Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Intercourse on December 15, 2004, 12:56:07 PM

Title: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Intercourse on December 15, 2004, 12:56:07 PM
Probably a dumb question but:
Has anything been published about the content and context of the contracts each of the new band members signed? Did Bucket break his contract by leaving? Is he being sued for breach? Can the other guys leave when they want etc?
I'm just thinking that contracts come up for renewal so you'd get a good idea of the state of play in GNR if people had to re-sign for 2005 etc before the end of this year.
It must be very frustrating to have busted your hole on an album two years ago and still be waiting for it to come out, OR are the guys on big, fat retainers and can sit at home and chill while the checks continue to roll in?
Anything regarding the type of contracts signed ever leak to the media.
Christmas Peace to all Gunners.
Lets hope 2005 is the huge orgasm after such evil foreplay!!!
Dime RIP.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Chandler on December 15, 2004, 01:08:56 PM
I would think they are getting paid pretty well.  If they were not, they would not still be in GNR.  They would join another band to get income.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Lesty on December 15, 2004, 01:09:58 PM
No...I don't think you ever hear about the length or financial side of musicians
contracts, especially so in this case.
I would assume they make a certain base pay for being on retainer,
then a larger amount when the band is actually active, recording, rehearsing, performing, etc...

But I don't know anything about's just an assumption.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Naupis on December 15, 2004, 01:11:59 PM
You can quit a team or band like that whenever you want even if you're under contract, you just forfeit any future money you would recieve, or at worst would have to pay some back for the time you were there if the contract were so worded.

The whole idea of contracts in a band is ridiculous anyway. All it does is blur the line between business and creative decisions.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Wooody on December 15, 2004, 02:00:59 PM
I remember an article about of the members.. I think it was tommy , and how he bought a new apartment in new york that was worth thousands of dollars, and he was thanking axl or something.

In the long run, contracts are of no significance if they have a good relationship.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 15, 2004, 02:40:27 PM
I've asked a few months ago when the contracts will expire. No answer, not even a guessing...

But I'm sure that after BH had gone Axl renegotiated all contracts to make it impossible for the rest to quit.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 15, 2004, 04:00:42 PM
The whole idea of contracts in a band is ridiculous anyway. All it does is blur the line between business and creative decisions.

I totally agree and I would addd it's a typical American behaviour. It's pretty shocking for me
"- would you want to be the lead guitarist in my band?? :)
- oh yeah, cool!? :D
- ok sign the contract here! and shut the fuck up or I'll sue you !? >:(  :rant:
- whatt??? ???"

Contracts are made for mercenaries and hired bandmembers.

It also shows the lack of trust and comunication between bandmembers. The musicians aren't considered as musicians but as employees. that's one of the biggest mistake Axl has ever done.
Did Bono make the edge sign a contract? did Freddie Mercurry make Brian May sign a contract? did Mick Jagger make Keith Richards sign a contract? What the hell is that? What's wrong in Axl's head to behave like that?? ::)

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: jarmo on December 15, 2004, 04:56:38 PM
Did Mick Jagger make Keith Richards sign a contract? What the hell is that? What's wrong in Axl's head to behave like that?? ::)

No, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have had their bass player sign one.

DEL: Is he [Gilby] a "member" of Guns N' Roses?

AXL: This "member" thing is quite interesting, I read in an interview where Matt [Sorum, drummer] said that if he didn't get made a member, he wasn't going to be in Guns N' Roses. The truth of the matter is, Matt's a member of GN'R, but it doesn't really mean anything. It's kind of like a clubhouse/gang thing. We're all members of this gang. What it boils down to is, whose yard is the tree house in? Matt's a member of GN'R, and his opinions are taken into consideration. As far as that's concerned, Gilby is a member too, Dizzy is a member of the band. With all the background singers, horn players, keyboardists - we look at it like we're all Guns N' Roses. But the bottom line is, the business is basically run by Slash and myself. Then we run whatever it is we're discussing by Duff and see if he's cool with it. Guns N' Roses is basically Slash, Duff, Doug Goldstein and myself, but there's a lot of other people involved that are a part of our lives and a part of our family.

I, Axl Part II (
RIP October 1992


Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 15, 2004, 05:05:54 PM
Guns N' Roses is basically Slash, Duff, Doug Goldstein and myself, but there's a lot of other people involved that are a part of our lives and a part of our family. [AXL]
Interesting to see that 10 years later he is alone and calls himself "Guns n' Roses"... as much as I love Axl and appreciate the artist, the man is not clean in his head. At least, not on that point.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 15, 2004, 05:10:25 PM
Probably a dumb question but:
Has anything been published about the content and context of the contracts each of the new band members signed? Did Bucket break his contract by leaving? Is he being sued for breach? Can the other guys leave when they want etc?
I'm just thinking that contracts come up for renewal so you'd get a good idea of the state of play in GNR if people had to re-sign for 2005 etc before the end of this year.
It must be very frustrating to have busted your hole on an album two years ago and still be waiting for it to come out, OR are the guys on big, fat retainers and can sit at home and chill while the checks continue to roll in?
Anything regarding the type of contracts signed ever leak to the media.
Christmas Peace to all Gunners.
Lets hope 2005 is the huge orgasm after such evil foreplay!!!
Dime RIP.

The only mention of one the new bandmember's contracts I remember hearing about was that Dave said awhile ago Buckethead was on contract until 2006 but he of course broke his contract. If you think 2 years is bad, how do you think Robin feels being dedicated to this project for approaching 9 years! I suppose time can fly for the new bandmembers if they are doing a solo career like Tommy but it aint on the big scale of things lik GnR.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: alternativemonkey on December 15, 2004, 05:15:49 PM
How is Axl even paying all these people . . . advances from interscope for CD, GNR royalities, his own publishing or performing royalties? If he is paying each of these guys $50k - $80k per year, GNR is apparently a bigger cash cow than I ever thought possible, and Slash and Duff have a valid (maybe not be legal standards) claim to that money if GNR is racking in mad cash over past releases. GNR must rake in big money from their old hits if Axl has lived so lavishly for the past 12 years doing nada.

