Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: VHunknown on October 15, 2004, 04:33:35 AM

Title: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: VHunknown on October 15, 2004, 04:33:35 AM
The reason we all loved old gnr was because of the booze, the ballads, and the badass fuck you attitude they portrayed.? Throughout the life of old gnr, the reason people loved and respected Axl was because he did what he wanted and could care less about what people thought of him.? He simply wrote and performed against the immense expectations of the industry and the fans.? ?Although, after appetite there were huge expectations for gnr to go above and beyond appetite, Axl never let pressure from the industry dictate the way he wrote and produced music.? I believe that this was because he could honestly careless what the industry and fans expected from his music.?

Most of you in here will still say that Axl still could care less about what the fans think.? Evidence of this being the lack of updates concerning the status of new gnr, the cancelled tour, the 9 years he has been working on CD, etc.....? ?See I tend to believe that Axl has lost that confident attitude that drove old GNR. If this was not so, Axl would not be so secretive about his work.? Do you actually think back then Axl would have made a concerted effort to conceal information concerning the production of UYI by paying off members of the band and forcing roadies into confidentiality agreements?? Hell no.? The attitude of old gnr was so far above and beyond those expectations and pressures concerning UYI, that they probably never thought twice to silence people close to the band.?

After 9 years in the making, the stakes for new GNR could not be higher.? Axl most certainly feels the pressure.? The only reason for this, is a change in the way Axl feels people will respond to CD.? It has been said in several interviews that Axl wants CD to be this huge dramatic event.? Do you think old school Axl would care about how huge his next record was going to be?? No.... no damn way.? That is why old gnr kicked major ass.? They could care less who hears their records or comes to their shows.? Look at VR..... there is still the remnants of a "who the hell cares" attitude still alive.? They made that record while Weiland was in rehab and are now putting out videos that are being banned.? That was GNR 15 years ago!? Bottomline: Axl and the new band have lost that hardcore edge that we all love.? Evidence of this is the fact that they are too secretive and concerned about this dramatic even that we keep believing is about to happen.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: nesquick on October 15, 2004, 05:03:03 AM
as much as I like the new GN'R, this lack of attitude and this lack of "rock n' roll attitude" is definitely  one of the  weakest point of this band. Exept Richard Fortus who is a Rocker and who has the feeling, the vibe, the rest of the band isn't really "Rock n' Roll". Even Axl has lost a lot of his Rock n' Roll attitude.
Musically they are exellent but the chemistry isn't great.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: 33 on October 15, 2004, 05:13:48 AM
Only my opinion, but I dont think we will know if the new band really lack chemistry until the album is out and they tour like fuck! I personally dont think Axl has lot his Rock n Roll attitude, from watching him in the early nineties and then I saw the new band at Leeds and London in 02 I though Axl was on absolute fire!! I think Buckethead was pretty un rock n roll but the rest of the band were fucking brilliant & I certainly didnt think they lacked chemistry as a unit! Like I said only my opinion, I may be wrong. I hope Im not.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: 0001001 on October 15, 2004, 07:43:46 AM
as much as I like the new GN'R, this lack of attitude and this lack of "rock n' roll attitude" is definitely  one of the  weakest point of this band. Exept Richard Fortus who is a Rocker and who has the feeling, the vibe, the rest of the band isn't really "Rock n' Roll". Even Axl has lost a lot of his Rock n' Roll attitude.
that's right

Musically they are exellent but the chemistry isn't great.

damn right too

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: jarmo on October 15, 2004, 08:33:52 AM
Tommy Stinson = rock n' roll.  ;D

The guy travels across Europe in a little bus just to play. That's rock n' roll.


Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: SADIS on October 15, 2004, 08:52:29 AM
Tommy Stinson = rock n' roll.? ;D

The guy travels across Europe in a little bus just to play. That's rock n' roll.


Yeah, but I think that what the TS means is that the old GNR was a gang. A gang of 5 guys livin' the same fucked up live and would do anything to escape that. It was them against the universe. Sharing dreams and sharing everything they had/owned. And you could feel that and see that from miles away. You felt the connection those guys had and you envyd them because of it.

The new band is like a corporate company, one rich leader who hasn't seen the streets in years and sees the world from his kingdom. There is no unity and there is no gang. Old GNR was just some white trash guys tryin' to make it big, and you could feel/see that in everything they did. The new band is just some 35-40 plus guys with no real goal, beside Axl's. Even VR is more angry and more aggressive and that is what's appealing to them. Nu-GNR is just.....nothing. Just so corporate....

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: jarmo on October 15, 2004, 09:05:40 AM
Yeah, VR is really "dangerous".....  :D

You can't recreate your past, so why even try?

For some rock n' roll is the way you dress, you're supposed to do drugs, groupies, swear a lot etc.

It can also be taking chances. Not caring what others think of what you're doing just because you believe in doing it.


Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Lesty on October 15, 2004, 09:16:06 AM
Unless you own a time machine, GnR will never be as "Rock n roll" as they were 16 years ago.
There's a big difference being in your young to mid 20s, poor, pissed off and ambitious.
It's not easy to hold on to that vibe when you reach 40 and have millions of dollars. A handful of bands/artists have held on to it, and I believe GnR can still be very cool and credible in this regard, but they need to prove it in the studio and on stage.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: 33 on October 15, 2004, 09:33:35 AM

Yeah, but I think that what the TS means is that the old GNR was a gang. A gang of 5 guys livin' the same fucked up live and would do anything to escape that. It was them against the universe. Sharing dreams and sharing everything they had/owned. And you could feel that and see that from miles away. You felt the connection those guys had and you envyd them because of it.

Yeh fair point but the new band are not in their early twenties now, and have already had good musical careers to make them financially secure, which is what the original 5 didn’t have to start with. Well as we all know they had fuck all!

