Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 28, 2004, 03:02:52 PM

Title: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 28, 2004, 03:02:52 PM
He is such a great guitarist, and he can even play pretty damn fast.? ?I hope axl gives this guy a loosky, So what if he was in extreme, he can flat out play.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: jarmo on December 28, 2004, 03:07:32 PM
No, he doesn't.   :P

I think the band needs more goths!  ;D


Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: noonespecial on December 28, 2004, 03:08:46 PM
LOL! That's a good one! Axl needs to get over the fact that Richard Fortus looks a bit like Izzy (not all that much either ::)) and let him actually PLAY GUITAR!

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 28, 2004, 03:10:26 PM
Fortus played more solos than BH on the 2002 tour.  But they need someone to fill BHs shoes, and Nuno could do that pretty well, has anyone else ever heard him play?

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Lesty on December 28, 2004, 03:16:48 PM
A few months ago on Nuno's website (for his new band, population 1) there was a rumor
that he was contacted sometime in the past about GnR guitarist position. It was an audio interview on the site, and it had a vague mention of it.
He's really into working his new band now (and is doing some extreme reunion shows in Japan next month). He's actually similar to Axl in that he's a bit of a control freak and perfectionist, so he wouldn't be the type to take orders, play other peoples songs, etc...
On a related note, check out his website
His new band is very cool. Nuno is a great singer/songwriter in addition to his
great chops on the guitar.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 28, 2004, 04:46:36 PM
When will you stop naming people whom you'd like to see in the band? There are dozens of threads for this - why don't we have an official 'I want him/her to join GN'R' topic? BTW Nuno is a great guitarist, and did some experimental stuff, but Axl's only looking for and interested in session musicians, if you haven't realized.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: norway on December 28, 2004, 04:52:21 PM
but Axl's only looking for and interested in session musicians, if you haven't realized.

yeah, cd is done now, so a tourin member is most likely imo

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 28, 2004, 05:06:37 PM
If Bucketheads parts are staying ( I think Tommy confirmed this in an interview), all they need is a stand in on tour if they need a 3rd guitarist.

Looking waaaaay ahead, GNR should use a unique guitarist for each album to create a different sound on each. CD is Buckethead, next one could be.... maybe Nuno. 

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 28, 2004, 05:13:36 PM
I don't mind him, damn extreme is in my head..

You would have to think by now he would have had another player if needed, he had to be aware of the need for a third even a bit before rio (statement) in march 9 months ago.. I sweriously doubt he would be searching now, I would think new gnr searches for a guitarist would be news worthy somewhere

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Falcon on December 28, 2004, 05:33:14 PM
If Axl has any hope of being taken seriously he will not go to those Extreme's.

Credibility will play a major part in acceptance/success and no matter how good of a player Bettencourt is, his past affiliations far outweigh his skills. 

As always, it's a perception thing.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: younggunner on December 28, 2004, 05:52:21 PM
whats so bad about his past>?

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: D on December 28, 2004, 06:05:38 PM
remember the flack that van halen received for hiring extreme's singer Gary Cherone?

this is GNR, no way can this guy be in GNR

im still not thrilled with richard Nsync fortus to be honest.

what is wrong with this band?

its starting to get frustrating!

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 28, 2004, 06:13:55 PM
but Axl's only looking for and interested in session musicians, if you haven't realized.

yeah, cd is done now, so a tourin member is most likely imo

I didn't mean that CD is done so Axl needs only a touring members, cause first, none of us knows what the current state of the album is, and second I meant Axl's past choices for Nu-GN'R. BH is a solo artist AND a session musician, Fortus is a session and touring musician, Tommy had been playing in a band, but as far as I know in the last years before he joined GN'R he had been a session musician, Freese, Brain and Finck are session/touring musicians, too. I don't know what the case is with Pittman, he did some work with Tool (1 song?), but I don't know anything about his past and present contribution.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: younggunner on December 28, 2004, 06:20:28 PM
so once your a session player you can never become a touring /real bandmember of a band?

