Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: insupportofaxl on December 17, 2004, 07:02:58 PM

Title: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: insupportofaxl on December 17, 2004, 07:02:58 PM
Don't shoot the messenger............take it for what it's worth

I don't think it's true, but who really knows at this point :-\

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: nesquick on December 17, 2004, 07:14:21 PM
Weird...I also heard that story before...
But for me there were signs during the tour remember:
- what happened in Toronto during "patience".
- bad reviews after the Chicago Show.
- rumours of serious Axl mental issues during the Tour.
- and Riots

I do think something very bad happened "backstage". something nobody knows exept the band. That could explain all that silence.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2004, 07:15:38 PM

He made fun of people who had criticized him at the shows. He made fun of NME in England, he made fun of Conan O'Brien at MSG.

But suddenly he just cancels the tour because somebody didn't like the show?

Oh, and this is old. The tour ended two years ago. That post even quotes something from early 2003. ?:hihi:


Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Tied-Up on December 17, 2004, 07:17:19 PM
Personally, and this is just my opinion... I don't think that's the reason for the tour ending. ?I don't know why it ended... but I don't think a bad review is why it ended... GNR has been getting bad reviews throughout it's existence. ?Critics aren't supposed to like anything, it's their job.

I guess we won't ever know unless Axl decides to speak up and tell us.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: 2NaFish on December 17, 2004, 07:19:44 PM
at the end of the show axl says "see you in summer". Even though he didn't surface in summer, it makes me think he knew the tour was ending that night so i'd say that the idea of axl cancelling the tour due to bad press isn't true. Also, the idea that bad press had an influence is weakened by the fact that axl spoke about some bad reviews in earlier shows and shrugged them off quite nonchalantly (sp?).

If we want the reason for the tour's end we need look no farther than everybody's favourite media monopolists Clear Channel. Who's fault it is is another matter tho.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: nesquick on December 17, 2004, 07:22:09 PM
but I don't think a bad review is why it ended
well in 1991/1992 it could have been a reason fo Axl to cancell shows. and I don't think he has changed a lot on that point. didn't doug goldstein and ex-GN'R bandmembers hide bad reviews to avoid Axl to read them?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: insupportofaxl on December 17, 2004, 07:26:27 PM
What I want to know is if Clear Channel and GN'R are in litigation over this whole thing.

We haven't heard anything except Axl saying in a radio interview that he had a legal team looking into why the first show was canceled by the building manager where they kicked or supposed to kick off their tour.

We haven't heard anything else. ?If a band member was ill as that was a reason they used, I don't see Clear Channel canceling a tour because of that.

I just wish Axl would speak up soon.............but then again, for him to do that I guess it'll take people to be respectful of him and he obviously doesn't feel the critics are so he's not talking ?:-\

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2004, 07:27:14 PM
well in 1991/1992 it could have been a reason fo Axl to cancell shows. and I don't think he has changed a lot on that point.

Ahh, so you're the same person now as you were in 1991/1992? That explains a lot...... ?:hihi:


Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: insupportofaxl on December 17, 2004, 07:30:18 PM

Do you know if this is/was or still is in litigation? ???

I think too, Pilferk (the poster) had some knowledge as to why the tour was pulled so Jarmo if you can find that link, post it ;)

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Continental Drift on December 17, 2004, 07:43:17 PM
I was at the MSG show and it was f'n awesome. Every bit as good, if not better, than when I saw them in '91 and '92. At some point it has to get irritating to put on a show that everyone in attendance fucking loved and then wake up and turn on the radio or pick up the NY Times and hear/read comments from "haters" disguised as music critics blatantly lying about the show. I consider myself a very objective person, and I have no problem criticizing Axl when I think it's warranted, and I'm telling you there was ABSOLUTELY nothing negative to say or write about that night at MSG. Nothing. It was a triumphant moment. I don't think MSG had rocked so hard in the last 10 years- and it certainly hasn't rocked as hard in the last two years. So... I wouldn't be surprised if Axl snapped. Just because he "handled" the criticism nonchalantly throughout the tour- doesn't mean it wasn't taking a cumulative effect on him.