The new band is like a corporate company, one rich leader who hasn't seen the streets in years and sees the world from his kingdom. There is no unity and there is no gang. Old GNR was just some white trash guys tryin' to make it big, and you could feel/see that in everything they did. The new band is just some 35-40 plus guys with no real goal, beside Axl's. Even VR is more angry and more aggressive and that is what's appealing to them. Nu-GNR is just.....nothing. Just so corporate....

How do you know what sort of world Axl sees, and what sort of unity the band has? As I have been told and many others on this message board none of us know what Axl gets up to! Im not trying to just be negative to your post, but none of us know what sort of goal the band have. I for one believe that they all want this so badly and are a very compact unit, but true I don’t know this for sure. Why are VR more aggressive? We havent seen what the new GnR are really gonna be like apart from the few dates in 02 and that was without a new album to back it up! I

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 15, 2004, 09:43:15 AM
I have to say about new gnr is that I don't know enough about them as a group yet to really say this, of course there isn't the same crazyness like as old... I mean things are different just for the fact everyone id playing for an established name and is doing side work before one album.. There was a difference between old n new, old was very hungry because they were living the life of struggling rockers...  New is definetly more layed back, if there was urgency they would have just put something together and released it.. When ever you get soemone in the group that's rich things will be a little less dangerous...

I don't think vr is dangerous at all, but they still have the rock attitude, of course nothing like old gnr... Scott has a sence of danger do to his drugs , arrests, and trying to stay clean, slash still drinks, but it's nothing like it was..

You'll never see the type of axl from the ritz show, but then again he doesn't need to be like that anymore..

As far as looks go in rock, I enjoy basic jeans, leather pants, rock t shirts,etc.. Everything worn during the afd era.. Then jerseys, baggy pants, braides, etc don't do it for me.. I was never big on wardrobe changes through the show.. I saw them in nyc, and axl put on numerous ny team jerseys, just didn't see the need..

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: SADIS on October 15, 2004, 09:51:52 AM
Yeah, VR is really "dangerous".....? :D

You can't recreate your past, so why even try?

For some rock n' roll is the way you dress, you're supposed to do drugs, groupies, swear a lot etc.

It can also be taking chances. Not caring what others think of what you're doing just because you believe in doing it.


Some people just need to be the boss and need to get theirs. You are one of them, Jarmo. You just can't take the tiniest bit of critic on the Nu-GNR. It makes you look stupid.

I never said VR was/is dangerous, I said they have a certain drive, especially Scott. And THAT'S what makes the "click"/the connection/ the reason it seems logic. The reason it seems to work BETWEEN THEM.

If Axl is believing in what he does and not cares what others think, that's fine by me. But don't call it a band and don't  use the name that was build up by others besides yourself too. It's not a band. It's not a group. It's a company with employees.

And for the people saying you can't say shit about GNR because you don't know shit; We know what they have shown us right? They know how image works and how press works right? They know how the internet works right? They know what effect everything they do and say has, right?

So what I am not allowed then to judge them by what they have given me? "Yeah, Vr has shown us this and that"....Well, Nu-GNR has shown me shit besides a cancelled show, 4 new tracks, a really bad MTV VMA performance, Buckethead leavin', no press, a really bad sung performance, a soulless performance of the old tracks...they have shown me enough to be at least sceptic and form an opinion. I just don't see a band and I think you are pretty ignorant if you are tryin to say that the opinion I have and a lot of other people have is just crap, based on nothing. They sent out this image themselves, so don't be annoyed if not everybody likes it, ok?

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: jarmo on October 15, 2004, 10:05:50 AM
Some people just need to be the boss and need to get theirs. You are one of them, Jarmo. You just can't take the tiniest bit of critic on the Nu-GNR. It makes you look stupid.

Yeah.... I take it really personally when you say bad things about one of my favorite bands.  :'(

Do you honestly think I give a fuck what you or anybody else thinks about the band?

My only concern is some people who come to this board only to repeat the following: "It's not GN'R, it's not a real band, it's not rock n' roll, it's all Axl's fault, Axl sucks, Axl is a liar, Tommy is a liar, Hahaha it has taken 10 years..." Rewind and repeat.

After reading that kind of shit for a few years, you get kinda tired of it. I don't care if you don't like "Silkworms", I don't care if you hate Tommy Stinson, I don't care if you think Axl should change the band's name and I don't care if you live in the past, just don't clutter this board with all your negativity.

So for all the people who think GN'R ended in the 90s, I suggest you go find another board where they agree with you. It'll make you feel more welcome and it'll make our job here a lot easier.

You're not gonna make the fans here start hating the new band by posting your "facts", the only thing your negativity will do is to annoy people. At some point you've annoyed enough people and then somebody usually gets banned.

Oh, and this wasn't aimed at you personally. It's aimed at anybody who's here for the wrong reasons.


Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: SADIS on October 15, 2004, 10:09:01 AM
Why are VR more aggressive? We havent seen what the new GnR are really gonna be like apart from the few dates in 02 and that was without a new album to back it up! I

More aggressive? They formed and released an album and already did a tour for more than 4 months now. Seems pretty aggresive to me. By aggresive I don't mean they are more rude or punching more people in the head. They are aggresively promoting themselves and their music. They are out there, everywhere. Aggresivly spreading like a virus. It's everywhere.

That's what I meant.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: SON OF A PREACHER on October 15, 2004, 10:24:13 AM
attitude is for teenagers.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: ppbebe on October 15, 2004, 10:42:59 AM
I always like positive attitude. Like, Never give up, fuck the haters!!! :rant:

I don?t think I?m a big fan of some 35-40 plus guys with the badass fuck you attitude.

If so, I would visit any pubs after football games.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: SADIS on October 15, 2004, 10:55:17 AM
My only concern is some people who come to this board only to repeat the following: "It's not GN'R, it's not a real band, it's not rock n' roll, it's all Axl's fault, Axl sucks, Axl is a liar, Tommy is a liar, Hahaha it has taken 10 years..." Rewind and repeat.

