Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Intercourse on November 23, 2004, 10:39:26 AM

Title: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Intercourse on November 23, 2004, 10:39:26 AM
The word seems to be that seven songs for CD will have strings on them from Buckmaster and the other bloke. How do people feel about this? Are we getting movie soundtracks or songs or a new level of epics??
I am worried that I'll find this album too bloated with too many sounds. I'm excited too I must admit!!
'Less is More' is something Axl doesn't seems to think about. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Timmy on November 23, 2004, 11:29:53 AM
I all for whatever he decides to do.  I have enough faith in the man to create something very beautiful.

(Note: GREAT name, man!   : ok: )

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 23, 2004, 11:33:27 AM
I'll be let down if it's orchestra type music..  I'm both exctied for the album, but worried all the same..
One or two would be ok, just vie me killer rockers, nothing industrial please..

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: norway on November 23, 2004, 11:43:25 AM
industrial works too

gotta dig the more metal tracks too : ok:

The orcehstra stuff has a huge potential for hard songs,

if you heard devil to pay with iced earth, you know what i mean

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Scabbie on November 23, 2004, 11:46:35 AM
The word seems to be that seven songs for CD will have strings on them from Buckmaster and the other bloke. How do people feel about this? Are we getting movie soundtracks or songs or a new level of epics??
I am worried that I'll find this album too bloated with too many sounds. I'm excited too I must admit!!
'Less is More' is something Axl doesn't seems to think about. Any thoughts?

Who is the other composer? I was aware of Buckmaster.

I don't think Axl would make an album of November Rain's as much as he would industrial style songs.

Whenever I think of the album's content, my mind reverts to Tommy's quote about the 'super indulgent creative material' (or something along those lines). To a certain extent I think this will make or break Chinese Democracy....

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: jarmo on November 23, 2004, 11:50:41 AM
Who is the other composer? I was aware of Buckmaster.

Marco Beltrami

Apparently he was asked to provide orchestral arrangements for Seven, Leave Me Alone, General and Thyme in October 2002.


Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: PhillyRiot on November 23, 2004, 11:52:35 AM
That is a lot of orchestra, but I guess if Frank Sinatra can kick ass with one, mabey Axl can too.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Walapino on November 23, 2004, 11:54:35 AM
Agh I hope he knows what he is doing.. we want fucking ROCK! :peace:

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Scabbie on November 23, 2004, 12:27:09 PM
Who is the other composer? I was aware of Buckmaster.

Marco Beltrami

Apparently he was asked to provide orchestral arrangements for Seven, Leave Me Alone, General and Thyme in October 2002.


Maybe thats who I was thinking of!  ??? God its hard to keep up sometimes!

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Voodoochild on November 23, 2004, 12:28:10 PM
Marco Beltrami also wrote guitar tracks. I guess both Beltrami and Buckmaster were also orchestrating guitar layers (remember, there was 3 guitars).

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 23, 2004, 12:40:19 PM
Agh I hope he knows what he is doing.. we want fucking ROCK! :peace:

Perhaps a little ludwig van bethoveen, oh I mean arnold.. ;)

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Skeba on November 23, 2004, 12:50:06 PM
Maybe thats who I was thinking of!? ??? God its hard to keep up sometimes!

I know what you mean.. Things are happening pretty fast in the GN'R world..

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: axlschild on November 23, 2004, 02:05:29 PM
If there are 7 tracks with orchestra stuff on that prob only leaves another 7 rockers, for CD. So maybe some will be on one of the folloing albums we heard about. There are supposed to be 70 odd tracks knocking around...

I haven't totally disregarded Axls comments about 3 albums a year part...

My parents always said i was a dreamer...

 :drool: ;D

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: jabba2 on November 23, 2004, 02:06:32 PM
If it will sound more psychodelic and not like November Rain, i dont mind orchestra tracks. But theres a thin line between cool and overdone orchestra rock.

Also i wish Axl was writing the music by himself, and not composers and the rest of the band doing all the writing. People will be more impressed with who wrote the music, than just lyrics IMO.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: norway on November 23, 2004, 02:08:16 PM
hard, fast rockers can have orchestra stuff too, it can be really great
iced earth uses some, it's still really heavy

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: damnthehaters on November 23, 2004, 02:13:07 PM
Don't worry people. ?Axl will take rock into another world, and be an innovator. ?Axl will create something new and interesting that is really fucking good. ?Why do you think GNR has kept everything hush hush? ?It's because there is going to be a lot of new and different things on this album. ?If your the type who doesn't like change, then I'm afraid this album may be a dissapointment for you. ?

Personally, I'm really excited to see what Axl is doing. ?I fuckin love " taking chances".


Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: norway on November 23, 2004, 02:14:50 PM
Don't worry people. ?Axl will take rock into another world, and be an innovator. ?Axl will create something new and interesting that is really fucking good. ?Why do you think GNR has kept everything hush hush? ?It's because there is going to be a lot of new and different things on this album. ?If your the type who doesn't like change, then I'm afraid this album may be a dissapointment for you. ?