I wonder how much Axl makes from licensing "Welomce to the Jungle" to all these sporting arenas. All the NFL teams play it at least once during a game, plus a multitude of basketball teams.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: norway on December 15, 2004, 05:29:26 PM
How is Axl even paying all these people . . .

Guess the company finance their product(gnr) a lot

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: jarmo on December 15, 2004, 05:31:28 PM
Guns N' Roses is basically Slash, Duff, Doug Goldstein and myself, but there's a lot of other people involved that are a part of our lives and a part of our family. [AXL]
Interesting to see that 10 years later he is alone and calls himself "Guns n' Roses"... as much as I love Axl and appreciate the artist, the man is not clean in his head. At least, not on that point.

The others left the business.


Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 15, 2004, 05:40:11 PM
Guns N' Roses is basically Slash, Duff, Doug Goldstein and myself, but there's a lot of other people involved that are a part of our lives and a part of our family. [AXL]
Interesting to see that 10 years later he is alone and calls himself "Guns n' Roses"... as much as I love Axl and appreciate the artist, the man is not clean in his head. At least, not on that point.

The others left the business.

they were half fired, but diplomaticly Axl or dizzy say they left. Matt certainely didn't leave. he was fired. and before Slash left, Axl told Matt that "Robin will play instead of Slash" + Paul Huge etc... I think Axl couldn't bear anymore that Slash was becoming more popular than him in the band. Axl wanted to be the boss. but Guns n' Roses had 2 boss: him and Slash. Question of power, he made everything he could to make Slash leave the boat just to have the entire control of the band. and  happened what it had to happen: Slash left. But I can guarantee you that Slash is unique and never was "replaced" in GN'R and never will be. It's a human problem.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: AC on December 15, 2004, 05:46:36 PM
If you were a founding member of the Disney or McDonald's company and you left, do you think they'd change the name? Nope!

Also, were Duff and Slash founding members of Guns N' Roses? I always thought of Tracii Guns as more of a "founding" member and you don't see him complaining.


Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: badapple81 on December 15, 2004, 05:52:44 PM
The whole idea of contracts in a band is ridiculous anyway. All it does is blur the line between business and creative decisions.

I totally agree and I would addd it's a typical American behaviour. It's pretty shocking for me
"- would you want to be the lead guitarist in my band?? :)
- oh yeah, cool!? :D
- ok sign the contract here! and shut the fuck up or I'll sue you !? >:(? :rant:
- whatt??? ???"

Contracts are made for mercenaries and hired bandmembers.

It also shows the lack of trust and comunication between bandmembers. The musicians aren't considered as musicians but as employees. that's one of the biggest mistake Axl has ever done.
Did Bono make the edge sign a contract? did Freddie Mercurry make Brian May sign a contract? did Mick Jagger make Keith Richards sign a contract? What the hell is that? What's wrong in Axl's head to behave like that?? ::)

You have used totally different examples. Those guys were all part of the ORIGINAL line up.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 15, 2004, 05:54:45 PM
the difference is that tracii Guns never sold 80 million records worldwide with GN'R. Slash and Duff did. They have a status. They made Guns n' Roses (I should add IZZY). especially Slash. Would you call the spice girls "the spice girls" with just jerry halliwell and 4 others gothic (finck) /bucketwoman (BH) /mercenary (brain) and Village People (pittman) girls? Come on...
Dizzy, Richard Fortus and Tommy Stinson are ok though. They are Rockers, so there is something of the real GN'R inside them. They have the GN'R spirit.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: badapple81 on December 15, 2004, 05:57:15 PM
Guns N' Roses is basically Slash, Duff, Doug Goldstein and myself, but there's a lot of other people involved that are a part of our lives and a part of our family. [AXL]
Interesting to see that 10 years later he is alone and calls himself "Guns n' Roses"... as much as I love Axl and appreciate the artist, the man is not clean in his head. At least, not on that point.

I think you've made your point, on more than one occasion.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: norway on December 15, 2004, 05:59:44 PM
they could not work together and axl kept the name

i think it's that simple

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 15, 2004, 06:25:37 PM
the difference is that tracii Guns never sold 80 million records worldwide with GN'R. Slash and Duff did. They have a status. They made Guns n' Roses (I should add IZZY). especially Slash. Would you call the spice girls "the spice girls" with just jerry halliwell and 4 others gothic (finck) /bucketwoman (BH) /mercenary (brain) and Village People (pittman) girls? Come on...

 :rofl: Thanks for the good laugh. I imagined a Spice Girl-clone with a mask and a KFC bucket on her head  :hihi: But we all know that Geri Halliwell was Spice Girls, she wrote 42 percent  :hihi:

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 15, 2004, 06:36:29 PM
imagine a "spice-gothic" ala robin finck :hihi:
wow...the Spice Girls would become suddenly totally unsexy! :rofl:

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 15, 2004, 06:41:16 PM
If you were a founding member of the Disney or McDonald's company and you left, do you think they'd change the name? Nope!

According to your logic, GN'R would be GN'R if Axl left and Robin would have the name and he'd team up with DJ Bobo, Weird Al Yankovich, Bobby Brown and a monkey and they'd make Christmas songs in a yodli style. Well, I know that a lot of strange things has happened in the history of GN'R...

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: badapple81 on December 15, 2004, 07:25:23 PM
the difference is that tracii Guns never sold 80 million records worldwide with GN'R. Slash and Duff did. They have a status. They made Guns n' Roses (I should add IZZY). especially Slash. Would you call the spice girls "the spice girls" with just jerry halliwell and 4 others gothic (finck) /bucketwoman (BH) /mercenary (brain) and Village People (pittman) girls? Come on...
Dizzy, Richard Fortus and Tommy Stinson are ok though. They are Rockers, so there is something of the real GN'R inside them. They have the GN'R spirit.

