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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 07:13:14 PM

Title: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 07:13:14 PM
If chinese democracy sells great the bashers are going to claim its not because its a great album or because its Axls first album since 1993, but because he is still using the guns n roses name and the name is what sold all the albums.

If chinese democracy bombs, they these same people are going to claim that Axl has ruined the guns n roses name and he never should have kept the name etc etc.

So even if axl suceeds like we all think he will do, the same usual suspects are going to claim its not because of Axl but because he kept the name.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: Falcon on October 15, 2004, 07:17:43 PM
He's in a no win situation for sure, much to his own doing and some with no fault to him whatsoever, but still a no win.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: NickNasty on October 15, 2004, 09:22:57 PM
I completely agree...aside from maybe one or two music critics (Rolling Stone, and Kurt Loder at MtV)...nobody will give this record a fair will be judged souly on the name guns n roses...success or failure...but them's the risks Axl took when he bought the name and went into this tumultous reinvention now over 10 years long...and he will be stuck with the judgement...but fuck the haters and the critics, if it ever comes out, it will have exceeded so many of my expectations already...and if it's as phenomenal as those select few who have heard material say it is...well then it's just icing on the fucking cake.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: axlrose_7 on October 15, 2004, 10:26:09 PM
I agree with you. But I guess we all knew that by now.

Guns n' Roses fans have never cared about what other people think, while we enjoy seein' our favorite band/guys kicking the fuck outta the music. So why start caring about what critics/newspapers say now?

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: Naupis on October 15, 2004, 10:51:38 PM
Of course the name will sell albums...he is no retard, thats why he's using it. I promise this same project under "the axl Rose solo band" and not GNR doesn't garner a smigeon of the hype it has thus far. He would have to overcome the same rebuilding grass roots campaign VR has. He has a built in name brand with tremendous brand equity and recognition. To think otherwise is just being naive or having your head burried in the sand.

That said, he has brought all of his problems on himself. There is no one to blame but himself. He should have never come out of hibernation if he had no intention of releasing an album. Or if he did want to come back, he should have made sure it would be ready within 6 months of said date. This stop and go, 1 off, revolving band member stuff has made the band look like an unorganized joke. He could have done things much differently, but chose not to. To that end he can't blame critics or anyone else for the potshots he takes because he is the soley in charge of this circus and the onus falls on him to make it work. Thus far he hasn't made it work, but that doesn't mean things can't change in the future though.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: younggunner on October 15, 2004, 10:57:30 PM
as long as the music is good and peopel on the boards who have followed gnr day in and day out over the yrs are happy with the material...who the fuck cares

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on October 15, 2004, 11:46:43 PM
It's going to come down to touring. If the band can get out there and play their asses off, and prove that they are formidable, I'm confident that most people will be able to put the old band out of their minds and see this band for what they are. The album will sell well, on many aspects, be it hardcore fans like us, fans of the old band that are curious, etc. When it gets to it's peak, it will be recognized as a great collection of music, contrary to the band's history...

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 16, 2004, 12:00:23 AM
dave I agree to a point, but listen closely as I saw a mention in this thread of it partly being his own fault.. I think alot of people that are more critical of the new gnr isn't because of his talents, we all know he's an excellent singer, songwriter, and frontman, but let downs have contributed to some of the negative feelings for some towards axl..

I can't judge CD without hearing it, and I won't, some boards I've been apart of claim IRS, twat, and songs of that nature will be amazing yet they've never heard one note. tune. or anything else..
Some people claim victory before hearing a song, some like the boots less then others and things of that nature.. I wouldn't have bought a msg ticket the minute it came out (floor seat) if I didn't want to enjoy the experience of the new band..

Damn if the music is good then I'll be the first to say the songs rock.. Of course the gnr name is something that will help launch the album and promote early sales.. Also I believe having eight guys is a big factor because they've had alot of time to make one album great..

The thing that will be annoying is a vr vs new gnr thing will be going on, and that's not something I'm interested in.. I use vr someitmes as a point because I like how they got their shit together in a short period of time and keep the fans informed, but that's not inregards to their music, just how they have been operating...

Let me ask you dave if the next vr album is more to your liking, or lets just say better then contraband will you give it credit, or just be a fan of one group..Remember your topic does go both ways..

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: gnrvrrule on October 16, 2004, 12:12:37 AM
I don't think he's in a no-win situation.  If the album comes out and kicks ass, that makes him look like the hero and would seemingly show everyone that he doesn't need the old members, regardless of how long it takes.  If it bombs, obviously he's gonna get trashed by the media, but a successful album will put him in a much higher standing than he is now, I can tell you that.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: Top-Hatted One on October 16, 2004, 12:54:50 AM
I can say the same thing regarding the stupid things you say about Velvet Revolver. Like just because they are #1 doesn't mean they are any good since britney spears is #1. : ok:

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: ChristineP on October 16, 2004, 11:01:21 AM
I am sure he is a tough spot for sure.  I feel sorry about that.  I think even if he had of went on and called the band, say Axl Rose and co.?  His fans would still support it and would do well.  I think most of his would be this court shit and the timing with VR doing their own stuff.  Organizing the whole thing, so it works out in his and band members favour.  Including the fans.  There might be some personal issues too?

I would also imagine that he can't just say fuck it!  He needs this albumn for himself.  Or maybe I am wrong? 

Whatever the case, I hope it turns out for everybody! :peace:

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: nesquick on October 16, 2004, 11:05:33 AM
I think (and I feel) that the album is going to be a phenomenal success. Just with the studio version of The Blues and Madagascar will be enought to make it be a success. That's a feeling, the record will be successfull.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: GnFnR87 on October 16, 2004, 11:16:15 AM
think about it, from the boots we've heard, the time he's spent on it, and the money put into it, how could the music be bad?? The only problem is the critics fucking killing it, but u know what, fuck them, as long as i like it. Honestly though, people should just judge the music, let the music do the talking.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: Death Cube K on October 16, 2004, 01:24:07 PM
Press will give him hell, but this album will sell as much as VR. It wont sell more than the old era stuff though. Even the haters will buy this album, because they wanna hear what it was all about.

The second album will be the rise or fall of the new GNR.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on October 16, 2004, 01:38:42 PM
Unfortunately the VMA'a were the equivalent to musical premature ejaculation which enabled the public at large to view the sad state of this album's delays.  Prior to that we were about the only ones tracking the release.  People got a taste way too soon......their expecations were elevated and now they have forgot - this is indeed a no win situation.

Title: Re: Why axl is in a no win situation in reguards to chinese democracy
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on October 16, 2004, 04:28:10 PM
Unfortunately the VMA'a were the equivalent to musical premature ejaculation which enabled the public at large to view the sad state of this album's delays.  Prior to that we were about the only ones tracking the release.  People got a taste way too soon......their expecations were elevated and now they have forgot - this is indeed a no win situation.

i wouldnt say "elevated" because nobody i know thinks it was a good performance.. they say "if the new album's anything like the vma's its gonna suck"