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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: younggunner on November 29, 2004, 05:30:06 PM

Title: The Sound of CD...
Post by: younggunner on November 29, 2004, 05:30:06 PM
What type of progression will you be pleased with for CD? Do you want something like AFD, UYI, a combination, something drastically different, etc?

Often on this board people say that some of the new songs sound as if they could come right off UYI, so wheres the change? The songs sound outdated, GNR trying to be something they are not, this is what we waited for, trying to be like Prodigy/NIN, too many ballads etc.....

My point is what kind of sound/style do you want from the band? Will you be judging the content soley on the waiting process or where it stands against old gnr and or current music? Stuff like that.

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: loretian on November 29, 2004, 05:37:11 PM
I definitely want some progression, and the new songs that I've heard seem to fit that, particularly Madagascar and Rhiyads and the Beduoins.  I certainly don't want AFD part 2, or UYI 3.  Something that takes more than a few listens to really enjoy and get the full worth of the song.   The style itself isn't as important as it being unique and original, while still retaining all the greatness of past Gn'R songs.

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Wooody on November 29, 2004, 05:37:52 PM
dead horse

ps: crybaby

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Dave_Rose on November 29, 2004, 05:47:51 PM
I wanna hear some old guns sounding and the new guns sounding I think it will be more like UYI for some reason just with this epic sound

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Longbow on November 29, 2004, 05:54:16 PM
I agree with loretian on this one. It took me some time to really appreciate Rhiad and the Bedouins but now I think it's a great song. Can't wait to hear the studio version....if they choose to relase it on CD. ::)

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: norway on November 29, 2004, 06:07:02 PM
a blend of the styles...

kylie :-X uses some intresting stuff (overdubs, filter, effects) to her vocal recordins on body language

Those would be killer on some tracks, axl done overdubs and filters be4 so i guees we'll hear some of that

And killer hardrock and lots of axl screams :peace:

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Pandora on November 29, 2004, 06:13:56 PM
The point to me is to not expect anything in terms of sound or style, or rather expect the unexpected. I'd like to be surprised (pleasantly if possible). The only thing I'm asking is a lot of variety, and I'm not too worried on that point  ;)

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: nesquick on November 29, 2004, 06:49:06 PM
I think "a lot of variety" wouldn't be a good thing in fact...good records are not those who have "a lot of variety" but those who are coherent, and that's the hardest thing to do when you make a record. That's the difference between Appetite (less variety but way more coherent) and the Illusions (a lot of variety, but not really coherent) for example. Think about that...

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 29, 2004, 07:01:45 PM
Evenb though I like afd the best I could defiently live with something like uyi, the albums were great as well, I just want one piano ballad, one epic rocker n one smaller ballad like dc, and a rocking ballad like scom..

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: jimmythegent on November 29, 2004, 07:03:14 PM
I think "a lot of variety" wouldn't be a good thing in fact...good records are not those who have "a lot of variety" but those who are coherent. That's the difference between Appetite and the Illusions for example. Think about that...

I agree, it is important there is some cohesion but I still think that is possible with diversity..

I am heartened by comments Tommy has made regarding the depth specifically the in the lyric department. Axl has had a lot of time to ponder both his own world and the world at large and I'm looking foward to hearing some of his observations/thoughts etc..

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: nesquick on November 29, 2004, 07:08:23 PM
obviously the best is a coherent record which is also diversified....but this is extremely difficult to make. Unless you release a "thriller" (Mickael Jackson) or a "the wall" (pink floyd).

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: norway on November 29, 2004, 07:15:45 PM
Or maybe chinese democracy :D

we'll see how it goes, a diverse record i think but still in the rock genre i hope

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: damnthehaters on November 29, 2004, 07:29:13 PM
I'm not expecting or hoping for anything really.  I know and I think you all know how "great" Axl is.  Do you really think he is going to let us down?  I truly believe that whatever he releases, I'm going to enjoy. 

Theres going to be some songs with really great lyrics, some songs that hit really hard, some songs that touch your heart, some songs that will be different than anything we have ever heard, and some songs that are just absolutely amazing.  This is what Axl and GNR are all about.   

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 29, 2004, 11:52:13 PM
I'm not expecting or hoping for anything really.? I know and I think you all know how "great" Axl is.? Do you really think he is going to let us down?? I truly believe that whatever he releases, I'm going to enjoy.?

Theres going to be some songs with really great lyrics, some songs that hit really hard, some songs that touch your heart, some songs that will be different than anything we have ever heard, and some songs that are just absolutely amazing.? This is what Axl and GNR are all about.? ?

well said and I love your user name  : ok:

i believe the sound of cd will be varied.. some hard rockin'... .some epic pieces... etc.
i also believe there will be some truly innovative sounding tracks
strength.. beauty.... inspiration... comfort... and excitement
those are the 'sounds' i'm expecting

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: coldenim on November 30, 2004, 01:39:56 AM
well, I hope, although its just a fools hope that this could be a double album. You know

they make such big statements.  I would like to hear a mixture of songs, like axl said "it will

be a melting pot".  I can at least put my hope in that.  I hope it tells  a story, so some great

epic songs. Then of course some balls to the wall rock and roll, with axl's screaming vocals.

I hope it can be very diverse and will definately hold up to the old stuff.  I wouldnt mine

hearing a little of axl's rants either, I havent heard his voice in so long, and I dont have a

playstation 2  dammit!  I would like to have an album that is diverse as Queens: A Night at

the Opera. :peace:

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: grog mug on November 30, 2004, 02:09:56 AM
Being GN'R fans were going to like ANYTHING Axl puts out.  Madagascar is the best new song by far.  Well thought out and sounds really epic, over 6 minutes.  In the first minute of The Blues/Chinese Democracy it sounds like a taste of UYI I & II mixed with a little of Appetite.  The album will progress and surpass, don't worry.

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: SADIS on November 30, 2004, 03:05:21 AM
I wouldn't even matter if it sounds like AFD, since that style is really "in style" again.

I just, really, don't care what style it is as long as it is honest music. Oh yeah, and of course there should be guitars....

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 30, 2004, 03:23:23 AM
Too bad we'll never get to hear it.... :hihi:

I guess "smile" did come out....there is hope. :confused:

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: bolton on November 30, 2004, 03:47:50 AM
Afd aaare only one,uyi only one too,uyi2 only one two,i don't want a copy of old albums,because we have it...
I want something new,mix gnr,rnr,new music(i mean new rnr) and some great composer!!
I think that Axl do it,so i can wait to hear it!!1

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Pandora on November 30, 2004, 05:04:29 AM
I think "a lot of variety" wouldn't be a good thing in fact...good records are not those who have "a lot of variety" but those who are coherent, and that's the hardest thing to do when you make a record. That's the difference between Appetite (less variety but way more coherent) and the Illusions (a lot of variety, but not really coherent) for example. Think about that...

Duh, you can have a lot of variety and still be cohesive. Of course it needs to be worked on, but there lies the difference between a good album and a great album.
The songs on Tommy's album are varied, yet they are cohesive. And that's just a recent example, I could give you tons, some being very extreme in their diversity.
Btw, whatever the critics say, I prefer UYI to Appetite. That record doesn't sound that uncohesive to me.

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Mikkamakka on November 30, 2004, 05:27:00 AM
It seems to me that the whole general GN'R discussion should be renamed to Dead Horse. A lot of topics about the same theme, and nothing new, we've discussed these things months and years ago.? :rant:


Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: nesquick on November 30, 2004, 05:37:23 AM

Duh, you can have a lot of variety and still be cohesive.

Here is what I wrote yesterday:
obviously the best is a coherent record which is also diversified....but this is extremely difficult to make. Unless you release a "thriller" (Mickael Jackson) or a "the wall" (pink floyd).

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Scabbie on November 30, 2004, 07:54:18 AM
It seems to me that the whole generation GN'R discussion should be renamed to Dead Horse. A lot of topics about the same theme, and nothing new, we've discussed these things months and years ago.? :rant:


I know what your saying, lets hope December will bring in some new, fresh and exciting topics to discuss. Otherwise either we have to become more creative or maybe it would be better to turn this into a Tommy Stinson and Velvet Revolver message board!

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Pandora on November 30, 2004, 08:19:52 AM

Duh, you can have a lot of variety and still be cohesive.

Here is what I wrote yesterday:
obviously the best is a coherent record which is also diversified....but this is extremely difficult to make. Unless you release a "thriller" (Mickael Jackson) or a "the wall" (pink floyd).

I saw that, thank you. And I never said such a record was easy to make. That's the whole point obviously.

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Rain on November 30, 2004, 08:43:33 AM
I just want it to be epic ! Tommy dropped the word I'm still hanging on to it !   ;) It can be "cohesive" as AFD - a lot of diversity in it but only 12 in your face songs - or like UYI I or II which are actually more relaxing for the brain !  ;D

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: nesquick on November 30, 2004, 09:56:02 AM

Duh, you can have a lot of variety and still be cohesive.

