant stop thinking about seein ya one more time oh no. lol classic song, listening to it right now. :hihi:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: erose on January 03, 2005, 06:58:55 PM
how obsessed is hard to say, but you know, bought tickets to rir4, drove for ten hours just to hear contraband once in a swedish club, comming here every day, shit like that lol  :nervous:..

can't imagine the obsession of a certain few other members of this board tho :confused: :hihi:

but yeah, it's love, love that actually can't fail, ever, and thats more than i could say of any other previous love... ok this is sick.


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Cornell on January 03, 2005, 07:17:15 PM
Today - not very much.  I check in here for news and I drove 5 hrs to see VR, but that's about it.

Now, if you asked me this question in 1988, I would have given you a completely different answer!  :yes: :hihi:  I was a total GNR freak!  :smoking:

I ran into someone over the holiday break and she had her cousin with her.  Last time I saw her cousin was about 10 years ago or so and the first thing she said was "Everytime I hear your name, I think of that rock star, Axl Rose.  You drove everyone crazy with that tape you carried to all the parties."  ;D

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on January 03, 2005, 07:20:40 PM
I check this board once a day for news. Sometimes listen to GNR everyday, sometimes go for more than a week not putting their music on the stereo.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: anarchy on January 03, 2005, 08:57:19 PM
I am Axl.  Beat that.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: ClintroN on January 03, 2005, 09:17:11 PM
Enough to get em' tattoo'd over my heart motherfuckers...beat that : ok:


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: erose on January 03, 2005, 09:22:55 PM
Enough to get em' tattoo'd over my heart motherfuckers...beat that : ok:


show it man!

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: echrisl on January 03, 2005, 09:56:16 PM
I still read and post on this message board, so I must be at least borderline.   :rofl:

And I listen to GNR or other member's side projects every day.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: crazycanadian on January 03, 2005, 10:04:40 PM
I check this board once a day for news. Sometimes listen to GNR everyday, sometimes go for more than a week not putting their music on the stereo.

Dito  :peace: :peace:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: mega_music on January 03, 2005, 10:19:15 PM
Im 24 and have been a huge Guns fan since I was in 2nd grade. In 2nd grade we had to dress up as who\what we wanted to be when we grew up. I dressed up in a pair of ripped up blue jeans, bandanna and GNR shirt and said I wanted to be Axl Rose. My room is filled up Guns posters and etc. My Mp3 player is filled with only GNR. My main wardrobe consists of a guns shirts. The only thing I listen to is Guns N Roses unless when Im at work (radio station) the last song of the night I play is a different GNR song. The back window of my truck has the bloody GNR logo. I know I'm not as obsessed as some others on the boards but I can say I have a bad obsession. I could go on and on

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Luigi on January 03, 2005, 10:45:17 PM
On a scale from 1-10 I say 8

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Acquiesce on January 03, 2005, 11:29:41 PM
I consider myself a huge fan, but I'm not really all that obsessed. I haven't even listened to them much in recent months.  :nervous:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: StoneTempleRoses on January 04, 2005, 12:20:57 AM
Im the biggest fan there is, along with all you guys  : ok:


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: kira on January 04, 2005, 01:21:53 AM
I'm a fan of GnR's music but i'm not obsessed

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: willow on January 04, 2005, 06:19:27 AM
I'd say I am obsessed, but in a relatively healthy way.  :rofl:
I have a pretty large gnr collection, and visit the sites useally twice a day.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Dust N Rose on January 04, 2005, 07:22:23 AM
Sometimes you are double-dyed for a band for a short or long time of your life, first I was with Savatage, later with Maiden and then goes on...

Although I think someone's obesessed when he listens to only GN'R, not when he listens to other bands as well. It's simply your favorite band. (Well, if you listen 10 hours per day GN'R and an hour Metallica ,yeah you are obesessed with GN'R :P)

It's not that bad, the only reason it's bad it's because you get bored after some time. :-\
To solve this, someone should do everything with a measure, not overreacting.

The biggest problem I think is the addiction to the Chinese Democracy expectancy. If you observe some people in this board you will understand. It's like Chinese Democracy's syndrome.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: thelostrose on January 04, 2005, 07:46:04 AM
I'm rather obsessed with GnR too. i don't listen to GnR every day, but i guess every second day at least some songs, but that depends on how much i'm into it, sometimes more sometimes less. there are evens days, when i listen to the gunners the whole day.
i gotta say, i just have one gnr shirt right now, the others are too old, one was even stolen!  :rant: i don't have flags or posters, i just got almost all official CDs and promos, lots of vinyl & despite the don't cry-making of all the videos.
along with that i got approx. 4 or 5 gb of music/videos on my hdd.
well, that makes me feel crazy sometimes, but at least i've got good company here!  ;D

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Genesis on January 04, 2005, 08:24:08 AM
Very obsessed with the old GN'R. : ok: .NOT AT ALL with the new one  :no:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Jaci_Roxx on January 04, 2005, 08:47:57 AM
Not obsessed but the music helps me get through tough times.