That is so closed minded. Just because Robin has a different look.. he doesn't have the "GN'R spirit"?

I guess because Axl wears oversize jerseys, big chains and has his hair in braids, he doesn't have the spirit either?

GN'R is no longer just about leather jackets and bandannas.. get over it and move on.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 15, 2004, 07:37:14 PM
That is so closed minded. Just because Robin has a different look.. he doesn't have the "GN'R spirit"?
it's not (only) a question of look at all but mainly a musical question. Finck is not a Rocker. He is the indus/gothic/industrial touch of the new line-up. He is the opposite of the "classic Rock n' Roll" musical approach and spirit of the original band. I don't say he is bad, I just say he is not what I like. Sorry man, I prefer Rock n' Roll and Rockstars like Slash, Axl (vintage), the Gallagher brothers (Oasis), Jim Morrison, Freddie Mercury etc... just Rock n' Roll.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: badapple81 on December 15, 2004, 07:43:44 PM
That is so closed minded. Just because Robin has a different look.. he doesn't have the "GN'R spirit"?
it's not (only) a question of look at all but mainly a musical question. Finck is not a Rocker. He is the indus/gothic/industrial touch of the new line-up. He is the opposite of the "classic Rock n' Roll" musical approach and spirit of the original band. I don't say he is bad, I just say he is not what I like. Sorry man, I prefer Rock n' Roll and Rockstars like Slash, Axl (vintage), the Gallagher brothers (Oasis), Jim Morrison, Freddie Mercury etc... just Rock n' Roll.

Well the new GN'R seemingly isn't JUST about old school classic Rock N' Roll now, so I guess Robin does have the current GN'R spirit then?

I do get your point, I understand you prefer classic rock, whatever that is, it's just well.. now that we get your point.. no need to bring it up on every single post relating to the new GN'R line up. I mean if you only like vintage Axl and don't like the "new GN'R spirit", perhaps the Velvet Revolver section is more for you, rather than posting negatives on what most of us here, enjoy..

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: leesixxrose on December 16, 2004, 06:39:04 AM
its not really "guns n roses" anyways with out slash and duff or izzy...

is Judas Priest really Judas Priest if its only Rob Halford?? no it called "Halford"

Is it really STYX with just Tommy Shaw??? no its just Tommy Shaw...

with all these contracts and secrecy there is no wonder why axl cant keep a band together..

he is just keeping the name only coz there is a big payout for the next album from the band "Guns n Roses"...  no matter who is in the band the record company doesnt care . they have the new "Guns n Roses" album...

The fans... the smart fans know the difference.,,,,,,

but in axls crazy mind he thinks that he is "guns n roses" hes forgotten who helped make that name worth anything... but the more he fucks up with his mini tours and cover band members in and out makes the "guns n roses" name worth less to the fans....

even slash said he would never regroup with the original members under the name guns n roses anymore coz axl has ruined the name....

sure axls new record will be good and have some decent songs on it, but its not going to "change the face of music forever" and your never going to see another album like AFD ever again.... Axl has fucked it up... the name, the history, his friendships with his old band mates, his friendships with his new band mates...  hes a classic screw up ...

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: norway on December 16, 2004, 07:30:54 AM
yes it almost seem axl wen't commercial, but it's just too puristic to bother

It is gunsnroses now, no matter what you heart says :peace:

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: ppbebe on December 16, 2004, 09:15:07 AM
Excuse my ignorance but Whatever the fuck Judas Priest n STYX are or no matter how :confused: smart they are (are they?), they're not my fav bands.

Guns n' Roses is. The only Guns n' Roses existing is. 
Guns n' Roses is Guns n' Roses not your damn SMART band.

On topic, I didn?t know he counted the manager. I wonder it?s still the same.
No one here mention the function of the fourth man in a party to a contract.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: younggunner on December 16, 2004, 02:41:44 PM
it's not (only) a question of look at all but mainly a musical question. Finck is not a Rocker. He is the indus/gothic/industrial touch of the new line-up. He is the opposite of the "classic Rock n' Roll" musical approach and spirit of the original band. I don't say he is bad, I just say he is not what I like. Sorry man, I prefer Rock n' Roll and Rockstars like Slash, Axl (vintage), the Gallagher brothers (Oasis), Jim Morrison, Freddie Mercury etc... just Rock n' Roll.

Some people will never get it. Let me ask you a question. When old gnr broke into the scene was their look/attitude and style immediately accepted? Have you heard the song one in a million and how some of it came about?
What made GNr style "cool', "CLASSIC ROCK N ROLL", bad as slets go smoke a stoge, yea dude...etc,?
THEIR MUSIC!. Their music did the talking first. When the music is a success everything else follows.

As for the new band. They are their onw. What I love about the new band and the direction Axl has taken was that he isnt trying to recreate that"badass" 80's lets just rock out image. Each member is unique in terms of musical style background and image. And it works. It seems to all fit. I love that thi sband is a bunch of different kind of people.

But ill tell you what. Th elook, whether you hate it or I like, doesnt mean jack shit unless the music is good. The jury is still out. The difference between me and you is that I guess your ignorant about this image thing and are still stuck in the gnr hey day. Trust me kids my age do not care about the "classic rock n roll look.

You talk about this rock n roll spirit. Last time I cehcked rock n roll doesnt have any rules or guidlines. Thats what makes it rnr. RNR is attitude. The music you make and how you dleiver it is rnr. WHat make site cool and acceptable to the people like you is if its good.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: 33 on December 16, 2004, 02:50:27 PM
they could not work together and axl kept the name

i think it's that simple

Good words Norway at least someone can see it was as simple as that.

I havent been on for a couple of weeks cos I broke my computer, and I cant believe that on my first day back the same old people are still rattling on about the old band members being fired, or the new band not being any good, or how its sucks that Axl kep the GnR name. Fucking get over it people!! We are on the verge of getting the album we have all been waiting so long for from the band we all love so why keep bitching about the past?

