Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: SINSHINE on January 03, 2005, 10:27:37 AM

Title: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: SINSHINE on January 03, 2005, 10:27:37 AM
Okay...I know where many of you stand on the waiting for Democracy issue. I know that it's been a long, long wait.

Hell, I can remember reading an article in Hit Parader (I think it was) back in '94 that first mentioned (at least to my knowledge at the time) GN'R working on a new album and Slash putting to bed rumors that they were breaking up (LOL). Then I remember a small mention in a November/December '97 issue of Metal Sludge (again, I think) where they mentioned a new GN'R album being a great Christmas present; hinting for Axl to 'hurry it up, already.'

Since that time, I've grown from a hormone raging, teenage, high school student to a man in my late twenties, married to a beautiful woman and planning my (our) first child. HOLY SHIT! WHERE DID THE TIME GO!? :o

It's funny to think of how much ten or twelve years can change people's lives. It's even funnier when you think of it in terms of 'still waiting for a new guns n' roses' album.' How during that time period a sperm met up with an egg and together they are celebrating a 12 year old birthday. How the same pubescent punks that wore jams and got the "bowl" hair cut like that kid on "Who's The Boss" are now working on Wall Street and drive a Mercedes to their summer house in the Hamptons on the weekends. How those denim jacket, 'rock n' roll forever' minded 30-something of a decade ago are now 40 - 50 something and...well...probably still wearing that denim jacket and making 'devil horns' to embarrass their teenage sons & daughters in front of their friends.

Would be wonderful to know what has REALLY gone on with Axl's life and this band during the past decade plus.

The point of all this, is that I, like all of you, have waited and waited for this album for what seems like an eternity (even if you're only 13 now and have only been waiting since 2000). After a few teases and false starts over the past four or five years, I truly believe that 2005 IS the year. I truly don't think Axl chose to wait this long (or make his fans wait this long). I truly believe that he wants to reclaim his throne in dramatic fashion but also wishes he was able to do it sooner. I truly believe he wants this FOR HIM AND FOR US and whatever mistakes or bad decisions he's made during this whole process will be forgiven when he makes the masses listen to Axl Rose again.

I truly believe in 2005...the year of Guns N' Roses!

I'm all in on this one!? ?:beer:

P.S. -- This thread is meant for positive reflection only...not for debating purposes.

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Wooody on January 03, 2005, 10:47:38 AM
Okay...I know where many of you stand on the waiting for Godot...

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D my god I laughed so hard. :hihi: :hihi: :rofl: :rofl: : ok: : ok: : ok:

I'm right with you on that one.

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Luigi on January 03, 2005, 12:06:24 PM
Hey man I'm with too. Married 15 years 2 kids 12 and 14, now my two boys are waiting for Axl,        that makes four of us waiting. From living in a triplex to a half million dollar home. From Slash stepping over my to kids in the middle of the night to get to my 8x10 art studio to a 40x40 art studio .I'm looking for the right music to get me into the grove again. I can rember the first time I saw GnR in Hollywood.( My life was troubled by childhood upsets). I had no ride home, but the energy from Axl's voice just went through  me like a battery. His aditude woke something up inside me that night. I got home, the rest is history. Wow" I'm 40 years old, still a fire burns inside me from that night.  Axl owes me nothing. But I'd love to see it and hear it one more time. 2005 baby!         

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: norway on January 03, 2005, 12:46:10 PM
think 05 2, i belived it was 04 b4 rio4 got cancelled, 

21 now and heard gnr when i was very young, and remeber that nothing happened after tsi, wtf ???

so i saw maybe it was classic rock, about the rio gig and started asking cd-shop clercks when the new album was coming out  ::)
b4 i found out internet is easier to get to know :)

there's a chinese saying: time does not go, it comes haha ;)

...uh, hard to say in english :-\

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: ppbebe on January 03, 2005, 01:53:03 PM
Luigi, You are the perfect fan, I reckon.  : ok:

...uh, hard to say in english :-\
I wasn?t aware that you speak Chinese as well as Norwegian n English till now. ;D

I didn?t hear of this Chinese Democracy thingy until 2003. :-[  And I?m that way :love: about it now.
My opinion on this topic is too obvious yet I shall repeat at every opportunity: Extremely positive!!!  2005 Yay!
why not?

