Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: campos on November 08, 2004, 11:11:22 PM

Title: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: campos on November 08, 2004, 11:11:22 PM

Spin: No ... just for you. I just typed them out.... So your band was established when Guns N' Roses came
on the scene. First time you heard of them?... At the beginning they were glam-influenced.

Ulrich: Well, the first time I heard them was, we were in L.A., making the "Garage Days Revisited" EP in
August of '87. And I just remember everybody was talking about this fucking band, Guns N' Roses, and
that they were like the next big thing or whatever. So I had a flight from New York over to England, and so
I'm sitting there going through a bunch of cassettes that I'd finagled up at the record company. And one of
'em was Guns. I'd never heard anything with that kinda attitude. It was not just what was said, it was the
way Axl said it. And it was like so fuckin' real, and so fuckin' potent. Do you know what I mean?

Spin: The first time you encountered them personally.

Ulrich: It was probably October '87, and we went down to -- (laughs) -- incredible. We went down to a
Motley Crue video shoot 'cause we'd heard Slash was gonna be down there.

So we went down there, and there was Slash and his fuckin' top hat, and his fuckin' smelly leather jacket --
and it was just like-- But the minute that I met him, it was sorta like: This guy's totally real, and I -- as soon
as I met him, I felt like I'd known him like all my life.

Spin: Right.

Ulrich: But over the course of making that "And Justice for All" record, we became like real good friends,
supertight -- and just like saw them a lot and hung out, and got up to a lot of no good ... a lot of no good.

Spin: Detail on the no good?

Ulrich: You know, women, drugs. I mean, you know, you can pretty much imagine. I mean, we weren't
doing a lot of charity works for the homeless together.

Spin: Specific mishap out with G&R then?

Ulrich: I mean, it was just fuckin' insane. It was just every night fuckin' You know, we didn't sit around and
discuss a lot of politics or fuckin', you know? And I just felt like we were right on the same fuckin' page,
and it was sorta like partners-in-crime type of thing.

And, you know, Slash and Duff and Adler just was like around every day, and then Axl was more sort of
elusive. Axl was always off, just sort of doing his own thing a lot of times, and stuff like that. But when he
was social and into it, and stuff like that, it was like a lot of fun.

Spin: Fast-forward to '91. Your bands are both massive ... decide to tour together.

Ulrich: Like you sit there at 5 in the morning, and it's sort of like: Okay -- well, you know, hey, we should
really work together one day. And it was sort of like -- you know, it got to the point where it was just like
we talked about it so much that it was just like: Fuck, we gotta actually see if we could make this happen.
And, you know, how cool it would be for the kids to get a chance to see two bands together, and stuff like
that. It just seemed like a really cool idea, heh, at the time. (Laughs)

Spin: You talked about what happened in Canada. James had an accident, and there was a riot afterwards....

Ulrich: You know, Axl Rose is one of the most real people I've ever met. Okay, probably like one of the
truest and more real people that I've ever met. When Axl is in the right mood and the right frame of mind, I
mean, there's nobody that touches him as an artist and as a performer. But he's also the kind of person that
it's sort of like if the monitors aren't 110%, then he can't deal with it. And then he just, instead of trying to
find a way to deal with it, he chooses to walk off. And I'm sort of in a situation where I can sort of relate to
both sides, because I think that there's a kind of purity in what he does.

It just so happens that that night, when James blew up onstage, and Guns N' Roses needed to come out and
save the day, you know, Axl had one of his nights where he just wasn't really feeling it, and couldn't really
pull it off. And that was the night where it really needed to happen -- do you know what I mean?

Spin: You must have been pissed at them at the time.

Ulrich: I don't know. I gotta be honest with you. I've always had a weakness for Axl. I think he's really
fuckin' intriguing. And, you know, people that know me well know that, oh, I've always found him
incredibly fascinating. And I've found that he is one of the last few real rock stars on this planet.

And, okay: The summer of '92, Metallica and Guns N' Roses. Okay: What was there? Okay, there was that
night in Montreal -- but there was also, you know, 40 other shows that went off, you know, more or less
without any major incidents. Where a lot of kids got a chance to see two fuckin' bands play together in a
setting that really hadn't been seen very much at that time, or since.