Although sometimes when I find out about an old gig or something, I can easily spend couple of hours online trying to find it. LOL.


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: ppbebe on January 04, 2005, 08:57:21 AM
Enough to get em' tattoo'd over my heart motherfuckers...beat that : ok:
I don?t want to beat that.

Certainly I?m not obsessed at all. Granted GNR (of the new era) is the band I?m mad keen on right now, that doesn?t make me feel crazy. Then again a complete maniac by nature can be none the worse off for anything.

Now I begin to suspect myself being a carrier of that "Chinese Democracyndrome". :nervous:

at least i've got good company here!
Hear! Hear! :beer:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: RitzWalker8 on January 04, 2005, 12:05:26 PM
I made a few T-shirts up that I wear all the time that say "FREE AXL".  They are great.  I made them at the mall cheap.

Ritz Reeves Walker

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: nesquick on January 04, 2005, 12:10:19 PM
- no posters,  no GN'R tee-shirts or anything else like that.
- just a lot of mp3 ans videos on my computer + all the GN'R albums at home exept the GH and spagghetits incident, and that's it.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: norway on January 04, 2005, 08:24:25 PM
It's like Chinese Democracy's syndrome.

need we shrinks?  :nervous:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Bad_Apple on January 04, 2005, 09:12:27 PM
recently, I have fallen under gnr's seduction once again (phase one was when I was first introduced into the band, bk in 1992). 
the reasons that prove I'm obsessed (that go above and beyond just liking a band for thier music and listening to their albums every now and then):

1) I have a few (13) scrap books with gnr clipping from mags/newspapers that I still maintain (if you have any articles, contact me!  I'll trade!)
2) own all cds by the band, most of the solo efforts/soundtracts/compilations/singles that could be bought at a store (I try and resist to waste my $$ on ebay)
3) own all dvds/vhs that were put out by gnr
4) have 6 vhs that contain videos/concert footage/interviews that I recorded from tv
5) own books about gnr (maybe 10 of em)
6) own a gnr tshirt
7) would have an affair with Axl if the opportunity arose  ;D

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: JustUsOwls on January 04, 2005, 09:57:43 PM
I'm pretty frickin' obsessed. I scare my friend sometimes. We'll be driving and I'll have the Guns N' Roses playlist on my iPod playing. And some live show will come on and I'll go "Oh that's Don't Cry from Paris 92" and they'll be shocked that I can recognize which shows they're from hahaah. :peace:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: coldenim on January 05, 2005, 03:21:55 AM
 I do not like to get so sentimental on every body, but I think we are true soldiers, us gnr fans.  We feed the machine that is gnr.  I am so glad I can come to this site and enjoy reading and talking with people that love gnr like I do. Thank you Jarmo! for this site.  Okay back to the topic.  I live and breath gnr, I never get tired of them.  I listen to so many other bands, I am your typical hard rock/metal guy that hates the music scene today.  I feel as though I do have an open mind toward music, yet I just can't stand the way music these days are so talentless, winy ass numb skulls.  I cant get tired of gnr, yeah some times I will listen to other music,but I always find myself coming back to them.  Its timeless tireless music that twists and turns and dignifies the word "rocknroll".  Am I obsessed, yes everytime I come back listening to them, its like it becomes new again. I cant say that about any other band. Lastnight I was listening to live era, and I havent listened to estranged lately, and once oh slashy went for that killer solo, I got chill bunks, you know what im saying, its just so damn great to have a band that will excite you even though you have listened to them a thousand times.   :peace: out all you :beer: drinken cigarette :smoking: long live are obsessed   :love: for gnr

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: norway on January 05, 2005, 07:41:20 AM
jarmo is not in this thread yet...  :P

i get really carried away by the music and performance and download a lot of gnr media-
- i'm looking forward 2 hear chinese democracy and like the new band and feel they have a uniqe potential

i would say i'm obsessed with music and gnr is the favorite musical act :peace:

yup, i have the CDS  ;)

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Wooody on January 05, 2005, 07:51:57 AM
I think a more interesting question is...... what are you gonna do when the wait is over ? Would you take a deep breath *sigh* and think "thank god it's over"...........OR............. will you feel empty inside knowing that you will NOT check gnronline every will NOT come on here to look for rumours.... you will NOT share frustrations and anger in disguise ?

It's a bit like love, here you are inlove with this girl but have never touched her, never kissed her, you suffer but somehow the pain feels good in some kind of masochist way....then the girl comes to you, you kiss her you make love to her... and as you lay on you're bed with the girl asleep in your arms you think....... NOW WHAT ?  ???  ???

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Charity Case on January 05, 2005, 08:36:30 AM
Very obsessed with the old GN'R. : ok: .NOT AT ALL with the new one? :no:

Describes myh feeling exactly.  There is no reason to be obsessed with the nuGNR yet.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: roxxi on January 05, 2005, 09:04:13 AM
no reason to be obsessed with the nuGNR yet.

