Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: mikegiuliana on November 02, 2004, 05:50:29 PM

Title: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 02, 2004, 05:50:29 PM
I have to ask when I first joined these gnr forums I would see aunt ger and people with letters of support and pictures of dizzy with his aunt and the letters/// How come we stopped and where is aunt ger?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: willow on November 02, 2004, 06:25:16 PM
She's around, just not posting much. After the thread I read over at mygnr, I don't blame her. People can be real jerks. She is a great person and comes to these sites as a gnr fan and some people treat her like crap!! I for one am sick of reading negitive crap directed at her and a couple of other people. They are fans too and they are here for the same reason we are, to be closer to people that share the same interests!!!!!

Sorry that wasn't directed at you mikegiuliana, just wanted to take advantage of your thread. peace!

Aunt Ger Love Ya!!!!
Amy L

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 02, 2004, 06:28:19 PM
I hear you, I know some people can just be mean,, I don't think it's because they dislike her, they just target their anger in the wrogn direction// You wait n see all thingw will be good once everything is going, sometimes let downs and disgust make us say things we don't really mean..

I think if the band had the info deligated to everyone it would be a whole lot easier for everyone, and no one would be angry at any person in perticular..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Nytunz on November 02, 2004, 06:55:25 PM
Aunt Ger, sure is one of the greatest people on this board! She dont deserve that kind on feedback! And not any other of us eather!
We are here to discuss ur favorite band! And to get the latest news! We are in the same bunker here! No need to be slapping eachother!
But anyway, the Mods, do a great job in here!!
  Go guys!  : ok:

 GUNS N ROSES! Like Kurt said, This is a Great band!!!!

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: thelostrose on November 02, 2004, 06:55:53 PM
i guess some people are angry with her, because she said that the album will come out at xxx. since she couldn't look into axl's mind and just posted what dizzy thought it's understandable. so some d***heads called her a liar. some posters at msg boards should grow up before insulting someone without using their brains.
whom do i mean? well, you know yourself better than i do!  :P :hihi:

Aunt Ger rox!!! : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: chineseblues on November 02, 2004, 08:50:41 PM
you can still send letters of support to the band.  If you want to send a letter of support to the band go to (  : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 03, 2004, 05:27:46 AM
you can still send letters of support to the band.? If you want to send a letter of support to the band go to? ( : ok:
Thanks :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 03, 2004, 08:22:01 PM gals and guys are just to wonderful for words. I know I upset a lot of rockers with the expectation of Chinese Democracy coming out by Thanksgiving last year. That goes to show you, that you shouldn't believe everything you read or hear. I apologize for getting your hopes up and then letting you down. My lips are now sealed. I will never add to news about GN'R again. I can only support the band by listening  to their music, and when the new album comes out, I will be first in line to buy a copy. I don't post much anymore, but I do read over 20 websites daily, and it's difficult to keep up some times. Sooo if you don't hear from me, know I'm always there. Keep up the positive comments about GN'R. Someday.........Axl just might surprise us and come back in action. I won't stake my life on it, but there is always hope and prayer.  :peace:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: GypsySoul on November 03, 2004, 08:36:35 PM
Hey Aunt Ger!!! :wave:

Hope you're well.? ?:)

Is Thanksgiving dinner at your house again this year?? If yes, are any family members bringing along any "friends"?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 03, 2004, 08:41:36 PM
Haven't really decided . We might go to my daughter Michelle's for a turkey dinner.  Friends for dinner? Maybe? You never know who'll show up.  : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: horsey on November 03, 2004, 11:37:05 PM
horsey says hi ya aunt ger !

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 04, 2004, 12:12:00 AM
hey there Aunt Ger
I'm sure you are looking forward to the album and the return of Guns N' Roses as much as we all are.
I'm sure Dizzy is proud to have you as a fan  : ok:
You rock!  : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 04, 2004, 03:52:04 AM
i guess some people are angry with her, because she said that the album will come out at xxx. since she couldn't look into axl's mind and just posted what dizzy thought it's understandable. so some d***heads called her a liar. some posters at msg boards should grow up before insulting someone without using their brains.
whom do i mean? well, you know yourself better than i do!  :P :hihi:

Aunt Ger rox!!! : ok:

No u are wrong, posters should know concrete info before comin on a msg board and filling long waiting crazy starved GNR fans with hope.  If you dont want the backlash dont post the rumors.

we are equal opportunist bashers on here, its nothin personal but what happens is this.

"insiders" come on here with their inside info and they get everyone on the boards fired up and excited.

guess what happens when those dates come and go?  hundreds of people start calling axl an asshole and a liar and a piece of shit, when he had absolutely not a thing to do with those rumors.  I dont dig that at all.

so u all can defend or call people like myself names but here is a lesson to people on MSG boards

u dont want the heat dont make predictions.  GNR fans are ready to explode for any valid news and we have had our hopes crushed more times than i care to count. So if a poster is gonna act like they know stuff *i dont want "axl can change his mind shit"  if they act like its for real, we get excited we get crushed, we have no mercy on that.

by the way im still waiting on all this street team shit! what the hell ever happend with that? anyone? anyone?

like i said its nothin personal towards her but im tired of axl getting blamed when he has nothing to do with the release date info insiders post.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: willow on November 04, 2004, 05:34:59 AM
Glad to see you here Aunt Ger!!! Keep the faith!!!!
Love Amy L

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: jarmo on November 04, 2004, 08:41:34 AM
by the way im still waiting on all this street team shit! what the hell ever happend with that? anyone? anyone?

You wanna promote the new GN'R album?

The one without a release date?


Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 04, 2004, 08:59:29 AM
Thanks aunt ger.. I like the idea you speak your mind and don't act like anything is a sure thing... Have a good thanksgiving..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 04, 2004, 03:42:29 PM

u dont want the heat dont make predictions.? GNR fans are ready to explode for any valid news and we have had our hopes crushed more times than i care to count. So if a poster is gonna act like they know stuff *i dont want "axl can change his mind shit"? if they act like its for real, we get excited we get crushed, we have no mercy on that.

Why on earth would you let your emotions be ruled by what some poster on a message board says?  You are giving her too much power if that's true.  People make honest mistakes, or things change.  It doesn't make her a bad person.  And it doesn't justify lashing out at her.  If you could prove she came here and lied intentionally to upset you, that's one thing, but that sure doesn't sound like the case here. 

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 04, 2004, 06:58:16 PM
I speak for other posters, i dont get upset at all, I am a rare breed of fan that doesnt mind the wait, i think it adds a little extra mystique and intrigue to the record.

I was answering the question of why people bash etc.

She is more than your run of the mill one post wonder people on here, she is a relative of a band member, so that makes what she says mean a whole lot more than an average poster.

she isnt an average poster she actually has the ability to know real info.

Its not cool to bash her, im not saying that, im just saying its a message board with probably the most passionate rabid fans of any band in the history of the world, so u have to use a little caution when getting the hopes up of people who have been waiting a decade for a life altering album.

My street team beef is how it was gone about.  It really felt like we were being assembled for a reason, that reason was the greatest hits?

Street teams are great but u answered the question for me Jarmo, they should be assembled to promote an album or something. Lookin back it was kinda like what was the point at that time?

that  got peoples hopes up, if anyone dont believe me, search, find that thread and read through it.

I dont like the negativity Axl gets from sources saying stuff like its factual when he had absolutely nothing to do with it.

