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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: nesquick on October 18, 2004, 04:37:57 PM

Title: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 18, 2004, 04:37:57 PM
a question for all those who went to a gn'r show or for those who know the answer: was buckethead THE main guitar player or just an additional guitarist? when you listen to a new gn'r bootleg, does buckethead play an imporant part in the whole guitar sound or not? did he do rythmic parts? or just some solos?? ?
my question: did fortus + finck both make more than buckethead alone?

PS: I think the band is MUCH better now that he is gone. more cohesive and tigher.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Butch Français on October 18, 2004, 05:44:50 PM
Buckethead is, IMO, the one that stands out on the live DVD's I have.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Caligula13 on October 18, 2004, 05:50:59 PM
well, i think that fink and fortus had more work to do but it was BH's playing that kicked the shit.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on October 18, 2004, 06:01:18 PM
My eyes tend to wander but in Toronto and London,ON my eyes were fixed on Buckethead for a great majority of the shows.  It was trance-like

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Saul on October 18, 2004, 06:55:13 PM
Listening to and watching the live videos you can hear and see that bucket plays a VERY important part in almost all of the songs. And the visual part of the show .. he adds a ton , you just need to be looking at him a couple seconds to see him doing one of his patented "moves" ... robot arms , guitar stretch , side stepping with his feet , simple head twists , etc etc .... personally I'd rather see Bucketheads stuff then watch robin do that spider walk/float on air thing. But thats just personal opinion. No diss to robin fans.  :peace:

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Voodoochild on October 18, 2004, 07:49:11 PM
Buckethead played some important stuff, but sometimes he didn't played anything. Or he was just acting like a side man, like in The Blues, when he used to be between Brain and Pittman and playing just the bass notes in his guitar. Hell, I can't hear him in the mix in this song.  :-\

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: slashedguns on October 18, 2004, 10:16:41 PM
I think Buckets contributed well to the live shows,however i still think he achieved what he wanted out of joining GNR,to boost his personal career and album sales. And id hazard a guess to say that while he was in GNR his solo record sales were never higher :peace:

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: oneway23 on October 19, 2004, 12:04:17 AM
Like Caligula pointed out, Finck and Fortus may have been more prominent collectively, but BH's playing always brought things beyond that threshold that exists between a great band and a transcendental experience....He definitely put the new band over the top into that rare territory that all amazing live acts exist in...

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: BucketvsSlash on October 19, 2004, 01:13:08 AM
bucket was definately lead guitar but sometimes played a lot of riffs while Finck took lead..I really liked how they did make room for each other and how there were three guitar parts and sometimes only two if needed. For example: The It's So easy from new gnr..right around the "so eeeeeasy when nothing seems to please me"..Buckethead plays that only on guitar.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 19, 2004, 11:51:05 AM
Man, I think I'm still bummed that he isn't part of this new gnr. He really did add massive credibility musically to this group. I think it is a loss that will not be easily repaired. Replacing someone of Slash's caliber in a band like this is impossible. But with Buckethead, Axl pulled off the impossible. You know how many debates there was because of Bucket? Was he better than Slash? He actually began to convince more and more that he was, myself included. He was special and different, in his own right, and his abilities couldnt be questioned. If Axl replaces Bucket's parts on CD, as happy as I will be that I will have the album, there will be this great big cloud hanging over it.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: ppbebe on October 19, 2004, 01:15:43 PM
Yap. His tranquility, like Stillness encompasses movement, lent spice to the stage full of clamor. Too bad, It must be hard to find someone who matches up to the impacts this unique individual made visually and musically.
my question: did fortus + finck both make more than buckethead alone?

To me It?s like asking if onion and tomato both make more than potato alone in Spanish omelet. Each one has different taste and task. When you forget to buy potatoes you?ll have another dish.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: GNR_Green on October 19, 2004, 01:27:39 PM
Bucket played the intro part in You Could Be Mine, it focuses on him on my DVD.