Yet.  :yes:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: erose on January 05, 2005, 12:17:24 PM
7) would have an affair with Axl if the opportunity arose? ;D

amen, i would too  :hihi:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: mrlee on January 05, 2005, 01:12:14 PM
I get up around 7 get outta bed around 9, i dont worry about nothing no cause worryings a waste of my....................time

*guitar tune*

show usually starts around 7, we go on stage around 9, get on the bus around 11 sippin a drink and feeling fine.

*guitar tune*

Cant be bothered to type the rest.

but that was mr.brownstone, my favourite and first GNR song.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Sillything on January 05, 2005, 02:14:50 PM
Remeber the first time (the moments) I read about them and saw the video for paradise city, march 1989

Have a GNR-tatoo

I'm in here every freakin day

Make my friends listen to crappy bootlegs of the "new" songs when I party with them :nervous:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Elrothiel on January 05, 2005, 03:37:42 PM
7) would have an affair with Axl if the opportunity arose  ;D

amen, i would too :hihi:
Oh yea, no doubt about it, I would too!
And yea, I'm extremely obsessed with Gn'R and Axl. Every time I go to the bar at my college I HAVE to play SCOM, and because its the only Gn'R song on it, I always have a go at whoever's bartending, demanding to know why. I wear a bandana constantly, excepting for when I'm asleep or washing my hair, and my friends give me issues magazines that have pictures of Axl in them, even though I may already have them, and if I'm doing my work, and someone a bit away from me wants to get my attention, then he or she only needs to mention Axl Rose and/or Guns N' Roses.
And did I mention my boyfriend looks like Axl? :D
And I made an enquiry to asking them if they could make bandanas, and t-shirts that have Axl and/or Gn'R related slogans on them!
And probably the most crazy thing I do is try to spell out Axl or GnR with the letters on car number plates. Does anyone else do this (who lives in England) or am I the only one?
So looooooooooong!
Bye BYE!
Its glad ta know ya!
Love Elleh!
RIP Dimebag!

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on January 05, 2005, 03:47:48 PM
Much less than I used to be. I used to listen to GNR every day, but recently
I seem not to care so much and have not listened to them for maybe a month. I do,
however, continue to trade for their CDs and DVDs, but I check them out to see
that they play ok and don't watch them all the way through. I guess I am just burned out on the lack of news and progress. Same old  same old every year.
I will buy the new album if/when it comes out, but right now I can say that I have
psychologically moved on. A true confession from a previously rabid fan. It's sad, really.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Pryor Murphy on January 05, 2005, 07:11:19 PM
Well, I usually terrorise my friends party, when I allways bring GN'R cds along with me and play them all night long. Because none of my friends listens to GN'R...
I'm just waiting when I'm not invited any more.... ;)

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 05, 2005, 08:59:37 PM
  Someone mentioned earlier that obsession is when it's the only music you listen to.  I'd have to agree.  I listen to just about everything that's not country-western music (unless it's Shania Twain, then I'll watch with the music muted. :) ), oh yeah, and no jazz either...I just don't get it.

  Am I obsessed?  'fraid not.  Am I still a GNR fanatic?  Hell yeah!    :love:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Budweiser Froggs on January 05, 2005, 10:45:31 PM
i just listened to estranged five times in a row.  when no one is home i put on a live performance of guns, pick up my guitar and pretend im live on stage with them.  when it gets to the hard stuff i just pretend like im shredding ;) obsessed??? you tell me. oh estranged is going on number 6. haha :hihi:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: squeezeboxwho on January 05, 2005, 11:34:58 PM
I'm quite obsessed. I listen to them daily, watch their videos and read lots of stuff on them as well as interviews.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Acquiesce on January 05, 2005, 11:46:29 PM
I'm quite obsessed. I listen to them daily, watch their videos and read lots of stuff on them as well as interviews.

Awesome screen name! To keep this thread on topic, I'm still not obsessed.  :hihi:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: YouCouldBeMine on January 06, 2005, 02:07:22 AM
I've loved Gn'R for about 2 years (im 17). I started from YCBM on Terminator 2 and then the rest is history.

I have ALL of the Guns N' Roses cd's (big deal, but Im on a limited income and cant buy bootleg shit), listen to Guns N' Roses daily with some kind of freakish zeal. I got my fair share of guns n roses apparel, every guns n roses song on WMA and MP3 on my computer. And I accidentaly picked up smoking and drinking from a certain badass  :beer:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Luigi on January 06, 2005, 02:17:22 AM
Enjoy there music, don't get to obsessed, gettin ready for CD.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: mrlee on January 06, 2005, 05:30:37 PM
im getting ready to think less of the new GNR when that albums out.

Double talkin jive motherfu**er!!!! apparently thats the sequel song to patience right?

