Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: kupirock on December 02, 2004, 07:46:17 AM

Title: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: kupirock on December 02, 2004, 07:46:17 AM
EVANESCENCE frontwoman Amy Lee recently spoke to Kerrang! magazine about her band's massive success and the possibility of a solo career at some point down the line. Several excerpts from the interview follow:

Kerrang!: Have you become cynical about your peers?

Amy Lee: "No way, but theres just so many new bands out there and I'm not motivated to see a single damn one, and a lot of the bands worth listening to are old and tired now. VELVET REVOLVER...I haven't seen them play live yet but that album really bores me! Maybe there's one song that's cool, but to me it's just not worth building a supergroup around."

Kerrang!: They've got Slash in it.

Amy Lee: "Yeah, but great celebrities don't make a great band. I don't hate them, but the music just isn't that great."

Kerrang!: Has the industry changed?

Amy Lee: "Definitely. Theres been a lull in the rock industry and the labels are pouring all their money in to rap and hip-hop. At the American VMA's [MTV Video Music Awards] we felt really disrespected and looked over and ignored. You invite us to an award show because youve nominated us and you don't even want to interview me because you're too busy with Beyonce and Usher? It's like, 'Why did i go to the trouble?' We were 20 rows in the back!"

Kerrang!: Is that just a sign of the times?

Amy Lee: "Maybe, but it'll come back around. Every kind of music always has its day, and right now it's rap and hip-hop and that's great. But that's just not what I'm into and obviously it's not my band's scene. I'm just glad the new album hasn't come out this year."

Post by: Bill 213 on December 02, 2004, 07:56:39 AM
Hahaha this chick is a moron........she bitches and complains about rap/hip-hop however in her first hit single "bring me to life" they have some jerkoff rapping in it.  And god let's not get into that new song she did with that band Seether "Broken".  It has quite possibly the stupidest lyrics ever possible.......I'm not just putting her down because she's talked shit about VR, but her voice is horrid, she sounds like Miss Piggy at times and Lacuna Coil owns this horrible band any day.  And my god don't even get me started on the band, which sucks utter dog shit. 

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Booker Floyd on December 02, 2004, 08:58:44 AM
Shes certainly entitled to her opinion, but I really think that someone who makes the music that she makes should choose their targets (and music industry complaints) more carefully.  Especially when a band such as hers is often a similar target for many rock fans.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: SADIS on December 02, 2004, 09:01:19 AM
What a cunt! She dares to say that she knows what good music is? I can't tell the difference between any of her songs. That bitch should shut the fuck up. She has the spotlight and look at what she does with it; nothing. And then go bitchin about being overlooked.... demand your attention or shut the fuck up.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 02, 2004, 10:49:15 AM
Either way it's cool, I just sometimes wonder if the people saying these things have really sat down n listened to the music, or they just read articles that give them outside opinions>??

as I said if she doesn't like then that's fine.. Her song with seether is very POP like..

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: D on December 02, 2004, 10:55:18 AM
WOW why would she say that?

honestly i dig a few of their songs but disrespecting them that way is just plain retarded.

i like when they ask her if she is ever gonna go solo, i mean can anyone name anyone else in that band? 

I think u should have some longetivity before u go shooting your mouth off about legends.

i agree 100 percent with her though about hip hop and rap

rap is so horrible now, does anyone remember when rap was actually dangerous? i bet 2pac and biggie are rollin over in their graves

even snoop has turned into the least gangsta rapper ever, he is like a fuckin parody now

so disheartening to see what these wanna bes have done to rap

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Limulus on December 02, 2004, 11:04:47 AM
WOW why would she say that?....

because she does see it as many others do: VR are way too overrated and Contraband is nothing special at all ??!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: DeadHorse on December 02, 2004, 11:24:32 AM
It doesn't suprise me that she said this. I was never a fan of her or the band. Same repeatitive crap. They lack substance to say the least. And like and like Bill123 said, how can ?she critisize rap when they infact used a monkey rapper on their first single and that's what got them in the public eye.

Furthermore, I thought she was against all of the publicity crap, isn't that what one of their stupid videos was about.