After reading that kind of shit for a few years, you get kinda tired of it. I don't care if you don't like "Silkworms", I don't care if you hate Tommy Stinson, I don't care if you think Axl should change the band's name and I don't care if you live in the past, just don't clutter this board with all your negativity.

So for all the people who think GN'R ended in the 90s, I suggest you go find another board where they agree with you. It'll make you feel more welcome and it'll make our job here a lot easier.

You're not gonna make the fans here start hating the new band by posting your "facts", the only thing your negativity will do is to annoy people. At some point you've annoyed enough people and then somebody usually gets banned.

Oh, and this wasn't aimed at you personally. It's aimed at anybody who's here for the wrong reasons.


Not taken personally but.....imagine how it is for someone like me. I love GNR till death, I love Axl, he's my fave singer ever. He's the shit. And with all my best intentions I come here to discuss the things I see and hear. And I discuss my opinion. My opinion is that I don't see a band. I just see the greatest singer ever working with additional musicians. I am allowed to say that right? Without being slagged off as a negative bitch who wasn't got a good word for the NU-GNR.

Tommy seems cool to me. Robin seems like a great guy. I like 'em. I didn't like BH, but he's gone now so..... I think you should see through the lines what somebody is tryin' to say and see what someone post history is if you are gonna put words in their mouths. I never said VR is dangerous; you said were twisting my words around.

In another thread I'm defensing Axl for the fact that he did write alot of GNR material. But that don't mean I like every single thing he does. I understand you're sick and tired of all the people tryin to put the new band down. But there are also ppl who like the new band but have an opinion of them that is not exactly like yours. And it might sound negative, but was never intended to be that way. I like the new GNR. But I don;t see them as a band....

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: jarmo on October 15, 2004, 11:47:45 AM
From what I've heard and read, it is a band in the sense that they work together.

Just because they have a leader doesn't mean that they're not a band.

I think that the rest of the band understands that Axl was in GN'R before any of them joined and respect that he's the leader. I also think that Axl listens to what the others say.

Just because Tommy's on tour in Europe and haven't checked what's happening with GN'R in a few weeks, doesn't mean it's not a band. They don't need eight guys in the studio when only one of them is needed there.  ;)


Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Naupis on October 15, 2004, 11:52:38 AM
VR are the perfect examples of how you can take some late 30 something/early 40's guys and make them look edgy and classic yet still kind of modern in a rock and roll sense. Axl never has to wear spandex again, but there has to be some middle ground that looks better than being a P. Diddy clone in terms of style.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 11:54:21 AM
Who wants to see a bunch of 40 year olds trying to act like they are in their 20s?

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: jarmo on October 15, 2004, 11:58:12 AM
So the attitude is in the clothes you wear?  ???

Then the Axl of 2002 is just what he's always done.


Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 15, 2004, 11:58:52 AM
From what I've heard and read, it is a band in the sense that they work together.

Just because they have a leader doesn't mean that they're not a band.

I think that the rest of the band understands that Axl was in GN'R before any of them joined and respect that he's the leader. I also think that Axl listens to what the others say.

Just because Tommy's on tour in Europe and haven't checked what's happening with GN'R in a few weeks, doesn't mean it's not a band. They don't need eight guys in the studio when only one of them is needed there.? ;)


I hear you, I just think people feel it's not a band or less of a band because this has been going on a long time and just about everything that was becoming good was flushed down the toilet and goodn news has been almost invisible.. I'm sure some see revolver moving quick and see they did something wether you like the stuff or not..
People see no new material or any real info about an album and tour but see countless solo projects, tours, people doing other albums, etc while axl is never heard from.. \

I believe people are like me (well some) more let down then anything..

When I see the new guys doing countless side stuff it rememinds me of someone that owes a person money but doesn't pay it back, yet they're out at a club somewhere else spending, yet my money is no where in sight.. It's like a smakc in the face, wether meant to be or not..

If the band was together in the public people would feel differently ,and of course if teh album dropped and if tour datesd were announced..

When I read the interview you did (very good by the way) people must be like fuck tommy might be touring again in jan n feb for his own stuff.. It just sucks that so much is done outside of the new group...

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: VHunknown on October 15, 2004, 12:18:28 PM
Look I don't know about new gnr not being a band.  They definately have the talent it requires to create good music.  All I am saying is that if we are still calling ourselves GNR, that has the stigma of "kick ass".  It just seems to go against marytdom to force band members and roadies into confidentiality agreements.   Thus giving me the impression that Axl cares so much about the voice of public appeal that he has lost sight of what he sought out to do from the beginning.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Naupis on October 15, 2004, 12:22:43 PM
All I am saying is that if we are still calling ourselves GNR, that has the stigma of "kick ass".

That might be the best insight I have seen on this board in a while. Way to go man, that quote alone kind of sums up the entire frustration of the segment of GNR fans who think the hip-hop/goth thing is ridiculous. If it wasn't Guns N' Roses I don't think anyone would care, but when you call it that you have an image to keep up. You hit the nail straight on the head.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 12:24:58 PM
Look I don't know about new gnr not being a band.? They definately have the talent it requires to create good music.? All I am saying is that if we are still calling ourselves GNR, that has the stigma of "kick ass".? It just seems to go against marytdom to force band members and roadies into confidentiality agreements.? ?Thus giving me the impression that Axl cares so much about the voice of public appeal that he has lost sight of what he sought out to do from the beginning.

