Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 10:13:06 AM

Title: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 10:13:06 AM
I have no idea who this guy is but the article had a GN'R mention:

Nolan said about five years ago he auditioned for Guns 'N Roses, but singer Axl Rose's psychic, after pondering a photograph of Nolan, told Rose she didn't think he was right for the band.

That's another way of saying "they chose Buckethead instead".


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 07, 2004, 10:18:25 AM
I have no idea who this guy is but the article had a GN'R mention:

Nolan said about five years ago he auditioned for Guns 'N Roses, but singer Axl Rose's psychic, after pondering a photograph of Nolan, told Rose she didn't think he was right for the band.

That's another way of saying "they chose Buckethead instead".


No its not...its an explanation for why they chose Buckethead.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Wooody on December 07, 2004, 10:19:26 AM
the psychic is right, he doesnt look like a rock n roller.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: ppbebe on December 07, 2004, 10:21:34 AM
Wooody is right.

But I think the psychic part is a joke.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 07, 2004, 10:25:03 AM
But I think the psychic part is a joke.

Unfortunately, its not.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 10:26:57 AM
But I think the psychic part is a joke.

Unfortunately, its not.



Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Will on December 07, 2004, 10:29:43 AM
Bucket was more 4 years ago, since he joined in early 2000. Well, ok a few weeks short of five years ago... ;D

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 10:33:54 AM
Do people really think they choose Buckethead over this guy because Axl's psychic told him to?

And if you do believe that, why?


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 07, 2004, 10:37:10 AM
If this story is true, than Axl is really insane. Not for choosing BH instead of this guy, but for consulting his psychic. ?:nervous:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 10:39:14 AM
If this story is true, than Axl is really insane. Not for choosing BH instead of this guy, but for consulting his psychic. ?:nervous:

You didn't read the Rolling Stone article about Axl from a few years ago?


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: gigger on December 07, 2004, 10:39:44 AM
Do people really think they choose Buckethead over this guy because Axl's psychic told him to?

And if you do believe that, why?


GnR have auditioned a lot of guitarists in the past. Just because this guy who didn't get in gives this "psychic" story doesn't mean it's true. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't, but it just seems like another attempt at the very popular past-time of ridiculing Axl in my opinion...

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 07, 2004, 10:40:32 AM
Do people really think they choose Buckethead over this guy because Axl's psychic told him to?

And if you do believe that, why?

I didnt necessarily say I believed it, I said I didnt think it was a joke.

I dont know if its true, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was, for a number of reasons. ?All of which Im sure youre familiar with, so Ill stop now so that Im not "bashing" any further. ?I will say that choosing a guitarist because a psychic told you to is not a reasonable thing to do...and reason sometimes doesnt apply to Axl.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: gigger on December 07, 2004, 10:45:18 AM
If this story is true, than Axl is really insane. Not for choosing BH instead of this guy, but for consulting his psychic. ?:nervous:

You didn't read the Rolling Stone article about Axl from a few years ago?


The Rolling Stone article was probably the least objective piece on Axl that I have ever read. The author, Peter Wilkinson, seems to hold a personal grudge against Axl - this is probably due to the fact that Axl promised him an exclusive story that he never delivered.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 07, 2004, 10:47:15 AM
If this story is true, than Axl is really insane. Not for choosing BH instead of this guy, but for consulting his psychic. ?:nervous:

You didn't read the Rolling Stone article about Axl from a few years ago?


I've read and I think you answered your own question:

Do people really think they choose Buckethead over this guy because Axl's psychic told him to?

And if you do believe that, why?

I fear that Axl has gurus and psychics around him, Yoda etc. And this could have seriously affected CD and the whole GN'R story... You know: Beggars and Hangers-on...

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Ali on December 07, 2004, 10:47:58 AM
That's interesting because I never remember reading about any consultations with a psychic before asking Richard Fortus, Tommy Stinson or Brain to join the band. ?Those all seem to have come from recommendations from other band members.


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Izzy on December 07, 2004, 10:49:20 AM
All this stuff about Axl's 'Yoda' friend freaks me out - is he really that far gone? I really hope this is a malicious and unfounded rumour, but its been told so many times from so many sources.....