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 06, 2005, 05:51:27 PM
to be obsessed would mean that i was excessive
I don't think my interest in Guns N' Roses and the career and life of one W. Axl Rose is excessive.

I am a huge fan and admirer of Axl and have through what he has shared of himself, learned to realize and appreciate things about myself and others.  I think thats pretty damn cool and it inspires me to share of myself and to be open to others' expressions.

as far as a more tangible tribute to GN'R my most favorite is my GN'R "Don't Cry" Rose tattoo. :)

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: IronMaiden415 on January 06, 2005, 08:18:29 PM
i consider myself obsessed w/ gn'r. i have all of the alubms, and dvds, own gn'r shirts and a gn'r hat and patches, have pics of gn'r everywhere in my room, and look up stuff on the web about them daily. The problem is that i can't get enough of gn'r. I'm only a kid so nobody my age really cares about them. Out of the 500 kids in my grade, there are only about 20 kids who like gn'r (barely anybody knows who they are!) but i think im the only one who's obsessed with them. I wish i were born fifteen years earlier cis i missed out on alot!  :crying:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Eeebs on January 07, 2005, 04:15:11 PM
I wouldn't exactly call it an obsession... I just really like Guns N Roses... have a few cdrs & dvdrs, stalk out VR when they come to town - apparently after screaming Slash's given name a few times during his Toronto radio show appearance this past November, he must have remembered, as he mouthed the words "oh shit" and laughed while on stage when he saw me and my entourage in the front row - I wonder if he knew that I was the one who almost caused him to stumble down those stairs at the Bovine... :)  Hehe... good times.  And oh yeah, will be seeing Tommy in concert in a few weeks time.   

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: kiss-from-a-rose on January 07, 2005, 05:07:57 PM

It's a bit like love, here you are in love with this girl but have never touched her, never kissed her, you suffer but somehow the pain feels good in some kind of masochist way....then the girl comes to you, you kiss her you make love to her... and as you lay on your bed with the girl asleep in your arms you think....... NOW WHAT ?  ???  ???

Have you ever loved...?

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: ClintroN on January 07, 2005, 08:40:19 PM
Enough to get em' tattoo'd over my heart motherfuckers...beat that : ok:


show it man!

If i had a scanner n' knew how to use it i would : ok:
I want more done, but what stops me is waitin' for the new one n' see the new designs n' cover art.
I wanna get the Illusion cover dude on both sides of my arms or somewhere!!  that'd be fuckin' unreal!!

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Wooody on January 07, 2005, 08:55:01 PM

It's a bit like love, here you are in love with this girl but have never touched her, never kissed her, you suffer but somehow the pain feels good in some kind of masochist way....then the girl comes to you, you kiss her you make love to her... and as you lay on your bed with the girl asleep in your arms you think....... NOW WHAT ?? ???? ???

Have you ever loved...?

it was supposed to be funny...

And Yes I have.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Stokesy on January 08, 2005, 03:46:29 PM
I listen to them every day and collect live recordings but I do that for Metallica as well so I'm equally obsessed with both bands :)

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Bad_Apple on January 08, 2005, 04:59:53 PM
I wouldn't exactly call it an obsession... I just really like Guns N Roses... have a few cdrs & dvdrs, stalk out VR when they come to town - apparently after screaming Slash's given name a few times during his Toronto radio show appearance this past November, he must have remembered, as he mouthed the words "oh shit" and laughed while on stage when he saw me and my entourage in the front row - I wonder if he knew that I was the one who almost caused him to stumble down those stairs at the Bovine... :)? Hehe... good times.? And oh yeah, will be seeing Tommy in concert in a few weeks time.? ?

Just a FEW cdrs/dvdrs? Thats being modest!
oh, and that was hillarious when you called him "saul hudson" repeatedly!   :rofl:
(seeing tommy agian?  huh?)  ???

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Sakib on January 09, 2005, 09:25:11 AM

Oh yea, no doubt about it, I would too!
And yea, I'm extremely obsessed with Gn'R and Axl. Every time I go to the bar at my college I HAVE to play SCOM, and because its the only Gn'R song on it, I always have a go at whoever's bartending, demanding to know why. I wear a bandana constantly, excepting for when I'm asleep or washing my hair, and my friends give me issues magazines that have pictures of Axl in them, even though I may already have them, and if I'm doing my work, and someone a bit away from me wants to get my attention, then he or she only needs to mention Axl Rose and/or Guns N' Roses.
And did I mention my boyfriend looks like Axl? :D
And I made an enquiry to asking them if they could make bandanas, and t-shirts that have Axl and/or Gn'R related slogans on them!
And probably the most crazy thing I do is try to spell out Axl or GnR with the letters on car number plates. Does anyone else do this (who lives in England) or am I the only one?
So looooooooooong!


my parents don't give me enuff money. so i hav 2 wait for the albums to go cheap before i can buy em. evry 1 of my m8s thought i was mad so i made em watch a Guns N' Roses 1hr long dedication where they played most of the GN'R videos. On my school bag, i decor8d a patch with Guns N' Roses. as 4 the letters on number pl8s...well... im 2 yung but yeh i wud do such a thing. on my CD rack, the only Cds i've listened 2 r the Guns n' Roses. evry thing else is crap 2 me. i cant posters on them n e where. i decor8 my skool diary with piks of GN'R. WHEN people look at them they say they r old and gay. i dont giv a shit. i visit this site 3 times a day. by the way, where in england do u liv? i wanna c that bandana stuff u were on about?