I will admit that she's right about "great celebrities" don't make great bands. ?Super talented musicans such as "Guitar God" Slash and charistmatic frontmen do. Something her nor any member of her garbage band lnpwnothing about.

Bottom line is that amy and her band are nothing more but a direct marketing ?ploy towards todays trendy music scence. ?




Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Freya on December 02, 2004, 01:36:16 PM
I really don't like Amy Lee, but she does have a point.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: EricaLyn087 on December 02, 2004, 04:03:02 PM
Yeah, like SHE knows anything. I don't think it's a good move to insult people who have been in the game longer than she has. Especially Slash.  >:(

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Narcissa on December 02, 2004, 06:25:34 PM
Amy Lee: "but the music just isn't that great."

well well ... pot kettle stupid.


Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Narcissa on December 02, 2004, 06:26:21 PM
I really don't like Amy Lee, but she does have a point.

so what point is that ?

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: D on December 02, 2004, 06:47:34 PM
how can u argue with a "serious" artist who has their song on Kid bopz?

she let them use her song "my immortal" for that kiddie nickelodeon cd compilation, how ridiculous is that!

When I get famous and 13 year olds are tellin me how much i rule and rock i guess ill start talkin out of my ass also.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Top-Hatted One on December 02, 2004, 06:57:22 PM
WOW why would she say that?....

because she does see it as many others do: VR are way too overrated and Contraband is nothing special at all ??!

let me are a new gnr fan?

if you're a pearl jam fan instead or a fan of some other band, audioslave whatever than I'll take your post seriously

it's obvious she's just jealous that VR is on top now and not her shitty little band.  You don't just pick a band out of no where and bash them unless you're jealous of them.

I sense an Amy Lee bashing song appearing on the next VR album! thanks Amy! ;D

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: jabba2 on December 02, 2004, 07:06:54 PM
EVANESCENCE has some pretty damn boring music too. Amy should be careful when she says another rock bands boring. Scott or Duff could both start taunting her band for those comments. Amy Lee's music is pretty easy to bash. You could call EVANESCENCE boring, shitty, dull, pointless, talentless...alot of things. See.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Top-Hatted One on December 02, 2004, 07:09:13 PM
you can take it even further than that and call them a cheap Linkin Park ripoff. God I hate LP but compared to her crap they are genius's because those songs are actually catchy and inovative!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Wheres Izzy on December 02, 2004, 07:15:00 PM
You know you're cool when someone says something sucks and the other person responds with "but (insert your name here) is in it lol. I thought that was pretty fucking funny. I don't mind her saying she doesn't like VR, it's her business really, but I think it's pretty hypocritical for her to say the rock scene is boring when it would be a drastic understatement to say her band sounds exactly like everything else out there now a days. I mean evanescence aren't exactly innovators. And she needs to lose like 20 pounds. I know that's irrelevant but it's what I think whenever I see her.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: jabba2 on December 02, 2004, 07:18:54 PM
Evanescence will be another nothing band everyone forgets in 3 years. If not sooner.


Is this Xena warrior princess? Get lost bitch.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Wheres Izzy on December 02, 2004, 07:24:20 PM
SEE! I told you she needed to lose 20 pounds! Look at the pic above.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: badgirl on December 02, 2004, 08:13:14 PM
i'm surprised that of all the bands she had to choose from, she picked VR. i mean, i love Contraband but it was by no means revolutionary by rock and roll standards and while she is certainly entitled to her opinion, i think there are hundreds of more objectively bad bands out there right now.

no need to call her a cunt though. its mysoginistic and unnecessary.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: RyanMFGs on December 02, 2004, 08:35:35 PM
she is so hard rock that she started doing cocaine to lose weight so she could look like every other girl in the entertainment industry.