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Ali on December 07, 2004, 11:02:27 AM
Tommy Stinson seems like a pretty down-to-earth guy from the interviews with him that I've read and heard.

So, regardless of how true these rumors are, Axl doesn't seem to be so far gone that he can't get along and be friends with a guy like Tommy Stinson.


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Aero on December 07, 2004, 11:03:30 AM
If this story is true, than Axl is really insane. Not for choosing BH instead of this guy, but for consulting his psychic. ?:nervous:

You didn't read the Rolling Stone article about Axl from a few years ago?


axl said at rir3 that he takes a photo of every people who will be close to him, and gives it to his psychic, and she tells him how the person is by looking its eyes ?:peace: [insert X-Files theme here]

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 11:12:44 AM
axl said at rir3 that he takes a photo of every people who will be close to him, and gives it to his psychic, and she tells him how the person is by looking its eyes ?

For some weird reason I still think that wasn't the deciding factor. According to several people, Buckethead can play. ;)


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Aero on December 07, 2004, 11:19:06 AM
lol ! ! ! that was a hard punch in nolan's face  :rofl:

It's obvious that bucket fits perfectly in Axl's new musical direction  :peace:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 07, 2004, 11:25:03 AM
For some weird reason I still think that wasn't the deciding factor. According to several people, Buckethead can play. ;)

Well, if Axl did indeed give Nolans picture to his psychic, and she advised against him for whatever reason, then Bucketheads playing wouldnt have anything to do with it because its highly unlikely Axl wouldve accepted Nolan against his psychics wishes anyway.  Not to mention its probable that this ocurred before Buckethead even came into the picture.

So because Axl is into this goofy bullshit, its at least possible that Nolan is telling the truth.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Pandora on December 07, 2004, 11:28:51 AM
Even assuming Axl's psychic (if she exists) made that decision, that Nolan guy probably wouldn't know about it. He would have been given another reason for sure. So that story's a load of bull to me. Just like the RS article.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 07, 2004, 11:32:17 AM
Do people really think they choose Buckethead over this guy because Axl's psychic told him to?

And if you do believe that, why?


Does anything suprise you in regards to axl rose, I mean be honest he is the most bizarre person in rock, he comes back, he vanishes, he has all these albums never releases them, his members are sworn to secrets involving the work, missed shows no explanation two years later..Anyone else doing this to any other group of people we would all be laughing at them....

Like him or not the guy is extremly bizarre.. I heard he helped seal the deal with a leatherface doll with bh..

WHo else goes from being the biggest rocker to being the most reclusive, it's deifnetly marlon brando type of ways ,or barbra streisand..

I had heard the story you posted, but who knows if it's true, but again NOTHING suprises me with axl

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 07, 2004, 11:37:03 AM
I hope teh outcome of when cd comes out isn't being done with a mgic 8 ball,,SHOULD I RELEASE CD THIS MONTH, check back later, NO.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Falcon on December 07, 2004, 11:42:53 AM
Not sure if Nolan's story is actually the real deal or not, only Axl (and maybe Yoda) know that for sure.

That said, even the most loyal Axl follower must accept it could have possibly gone down that way
given Axl's penchant for less than stable behavior and decision making.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jarmo on December 07, 2004, 11:46:02 AM
Most bizarre person in rock? He didn't change his name to a symbol yet did he? ;)

Everybody seems to see him as this big asshole who only cares about himself and lets a psychic decide who joins the band. It's possible he does, it's also possible he asks Tommy for advice....

Which one fits the image of the weirdo better? "Axl asks psychic for advice" or "Axl asks bandmate to help recruit guitarist"?


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mateoson on December 07, 2004, 11:49:32 AM
I don't understand why people are like... "and why do you believe these stories..." yadda yadda...

I mean when you hear a bizarre story about someone you can be like... "that person who said it is full of shit, whatever." But, when you hear a bunch of stories from all types of different people who have nothing to gain by saying them, you have to step back and look at it from the outside. Just set aside the fact that axl is your hero... Why the fuck would this geek say this shit... and "supposedly" axl has mentioned showing pics to his psychic before. He has no reason to lie.   