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Sakib on January 10, 2005, 11:59:52 AM
god man!!! you're all a bunch of lucky gits. i wish i was born a lot earlier. man the musik now is krap and im 14 and sayin it.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: kiss-from-a-rose on January 11, 2005, 04:00:32 PM

 I'm 18 and do agree. That's lame nowadays...

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Elrothiel on January 16, 2005, 06:28:21 PM

Oh yea, no doubt about it, I would too!
And yea, I'm extremely obsessed with Gn'R and Axl. Every time I go to the bar at my college I HAVE to play SCOM, and because its the only Gn'R song on it, I always have a go at whoever's bartending, demanding to know why. I wear a bandana constantly, excepting for when I'm asleep or washing my hair, and my friends give me issues magazines that have pictures of Axl in them, even though I may already have them, and if I'm doing my work, and someone a bit away from me wants to get my attention, then he or she only needs to mention Axl Rose and/or Guns N' Roses.
And did I mention my boyfriend looks like Axl? :D
And I made an enquiry to asking them if they could make bandanas, and t-shirts that have Axl and/or Gn'R related slogans on them!
And probably the most crazy thing I do is try to spell out Axl or GnR with the letters on car number plates. Does anyone else do this (who lives in England) or am I the only one?
So looooooooooong!


my parents don't give me enuff money. so i hav 2 wait for the albums to go cheap before i can buy em. evry 1 of my m8s thought i was mad so i made em watch a Guns N' Roses 1hr long dedication where they played most of the GN'R videos. On my school bag, i decor8d a patch with Guns N' Roses. as 4 the letters on number pl8s...well... im 2 yung but yeh i wud do such a thing. on my CD rack, the only Cds i've listened 2 r the Guns n' Roses. evry thing else is crap 2 me. i cant posters on them n e where. i decor8 my skool diary with piks of GN'R. WHEN people look at them they say they r old and gay. i dont giv a shit. i visit this site 3 times a day. by the way, where in england do u liv? i wanna c that bandana stuff u were on about?

Hell yea!! I've done that on my bag I take to college... well actually I've written in big huge letters GUNS N' ROSES and its got little stars all around it! Well, with the number plate thing, I just look at all the number plates I see, and if they have 2 or 3 letters that remind me of Gn'R or Axl, then I'm happy. For example, if I see that  the last 3 letters are AKL, I mentally change the K into an X, or when I see LXA, I get really happy because then I think to myself "Hey! That's AXL backwards!" and I see GNR quite commonly on number plates! I've yet to see a proper AXL, but... it'll happen one day!! Just like Chinese Democracy! :D

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 16, 2005, 06:48:00 PM
i've already posted in this thread...
but today i was driving back from my shop (i do catering)
i was in a kinda 'blah' mood  :(
and while sitting waiting for a light my thoughts drifted to the GN'R shows at the HardRock in Vegas...
and sitting there alone I envisioned Axl performing no more than 10' from me
and i recalled the joy and excitement of that time
and i couldn't help but smile to myself
as I made my turn and came down the final stretch to home
i thought about seeing GN'R live again
and it really lifted my mood
 : ok:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Aava on January 16, 2005, 07:33:02 PM
I used to be a total GNR freak and i was so madly in love with Axl about 10 yoears ago, but not anymore. I do love their music and i do visit this board every fucking day, but i?m not so obsessed whit them anymore.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: jarmo on January 16, 2005, 07:44:24 PM
Here's something many of you will find funny: I'm not obsessed.

I listen to the songs (but not all the time, it goes in cycles), I read the news articles, I go see their shows if I have the chance and happen to have a web site about them.

I don't sit and wonder "what's Axl doing now?", "wonder if CD will be released on vinyl?", "wonder if Slash had any Guinness today?", "Where's Izzy?" or anything like that.


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Scabbie on January 16, 2005, 07:53:13 PM
Here's something many of you will find funny: I'm not obsessed.


I think thats a good thing, its important to have some sanity around here!  : ok:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Tj on January 16, 2005, 08:24:55 PM
I haven't listened much to Gn'R for about three months now. They're still my all-time favourite band, but I'm not particularly obsessed with them.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on January 16, 2005, 09:32:10 PM
Yea, Jarmo seems to like to mention that he isn't like some fans who wonder all the time when CD will come out or what Axl's eating for's nice to make the people who come to your message board feel like losers...