Either way, her opinion doesn't hold much weight, but they should make a  subtle jab at her on the next album. Nothing vicious, just for fun.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Furious Styles on December 02, 2004, 09:39:59 PM

i agree 100 percent with her though about hip hop and rap

rap is so horrible now, does anyone remember when rap was actually dangerous? i bet 2pac and biggie are rollin over in their graves

even snoop has turned into the least gangsta rapper ever, he is like a fuckin parody now

so disheartening to see what these wanna bes have done to rap

Well, maybe 2Pac and Biggie being dead and rap being dangerous have a direct correlation.  :'(

I think the unfortunate part about rap in general, is how the white music industry took rap, after it had become successful off the blood, sweat and tears and hard work of people who cared about the art form and used it to their advantage. Is it anyone wonder why Eminem is considered the greatest rapper perhaps ever. I mean that is a total and utter insult to Rakim, Nas, Biggie, Kool G Rap...The list goes on.

I mean Talib Kweli, Immortal Technique, Fatal Hussein, Mos Def, there are rappers out there who are lyrically diverse, but the industry has black listed them for "Just Lose It" and "Baby Balla" and other travesties of rap.

So now, the image is more important. Talk gangster, but don't act gangster. That's why Pac and Biggie are dead. They blurred the lines of reality and fiction. Now you can't make street poetry like Nas, you have to have earned your stripes to speak about being gangster. And fans, mainly white because that is the majority of music purchasers, who live in suburban North America, want their favourite rapper to be dead or some horrible shit like that. Is it anyone wonder, 2Pac ends up dead, Death Row is undone, Suge Knight goes to jail and Jimmy Ivene makes 400 Million Dollars off the whole thing. Kind of sad and pathetic.

During the mid-90's, rap was the most truthful and important musical art form EVER. Moreso than rock n' roll becuase it was socially important, it was politically zealous, dangerously crude but there was a truth to it that was undeniable. Everyone can sit here and bitch about rap and call it garbage and "not real music" but the funny thing is, they turn around and praise a band who sang about dwarfs and goblins and Lord Of The Rings.

Regardless, It's a heated discussion that can cause tempers to flare for sure, but I agree with you D, music (rap) along with society has lost sight and perspective, blindly plotting to a destination that is uncertain, unclear and perhaps isn't even there.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on December 02, 2004, 09:48:13 PM
I honestly feel that Contraband is a good album...nothing unique or groundbreaking but a good album...I wouldn't say it is boring.  I think Amy went a little too far with her comment.  I have Evanescence's album, isn't anything special either...

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Mattman on December 02, 2004, 10:14:20 PM
Well, I don't think her comment in itself is too out of line.  It's not like Contraband is the greatest album in the world - note that whenever it's mentioned in the "Best of 2004" thread in Bad Obsession, people always say, "I love it, even if it's not amazing."  It's better than most stuff out there, but it's not breaking wholly new ground or anything.  Still, I have to say that Amy Lee criticizing their music for those reasons is a little absurd, primarily because her band follows the typical modern rock formula, basically.  The black clothing, the faux-Linkin Park choruses, the vaguely angst-filled lyrics, and the similar music.  I'll be the first to say that I hate Evanescence, but even though I believe she's a total hypocrite in saying that their music is boring (her music is far more bland), she has the right to her opinion.

And she needs to lose like 20 pounds. I know that's irrelevant but it's what I think whenever I see her.

I don't know what you're smoking.  She's hot, dude, and she's pretty slim.

I have to laugh though whenever they ask her if she's going to do a solo career.  She's basically already got a solo career, because the "band" is essentially her.  It's kind of like The Cure, really, although it's different because I know she collaborated with that Ben Moody guy to write the songs and now that he's gone I wonder how she'll try and write songs for their next album.  Not that I really care...the band isn't one of my favourites.

Interesting post, Furious Styles, but it's not really to do with this topic.  You should put it in the Bad Obsession section.  : ok:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Spartikcus on December 02, 2004, 10:43:35 PM
This is just unbelievable, if I want to be bored to sleep I will listen to this bitches vocals.
Id love to see Slash and crews response to this horrible little interview.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: D on December 02, 2004, 11:29:59 PM
dude she dont need to lose weight thats ridiculous.

besides bashing VR she is pretty much dead on with what she said, the rock scene does totally fuckin suck, i mean i cant argue with her there.

VR are fuckin awesome though, she was crazy about that.