Additionally, I have it from what I consider very reliable sources (lawyers tied into CC) that CC was EXTREMELY PISSED at Axl after Philly. Personally, to me that sounds like Axl decided to call off the tour- and not the other way around. But of course, take it for what it is. ?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: masterdan on December 17, 2004, 08:07:08 PM
This guy is always like, "I got this really good new from HOWARD STERN..." think Howard Stern shit is reliable?  This is ghey.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: jarmo on December 17, 2004, 08:09:35 PM
The reasons why the tour was cancelled:

- Axl was pissed off because there were red M&Ms backstage.
- Robin lost his wooden shoes.
- Axl was sad because one person didn't like the show.
- The band got a telegram saying "Great show at MSG last night stop Good luck with the rest of the tour stop". They thought the telegram told them to stop the tour.
- Brain was tired of playing Sweet Child O' Mine.
- Axl can't play in cities that starts with the letter P, W, G, T, B, H, D, A, S, L or I.
- Axl was busy downloading "Chinese Democracy" tracks on Kazaa.
- Axl didn't like any of the Philly jerseys.
- Richard Fortus was arrested for urinating on the floor and verbally abusing a stewardess on the flight to Philly.
- Tommy was busy booking solo gigs in Greece.

All of the above are very likely to have happened. ?: ok:


Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: GypsySoul on December 17, 2004, 08:11:30 PM
Chinese Guy is the real reason for the cancellation of the Chinese Democray tour


Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 17, 2004, 08:12:33 PM
But for me there were signs during the tour remember:
- what happened in Toronto during "patience".

I dunno, what happened?

I heard cc aborted for loosing money...

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: nesquick on December 17, 2004, 08:41:10 PM
But for me there were signs during the tour remember:
- what happened in Toronto during "patience".

I dunno, what happened?

I heard cc aborted for loosing money...
Detroit not toronto excuse me. TAKE A LOOK:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 17, 2004, 08:46:08 PM
Theres so many rumors and speculations as to why the tour was cancelled that its really hard to know for sure. Im thinking that its either the fact that ticket shows for a large number of the shows werent anything spectacular and Clear Channel was as a result loosing a chunk of money on them. Another possible explanation Ive often thought about and truly hope isnt true is that Axl jumped back into the touring life in which you perform night after night and due to the length of time he was off the road, he truly was very uncomfortable or seriously nervous and just wanted no part in performing for the second half of the tour.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 17, 2004, 09:22:41 PM
But for me there were signs during the tour remember:
- what happened in Toronto during "patience".

I dunno, what happened?

I heard cc aborted for loosing money...
Detroit not toronto excuse me. TAKE A LOOK:

Huh? he throws his mike... is the reason they aborted that?
Why did he throw his mike?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Budweiser Froggs on December 17, 2004, 11:06:37 PM
he threw it cuz the band and himself butchered the song.? i actually didnt even notice it till i saw the video.  i stayed around for like 5 minutes waiting for nightrain and pc :-[

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: jabba2 on December 17, 2004, 11:53:52 PM
My opinion which is debatable like all the others is that CC told Axl Philly was the last show and they were pulling the plug. Axl was so pissed off so he decided not to play the last show in Philly, to get back at CC. I dont believe a sick bandmember caused the Philly show to cancel.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: phaseONE on December 18, 2004, 05:03:22 AM
WOW, robin fink really is shit!

That was really bad, amatuer , no, worse than amatuer, that was terrible.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Immortal-Cry on December 18, 2004, 06:39:01 AM
The reasons why the tour was cancelled:

- Axl was pissed off because there were red M&Ms backstage.
- Robin lost his wooden shoes.
- Axl was sad because one person didn't like the show.
- The band got a telegram saying "Great show at MSG last night stop Good luck with the rest of the tour stop". They thought the telegram told them to stop the tour.
- Brain was tired of playing Sweet Child O' Mine.
- Axl can't play in cities that starts with the letter P, W, G, T, B, H, D, A, S, L or I.
- Axl was busy downloading "Chinese Democracy" tracks on Kazaa.
- Axl didn't like any of the Philly jerseys.
- Richard Fortus was arrested for urinating on the floor and verbally abusing a stewardess on the flight to Philly.
- Tommy was busy booking solo gigs in Greece.

All of the above are very likely to have happened.  : ok:


you're one in a million  : ok:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Veon on December 18, 2004, 12:21:10 PM

Do you have a link or any access whatsoever to the entire Detroit show?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: younggunner on December 18, 2004, 01:09:41 PM
Im surprised no1 has asked Tommy why Axl walked off that night.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: ppbebe on December 18, 2004, 01:18:16 PM
The Flu.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: insupportofaxl on December 18, 2004, 01:26:48 PM
The Flu.

See, I don't believe a whole tour would be pulled if a band member had the flu.

If that were the case, the date would be rescheduled and the tour would have resumed in a few days when the band member had recuiperated.