Shame he's gone, he's an amazing player.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 19, 2004, 01:56:23 PM
Well, first of all when I created this topic it was just to know if BH was that important in the band's guitar sound....or not. I never liked Buckethead, never ever. But I just want to know if he played that much guitar when he was on stage. that's all.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: F*ck Fear on October 19, 2004, 02:11:59 PM
I think his recording on the album will be killer....I watched each guitar player when I saw them live in Toronto Canada,but I went to see Axl.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Acquiesce on October 19, 2004, 02:18:16 PM
I recently got a DVD of the new band (it was the first time I ever seen them) and I have to say that no he was not an important part of the band's sound. I'm always hearing how Buckethead was the most important member besides Axl, but he certainly didn't seem like it in the DVD I watched. I expected him to be the main guitarist with Finck doing a solo here and there and Fortus on rhythm, but I felt Finck seemed a bit more like the main guitarist instead.

I was never much of a Finck fan before this DVD.  I used to think they needed Buckethead because it was a better alternative than Finck on lead, but after watching this DVD I have totally changed my mind. Finck did a fine job with the solos he did. I also don't think Buckethead stood out  musically anymore than  Finck or Fortus.

After watching this show, I really don't understand where the Buckethead hype came from. Besides his looks, he didn't stand out at all. Musically, I didn't find him  to be anything special. He also did not have that charisma many guitar greats have that make you fix your eyes on them.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: BucketvsSlash on October 19, 2004, 03:39:44 PM
There were a few times were Bucket wouldnt play,like i said when it wasnt needed..But he contributed a lot.Given his caliber,he played a lot even when it looked like he wasnt.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Saul on October 19, 2004, 04:13:55 PM
I think what I will miss most and what will be missing most from the new GNR "studio videos" for MTV etc will be seeing Bucket and Axl together in the videos. Those two coulda been bigger then axl and slash.  :peace:

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: elevendayempire on October 19, 2004, 04:31:47 PM
The presence of Buckethead - or an equally talented shredder - is integral to the new GN'R's sound and look. Finck and Fortus are talented guitarists, no doubt about it, and both take leads in some songs (November Rain, The Blues, SCOM etc) but the show-stopper in most of the songs is when Buckethead lets rip (see - Madagascar, Nightrain outro, YCBM, Chinese Democracy, Paradise City outro, Rocket Queen outro, and so on). I think having a quirky shredder on board is vital to the band - it shows that they have someone who's a better technical player than Slash on board, it's part of their image, and it's a key element in many of the songs. If not Buckethead, then someone like John 5 or Ron Thal - they need someone a bit kooky and out there to separate them from the herds of tattooed rockers like Slash and Dave Navarro (as talented as they are).

I'd argue, though, that now that Buckethead's out of the band, his parts must be re-recorded. Must be. The general public - you know, the vast majoirty of the people who'll buy CD, the ones who haven't lived and breathed GN'R for the last ten years - have no idea who the current lineup of GN'R actually is. To them, the band playing on CD will be fresh and new, and it therefore has to be the current incarnation of GN'R. To release CD with Buckethead's playing on it, and then tour with a different band, would be akin to releasing a new album with Slash's playing on it, and touring with Buckethead. It makes the new guy seem like a hired gun, not an integral member of the band with songwriting credits - and the new band must have the chemistry that comes from playing as a coherent unit.


Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: yagami1gnr on October 19, 2004, 09:42:25 PM
The presence of Buckethead - or an equally talented shredder - is integral to the new GN'R's sound and look. Finck and Fortus are talented guitarists, no doubt about it, and both take leads in some songs (November Rain, The Blues, SCOM etc) but the show-stopper in most of the songs is when Buckethead lets rip (see - Madagascar, Nightrain outro, YCBM, Chinese Democracy, Paradise City outro, Rocket Queen outro, and so on).