Spin: So you haven't seen him since '93?

Ulrich: I haven't seen Axl since '93, I don't think -- no. I don't think anybody has. Has anybody seen Axl
since '93?

Spin: Two or three spottings, but they're like Elvis spottings.

Ulrich: I just fuckin' -- I miss the competition. (Laughs) I just wish: Fuckin' make a record.

Spin: Heard any rumors you'd like to share?

Ulrich: What, about anything the last couple of years?

Spin: Yeah, about the new record.

Ulrich: Not anything you haven't heard.

Spin: That it's a techno record....

Ulrich: Well, I think -- I mean, one thing, when I think about people talking about like, Oh, Axl's going
techno, and all this. I mean, I remember fuckin' in 19 ... probably the spring of '91, or something like, he
was sitting there and telling me about this fuckin' guy -- this band called Nine Inch Nails.

But he was always talking about him, and what a great artist he was, and how much that whole thing really
inspired him, and stuff like that. So it's sort of like if you're sitting there going: You know, Axl's going
techno -- I mean, it doesn't surprise me. And he was fucking -- he was the first guy I ever heard talk about
Nine Inch Nails, of anybody.

Spin: So you think he's gonna pull it off.

Ulrich: I think I'm totally the minority, in that I think he's gonna pull it off. A lot of people think he's just
really selfish and stuck-up, but he's also really smart. It's not gonna be a Guns N' Roses record, in what the
rest of the world understands as a Guns N' Roses record

Spin: Yeah. And, also, no Slash, no Duff, no Izzy.

Ulrich: Right. And that's what a lot of people are just gonna like gripe about. But, at the same time, I think,
if Axl made a record under a different name, and just put it out -- People would probably go: This is the
fuckin' most amazing record for 1999 and 2000. But because it's not-- I mean, it's the same shit we've run
into -- do you know what I mean? You know, he'll always have that cross on his shoulder.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 08, 2004, 11:53:08 PM
great read.. but when is it from? which issue of spin?

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: metallex78 on November 09, 2004, 12:25:33 AM
I've heard and read a few interviews where Lars was praising Axl, even when Metallica toured Australia back in 1998, Lars said in a radio interview how much he admires the guy and was really looking forward to Axl's new music.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: christina_rose on November 09, 2004, 12:55:20 AM
Wow. I mean WOW. I always had this thing against Metallica. But jeez, I've never seen kinder words. Cheers Lars.  :beer:

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: grog mug on November 09, 2004, 02:17:30 AM
I've always hated Lars, but man that was a great read.  I read the entire thing, which seemed like they talked about Axl/GN'R for hours.  It's sad that Axl hasn't seen most of his true friends for over a decade.  Maybe he'll come out of hiding, release the record, have massive success and just make up with everyone.  Yeah right.  But when he's done, I know CD will hit the world hard, promotion or not.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Skeletor on November 09, 2004, 04:56:08 AM
great read.. but when is it from? which issue of spin?

It can't be very recent, because I think I've read this before a while ago.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: D on November 09, 2004, 05:03:46 AM
what Lars said scares me and is so true with music

Ive heard tons of records and had they been put out by a new artist people would flip and think they were the greatest records ever made, but cause its an artist people have perceived notions and prejudices about, it never gets its due credit.

ive heard so many records from Prince or RHCP's or even Limp Bizkits results may vary and think "if this were by an unknown new band it would sell tens of millions of copies and be some of the best shit ever.

I hope this doesnt happen to axl though but it is damn likely.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: nesquick on November 09, 2004, 05:24:37 AM
Spin: That it's a techno record....
How do they know how the album will sound? did they hear it?

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: willow on November 09, 2004, 05:35:31 AM
Thank You Lars! Always new he was the only good guy in that band!

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Pandora on November 09, 2004, 05:38:07 AM
Spin: That it's a techno record....
How do they know how the album will sound? did they hear it?

It was a stupid rumour that went around some five years ago.  People don't know what they're talking about. They don't have a clue what techno is. Most of it doesn't even have any vocals. How could GN'R go techno? It really makes me cringe when I hear that sort of ignorant comment.....

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Mikkamakka on November 09, 2004, 05:45:38 AM
Ulrich: Right. And that's what a lot of people are just gonna like gripe about. But, at the same time, I think,
if Axl made a record under a different name, and just put it out -- People would probably go: This is the
fuckin' most amazing record for 1999 and 2000
. But because it's not-- I mean, it's the same shit we've run
into -- do you know what I mean? You know, he'll always have that cross on his shoulder.

This interview seems to be 5 or 6 years old...

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: SADIS on November 09, 2004, 07:39:20 AM
Spin: That it's a techno record....
How do they know how the album will sound? did they hear it?

It was a stupid rumour that went around some five years ago.? People don't know what they're talking about. They don't have a clue what techno is. Most of it doesn't even have any vocals. How could GN'R go techno? It really makes me cringe when I hear that sort of ignorant comment.....

In the USA techno seems to have a different meaning than in Europe. Moby is considered techno in the USA. SO it could make sense....if he were to make European techno it would be hard stumpin bassdrums with no lyrics at all. Now that wouldn't make any sense.....

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Pandora on November 09, 2004, 07:53:06 AM

In the USA techno seems to have a different meaning than in Europe. Moby is considered techno in the USA. SO it could make sense....if he were to make European techno it would be hard stumpin bassdrums with no lyrics at all. Now that wouldn't make any sense.....

Moby used to do techno 10-15 years ago, although it was always very accessible. He's moved very much into the mainstream now. I would call that "ambient electronic pop" or something. He's not a very good example anyway since he's originally rooted in punk rock and even made a rock record called "Animal rights" about 10 years ago (it was not half bad by the way).
I just don't understand the perception of techno in the US. It's not only European. Detroit has been a huge breeding ground for techno for a long time now, and although the Detroit techno scene encompasses tons of different musical styles, it still sounds nothing like "Oh my god".

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: ppbebe on November 09, 2004, 07:53:30 AM
Bahaha, Hilarious.
Thanks SADIS.
We didn't know what they're talking about.
All the mysterys of Techno thingy I?ve been wondering for ages are solved now.
I don't know US techno, to start with.
 ? ?
How about Industry, then?

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: SADIS on November 09, 2004, 09:16:31 AM
Bahaha, Hilarious.
Thanks SADIS.
We didn't know what they're talking about.
All the mysterys of Techno thingy I?ve been wondering for ages are solved now.
I don't know US techno, to start with.
 ? ?
How about Industry, then?

Are you taking a piss at me? I was just tryin' to help out.

USA techno means something different then techno over here. Shit, I'm from Holland and fucking know what techno is. Holland is one of the few countries in the world where techno is really big. Most of the harcdore, trance, happy hardcore, rave, techno, hardstyle etc comes from here. The no 1. DJ's are from here. I know what I'm talking about. I also know that alot of techno comes from Detroit. But that's a scene on it's own, which is nowhere to be found in the rest of the USA.

Shit, every review on Madonna's "Ray of Light" called the album techno. It has NOTHING to do with techno. USA has a different perception of what techno is. So nobody has clue of what's meant when they say "Axl is doing techno".

I think what they mean, is that Axl has been listening to alot of Prodigy. I think the USA sees Prodigy as Techno. Which it is not.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: ppbebe on November 09, 2004, 09:43:14 AM
What? ??? Come on, SADIS.  Sad is this.

Why the hell I must take a piss of your helpful post. I meant it.

Yay, I?m a happy pro-NewGNR have different opinions to ya. But I?m for differences and discussions as far as they?re civil. I thought you know that. I don?t see you as a hater who comes here just to mess about new GNR. I hate to be unfair.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on November 09, 2004, 09:47:58 AM
I think that's the stuff Spin did with Ulrich for the big 1999 article ( on Axl/GN'R.

I remember they had stuff on their web site that didn't make the magazine back then.


Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: SADIS on November 09, 2004, 09:48:21 AM
What? ??? Come on, SADIS.? Sad is this.

Why the hell I must take a piss of your helpful post. I meant it.

Yay, I?m a happy pro-NewGNR have different opinions to ya. But I?m for differences and discussions as far as they?re civil. I thought you know that. I don?t see you as a hater who comes here just to mess about new GNR. I hate to be unfair.