It's a shame someone with this much talent lets dumb shit like this get in his way. Everyone has their compulsive shit... but I think Axl takes things too far....

Here's your answer as to why the album hasn't came out yet IMO:

Axl is a fucking nut case. He is extremely obsessive compulsive. People know he is an amazing musician/songwriter so nobody wants to step in and say "what the fuck are you doing?"  If you say something like that you get booted. Axl's mood is like a pitbull. Everyone in the band is on pins and needles just hoping Axl will get past this shit and release some great shit. Why do you think people keep dropping out... it's because the have waited and waited.

I had hoped that the seclusion would bring him back to reallity... but clearly he has sunken deeper into his fantasy axl world. Shit, his real name isn't even axl... I really do feel sorryfor him for all the shit that he has been through.  He needs help man... it's hard to deal with shit on your own.

I hope I'm wrong Axl, but people love you.... You need to accept that and get on with your life. Let the demons go bro..... Easier said than done I guess...

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 07, 2004, 12:01:59 PM
Most bizarre person in rock? He didn't change his name to a symbol yet did he? ;)

Everybody seems to see him as this big asshole who only cares about himself and lets a psychic decide who joins the band. It's possible he does, it's also possible he asks Tommy for advice....

Which one fits the image of the weirdo better? "Axl asks psychic for advice" or "Axl asks bandmate to help recruit guitarist"?


I know he's no mj, or prince but he just does some weird things regarding his music..Of course there are worse, but if he would change his name to a symbol but release some music n tour then I would be very happy.. :peace:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mateoson on December 07, 2004, 12:06:08 PM
I know he's no mj, or prince but he just does some weird things regarding his music..Of course there are worse, but if he would change his name to a symbol but release some music n tour then I would be very happy.. peace


Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Tied-Up on December 07, 2004, 12:39:45 PM
There's nothing wrong with seeking advice from someone.  What's the difference between seeking advice from say, a pastor or other religious leader vs. seeking advice from another spiritual counselor (ie:  psychic)?

I don't believe that Axl bases his entire decision on the advice he seeks from a spiritual counselor... and I am sure that this is not the only reason why Nick Nolan wasn't asked to join Guns N' Roses.  This opinion is based upon several factors, including the fact that those that have worked with Axl (ie:  Zack Wylde) have stated that Axl is a smart guy.  I don't think a smart guy would base his entire decision only upon the advice from one person.

MJ is a freak because he seems to have unnatural relationships with young boys.  Don't pin Axl in the same category with an accused/alleged pedophile.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: thelostrose on December 07, 2004, 01:33:40 PM
axl said at rir3 that he takes a photo of every people who will be close to him, and gives it to his psychic, and she tells him how the person is by looking its eyes  :peace: [insert X-Files theme here]

ok, so if the showed the psychic a photo of buckethead, i'd really like to know if it was taken with or without the mask.  ;D

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 07, 2004, 01:45:00 PM
Most bizarre person in rock? He didn't change his name to a symbol yet did he? ;)

Prince changing his name to a symbol was radical, but not that crazy.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 07, 2004, 01:46:28 PM
axl said at rir3 that he takes a photo of every people who will be close to him, and gives it to his psychic, and she tells him how the person is by looking its eyes? :peace: [insert X-Files theme here]

ok, so if the showed the psychic a photo of buckethead, i'd really like to know if it was taken with or without the mask.? ;D

And what kind of psychic could Yoda or whatshername be, if they chose the betrayer Buckethead. ?:hihi:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: younggunner on December 07, 2004, 01:55:29 PM
Everybody seems to see him as this big asshole who only cares about himself and lets a psychic decide who joins the band

As Axl said in Pitt..."I'll read something, then call someone and they'll say 'I didn't know that' and then add, 'oh yeah, I did hear about that."

or....for those that want to believe this story...

How important is Yoda to Axl? One associate says Yoda's influence, while important, is tempered by the force of Axl's personality; "He wasn't turning his life over to somebody with a candle and a crystal. I say that with every confidence. It's just not consistent with who he is. He makes his own decisions."

but think as you may....