That is just not true at all. If axl cared about what the pubic thought he wouldnt have the braids anymore, he would try to get back with slash and duff and he would still be making AFD songs and not trying to progress. Axl has always done what he has wanted to.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: VHunknown on October 15, 2004, 12:40:51 PM
How would you explain the fact that Axl wants CD to be as big as possible?  This sure sounds concern for the critiques criticisms of others to me.  Justify the 10 year time frame for the new record anyway you like, but do you really think that it would have taken the old band 9 years to but out a record?  No, they didn't care how big it was or who was listening.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 12:45:28 PM
How would you explain the fact that Axl wants CD to be as big as possible?? This sure sounds concern for the critiques criticisms of others to me.? Justify the 10 year time frame for the new record anyway you like, but do you really think that it would have taken the old band 9 years to but out a record?? No, they didn't care how big it was or who was listening.

I dont know what axl is thinking, like you are claiming, but IMO Axl is making this album for himself and he only cares about if he is happy with the finished product. Axl even said, he knows with the new album he will lose a few old gnr fans because of style change but he also said he will probably get new fans that like the new style.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: LeftToDecay on October 15, 2004, 12:50:01 PM
*Whistles the melody appearing? in the chorus of dead horse*
Members of "New GNR" dont  seem to be doing anything together outside of the studio...Or inside, for that matter.
I don't recall reading,seeing or? hearing anything that would even hint towards the good ol' male bonding -thing.

All in all, it looks like a very bad breeding ground for this here.."attitude"-thing.(However you want to understand the term itself.)

Axl,Robin and Tommy should just shoot some heroin together,breake something expensive and get busted for a few days.? :yes:

Then again, what the hell do I know? They might be playing Monopoly on? the floor of Axl's livingroom right now.
...It's just that absolutely nothing suggests they'd do stuff like that. Ever.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 12:58:14 PM
*Whistles the melody appearing? in the chorus of dead horse*
Members of "New GNR" dont? seem to be doing anything together outside of the studio...Or inside, for that matter.
I don't recall reading,seeing or? hearing anything that would even hint towards the good ol' male bonding -thing.

All in all, it looks like a very bad breeding ground for this here.."attitude"-thing.(However you want to understand the term itself.)

Axl,Robin and Tommy should just shoot some heroin together,breake something expensive and get busted for a few days.? :yes:

Then again, what the hell do I know? They might be playing Monopoly on? the floor of Axl's livingroom right now.
...It's just that absolutely nothing suggests they'd do stuff like that. Ever.

Are you sure about that? Dizzy and Fortus have played together, and Tommy and Fortus have also played together at each others solo gigs. Dizzy and Fortus plays on Tommys solo album. Is that not good enough for ya?

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: LeftToDecay on October 15, 2004, 01:13:16 PM
Are you sure about that? Dizzy and Fortus have played together, and Tommy and Fortus have also played together at each others solo gigs. Dizzy and Fortus plays on Tommys solo album. Is that not good enough for ya?
To be honest, I didn't even know that the Fortus guy is considered as a member of GNR these days ;D
Neither did I know about Dizzy being involved with Tommy's solo album.
...Is that good enough for ya by the way?

I'm very much "our of da loop" when it comes to all things GNR.
I don't follow rumours or news that don't have a headline with with combinations of words words like "release date confirmed!",  "Axl is actually alive!"or "GNR world tour" in them.
.....So by all means take my ignorant remarks for what they are worth:)
I still feel there are atleast? seeds of truth in my previous post? though!

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 01:23:48 PM
Tommy even stated the chemisty in this band when BH is not around is better than when he is. So this band might be a tighter unit now that he is gone.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 15, 2004, 02:05:16 PM
Look I don't know about new gnr not being a band.? They definately have the talent it requires to create good music.? All I am saying is that if we are still calling ourselves GNR, that has the stigma of "kick ass".? It just seems to go against marytdom to force band members and roadies into confidentiality agreements.? ?Thus giving me the impression that Axl cares so much about the voice of public appeal that he has lost sight of what he sought out to do from the beginning.

That is just not true at all. If axl cared about what the pubic thought he wouldnt have the braids anymore, he would try to get back with slash and duff and he would still be making AFD songs and not trying to progress. Axl has always done what he has wanted to.

How do you know he still has the braides, he had them from the vmas till which photo? As for the afd thing were slash n duff not part of the illusions? Why does moving away from the afd type sound mean you're progressing or because the fact that others liked that type of rock they weren't into progression?

Lets say they weren't into bigger epic songs like NR or estranged does that mean they weren't into progression, or could it be they weren't as big on those type of songs? I just hate when you act like no one was into creating music because of an afd sound.,.. Yet you're the same guy that loves oh my god which isn't anything special, is that the progressing you wanted?

People need to understand the progressing doesn't always mean better, changing music style doesn't mean you're advancing yourself as an artist... Check silkworms, oh my god and riyad..  Those are songs that axl was able to move on with...

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: younggunner on October 15, 2004, 02:10:51 PM
same old bullshit....

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: AxlFink on October 15, 2004, 03:11:39 PM
"Throughout the life of old gnr, the reason people loved and respected Axl was because he did what he wanted and could care less about what people thought of him"

Still the same person from  what I can tell.   I know he doesnt care about your post.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: VHunknown on October 15, 2004, 03:26:59 PM
Ohhhh but I think he does care about this post.... he cares so much that he actually pays people to swear an oath of silence.? Therefore ensuring that we have no idea what is he doing or what is going on.? What more evidence do you need?

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 03:34:12 PM
Look I don't know about new gnr not being a band.? They definately have the talent it requires to create good music.? All I am saying is that if we are still calling ourselves GNR, that has the stigma of "kick ass".? It just seems to go against marytdom to force band members and roadies into confidentiality agreements.? ?Thus giving me the impression that Axl cares so much about the voice of public appeal that he has lost sight of what he sought out to do from the beginning.

That is just not true at all. If axl cared about what the pubic thought he wouldnt have the braids anymore, he would try to get back with slash and duff and he would still be making AFD songs and not trying to progress. Axl has always done what he has wanted to.

