Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: 33 on November 15, 2004, 11:42:51 AM

Title: For all the Negative people
Post by: 33 on November 15, 2004, 11:42:51 AM
This thread may seem rather confusing, but I hope it makes sense. After years now of rumours and rumours and more rumours. Is it just me now or does it really seem now like the album is really gonna come out very very soon? Along with an absolute tidal wave of promotion, tours, singles, dvds, books??? Who knows what they may release! For me personally all the people who come on this site and whinge like bitches saying things like. “It’s not GnR its Axls solo record”. – “The new band have got no togetherness or attitude”. –  “The new songs are crap”, etc etc are so negative and short sighted. Because it’s not the late 80’s or early 90’s anymore. Axl seems to have a pretty good idea of what people are gonna want to listen too nowadays. Or IMO he wouldn’t have taken this long to record the album and I would imagine it was pretty fucking hard to write a follow up album to UYI, whilst recruiting an entirely new band, management and reportedly doing just about everything else behind the scenes. I’m not writing this thread to pretend I know what’s going on in the GnR world or anything like that. Its just become so depressing to hear again and again people on this message board be so negative about Axl and the new band. I’m so glad that the old band are not there any more, from what I have seen they didn’t want to evolve with the band. I think the VR album is good but only cos Scott Weiland is involved, and I’m not saying it would be shit if he weren’t. It just seems that he gives it that something extra to make it popular.  I have been there as a GnR fan since the beginning and I lived and breathed the band when it was the original band, and when Matt and Dizzy came in, and still when Gilby came in. So why is it so bad to think that the line-up the band has now are not going to reshape music history again and release an absolutely phenomenal album? Yeh of course its frustrating all the waiting, and the continuous silence from the Guns camp. But they have got their own reasons for this and when its good and fucking ready they will let us know. And I’m sure that’s when the fun will really start. So why do so many people try to put their opinion across as fact about what is happening, or what is going to happen? Jarmo can you just set up a little area for these people who seem to: hate Axl, hate the new songs, hate the new line up (but still come on this message board every day??) to just fight it out amongst themselves about how crap everything is? So then all the other people who use this message board can get on with positive and constructive comments about what promises to be a fucking exciting few months coming up for Guns n Roses fans. Oh on another note has anyone seen the FCUK t-shirts that are out at the moment? ‘FCUK n Roses’ with the early style guns logos on. Got one yesterday! Very cool!!!

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 15, 2004, 12:12:29 PM
Nobody hates the new band, people just get frustrated and sometimes it's a little hard to be postitive..
You asked an honest question if it seems like everything will be happening soon, and I will give an honest answer.. I say NO, nothing is pointing to anything, there isn't anything involving a talk about a video sdhoot ,a single soon, album is done, or anything of that nature.. Just rumors and that's all... If you want to go by what dizzy said then the closest it would be is february..

As for the songs there are only 5 boots and 1 actual release.. Not everyone likes all the songs ,that's only normal..

Even if the album was months away but a defineite you would read gnr films a video, or single to be released at this date, etc.. You'd hear something, anything would be news worthy..

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: ppbebe on November 15, 2004, 12:22:54 PM
Yes, there're people who hate the new band. I can name them. None are so blind as those who will not see.

My bet is that they?re either the dead from the 90's or those who possessed by those evil spooks. They gave in their hearts to The Dark Force. Poor souls.

Lay your Ghosts.

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: norway on November 15, 2004, 12:25:18 PM
The exorsist :nervous:

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 15, 2004, 12:48:48 PM
I have been there as a GnR fan since the beginning and I lived and breathed the band when it was the original band, and when Matt and Dizzy came in, and still when Gilby came in. So why is it so bad to think that the line-up the band has now are not going to reshape music history again and release an absolutely phenomenal album?

No one is saying it can't happen, but when gnr made those changes they were right in the thick of being the number one band with two top albums coming out (well with dizzy n matt) tour pof a lifetime and then gilby kept it going after izzy left.. Back then everything was already in place and with bands like that the two key figures are usually the frontman and the lead guitarist.. At least for popularity..

Gnr was in their prime back when everything switched, this is a whole new ball game, who knows how it will be, but I doubt it will duplicate it's 87-93 reign..It happens very few times ,Aerosmith is one that I can think of off hand that made a beter comeback then their start..

I hope they make it, I want to see gnr on top again, I want to listen to cd ,and I want to see some more live shows..

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 15, 2004, 12:49:21 PM
The exorsist :nervous:

Darth vader.. :hihi:

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: 33 on November 16, 2004, 01:12:47 PM
Nobody hates the new band, people just get frustrated and sometimes it's a little hard to be postitive..

Gotta disagree dude! Without naming names there are plenty of people who use this board who hate the new band, and that is why its so frustrating to see their posts, when your trying to be positive about a band that are about to do something fucking massive!!

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 16, 2004, 03:20:21 PM
Nobody hates the new band, people just get frustrated and sometimes it's a little hard to be postitive..

Gotta disagree dude! Without naming names there are plenty of people who use this board who hate the new band, and that is why its so frustrating to see their posts, when your trying to be positive about a band that are about to do something fucking massive!!

Every year they are about to do something massive..  I don't hate the band, I givem my reasons behjind every way I feel ,I make sure to explani my theory behind my feelings..  Take everyone one person that thinks something great is going to happen (which it will oneday) now there are others who don't see the same.. I don't think that's hate, I just feel it's how someone is seeing the reality of what is going on now or lack of it..

