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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Leah_RocketQueen on October 16, 2004, 08:13:23 PM

Title: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Leah_RocketQueen on October 16, 2004, 08:13:23 PM
I know a lot of people think Slash is ugly or his hair is ugly, or sumthing like that.

Personally, I think his hair is awesome. I kinda have the same kinda hair as him. Mine is think, curly and wild, and his is too. Mines shorter though.

On the MuchMoreMusic listed program, his hair was rated number 13 on the list of artist's with the craziest do's.

I think his look is kool. I can imagine it gets hot and in the way, but what do you think of Slash's big hair?

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Bill 213 on October 16, 2004, 09:01:02 PM
It's withstood the test of time......I've seen people with similar hair and everyone always refers to it as Slash hair.  Definitely one of the most kickass does.  I like when it's uber puffed up

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Tied-Up on October 16, 2004, 09:02:36 PM
I heard that when they cleared his hair, they found Jimmy Hoffa.  That was probably just a rumor.

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: slashedguns on October 16, 2004, 10:18:30 PM
Like the Les Paul,his hair is his signature. Its rock n roll. A lot of other rock guitarists would love it im sure. : ok:

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: hal on October 17, 2004, 09:51:09 AM
I think his hairs great, and he's not bad looking either, i have a friend who's a BIG Metallica fan and she claims that james hetfield is way better lookin than slash!  :no: Noooo!!!

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Ignatius on October 17, 2004, 11:46:08 AM

We've talked about Axl's teeth so I guess it was about time we talk about Slash's hair.

I personally wouldn't be to keen to have his hair, but I guess it's one of his trademarks. it does look cool. However, I remember somebody posted a picture not too long ago in which they were already signs of hair lose down in the crown of the head.

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Leah_RocketQueen on October 17, 2004, 01:16:09 PM
I remember readin something that Slash had said about his hair once. It was something along the lines of...

"My hair can get annoying, and in the summer sometimes I just wanna shave it all off. But I just put it in a ponytail and it cools down. I would die if I shaved my head."

Does anyone have a picture of him with a ponytail? that would be funny to see!

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Slashly on October 17, 2004, 09:01:21 PM
Here you have some pics of him without his hair all over his face:

There you got!

Baby Slash//

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: metallex78 on October 17, 2004, 10:20:53 PM
No doubt Slash's hair is the coolest hair in rock n' roll. That and his Les Paul are THE image of pure rock n roll to me. : ok:

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: Leah_RocketQueen on October 18, 2004, 06:48:52 AM
Here you have some pics of him without his hair all over his face:

There you got!

Baby Slash//

Thanx Slashy, those are great! He doesn't look that diffrent with his hair in his face. Hmm, oh well, it still is funny seeing him without the big hair.

Title: Re: what do you think of slash's hair?
Post by: gnrvrrule on October 18, 2004, 01:06:18 PM
Slash would not be Slash without his hair.  He is arguably the most identifiable rock musician just because of that hair.  Simply put, it's rock n' roll.