How do you know he still has the braides, he had them from the vmas till which photo? As for the afd thing were slash n duff not part of the illusions? Why does moving away from the afd type sound mean you're progressing or because the fact that others liked that type of rock they weren't into progression?

Lets say they weren't into bigger epic songs like NR or estranged does that mean they weren't into progression, or could it be they weren't as big on those type of songs? I just hate when you act like no one was into creating music because of an afd sound.,.. Yet you're the same guy that loves oh my god which isn't anything special, is that the progressing you wanted?

People need to understand the progressing doesn't always mean better, changing music style doesn't mean you're advancing yourself as an artist... Check silkworms, oh my god and riyad..? Those are songs that axl was able to move on with...

How do I know Axl still has braids? We have photos of axl from a few months ago buying a car and those pics he still had braids. People that have seen him since that pic have said he still has the braids.

As for progression were the snake pit albums or contraband a progression from AFD or the UYIs? Id say no, they are regressions IMO.

Oh my god is very good song and you can say its no progession but madagascar is without a doubt progression from AFD and the UYI stuff. 

As for riyadh and silkworms, they probaly wont even make the  album but riyadh is a great song ,its better than songs that made the UYIs.  And riyadh is also better than a lot of stuff on contraband.

Do you really think contraband is as strong as AFD or UYI? Id say no.
We dont know if CD is but we will find out when it comes out.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: TyRod Tulip on October 15, 2004, 04:06:45 PM
I agree with the original poster.  nuGNR is not really a band by conventional definition and that is one of the many disappointing things surrounding this "corporation" and it has led to the perception of a lack of attitude.  The company analogy someone made is perfect.  They are not together because they happened to find each other at the right moment in time by some cosmic luck like the old GNR did.  They are not together because they need each other or because they enable each other in any way.  They are together because some boss (Axl) hired 7 employees to do a job.  He then said that they couldn't talk to anyone about the specifics of the job.  You don't see these guys out together in public.  You don't see these guys interviewed together about their project.  All individual interviews always start off talking about their solo projects (like anyone really cares) before getting to the subject of nuGNR.  Tommy makes statements like he "checks in" every few weeks to get the latest update on the progress of material he played years ago.  They all have a bunch of side projects that get more press than nuGNR.  Is this what you guys consider a band?   Do you think people in the real world think of this group as a real band?  No.  Because there is absolutely no evidence to point to that would indicate that they are a band.  The biggest piece of evidence that supports this claim of them not being a real band is the fact that it has taken 9 years to get to this point.  A real band of musicians of this caliber should be able to put out a great rock album in about 1/4 that time.  Look at VR.  I think we all agree that they are a band by conventional definition.  It took them about 18 months start to finish to release a damn good album.

Now all that crap being said, this group of employees may still be able to produce one hell of a kick ass album.  I think its possible if not likely.  But a "band" could have done it in far less time.


Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 15, 2004, 05:31:22 PM
Dave those car photos have been around for ages now, those are far from new.Doesn't matter anyways.. By the way who has seen axl?

As for maddy why is it progressing? I mean it's a very basic song with a church organ intro and basic guitar, not better then the ballads of Illusions.. I think you make maddy out to be way better then it is.

The snakepit albums are not gnr, it doesn't matter if axl mentioned we would be getting an album like that if they continued because the song writers and players would be different so it's sound would be much different..

As for something like contraband I like it, it's not better then the illusions or afd but it's a style I like.. I originally was drawn to gnr because of their attitude, rawness, and 5 guys just rocking out.. I am more of a basic person that loves rocking ballads and regular kick ass rock, I'm not as big into outside intruments from the basics.. I'm not as big into huge productions..

Of course I really like songs like estranged and November rain, but I prefer songs like scom..
I love all  gnr works of old, but I enjoy some more then others..

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: MadmanDan on October 15, 2004, 05:38:50 PM
Rock N' Roll is 95 % music!!!   Fuck the image,the attitude and all that crap.None of them count when the music is shit. 

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Continental Drift on October 15, 2004, 07:21:59 PM
Personally- I think the biggest thing holding back Nu GN'R is the fact that they have been practically given ZERO chance to showcase THEIR material. What are they supposed to do? Strut around and act like the 1970's Stones because they're covering GN'R's greatest hits catalog!?! They would just look like grade A a$$holes if they did that. Basically, the most they could have done in 2001-02 was give respectful, professional performances of the old catalog- which they did.

I do think, however, they will have the opportunity to be very "Rock N' Roll" WHENEVER (IF EVER) they get the chance to play their music. It will be different than the old days- no doubt- BUT I imagine guys like Reed, Finck and Stinson are just DYING to rock out on their material and shut all the critics up and the people taking shots at them for sticking with Axl so long. Axl should have every motivation in the world to come back and dominate- given that most people consider him a bloated, egotistical, mysognistic, racist, delusional, bald, has-been responsible for destroying arguably the greatest band of this generation. I'm mean if that doesn't get you up in the morning ready to kick some ass- you should get your head checked. Anyway- no matter what happens- it will have a MUCH DIFFERENT vibe than the VH or VR tours or anything similar. I just don't see a scenario where Nu GN'R has some modest success, fills some arenas and quietly goes home. My guess is that it will either be a HUGE LEGENDARY SUCCESS raising Axl to the level of arguably the greatest front man of all time OR it's going to be the F'ing HINDENBURG and will go down in history as one of the BIGGEST FLOPS of all time. Either way it will make history- and that's why whenever GN'R actually makes their run at it- they will be right where they left off in '93- ON THE EDGE- one hair away from either Rock N' Roll imortality or total implosion. VR, VH etc... for better or worse will never be like that- the stakes just aren't high enough.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 15, 2004, 07:33:39 PM
Dave those car photos have been around for ages now, those are far from new.Doesn't matter anyways.. By the way who has seen axl?

As for maddy why is it progressing? I mean it's a very basic song with a church organ intro and basic guitar, not better then the ballads of Illusions.. I think you make maddy out to be way better then it is.