Personally, I'm really excited to see what Axl is doing. ?I fuckin love " taking chances".

: ok:

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: SON OF A PREACHER on November 23, 2004, 02:17:55 PM
green carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness made a song 1 hour long... with a lot of orchestration....

needless to say green carnation rocks so very damn much.
I'm exited and looking fwd to see Axl and all of these epic songs. Maybe we're about to witness a new style, a new breed of rock music. God knows 4 min rockers have been played over and over again, they all sound the same now.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: C0ma on November 23, 2004, 02:23:31 PM
Also i wish Axl was writing the music by himself, and not composers and the rest of the band doing all the writing. People will be more impressed with who wrote the music, than just lyrics IMO.

Axl has never been the main driving force behind the bulk of the "music" writen for Guns N' Roses. Sure he has come up with a few skeletal piano versions of songs, but Izzy slash and Duff were writing the music. It would be ludacris to think that Axl could suddenly write an entire album of guitar tracks and create the masterpiece that you are all expecting...... he barely knows how to play the guitar  (can't wait to hear about how he can play Dead Horse and three chords in the middle of Madagscar)

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on November 23, 2004, 02:27:59 PM
I think it can only add to the songs. I love to hear strings, they add another dimension.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Izzy on November 23, 2004, 02:29:57 PM
7 tracks with orchestral parts? It sounds intresting, but maybe 7 is too many....the album won't have more than 12 tracks after all - but if anyone can pull off a rock album loaded up with orchestral parts its Guns N Roses as November Rain is living testament to.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: horsey on November 23, 2004, 02:36:04 PM
i can't fuckin wait any longer '
it's going to be awesome ,yeah it sounds good to me.different things together is a neat thing.not like anyone else.just like axl.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: jimmythegent on November 23, 2004, 08:31:28 PM
Seven sounds alot, but i guess it depends on the length of songs . I hope its not overdone, but i expected there would be alot of epics, I just hope they're dark and interesting epics with plenty of guitar

Also, it's probably been discussed before - what is the maximum length of a single CD these days? Perhaps a double album is on the cards?? :drool:

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: ClintroN on November 23, 2004, 08:41:28 PM
'Less is More' is something Axl doesn't seems to think about.

how the hell does anyone know what Axl's thinkin'  :hihi:

man, for all we know, some of the string work could be for anything, even a little intro or a fill in.
Doesnt really mean the whole albums gonna be full of it : ok:

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: estranged.1098 on November 23, 2004, 09:00:40 PM
We don't know how many songs the album has, we don't know which of these 7 songs are going to be on it, we don't know if they will use the arrengements in the version of the songs that make in the album.

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: norway on November 24, 2004, 03:15:40 AM
axl on the album sound(99):

 The record will be about, anywhere from 16 to 18 songs, but we recorded at least two albums' worth of material that is solidly recorded. But we are working on a lot more songs than that at the same time... in that way, what we're doing is exploring so, you know, you get a good idea, you save it, and then maybe you come back to it later, or maybe you get a good idea and you go, "That's really cool, but that's not what we're looking for. Okay, let's try something new." You know, basically taking the advance money for the record and actually spending it on the record.

So we have material that we think is too advanced for old Guns fans to hear right now and they would completely hate, because we were exploring the use of computers [along with] everybody really playing their ass off and combining that, but trying to push the envelope a bit. It's like, "Hmm, I have to push the envelope a little too far. We'll wait on that." So we got a list of things.

Rose on playin guitar: It's all right. I just wanted to be good enough to be able to contribute what was needed to this main album. It took working on the majority of these things and at least the couple albums' [worth] of material to figure out what should be on the first official Guns album. I wouldn't say it's like, you know, that we recorded a double album, or that we have all of our scraps to be the second one. There is a distinct difference in sound. The second leans probably a little more to aggressive electronica with full guitars, where the first one is definitely more guitar-based.

 There will be elements of blues-based things on the new Guns record. It's a very diverse record. There's a lot of hip-hop beats, there's straight-ahead rock.

and now we have the classical input ;)

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Taz on November 24, 2004, 03:26:23 AM
We don't know how many songs the album has, we don't know which of these 7 songs are going to be on it, we don't know if they will use the arrengements in the version of the songs that make in the album.

And we don't know if we'll like it... :hihi:

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: Mr. Nik™ on November 24, 2004, 03:48:21 AM
Axl and the other guys (with add of some co-workers) are building the way to a NEW Rock.... it will be huge, amazing, and fuckin' great  :peace:  :drool:

Title: Re: TWO composers add strings...
Post by: GNROSAS on November 24, 2004, 05:04:48 AM
The best thing is to stop being over excited. Just expect a good album. when we will hear it we will judge. It is nothing worse to have high expectations and then feel slightly dissapointment. It  is better to have low, medium expectations and then when we will hear it it will give as a kick in the ass.
I expect a good solid record. If it ends up to be a masterpiece then i will be the happiest Bunny.