I love the wait, i have 2 new bon jovi albums coming out, a new Red Hot Chili Peppers album will be surfacing soon and then another VR record, if it takes 10 years i can wait 10 years, it costs nothing to wait and there's nothing anyone can do about it, so it doesnt bother me at all.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 04, 2004, 07:53:49 PM
 :beer: must know me pretty well, for how you describe me is very true. I would never intentionally lead anyone to false hopes.  I merely repeated what my dear sister (Dizzy's mom) told me as we talked about CD and when it would actually surface. I was under the impression it would be out by Thanksgiving, 2003. I was wrong, and I admit it. So from then on my lips have been sealed! Now anything I hear, I keep to myself, for I don't want to make any more enemies. I'm a very proud aunt, and at times I get a little too excited about my nephew, with his many talents and accomplishments. To all of you that have met Dizzy, you would agree. I have a right to be proud.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: estranged.1098 on November 04, 2004, 09:57:54 PM
I would like to thank you Aunt Ger for sharing us the information you got at that time, and also for handing Dizzy the letters. I understand why you wouldn't want to post anything else new in a thread after all the sh*t from "Gn'R fans", but if you feel like it you can send me a PM.? :hihi:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: chineseblues on November 04, 2004, 11:28:05 PM
:beer: must know me pretty well, for how you describe me is very true. I would never intentionally lead anyone to false hopes.  I merely repeated what my dear sister (Dizzy's mom) told me as we talked about CD and when it would actually surface. I was under the impression it would be out by Thanksgiving, 2003. I was wrong, and I admit it. So from then on my lips have been sealed! Now anything I hear, I keep to myself, for I don't want to make any more enemies. I'm a very proud aunt, and at times I get a little too excited about my nephew, with his many talents and accomplishments. To all of you that have met Dizzy, you would agree. I have a right to be proud.

You definately have a right to be proud. And I dont blame you for not wanting to say anything. I would think that Dizzy wouldnt want it said anyway.

ps. Nice to know your still lookin at the boards :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 05, 2004, 12:16:38 AM

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: oneway23 on November 05, 2004, 01:31:19 AM
Aunt Ger, your presence is appreciated above all else.....

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: ccorn69 on November 05, 2004, 06:33:57 AM
you rock aunt ger

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 05, 2004, 07:42:37 AM
Aunt ger when gnr was in it's hey day did you get to hang with axl much..? I was also wondering has he ever came over to dinner with dizzy since the new group came together??

I know it's tacky, but being a fan I'm curious.. I only know what I've seen on the board ,that you come around and post and are related to dizzy, I know nothing else..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: fixintodie on November 05, 2004, 07:52:19 AM
I was just thinking, perhaps Aunt Ger could ask Dizzy if he'd be interested in doing a little interview for the board like Tommy did?
Unless of course Jarmo has asked before, which come to think of it, he probably has.

Cool to see Aunt Ger around - and even cooler to see how supportive she is of her nephew.  :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 05, 2004, 08:00:35 AM
I was just thinking, perhaps Aunt Ger could ask Dizzy if he'd be interested in doing a little interview for the board like Tommy did?
Unless of course Jarmo has asked before, which come to think of it, he probably has.

Cool to see Aunt Ger around - and even cooler to see how supportive she is of her nephew.? :beer:

It sounds like a good idea, but I feel for some reason the admin on boards just want them to be posters and not put pressure on them.. I was told this once on another board when I asked something similar in regards to mrs reed..

Aunt ger seems cool though so I'm sure it's possible,, I just don't know if jarmo wants us all bothering her..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: fixintodie on November 05, 2004, 08:54:27 AM
That's fair enough.  :peace:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 05, 2004, 09:28:14 AM
This reply is directed to everyone. I thank you very much for making me feel like I'm someone special. I'm just like anyone's aunt, no red carpet is ever rolled out when I enter a room. I've only spoke, with Axl after two concerts. He never came for dinner, nor do I think he ever will. Having Dizzy at family gatherings is all the excitment we can take. I've never felt pressured by anyone to answer questions about GN'R. Most of you on the forums know a hell of a lot more then I do. As for Dizzy doing an interview. Maybe Lisa could answer that.? All in all.........I was very happy that Darci put together all the letters of support, sent them to me, so I could personally hand them to Dizzy, for him and the others to read. Two packages I hand delivered to him in the past and he was overwhelmed by all that had written heart filled letters of support. Indeed I am one of the biggest fans of my nephew, but I don't stand alone. All of you are keeping GN'R alive with the possitive and uplifting comments. And I think some day, Axl will realize just what he means to all of us and continue with his music.? : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Mysteron on November 05, 2004, 10:31:52 AM
I was just thinking, perhaps Aunt Ger could ask Dizzy if he'd be interested in doing a little interview for the board like Tommy did?
Unless of course Jarmo has asked before, which come to think of it, he probably has.

Cool to see Aunt Ger around - and even cooler to see how supportive she is of her nephew.? :beer:

Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: horsey on November 05, 2004, 10:47:36 AM
it's good to hear from you again aunt ger !
and i do hope axl persues his career someday sure he will though.but whatever he chooses i think it's best for him.and only he has to choose whats in his future not anybody else.and dizzy rocks too !

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Ignatius on November 05, 2004, 10:51:39 AM

Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

Funny you mentioned Q&A sessions when we never got Answers to the questions to begin with.

So now management doesn't even want questions then?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: fixintodie on November 05, 2004, 11:12:55 AM
I know! Is this a rock album or a military operation?  :nervous:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 05, 2004, 11:31:07 AM
Thanks for the well written response it's cool you're down to earth.. I have to ask you, are you let down with how long everything is taking? WHo would have thought the last gnr albums we bought with new material would have been in 1991..

I only mentioned the dinner because some guys might be really tight and be close with the family members.. Thanks for being honest with me, it's nice to know ..--


Mysteron I think you were a little tough on the person that asked, it is just an album and it would only make senc eto ask if you have someone who is close to dizzy posting on the board.. Everyone just wants some info..  Whatever happened to the ten questions from ages ago??

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: thelostrose on November 05, 2004, 02:35:48 PM
I was just thinking, perhaps Aunt Ger could ask Dizzy if he'd be interested in doing a little interview for the board like Tommy did?
Unless of course Jarmo has asked before, which come to think of it, he probably has.

Cool to see Aunt Ger around - and even cooler to see how supportive she is of her nephew.? :beer:

Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

i really wonder if axl got pissed off a little bit by tommy, after his latest interview in europe... ???

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Mateoson on November 05, 2004, 02:47:39 PM
Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

No kidding? Look, the "management" has never wanted the members to talk about shit.... They take themselves way too seriously... It's absurd. As a person with a creative job I can say that nothing kills creativity and inspiration like some fuck in a suit and tie with no sense of humor who is trying to scare people into doing this and that by the book. Just let the fucking band member relax and have fun. They act like this album is going to be a fucking murder trial or something.... No musician should have to feel scared of management. After all, if it weren't for the bandmembers there would be no music....

Just a rant I had to get off..... Sorry if I offend anyone but everytime I hear something about what management says or wants I think to myself "Fuck the Managment!".... haha!

back on topic... whats up aunt ger?

sorry, it's friday!

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Mysteron on November 05, 2004, 03:12:24 PM
Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

No kidding? Look, the "management" has never wanted the members to talk about shit.... They take themselves way too seriously... It's absurd. As a person with a creative job I can say that nothing kills creativity and inspiration like some fuck in a suit and tie with no sense of humor who is trying to scare people into doing this and that by the book. Just let the fucking band member relax and have fun. They act like this album is going to be a fucking murder trial or something.... No musician should have to feel scared of management. After all, if it weren't for the bandmembers there would be no music....

Just a rant I had to get off..... Sorry if I offend anyone but everytime I hear something about what management says or wants I think to myself "Fuck the Managment!".... haha!

back on topic... whats up aunt ger?

sorry, it's friday!

You are getting it all wrong  :hihi:

The band members are free to do as they wish

I just mean that in terms of arranging an official interview with members of gnr, it is not possible at the moment.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Mysteron on November 05, 2004, 03:18:18 PM
I was just thinking, perhaps Aunt Ger could ask Dizzy if he'd be interested in doing a little interview for the board like Tommy did?
Unless of course Jarmo has asked before, which come to think of it, he probably has.

Cool to see Aunt Ger around - and even cooler to see how supportive she is of her nephew.? :beer:

Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

i really wonder if axl got pissed off a little bit by tommy, after his latest interview in europe... ???

Tommy was encouraged by Axl and everyone else to do what he wanted. He said so himself. If you read in his interviews, Tommy had the decency of offering his solo songs to gnr before recording them himself. That is the kind of person Axl wants in gnr.