The snakepit albums are not gnr, it doesn't matter if axl mentioned we would be getting an album like that if they continued because the song writers and players would be different so it's sound would be much different..

As for something like contraband I like it, it's not better then the illusions or afd but it's a style I like.. I originally was drawn to gnr because of their attitude, rawness, and 5 guys just rocking out.. I am more of a basic person that loves rocking ballads and regular kick ass rock, I'm not as big into outside intruments from the basics.. I'm not as big into huge productions..

Of course I really like songs like estranged and November rain, but I prefer songs like scom..
I love all? gnr works of old, but I enjoy some more then others..

I am not the only person that think madagascar is better than a lot of the UYI songs.  Its better than dont cry, its better than breakdown, its better than 14 years, yesterdays etc etc.  And its progression, there is alot going on in that song, just listen to it and we are just going by the live version, I am sure the studio there will be much much more meat to it, just listen to that clip, madagascar sounds a lot fuller than the live version.

The 1st snake pit album IS gnr, it was GOING TO BE the next gnr album according to axl and slash.  It just doesnt have Axls vocals but alot of the songs were set to be the next gnr album. And yes they woud have been better if slash did like axl asked and let the band work on them more but we all know the rest is history.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: killingvector on October 15, 2004, 07:39:47 PM

Jeez, what an annoying and pointless thread. Who the fuck cares about image? Give me some great music and the rest will take care of itself. I really think some of you should stop worrying about this and just wait for the album to drop before making baseless, indefensibile statements like this. I feel embarrassed for alot of people in this forum today. This is now two threads absolutely polluted by hatred from narrow minded fools.

As jarmo said, if you don't like it right now, go away and let it win you back. I could care less really right now about nu GnR. Nothing is going on and I have no real expectation of a release date. But when it comes, I will be excited and I will buy the album as soon as I can. Braids, buckets, goth sweaters....who cares where they come from or how rich they are or where they live. The real question is, do they make music filled with emotion, originality, and a perspective to which we can relate?

VR are the perfect examples of how you can take some late 30 something/early 40's guys and make them look edgy and classic yet still kind of modern in a rock and roll sense.

With the exception of three or four songs, I found the album to a tremendous, heard it all before, bore. Scott could dress like Gary Glitter for all I care; what matters is what is coming out of his mouth. Let the record company and pinhead fans worry about what he is wearing.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Pandora on October 15, 2004, 07:50:10 PM
Personally- I think the biggest thing holding back Nu GN'R is the fact that they have been practically given ZERO chance to showcase THEIR material. What are they supposed to do? Strut around and act like the 1970's Stones because they're covering GN'R's greatest hits catalog!?! They would just look like grade A a$$holes if they did that. Basically, the most they could have done in 2001-02 was give respectful, professional performances of the old catalog- which they did.

I do think, however, they will have the opportunity to be very "Rock N' Roll" WHENEVER (IF EVER) they get the chance to play their music. It will be different than the old days- no doubt- BUT I imagine guys like Reed, Finck and Stinson are just DYING to rock out on their material and shut all the critics up and the people taking shots at them for sticking with Axl so long. Axl should have every motivation in the world to come back and dominate- given that most people consider him a bloated, egotistical, mysognistic, racist, delusional, bald, has-been responsible for destroying arguably the greatest band of this generation. I'm mean if that doesn't get you up in the morning ready to kick some ass- you should get your head checked. Anyway- no matter what happens- it will have a MUCH DIFFERENT vibe than the VH or VR tours or anything similar. I just don't see a scenario where Nu GN'R has some modest success, fills some arenas and quietly goes home. My guess is that it will either be a HUGE LEGENDARY SUCCESS raising Axl to the level of arguably the greatest front man of all time OR it's going to be the F'ing HINDENBURG and will go down in history as one of the BIGGEST FLOPS of all time. Either way it will make history- and that's why whenever GN'R actually makes their run at it- they will be right where they left off in '93- ON THE EDGE- one hair away from either Rock N' Roll imortality or total implosion. VR, VH etc... for better or worse will never be like that- the stakes just aren't high enough.

Wow, I don't think I could have worded it better. Thank you.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: sergejg on October 16, 2004, 04:35:21 AM
The reason we all loved old gnr was because of the booze, the ballads, and the badass fuck you attitude they portrayed.? Throughout the life of old gnr, the reason people loved and respected Axl was because he did what he wanted and could care less about what people thought of him.? He simply wrote and performed against the immense expectations of the industry and the fans.? ?Although, after appetite there were huge expectations for gnr to go above and beyond appetite, Axl never let pressure from the industry dictate the way he wrote and produced music.? I believe that this was because he could honestly careless what the industry and fans expected from his music.?

Most of you in here will still say that Axl still could care less about what the fans think.? Evidence of this being the lack of updates concerning the status of new gnr, the cancelled tour, the 9 years he has been working on CD, etc.....? ?See I tend to believe that Axl has lost that confident attitude that drove old GNR. If this was not so, Axl would not be so secretive about his work.? Do you actually think back then Axl would have made a concerted effort to conceal information concerning the production of UYI by paying off members of the band and forcing roadies into confidentiality agreements?? Hell no.? The attitude of old gnr was so far above and beyond those expectations and pressures concerning UYI, that they probably never thought twice to silence people close to the band.?

After 9 years in the making, the stakes for new GNR could not be higher.? Axl most certainly feels the pressure.? The only reason for this, is a change in the way Axl feels people will respond to CD.? It has been said in several interviews that Axl wants CD to be this huge dramatic event.? Do you think old school Axl would care about how huge his next record was going to be?? No.... no damn way.? That is why old gnr kicked major ass.? They could care less who hears their records or comes to their shows.? Look at VR..... there is still the remnants of a "who the hell cares" attitude still alive.? They made that record while Weiland was in rehab and are now putting out videos that are being banned.? That was GNR 15 years ago!? Bottomline: Axl and the new band have lost that hardcore edge that we all love.? Evidence of this is the fact that they are too secretive and concerned about this dramatic even that we keep believing is about to happen.