Here is what I wrote yesterday:
obviously the best is a coherent record which is also diversified....but this is extremely difficult to make. Unless you release a "thriller" (Mickael Jackson) or a "the wall" (pink floyd).

I saw that, thank you. And I never said such a record was easy to make. That's the whole point obviously.
yes indeed that's the whole point. 8)

I just want it to be epic ! Tommy dropped the word I'm still hanging on to it !   ;) It can be "cohesive" as AFD - a lot of diversity in it but only 12 in your face songs - or like UYI I or II which are actually more relaxing for the brain !  ;D
Indeed, especially Use 2 (wich was my favourite record during many years). The piano adds something in rythmic, a blues-rock sound. 8)

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: ppbebe on November 30, 2004, 10:11:37 AM
My point is what kind of sound/style do you want from the band? Will you be judging the content soley on the waiting process or where it stands against old gnr and or current music? Stuff like that.
My preference is earthshattering mega hard epics. But As far as they?re loyal to themselves they?ll kick ass no matter what style. ha-hah I can?t add much coz most are already said.

Hear! Hear!? :rant: Gimme a surprise! Challenge the world.

Basically I?ll judge it solely the album itself, which is as known as an absolute scale.

Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: younggunner on November 30, 2004, 10:18:04 AM
It seems to me that the whole general GN'R discussion should be renamed to Dead Horse. A lot of topics about the same theme, and nothing new, we've discussed these things months and years ago.
The reason why i started the thread was because of all the stuff i hear from you and others about the new gnr songs. So im asking you what are you expecting from the album so that when the album comes out I know if your honest or not and I dont have to hear about how Axl is trying to be like Prodigy etc...

Title: what type of music to expect for chinese democracy?
Post by: axlsfriend on December 01, 2004, 10:41:16 PM
over the years i have read the board and as well as the rest of you guys have heard the rumors.

One of the first things we heard about the album was it was going to be a totally different sound sort of like a techno album.  If i remember correctly axl said in a interview in rio that it was not going to be like afd.

the second thing we heard was it was going to be a classic rock album like AFD.  i think the guy from black label society Wylde said he thought it was a harder version of afd from what he heard.

lastly over the past year we have heard many rumors that p. buckmaster collaberated on 3-4 tracks which will include a full orchestral arrangement.  and we also heard that other guy who mentioned the tracks (seven, twat, prostitute, and this I love, which will all have a full ochestra and most likly be ballads.  if i read correctly these were not rumors and these two producers mentioned gnr on their own websites that they worked with them. 

these people who i mentioned  from what i understand all really made these statements and probablly are the little true info we have heard over the past few years. 

what it sounds like to me is either axl has made three very different albums, which would make the three album rumor true, or has made tons of material that has become outdated and was not happy with and scraped it three times.  which would explain the 11 year lapse between albums.  this would also make another rumor true which we heard last year that he gave his finished product to geffen and they quickly told him it was garbage.  I personally rather be hearing these latest rumors about CD having songs like NR,DC,and Est type songs then a techno album with crap like silkworms and rhiad on it.  hopefully it will be alittle AFD and ILLusions combined with a newer sond to it.  what is your opinions?   


Title: Re: what type of music to expect for chinese democracy?
Post by: estranged.1098 on December 01, 2004, 11:01:14 PM
The only thing I expect is to be suprised.  ;)

Title: Re: what type of music to expect for chinese democracy?
Post by: norway on December 02, 2004, 12:33:52 AM
the songs outhere by the new band might hint some of the directions they are taking

ore check this to read some axl on the album

welcome 2 the board  :beer:

Title: Re: what type of music to expect for chinese democracy?
Post by: thelostrose on December 02, 2004, 12:39:27 AM
i can't see why they would do something similar to a4d, that was the main reason, why the original band split up. axl didn't want to do something like that.

Title: Re: what type of music to expect for chinese democracy?
Post by: Wooody on December 02, 2004, 05:38:00 AM
? this would also make another rumor true which we heard last year that he gave his finished product to geffen and they quickly told him it was garbage.?

that rumour was started by a fellowposter friend of mine on Blabbermouth as a joke and it took off like a rocket


Title: Re: The Sound of CD...
Post by: Pryor Murphy on December 03, 2004, 04:39:59 PM
I hope it would be like the UY1-2, because there are so many different style of genres in those albums, such as ballad, acoustic and rock. But I can only hope that there will be no rap song/songs in the upcoming album.