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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: IndiannaRose on December 18, 2004, 04:58:27 PM

Title: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: IndiannaRose on December 18, 2004, 04:58:27 PM
Here's the hitsdailydouble article:

Sanctuary Announces Executive Staff Promotions Worldwide

December 17, 2004

Sanctuary has reorganized its management team, rewarding Merck Mercuriadis for growing the American business to 50% of global revenues by naming him Group CEO.
Sanctuary Group Chairman Andy Taylor made the announcement, along with a number of management changes in support of the long-term strategy of the Group.

In order to continue to meet the challenges of what is now a well-rounded business and continue to grow the Group, the Board has made the following management change, effective immediately:

In his new post, current Sanctuary U.S. CEO Mercuriadis will direct and manage the creative strategy of the Group across its businesses on a global basis. Merck has worked for Sanctuary for 18 years. He relocated from London to New York four years ago to build the North American business and will remain based in the U.S

Taylor will remain as Executive Chairman for the long term and will continue to direct the commercial and financial strategy of the Group alongside Group Finance Director Mike Miller, the main point of contact with the investment community, alongside Director of Corporate and Investor Relations Philip Ranger.

Commenting on the appointment, Taylor stated:: ?Sanctuary?s success has been based on a strategic combination of creative and commercial skills. In the past, Rod Smallwood, my co-founder, managed the creative aspects of the company whilst I looked after the commercial and financial aspects. With Merck?s appointment, we are continuing that successful process.

"Merck is one of the outstanding artist managers and record men of his generation and has a strong track record in strategic management and business growth. His affinity with the artist community makes him an ideal person to drive Sanctuary?s success globally, across all of our businesses. I remain totally committed to the long-term future of Sanctuary and I am very excited about this step. I believe that we have all the pieces in place to see the Sanctuary Group go from strength to strength.?

Mercuriadis has defined the core executive management team and made a number of organizational changes, including:

To read the whole article click here (


How do you think this will impact Guns N' Roses and Chinese Democracy? What do you think will be some of the outcomes of this decision? As some of you may know, Merck is Guns N' Roses's manager at the moment so him having more control over Sanctuary would only benefit GN'R in the long run, right? Discuss.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Sephiroth Yuppie on December 18, 2004, 05:27:11 PM
I would think it could mean CD is pretty close to being done,since I don't think he would take the job if he still had to help with CD.

Or it could just mean he got tired of waiting for Axl and co to finish CD and he gave up on it when he got this offer.

We will see...

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: NickNasty on December 18, 2004, 05:40:08 PM
Since Sanctuary is a larger than just Merck, I don't think it affects GnR one way or the other...the COMPANY is still behind promoting the album and band, regardless of who's talking directly to the press, Mysteron could speak more accurately to this, but I always thought there was a management team behind GnR with Merck at the head.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: cineater on December 18, 2004, 05:53:30 PM
Congrats Merck.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: jarmo on December 18, 2004, 06:01:15 PM
Who knows if that'll have any impact on Merck's work with GN'R. The article didn't mention it....

But congrats to Merck. ?: ok:


Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: younggunner on December 18, 2004, 06:03:45 PM
I would think this is good news. Being that he is CEO of the NA he can now use GNR the way he sees it without any obstacles to overcome within the company.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: nesquick on December 18, 2004, 06:09:25 PM
Maybe it could be a great thing for the promotion  of "chinese democracy" in the futur. By beeing the big-boss, He will be able to put tons of money to promote the album especially if he is the manager. Now the manager of GN'R is also the big boss of Sanctuary... interesting  8)

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: billsguy on December 18, 2004, 07:33:48 PM
or he may not have time to manage them anymore and pass the band to someone else withing the company, or share duties with someone else.  hopefully it does help gnr though, and congrats to merck.


Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: GypsySoul on December 18, 2004, 07:56:31 PM
Congratulations Merck!!!? : ok:

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Johnnyblood on December 18, 2004, 07:59:57 PM
This can only be excellent news for Axl/GnR. Number one, it means the band has a really talented businessman in charge of their affairs. You don't get a position like that by accident. Number two, it's good to have the lead man in the band's organization be the lead man of the overall management organization. I like this a lot.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: norway on December 18, 2004, 08:05:11 PM
and a new era in sanctuary is started, maybe a gnr production to start it up  :beer:

gotta love sum changes :beer:

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Scabbie on December 18, 2004, 08:17:02 PM
Quote Merck

'The music business has been transformed over the last 5 years with the emphasis
for its future now fully on the artist. Sanctuary has been at the forefront of
these dramatic changes ensuring that our artists and our initiatives in every
aspect of this business are well positioned for long-term success.

Sounds good!

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: grog mug on December 19, 2004, 03:40:15 AM
Well, now that Merck's going to be pulling in even more money, he should donate some to Axl's CD.  Let's get the show (GN'R) on the road, and put this CD out.  Sanctuary will love you even more once that's accomplished.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: ccorn69 on December 19, 2004, 05:12:28 AM
congrats to merck, hopefully this turns into a positive for GNR come promotion time

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Scabbie on December 19, 2004, 06:07:54 AM
OK this will sort the men out from the boys...

Would YOU buy Sanctuary stock based on the GNR's possible contribution in the next year?

I dunno why but I wouldn't put it past Merck to make an announcement to coincide with the annual report being released (which I expect will be Jan/Feb given the interim was in June). Looks good on him!

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: takeshi on December 19, 2004, 09:36:23 AM
I don't see any prospect of GN'R getting any special treatment.  This guy has advanced through the company by growing their profits and if he's going to maintain his new position he will have to continue to make money for the company.  I don't see decisions relating to GN'R being made with anything other than the "bottom line" being taken into consideration.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Johnnyblood on December 19, 2004, 12:01:53 PM
Right, but don't you think that it's a good recommendation for Guns that someone that someone as skilled as Merck has already chosen to associate with them? That's what I like. I mean, they don't have Zippy the Clown managing them, which is worth considering because a lot of people do in fact think Axl and his new GNR are a joke. But this guy Merck is very close to the situation, and he knows his shit, and he is with them, and has stayed with them, through some crazy times.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: ppbebe on December 19, 2004, 12:38:21 PM
Don?t no but I suppose that can?t be a bad thing for GNR. We will see.

Yay. Anyway,

CongratU, Mr Mercuriadis.  :beer:

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Naupis on December 19, 2004, 12:54:55 PM
Would YOU buy Sanctuary stock based on the GNR's possible contribution in the next year?

Financially, they are almost not worth the hassle to the company. The company would make more money on a new band selling 2 million albums that cost nothing to make, then they will with GNR selling the 5-6 million albums worldwide given the overhead involved with the project, not to mention the tremendous marketing and promotion costs they will no doubt incur when it comes out because for almost 15 million, you better make sure people know its out there.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Izzy on December 19, 2004, 02:25:24 PM
He's done such good work with GNR he's been promoted....

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, congratulations to him.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 19, 2004, 04:29:05 PM
Here`s a thought. Maybe Axl was waiting for this to happen before he released CD so they wouldn`t be changing managers in the middle of things and Its always nice to have the CEO in your corner.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: DemocracyRose on December 19, 2004, 04:33:24 PM
I hope youre right...

Maybe Mysteron knows something about this??

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Scabbie on December 19, 2004, 04:44:14 PM
Here`s a thought. Maybe Axl was waiting for this to happen before he released CD so they wouldn`t be changing managers in the middle of things and Its always nice to have the CEO in your corner.

If they do decide to change managers, the new manager is going to have to be one experienced person - after all where do you go to if you are unhappy and your former manager is now the CEO? Could get real messy.

Whatever happened to Doug Goldstein?

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 19, 2004, 05:16:58 PM
Hopefully they were in tight with this guy. If not yeah, it could be a mess.

Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: Christos AG on December 20, 2004, 05:50:06 AM

2005 couldn't start any better...

Congratulations, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year mr. Merck...


Title: Re: Guns N' Roses manager becomes Sanctuary CEO
Post by: sic. on December 20, 2004, 08:27:38 AM
Whatever happened to Doug Goldstein?

He's continued to be near the GNR camp even after they signed over to Sanctuary. Merck's promotion might mean comeback for ol' Dougie.

Oh, and congrats to Merck!