In part I give you the reason and in part I don't. I definatley have always felt that the failure of TSI? kind of made Axl change a little his vision. But also I remember that even in the old days Axl always kind of conected with the people and somehow concerned about his fans, (I agree that the rest of the band have never give a fuck about what fans think about their music, but axl somehow was always diferent). Also I dont think that Axl's new sense of responsability is something negative but more like a process of having a more mature preception of things. ( I mean its a huge load of responsability to have to release an album that so much people have been waiting with great expectations for years, its almost like doing a starwars prequel, hehe).

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: AxlFink on October 16, 2004, 04:58:29 AM
Even if the original band were still together they really wouldnt be the same... they are 40 something now.... They have a lot of money.... they are all sober.... its time to move on with life... i dont want to see a mid life band acting angry and dangerous.  They grew up.  The fans should also.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: mikegiuliana on October 16, 2004, 08:38:41 AM
Dave those car photos have been around for ages now, those are far from new.Doesn't matter anyways.. By the way who has seen axl?

As for maddy why is it progressing? I mean it's a very basic song with a church organ intro and basic guitar, not better then the ballads of Illusions.. I think you make maddy out to be way better then it is.

The snakepit albums are not gnr, it doesn't matter if axl mentioned we would be getting an album like that if they continued because the song writers and players would be different so it's sound would be much different..

As for something like contraband I like it, it's not better then the illusions or afd but it's a style I like.. I originally was drawn to gnr because of their attitude, rawness, and 5 guys just rocking out.. I am more of a basic person that loves rocking ballads and regular kick ass rock, I'm not as big into outside intruments from the basics.. I'm not as big into huge productions..

Of course I really like songs like estranged and November rain, but I prefer songs like scom..
I love all? gnr works of old, but I enjoy some more then others..

I am not the only person that think madagascar is better than a lot of the UYI songs.? Its better than dont cry, its better than breakdown, its better than 14 years, yesterdays etc etc.? And its progression, there is alot going on in that song, just listen to it and we are just going by the live version, I am sure the studio there will be much much more meat to it, just listen to that clip, madagascar sounds a lot fuller than the live version.

The 1st snake pit album IS gnr, it was GOING TO BE the next gnr album according to axl and slash.? It just doesnt have Axls vocals but alot of the songs were set to be the next gnr album. And yes they woud have been better if slash did like axl asked and let the band work on them more but we all know the rest is history.

Don't cry is classic, the vocals sound great with hoon aboard and the guitar playing is much better..
I remember when snakepit was being worked on, unless axl worte the lyrics to snakepit's first album then how can it be gnr? I don't know if duff wrote on it, or matt, or anyone else in gnr.. I have the album but not sure where it is to look for credits..

Bottom line is you can't say anything was the next gnr album because it never happened, anything could be said after the fact.. Anyways the album would have been better simply because Axl would have been singing over Eric Dover. If they can release something like the Si then why not release a basic rock album, it's not like you can't do other stuff as time goes on..
It would have been music over the years we have been waiting..

People always say things afterwards. You can't sit here and say I wouldn't have liked a basic rock album done by gnr because dave if axl's singing you know you'll like it.. By now we could have seen three album including whatever was to be after gnr stopped touring in 93.. People side with axl n slash, so most people who dislike slash will say they don't like snakepit right off the bat..

I think Ain't Life Grand is a superb album..

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: ppbebe on October 16, 2004, 01:41:22 PM
Dave those car photos have been around for ages now, those are far from new.Doesn't matter anyways.. By the way who has seen axl?
I can't find the thread, but someone, Peeps?, posted here his friend?s story.

His friend met Axl in March or May not sure. He was on a board the plane, where she was as an airhostess. According to her, he wore long hair no braids.

Assuming it was true, he doesn?t wear braids all the time/anymore.

Nevertheless he's kept them for pretty long time for sure.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: D on October 17, 2004, 03:17:54 AM
a lot of the chemistry issues deal with the fact they havent released a record.

I thought their chemistry wasnt that great until i realized it was pretty much the bootlegs that made it seem that way.

bootlegs take away from certain things that a proshot makes more clear.

I think Bon Jovi are one of the greatest live bands ever but i have a boot of them and it is like the GNR boots chemistry wise.

so its just the boots we watch and the fact that on the boots 90 percent of the time the camera is on axl.

i love the new band, i love VR

i love things how they are, i like scott weiland and i like what VR are doing but this wait is gonna be worth it.

after hearing what tommy said in Jarmo's excellent interview how can anyone doubt GNR?

when they start touring and singles start racin up the charts and we see videos WATCH OUT!

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Mikkamakka on October 17, 2004, 11:13:32 AM
Don't cry is classic, the vocals sound great with hoon aboard and the guitar playing is much better..
I remember when snakepit was being worked on, unless axl worte the lyrics to snakepit's first album then how can it be gnr? I don't know if duff wrote on it, or matt, or anyone else in gnr.. I have the album but not sure where it is to look for credits..

Bottom line is you can't say anything was the next gnr album because it never happened, anything could be said after the fact.. Anyways the album would have been better simply because Axl would have been singing over Eric Dover. If they can release something like the Si then why not release a basic rock album, it's not like you can't do other stuff as time goes on..
It would have been music over the years we have been waiting..

People always say things afterwards. You can't sit here and say I wouldn't have liked a basic rock album done by gnr because dave if axl's singing you know you'll like it.. By now we could have seen three album including whatever was to be after gnr stopped touring in 93.. People side with axl n slash, so most people who dislike slash will say they don't like snakepit right off the bat..

I think Ain't Life Grand is a superb album..