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: jarmo on January 17, 2005, 09:04:38 AM
Yea, Jarmo seems to like to mention that he isn't like some fans who wonder all the time when CD will come out or what Axl's eating for's nice to make the people who come to your message board feel like losers...

Yeah right. I didn't use the word losers.

If you feel like a loser because of what I said, then that's your problem.

The misconseption seems to be that just because I happen to have a web site dedicated to the band, I'm the most "obsessed" fan there is. That's not true.


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: thelostrose on January 17, 2005, 09:55:10 AM
"wonder if CD will be released on vinyl?"
today was the first time i thought about that ;)

"wonder if Slash had any Guinness today?"
who cares?

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: norway on January 17, 2005, 10:12:54 AM
Here's something many of you will find funny: I'm not obsessed.




ok, you know a lot gnr at least, gotta find a dictionary.... shall we see.... obsessed? :P

is that when you lock the door after buying cd :hihi:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Luigi on January 17, 2005, 11:17:47 AM
Even the haters are obessed, can you imagine all the haters that are bashing cause there hurt. That's one big obsession, you may be obsessed with the fact that CD has'nt been released or anything GNR news related. Love or hate em, were all obsessed in one way or another. Don't analyze the degree of obession, were all guilty of it in some passionate way.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: jarmo on January 17, 2005, 01:12:52 PM
Even the haters are obessed, can you imagine all the haters that are bashing cause there hurt. That's one big obsession, you may be obsessed with the fact that CD has'nt been released or anything GNR news related. Love or hate em, were all obsessed in one way or another. Don't analyze the degree of obession, were all guilty of it in some passionate way.

I agree to a certain degree.

The way I see it is that some are obsessed, others are just more passionate about the band.

Being obsessed to me isn't something that sounds like a positive thing.


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: AdZ on January 17, 2005, 01:20:55 PM
The misconseption seems to be that just because I happen to have a web site dedicated to the band, I'm the most "obsessed" fan there is. That's not true.



Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: ppbebe on January 17, 2005, 01:41:28 PM
Or just retarted?

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: damnthehaters on January 17, 2005, 02:02:44 PM
I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed, I would just say that I really really like Axl and GNR. ?I started getting into GNR when I was in high school, then started heavily getting into them in college. ?There are a lot of reasons why I started to like GNR so much but two stick out in my mind. ?

1) ?Is the fact that my girlfriend dumped my ass about three years after I really started to listen to GNR. ?When this happened, I really felt a connection with GNR's music from songs like November Rain, Don't Cry, Used To Love Her, Patience, Back Of Bitch, etc. ?

2) ?AXL! ?In my mind, he is the best frontman ever to lay a foot on a stage. ?I left a message on here a few days ago as a reply to someone who just doesn't understand. ?I'll post it below for you guys to read. ?The first quote is me replying to a message of why Axl shit's on his fans. ?The second qoute is the response I got, and the third quote is how I responded. ?


Ok, Bono is Bono, not Axl Rose. ?

Why does or doesn't Axl do all these things? ?Because he is Axl fucking Rose, and believe it or not, this is why I love the guy. ?Everytime Axl does shit like this, in my mind, he is more bad ass. ?He does whatever the fuck he wants to, and nobody's going to get in his way. ?There are very few people like this in this world today. ?I personally think this is why a lot of people like him. ?I went to the Tacoma WA show in 2002. ?The show right after Vancouver got cancelled. ?There were tons of Vancouver fans who came down for the show. ?Now, why would they do that after what Axl did to them? ?Because with all the shit that Axl pulls, people still love him.


Yea, because of morons like you, Axl & his fanboys worshipers are considered a joke by anyone with half a brain. The more he shits on you, the more you love it & ask for more. No wonder axl hold his "fans" in such low regard. You're a bunch of doormats. Don't worry, Axl will keep treating you & your ilk like garbage, so he'll still be "badass" in your pathetic little axl worshiping world.


Moron, pathetic? ?Now why do you have to go and say things like that?

Yeah, I love Axl. ?Because of everything he has done. ?His stage presence, his style, his voice, his writing, his fuck you attitude, his rythem, his bandana, his tight shorts, his kilt, his perfectionism, etc. ?I could go on and on. ?He is #1 in my book. ?When I listen to Rock N Roll, I don't need some lame ass nice guy up there doing just what people like you want. ?I don't need someone to be my friend. ?What I need is someone who breaks the rules, takes me away from the everyday world. ?Sorry for really really really liking one of the best frontmen of all time.