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on January 03, 2005, 02:16:19 PM
Kick ass dude! I wish more people could have that mind-set. I mean, it's easy to say "meh, it's taken 10 years, it's never coming out, etc.". It takes real *umph* in your guts to be so optimistic about the coming year. I share your feelings, so let's see if we can spread this optimism...  :beer:

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Wooody on January 03, 2005, 02:24:08 PM

I didn?t hear of this Chinese Democracy thingy until 2003.

You've been waiting for just one year.
You're so lucky.

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: echrisl on January 03, 2005, 02:37:21 PM
When will you guys learn ... I wouldn't bet on 2005, or 2006, or 2007 ...

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Luigi on January 03, 2005, 02:44:23 PM
Thanks, Ppbebe. ;)

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: RnT on January 03, 2005, 02:44:51 PM
Great post SINSHINE, I?m with you dude

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: using my illusions on January 03, 2005, 03:48:23 PM
count me in  :smoking:

27 now - i think it was grade 6 or 7 when i bought the tape, and i still listen to it, and illusions, like they came out yesterday.

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: 2NaFish on January 03, 2005, 04:04:01 PM
When will you guys learn ... I wouldn't bet on 2005, or 2006, or 2007 ...

so you're a 2008 kinda guy then?

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: SINSHINE on January 03, 2005, 08:19:20 PM
I'm glad to see some fans aren't as jaded as the rest.  : ok:

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on January 03, 2005, 08:39:30 PM
When will you guys learn ... I wouldn't bet on 2005, or 2006, or 2007 ...

If you don't think we're gonna get the album in the next 3 years, why do you post here?

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: echrisl on January 03, 2005, 09:52:59 PM
When will you guys learn ... I wouldn't bet on 2005, or 2006, or 2007 ...

so you're a 2008 kinda guy then?

Yeah, I'll buy that, I guess!

When will you guys learn ... I wouldn't bet on 2005, or 2006, or 2007 ...

If you don't think we're gonna get the album in the next 3 years, why do you post here?

'Cause I'm a fan of the classic material, and a fan of Velvet Revovler (and there's always a chance that I'm wrong, after all, I've gotta be wrong sooner or later(assuming the album ever comes out)).

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Vicious Wishes on January 04, 2005, 06:09:57 PM
Nice post, SIN.  : ok:

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Chief on January 05, 2005, 12:30:28 AM
yup.. im still excited about this! can't wait to see what happens!!!

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: W Axl Rick on January 05, 2005, 01:16:59 AM
I am 30 now and have been a die hard GNR fan since I was about 15.

I have been floating around these unofficial chat boards for at least 7 years waiting for this god damn album. It had better be worth it. Although from what I heard from bootlegs of the more recent live shows I believe Axl has something special instore for us and I believe he sings better now that he ever did.

As for my life, well since TSI i have had several girlfriends, become a karate instructor, and suffered the loss of a younger brother in a freak accident. He too was a GNR fan and was looking forward to Chinese Democracy. I wish he could have heard it.

Come on 2005 and come on GNR!

W Axl Rick.

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Luigi on January 05, 2005, 01:51:57 AM
W Axl Rick, Sorry about the loss of your brother, to hear somthing like that saddens me. Hope all is well, lets hope to hear that CD soon this year 2005 : ok: 

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: mitchejw on January 05, 2005, 04:21:17 PM
What is Godot?

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Lesty on January 05, 2005, 04:36:50 PM
I bought AFD right when it came out in August of '87, and was a diehard ever since.
I was lucky enough to buy a vinyl copy of Live Like a Suicide a few weeks later when I was in LA on vacation.
AFD was basically the soundtrack to Jr. year in highschool, and am now 33 and married and still follow them with the same enthusiasm.

I'm "all in for 2005" as well. I honestly (and perhaps naively) believe that GnR and the label were set with the Nov. 2004 release, but the final mix and mastering took longer than anticipated. Most anticipated CDs that are scheduled for fall release, then delayed, get pushed back to Spring (not JAn or Feb). This also happened with Nikka Costa and Rob Thomas' solo CD (both were scheduled for Oct/Nov and were pushed back to March). So, I am hopeful that April is the release time period.

If this lingers into summer, however, then I really fear the worst. Not that I personally can't wait another year or two, but that the remaining bandmembers will lose interest or patience in waiting for Axl. Then it's anyones guess what will happen.