Ok, I'm sorry then. But your post sounded a bit sarcastic. As if it was impossible for me to know what the difference in meaning was between EU techno and USA techno.

I think the biggest problem is just that. I think that Axl wanted to make a record in the Prodigy style. If I listen to Silkworms I hear a very Prodigy inspired song. He even fakes an English accent. But I don't consider the Prodigy techno, but I do think alot of Americans consider Prodigy techno.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 09, 2004, 10:58:48 AM

You know, Axl Rose is one of the most real people I've ever met. Okay, probably like one of the
truest and more real people that I've ever met . When Axl is in the right mood and the right frame of mind, I mean, there's nobody that touches him as an artist and as a performer
... But he's also the kind of person that it's sort of like if the monitors aren't 110%, then he can't deal with it. And then he just, instead of trying to find a way to deal with it, he chooses to walk off.? And I'm sort of in a situation where I can sort of relate to both sides, becauseI think that there's a kind of purity in what he does.

I've always had a weakness for Axl. I think he's really fuckin' intriguing. And, you know, people that know me well know that, oh, I've always found him incredibly fascinating. And I've found that he is one of the last few real rock stars on this planet. ...And, okay: The summer of '92, Metallica and Guns N' Roses. Okay: What was there? Okay, there was that night in Montreal -- but there was also, you know, 40 other shows that went off, you know, more or less without any major incidents. Where a lot of kids got a chance to see two fuckin' bands play together in a setting that really hadn't been seen very much at that time, or since

Lars : ok:
Always been my fav member of Metallica
I've read this before... but, its nice to read it again.

I think I'm totally the minority, in that I think he's gonna pull it off. A lot of people think he's just really selfish and stuck-up, but he's also really smart.

though I think the world WILL see it as a Guns N' Roses album.? Axl didn't hold onto the name to not make a Guns N' Roses album!? ;)

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: ppbebe on November 09, 2004, 01:26:30 PM
Yay, GNR's gonna pull it off. :headbanger:? I think so too.
But your post sounded a bit sarcastic.

Well, More like ironic. I was taking the piss out of myself and how we didn?t know US techno(well still I don?t) and went over and over it. You should?ve told us earlier like, say before Nesquick joined. OK, I explain. He always worries about how CD will be full of EU techno and indu.... Well no worries. My sense of humour is something no one would understand.

If I listen to Silkworms I hear a very Prodigy inspired song. He even fakes an English accent.
I love cockney. Maybe he or/and Tommy(?) wanted to put John Lydon-ish tone of voice on the song. I think it fit for the lyric. If Prodigy means style like PIL, about Silk Worm, I agree.
So, don?t you know if there's any difference between US Industrial and EU one?

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Pandora on November 09, 2004, 03:14:16 PM

So, don?t you know if there's any difference between US Industrial and EU one?

Industrial is another one of those words that don't really mean anything. It could be any band from NIN to Ministry to Atari Teenage riot (far end of the spectrum and totally unlistenable if you ask me). Hell, even Killing Joke could be considered as industrial now I guess ! And those bands are pretty different from one another.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: jimmythegent on November 10, 2004, 12:43:57 AM
am I correct in thinking Axl dissed Lars from the stage in on of his 2002 concerts?

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: ppbebe on November 10, 2004, 03:12:44 PM

So, don?t you know if there's any difference between US Industrial and EU one?

Industrial is another one of those words that don't really mean anything. It could be any band from NIN to Ministry to Atari Teenage riot (far end of the spectrum and totally unlistenable if you ask me). Hell, even Killing Joke could be considered as industrial now I guess ! And those bands are pretty different from one another.
Thanks. : ok: So anything goes.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: disease51883 on November 11, 2004, 11:28:17 PM
Industrial is another one of those words that don't really mean anything. It could be any band from NIN to Ministry to Atari Teenage riot (far end of the spectrum and totally unlistenable if you ask me). Hell, even Killing Joke could be considered as industrial now I guess ! And those bands are pretty different from one another.

Those bands are... in this order, industrial metal, industrial metal, hardcore techno, and post-punk. Industrial, in it's truest form, are bands like Skinny Puppy.


Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Skeletor on November 12, 2004, 01:04:19 AM
am I correct in thinking Axl dissed Lars from the stage in on of his 2002 concerts?

Haven't heard about that one, but Axl did say something about him after the GNR & Metallica tour in the 90s.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: ccorn69 on November 12, 2004, 02:05:11 AM
this interview seems old, i also never heard of axl dissing lars in 2002, anybody know anything about it

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Pandora on November 12, 2004, 05:27:42 AM
Industrial is another one of those words that don't really mean anything. It could be any band from NIN to Ministry to Atari Teenage riot (far end of the spectrum and totally unlistenable if you ask me). Hell, even Killing Joke could be considered as industrial now I guess ! And those bands are pretty different from one another.

Those bands are... in this order, industrial metal, industrial metal, hardcore techno, and post-punk. Industrial, in it's truest form, are bands like Skinny Puppy.


Post-punk? Another one of those stupid labels. Like there's pre-punk and post-punk?  :rofl:
And Atari Teenage Riot would hardly qualify as techno. I saw them open for NIN on their latest tour, and they didn't sound techno at all, more like supersonic noise and non-stop yelling for 30 minutes.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: disease51883 on November 12, 2004, 06:01:09 AM
Post-punk? Another one of those stupid labels. Like there's pre-punk and post-punk? 
And Atari Teenage Riot would hardly qualify as techno. I saw them open for NIN on their latest tour, and they didn't sound techno at all, more like supersonic noise and non-stop yelling for 30 minutes.

Although I brought it up, I don't want to get into a genre argument. My point was that "industrial" isn't a catch-all term for any dark band with a drum machine, and not all those bands are industrial (or any of them for that matter). With that said, post-punk?s just a 80?s rock sub-genre of music that was created because of the innovations of punk before it. That?s not to say that punk had to necessarily end for post-punk to begin or anything. As for Atari Teenage Riot, I admit they?re hard to categorize. From what I know of them though, ?hardcore techno? seems to be the best way to go. Maybe I?m thinking of the ?U.S. techno? that someone else mentioned. Heh.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Voodoochild on November 12, 2004, 06:56:40 AM
Post-punk? Another one of those stupid labels. Like there's pre-punk and post-punk? 
And Atari Teenage Riot would hardly qualify as techno. I saw them open for NIN on their latest tour, and they didn't sound techno at all, more like supersonic noise and non-stop yelling for 30 minutes.

Although I brought it up, I don't want to get into a genre argument. My point was that "industrial" isn't a catch-all term for any dark band with a drum machine, and not all those bands are industrial (or any of them for that matter). With that said, post-punk?s just a 80?s rock sub-genre of music that was created because of the innovations of punk before it. That?s not to say that punk had to necessarily end for post-punk to begin or anything. As for Atari Teenage Riot, I admit they?re hard to categorize. From what I know of them though, ?hardcore techno? seems to be the best way to go. Maybe I?m thinking of the ?U.S. techno? that someone else mentioned. Heh.

I would say that Atari Teenage Riot is just electro-punk or techno-punk. BTW, I actually like Revolution Action. It's better than Silkworms, IMO.  :rofl:

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: Kahz on November 12, 2004, 11:10:00 PM
am I correct in thinking Axl dissed Lars from the stage in on of his 2002 concerts?

Haven't heard about that one, but Axl did say something about him after the GNR & Metallica tour in the 90s.
At the Toronto concert in '02 Axl mentions the Montreal riot and says that they will have more discussions later about, in a very sarcastic manner, "my dear friend Lars."

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: jnn on November 13, 2004, 08:13:14 PM
Lars always has great things to say about Axl.  I've seen a ton of interviews where he's sort of brought up Axl on his own without it being part of the questioning.  Going as far back as the late 80s he's been talking about him quite a bit.  He's even done some much more recently, like in the last 6 months or so.

Title: Re: lars ulrich on Guns N' Roses
Post by: norway on November 13, 2004, 08:24:26 PM
Axl really bashes him\them in some 90's concerts
James called him "the rock rascist" then axl slams ulrich... bla bla, unpredicteble guy or what?