Yeah i agree with everything u said furious style

eminem does have skills but he has no diversity and is it a coincidence that he came out the same time as boy bands and britney spears? to me eminem although he has skills is more like a boy band rapper than a serious hardcore rapper

dont get me started on Ja Rule, this guy is so fake, im more gangsta than he is.

i think DMX is a quality rapper so is Jay Z but really i cant think of anything thats came out worth anything here lately.

now its just commercialized and has turned to pop garbage. rap is fuckin pop garbage, how the hell did that happen?

look at Pharell is anyone less street than this guy? it drives me so fuckin crazy watchin him duet with Snoop and what has happened to snoop? man this guy use to be so real but now he will do anything for a buck.

Ludacris has a nice style but honestly i cant listen to more than a song or two at a time

all the bling bling booty rappers are so fuckin annoying

Nelly use to be ok but then had to go rap with Nsync *wtf*

50 cent is horrible Gunit is ridiculous

i hate posses

i just fuckin hate it

what happened to posses that were talented u know

i mean look at NWA and what they spawned, look at the Wu Tang Clan

i think it all started goin down hill with Master P and his band of rappers, it got too commercialized just like hair metal did, just like grunge did and i think the nameless rappers who u cant tell apart are killin the genre.

correct me if im wrong.

twista is ok but he's a poor mans busta rhymes and speakin of busta rhymes whats all this gay i love u shit he is rappin about now it drives me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!
Putting on a rap record use to be so powerful so meaningful, so dangerous and it was connected with Guns N Roses and rock just how dangerous and powerful it was

now its Shit and just so powder puffed and watered down, it really makes me sad.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: tophdaddy22 on December 02, 2004, 11:38:39 PM
this bitch is a joke and is jealous that vr has more talent then her crap band contraband is an amazing cd hands down

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Bill 213 on December 03, 2004, 12:01:23 AM
Sure she's entitled to her opinion, but I think the main point here is how she made herself appear like a hypocritical ass.  And as someone had mentioned before she could have said that about any bands, but she chose VR because well.....they're pretty much the pinnacle of Rock right now.  So sure she can pull a Cobain and take a stab at the rock world and say it's "boring and overdone" blahblahblah, but for once it's damn nice to see a fucking real rock band doing all these TV appearances and playing award shows and doing arena tours.  Every late night appearance or VH1 special has been quite entertaining.  I think Evanescence has already lost a lot of it's luster, hence the solo project talk from her already.  I mean c'mon for anyone to say that band is doing anything exciting is crazy.  Contraband wasn't one of the greatest rock albums ever....BUT it was a great rock album.  Simply put it was a breath of fresh air.
But seriously that song "Broken" that she sings with that band Seether is utterly horrible...the lyrics to it sound like they were written by a 10 year old kid writing a poem for english class.  And yeah she could stand to drop a few pounds.....I'm not one to jump on the chunkers.  My point being, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one....and in this case that asshole is full of shit.  :peace:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Captain Obvious on December 03, 2004, 12:48:38 AM
Amy Lee may be a lucky hack who jumps on the band wagon, makes millions of dollars and yet doesn't release any good music, but she does have a point. That said, Evanescence music is pretty damn boring too.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: jabba2 on December 03, 2004, 12:53:33 AM
I just listened to 30 second clips of all Evanescence songs on Amazon, and i believe Amy Lee's career is on borrowed time. Her techno band is garbage. And she doesnt have a very appealing voice.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Top-Hatted One on December 03, 2004, 12:54:16 AM
remember the days "aka  prior to this year" when awards shows consisted of performances by The Hive, limp bizkit, good charlotte and kid rock :rofl:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Deez Nuts on December 03, 2004, 02:41:43 AM
D, if she's going to dish Slash after she was already reminded that he was in the band, then I'd say that she deserves to lose a good 20-50 pounds.  I don't care who you are.  If you dish Slash then I'm going to dish her.  The weight is an obvious choice, followed by her voice, her band, her sense on the rock industry, her sense on the music industry, her sense on our musical heroes; and now that I look at it, her sense on the world in general. 