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: takeshi on November 16, 2004, 05:29:59 PM
It's not an issue of people being negative, it's hard to keep up the baseless enthusiasm year after year.  Every year we hear rumors and things seem to be happening and then nothing does.  We're in exactly the same situation now that we've been in for the past two years at least.  We're waiting on a possible release date and tour in 2005 but it looks like Tommy Stinson will be still touring then.

I admire Axl a great deal but some people on this board take it to unhealthy extremes, when I see thread titles like, "the healing power of Axl's voice" I know why Axl needs bodyguards to keep the freaks away.  The facts are that Axl is a singer who hasn't released anything new in over a decade, his last tour was an utter failure in every way and there is no logical excuse for CD not being finished.  Most bands can get an album done within 6 months, if they really want to take it easy or they're working on something really complex it might be closer to a year but the length of time that Axl has spent on CD can only lead to one conclusion.  He doesn't have enough good songs yet to release an album. 

I've been a fan of the band since AFD was released and such negative conjecture brings me no joy but the delusional idea that CD will be the musical event of the decade is way off base.  This is a comeback album, this will decide if Axl is remembered as the rock legend that he is or the egomaniac who destroyed his band and couldn't make it without them.

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: Taz on November 17, 2004, 09:40:00 AM
Yes, there're people who hate the new band. I can name them. None are so blind as those who will not see.

My bet is that they?re either the dead from the 90's or those who possessed by those evil spooks. They gave in their hearts to The Dark Force. Poor souls.

Lay your Ghosts.

What's new, Doc ? :-*

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: RiotinPhilly on November 17, 2004, 06:44:22 PM
It's not an issue of people being negative, it's hard to keep up the baseless enthusiasm year after year.? Every year we hear rumors and things seem to be happening and then nothing does.? We're in exactly the same situation now that we've been in for the past two years at least.? We're waiting on a possible release date and tour in 2005 but it looks like Tommy Stinson will be still touring then.

I admire Axl a great deal but some people on this board take it to unhealthy extremes, when I see thread titles like, "the healing power of Axl's voice" I know why Axl needs bodyguards to keep the freaks away.? The facts are that Axl is a singer who hasn't released anything new in over a decade, his last tour was an utter failure in every way and there is no logical excuse for CD not being finished.? Most bands can get an album done within 6 months, if they really want to take it easy or they're working on something really complex it might be closer to a year but the length of time that Axl has spent on CD can only lead to one conclusion.? He doesn't have enough good songs yet to release an album.?

I've been a fan of the band since AFD was released and such negative conjecture brings me no joy but the delusional idea that CD will be the musical event of the decade is way off base.? This is a comeback album, this will decide if Axl is remembered as the rock legend that he is or the egomaniac who destroyed his band and couldn't make it without them.

What a great post.  I couldn't agree with you more.  There is nothing more disappointing than seeing disillusioned fans singing the praises of a man they have never met and who has treated the fans in an utterly deplorable manner.  It's good to see some people on this board have some sense.

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: 33 on November 18, 2004, 06:30:31 AM
What a great post. I couldn't agree with you more. There is nothing more disappointing than seeing disillusioned fans singing the praises of a man they have never met and who has treated the fans in an utterly deplorable manner. It's good to see some people on this board have some sense.

What the hell has it got to do with whether anyone has actually met Axl? (just for the record I did very briefly in 93 at Milton Keynes) Its about having faith in something you believe in! How has he treated the fans in a deplorable way? Is being silent acting in a deplorable way? He hasnt come out and said "fuck you all Im never gonna release the album" Yes of course its a fucking long time to wait for an album and I get frustrated but for me once a fan always a fan and take the shit that comes with it. What are you moaning whinging doubters gonna do when the album comes out and hopefully it proves to be fucking amazing. I reckon you will all have to be doing a bit of backtracking then. But I still reckon half the negative cunts who moan about Axl and the new band would still find something to moan about even if the album had already come out! I mean when you read some of you negative people posting threads about Axls lack of eyebrows or whether he has had a cosmetic surgery! Eh? What is the world coming to when you have to post things like that? The bloke cant win can he?

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: ppbebe on November 18, 2004, 09:20:39 AM
Yeah but seeing eyebrow n hair talks are rather bearable. Forthcoming hair problem is all dudes? concern unless born bold. Perhaps For that reason some people are so keen on those baseless arguments.
There is nothing more eerie than seeing negative creeps criticizing a character of a man they have never talked and treating upright n positive fans in an utterly deplorable manner.?

Those who're disillusioned, You don?t have to come here to get disappointed. How about stay out of this till CD comes out? We both will be happy and you won?t miss a thing. If you can?t stand the wait get out of the GNR world.

What's new, Doc ? :-*
Bitching. How?s trick? No!? :o What trick you?re up to.
You should have read the board rules.
Anyhow you seem like changing your trick a bit.
At this rate I hope you turn over a new leaf to be a good boy (like me :hihi:) eventually with my fucking heart.

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: Nytunz on November 18, 2004, 09:28:52 AM
Could GNR be on the MTV Europe Awards today?  :rofl:

Title: Re: For all the Negative people
Post by: 33 on November 19, 2004, 06:20:06 AM
Those who're disillusioned, You don’t have to come here to get disappointed. How about stay out of this till CD comes out? We both will be happy and you won’t miss a thing. If you can’t stand the wait get out of the GNR world.

Good shout!! Couldnt agree with you more