From what I understand, Axl just wants a bunch of people around him that respects who he is and what he wants. There are no rules, it's just all based on trust. Good old fashioned trust

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 05, 2004, 03:22:43 PM
Thanks for the well written response it's cool you're down to earth.. I have to ask you, are you let down with how long everything is taking? WHo would have thought the last gnr albums we bought with new material would have been in 1991..

I only mentioned the dinner because some guys might be really tight and be close with the family members.. Thanks for being honest with me, it's nice to know ..--


Mysteron I think you were a little tough on the person that asked, it is just an album and it would only make senc eto ask if you have someone who is close to dizzy posting on the board.. Everyone just wants some info..? Whatever happened to the ten questions from ages ago??

As far as being "Let down", well.......there are many letdowns in life and I'd be a basket case if I let every one effect me in that way.  I won't hold my breath till CD does come out, but I do have hope that it will.  : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Mysteron on November 05, 2004, 03:25:09 PM
Thanks for the well written response it's cool you're down to earth.. I have to ask you, are you let down with how long everything is taking? WHo would have thought the last gnr albums we bought with new material would have been in 1991..

I only mentioned the dinner because some guys might be really tight and be close with the family members.. Thanks for being honest with me, it's nice to know ..--


Mysteron I think you were a little tough on the person that asked, it is just an album and it would only make senc eto ask if you have someone who is close to dizzy posting on the board.. Everyone just wants some info..? Whatever happened to the ten questions from ages ago??

Axl doesn't want to go public until there is an album

When he does he will answer your questions

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: thelostrose on November 05, 2004, 03:31:33 PM
I was just thinking, perhaps Aunt Ger could ask Dizzy if he'd be interested in doing a little interview for the board like Tommy did?
Unless of course Jarmo has asked before, which come to think of it, he probably has.

Cool to see Aunt Ger around - and even cooler to see how supportive she is of her nephew.? :beer:

Management aren't wanting Q&A sessions with gnr members at the moment

i really wonder if axl got pissed off a little bit by tommy, after his latest interview in europe... ???

Tommy was encouraged by Axl and everyone else to do what he wanted. He said so himself. If you read in his interviews, Tommy had the decency of offering his solo songs to gnr before recording them himself. That is the kind of person Axl wants in gnr.

From what I understand, Axl just wants a bunch of people around him that respects who he is and what he wants. There are no rules, it's just all based on trust. Good old fashioned trust

i read some of the interviews, but still, axl changes his mind once in a while.
i just found the way odd, how you wrote that the management doesn't want that right now. i know you said before, that the GnR-camp is quite busy atm. seems i was too picky about that.

but as Mateoson said before, it's friday and i had a very long week. anyways, i'm happy that the band is occupied. that means progress and that is all we want. :)

well, i think i was enough off-topic. ;) but thanks for the input, mysteron.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Mateoson on November 05, 2004, 03:44:16 PM
Once the album comes out hopefully someone will write a book or at least spill the beans in an interview as to what all of the setbacks have been about. It really is none of my business... but it drives me crazy sometimes wondering....

Playing devil's advocate from what I said earlier.... Maybe that's been part of the promotion all along. I mean the more things get pushed back and go wrong or change, the more I anticipate the album. The more mystery and "top secret" like explanations I hear, the more I wonder what is going on.... If that's the case maybe management does know what they are doing. I still say screw the man (agement)! LOL.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 05, 2004, 03:46:43 PM
Thanks for the well written response it's cool you're down to earth.. I have to ask you, are you let down with how long everything is taking? WHo would have thought the last gnr albums we bought with new material would have been in 1991..

I only mentioned the dinner because some guys might be really tight and be close with the family members.. Thanks for being honest with me, it's nice to know ..--


Mysteron I think you were a little tough on the person that asked, it is just an album and it would only make senc eto ask if you have someone who is close to dizzy posting on the board.. Everyone just wants some info..? Whatever happened to the ten questions from ages ago??

Axl doesn't want to go public until there is an album

When he does he will answer your questions

Well once the album comes out I won't have any more questions, Besides he doesn't have to be such a stick in the mud, he could talk just to let people know he's alive and to thank people for putting up with the endless wait, aborted tour, etc..

You don't need an album to be civil..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: thelostrose on November 05, 2004, 04:27:22 PM
You don't need an album to be civil..

you just need a single, right?  :hihi: :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: willow on November 05, 2004, 04:58:56 PM
I don't blame Axl for not giving out any info. He wants the music to prove himself, then I think he will fill in some of the blanks!!

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: grog mug on November 05, 2004, 05:33:38 PM
So any idea on when the album is supposed to come?  Is there still some kind of announcement going to be made in regards to GN'R anytime soon!?!?!?!?  Damn I'm getting anxious for some good music.....

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 05, 2004, 07:29:13 PM
Wow i guess im outnumbered like 50-1 but i will not change my opinion.

what exactly have they shared with us that has been true?

I can come on here and say

Axl is in talks to release Chinese Democracy by March of 2005, now i have that confirmed by management but dont get excited, axl can change his mind  at anytime.

May rolls around.

well guys it was suppose to happen but something happened and Axl still isnt ready, so i will keep u posted.

for the year and a half ive been here thats what ive read.

No disrespect to Aunt Ger or Mysteron but do people bash these "insider sourcers"

NO they bash the person who had nothing to do with the info the insiders post which is MR Rose.

ill take no information over false information that doesnt happen everyday of the week.

i dont care if all thousand people on this board call me an asshole, i have an opinion, its my opinion and as u all know, i rarely go against my opinion regardless of what people think of it.

fact of the matter is the insiders who so graciously grant us inside info may be right one every 10 times and the info they find out isnt exclusive to them, i remember when a poster found out exactly the same thing Mysteron did.

People shouldnt hold their breath for any inside info to hit any message board

the album has been this tight lipped for this long without a single note leaked, it isnt gonna be screwed up and leaked by a poster on a message board.

i avoid disappointments by not believing anyone who has "inside" info

cause if they did and spilled it on this board they would be stabbing Axl in the back and im not down with that at all!

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: ppbebe on November 05, 2004, 09:04:28 PM
I don?t know a full account of that event but Who is bad mouthing about Axl because of that?

It Seems like some ppl believe that only themselves (if any, plus one person, for some) on the earth have feelings worth consideration. Reminds me of the recent position of a certain country on the rest.? :no:


Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: jarmo on November 05, 2004, 09:33:02 PM
The fact is, until you hear a release date from Axl himself, don't get your hopes up. It's that easy.

VH1 can say the album is coming in November, Tommy and Dizzy can say "soon", but until there's some official word on its release, stay calm.

Even then, it might get postponed.  :nervous:


Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 05, 2004, 09:44:54 PM
i tried to research those old topics but i cant even find the one anymore about CD coming out thanksgiving, so i guess that shit was erased or something.

If a one post wonder comes on the board with a rumor, people dismiss it, they know its bullshit.

Someone like Aunt Ger or Mysteron comes on the board and says something people get excited.

Dont believe me, read threads of their rumors, people get very excited.

It was the same with that douche bag Raoxsle  people fell for that bullshit and really got their hopes up

I dont get excited or disappointed, i just hate people being gullable and falling for shit and getting their hopes crushed and that further turnin them against axl.

it happens and the only people who dont know thats a fact are either new here or havent paid attention to the threads.

people all through the threads posting *its really happening* and CD starts now*

like the vh1 rumor etc etc.

People bash Vh1 for their rumor so that makes everyone who posts info that doesnt come true fair game in my opinion.

i dont think anyone *posters,bandmembers,news organizations* gets a free pass.

If u get crazed fans hopes up, u deserve the backlash u get.

ive said it once ive said it a thousand times

no news is better than false news.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 06, 2004, 12:28:07 AM

Someone like Aunt Ger or Mysteron comes on the board and says something people get excited.

Dont believe me, read threads of their rumors, people get very excited.