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Rain on December 03, 2004, 04:50:33 AM
For those that want VR to respond to that, for christ sake I hope they'll never reach that level ... it would seem like a two year old kindergarden fight!  ::)
And while you don't agree with Amy Lee stop attacking her on her looks or her weight ! Badgirl already stated it, it's pure misogyny !  :rant:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: DJM on December 03, 2004, 06:49:27 AM
she a stupid bitch anyway there music sucks n will never be as tyalentd as anyone in VR

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mrlee on December 03, 2004, 08:58:20 AM
that amy person is just a  religous turd. Stupid goth freak of nature.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: PhillyRiot on December 03, 2004, 09:19:48 AM
Amy Who?  Never heard of her, and judging by the pic, I never will.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 03, 2004, 11:43:12 AM
For those that want VR to respond to that, for christ sake I hope they'll never reach that level ... it would seem like a two year old kindergarden fight!? ::)
And while you don't agree with Amy Lee stop attacking her on her looks or her weight ! Badgirl already stated it, it's pure misogyny !? :rant:

There's nothing wrong with a response, I mean when  i was younger loving gnr axl use to rant about silly shit, but it was all good.. Part of selling records is hype.
I just don't know who she;'s fooling when she does some shitty music with seether..

I like her voice, I just think the celebrity comment was uncalled for, just because people are already famous and get credit doesn't mean tehy should just stop making music..

she sounded more on a  bitter side then someone who actually listened to the album.. Like one song is cool, I mean give a little detail if youare going to diss someone, maybe she missed her Big in 04 because of them :hihi:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mrlee on December 03, 2004, 12:25:28 PM
VR should do a song about her called, "Stick a cross where we dont want to go"

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Sterlingdog on December 03, 2004, 02:13:37 PM
she sounded more on a? bitter side then someone who actually listened to the album..

That just made me remember something.  I believe she's the same person who was trying to trash Howard Stern a few months ago.  I can't remember specifically what she said, but the discussion about it on the Stern show was that she was someone who thought it was cool to be angry all the time.  It probably makes her feel important to be anti-anything popular. 

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: damnthehaters on December 03, 2004, 02:16:10 PM
First off, I like Slash and I think VR is a good band. ?However, Contraband isn't anything special. ?So I kinda have to agree with Amy. ?And I actually dig the fact that she wasn't afraid to knock a band like VR who has Weiland and Slash in it. ?I mean think about it, is she not supposed to knock them just because they have had a successfull past? ?I like her kind of attitude. ?She isn't afraid to speek up.

Back to the music, I really like Slither, I think it rocks, but nothing else really sticks out for me. ?I think this band has a lot of room for improvement with Scott's input. ?I say that because I think Slash and Duff are great players, but they stick to basic down and dirty rock (which isn't a bad thing, but it's not going to make your group stand out. ?A perfect example was Slash's Snakepit, it was good but nothing special). ?These guys (Slash, Duff) need that good frontman who can take them to a higher level and produce songs that really stick with people, and then this band will be remembered. ?I think Scott has a little bit of that in him. ? ? ? ? ? ?

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: neko on December 03, 2004, 05:02:06 PM
she needs to lose weight? shes hot , of course shes not the "model" type , but not all women need to be so slim , in other thing it doesnt really matter if shes fat or not , what matters is the music , her group is nothing great , i have the album and i like it really but its nothing amazing , now she is with out Ben Moody so i think his band has one more album and thats it . she sings with Slither just beacuse the singer is his boyfriend i think.

what really boders me its when they said her "but they have slash in the band" and she responds "great celebrites dont make great bands" or something , great celebrites?! Slash isnt just a great celebrity , is one of the greatest guitar players , she should have more respect , thats the thing i found stupid of her to say .

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Naupis on December 03, 2004, 05:06:07 PM
I think this band has a lot of room for improvement with Scott's input.

I would almost argue completely the opposite. While I think Scott is great as the front man and I love Contraband.....Scott and the rest of the bands musical tastes are very different. When Slash and Duff make comments along the lines of "The material we wrote with Izzy was the best instrumental Guns N' Roses record to Date" and they don't end up using any of those songs because Scott isn't into that sound, I think it is keeping them from using their best material. They need to find a happy middle ground where everyone can be happy, but they progress a little more as a band. I loved Contraband, but do think as musicians they are all capable of more and I hope we hear that on the next album.