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: neko on January 06, 2005, 04:18:57 PM
When will you guys learn ... I wouldn't bet on 2005, or 2006, or 2007 ...

If you don't think we're gonna get the album in the next 3 years, why do you post here?

i also think that the album wont be out in 2005 or 2006 , Axl has to have everything perfect , buckethead just leave the band , they will probably re-record those parts , do you really think that he will get the album this year? re-recording things that quickly after taking years with buckethead?

and im here because im a huge Axl fan and of course a Guns fan , it doesnt matter if he takes his album or not (i hope he will get it) people is here not just because the new album .

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 06, 2005, 05:00:57 PM
I'm optomistic about 2005.  Whether Guns N' Roses releases their album or not, however, won't make or break me or my support for the band.  They have been through a lot.  I wonder how Axl is handling the prospect of touring and supporting a release while dealing with the legal issues that have been inflicted upon him by his former friends.  As well as the legal issues that I believe need to be settled before a favorable tour contract can be negotiated with a US promoter. 

While an album (or albums) worth of material may be ready to go - I believe their are other issues for the GN'R camp and the record company to address in order for the album to meet its potential.  Timing is crucial - and I don't think that simply "as soon as possible' is the answer. 

While we fans here on the net may be actively waiting for the album - the music listening public at large is not.  We are ready for it - been ready for it and we are a given.  As much as I believe Axl cares about appeasing us, the bigger picture is to release the album when everything needed is set up and ready.  And that includes Axl.  I assume that although the litigation would not directly hold up the album's production or release - I believe that all whose success rides on the album would feel more confident knowing that Axl would not having this matter distract him from promoting the album and the band.   I would rather see Axl not release the album this year and be able to close the coffin on his dealings with his former bandmates than have him stressed out with the album a tour and interviews AND on top of it find himself once again defending his integrity against the personal attack aimed at him by the ghosts of GN'R past.

Axl and every member of the new band deserves that the focus be placed on the material they present and to be able to share how they have put it together and how they have come together to form the new incarnation of Guns N' Roses the world will see before them.
When Slash showed up at the Hard Rock Gigs - it became THE story that was reported, rather than the band's performance itself.
This is what I really don't want to see a repeat of when the album comes out and the band returns - that the media attention again once be diverted and in doing so limits their coverage of the band itself and the music.

If things have to be settled first - so be it.  I want to see Axl and Robin and Tommy and Dizzy and the rest of the guys on stage again together performing thier music as much as yo guys - but not if its going to take a rear seat to the media spectacle of Axl vs. Slash like it did after the Hard Rock gigs.

I'm glad that CD was not released simultaneously with Contraband!  Not because I shy from the inevitable comparisions etc.... but as much as they (Slash,Duff,Matt) talked about Axl in their interviews and talked a lot of SHIT too... the rivalry would have been accentuated in the press and this would have detracted from genuine focus on the material and from the other bandmembers also.

I want 2005 yes, but i want it to be their time to shine and our time to bask in thier glow.  Not an opportunity for the press and Axl's former friends/enemies to benefit from Axl and Guns N' Roses blood, sweat, and tears that have went into the forthcoming album at HIS expense or OURS.

Happy New Year to you Axl!  Happy New Year to all at the GN'R camp!
Give 'em hell... til you are done with those fuckers:

I'll be here standing
Until the bitter end
No one needs the sorrow
No one needs the pain
I hate to see you
Walking out there
Out in the rain
So don't chastise me
Or think I, I mean you harm
Of those that take you
Leave you strung out
Much too far
 : ok:

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Elrothiel on January 06, 2005, 08:57:43 PM
Eva GnRAxlRosette, my only reply to that great post is this:
It basically sums up everything I think about this whole fuckin' situation. I myself am optimistic about this year being THE year for SOMETHING to raise its head, even if its not the actual album, I believe SOMETHING is GOING to happen, and that SOMETHING will be big! Definitely!
Sure, its been a long long long long wait, but if you think about it, ChiDem will probably be one of the biggest selling albums of all time, considering the press its had over the years. The moment it comes out, people left, right, center, up, down, and behind will be rushing to their nearest CD store to buy it, and if there isn't a CD store near them, then will do just fine, so there is NO way that ChiDem will fail to sell. Unless of course if everyone's memory of the past 15 years is erased, which I can guarantee will NOT happen!

Title: Re: I'm 'All In' for 2005!
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 06, 2005, 10:08:45 PM