That may be true, but you can't hold them responsible for how other people react.  If people are foolish enough to get all worked up about a "possible" release date, not an official one, that's their problem. 

no news is better than false news.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but I object to the term "false news".  If the news is true when they post it, then just because plans change, it doesn't make it a lie.  I can't speak for everyone, but I know I'd rather hear credible information from a reliable source than nothing at all, or ridiculous rumors from one posters. 

And I would never "bash" Axl because a rumor I heard on a message board turned out not to be true.  That's just silly. 

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 06, 2004, 12:41:36 AM
if everyrumor is false then how can it be true when they type it?

once again its the whole blame axl if it doesnt come to pass which gives people free reign to post whatever they please. cause when their info comes out not true *which is does every single time* they dont have to own up to it, its axl changing his mind again.

After Tommy's interview with Jarmo i am 100 percent convinced that Tommy,Brain,Dizzy,Richard,Robin,and Chris have absolutely no idea when this is coming out.

They laid their parts down and collaborated on the songs but i think thats about as far as their roles in GNR go.

the business end and release date/strategy etc i think is solely about Axl and if he doesnt know when its coming out, no member of the band or poster on a board could know either.

Facts are these, the bandmembers obviously face dire consequences if they leak anything, even members that have been kicked out havent said shit.

Do u think someone in the band will spill their guts to their family to spill the beans on a message board?

I dont care if the info came out to be true, If Axl doesnt want that info disclosed i believe everyone should respect his wishes and keep whatever secret he wants a secret.  It's not being a very good bandmember or friend to break that circle of trust.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 06, 2004, 12:52:09 AM
if everyrumor is false then how can it be true when they type it?

Because if they are repeating what they have been told, then they aren't lying.  Mysteron posted on the cd release date thread that management is saying there might possibly be an announcement in November.  If there isn't one, are you going to accuse Mysteron of lying?  Because I would assume he was told that, and for some other reason, it didn't happen. 

Mysteron and aunt ger are 2 people with established credibility.  I think its unfair of you to imply that they intentionally give "false" information and then blame Axl.  I don't know how other people see it, but that's not what I see.  I see two nice people who want to share information with others who might be interested. Its not their fault if things don't go as planned. 

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 06, 2004, 01:11:19 AM
how do they have credibility? it takes getting a few things correct to earn credibility.

mysteron has credibility cause he got answered from GNR's management

well some poster with no connections got the exact same email

im not here to question anyone's  authenticity cause i dont know for sure. i dont believe him or anyone. I think everyone wants to predict the big mystery of CD,

2 scenarios he really is tight with GNR management and is on the inside


 he got some answers from GNR management which in turn made him look like an insider, he got tons of pm's and attention from board members so he dug the attention and ever since has used that "credibility" to try and get lucky with the release date, which then really makes him look great.

we all know CD is coming out sometime, and if u pay attention he is only repeating what Tommy Stinson said in inteviews and what Dizzy Reed said in the Richmond article.  so u use all that info act like u have inside info u hit the homerun and actually do predict close and u look like a celebrity on the message board.

If u are wrong?  well fuckin cocksuckin piece of shit axl rose is fuckin his fans over and didnt come through. this gives him the ability to sooner or later get it right and then everyone on the board will shower him with love and attention cause he's an insider.

i dont believe it!!! i only wish i had thought of it to be honest.

  I cant believe im the only one who asks questions, how can u all just believe without askin any questions?

aunt ger is dizzy's aunt and im sure he loves her but i dont think he'd jeopardize his friendship and position in GNR for her. u know what they say about axl, he is the greatest friend in the world till u cross him and then its like u are dead to him, i think dizzy leakin info to his aunt and she leakin it to a message board would qualify dont u?

i could be wrong but u must question stuff, u cant just accept stuff cause someone says so.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: ppbebe on November 06, 2004, 01:21:42 AM
Sterlingdog, You?re the bright one.:-*

What point is there in bashing this good-natured lady who tried to help us but missed? If they didn?t like that, they were to tell her, not we.
Maybe I?m wrong but I sense tinted jealousy.?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 06, 2004, 07:30:20 AM
All I know is anyone can talk and give rumors and say this might happen or whatever.. I never listen to that stuff only axl knows, it's clear by every interview that no one knows a damn thing and just specualtes..

As for mysteron D, I don't know him so I don't know who he is or what he truly knows.. All I know is there is never one piece of good or positive news ever.. It's just rumors and gnr's managment isn't giving statements.. Like that's news..

When real news comes we won't need to hear it from people who have these connections, it will be on every reliable news source.. It's the net, anyone can be a poser or the real deal, but who knows? Not one person on the net has proven any knowledge involving gnr to me ,you have one admin on another board who says they know the single because axl told them, and so much other stuf.. I could say these same exact things and then blame it on axl later..
This isn't meant to put anyone down, but we know how the net is and how people just say things to look important.. I know someone has to really know, but how can you tell when everyone gives vague maybes and info only they know.. When someone says I called gnr's managment and they said this or that, how can one prove they did?

Just wait for axl to talk, these people who know things are interesting, but there's no way they know more then the other members and the other members seem to know nothing..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 06, 2004, 11:32:48 AM
how do they have credibility?

To be honest, I don't know.? I haven't been around here all that long, but I see how other people, who have been around, judge these people.? They are generally regarded as trustworthy.? So I take them at their word.? What harm is there in that?? Its not like I'm going to go buy stock in Geffen or something based on what they say.? Like Jarmo said, until there is some official word, just stay calm.? Until then, there is no harm in getting some idea of what might be going on from a couple people who seem to know.? If it upsets you, don't read it.

If u are wrong?? well fuckin cocksuckin piece of shit axl rose is fuckin his fans over and didnt come through. this gives him the ability to sooner or later get it right and then everyone on the board will shower him with love and attention cause he's an insider.

When have aunt ger or mysteron ever done this?? If other people act that way, don't hold them responsible.?

? I cant believe im the only one who asks questions, how can u all just believe without askin any questions?

Because there is no danger in having a little faith in them.? We aren't talking about major world? changing stuff here, in the end, we are talking about one album from one band.? If I take these 2 people at their word, on a message board on the internet, and somehow someday find out they were not who they said they were, oh well.? What's the big deal?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 06, 2004, 01:16:45 PM
Sterling dog I feel the same way to a point, I just don't like false hope and the idea of someone possibly misleading others... I understand that it will not affect us by them giving wrong info, I just have been waiting so long that I want real accurate info, not stuff that always seems to fall through.... :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 06, 2004, 02:29:11 PM
how do they have credibility? it takes getting a few things correct to earn credibility.

mysteron has credibility cause he got answered from GNR's management

well some poster with no connections got the exact same email

im not here to question anyone's? authenticity cause i dont know for sure. i dont believe him or anyone. I think everyone wants to predict the big mystery of CD,

2 scenarios he really is tight with GNR management and is on the inside


 he got some answers from GNR management which in turn made him look like an insider, he got tons of pm's and attention from board members so he dug the attention and ever since has used that "credibility" to try and get lucky with the release date, which then really makes him look great.

we all know CD is coming out sometime, and if u pay attention he is only repeating what Tommy Stinson said in inteviews and what Dizzy Reed said in the Richmond article.? so u use all that info act like u have inside info u hit the homerun and actually do predict close and u look like a celebrity on the message board.

If u are wrong?? well fuckin cocksuckin piece of shit axl rose is fuckin his fans over and didnt come through. this gives him the ability to sooner or later get it right and then everyone on the board will shower him with love and attention cause he's an insider.

i dont believe it!!! i only wish i had thought of it to be honest.

? I cant believe im the only one who asks questions, how can u all just believe without askin any questions?

aunt ger is dizzy's aunt and im sure he loves her but i dont think he'd jeopardize his friendship and position in GNR for her. u know what they say about axl, he is the greatest friend in the world till u cross him and then its like u are dead to him, i think dizzy leakin info to his aunt and she leakin it to a message board would qualify dont u?