God what I wouldn't give to hear those songs that Slash,Izzy,Matt and Duff consider to be the best instrumental Guns Record to date. That group has put together a few decent tracks in their time I guess ?:drool:, so it is a bummer we will never get to hear any of them.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: noonespecial on December 03, 2004, 05:27:09 PM
I'm with Philly Riot I have no IDEA who this chick is or her band...think I'll have to go check out some snippets @ amazon... ??? just to get an idea of what she's about...I mean, judging by the comments of folks who have actually heard her musc, the music she creates isn't rock (?) So if you ain't contributing to the solution, shhhaddduppp!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 03, 2004, 06:31:05 PM
I have nothing against amy lee, I actually think she has somewhat of a unique voice, or something a bit different.. It's just when someone says they have like one song that's cool, it just doesn't make sence.. If you bash give a little detail into your reasons,,
Vr is obviosuly not for everyone but I'm a fan and wehn someone trashes them I would like to know they are honestly not liking the music instead of sounding like someone who is pissed they are having less success this year..

I still don't get how someone bashes that does some bullshit boring song with seether..

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mrlee on December 03, 2004, 06:38:56 PM
evenescance (cant even spell ther name) every time they release a song i get annoyed.....badly  :rant: :crying:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Bill 213 on December 03, 2004, 09:20:13 PM
Actually Stern and co. nailed it on the head when they referred to her as the typical person who thinks it's cool to hate everything (aka the fat mall goth chicks we have come to know and love).  Anyhow I do think Scott and co. should take a stab back at her at a live show or something......maybe even other bands too.  I'd love to see an Axl style rant on some jackass like Fred Durst or Amy.  Scott could take a lesson from Zakk Wylde who at the concert I went to did a nice little rant on how Durst was the biggest piece of shit humanly possible and even offered to kick his ass for the crowds enjoyment.  Or maybe Slash could do a mtv music awards Axl and tell the guy from Seether to shut his bitch up (like axl did to kurt).  That would make for fun tv again!  It's all about the drama....gotta have it.  I'm sure if Scott finds out about her comments he'd respond though.  He's usually prett good on returning the favor.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: younggunner on December 04, 2004, 12:03:25 AM
The material we wrote with Izzy was the best instrumental Guns N' Roses record to Date"
I highly doubt they have material as good as the Illusions let alone AFD and decided not to use it. That would be the dumbest thing in the world to do.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Naupis on December 04, 2004, 12:22:06 AM
I agree to a point, but something tells me it was more Blues based type stuff that Slash and Izzy do well, and Scott's just not into that stuff. It seems like Izzy was motivated when they were working together originally, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if the 4 of them wrote some truly killer stuff. What are you suposed to do though when the lead singer doesn't like any of the music? Can't force him to sing it. I wish Scott's musical tastes were a little more classic, but I guess we can't have everything.

highly doubt they have material as good as the Illusions let alone AFD and decided not to use it. That would be the dumbest thing in the world to do.

Is it really that far fetched to think Slash/Duff/Izzy couldn't still get in the same room and pump out the same level of musicianship just because Axl isn't in the room? Lyrics and pianos/orchestras aside, those guys cumulatively know how to put a song together. I am not sure Slash/Duff alone can re-create the wheel alone, but I really believe Izzy was a huge force in the music GNR originally made, so he may have pushed Slash to come up with some killer classic rock riffs. Too bad we will never hear what the 3 of them were working on that all 3 have spoken so highly of.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: D on December 04, 2004, 01:00:51 AM
well axl said before slash quit he was creating the rawest most bluesy most awesome guitar riffs he had ever heard so its possible

VR shouldnt say anything cause if they bash evanescence they will be putting themselves in their league, VR are so above evanescence its best not even acknowledge them.

its like avril lavigne talkin shit about hillary duff, when she feuds with a hillary duff it almost seems like they are on the same level or the same type of person, so it makes her look bad to feud with hillary duff just like it would for a serious kick ass band like VR to say something about Evanescence, i mean who cares about Evanescence

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Continental Drift on December 04, 2004, 03:21:04 AM
It's pretty much the ultimate indication that you're "back on top" when some jealous second tier singer is taking pot shots at you. No need at all for VR to respond to this.

I happen to agree that Contraband has its limitations- but there's no denying that it has been a wildly successful debut for a bunch of guys that must critics gave-up for dead. Let's see Ms. Lee crank out a #1 album 12 years down the road.: ok:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Dave_Rose on December 04, 2004, 07:58:02 AM
I have listened to Evanescence album it that is what I call boring there is a couple of goodish some on there but the album sounds the same and it just plain boring so Amy Lee shouldn't be such a hypocrit

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Walapino on December 04, 2004, 10:00:57 AM
Who or what the hell is Evanesense or whatever its called. She certainly can say whatever about VR but calling "celebrity" as a way to demean Slash thats just dumb, wake up cunt nobody cares about you!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: electricmage on December 04, 2004, 10:24:08 AM
Slash eats her music for breakfast and shits out rock songs like "Slither".

Anyways, you guys arent all there. You aren't viewing the obvious here. She comments on a band. And saying that the music scene sucks. What the fuck does she thinks shes part of? Does she think her band is some new form of music? I've heard it done better and ten years earlier. Try a band called Medicine. Shes also needs to lay off of the rock talk. I heard her fucking song on Top 40 at work about a hundred times.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: electricmage on December 04, 2004, 10:29:37 AM
Actually Stern and co. nailed it on the head when they referred to her as the typical person who thinks it's cool to hate everything (aka the fat mall goth chicks we have come to know and love).  Anyhow I do think Scott and co. should take a stab back at her at a live show or something......maybe even other bands too.  I'd love to see an Axl style rant on some jackass like Fred Durst or Amy.  Scott could take a lesson from Zakk Wylde who at the concert I went to did a nice little rant on how Durst was the biggest piece of shit humanly possible and even offered to kick his ass for the crowds enjoyment.  Or maybe Slash could do a mtv music awards Axl and tell the guy from Seether to shut his bitch up (like axl did to kurt).  That would make for fun tv again!  It's all about the drama....gotta have it.  I'm sure if Scott finds out about her comments he'd respond though.  He's usually prett good on returning the favor.

Hate to say it, But VR needs to put her ass in check with a fuck you to Amy Lee, then pull a cover of Back Off Bitch during a medley at Big in '04.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: ppbebe on December 04, 2004, 01:39:45 PM

Amy Lee: "Yeah, but great celebrities don't make a great band. I don't hate them, but the music just isn't that great."

Amy Lee: "Definitely. Theres been a lull in the rock industry and the labels are pouring all their money in to rap and hip-hop. "

Amy Lee: "Maybe, but it'll come back around. Every kind of music always has its day, and right now it's rap and hip-hop and that's great. But that's just not what I'm into and obviously it's not my band's scene. I'm just glad the new album hasn't come out this year."

:D Well said Amy!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mrlee on December 04, 2004, 03:36:02 PM
lets write lyrics for VR against amy lee.

*cough cough*

Amy lee is a church going mother, shes got rattle snake cross under her arms, shes a fat machine n drinkin pepsi, cause honey you can make me run! carry on people please.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: jarmo on December 04, 2004, 03:52:55 PM
Nice to see that the VR fans are so much different from the GN'R fans who get upset over a negative remark or a bad review.  ;D


Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Bill 213 on December 04, 2004, 05:21:22 PM
Nice to see that the VR fans are so much different from the GN'R fans who get upset over a negative remark or a bad review.? ;D


There's good reason for it......if she said something stupid like this against Axl or Eddie Van Halen or basically any other artist that paved an integral part in rock n roll I would have retored the same way. 

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: younggunner on December 04, 2004, 05:46:48 PM
Is it really that far fetched to think Slash/Duff/Izzy couldn't still get in the same room and pump out the same level of musicianship just because Axl isn't in the room? Lyrics and pianos/orchestras aside, those guys cumulatively know how to put a song together. I am not sure Slash/Duff alone can re-create the wheel alone, but I really believe Izzy was a huge force in the music GNR originally made, so he may have pushed Slash to come up with some killer classic rock riffs. Too bad we will never hear what the 3 of them were working on that all 3 have spoken so highly of.
No, not at all. I never said they arent capable of writing kille rmusic. Im sure they did. But I find it hard to believe that they would leave tracks that would be better than AFD or UYI and substitute or down grade to the songs they put on CB. I could be wrong but i highly doubt it. I dont care whos singing, if theres instrumentals that compare to WTTJ etc im pretty sure you owuld us eit...

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 04, 2004, 06:24:24 PM
Nice to see that the VR fans are so much different from the GN'R fans who get upset over a negative remark or a bad review.? ;D


true. but we're gnr fans..

Jarmo I think alot more people bash axl's character and what hasn't happened with the album, she just bashes the music..

I mean if soemone says axl looks retarded witht eh braides it's better then just saying that his album sucks.. I'll take the looks diss anyday over the music.. ;)

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: younggunner on December 04, 2004, 08:00:13 PM
I'll take the looks diss anyday over the music
we finally agree on something!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: jarmo on December 04, 2004, 08:32:08 PM
Jarmo I think alot more people bash axl's character and what hasn't happened with the album, she just bashes the music..

I've seen people bash the new songs and they're not even out yet.


Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 05, 2004, 12:18:28 PM
Jarmo I think alot more people bash axl's character and what hasn't happened with the album, she just bashes the music..

I've seen people bash the new songs and they're not even out yet.


I've also seen people praise the album without hearing a tune... ;)

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: BurningHills on December 05, 2004, 07:50:26 PM
You people really fucking scare me.

Amy Lee made a simple comment, who the fuck gives a shit? Its her opinion, she's not right, and she's not wrong, so stop getting so fucking worked up about it!

You all need some serious fucking head checks.


Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Walapino on December 05, 2004, 11:03:54 PM
its cool to squash that cunt, join the fun!  : ok:

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: greekmule on December 06, 2004, 08:18:02 AM
You people really fucking scare me.

Amy Lee made a simple comment, who the fuck gives a shit? Its her opinion, she's not right, and she's not wrong, so stop getting so fucking worked up about it!

You all need some serious fucking head checks.


i can't believe i had to read 4 pages in order to find a post from a reasonable gnr fan

Amy Lee thinks contraband is boring, Amy Lee thinks Slash is a washed up celebrity,Amy Lee this, Amy Lee that...Who gives a shit?
Its just an opinion!!!

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: matt88 on December 06, 2004, 08:50:11 AM
From a person who's songs sound all the fuckin same she shouldn't fucken be able to open her mouth.

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: badgirl on December 06, 2004, 02:25:52 PM
You people really fucking scare me.

Amy Lee made a simple comment, who the fuck gives a shit? Its her opinion, she's not right, and she's not wrong, so stop getting so fucking worked up about it!

You all need some serious fucking head checks.


i can't believe i had to read 4 pages in order to find a post from a reasonable gnr fan

Amy Lee thinks contraband is boring, Amy Lee thinks Slash is a washed up celebrity,Amy Lee this, Amy Lee that...Who gives a shit?
Its just an opinion!!!

a lot of people on this board with way too much time on their hands...

Title: Re: Little VR/Slash mention by EVANESCENCE Singer AMY LEE
Post by: Will on December 06, 2004, 02:48:50 PM
because she does see it as many others do: VR are way too overrated and Contraband is nothing special at all ??!

I saw you downloading their DVDs on EZT. Admit it, you're a fan! ;D

I like Amy Lee and Evanescence and she can think what she wants about VR. I think they're a good band live (except Weiland sorry, moving his crouch behind Slash's ass is not my cup of tea, but to each his own), but I kinda agree with her about the album. The first few listens were good then I got kinda bored. Just a matter of taste, no need to call her a "cunt" because she doesn't think the album is as great as many do here.