I wonder if it's still involved in the legal process and that is why we haven't heard the real reason yet because lawyers are still pushing paper back and forth between Axl and CC.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: nesquick on December 18, 2004, 01:38:33 PM

Do you have a link or any access whatsoever to the entire Detroit show?
No, sorry. I have a couple of audio from this show but no more.
Besides, I think "the flu" is what we called a "diplomatic reason" comming from Tommy to avoid more questions about what really happened 2 years ago. I don't believe it at all because Axl seemed really in form at MSG Show a couple of hours before. I think the tour ended because of intern reasons: Problems both with Clear Chanel (CC lost money) and also inside the band. I heard BH and Finck were about to have a fight, I also heard Axl had serious mental issues, that could explain why Finck put this draw of Axl on his website during a few days. I can guarantee you that Finck was absolutely about to leave the band after the cancellation of the 2002 tour.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 18, 2004, 01:47:21 PM
that could explain why Finck put this draw of Axl on his website during a few days.

It seems i been livin under a rock now, what did he put on his site?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: nesquick on December 18, 2004, 01:54:59 PM
back in 2002, after the cancellation:
For what happened with Finck it's at the end of the article. Gigger (from the Rumourboard) confirmed me it happened. Some GN'R fans saw the draw a couple of days after the cancellation on Finck's website.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 18, 2004, 02:01:16 PM
Rose's chunky new build ? which he disguises by wearing baggy football jerseys - and suspiciously smooth and unlined face have made him the butt of jokes among his bandmates, says an insider. Guitarist Finck even made a collage that pokes fun at Rose by including a face with five Botox needles sticking out of it.

ahh, he posted a axl pic with botox needles, ha ha, so fun :hihi:

is it still there?

btw, i got a visitor no 100000000 congratulations popup at the page,
and asked to click a link to het to the department ???

smells of ads...

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: ppbebe on December 18, 2004, 02:43:30 PM
See, I don't believe a whole tour would be pulled if a band member had the flu.
Say, I 'm not saying that.
Likewise I don?t believe a whole tour could be pulled just because of a HS Show either.
A likely story. :no:

However, the spiteful exclusive report carried by the biased press brought off duping many peopleS (in many languages). Damn.  >:(

I wonder if it's still involved in the legal process and that is why we haven't heard the real reason yet because lawyers are still pushing paper back and forth between Axl and CC.
Likely enough.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Malcolm on December 18, 2004, 03:11:12 PM
I think its a whole bunch of things..not jsut 1..There was aviasly some backstage tentions with Buckethead..Axl has always had a bit of a mental issue..If they toured with a new album the shows would probaly do better...For some reason though American fans are never into it as much as European and Canadian fans are..I guess thats because they come here so few...So it was most likely a combanation of all these things

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 18, 2004, 03:17:38 PM
Whatever the reason behind the corn-rowed caterwauler's latest flake-out, it may spell the end of the current incarnation of G&R.

he was right about that :yes:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: AxlFink on December 18, 2004, 08:38:08 PM
what about the rumor of the party axl couldnt get into with stephanie seymour and his fur coat?  I didnt believe that one but no1 talks about that anymore.  I saw the HOB show live and he was a pretty normal guy. 

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 18, 2004, 09:00:31 PM
I saw the HOB show live and he was a pretty normal guy.?


Well thats solid reasoning...

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: ccorn69 on December 19, 2004, 05:49:02 AM
look there are many suposive reason why the tour broke down but until somebody from the inside, ether a band member or axl himself actually explains what happened, no one will have a clue and everything will be just speculation; but still fuck CC

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: jabba2 on December 19, 2004, 09:28:36 AM
Pearl Jam tried avoiding CC-controlled venues in the mid-90's when they toured, and it became nearly impossible. Thats how many venues CC has touring rights for. Its a monopoly, but GNR has to resolve with CC if they ever want to do more than small bars in the US again. GNR would mostly have to tour outside the US.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: insupportofaxl on December 19, 2004, 09:57:42 AM
Pearl Jam tried avoiding CC-controlled venues in the mid-90's when they toured, and it became nearly impossible. Thats how many venues CC has touring rights for. Its a monopoly, but GNR has to resolve with CC if they ever want to do more than small bars in the US again. GNR would mostly have to tour outside the US.

Well, if that happens and GN'R can only tour outside of about all us Americans charter a HTGTH corporate jet and have one big support/hell of a party on our trip to Europe  :hihi: :beer:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 19, 2004, 10:06:13 AM
regardless I want to know why cky n mixmaster mike played in philly but the band that was suppose to play didn't show, which allowed people to get pissed and get loaded with beer..

At least if things weren't working out between axl n cc just quit the tour before hand or show up to the last show you are going to play.. Never should have allowed the two opening acts to play just to not show up[ at all..

And if he was sick (which I doubt he was fine at msg) he should have still said something earlier before people filled the place abnd had to listen to those opening acts, or he should have sang sick and saved face being one show ended in ruins already... Two misses in three weeks is bullshit.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 19, 2004, 01:04:19 PM
Well, if that happens and GN'R can only tour outside of about all us Americans charter a HTGTH corporate jet and have one big support/hell of a party on our trip to Europe? :hihi: :beer:

open house in norway :beer:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: noonespecial on December 19, 2004, 01:27:07 PM
I like jarmo's reason's they're more fun :hihi:...can we add it was "only red states tour reason",or did he hit a couple of blue states before that tour crashed? :hihi:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: ppbebe on December 19, 2004, 01:36:35 PM
Well, if that happens and GN'R can only tour outside of about all us Americans charter a HTGTH corporate jet and have one big support/hell of a party on our trip to Europe  :hihi: :beer:

open house in norway :beer:
So you wanna board us-mates in Norway? :hihi:
You?re the MAN.

Yay, the magical HTGTH tour?starts when?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: ChristineP on December 19, 2004, 01:43:57 PM
I think alot of people like to see you down...If that's true...Fuck m' all.  Bad enough you have to deal with everyday bullshit...Howard Stern is a dirt bag anyway.

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: younggunner on December 19, 2004, 02:27:19 PM
i think it would be really cool if we all put together some sort of gnr fan convention and all met up

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: the dirt on December 19, 2004, 03:33:04 PM
i think it would be really cool if we all put together some sort of gnr fan convention and all met up

Yeah, would be cool!

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: insupportofaxl on December 19, 2004, 03:50:35 PM
Okay, you all convinced me.

Let's charter a plane out of St. Pete/Clearwater Airport.

My mom is a travel agent and I am in the hotel business so the rates would be good :P

Think about it........if everyone one here contributed $20.00, we'd have our own chartered plane.


Okay, back to reality with no real news  :-[

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: norway on December 19, 2004, 04:21:53 PM
So you wanna board us-mates in Norway? :hihi:
You?re the MAN.

Yay, the magical HTGTH tour?starts when?

oh no, what have i said?  :nervous:

but yay, fun to attend shows and meet people from different places :peace:

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: badapple81 on December 19, 2004, 09:22:29 PM

Do you have a link or any access whatsoever to the entire Detroit show?
No, sorry. I have a couple of audio from this show but no more.
Besides, I think "the flu" is what we called a "diplomatic reason" comming from Tommy to avoid more questions about what really happened 2 years ago. I don't believe it at all because Axl seemed really in form at MSG Show a couple of hours before. I think the tour ended because of intern reasons: Problems both with Clear Chanel (CC lost money) and also inside the band. I heard BH and Finck were about to have a fight, I also heard Axl had serious mental issues, that could explain why Finck put this draw of Axl on his website during a few days. I can guarantee you that Finck was absolutely about to leave the band after the cancellation of the 2002 tour.

Really, how can you guarantee that?

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: HAGK on December 20, 2004, 07:37:06 AM
I just wish Axl would speak up soon.............

you should have asked him when you supposedly met him a while ago..

Title: Re: Could this actually be the legitimate reason the 2002 tour was cancelled?
Post by: 33 on December 20, 2004, 02:45:57 PM
So you wanna board us-mates in Norway? :hihi:
You’re the MAN.

Yay, the magical HTGTH tour…starts when?

oh no, what have i said  :nervous:

but yay, fun to attend shows and meet people from different places :peace:

Yeh that cool, when GnR are in England open house at mine for GnR fans, theres plenty of pubs round my way too!! Oh shit I havent asked my girlfriend yet. Sh wont mind Im sure!! I like the sound of the HTGTH magical mystery tour!! None of the new GnR haters can come though!! Back to subject I ent gotta a clue why the tour was cancelled and I ent gonna try and put my guesses over I'll just wait until they tell us why. Cos I'm sure it will have to come out, cos like someone said earlier about CC owning rights to the majority of venues in the States (which I didnt know) they will have to clear things up with CC I would think!! Happy Xmas by the way to everyone out there!! Heres to a very very big 05 for GnR (fingers crossed!!!)