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: damnthehaters on December 07, 2004, 02:01:27 PM

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mateoson on December 07, 2004, 02:49:10 PM
How important is Yoda to Axl? One associate says Yoda's influence, while important, is tempered by the force of Axl's personality; "He wasn't turning his life over to somebody with a candle and a crystal. I say that with every confidence. It's just not consistent with who he is. He makes his own decisions."

Look your argument as to why he isn't crazy is just as much bullshit as someone who says he is. There is evidence of both. Who the fuck is this "associate" anyway? Axl is a great artist...  99% (yes I made that number up) of the best artists in our history have been a little "different" than the norm. It's why we love him. Stop being in denial. Yes he is a bit looney... but that isn't always a bad thing. It just sucks that his music has to suffer because of it.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: ppbebe on December 07, 2004, 03:03:28 PM
Anyway, they say that decision-makers in many big organizations check with fortune-tellers n stuff for reference when they are at a loss which to choose after conducting all the possible examinations and considerations.
Haven?t you ever seen or read the horoscope columns in the paper? Like Tied-Up said, There's nothing wrong with it.

But, ?Try and imagine that,
Axl called and told him "Sorry, mate. I like you but my mum said I can?t play with you. She doesn?t like your face." or the management called and told him?

This is freakish. :hihi:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 07, 2004, 03:14:15 PM
Anyway, they say that decision-makers in many big organizations check with fortune-tellers n stuff for reference when they are at a loss which to choose after conducting all the possible examinations and considerations.
Haven?t you ever seen or read the horoscope columns in the paper? Like Tied-Up said, There's nothing wrong with it.

Axl can do anything, some of you would still say, it's normal. The ones who belive in horoscopes where you read that you should be careful not to have a car accident that day, these people are just fuckin' insane. You can believe just some politicians are extraterrestials, but in that case you are crazy as hell. When company leaders consult with gurus it's because they are so deep in the shit and so wasted that they can't do anything. Whn you get an e-mail saying that if you send it to 10 persons, you'll have big luck, if not, you'll be miserable and won't have fortune in love - if you forward this message, you are crazy. Consulting with your guru means you are totally out of your tiny little mind, mate.

And I feel sorry for those who can't see a difference between asking a priest's advice or calling up Mrs. Lucky Luckily or Yoda.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 07, 2004, 03:24:38 PM
Do you really think this Nick Nolan guy would put in this self-promotion article something like "yeah, he was auditioned for GN'R a few years ago but he wasn't good enough for the band"????????  ::)
Some of you needs to bash Axl everytime someone else put some kind of joke.  :rant:
Blame Axl - he's nuts - and blame Canada.  :peace:

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: ppbebe on December 07, 2004, 04:01:14 PM
Anyway, they say that decision-makers in many big organizations check with fortune-tellers n stuff for reference when they are at a loss which to choose after conducting all the possible examinations and considerations.
Haven?t you ever seen or read the horoscope columns in the paper? Like Tied-Up said, There's nothing wrong with it.

Axl can do anything, some of you would still say, it's normal. The ones who belive in horoscopes where you read that you should be careful not to have a car accident that day, these people are just fuckin' insane. You can believe just some politicians are extraterrestials, but in that case you are crazy as hell. When company leaders consult with gurus it's because they are so deep in the shit and so wasted that they can't do anything. Whn you get an e-mail saying that if you send it to 10 persons, you'll have big luck, if not, you'll be miserable and won't have fortune in love - if you forward this message, you are crazy. Consulting with your guru means you are totally out of your tiny little mind, mate.

And I feel sorry for those who can't see a difference between asking a priest's advice or calling up Mrs. Lucky Luckily or Yoda.
Are you talking about yourself? Obviously you haven't read the post you quoted.

Anyway so you're saying Zep members were totally out of their tiny little minds, mate.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: younggunner on December 07, 2004, 04:04:58 PM
of the best artists in our history have been a little "different" than the norm. It's why we love him. Stop being in denial. Yes he is a bit looney... but that isn't always a bad thing
I never said Axl wasnt crazy. Ive said many times that Axls ways and ideas are what draws me to him. But liek that quote says...he makes his own choices in life. If that associate came from some1 not involved with him or gnr I woul dbe reading a topic about it becaus eyou would all be so quick to post somewthing like that..."SEE, look, SLashs manager said Axls must be true it must be true"!.....we all know axl is crazy why is it news, i have no idea....

im glad axl is crazy

It just sucks that his music has to suffer because of it.
Can I have the album you are referring to?