First of all, Buckethead does an amazing job on Nightrain, but I think does all. Also The Paradise outro is played by Richard. Honor mention on YCBM and KOHD. However, what he almost did in the other solos was shredding. This shredding was good in some but bad in others i.e. Rocket Queen, It's so Easy. I forgot to include  Madagascar, but it seems like he could have done more, just my personal opinion.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: grog mug on October 20, 2004, 02:41:05 AM
Buckethead is GNR's best guitarist by far.  I know its not possible in some people's eyes but he really needs to make a comeback.  Besides Axl he was the ultimate in stage presence and guitar playing.  He can play ANYTHING on guitar, sometimes with just one hand.  Great on Madagascar, The Blues, and ecspecially You Could Be Mine and Nightrain.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 20, 2004, 11:24:20 AM
Yea Buckethead needs to come back. He took GNR that much further.

Oh, and to directly relate this back to topic. I was listening to a newer version of Patience. IT is a real clean recording from one of their shows in 2002. There is this really cool psychedelic almost water sound he is making so subtly, but it gives the song so much depth. That is just an example. This dude, is as talented a guitarist could ever hope to be. But he is also something more. He's experimental. He adds layers beyond just his shredds and riffs.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: 33 on October 20, 2004, 11:39:29 AM
Yea Buckethead needs to come back. He took GNR that much further.

Oh, and to directly relate this back to topic. I was listening to a newer version of Patience. IT is a real clean recording from one of their shows in 2002. There is this really cool psychedelic almost water sound he is making so subtly, but it gives the song so much depth. That is just an example. This dude, is as talented a guitarist could ever hope to be. But he is also something more. He's experimental. He adds layers beyond just his shredds and riffs.

How ya doing Buddha? Yeh I agree with you that some of BH guitar playing during the 02 shows was cool as fuck, his solo at London show I went to was brilliant but that seemed to be it, he was so uninspiring or cool up on stage. I don’t think he really fitted in at all. I ent saying that BH isnt cool in his own kind of way, but just didn’t seem to fit with the new Guns thing! Back in the day Slash would stamp his authority on to a show  and be pretty cool, and I think that the lads in the band now certainly do that especially Richard Fortus!

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 20, 2004, 11:42:10 AM
estranged how did you find richard fortus on stage? because on my video bootlegs he is phenomenal. The perfect rythm guitar player (with Izzy) in my opinion.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: 33 on October 20, 2004, 11:59:46 AM
estranged how did you find richard fortus on stage? because on my video bootlegs he is phenomenal. The perfect rythm guitar player (with Izzy) in my opinion.


I just thought Richard was pretty fucking cool, he seemed to have a very distinct style of playing and always looked like he was really enjoying what he was doing. I am certainly not an expert on different guitarists, but he just seemed along with the rest of the band to be really into it, which was the only reason why I didnt think BH was right for the band cos he just stood there like a plank all show apart from his little robotics show!

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 20, 2004, 12:09:42 PM
that's exactly what I think too. Buckethead didn't fit in GN'R, he was appart indeed. The band is more cohesive without him. It's more "a band" now than before.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Slipdisc on October 20, 2004, 12:17:24 PM
that's exactly what I think too. Buckethead didn't fit in GN'R, he was appart indeed. The band is more cohesive without him. It's more "a band" now than before.

Yeah right... nobody has seen the new band play live without him so that statement seems like utter BS. It's just you reaching for straws to reinforce your narrow-mindedness about what something SHOULD be.


Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Scabbie on October 20, 2004, 12:34:33 PM
I don't think they should rerecord buckethead's parts for the sake of releasing something that is their own. I think it would make sense if his parts weren't any good and needed re-recording, but judging by Tommy's opinion and some of the fans on this board that isn't the case.

If there is a new guitarist, let him record any new parts that need adding, or hear him out if he can enhance the songs in a good way, but don't encourage more delays for the sake of not paying royalties or bitterness to Buckethead if you see what I mean.

I went to Leeds, and thought that BH played fine, but I didn't really like his presence. But without playing to many new songs its difficult to make a judgement.

But the concept of having a 'shredder' in GNR I don't think is a bad one. Kinda draws a line between old and new....although whoever the shredder is I think its important they have a feeling as opposed to just being a technical wizard.