You are right on that account. Dizzy need not jeopardize his friendship at all with Axl, for that is why I don't ask him anything he can't tell me. If what I said held any authenticity, then Dizzy would not still be with Axl and GN'R. My intentions were never to give anyone false hopes. It's odd how you believe what that say about Axl.? He is not as callous as you make him out to be. Seems you believe only what you choose. True, I have only talked with him twice, but he is not the asshole you seem to think he is, by his attitude that others portray him as being.? ?

i could be wrong but u must question stuff, u cant just accept stuff cause someone says so.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 06, 2004, 02:59:27 PM
I have to ask ger, have you payed any mind to how the others guys are doing in VR, and if so do you like the music?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 06, 2004, 03:11:37 PM
how do they have credibility?

To be honest, I don't know.? I haven't been around here all that long, but I see how other people, who have been around, judge these people.? They are generally regarded as trustworthy.? So I take them at their word.? What harm is there in that?? Its not like I'm going to go buy stock in Geffen or something based on what they say.? Like Jarmo said, until there is some official word, just stay calm.? Until then, there is no harm in getting some idea of what might be going on from a couple people who seem to know.? If it upsets you, don't read it.

If u are wrong?? well fuckin cocksuckin piece of shit axl rose is fuckin his fans over and didnt come through. this gives him the ability to sooner or later get it right and then everyone on the board will shower him with love and attention cause he's an insider.

When have aunt ger or mysteron ever done this?? If other people act that way, don't hold them responsible.?

? I cant believe im the only one who asks questions, how can u all just believe without askin any questions?

Because there is no danger in having a little faith in them.? We aren't talking about major world? changing stuff here, in the end, we are talking about one album from one band.? If I take these 2 people at their word, on a message board on the internet, and somehow someday find out they were not who they said they were, oh well.? What's the big deal?

? I need not prove who I am but if any of you are still in doubt, check out this website:

Scroll down to Patricia , that is my sister, Dizzy's mom. I'm there too, Gerry Lynn

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 06, 2004, 05:41:25 PM
I don't really care about VR, or how they are doing, but I do like Slither.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 06, 2004, 05:45:07 PM
I don't really care about VR, or how they are doing, but I do like Slither.

Rarh.. Ok, just had to ask.. I asked because I figured you might have met the guys..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 06, 2004, 09:20:23 PM
I never said Axl was an asshole, but i read an interview with somebody *someone help me out* where they said Axl is a great guy and will do anything in the world for u but once u fuck him over u are pretty much dead to him.  I cant remember exactly who said that but i know i read it in an article on this board.

I never said Axl was an asshole or callous, but u dont think if someone blew the lid off what he has cooked up and kept quiet over 10 years that wouldnt majorly piss him off?

If a bandmember told someone and let the cat out of the bag i guarantee axl would be furious.

U hit the nail on the head SterlingDog, u havent been here that long but trust me not one thing has ever came to pass by anyone. You can believe and have faith all you want, im not stopping anyone, but it drives me crazy how people dont question anything and just take what these people say as truth without giving a second thought.

main point is nothing has ever come true, 2nd their "predictions" arent special, anyone can make those predictions based on Tommy and Dizzy's interviews coupled with Vh1's behind the music statement.

The reason people give credibility is cause aunt ger is kin to Dizzy and Mysteron got responses from GNR management which was amazing until some random poster on here emailed and got the exact same email

do u people think he calls GNR's management and chats? that he stops by the office for  a cup of coffee and a sit down?

GNR management could POSSIBLY announce a release date in November.  possibly is a huge word, it allows room for error. If the record label is that unsure we wont get a release date in NOV. if they were gonna give one they would be confident, they wouldnt say possibly.

I mean fuck i could possibly one day turn into a shopping bag lady that collects cans and talks to buildings, i could possibly join a cult, shave my head and clean floors with a toothbrush while singing church hymns.

its bullshit, u take dizzy and tommy's interviews a little "credibility" and u get free passes to predict CHinese Democracy with no recourse.

hell i can do that.

I was at the record label trying to get signed to a demo deal yesterday and i overheard some A and R guys saying how Axl wants to release this cd by Spring. its possible but not definite

if spring comes and it doesnt happen, oh well more delays, if it happens i look brilliant like i know something.  i give the benefit of the doubt a couple times but come on this gets ridiculous.

IF Raoxsle  had went about things in a different way, he would still be considered an insider, only problem is he got way to far in over his head and got proved wrong, had he kept making subtle predictions and didnt get too carried away, people would still be kissing his ass on this board.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 07, 2004, 12:26:29 AM
D........what I was referring to, was the fact that you believe an article where someone is saying things about Axl, note your first paragraph. You actually believe he is that type of person, and just who has f**ked him over? Adler? Matt? Duff? Gilby? Slash? I'm sure they've all had their differences  I really don't think there is a special date set for release of CD. It will happen when Axl decides. Quite a few people, including Dizzy have made predictions, only for it not to happen, yet Dizzy is still with Axl, isn't he?

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 07, 2004, 12:58:11 AM
he made predictions but if he knew for absolute sure and gave out like song titles and told what happened in philly etc etc

did u hear tommy in that one interview basically saying he can only say so much without getting into trouble.

its no coincidence that even members who have left havent said a word about Chinese Democracy, id love to see the agreement they signed.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: badapple81 on November 07, 2004, 02:42:29 AM
I think now, I'm really at the stage where I just enjoy the GN'R CDs and DVDs I have, and of course VR.. and if CD comes out.. it comes out oneday and that'll be a bonus. I always hold out some hope for Axl.. but I don't check out the release date threads at all anymore or get excited about possible dates. Each time it looks like it may come, one of the members books in a series of solo dates, or Mysteron etc. announces that management say it's all false. As Jarmo said, until Axl says something, we shoudn't get too excited. Although I do think when Axl announces something, it will be the real deal, I don't think , after all the hope after Vegas and the 2002 dates, that he would do a tour for the album and promote it, then pull it again.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 07, 2004, 08:45:29 AM
I agree!! :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Skeletor on November 07, 2004, 12:20:44 PM
and if CD comes out.. it comes out oneday and that'll be a bonus. I always hold out some hope for Axl.. but I don't check out the release date threads at all anymore or get excited about possible dates.

Same here, I think this is a pretty healthy attitude.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: ppbebe on November 07, 2004, 02:12:58 PM
I never said Axl was an asshole, but i read an interview with somebody *someone help me out* where they said Axl is a great guy and will do anything in the world for u but once u fuck him over u are pretty much dead to him.? I cant remember exactly who said that but i know i read it in an article on this board.
D........what I was referring to, was the fact that you believe an article where someone is saying things about Axl, note your first paragraph. You actually believe he is that type of person, and just who has f**ked him over? Adler? Matt? Duff? Gilby? Slash? I'm sure they've all had their differences.

 :D These ones?

I don?t know if these article have something to do with the topic, moreover if you have something to do with these people anymore, but sadly, I?m not lazy.
If it opens your eyes, this is better than a good compromise.

The Interview In question
"If there was a lot of money on the table for the original GN'R to get back together I would totally back it," he explains. "Axl has been nothing but good for me and good to me. If that was what he wanted to do and needed to do then I would totally back him. Having said that I can't see it happening," Stinson muses. "He [Axl] is your best friend until you break the chain and then he doesn't want to know you. There are no half measures; you are either with him or against him." Tommy @Kerrang! August 07 2004 Issues 1017

 When Velvet Revolver's song "Slither" came on.......... Overall he was very complimentary to his old cohorts.
When talking about his former band mates, Dizzy doesn't bear any animosity.? He's happy they're getting out there and playing again.? I think he's actually very anxious for the time when he can get back on the road with Guns N' Roses himself and finally reveal this new album with the world.? But in a somewhat cryptic tone, he adds a final thought about the old Gunners, "I'm going to share with you the best piece of advice I've ever gotten from anyone in the music industry: Never burn your bridges." Dizzy Reed 6/3/2004

I think to break the chain is similar to burn the bridge, that is, in this case, to break up the friendship ruthlessly. Correct me if I?m wrong. Also I hear many episodes how too indulgent he is with his mates. Under Given conditions, I?d figure that this guy hardly gets cross with you really until you once leave him. As to Aunt Ger, whether she did boob or not (???), she has been always in support of him. Am I right?