Sorry dude

Anyway, you guys may think I'm crazy, but this is why I love Axl Rose. ?Why, because he is different than anybody else out there and will do anything, very original. ?Here's an example. ?I went to a Tool concert a few years ago. ?The lead singer (Maynard) stood in one place the whole show and didn't do a damn thing to excite the crowd. ?Now to me, I need a frontman up there that has some excitment and can get the crowd involved. ?I'm pretty sure you guys know what Axl is like on stage, especially when he was younger. ?Running around, jumping around, flipping people off, grabbing his croch, wearing different and unusuall outfits, screaming, drinking, etc. ?I love that shit.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: norway on January 17, 2005, 02:26:27 PM
( babom kesh

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Elrothiel on January 17, 2005, 02:55:02 PM
I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed, I would just say that I really really like Axl and GNR. ?I started getting into GNR when I was in high school, then started heavily getting into them in college. ?There are a lot of reasons why I started to like GNR so much but two stick out in my mind. ?

1) ?Is the fact that my girlfriend dumped my ass about three years after I really started to listen to GNR. ?When this happened, I really felt a connection with GNR's music from songs like November Rain, Don't Cry, Used To Love Her, Patience, Back Of Bitch, etc. ?

2) ?AXL! ?In my mind, he is the best frontman ever to lay a foot on a stage. ?I left a message on here a few days ago as a reply to someone who just doesn't understand. ?I'll post it below for you guys to read. ?The first quote is me replying to a message of why Axl shit's on his fans. ?The second qoute is the response I got, and the third quote is how I responded. ?


Ok, Bono is Bono, not Axl Rose. ?

Why does or doesn't Axl do all these things? ?Because he is Axl fucking Rose, and believe it or not, this is why I love the guy. ?Everytime Axl does shit like this, in my mind, he is more bad ass. ?He does whatever the fuck he wants to, and nobody's going to get in his way. ?There are very few people like this in this world today. ?I personally think this is why a lot of people like him. ?I went to the Tacoma WA show in 2002. ?The show right after Vancouver got cancelled. ?There were tons of Vancouver fans who came down for the show. ?Now, why would they do that after what Axl did to them? ?Because with all the shit that Axl pulls, people still love him.


Yea, because of morons like you, Axl & his fanboys worshipers are considered a joke by anyone with half a brain. The more he shits on you, the more you love it & ask for more. No wonder axl hold his "fans" in such low regard. You're a bunch of doormats. Don't worry, Axl will keep treating you & your ilk like garbage, so he'll still be "badass" in your pathetic little axl worshiping world.


Moron, pathetic? ?Now why do you have to go and say things like that?

Yeah, I love Axl. ?Because of everything he has done. ?His stage presence, his style, his voice, his writing, his fuck you attitude, his rythem, his bandana, his tight shorts, his kilt, his perfectionism, etc. ?I could go on and on. ?He is #1 in my book. ?When I listen to Rock N Roll, I don't need some lame ass nice guy up there doing just what people like you want. ?I don't need someone to be my friend. ?What I need is someone who breaks the rules, takes me away from the everyday world. ?Sorry for really really really liking one of the best frontmen of all time.

Sorry dude

Anyway, you guys may think I'm crazy, but this is why I love Axl Rose. ?Why, because he is different than anybody else out there and will do anything, very original. ?Here's an example. ?I went to a Tool concert a few years ago. ?The lead singer (Maynard) stood in one place the whole show and didn't do a damn thing to excite the crowd. ?Now to me, I need a frontman up there that has some excitment and can get the crowd involved. ?I'm pretty sure you guys know what Axl is like on stage, especially when he was younger. ?Running around, jumping around, flipping people off, grabbing his croch, wearing different and unusuall outfits, screaming, drinking, etc. ?I love that shit.

HELL..... FUCKIN..... YEAA!!!!!! :beer: :smoking: I can't understand the people who worship all the "stars" who give advice and always go out looking their best, and try to be your best friend >:(. Fucking hell! I'd much rather he or she had enough respect for themselves to realize that they don't need the whole world to be their best friend. People who do that get really shocked when the papers print bad shit about them, so if you go the other way, and do completely controversial things and be like Axl, then you won't be shocked or upset when the papers print bad shit about you. People like Axl get so much more respect than people like Britney. You could probably really annoy Bitchney, and nothing would happen except she'd get upset and get her bodyguards to hit you, but if you annoyed Axl, he'd tell you, and fucking punch you himself. So, you KNOW not to mess with Axl!! :love: But its perfectly OK to be insanely annoying and bitchy to Bitchney. :rofl: If she slapped me, I'd slap her back :beer:. If a Bitchney fan got punched by Axl, he'd no way punch back!

Axl = HELL YEA!!!  :peace: 8) :peace:
Bitchney = FUCK OFF AND DIE!! :rant: >:( :rant:

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: estranged88 on January 17, 2005, 03:46:49 PM
..pretty obsessed.

I have all the albums
2 shirts
1 hoodie
all the making of the videos
a bumper sticker
an air freshaner
about 4 bootleged concerts
a wallet
3 posters
a patch

......probably some other stuff that i can't remember right now.