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: alternativemonkey on December 07, 2004, 04:09:50 PM

Let's all remember that this is the weekly newspaper of Port Huron, Michigan . . . I doubt they can be trusted as the authority on the inner workings of Axl Rose and Guns N Roses.  I don't care if Axl talks to the ghost Jon Bonham. I want Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Falcon on December 07, 2004, 04:40:15 PM

or....for those that want to believe this story...

How important is Yoda to Axl? One associate says Yoda's influence, while important, is tempered by the force of Axl's personality; "He wasn't turning his life over to somebody with a candle and a crystal. I say that with every confidence. It's just not consistent with who he is. He makes his own decisions."

Who is this quote attributed to and why is it any more credible than Nolan's first hand accounts?  Not that I believe him either mind you.

Just wondering...

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 07, 2004, 04:41:52 PM
Anyway, they say that decision-makers in many big organizations check with fortune-tellers n stuff for reference when they are at a loss which to choose after conducting all the possible examinations and considerations.
Haven?t you ever seen or read the horoscope columns in the paper? Like Tied-Up said, There's nothing wrong with it.

Axl can do anything, some of you would still say, it's normal. The ones who belive in horoscopes where you read that you should be careful not to have a car accident that day, these people are just fuckin' insane. You can believe just some politicians are extraterrestials, but in that case you are crazy as hell. When company leaders consult with gurus it's because they are so deep in the shit and so wasted that they can't do anything. Whn you get an e-mail saying that if you send it to 10 persons, you'll have big luck, if not, you'll be miserable and won't have fortune in love - if you forward this message, you are crazy. Consulting with your guru means you are totally out of your tiny little mind, mate.

And I feel sorry for those who can't see a difference between asking a priest's advice or calling up Mrs. Lucky Luckily or Yoda.
Are you talking about yourself? Obviously you haven't read the post you quoted.

Anyway so you're saying Zep members were totally out of their tiny little minds, mate.

How old are you? 13? 14?

I meant the ones who consult with their gurus are idiots. If you do, then you are among them. If Axl does it or Slash, same for them. Simple as that, but I didn't name you, cause I don't know if you have this strange habit or don't. But please, don't be so egoist, I don't care about your private life.

And yes, Led Zep members, mostly Plant, were out of their tiny little minds when they were into spritualism, but after they came off drugs, they didn't really care about these shits anymore.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: younggunner on December 07, 2004, 04:49:14 PM
Who is this quote attributed to and why is it any more credible than Nolan's first hand accounts?  Not that I believe him either mind you.

Just wondering...
The article is on this site...Its a Rolling Stone article from May 2000. It doesnt say who the associate is. So I cant help you there. But Im sure its either a friend or someone who is familiar with Axl....maybe management etc...

Im not saying it hsould be more credible. But being we dont know if this Nolan guy was kidding, sarcastic or actually telling the truth the other quote I presented atleast presents another side of the story.
Rolling Stone is much more credible then this guy or where the article came from...but again its just food for thought

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Falcon on December 07, 2004, 04:57:17 PM
Who is this quote attributed to and why is it any more credible than Nolan's first hand accounts?? Not that I believe him either mind you.

Just wondering...
The article is on this site...Its a Rolling Stone article from May 2000. It doesnt say who the associate is. So I cant help you there. But Im sure its either a friend or someone who is familiar with Axl....maybe management etc...

Im not saying it hsould be more credible. But being we dont know if this Nolan guy was kidding, sarcastic or actually telling the truth the other quote I presented atleast presents another side of the story.

My guess is the Nolan cat was being sarcastic, just my opinion though. 

Although the RS quote does show another side the story,I would hardly call it (RS) more credible than Nolan without any source cited or name associated to the quote.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: Mateoson on December 07, 2004, 04:59:42 PM
Can I have the album you are referring to?

No you can't... unfortunetly that's the reason why everyone bickers on this board. Axl won't release it...