If I were 100 percent convinced that Tommy and Dizzy had absolutely no idea about their Album, I would take their descriptions of Axl with a grain of salt as well. Since I don?t go to see Guns N' Roses to see only one person, I wouldn?t. That said I consider them as their understandings and their versions of Axl?s personality, which could be different from others or his own view.

I don't accept anything as indisputable truth unless I see it myself, or else, sometimes I don?t even believe what I see like fully 100 percent. Self-deception is a bitch.

One more Reference
"Wow. I would say his strengths are definitely his heart and his loyalties. He's incredibly loyal and totally has your back if you're straight with him and are loyal back. Which is why him and I have gotten along so well. I'm the same sort of person. I don't fuck around or waste my time with people who waste my time, and I don't really take up people's time if they don't want it. I would say those are his strengths."Tommy
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Get the record straight.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 08:05:02 PM
great quotes ppbebe

at the albany 02 show Axl referred to himself as "pretty blunt"...
he is a straightshooter
when it comes to relationships
there is nothing wishy washy about Axl
he does not fence straddle...
this corroborates somewhat others' descriptions of Axl which were referenced in this thread
and I don't see it as a bad trait or personality flaw

i remember him saying on more than one occasion how it would not be healty for him to have contact with certain people... i believe he said this in reference to Izzy at one time...
and I think he said something similar about certain relatives of his...
and I'd assume that he feels this way about Slash, Duff, and Matt as well - remember his comments in the gnronline statement in Aug 02:

I do not believe in any true effort or potential regarding most of my past relationship from the other party or parties, creatively or emotionally. Without that the money from a reunion doesn't mean much and though I'm sure the alumni is up for it for me it would be as or more lacking than it was during our attempts to work together previously. As a friend and former friend of Slash said to me in regards to working with Slash, "you can only do so many pull ups." This is my shot and you can root for me to fail all you want, but there is simply way too much put into this to cater to someone else's selfish needs and destroy peoples dreams I truly care about including my own. Not too mention that though I've fought what feels like the heart of the nature of this entire industry, my own people would probably eat me alive if I opted for a lesser course. 3) Slash has lied about nearly everything and anything to nearly everyone and anyone. It's who he is. It's what he does. Duff's support for the man though understandable in one sense in regard to his circumstances, is inexcusable, and furthers my distance from the two of them. For me Matt doesn't figure into the equation and for as much as I was a friend to him he was incapable of reciprocating and life is much better without such an obvious albatross. Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking anything away from the alumni in regard to their prior performances on record or touring to support the albums. I know how I was treated and more importantly I know how they treated others during both of these things, it's not a way anyone should be forced or even asked to work. And for the record I'm referring to Slash and Matt in regards to their actions and behavior, Duff played more of a supporting role (for reasons I've never understood). For the fans to attempt to condemn me to relationships even only professional with any of these men is a prison sentence and something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I'd say my parole is nearly over. I'm practically a free man and if you don't like it you'll have plenty of time to get used to the idea."

nothing wrong with doing what's best for yourself and avoiding contact with people who only reek havoc in your life

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 07, 2004, 08:39:17 PM
i could be misreading what u wrote so i wont go to hard on u.

u said get the record straight?

u just proved my point in your post of quotes.

did u read your post or just copy and paste it?

tommy said about axl in your post

He [Axl] is your best friend until you break the chain and then he doesn't want to know you. There are no half measures; you are either with him or against him."

what do u think this means?

If Dizzy reed betray the circle of trust and spilled the beans and Axl's plans were leaked out to the media u dont think that would be considered breaking the chain?  this is why no one leaks anything and is why Dizzy wouldnt tell aunt ger whats goin on for her to post on this or any message board.

so my facts are straight but i cant help the gullable. so everyone believe what u want to believe i realize sometimes people dont like hearing what they dont want to hear.  there are no insiders people, i cant beileve im the only one who believes this way, maybe others do but just dont wanna stick their neck out and face the criticism but i dont mind criticism.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 08:55:45 PM
its simple

is Ger an "insider"?
well, she is Dizzy's aunt and a it seems she is very close to him.
Does that mean she has inside/secret info about GN'R?
she certainly does know things about Dizzy that we don't know....
and its likely that she knows or has heard things about other members of GN'R that we don't
so yes she is an insider in this sense
but she is not an informant... she hasn't spilt any beans or disrespected Dizzy or any of the other band members like that
She has said so many times that she is a fan - just like us!

Is there such a thing as an insider?
I'm sure there are people "on the inside" to various extents
Mystereon is an "isider" to the extent that he apparently has verified to Jarmo that he has contact with GN'R Management
It is also apparent that the info he shares with us is limited to what Managment relates to him... and they do so knowing full well that he will do just that (tell us about it)... he is not spilling any beans or betraying anyone's trust

so I don't think any fan should have a problem with either of these posters

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 07, 2004, 09:14:42 PM
I don't mind if someone gets emails ,and jarmo verifys them by seeing the letterhead ,I just hate the admin and so called insiders that claim to talk to the management on the phone and give stuf as fact.. It's not about wether it's true or not, it's the fact that no one can see if it's true..

As for this album, it's been mentioned by axl since 1999 tpo kurt loder, and it's almost 2005.. You do the math..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 07, 2004, 09:45:37 PM
its simple

is Ger an "insider"?
well, she is Dizzy's aunt and a it seems she is very close to him.
Does that mean she has inside/secret info about GN'R?
she certainly does know things about Dizzy that we don't know....
and its likely that she knows or has heard things about other members of GN'R that we don't
so yes she is an insider in this sense
but she is not an informant... she hasn't spilt any beans or disrespected Dizzy or any of the other band members like that
She has said so many times that she is a fan - just like us!

Is there such a thing as an insider?
I'm sure there are people "on the inside" to various extents
Mystereon is an "isider" to the extent that he apparently has verified to Jarmo that he has contact with GN'R Management
It is also apparent that the info he shares with us is limited to what Managment relates to him... and they do so knowing full well that he will do just that (tell us about it)... he is not spilling any beans or betraying anyone's trust

so I don't think any fan should have a problem with either of these posters

People.......believe me......I don't hear things about GN'R from Dizzy that you don't already know yourself. I have no secrets, nor does Dizzy tell me anything he shouldn't. Seriously I'd love to know the stories but I merely don't ask him. Some of you don't believe that, and say what kind of an aunt am I, not to ask him. I've told you before, when we are together, we don't talk shop. We talk about family matters. Throughout the years I've asked him what is Axl like to hang out with. His reply was, "He's the most talented, intelligent person he has ever met." They have a great friendship, which now days is hard to find, with all the backstabbing that goes on in the rock industry. When I talked to Axl briefly on two occasions, I found him to be a very sweet guy. Not at all having issues or and attitude like people make him out to have. To me that is pure hype! So think what you will, but if I did indeed know anything, which I don't, would you actually believe Dizzy would tell me just because I'm his aunt?? I think not! He would not betray the trust in his friendship with Mr. Rose to pacify his aunt. :peace:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 09:50:06 PM
okay.. I'll do the math - I like math  :D

Nov 2004 (its not 2005 yet) minus Nov 1999 equals 5 years
5 yrs ago Axl spoke about an album to Kurt Loder

He has referenced it on several occasions since also...

HOB 01-01-10 (introducing Chinese Democracy):  "...its the title track of the album, which, god willing we will finish"

gnronline statement Aug 02:  "I gave into a lot of pressure on Illusions both internally in Guns and externally in the press, those albums suffered as a consequence, it's not something I'm too excited to have to live with again. There are a lot of new songs that were just done in the last year that we feel that 'okay, well that bumps a lot of stuff off the previous list but it's time to stop that now and wrap up the baby. It feels right, the timing, and a lot of things. We've sorted it down to what songs are on the record. What the sequence of the songs is. The album cover art is ready. Blah, blah, blah. If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you, in the end you could win on this either way. But if you're really into waiting try holding your breath for Jesus cause I hear the payoff may be that much greater."

and then backstage at the 2002 VMAs: 

Kurt: What's gonna happen now? Is Chinese Democracy going to come out? Are we gonna see it soon?