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 16, 2004, 05:02:28 PM
younggunner you weren't born when the REAL Guns N' Roses ruled the world. for you GN'R is robin finck and brain and Buckethead because you're 15 or 16 but it is not. That's not Guns n' Roses man. That's an Axl Rose band. It's the new GN'R but certainely not "Guns n' Fucking Roses" I knew and all the world knew back in the days. It's an hybrid version, a kind of false revival version of the original band. They have never sold just ONE record for the moment, and the songs they played were and are songs by the real band, by Axl, Slash, Izzy (gilby), Duff, Steven(Matt), Dizzy. Some people say they're a cover band. I wouldn't say that but it's nearly that. believe me, people who went to the new GN'R shows didn't come to hear "chinese democracy" "silkworms" or "rihads and the bedouins", NOBODY CARED, but came to hear the old GN'R classic songs, the old GN'R success and Hits.

as soon as "Chinese Democracy" won't be released, the new-GN'R notoriety will be close to zero.? To judge this band, they have to play their owns songs. and I seriously doubt they'll have 1/4 or 1/5 of the real band success. The real band sold over 85 million albums worldwide.You weren't here in 1991/1992, I was here I remember: GN'R ruled the world they were fucking huge. And this success is Axl,Slash Duff,Izzy, and steven/matt success, not robin (gothic) finck or fuckedhead, or any other clowns. They are employees. they are employees that can be fired by w.Axl.Rose at every moment. They don't have the rage, the fire the old band had. and on top of that they are not "Rock n' Roll". If they were Rockers I would have accepted them better.? At least, Fortus and tommy are Rockers. and that's why I accept them. They have the minimum required.
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses". And this is not what you saw at the VMA'02 (even if I loved it when I saw it live when it happened). Capichi?

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: jarmo on December 16, 2004, 05:20:28 PM
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses".

How would you feel if some older fan told you that you were just a kid in 1991?


Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: ppbebe on December 16, 2004, 05:59:43 PM
The Older people get the stiffer their necks and brains become, in general.

And some go gaga singing the same old tune again n again. :yes:

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 16, 2004, 06:22:39 PM
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses".

How would you feel if some older fan told you that you were just a kid in 1991?

yes I was just a kid but it was the original band but at least? it was the real band. I grew-up with them. Now, I will buy "chinese democracy" when it comes out, I will listen to this album very carefully, I will see them live if they tour but I think it won't put my heart into it. I just can't. Something is missing. It will be more by curiousity just "like that". Yesterday I re-listened to "Use Your Illsuion 2" entirely (exept "my world" of course) and what a great album, what a great band, what a great chemistry. You can feel the old band chemistry through the music. It's called nostalgia. Without Slash, Duff and Izzy to write songs and to play them, it will never be the same. I miss the old GN'R sound. You cannot erase legendary years.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 16, 2004, 06:37:59 PM
it's not (only) a question of look at all but mainly a musical question. Finck is not a Rocker. He is the indus/gothic/industrial touch of the new line-up. He is the opposite of the "classic Rock n' Roll" musical approach and spirit of the original band. I don't say he is bad, I just say he is not what I like. Sorry man, I prefer Rock n' Roll and Rockstars like Slash, Axl (vintage), the Gallagher brothers (Oasis), Jim Morrison, Freddie Mercury etc... just Rock n' Roll.

Some people will never get it. Let me ask you a question. When old gnr broke into the scene was their look/attitude and style immediately accepted? Have you heard the song one in a million and how some of it came about?
What made GNr style "cool', "CLASSIC ROCK N ROLL", bad as slets go smoke a stoge, yea dude...etc,?
THEIR MUSIC!. Their music did the talking first. When the music is a success everything else follows.

As for the new band. They are their onw. What I love about the new band and the direction Axl has taken was that he isnt trying to recreate that"badass" 80's lets just rock out image. Each member is unique in terms of musical style background and image. And it works. It seems to all fit. I love that thi sband is a bunch of different kind of people.

But ill tell you what. Th elook, whether you hate it or I like, doesnt mean jack shit unless the music is good. The jury is still out. The difference between me and you is that I guess your ignorant about this image thing and are still stuck in the gnr hey day. Trust me kids my age do not care about the "classic rock n roll look.

You talk about this rock n roll spirit. Last time I cehcked rock n roll doesnt have any rules or guidlines. Thats what makes it rnr. RNR is attitude. The music you make and how you dleiver it is rnr. WHat make site cool and acceptable to the people like you is if its good.

I completely agree with you their. Every one of the new band members seems to have their own seperate stage presence and persona that are entirely different then any of the other members yet they blend together so uniquely when it comes straight down to the music that their talent is like no other and the final delivery of a song is breathtaking. I completely agree on the image issue. If people are that close minded about clothes or what brand of hair gel robin uses then just give up honestly on this new band because it just doesnt matter. The music is what counts more then anything and the creativity each member brings to the table. Nesquick says they lack the classic rock image, well sorry but times change and everything evolves. I honestly can hardly think of any band that has been around for more then a decade and have not changed their image at least once. If Axl or Robin hopped on stage in a pair of biker shorts now, they would be crucifyed. That image is extinct now and no longer applies to the new generation of youth who will be the largest group purchasing CD. Any finally, this band was never intended to be a revival act or a cover band. Axl kept the name because he felt a genuine attachment to it, and what other reason could there be for playing the old tunes? Well uhhh Axl is an original member with just as many rights to play the catalogue whenever he sees fit and with whomever he chooses.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 16, 2004, 06:52:59 PM
Nesquick says they lack the classic rock image, well sorry but times change and everything evolves. I honestly can hardly think of any band that has been around for more then a decade and have not changed their image at least once.