I don't get this John 5 thing. I've got the Manson records, but is he really that good a guitarist?

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 20, 2004, 12:34:50 PM
Yeah right... nobody has seen the new band play live without him so that statement seems like utter BS. It's just you reaching for straws to reinforce your narrow-mindedness about what something SHOULD be.

I have the right NOT to like Buckethead. I think I'm really not the only one. Most of GN'R fans didn't like him.
A band is also a human connexion, it's called FEELING.
if you don't understand that, you don't understand Rock n' Roll.

Peace (yeah indeed...)

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: 33 on October 20, 2004, 01:15:43 PM

Yeah right... nobody has seen the new band play live without him so that statement seems like utter BS. It's just you reaching for straws to reinforce your narrow-mindedness about what something SHOULD be.


Yeh whatever! Is this just to wind people up? Cos it sure dont seem constructive. Yeh correct we havent seen the new band play without BH but the point I think Im right in saying is, the rest of the band looked pretty fucking cool and like they were really into it, but BH just stood there like a bit of a plank, which is cool in his own kind of way but doesent really seem to fit into the Guns style really!

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 20, 2004, 01:16:31 PM
Yeah right... nobody has seen the new band play live without him so that statement seems like utter BS. It's just you reaching for straws to reinforce your narrow-mindedness about what something SHOULD be.

I have the right NOT to like Buckethead. I think I'm really not the only one. Most of GN'R fans didn't like him.
A band is also a human connexion, it's called FEELING.
if you don't understand that, you don't understand Rock n' Roll.

Peace (yeah indeed...)

Dude I respect you, but you cant throw around something like "Most fans didnt like Bucket" just to support your case with nothing to back it up. I actually think most did, but I cant say that with no facts. Maybe there was a poll on this site. If there wasnt that was probably a missed opportunity to get an idea of what fans here thought.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 20, 2004, 01:18:43 PM
I agree. and I would add if you told me to choose between buckethead or Fortus to form a Rock band, I would take  Fortus without a doubt.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: ppbebe on October 20, 2004, 01:44:52 PM
if you don't understand that, you don't understand Rock n' Roll.

 :D Rock n? Roll is always somewhat against people?s Stereotype of "what something should BE".
It may not change a thing but rocks it and rolls it to make people wonder if it should be like what they?ve been thinking from their preconceived ideas. That?s why they call it Rock n? Roll, to my understanding.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: Gunner Fucker on October 20, 2004, 03:28:51 PM
I never really liked BH. I think GNR is better off without him. As for his input playing live during the time he was in, I think it didn't add much, and made things messy.

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: nesquick on October 20, 2004, 04:07:24 PM
Rock n? Roll is always somewhat against people?s Stereotype of "what something should BE".

Rock n' Roll is exactly the opposite of what Buckethead is. Or I should rather say Buckethead is the total opposite of what Rock n' Roll is about.
I never really liked BH. I think GNR is better off without him
yes, definitely. The band is more cohesive and tigher. Now this is a Rock band. When Buckethead was in, it wasn't.
Buckethead is probably the biggest mistake in the whole GN'R History. Hopefully, he is gone. I will probably never understand why he was once in that band. Wrong guy!

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: ppbebe on October 20, 2004, 04:19:27 PM
Rock n? Roll is always somewhat against people?s Stereotype of "what something should BE".

Rock n' Roll is exactly the opposite of what Buckethead is. Or I should rather say Buckethead is the total opposite of what Rock n' Roll is about.
:confused: OK, then, Can you enlighten me how Rock n' Roll is totally opposite of what Buckethead is?
And what?s the Rock n' Roll about for you other than exhibition of looks and friendship? Reasonably as possible please. Ta!

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: estranged.1098 on October 20, 2004, 05:16:56 PM
Great on Madagascar, The Blues, and ecspecially You Could Be Mine and Nightrain.

The Blues?

Title: Re: Buckethead's importance in the guitar playing?
Post by: BucketvsSlash on October 20, 2004, 06:26:15 PM
buckethead provided the mood of the blues