Axl: Umm you'll see it, I dont know if soon is the word. But it will come out and we will, we'll go back, we'll do some more recording and then we'll start the American leg of the tour... And see how it goes from there.

Kurt: This has taken a long time.

Axl: Yeah, but it's also how do you rebuild something that got so big and replace virtually every person on the crew, every single thing. And how do you make a whole bunch of guys that are something else into something that already was...

Then in March of 2003:  ""On behalf of Guns N' Roses and myself I apologize to the fans who planned to
see us at Rock In Rio - Lisbon....  In the meantime rather than dwelling on the negative, Guns will be moving forward... we hope to announce a release date within the next few months."

so, how's my math?  ;D

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 07, 2004, 10:21:32 PM
see she admitted she isnt and a random poster on this board got an identical email from GNR management that he did so maybe he just emails them and gets lucky or maybe he has a pal there but mypoint is an insider knows information

getting? a response from management about a bullshit rumor doesnt qualify.

Im not sure if im reading MIke right but the way I take his statement is, if u give someone unlimited chances to predict the release date, they are bound to get it right eventually, a true insider would get it right the first time not only get emails when a  rumor is bullshit.

so point still stands that there are no "insiders" that are gonna come on the board and give us the news we have been waiting for.

I dont want any misunderstandings, I have nothing against either aunt ger or mysteron, they dont do or never have done anything to lead us on or to disappoint us, its the posters on here that put them on a high pedestal because they think news will be broke by them and its not gonna happen.

Axl didnt come this far for someone to steal his thunder, i can promise u that. His iron clad gag order has lasted this long, trust me, no one is gonna leak anything.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: estranged.1098 on November 07, 2004, 10:45:08 PM

so point still stands that there are no "insiders" that are gonna come on the board and give us the news we have been waiting for.

I don't think anyone here honestly believes that. When a date is set for CD we'll hear it from the band officially first.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 07, 2004, 11:25:23 PM
People.......believe me......I don't hear things about GN'R from Dizzy that you don't already know yourself. I have no secrets, nor does Dizzy tell me anything he shouldn't. Seriously I'd love to know the stories but I merely don't ask him. Some of you don't believe that, and say what kind of an aunt am I, not to ask him. I've told you before, when we are together, we don't talk shop. We talk about family matters. Throughout the years I've asked him what is Axl like to hang out with. His reply was, "He's the most talented, intelligent person he has ever met." They have a great friendship, which now days is hard to find, with all the backstabbing that goes on in the rock industry. When I talked to Axl briefly on two occasions, I found him to be a very sweet guy. Not at all having issues or and attitude like people make him out to have. To me that is pure hype! So think what you will, but if I did indeed know anything, which I don't, would you actually believe Dizzy would tell me just because I'm his aunt?? I think not! He would not betray the trust in his friendship with Mr. Rose to pacify his aunt. :peace:

I understand that Aunt Ger.  :)
When I say you know or have heard of things about GN'R I only mean things like you just said...
for example that Dizzy has personally told you  that Axl is the most talented, intellingent person he has ever met.
And like how you having spoken briefly to Axl on two occasions found him to be a very sweet guy... not at all like people make him out to be

There aren't many of us fans who have had these kind of wonderful experiences or first hand knowledge of Dizzy or Axl.
And its very cool that you share these things with us.  You are a true fan and that makes you a great message board poster to have amongst us.  :D

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Aunt Ger on November 07, 2004, 11:42:09 PM
Thank you Eva   : ok:    :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 08, 2004, 12:13:29 AM
to once again avoid misunderstandings i think its awesome she shares personal stories about Dizzy and what she knows of Axl etc. Im not saying anything at all negative about that, and im really not saying anything negative at all about her or anybody.

My posts are aimed at people who put faith in thinking there are actual insiders on here that know the behind the scenes info.

If you are a poster who doesnt get worked up or believe there are insiders then my post is obviously not aimed at u.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: jarmo on November 08, 2004, 09:04:15 AM
My posts are aimed at people who put faith in thinking there are actual insiders on here that know the behind the scenes info.

Maybe this sounds stupid, but I'd imagine somebody from the "inside" has visited this place at least once.
Just because they don't post, doesn't mean they don't visit.  :hihi:

I don't have any proof of that happening, but I don't think it's that unlikely.


Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 08, 2004, 10:21:09 AM
I believe that to be a correct assumption, Jarmo.

I've said it before myself, there are people are in a position to know things "behind the scenes"
they just don't post about it - though I do believe that they have visited here, they just have chosen that their presence remain private.
And that goes, not just for "insiders"...
I have come to know many, many fans through certain activities I have been involved with through being a fan of GN'R...
and MOST of them do not post on message boards at all (though they do visit them)

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 08, 2004, 11:24:18 AM
Bottom line is no one knows anything and real info will be revealed to everyone..

As foir the live your life statement by axl, god only he would say that, it's the loophole to never have to follow through witht his project.. Also the excuse how do you make something that was so big into that type of group again? Well he seemed to be ablke toget it together in 99,2001, 2002, but lost it all..

We never see the see you next summer with all new songs, asnd I have two albums worth of material, and it's time to wrap this up.. The guy just lies and drags his fans along because he knows we all want this so bad..

There's this mystery about it and the loyals will always be interested in it.. Say we get the album whenever. even if it's good it'll be so many wasted years.. 5 years or more on one album is not impressive, any decent band can sit around tweaking and fixing every little thing out of place if they wanted.. I think the music isn't as real and authentic if you sit around fixing  any possible un studio like sound..

He needs to grow a pair and just release the damn thing.. So many people have jammed with the band and have come n gone already.. He probably saw how crappy Oh my God was and realised he better write new tunes, as well as hearing that crap silkworms..

Everyone has come n gone
only the piano player has stuck with axl, goes right along with the direction he might have been heading..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 08, 2004, 11:38:32 AM
My posts are aimed at people who put faith in thinking there are actual insiders on here that know the behind the scenes info.

Maybe this sounds stupid, but I'd imagine somebody from the "inside" has visited this place at least once.
Just because they don't post, doesn't mean they don't visit.? :hihi:

I don't have any proof of that happening, but I don't think it's that unlikely.


Of course they do, its human nature.  Who wouldn't search for their name on the internet if they were famous?  Who visits and how often, of course we'll never know.  I don't think they will be sharing any secret information or anything, but I'm sure they read stuff.  Probably get a good laugh out of some of the nonsense and debating that goes on.  Hopefully they don't take any of it too seriously.

As foir the live your life statement by axl, god only he would say that, it's the loophole to never have to follow through witht his project..

The guy just lies and drags his fans along because he knows we all want this so bad..

I think you are reading alot of negative intentions into what Axl has said and done.  You make it sound like he's some evil dickhead.  You, nor I, nor anyone knows what's going on in his head, why the album isn't out, how he feels about it or how he feels about his fans.  I for one don't think he's as mean and angry as you make him out to be.  But that's just my opinion.

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: fixintodie on November 08, 2004, 11:44:01 AM
My posts are aimed at people who put faith in thinking there are actual insiders on here that know the behind the scenes info.

Maybe this sounds stupid, but I'd imagine somebody from the "inside" has visited this place at least once.
Just because they don't post, doesn't mean they don't visit.? :hihi:

I don't have any proof of that happening, but I don't think it's that unlikely.


I certainly think that's true. I wouldn't be surprised if Axl had visited - for someone with such a huge fanbase, who's so out of contact with them, it seems pretty obvious to see if people are still interested, what they're saying about it, what they expect, and what the latest bullshit rumors are.  8)

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: ppbebe on November 08, 2004, 11:52:11 AM
Eva, As if you didn?t know a thing or...?? :smoking:

Matter of fact, They told Eva and me to put the record straight to help poor Auntger and commendable starlingdog.

They said they never post any petit news coz it?s pointless for them when they have Jarmo n Mysteron.
And they know any news on this site go round most of GNR boards in the world. If any, they?d rather post just as innocent fans and enjoy conversations with us.