..I'm losing touch with gnr though because i have realized how helpless waiting for CD to come out is.

they will always be my favorite band because of the music they have made, but ive sort of "played out" alot of thier songs due to lack of quantity.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Jaded on January 17, 2005, 05:10:30 PM
I'm not at all obsessed... i haven't even listened to them in a while. don't think i'm saying i don't like them anymore... i just keep finding new bands i like and i'll listen to them non-stop for a few months and then find something else... i'll still listen to the other things occasionally though. There are also bands i love who i never have got into the cycle of listening to non-stop (like Green Day).... which is kinda a good thing cos you don't get bored of them so quickly.
Ones i can remember (listening to non-stop):
Eminem (this was when i was about 12)
RHCP... again
Gn'R... again
Pearl Jam
Boomtown Rats

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: marknroses on January 18, 2005, 01:59:12 AM
-Obssessed enough to have listened to GNR for 6 straight years and never ONCE get tired of them
-Obssessed enough to buy 3 GNR=Related t-shirts
-""                 "          to own 15 GNR concert bootlegs
-"""""""""""""""""""   to know every single performing move by Axl and imitate it in excellent arrangement whenever doing Karaoke (i challenge any GNR fan here to an Axl Rose "danceoff")
-"""""""""""""""""""   to own 15 interviews with Axl talking about himself and the band
-""""""""""""""""""""  to continue supporting any major endeavor by the ex-Gunners. Obssessed enopugh that I still feel that GNR is the ULTIMATE RNR EXPERIENCE!!!
-""""""""""""""""""""  to pay $65 to see a different Axl perform old GNR songs with different musicians who lack the feel of past musicians, which I will never do again.
-""""""""""""""""""""  to spend $125 for an "Axl-like" costume and to wear it and perform with it at a club and wing $200 while doing that.
-"""""""""""""""""""" to come here every day and check out the latest about VR and the latest rumors/speculations about NU-GNR.

Not oBsessed enough to defend Axl for anything he has and hasn't done since 1994.


Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Philly Rose on January 18, 2005, 10:41:43 AM
in the young past I am a little tired of hearing news expected in april, and then the other day (new day) news exspected in februaryl. I believe we are going well with the february thing. I am looking forward to it.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on January 18, 2005, 12:49:43 PM
i dont know if i'm obsessed.. i just go through listening to afd, lies, uyi1,2 at least throughout the day.. been like this for two years now..

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: GypsySoul on January 18, 2005, 01:46:28 PM
..pretty obsessed.

I have ...

an air freshaner

 :o? An air freshener?!?!?!?? I can't even begin to imagine what the GNR "scent" would smell like.? :hihi:
I want one of those too!!!? So I guess that would make me obsessed.? :P

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Lady Livin on January 18, 2005, 04:59:52 PM
I have all of the albums, around four shirts, the making of's, the skull necklace I wear every day, and a few live dvds of gigs from the early '90s... but, the only reason I'd even remotely consider myself obsessed with them is because they're the band I care for the most. They're my therapy, and even showing up at this website as often as I do just goes to show how much I want to stick around in the Gunner territory. Axl has also inadvertently been such an influence on these years of my life, and since no one else besides God has been able to keep my head up, I'll never give up on him, and his skull from AFD will be my first tattoo.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Johnnyblood on January 18, 2005, 05:34:58 PM
After being revived with OMG and seeing them in Vegas, my obsession has been dying a slow death ever since the 2002 fiasco. It's really hard to stay interested in something that doesn't exist.

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on January 18, 2005, 10:08:08 PM
I have all of the albums, around four shirts, the making of's, the skull necklace I wear every day, and a few live dvds of gigs from the early '90s... but, the only reason I'd even remotely consider myself obsessed with them is because they're the band I care for the most. They're my therapy, and even showing up at this website as often as I do just goes to show how much I want to stick around in the Gunner territory. Axl has also inadvertently been such an influence on these years of my life, and since no one else besides God has been able to keep my head up, I'll never give up on him, and his skull from AFD will be my first tattoo.

i wholeheartedly agree.. gnr is the only band i care enough for to visit their forums everyday, check up on news (or the lack of) everyday..

Title: Re: How obsessed are YOU with Gn'R?
Post by: Johnnyblood on January 18, 2005, 10:48:05 PM
I have all of the albums, around four shirts, the making of's, the skull necklace I wear every day, and a few live dvds of gigs from the early '90s... but, the only reason I'd even remotely consider myself obsessed with them is because they're the band I care for the most. They're my therapy, and even showing up at this website as often as I do just goes to show how much I want to stick around in the Gunner territory. Axl has also inadvertently been such an influence on these years of my life, and since no one else besides God has been able to keep my head up, I'll never give up on him, and his skull from AFD will be my first tattoo.

i wholeheartedly agree.. gnr is the only band i care enough for to visit their forums everyday, check up on news (or the lack of) everyday..

That's true. I should acknowledge that as well. But the fire has died down quite a bit.