Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: slashedguns on November 07, 2004, 12:44:34 AM

Title: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: slashedguns on November 07, 2004, 12:44:34 AM
I read a few days ago in someones  post that when Brain joined the band he said he never  liked GNR and their music, and that he only joined the band for the money. Is this true? Where and when did he say it? Can anyone elaborate? :peace:

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: Flyguy_1ca on November 07, 2004, 01:55:43 AM
I don't think he quite said it like that.  Though, I think Brain and Tommy have said they didn't like old GNR like AFD etc....they've said they weren't fans back in the day....but I don't think they've said anything other than that.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: MeanBone on November 07, 2004, 04:52:05 AM
i know tommy or richard said he wasn't into AFD cuz that wasn't he's thing back in the day, he knew the band cuz you couldn'd get anywhere without hearing GN'R, but it wasn't in his deal. he did like to play the songs and really loved the new stuff, and i believe the new direction of the band was what made him stay with gn'r. but from what i've heard he was very careful about the words. he never hated Gn'R, he knew their songs. he just wasn't a fan. but then again i don't think Axl was looking for fans in the band.
as far as i know, these guys pull it off completly and enjoy playing the songs we love Live, and that's good enought for me.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: starchild_666 on November 07, 2004, 05:24:18 AM
If they don't like AFD, they must be complete idiots... :'(

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: nesquick on November 07, 2004, 06:20:40 AM
maybe they prefer playing tunes like "oh my god" or "silkworms" than AFD who knows  :o
Sometimes their words are shocking.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: Nacho Man Randy Salsa on November 07, 2004, 08:28:41 AM
I think you are referring to when a fan posted that he went to a Brain concert and Brain said he was getting frustrated with the wait and said the only reason he is still in was the money.The fan clearly said Brain was joking when he said that.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: jarmo on November 07, 2004, 08:58:54 AM
maybe they prefer playing tunes like "oh my god" or "silkworms" than AFD who knows? :o
Sometimes their words are shocking.

Yeah, truly shocking when a musician prefers to perform songs he/she wrote instead of other people's songs.


Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: nesquick on November 07, 2004, 11:00:47 AM
maybe they prefer playing tunes like "oh my god" or "silkworms" than AFD who knows? :o
Sometimes their words are shocking.

Yeah, truly shocking when a musician prefers to perform songs he/she wrote instead of other people's songs.

how can you call them "songs"?  ??? I would call them demos...

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: AdZ on November 07, 2004, 11:49:23 AM
how can you call them "songs"?  ??? I would call them demos...

How can you not get bored trying to aggrivate every topic? Give it up.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: Voodoochild on November 07, 2004, 11:52:13 AM
maybe they prefer playing tunes like "oh my god" or "silkworms" than AFD who knows? :o
Sometimes their words are shocking.

Yeah, truly shocking when a musician prefers to perform songs he/she wrote instead of other people's songs.

how can you call them "songs"?? ??? I would call them demos...
Oh, I've seen that before. Stop, please. OMG is a great tune and the new band did a lot more than those 2 songs - yeah, SONGS!!

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 07, 2004, 11:57:25 AM
maybe they prefer playing tunes like "oh my god" or "silkworms" than AFD who knows? :o
Sometimes their words are shocking.

Yeah, truly shocking when a musician prefers to perform songs he/she wrote instead of other people's songs.

how can you call them "songs"?? ??? I would call them demos...
Oh, I've seen that before. Stop, please. OMG is a great tune and the new band did a lot more than those 2 songs - yeah, SONGS!!

yeah 5 :hihi: I think those songs blow as well.. Knowing gnr & the sound I like n expected from gnr/axl it was a letdown..

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: nesquick on November 07, 2004, 12:08:47 PM
I'm not here to please you. I'm not a "yes-man". When I think things are good I say they are good, when I think things are bad, I say they are bad. Unfortunately, I have to recognize that in the "new-GN'R" world, things are more often bad than good. This is what I observe. I would be the happiest person when "chinese democracy" is released, I would be the happiest person when I hear studio versions of "the blues" and "madagascar" because they may be classics for me, but when I read Brain's insulting comments toward GN'R music or listen to "silkworms" or "oh my god" type of songs, it just really annoy me.
I love so much Guns n' Roses than when something turns bad I can turn bad too. It's called passion. But passion doesn't mean to be a yes-man on this board. as soon as I respect everybody all is alright don't you think?
so let me think what I want to think, and let respect my opinion. I'm not new, you begin to know me now, you know how I work.
Thank you

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: anarchy on November 07, 2004, 12:17:27 PM
I'm not here to please you. I'm not a "yes-man". When I think things are good I say they are good, when I think things are bad, I say they are bad. Unfortunately, I have to recognize that in the "new-GN'R" world, things are more often bad than good. This is what I observe. I would be the happiest person when "chinese democracy" is released, I would be the happiest person when I hear studio versions of "the blues" and "madagascar" because they may be classics for me, but when I read Brain's insulting comments toward GN'R music or listen to "silkworms" or "oh my god" type of songs, it just really annoy me.
I love so much Guns n' Roses than when something turns bad I can turn bad too. It's called passion. But passion doesn't mean to be a yes-man on this board. as soon as I respect everybody all is alright don't you think?
so let me think what I want to think, and let respect my opinion. I'm not new, you begin to know me now, you know how I work.
Thank you

How do you know Brain said anything bad? You have no proof. Here's something I just made up:

BRAIN "I love all the GNR songs"

See how easy it is?