1) "Hey hey my my, Rock n' Roll will never die" (Neil Young).
---> modernizing your band is ok, but making a radical changes from A to Z is bad. and that's what Axl has made by bringing guys like Finck or BH in the band. Making things in TOTAL OPPOSITION of what you used to make and to be is a huge mistake. If you want to make changes in your band, try to keep the same spirit you always had. You want to replace a Rocker? ok, bring a Rocker, not a Gothic. It's called coherence.
2) U2 and Oasis for example...oh wait they have been the 2 biggest selllers in Rock music over these last 10 years. It shows people are attached to the spirit of a band. It's not only a question of music, but a question of spirit, of chemistry and human connexions inside the band. it's a feeling. and to have it, the band needs to be coherent. Bringing a gothic or/and a shredder in a classic Rock n' Roll band is a mistake. Would you see a gothic into...the rolling stones? or a shredder into...U2?

It just doesn't make it because that's not what classic Rock n' Roll is about.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: younggunner on December 16, 2004, 07:12:01 PM
younggunner you weren't born when the REAL Guns N' Roses ruled the world. for you GN'R is robin finck and brain and Buckethead because you're 15 or 16 but it is not.
Just because Im 19 doesnt mean I dont know what GNR accomplished or how they were perceived back in the day.
And yes Gnr is what it is now for me. SO what? What does that mean. GNr is what it is today. The past is gone my friend. With that being said just because the old members are gone doesnt mean they dont have a place in gnr history. They have the ultimate place. THEY ARE ALL GREAT. Old gnr was a GREAT BAND.
But guess what...ITS OVER. In your head you might still wnat that badass band but your never going to get it. Thats your loss not mine.
And that certainly doesnt mean I cant accept and enjoy this band. This band has major potential and kicks major ass. If its not for you too fukin bad.....
 Your right old gnr was gnr....but new gnr is gnr as well

That's not Guns n' Roses man. That's an Axl Rose band. It's the new GN'R but certainely not "Guns n' Fucking Roses" I knew and all the world knew back in the days. It's an hybrid version, a kind of false revival version of the original band
No, its Guns N Roses. Sorry to break it to you.

False revival version? You were just complainig about the bands image and how it wasnt like badass/classic old gnr. SO how can it be false? Am I missing something? Last time I looked RObin wasnt smoking on stage, and Axl wasnt wearing his old bike shorts. SO what exactely are they trying to duplicate form the old lineup?

believe me, people who went to the new GN'R shows didn't come to hear "chinese democracy" "silkworms" or "rihads and the bedouins", NOBODY CARED, but came to hear the old GN'R classic songs, the old GN'R success and Hits.
Do you think your being smart with that statement? No fukin shit. Why else would some1 go see new gnr with any new expectations? There was no single or album out. SO what new stuff were people expecting?

Yea your right...nobody cares what CD is going to sound like. Kepp telling yourself that. I hate to break it to you but people do care. Axl has created a myth and mystique about himself and the album. To say peopel dont care is being dumb. But your posts ahve been showing that so its all gravy.

And when Cd does see the lgiht of day and the band does tour, ill bet you anything that the sets will contain most if not all of the songs off of Cd and maybe a few hits thrown in. If They go out and play a 2002 set again then you will have every oppurtunity to bash this band...

To judge this band, they have to play their owns songs. and I seriously doubt they'll have 1/4 or 1/5 of the real band success. The real band sold over 85 million albums worldwide.
Have I not being saying that for years? As for the latter part of your your talking about a whole new thing. Another deadhorse topic but why not....If you are going to measure the bands success in terms of albums sold and numbers...old gnr will win. Its not even an issue.
I wont be judging that way but if it makes you feel good to know that old gnr will be selling more albums then new you can call new gnr a failure before they even jump out of the gate....

You weren't here in 1991/1992, I was here I remember: GN'R ruled the world they were fucking huge. And this success is Axl,Slash Duff,Izzy, and steven/matt success,
Point me to where any1 on these boards disputes that...or me atleast...again just ebcause I didnt see gnr the first go around doesnt mean I am not acknowledging or understand how huge they were. Trust me I know.
And this might surprise you but I love the old band as well. Theres something called AFDUYI,TSI,LE< and lies that got me hooked on GNR. Last time I looked the members ?you mentioned played on those records.....

not robin (gothic) finck or fuckedhead, or any other clowns
That just about sums it up

They are employees. they are employees that can be fired by w.Axl.Rose at every moment. They don't have the rage, the fire the old band had. and on top of that they are not "Rock n' Roll".
:no: but nice try ?: ok:

If they were Rockers I would have accepted them better
No offense but who the fuck cares if you accept them or not. By reading your posts you come off as a lil pussy so why should I accept soemthing that comes out of your mouth. EVery post of yours is the same shit. I can respect some other "GnR haters" because atleast they have some valid arguments. This shit you wrote in this post and paragraph is pretty comical. Its been talked about a 1000x thats why im not even going to respond to it some more.

Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses". And this is not what you saw at the VMA'02 (even if I love it when I saw it live when it happened). Capichi?
Excuse me but I cant bear it when some "rnr expert" tries to give me a lesson about what is rnr. Im 19 and have been a fan since 2000 while you were still a lil pussy, I was "getting it". I respect and love the past but I love this band just as much. Why cant I enjoy both eras of gnr? Why cant you just let it go and realize the old band is done and accept that. If you can accept that you will either go off on your merry way or hang around and enjoy this band as well. If you cant respect that thats being a pussy. Leave. Adios. What I saw at the Vmas was a special band. A band that doesnt follow the rules and has done whatever the hell they wanted. That is not following the rnr rule book. And if you really wanna get into it...go look at the vh1 show...youll see a nice washed up band...but hey..atleast they are playing by the rnr rulebook .....Capichi butona

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: jarmo on December 16, 2004, 07:18:46 PM
yes I was just a kid but it was the original band but at least? it was the real band. I grew-up with them.

Some older fan might tell you that the original band didn't exist in 1991.  : ok:


Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 16, 2004, 07:24:57 PM
Your right old gnr was gnr....but new gnr is gnr as well
that's where we disagree. For me this is not. It's an Axl Rose solo project.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: jimmythegent on December 16, 2004, 07:30:41 PM
I first started listening to GN'R in '89 (I was 12) and I can tell you there was alreadya legendary air about that band - they were so damn exciting and like nothing else at the time. By the time 91 rolled around (and moreso 92-93), something had been lost, largely due to the felling that they had lost that 'brotherhood' for want of a better word. Sure, commercially they were at their peak but the cancelled shows, egos, ludicrous videos, stage show/props etc.. had somewhat tarnished their image by the early 90' especially given that grunge and the whole stripped down rock was at an all time high. This is of course just my interpretation looking back on very fond memories...

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: norway on December 16, 2004, 07:41:51 PM
Without Slash, Duff and Izzy to write songs and to play them, it will never be the same.

That band is history, it won't even appear again most likey so we won't even see it fade away

 gunsnroses however, will never be the same if slash, duff, etc joined

i'm a big fan of the band an also the projects axl was related to b4

hey, same title ;)

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 16, 2004, 07:52:30 PM
Nesquick says they lack the classic rock image, well sorry but times change and everything evolves. I honestly can hardly think of any band that has been around for more then a decade and have not changed their image at least once.

1) "Hey hey my my, Rock n' Roll will never die" (Neil Young).
---> modernizing your band is ok, but making a radical changes from A to Z is bad. and that's what Axl has made by bringing guys like Finck or BH in the band. Making things in TOTAL OPPOSITION of what you used to make and to be is a huge mistake. If you want to make changes in your band, try to keep the same spirit you always had. You want to replace a Rocker? ok, bring a Rocker, not a Gothic. It's called coherence.
2) U2 and Oasis for example...oh wait they have been the 2 biggest selllers in Rock music over these last 10 years. It shows people are attached to the spirit of a band. It's not only a question of music, but a question of spirit, of chemistry and human connexions inside the band. it's a feeling. and to have it, the band needs to be coherent. Bringing a gothic or/and a shredder in a classic Rock n' Roll band is a mistake. Would you see a gothic into...the rolling stones? or a shredder into...U2?

It just doesn't make it because that's not what classic Rock n' Roll is about.

Neil Young has evolved and changed throughout the years. He has done everything from grunge to mere folk music..U2 have also evolved and changed when it comes to image and type of music. Zooropa and Pop differ just a little from the likes of the Joshua Tree.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Continental Drift on December 16, 2004, 08:24:44 PM
Excellent point Jarmo. I remember in '91 (I was 15 at the time) getting lots of lectures from older GN'R fans that the band was effectively dead the moment Steven was kicked out. Adding a keyboardist (Dizzy) and Izzy leaving were just the final nails in the coffin for these people.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: leesixxrose on December 17, 2004, 03:30:34 AM
younggunner you weren't born when the REAL Guns N' Roses ruled the world. for you GN'R is robin finck and brain and Buckethead because you're 15 or 16 but it is not. That's not Guns n' Roses man. That's an Axl Rose band. It's the new GN'R but certainely not "Guns n' Fucking Roses" I knew and all the world knew back in the days. It's an hybrid version, a kind of false revival version of the original band. They have never sold just ONE record for the moment, and the songs they played were and are songs by the real band, by Axl, Slash, Izzy (gilby), Duff, Steven(Matt), Dizzy. Some people say they're a cover band. I wouldn't say that but it's nearly that. believe me, people who went to the new GN'R shows didn't come to hear "chinese democracy" "silkworms" or "rihads and the bedouins", NOBODY CARED, but came to hear the old GN'R classic songs, the old GN'R success and Hits.

as soon as "Chinese Democracy" won't be released, the new-GN'R notoriety will be close to zero.? To judge this band, they have to play their owns songs. and I seriously doubt they'll have 1/4 or 1/5 of the real band success. The real band sold over 85 million albums worldwide.You weren't here in 1991/1992, I was here I remember: GN'R ruled the world they were fucking huge. And this success is Axl,Slash Duff,Izzy, and steven/matt success, not robin (gothic) finck or fuckedhead, or any other clowns. They are employees. they are employees that can be fired by w.Axl.Rose at every moment. They don't have the rage, the fire the old band had. and on top of that they are not "Rock n' Roll". If they were Rockers I would have accepted them better.? At least, Fortus and tommy are Rockers. and that's why I accept them. They have the minimum required.
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses". And this is not what you saw at the VMA'02 (even if I loved it when I saw it live when it happened). Capichi?

nice post... i agree 10000 percent...

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: thelostrose on December 17, 2004, 06:05:47 AM
younggunner you weren't born when the REAL Guns N' Roses ruled the world. for you GN'R is robin finck and brain and Buckethead because you're 15 or 16 but it is not. That's not Guns n' Roses man. That's an Axl Rose band. It's the new GN'R but certainely not "Guns n' Fucking Roses" I knew and all the world knew back in the days. It's an hybrid version, a kind of false revival version of the original band. They have never sold just ONE record for the moment, and the songs they played were and are songs by the real band, by Axl, Slash, Izzy (gilby), Duff, Steven(Matt), Dizzy. Some people say they're a cover band. I wouldn't say that but it's nearly that. believe me, people who went to the new GN'R shows didn't come to hear "chinese democracy" "silkworms" or "rihads and the bedouins", NOBODY CARED, but came to hear the old GN'R classic songs, the old GN'R success and Hits.

as soon as "Chinese Democracy" won't be released, the new-GN'R notoriety will be close to zero.  To judge this band, they have to play their owns songs. and I seriously doubt they'll have 1/4 or 1/5 of the real band success. The real band sold over 85 million albums worldwide.You weren't here in 1991/1992, I was here I remember: GN'R ruled the world they were fucking huge. And this success is Axl,Slash Duff,Izzy, and steven/matt success, not robin (gothic) finck or fuckedhead, or any other clowns. They are employees. they are employees that can be fired by w.Axl.Rose at every moment. They don't have the rage, the fire the old band had. and on top of that they are not "Rock n' Roll". If they were Rockers I would have accepted them better.  At least, Fortus and tommy are Rockers. and that's why I accept them. They have the minimum required.
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses". And this is not what you saw at the VMA'02 (even if I loved it when I saw it live when it happened). Capichi?

Wow, you're 23! Congrats! I'm 24 and for me this IS Guns n Roses. Things change, you gotta accept that. Move on, grow up and get an open mind!
Ok, newgnr doesn't look like oldgnr, but what's the big deal? let the music talk. axl is crazy, everyone knows that , but at least he does what he wants and makes good music (maddy, CD, blues). slash for example nowadays plays the bad guy/rocker. he's just a rip-off of himself. the everything can happen-tour just shows that. he's acting as the cool guy. get back to your post. even if younggunner is 15 and he's a kid, he didn't grew up with gnr like we, so you two won't ever have the same opinion, that's impossible, so bashing him, because he doesn't have the experience you've got, is really lame.
if axl's new bandmembers are employees what does it mater? that's his thing. coz if the guys make a great CD and are tight on their tour, that should be enough, and it is enough, at least for me.
if you want oldgnr back, then make yourself a timemachine.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: nesquick on December 17, 2004, 06:25:52 AM
It's very simple: I'm attached to the Rock n' Roll/blues-Rock vibe of the Original band and for me THAT is Guns n' Roses. That's the sound of GN'R. Use Your Illusion 2 is the perfect melting-pot of what GN'R is and should be forever. You cannot change your soul, Axl cannot change the soul of Guns n' Roses and put computers and synthe everywhere ala NIN instead of GUITARS. The first time I heard "oh my god" I though I would become mad: that was the most desapointing song I've ever heard. If you think that this kind of music is GN'R, well ok, but I don't. For me it's a fake between NIN and Ministry. This is all but Guns n' Roses music.
The blues (only the Rio blues-rock version) and Madagascar are very good songs though.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: greekmule on December 17, 2004, 06:37:20 AM
Use Your Illusion 2 is the perfect melting-pot

I agree completely.I see UYI2 as the most complete gnr album ever-IMO its multi-dimensional
(if that's a word, but i think you know what i mean).However nesquick i believe we should just wait and hear CD first before we jump to conclusions.Prejudice is not a good thing

just my 0.02 : ok:

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: thelostrose on December 17, 2004, 06:44:58 AM
nesquick, axl said, that oh my god was the song, which was most into this genre (sorry, but i can't give you a quote, i read it somewhere here).
newgnr, doesn't replace the guitar with synth stuff, he even added a third guitar player. and to me you can't idffernciate between UYI 1 und 2, that's one album, just a bit longer. UYI is different to a4d and lies too, so axl changed the style the first time plus adding a keyboard player. so newgnr is just the logical step. axl's vision of gnr is evolving, and that's a fact. we don't know what he's up to, but like maddy it hopefully will be great.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: norway on December 17, 2004, 10:32:47 AM
I'm attached to the Rock n' Roll/blues-Rock vibe of the Original band and for me THAT is Guns n' Roses.

That was gnr, it's not today, but we sure get some of that too

omg is all but Guns n' Roses music.

you're wrong, that's gnr now, not 80's- but maybe just a few songs will be like this

It's just a name, you know, let it go

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Meanmachine22 on December 17, 2004, 10:55:16 AM
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses".

How would you feel if some older fan told you that you were just a kid in 1991?


Jarmo, just wanted to say the sam thing!!!

Hey Nesquick: I am fucking 30 years old and i 've been there too!!!
Please don't be so harsh all the time
All of your posts sound like you the only fucker in the know.But that ain't what it is about.To be in the know.....
You talk about the real GNR?Well for some of the new fans the New GNR might be the real deal!!
As far as i concern i agree with you in some parts.
But the new GNR has yet to proove themselfs. As long as that didn't happen please don't act so arrogant

Best regards :hihi:

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: 33 on December 17, 2004, 10:58:11 AM
Wow, you're 23! Congrats! I'm 24 and for me this IS Guns n Roses. Things change, you gotta accept that. Move on, grow up and get an open mind!
Ok, newgnr doesn't look like oldgnr, but what's the big deal? let the music talk. axl is crazy, everyone knows that , but at least he does what he wants and makes good music (maddy, CD, blues). slash for example nowadays plays the bad guy/rocker. he's just a rip-off of himself. the everything can happen-tour just shows that. he's acting as the cool guy. get back to your post. even if younggunner is 15 and he's a kid, he didn't grew up with gnr like we, so you two won't ever have the same opinion, that's impossible, so bashing him, because he doesn't have the experience you've got, is really lame.
if axl's new bandmembers are employees what does it mater? that's his thing. coz if the guys make a great CD and are tight on their tour, that should be enough, and it is enough, at least for me.
if you want oldgnr back, then make yourself a timemachine.

Top comments Lost Rose!! I couldnt agree with you more! I ent on this site to bash anyones opinion or sound like a preachie wanker, cos I imagine that the last few years for GnR fans have been very hard and everyone has a very different opionion about which direction the band should have moved in or who the members should be! But the thing that excites me so much is that the band as they are now seem to have evolved with their music. None of us can really comment how much the style of music has changed cos we have only heard a few songs to date!! Seriously what the fuck does someones age have anything to do with them being a GnR fan? I for one think its great that GnR are attracting a young audience still it means they are still a popular enough band! Imagine what it could be like when the album comes out!!! Im 28 and I think I was young for a GnR fan when they were in their prime! I was only sixteen for gods sake when I saw them in Paris in 92 and the majority of the crowd were older than that so I think the age thing is bollox. Its got to be about having an open mind I think. We cant live in the past, music changes and Axl is to much of a genius to not know this, but I bet he is also clever enough to not move away completely from what GnR are all about! I hate reading message after message about whether the old band will reunite or how Axl killed GnR (did he fuck! they left) I think I read a quote once saying how Axl wanted the band to evolve but the rest of the band didnt! Since listening to Contraband I can well believe that! Even though there are a few good tracks on there its not really groundbreaking or evolving is it? And Axl has made a career of writing groundbreaking albums and IMO his drive and determination took GnR to where they once where! Before anyone bites back by saying he couldnt have done it without the others. I know this but I feel like he kept it all together, cos the others could have thrown it away at any moment during the glory days! I admire the man so much cos I cant think of any frontman who would have had the determanation to keep his bands name and fight against adversity and more abuse and negative shit than anyone should have to endure, and reinvent the whole thing. I imagine most people would have thought fuck it Im gonna go and live the life of riley and spend my millions! Well I for one am not gonna bash the man who has brought all us GnR fans so many fucking good times, right about when we are gonna get the album we are all waiting for! I know this has gone a bit off topic! Sorry

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: 0001001 on December 17, 2004, 11:49:26 AM
Wow, you're 23! Congrats! I'm 24 and for me this IS Guns n Roses. Things change, you gotta accept that. Move on, grow up and get an open mind!
Ok, newgnr doesn't look like oldgnr, but what's the big deal? let the music talk. axl is crazy, everyone knows that , but at least he does what he wants and makes good music (maddy, CD, blues). slash for example nowadays plays the bad guy/rocker. he's just a rip-off of himself. the everything can happen-tour just shows that. he's acting as the cool guy. get back to your post. even if younggunner is 15 and he's a kid, he didn't grew up with gnr like we, so you two won't ever have the same opinion, that's impossible, so bashing him, because he doesn't have the experience you've got, is really lame.
if axl's new bandmembers are employees what does it mater? that's his thing. coz if the guys make a great CD and are tight on their tour, that should be enough, and it is enough, at least for me.
if you want oldgnr back, then make yourself a timemachine.

I don't agree with you in every point.
Musically I fully agree I'm looking forward to hear CD. Sometimes thinking of what CD will sound like is the only thing that makes me happy.
"Band"-wise I don't agree, cause it wasn't only the music which made you fall in love with Guns N' fuckin' Roses back in the 80s, it was also the attitude right?

Nevertheless I accept your opinion and this is mine ;-)

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: ppbebe on December 17, 2004, 12:16:20 PM
Wow, well said fuckers!  :rant:  Every one after his fashion. : ok:
And Hello, eSTRANGER33! Long time no see ha-ha.

You cannot change your soul, Axl cannot change the soul of Guns n' Roses and put computers and synthe everywhere ala NIN instead of GUITARS.

The genre of music or the style of clothing cannot change the soul an inch.
blues, computer and synthesizer, Goth, Indus and Ganges or whatever the Style, they?re nothing but the Styles. What you?re talking is all about the superficies. That?s is just the surface, Not even the body, let alone the soul. To know the soul you gotta get below the surface, which apparently you?ve refused to do.
You?re attached to the fashion ?90s GNR were in and still possessed with the phantoms of the past.
That's fine, fuck cares. It's your choice.  Everyone after his fashion.
But please don't come here to haunt the present and the future.
Stop disturbing the living.

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: 33 on December 18, 2004, 04:26:16 AM
younggunner you weren't born when the REAL Guns N' Roses ruled the world. for you GN'R is robin finck and brain and Buckethead because you're 15 or 16 but it is not. That's not Guns n' Roses man. That's an Axl Rose band. It's the new GN'R but certainely not "Guns n' Fucking Roses" I knew and all the world knew back in the days. It's an hybrid version, a kind of false revival version of the original band. They have never sold just ONE record for the moment, and the songs they played were and are songs by the real band, by Axl, Slash, Izzy (gilby), Duff, Steven(Matt), Dizzy. Some people say they're a cover band. I wouldn't say that but it's nearly that. believe me, people who went to the new GN'R shows didn't come to hear "chinese democracy" "silkworms" or "rihads and the bedouins", NOBODY CARED, but came to hear the old GN'R classic songs, the old GN'R success and Hits.

as soon as "Chinese Democracy" won't be released, the new-GN'R notoriety will be close to zero.  To judge this band, they have to play their owns songs. and I seriously doubt they'll have 1/4 or 1/5 of the real band success. The real band sold over 85 million albums worldwide.You weren't here in 1991/1992, I was here I remember: GN'R ruled the world they were fucking huge. And this success is Axl,Slash Duff,Izzy, and steven/matt success, not robin (gothic) finck or fuckedhead, or any other clowns. They are employees. they are employees that can be fired by w.Axl.Rose at every moment. They don't have the rage, the fire the old band had. and on top of that they are not "Rock n' Roll". If they were Rockers I would have accepted them better.  At least, Fortus and tommy are Rockers. and that's why I accept them. They have the minimum required.
Excuse me but I can't bear when a "young-kid" try to give me lessons about GN'R. I'm 23, I've been a fan since 1991 while you were a small baby, I know better than you what is "Guns n' Roses". And this is not what you saw at the VMA'02 (even if I loved it when I saw it live when it happened). Capichi?

nice post... i agree 10000 percent...

Why?? This was kind of the point to my earlier post! You must still like GnR as they are now or why do you still use this site or why do you poast messages on here? That must mean you still care? If I really didnt like something anymore or didnt like the direction it had gone in, I think Id have to say fuck it and move on. I know that I dont know you nesquick or you leesixxrose but I reckon you still do love what Axl does and what is gonna happen soon, just seems like frustration cos of the lack of activity! Im not trying to be a patronising wanker by saying this , I just cant imagine that people who really dont care for Axl or the new band would even bother using this or other message boards!

Title: Re: Band Members Contracts
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 18, 2004, 08:17:02 AM
I'm afraid some people reverse the meaning of 'evolving' and 'descending'