PS: Slash, Gilby and Matt played in Snakepit, both of them wrote songs. Duff co-wrote Beggars and Hangers-On.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: killingvector on October 17, 2004, 11:17:43 AM
Don't cry is classic, the vocals sound great with hoon aboard and the guitar playing is much better..
I remember when snakepit was being worked on, unless axl worte the lyrics to snakepit's first album then how can it be gnr? I don't know if duff wrote on it, or matt, or anyone else in gnr.. I have the album but not sure where it is to look for credits..

Bottom line is you can't say anything was the next gnr album because it never happened, anything could be said after the fact.. Anyways the album would have been better simply because Axl would have been singing over Eric Dover. If they can release something like the Si then why not release a basic rock album, it's not like you can't do other stuff as time goes on..
It would have been music over the years we have been waiting..

People always say things afterwards. You can't sit here and say I wouldn't have liked a basic rock album done by gnr because dave if axl's singing you know you'll like it.. By now we could have seen three album including whatever was to be after gnr stopped touring in 93.. People side with axl n slash, so most people who dislike slash will say they don't like snakepit right off the bat..

I think Ain't Life Grand is a superb album..


PS: Slash, Gilby and Matt played in Snakepit, both of them wrote songs. Duff co-wrote Beggars and Hangers-On.

wow, really? I thought it was one of the most boring, gratuitous albums I've ever heard. IFOS and ALG both lacked inspiration.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Mikkamakka on October 17, 2004, 11:39:43 AM
Don't cry is classic, the vocals sound great with hoon aboard and the guitar playing is much better..
I remember when snakepit was being worked on, unless axl worte the lyrics to snakepit's first album then how can it be gnr? I don't know if duff wrote on it, or matt, or anyone else in gnr.. I have the album but not sure where it is to look for credits..

Bottom line is you can't say anything was the next gnr album because it never happened, anything could be said after the fact.. Anyways the album would have been better simply because Axl would have been singing over Eric Dover. If they can release something like the Si then why not release a basic rock album, it's not like you can't do other stuff as time goes on..
It would have been music over the years we have been waiting..

People always say things afterwards. You can't sit here and say I wouldn't have liked a basic rock album done by gnr because dave if axl's singing you know you'll like it.. By now we could have seen three album including whatever was to be after gnr stopped touring in 93.. People side with axl n slash, so most people who dislike slash will say they don't like snakepit right off the bat..

I think Ain't Life Grand is a superb album..


PS: Slash, Gilby and Matt played in Snakepit, both of them wrote songs. Duff co-wrote Beggars and Hangers-On.

wow, really? I thought it was one of the most boring, gratuitous albums I've ever heard. IFOS and ALG both lacked inspiration.

It'll go really offtopic... IMO I5OS would be on the level of AFD if sang. ALG is a quite great album, too. I don't want to compare these to others' post-GN'R-work (their songs after TSI), but the Snakepit albums are among the best rock albums of all time. Maybe you prefer piano songs to guitar-based music, but as far as I know, rock is guitar-based.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: killingvector on October 17, 2004, 12:25:37 PM
Don't cry is classic, the vocals sound great with hoon aboard and the guitar playing is much better..
I remember when snakepit was being worked on, unless axl worte the lyrics to snakepit's first album then how can it be gnr? I don't know if duff wrote on it, or matt, or anyone else in gnr.. I have the album but not sure where it is to look for credits..

Bottom line is you can't say anything was the next gnr album because it never happened, anything could be said after the fact.. Anyways the album would have been better simply because Axl would have been singing over Eric Dover. If they can release something like the Si then why not release a basic rock album, it's not like you can't do other stuff as time goes on..
It would have been music over the years we have been waiting..

People always say things afterwards. You can't sit here and say I wouldn't have liked a basic rock album done by gnr because dave if axl's singing you know you'll like it.. By now we could have seen three album including whatever was to be after gnr stopped touring in 93.. People side with axl n slash, so most people who dislike slash will say they don't like snakepit right off the bat..

I think Ain't Life Grand is a superb album..


PS: Slash, Gilby and Matt played in Snakepit, both of them wrote songs. Duff co-wrote Beggars and Hangers-On.

wow, really? I thought it was one of the most boring, gratuitous albums I've ever heard. IFOS and ALG both lacked inspiration.

It'll go really offtopic... IMO I5OS would be on the level of AFD if sang. ALG is a quite great album, too. I don't want to compare these to others' post-GN'R-work (their songs after TSI), but the Snakepit albums are among the best rock albums of all time. Maybe you prefer piano songs to guitar-based music, but as far as I know, rock is guitar-based.

It's all opinion and I won't denigrate it, but I have to say I've never heard such a positive reaction to those album. It really surprises me that you would call the Snakepit albums some of the "best rock albums of all time." Frankly I don't see it; I am a huge Bucket fan so your accessment of my preferences isn't correct. To each his own.

Title: Re: new gnr = lack of attitude
Post by: Mikkamakka on October 17, 2004, 01:12:11 PM
It'll go really offtopic... IMO I5OS would be on the level of AFD if sang. ALG is a quite great album, too. I don't want to compare these to others' post-GN'R-work (their songs after TSI), but the Snakepit albums are among the best rock albums of all time. Maybe you prefer piano songs to guitar-based music, but as far as I know, rock is guitar-based.

It's all opinion and I won't denigrate it, but I have to say I've never heard such a positive reaction to those album. It really surprises me that you would call the Snakepit albums some of the "best rock albums of all time." Frankly I don't see it; I am a huge Bucket fan so your accessment of my preferences isn't correct. To each his own.

Visit the VR section more often!  : ok:

PS: It seems that we have different music tastes, as you don't like Snakepit, I find Buckethead's albums boring and pointless, although I respect his 'rapid-fire' playing and I think that he was the most talented guitarist in the new line-up. At least we have one common favourite: Guns N' Roses.