And more, They stressed that
anyone claims an insider is whether loser?s(from MS/BM bbs) hoax or loony-re-unionist?s sad hoax or
business competitors? hoax and nothing to do with the actual band and co AT ALL.
In short, this post is my hoax. :P lalala shabby~shabby~uhulala :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

PS mike!!! The Bottom line is :rant: OMG is great!!! :rant:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 08, 2004, 12:38:10 PM

Oh My God rocks!

as for Axl being a liar  ::)
like sterlingdog said - it is his intentions that count
when he says what his plans and intentions are.... and it doesn't work out the way he planned
(ie - he didn't PLAN on plane/flight trouble on the way to vancouver... he didn't plan on getting the flu during the 02 tour... he didn't PLAN on his lead guitarist bailing...
he DID PLAN on not finishing the tour - he said it with conviction in the gnronline statement:

"To the ones who are negative and want to see either myself or the new band fall on their faces, personally I can't pass up an opportunity to upset so many of them in one quick swoop. I get misty-eyed just thinking about it. I feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside! But seriously...this is our tour. This is a collection of performances I've agreed to. That I have personally authorized not someone else's good intentions gone awry or a reckless promoter's personal agenda. These shows are important to us and for better or worse we'll be there. For those who've had my back and are down by us with even a modicum of understanding we hope to give you our best, and look forward to seeing you on this little intro jaunt."

this does not sound like a plan with good intentions?  this sounds like the mean evil lie of an artist who derives some perverse pleasure from fucking over his fans?   ::)

so when Axl tells us his plans, is he an "insider" who "knows something"
c'mon... you can't GET more "inside" GN'R!

yet, when what he plans doesn't come to fruition he too is called a liar  ???
Oi vey! *smacks head*

On March 30, 2004, Axl - the ultimate insider - advised us of his current plans given the circumstances
I am not holding my breath - I'm living my life - but I am looking forward to what he will share with us next
and I believe he has every intention of doing so.. um... soon  ;D

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 08, 2004, 12:53:42 PM
sterling at least quote the entire reasons I gave..
I said he uses the live your life and how do you make a badn what it was statement, but I also said he was ready in 1999, and 2002, and 2002, I also said (as in rio 3) he said we'll be back next summer with all new songs ,he also said it was time to wrap it up, he also said he had trwo albums worth of material (this was years ago)

Then he cries the blues how it was all buckethead's fault.. This shows he lies and and blames others for his short comings.. I also said people only quote thing sthey want, but they forget the other stuff he said (check above)

People either can see it or they don't, some only see the live your life and vmas statement. I see everything, and anyone would believe he had cd by 1999 and was ready to release something.. Not my fault he didn't like the music, or got a yellow stripe and bailed..

It's one album, the guy should just releaese it already.. If he wanted people to live their life then he should have kept his big mouth shut until it was ready and not lead the fans on with a fucking CHinese Democracy tour and then vanish like a fart in the wind for two years..(ok 23 months)

So don't act like he's some genuine guy who's so into the fans,.,, If he was he would keep the people informed.. One album in 5 years isn't much to ask..

I look forward to the album but I've also taken everything I've read and how axl's been since I was a kid and formed an opinion.. I don't come to the forums to chat about stuff I did as a kid and talk about the same music, I come here for cd news..

Well aslo vr, thank god for them..

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 08, 2004, 01:04:40 PM
ie - he didn't PLAN on plane/flight trouble on the way to vancouver... he didn't plan on getting the flu during the 02 tour... he didn't PLAN on his lead guitarist bailing...

Sure he had the flu, he was perfect at msg which I attended(night before)..? He became so sick that he couldn't even attempt to perform after one show already resulted in ariot.. Come on he could have tried ,he knew that this show was everything..

Second his ass could have at least been to the first show a few hours before time.. Geez it's the first show of a tour since 93 in america.,.

Last with buckethead the dude loves to perform, play, so why does he need new gnr, it's a bunch of delays and excuses and people that are in the band know nothing.. Maybe he saw it as working with a boss// I read he got buckethead with a leatherface doll.Doesn't sound like a real click there..

Also all teh guys have had time to write music for themselves ,tour, collaborate and everything else .so don't act like they have been kiling themselves together to finish this.. How many months has tommy been touring already, n brain is /was touring.. They couldn't do rio 4 because of two guitarists, yet they haven't found a third 6 months later.. It's just excuse after excuse..

Everyone but axl is clueless about what is going on, just read any of tehir interviews..Soon, out of the loop, hairs breadth,, drop, and second.. All bullshit and mindless dribble.

I want the album, but at least I can see the paterns

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: jarmo on November 08, 2004, 01:43:49 PM
There's a thread for this kind of discussion in the Dead Horse section. Go whine there.  : ok:

Thank you.


Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on November 08, 2004, 01:46:05 PM
.. It's just excuse after excuse..

Everyone but axl is clueless about what is going on, just read any of tehir interviews..Soon, out of the loop, hairs breadth,, drop, and second.. All bullshit and mindless dribble.

I want the album, but at least I can see the paterns

why would he feel the need to make up excuses?
he has done quite well for himself becoming healthy and happy without droves of 'fans' to answer to for a decade - not something he needs
he doesnt' need anyone's approval to lead his life and pursue his career however he sees fit

I don't visit gnr message boards such as this one for the purpose of learning news
i enjoy hanging out and discussing gnr with other fans

fans like Aunt Ger  : ok:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: D on November 08, 2004, 01:50:57 PM
Axl has just created to high of expectations, the longer he waits the more impossible it is gonna be to live up to all this mystery,mystique and hype.

Im still upset at Axl over 2002.

Here u have been out of the spotlight for almost a decade, u have this huge buzz mythical aura about u.  U have the chance to make the most amazing comeback since Elvis Presley got out of the army and did that TV special in black leather. 

Axl totally dropped the ball. Shouldve played Welcome to the Jungle/Paradise City  and then said, this is our new single coming from our album that will be released next month and then blew the fuckin roof off!

He will never get another opportunity like he had at the VMA's and the 2002 tour.

I know one thing, if Axl has visited this board i just pray it wasnt when we were talkin about his hair or that Gay thread about his teeth  :hihi:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 08, 2004, 02:09:15 PM
sterling at least quote the entire reasons I gave..

I didn't quote it all because I didn't see it as relevent to what I was responding to.? I try to limit the quotes thing because if you keep quoting really long posts, its gets a little out of control.? It doesn't change my point, however, that you seem to want to find evil intentions in what has happened.? And that none of us know what has happened in Axl's head or with his relationships with other band members.?

We can argue all day about what he should or shouldn't have done, I'm sure there are many threads for that.? I'm not trying to justify or excuse anything Axl has done, if it even needs justification.? I'm just saying that I'm not going to assume that he's a bad person, because I don't know and neither do you. (Unless of course, you are a secret "insider"? :) )

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 08, 2004, 02:11:04 PM
Of course I don't know dude I just gave an opinion based on everything we've read or heard since 1999's chinese d/oh my god interview.. :beer:

Title: Re: aunt ger and those letters of support?
Post by: ppbebe on November 09, 2004, 08:25:58 AM
My posts are aimed at people who put faith in thinking there are actual insiders on here that know the behind the scenes info.
So where this offensive post aimed at?
i could be misreading what u wrote so i wont go to hard on u.

u said get the record straight?

u just proved my point in your post of quotes.

did u read your post or just copy and paste it?

tommy said about axl in your post

He [Axl] is your best friend until you break the chain and then he doesn't want to know you. There are no half measures; you are either with him or against him."

what do u think this means?

If Dizzy reed betray the circle of trust and spilled the beans and Axl's plans were leaked out to the media u dont think that would be considered breaking the chain?? this is why no one leaks anything and is why Dizzy wouldnt tell aunt ger whats goin on for her to post on this or any message board.

I have some polite answer for your question. Should I reply to it or You already get it?
Anyway I?ll post it later. I?m just wondering who it should be aimed at?