But yeah I guess I should have said that it is the reason he can't finish the album. I think his music is fucking outstanding.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: badapple81 on December 07, 2004, 05:27:53 PM
If this story is true, than Axl is really insane. Not for choosing BH instead of this guy, but for consulting his psychic. ?:nervous:

You didn't read the Rolling Stone article about Axl from a few years ago?


axl said at rir3 that he takes a photo of every people who will be close to him, and gives it to his psychic, and she tells him how the person is by looking its eyes ?:peace: [insert X-Files theme here]

He did? Did I miss something? I don't remember hearing that..  ???

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: February on December 07, 2004, 05:28:25 PM
This is the site of the so called Yoda
It's a group of reaserch for personal afirmative action, someone with Axl's problems (parental sexual abuse to name one) could have a lot to benefit from it.
I believe it's possible if Axl has someone he consult on a espiritual level, but you should know basic new age theory to interpretate it. If you believe that you are "energy" and you vibrate in a certain level acording, so ?you are more or less compatible with the "energy" vibrated from other people. Someone who knows "Radestesia e Radionica" (i don't know how to say it in english Radionic maybe) can tell you if someone is compatible or not in a vibrational level with you. Thats a little diferent from making decisions on the bases of a psichic, ?it's just another perspective to interpretate what life gives you. You make your own decisions based on the information you get.
I remember some interview where Axl talked about vibrational medicine, and he probably are into it.
In fact more and more people are becaming interested in the solutions and understandings of the New Age.
Stupid and crazy is just keeping with what you know even when it dosent work for you insted of loking for diferent ansewrs.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: ppbebe on December 07, 2004, 05:43:18 PM
Thanks feb. It was a sorta trendy, yes?
Anyway, they say that decision-makers in many big organizations check with fortune-tellers n stuff for reference when they are at a loss which to choose after conducting all the possible examinations and considerations.
Haven?t you ever seen or read the horoscope columns in the paper? Like Tied-Up said, There's nothing wrong with it.

Axl can do anything, some of you would still say, it's normal. The ones who belive in horoscopes where you read that you should be careful not to have a car accident that day, these people are just fuckin' insane. You can believe just some politicians are extraterrestials, but in that case you are crazy as hell. When company leaders consult with gurus it's because they are so deep in the shit and so wasted that they can't do anything. Whn you get an e-mail saying that if you send it to 10 persons, you'll have big luck, if not, you'll be miserable and won't have fortune in love - if you forward this message, you are crazy. Consulting with your guru means you are totally out of your tiny little mind, mate.

And I feel sorry for those who can't see a difference between asking a priest's advice or calling up Mrs. Lucky Luckily or Yoda.
Are you talking about yourself? Obviously you haven't read the post you quoted.

Anyway so you're saying Zep members were totally out of their tiny little minds, mate.

How old are you? 13? 14?

I meant the ones who consult with their gurus are idiots. If you do, then you are among them. If Axl does it or Slash, same for them. Simple as that, but I didn't name you, cause I don't know if you have this strange habit or don't. But please, don't be so egoist, I don't care about your private life.

And yes, Led Zep members, mostly Plant, were out of their tiny little minds when they were into spritualism, but after they came off drugs, they didn't really care about these shits anymore.

You never read others post well. You just Take things as you want. ? :-\

Are you happy with posting shits like this? (This question is not only for Mikka.)

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: norway on December 07, 2004, 07:32:04 PM
It sure is intresiting for the average joe too, you know,  so i don't think he's too far...

slash and snakes, buckethead and chickens, robin and his birds ::)

They seem rather unfit to be anything else than who they are, imo
but their not too weird though :-\

and maybe they also omitted nolan because of image issues too, who knows?

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: jabba2 on December 07, 2004, 08:36:08 PM
I think its possible Axl has a twin that makes him act irrational at times. And twins can be separated from your soul permenently if you know the right person to do it. But Axl's current group of psychics i guess are worthless.

Title: Re: Nick Nolan auditioned for GN'R a few years ago?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 07, 2004, 09:28:04 PM
I think its possible Axl has a twin that makes him act irrational at times. And twins can be separated from your soul permenently if you know the right person to do it. But Axl's current group of psychics i guess are worthless.

Hopefully the twin want's to release something.. : ok: