Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Walapino on November 04, 2004, 06:19:33 PM

Title: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Walapino on November 04, 2004, 06:19:33 PM

I just read this, he basically wanted to dress as Axl but he didnt have a fat suit with bad attitude or something like that.... oh well!

Here is the link to if you want to check it!

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: SON OF A PREACHER on November 04, 2004, 06:35:00 PM
I'm an axl sheep, I will follow him to death, litteraly .....but Scott is not dressing like Axl , he is dressing like Rob halford from Judas Priest.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Walapino on November 04, 2004, 07:12:01 PM
agh pet i meant as a halloween costume?? dont you read da news??

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Wheres Izzy on November 04, 2004, 07:14:57 PM
I wonder if Axl is just gonna go after everyone if CD ever comes out and they start doing press or touring. The old axl would have but the new axl might be more easy going.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: SON OF A PREACHER on November 04, 2004, 07:39:13 PM
agh pet i meant as a halloween costume?? dont you read da news??

hmmmmm I must've missed that one. If it's not on blabb chances are, I'll never see it.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: D on November 04, 2004, 07:49:45 PM

I just read this, he basically wanted to dress as Axl but he didnt have a fat suit with bad attitude or something like that.... oh well!

Here is the link to if you want to check it!

another case of an artist being jealous of the fact that axl hasnt done anything in 10 years and is still an all time legend whereas Dave Mustaine will always be remembered as the guy who got kicked out of metallica.

Im tired, joking or not of people taking shots at axl.  who the fuck is dave mustaine to say anything about Axl anyway?

Axl had a small weight problem which he doesnt have anymore and that bad attitude works very well for Axl, i think Dave is mad that no matter how tough he tried to act he never got the street cred that axl has and will always have.

i dont care what Genre of music it is, people respect axl.  athletes,actors,rappers it doesnt matter, most people wouldnt know Dave Mustaine if he walked in with a "i am Dave mustaine" tattoo on his forehead.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Gunner80 on November 04, 2004, 08:14:16 PM

I just read this, he basically wanted to dress as Axl but he didnt have a fat suit with bad attitude or something like that.... oh well!

Here is the link to if you want to check it!

another case of an artist being jealous of the fact that axl hasnt done anything in 10 years and is still an all time legend whereas Dave Mustaine will always be remembered as the guy who got kicked out of metallica.

Im tired, joking or not of people taking shots at axl.  who the fuck is dave mustaine to say anything about Axl anyway?

Axl had a small weight problem which he doesnt have anymore and that bad attitude works very well for Axl, i think Dave is mad that no matter how tough he tried to act he never got the street cred that axl has and will always have.

i dont care what Genre of music it is, people respect axl.  athletes,actors,rappers it doesnt matter, most people wouldnt know Dave Mustaine if he walked in with a "i am Dave mustaine" tattoo on his forehead.

D, I'm 100% with you on this one.  : ok:

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: damnthehaters on November 04, 2004, 10:08:26 PM
I wonder if Axl is just gonna go after everyone if CD ever comes out and they start doing press or touring. The old axl would have but the new axl might be more easy going.

Yeah, all this shit towards Axl could possible make for some great songs, and shows.  I hope it does.  Axl will be at his best.

peace and rock on

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: In a coma on November 05, 2004, 01:55:10 AM
Does this not just make you want Axl to come back and kick his and everybody elses ass. I am so sick and tired of people slagging Axl and him not saying one word. Axl Rose Stand up and be counted for god sakes.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: starchild_666 on November 05, 2004, 02:35:34 AM
Mustain sucks ass...  ;D

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: kupirock on November 05, 2004, 02:39:32 AM
MEGADETH bassist James MacDonough (ex-ICED EARTH) has posted the following message in the band's web site:

"First off, it's been a pleasure meeting a lot of you from the forums and the Street Teams. The tour couldn't be going better and thank you for all the support.

"We thought we might have to cancel the Denver gig, we were stuck at a truck stop all day and most of the night before we got the go-ahead. There were alot of accidents and a bad snow storm but all turned in our favor, and what a show it was, phenomenal. The EXODUS guys ROCK!!!!!!!

"Let me address one small issue about comments one night about Axl Rose [Mustaine reportedly said 'It's Halloween night, and I wanted to dress up as Axl Rose for you people, but no one had a fat-man suit with a bad attitude, so I came as me!' ? Ed.] that a few people seemed to go on an endless rant about. First off, he has no respect for his fans and if you want to defend him, that's your prerogative. It was a joke in the first place and if you can't see that, then whatever, I have no idea what Dave is going to say night to night but I always look forward to it and it's always comical and done with class, spoken like he always has.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: thelostrose on November 05, 2004, 02:54:18 AM
Axl had a small weight problem which he doesnt have anymore and that bad attitude works very well for Axl, i think Dave is mad that no matter how tough he tried to act he never got the street cred that axl has and will always have.
what's the big deal? it was a stupid joke. don't give mustaine so much credit in feeling defensive about that shit.
and how do you know, that axl doesn't have a small weight problem? did yuu see him lately? and if he has such a problem, it doesn't matter, i don't give s shit if axl has 10 pounds too much. and with his new outfit you won't even see that. maybe that'S the reason for this change...who knows?

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Cocaine__tongue on November 05, 2004, 06:14:00 AM
Here's the link:

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: RnT on November 05, 2004, 07:13:31 AM

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 05, 2004, 07:55:52 AM
Do you ever think some artists in the field of rock/metal have lost respect for axl because he has treated his fans in a way most artists wouldn't? Lets be honest if any other group kept their fans waiting and didn't come through for countles years we would be saying shit and laughing..
These people may be musicians but some are fans as well and are probably disgusted..

It's even tough for gnr fans to stick with this, we are clearly the exception and even sometimes we blow up..

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: MIIKA on November 05, 2004, 08:36:41 AM
Mustaine likes far as I know. He just likes to talk a lot of shit of anybody.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Walapino on November 05, 2004, 01:39:25 PM
Mustaine seems to whine all the time! Im sick of him quite frankly.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: LaXl on November 05, 2004, 02:48:11 PM
Dave was amazing,but that was a long time ago in the good old days of 'Rust In Peace' - one pf the best albums of all time, but...While Megadeth's new bass player sticks up for Mustaine, saying "Axl don't care about his fans", they need to take a long look at themselves, I mean, what the fuck was 'Risk'?  If Dave cared about his fans, he would not have done that to them.  I would have rather waited 20 years for a good album.  Don't get me wrong, waiting this long for CD is a pain in the arse, but it's nice to see some of the people I have had respect for for years still care about the quality of the music.  I don't know how good the next Gn'R album will be, but I know that Axl is writing this for himself, otherwise he would have released any old shit years ago, as Dave has done with their last few albums.   I hate Dave Mustaine, which is a shame because he used to be so good.   The System Has Failed???  The only thing that failed , Dave, was you.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Mattman on November 05, 2004, 04:43:59 PM
Megadeth is one of the best metal bands ever.  Usually I agree with D, but here I couldn't disagree with you more.  Dave Mustaine is now a legend in his own right, he is much more than just "the guy who got kicked out of Metallica".  That's Ron McGovney.  I'm sorry, but when you've made albums like Peace Sells...But Who's Buying? and Youthanasia, you're a lot more than an ex-Metallica guitarist.  I would say that more people know Dave Mustaine than know Kirk Hammet.  As for Risk...well, people slag that the same way they talk shit about Metallica's Load, but like that album, it has its share of great songs, like "Crush 'Em" and "I'll Be There".  Finally, let's look at recent albums.  Megadeth put out The System Has Failed.  Metallica put out St. Anger.  Who's still making great heavy metal?  Mustaine.