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: the dirt on November 07, 2004, 02:04:10 PM
Fuckin' cunts

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: jabba2 on November 07, 2004, 04:39:12 PM
On the official colonal claypulls bernie buckets site or wutever the fuck that bands called, Brain does criticize SCOM or how hes supposed to play the song.
BrAIN says something like "Heres where im supposed to do that stupid lick for SCOM". Thats the only qoute in an interveiw i know of thats somewhat negative about GNR.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: nesquick on November 07, 2004, 05:47:52 PM
last thing about Brain: I have never seen him smile with Guns n' Roses. On my Video bootlegs there is something wrong with that guy. I can see Tommmy having fun, Richard having fun, Robin having fun, Axl having fun, Dizzy having fun and even Pittman having fun with his keyboards...but Brain seems like a machine for me. He plays the songs like a cold machine, he doesn't look to the audience, I think he doesn't even look to the rest of the band, and once the show is over he left the stage, still without a look to anybody. He doesn't seem happy playing for GN'R. I mean come on, you are in a big Rock band, you play in front of thousands people, you even play at the Madison Square Garden (sold out), you win tons of money never smile? in 2 years you never smile? wow... is (was) he in competition with Buckethead on that point? In add, I never heard his voice, I never heard him speak. and I think I never read an interview by him. And on top of that he insults the music he plays? he says SCOM is something "stupid" to play? Don't you think it's a little "too much" for one guy?
I also remember having read articles where Brain was mention as a former Guns n' Roses drummer. I perfectly remember the word former. I memorized it. People used to say that was "just a mistake". But I saw he was mentioned as a former member in another article somewhere on the internet a little bit later, in another article.
it wouldn't surprise me at all if Brain was fired/quited the band. But I don't want to say BS so I wouldn't say he is not in GN'R anymore. But I don't exclude that possibility. More generally I'm fed-up with this lack of comunication in the band/GN'R camp. Ron Thal would have been a very good thing for this weird GN'R world... He would have brung a smile to that band. He would have...communicated. Miracle! :o

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: the dirt on November 07, 2004, 05:54:17 PM
And on top of that he insults the music he plays? On top of that he says SCOM is something "stupid" to play?

Well this is the same guy who probably thinks the way he plays YCBM is cool

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 07, 2004, 06:17:17 PM
i think what he's referring to is when a fan asked him if he was still in gnr and brain said somethin like "as long as they still pay me"

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: jarmo on November 07, 2004, 06:44:53 PM
last thing about Brain: I have never seen him smile with Guns n' Roses.

Steven Adler smiled a lot and look at what happened to him....



Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: phaseONE on November 07, 2004, 06:48:07 PM
how can you call them "songs"?? ??? I would call them demos...

How can you not get bored trying to aggrivate every topic? Give it up.

ADZ, youve got some nerve, i remember you from the slash snakepit community, you were the biggest fucking aggrivator on the forum, and thats why you were banned from that place.
So dont get all holier than thou on people.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: AdZ on November 07, 2004, 06:52:28 PM
Well actually the reason I got banned was for saying I thought Slash & VR were selling out by using a VH1 Singer Search Programme as a vehicle for promotion.

Upon which your lovely Administrator informed me that saying anything negative against Slash, Duff and Matt was against the rules.? Which I still retain is completely moronic, as I should be entitled to my own opinion.

That is why I was banned.

Now; back on topic.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: badapple81 on November 07, 2004, 07:11:44 PM
I hardly think he'd spend all the time in the studio, touring etc. doing something he didn't enjoy. If he doesnt smile, that's probably his general attitude. He's a great, talented drummer, and has been with GN'R for a while now, so we really don't need to speculate on silly stuff like this. It's like trying to pick out anything remotively negative with the slightest possibility of being true.. it's just too much.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: Gunner80 on November 08, 2004, 01:19:15 AM
I always wondered why in the hell Axl ever let this guy join the band? His drumming skills are really quite embarrassing.

Title: Re: Did Brain Really say that?
Post by: badapple81 on November 08, 2004, 02:10:02 AM
I always wondered why in the hell Axl ever let this guy join the band? His drumming skills are really quite embarrassing.

Couldn't disagree more. What makes you say that? And please don't refer to YCBM into at RIR3.. cos Axl makes just as many mistakes getting verses mixed up and at the wrong times etc.

I find Brain adds some awesome drumming to the old songs (not saying they weren't already good.. he just adds a new touch).