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Johnnyblood on December 28, 2004, 06:24:46 PM
Oh god, no. ?:drool:

I'm no Nunu expert, but I've heard Pornograffiti (in fact, I bought it when it came out because Rolling Stone compared "More Than Words" to SCOM.... that was in, like, May '91.... by probably June I had sold the damn thing for about a dollar) and I just don't like that style of guitar playing. It's like taking Buckethead and making him sappy. What's the point? They don't need a virtuoso. They need energy and charisma. He ain't got it.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: norway on December 28, 2004, 06:25:00 PM

I didn't mean that CD is done so Axl needs only a touring members, cause first, none of us knows what the current state of the album is, and second I meant Axl's past choices for Nu-GN'R. BH is a solo artist AND a session musician, Fortus is a session and touring musician, Tommy had been playing in a band, but as far as I know in the last years before he joined GN'R he had been a session musician, Freese, Brain and Finck are session/touring musicians, too. I don't know what the case is with Pittman, he did some work with Tool (1 song?), but I don't know anything about his past and present contribution.

ah, :idea: ok

who's this nuno guy?

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 28, 2004, 06:35:05 PM
so once your a session player you can never become a touring /real bandmember of a band?

Quote me saying this. I only pointed out that Axl wants session musicians around him and not that kind of guys who had been playing in a significant band (except of Tommy, but I haven't heard about Replacements before he joined GN'R and I don't know how big they were). I find it interesting and I have a theory, but you will surely tell us why it's the only way to succeed.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Wooody on December 28, 2004, 06:45:28 PM
so once your a session player you can never become a touring /real bandmember of a band?

Quote me saying this. I only pointed out that Axl wants session musicians around him and not that kind of guys who had been playing in a significant band (except of Tommy, but I haven't heard about Replacements before he joined GN'R and I don't know how big they were). I find it interesting and I have a theory, but you will surely tell us why it's the only way to succeed.

The fact that you live under a rock doesnt mean the guys in the band have not played on a significant band.

I had heard about all of them before. Including Buckethead. But then again I don't live under a rock.
Remember everybody has writting credits, even Brain , that doesnt sound like session musicians to me.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Falcon on December 28, 2004, 06:49:20 PM
whats so bad about his past>?

He was in Extreme and responsible for one on the most horrific songs ever written.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: the dirt on December 28, 2004, 06:54:19 PM
whats so bad about his past>?

He was in Extreme and responsible for one on the most horrific songs ever written.

Out of curiosity, what was this song?

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Falcon on December 28, 2004, 06:57:12 PM
whats so bad about his past>?

He was in Extreme and responsible for one on the most horrific songs ever written.

Out of curiosity, what was this song?

"More Than Words".

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: the dirt on December 28, 2004, 07:00:34 PM
I'm gonna have to download it to check out how horrific it is :)

I'm assuming it's an Extreme track...

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: Wooody on December 28, 2004, 07:01:01 PM
whats so bad about his past>?

He was in Extreme and responsible for one on the most horrific songs ever written.

Out of curiosity, what was this song?

"More Than Words".

that song is pretty cool ?:P :P :P

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: D on December 28, 2004, 07:45:00 PM
i love "more than words"

the harmonics Nuno does at the end of that song are amazing however he isnt GNR

U can be a session player and be in A band but not a band like GNR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one thing that always made GNR stand out for me and what made it great was the authenticity of the members

u know they lived their songs, u know they went through the shit.

when u see people who didnt go through that shit goin through the motions playin those songs its cheesy in my opinion which is why i dont dig cover bands

theres something magical about the real guys playing what they've lived and wrote.

i dont wanna see a cover band or replacement musicians playing songs they had nothing to do with.

which is why im glad VR dont dip veryheavily into past catalogues and i almost wish GNR wouldnt play but maybe a handful of the older material.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: younggunner on December 28, 2004, 08:04:34 PM
that might be the worst song ive ever heard....

i almost wish GNR wouldnt play but maybe a handful of the older material.
IfGNr tour again, I doubt we will get the same set. I can see them throwin Jungle and a few other hits in but not many. The new material will be the foucs....

As for the hwole band living thing....I think people fail to realize that about GNR. as they got bigger their lives began to change. More money, better living can they go back to AfD if they are in AFD world anymore? That would be fake.

Thats why I like the illusions. Instead of sticking with the same formula they moved on and began to talk about their new issues, etc.

Title: Re: Axl really needs to give Nuno Bettencourt a call
Post by: AdZ on December 28, 2004, 08:38:32 PM
Talk about people that should replace Buckethead here.