Now, as for the comment about Axl.  That's just typical Dave.  The guy has always had an entertainingly big mouth, and he's razzing Axl the same way he talks shit about everyone from Lars Ulrich to Northern Ireland.  It's just a joke.  Besides, I think this really illustrates the difference between the attitudes of Axl past and present.  The old Axl might have gotten involved in a big war of words with Dave, and ranted about him at various concerts.  The new Axl doesn't say anything.  Some of you might say he's above that.  So then why does he still make rants at concerts?

The bottom line is that both Dave and Axl have fronted two of the greatest hard rock/metal bands of the last 20 years.  But Dave is still performing and releasing albums, and Axl isn't.  Both of them are known for their rants from stage.  But Dave doesn't stand up his fans at concerts.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 05, 2004, 04:51:16 PM
I'm an axl sheep, I will follow him to death, litteraly .....but Scott is not dressing like Axl , he is dressing like Rob halford from Judas Priest.

Exactly! Now that you mention it he is copying Haldord without the touch of gayness.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 05, 2004, 04:52:08 PM
Haldord? :drool:

I ment Halford.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: grog mug on November 05, 2004, 05:24:18 PM
I actually don't follow to much new music, but Megadeth's new song is pretty good. 
Mustaine is junk compared to Axl, but still an "ok" musician.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: LaXl on November 05, 2004, 06:46:14 PM
"Mustaine is junk" is a little harsh...He's a wanker, but man, he's written some of the best shit ever.  You can't compare Axl to Mustaine because they are totally different musically.  I agree that Mustaine is not simply the 'guy who got kicked out of Metallica' - he made Metallica.  The system has failed  beats the shit out of St. Anger, but it's still not up to what Dave has done before.  As for Risk, I'm glad some people enjoy it, but even Dave does not stand by that record, and now tries to shift the blame on Marty Friedman and their management team, but Dave wrote most of it and it's piss poor radio friendly shit.  If anyone told me what to do, I'd tell them fuck right off and go manage a pop band or something.
They changed members, the logo, got rid of Vic and totally sold out, and yet Dave has the nerve to run his mouth about Axl not caring about fans.  As for 'Crush 'em', Dave himself is totally ashamed of that 'song', and admits that he sold out.   Oh and 'I'll Be There' - a sad attempt to be like Bon Jovi. He went from some amazing lyrics to "You were there for me, and now it's my turn to be there for you - always,always"  Fuck off Dave.   

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: D on November 05, 2004, 07:37:30 PM
thats for people who get pissed cause axl wants to evolve.

i think people over emphasize dave's contributions to metallica, i think they survived quite well after his departure.

if gnr created AFD over and over and didnt evolve to the illusions they would be like ACDC, Megadeth, bands that every song every album are carbon copies of the other.

I like a band where u hear a song u can tell its different.

GNR are a better hard rock than any other hard rock band plus they are a better softer band than any other softer band.

People make mistakes when comparing bands,guitarists,frontmen, etc etc

Someone may be great playing one style but true greatness in my opinion lies in diversity.

if u make the same style of music over and over and over that isnt as talented as a band that can play multiple styles of music and play them well.

GNR get the nod over most because their rock songs are classic, their slow songs are classic and they truly sound like a band that was capable of doing anything.

Axl doesnt have a weight problem, did u see any type of bulging belly under those sports jerseys? they were flat, baggy jerseys make people look unhealthy cause the way they hang, hockey jerseys are just ugly period, but that las vegas pic floating around proves axl is probably in better shape than he was in the early 90's.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Wheres Izzy on November 05, 2004, 11:08:58 PM
I agree that Mustaine is not simply the 'guy who got kicked out of Metallica' - he made Metallica.?

not to get the thread off-topic but how the hell do you figure dave made metallica? They were founded by hetfield and ulrich, who started writing music before dave joined. And if you mean made as in got them recognition or on the map that makes even less sense seeing as how they never released anything with dave on it.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: DEAD HORSE on November 06, 2004, 03:54:30 AM
Fuck Dave and His People! I mean i dont know how one of 'em got the balls to say Axl doesnt care about his fans, if Megadeth have done such pop shit like Risk and shit like that , How he got the balls or people can compare "st anger " the album with "The system have failed" if St anger at least its original and new material by 'Tallica , and megadeth go take some b-sides and re-record and release as "The new Album from Megadeth!" that sucks, thats betraying , dudes!
I bet my arm if Metallica or Guns N Roses would release a bunch of b-sides as Their "new album" it would be a straight hit, and two it would be criticized as well. But it will never happen to Megadeth because no one takes Megadeth that serious.
I mean if some of you want to listen a great "Metal Record" do yourself a favor and crank the "Sad wings of destiniy " from Judas Priest Up! :headbanger:

