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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Hoosier on December 21, 2004, 11:47:14 PM

Title: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: Hoosier on December 21, 2004, 11:47:14 PM
looking through the board i see there not much to talk about these days except for what Axl or a GNR fan does from the time they wake up till they go to bed. so i was wondering about this the other day and decided to bring my thoughts here.

over the past few days, i have searched the web looking for official or fan sites of other artist. what i was looking for was how much contact the band (or who ever) had with their fans. what i came up with is that its plenty. one example of this is when Dimebag was shot, how many people posted their thoughts on their site(s).

but one of the most intresting was that aparently Michelle Brach has formed this band (the Wreakers, formed between her and one other girl) and they have their own site/message board. and on that MB both Branch and the other girl have posted in there quite abit. even if it was just because she really had nothing else to do.

so that brings me to this: why is it such a big deal that we dont know anything until 2 months after it happens? like the deal with Bumblefoot, or Bucket leaving/fired? would it really hurt someone from the band to inform the fans that have stood by them through years of nothing that at least they are still alive??? and are 10 questions from Axl's beloved fans too much of a hassle to deal with? discuss

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: jabba2 on December 22, 2004, 12:11:43 AM
Axl said he doesnt like the internet so thats probably why. Communication with Axl online wont be happening anytime soon. If he left a message on a website, then someone posts "Slash rules" in his thread..and well you dont need to know the rest..

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: SkinnyPuppy on December 22, 2004, 07:04:44 AM
Slash Rulezzzzzzz  :drool:

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: liquidvirus on December 22, 2004, 07:18:25 AM
gnr sucks cows fat ass, so they cant speak!!!

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: discobiscuit1 on December 22, 2004, 08:17:05 AM
90 % of what Axl says either doesnt come true, turns out to be false bravado or contradicts ealier statements. If he was continually filling us in I suspect we'd all have abandoned the guy as either a flake or a straight out liar.

I think he is aware that if he says nothing and one day comes out with a great album then he'll look a lot better, even if that means looking slightly cooky in the meantime. As for pissing off fans...well I honestly think that he really doesnt give a shit at all, unless he thinks that may impact him....ala dimebag. Which im sure has bothered him since. Cos there are plenty more fanatical fans that blame Axl for the breakup of GNR than there were Pantera nuts.

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: norway on December 22, 2004, 08:25:29 AM
and people says gnr has nothin to fight for... even with a legendary frontman :nervous:

haters ::)

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: discobiscuit1 on December 22, 2004, 09:11:11 AM
I used to believe every word Axl said and defend him at school....nowadays after years of being dissapointed and having matured enough to realise that he is simply a gifted yet terribly troubled and delusional person.

I honestly hope the best for him, but being honest about his lack of credibility , does that make me a hater??

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: norway on December 22, 2004, 09:28:20 AM
does that make me a hater??

no, i was referrin generally, and yes he seems troubled.

and he is very gifted :yes:

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: dont_damn_me on December 23, 2004, 12:51:44 PM
Making alot of assumptions when ppl say Axl has mental problems....just because he did a decade ago doesn't nec. mean he still does.  I think the deley is simply because the music finally got finished and now he's focusing on lyrics/vocals.  I don't think his "mental problems" are as significant as ppl think and once CD is released axl and mental problems won't be associated.  I think Axl is just chilling until he's ready to face the world again....he's going to be in for a huge lifestyle change and has to be ready...its not that easy to be idle for a decade and then just take over the world again....his mental state must be much higher than a normal persons to do what he does.....I really hope Dimebag's incident doesn't scare axl away from his future plans.   

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: ppbebe on December 23, 2004, 03:47:22 PM
I can?t imagine a big company spending millions for a deal with a mental case.

I used to believe every word Axl said and defend him at school....nowadays after years of being dissapointed and having matured enough to realise that he is simply a gifted yet terribly troubled and delusional person.

I honestly hope the best for him, but being honest about his lack of credibility , does that make me a hater??
Don?t be so paranoid when you know what you are not.   
No one is aiming the word at you.

But I don't know how you know he's terribly troubled and delusional.

Title: Re: honestly, why such a tight lid????
Post by: jabba2 on December 23, 2004, 04:17:13 PM
The big record company spent those millions in the early 90's-when Slash and Duff were still in the band. They had all the confidence in the world GNR would release another record, as did everyone else who wasnt in the studio observing the musical differences and Axl's paranoia and worthless bandmember/friend Paul Huge.