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 06, 2004, 07:20:28 AM
i dont know how one of 'em got the balls to say Axl doesnt care about his fans

You're talking to gnr fans here, how can you say axl cares about his fans? :no:
If he cared we wouldn't need to check unofficial sites to find an ounce of news, we wouldn't be on the 5-6 year waiting for chinese d, if he cared we would have gotten an explanation on teh aborted 2002 tour.. I like axl alot, but call it like you see it..

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Nytunz on November 06, 2004, 11:02:52 AM

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: SADIS on November 06, 2004, 11:09:21 AM
He can't even spell his name properly....what a dork. And Axl not respecting his fans? He's working his ass of to provide us with some quality music. Whatever happened to that? At least the guy tries to bring some good music in these days of total crap.

And no, I haven't heard shit, but "the Blues" and "Madagascar" are promising alot.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: horsey on November 06, 2004, 11:50:51 AM
fat man suit with a bad attitude pretty bad ! but a bit funny im not laughin really im not.but it did get a bit of a chuckle out of me.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: erose on November 06, 2004, 12:16:42 PM
i dont care what Genre of music it is, people respect axl.? athletes,actors,rappers it doesnt matter, most people wouldnt know Dave Mustaine if he walked in with a "i am Dave mustaine" tattoo on his forehead.

amen, and to that tattoo line  :rofl:

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: LaXl on November 06, 2004, 05:04:17 PM
"not to get the thread off-topic but how the hell do you figure dave made metallica? They were founded by hetfield and ulrich, who started writing music before dave joined. And if you mean made as in got them recognition or on the map that makes even less sense seeing as how they never released anything with dave on it."

Do you know that Dave wrote more than he got credited for? Do you know that Cliff wrote lots of '...And Justice For All' but didn't get credited?  It's typical of Metallica.  Yes, Lars and James started the band, but Dave showed them the way.  Sorry if this is hard for you to hear, but it's the truth.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: jrs2001_99 on November 06, 2004, 07:16:54 PM
Axl groupie alert...

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of over-reaction that occurs in this place if another musician says something, ever so remotely slanderous about the almighty Axl Rose.

Jesus Christ people, get over it... until Axl comes out and proves to the waiting world that he is actually still alive, what the hell do you expect people to say? It may hurt some eyes to read this, but newsflash, outside of the extreme online group of hardcore GNR fans, Axl is a has-been.

I want to hear CD, and I want GNR to rise as much as everyone else here, but please, let a bit of reality into your lives.

Title: Re: Megadeth mentions Axl
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 06, 2004, 08:55:10 PM
"You were there for me, and now it's my turn to be there for you - always,always"? Fuck off Dave.? ?


so wait... let me get this...  thier own fans at their own concert/at thier own messae board complained about Dave making a 'fat' Axl joke?

well... then... there ya go
whatever his perception is of how 'Axl treats his fans' - he had to be impressed by the loyalty that fans of Axl have to him..
he actually sounds a bit annoyed... lol! 
my thing is this....   if a fan doesn't appreciate what an artist is doing (or has some resentment about what they are not doing).... either way - no one forces anyone to be a fan!
what people don't get - and what perhaps frustrates some - is this "How the FUCK does he do it?  How does he, after all these years, how does Axl Rose command such interest, and loyalty etc... afther a decade of virtual silence and 2 apparent false starts.. and no album..?" 
The answer is simple... Because he is Axl Rose.  :hihi:   And perhaps it bugs some other artists a bit that they don't "got it like that"  :yes: