Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: 33 on October 13, 2004, 03:38:49 PM

Title: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: 33 on October 13, 2004, 03:38:49 PM
I dont really expect this to be a post that gets any replies, but I just had to get it off my chest in the completely vain hope that Axl may read this message board! I have just been driving hoem from the pub after watching England play footy and I was listening to a bootleg of the MSG show in 02 and whilst listening to Madagascar I just couldnt believe how fucking superb this song is and if that is just a taste of what is to come with the album then I just more and more fucking excited about the anticipated release! I'm startting to feel like I did when I queueed outside Tower Records in London in 1991 for UYI. Basically my point is if like I said its unlikely, but if Axl ever reads this message board, I just wanted to say that your a fucking genius mate and your lyrics just say something different to any other music out there and listening to Madagascar tonight even though Ive probably heard it hundreds of times now it just made me think that Chinese Democracy could just be a fucking work of art! Sorry if I have bored you but I had to getit off my chest!!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Jaded on October 13, 2004, 03:41:53 PM
hope your right!  : ok:

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Mysteron on October 13, 2004, 03:47:31 PM
I dont really expect this to be a post that gets any replies, but I just had to get it off my chest in the completely vain hope that Axl may read this message board! I have just been driving hoem from the pub after watching England play footy and I was listening to a bootleg of the MSG show in 02 and whilst listening to Madagascar I just couldnt believe how fucking superb this song is and if that is just a taste of what is to come with the album then I just more and more fucking excited about the anticipated release! I'm startting to feel like I did when I queueed outside Tower Records in London in 1991 for UYI. Basically my point is if like I said its unlikely, but if Axl ever reads this message board, I just wanted to say that your a fucking genius mate and your lyrics just say something different to any other music out there and listening to Madagascar tonight even though Ive probably heard it hundreds of times now it just made me think that Chinese Democracy could just be a fucking work of art! Sorry if I have bored you but I had to getit off my chest!!

I agree. With the right instrumentation, Madagascar could sound really big

I think the Blues and Chinese Democracy are good songs too though. I think the Blues is a classy ballad and will soind good however it's done. It's that strong for me. CD has potential too. I like the way it builds and how it is brought to a conclusion

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: axl_rose_700 on October 13, 2004, 03:47:36 PM
Shit game wasn't it?

O well, yea Maddy is a fuckin genius song and shows IF these are not the big guns the album is gunna fuckin rock!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: 33 on October 13, 2004, 04:09:51 PM
axl_rose_700 your damn right it was a shit game, but that is a pitfall of being an english footy fan!

Anway back to the subject in hand. Really glad to hear that people didnt slate my post. Im not some kind of Axl pyscho stalker or anything, I just feel that the man is a genius, but I wouldnt be suprised if he doesent realise it at all becasue it all comes from the heart. Fuck me I may be so off the mark here cos I dont know the man but judging by his lyrics he has come up with over the years that is what I think. Mysteron mate yeh I couldnt agree with you more the Blues most certainly is a classy ballad its the kind of intro to a song that send the fucking hairs on ya neck up and then the the lyrics just make it perfect! Chinese Democray has the potential to be blinding song too be i'll be interested to hear the studio version of that ! Anway enough of the deep and meaningful stuff I just feel that we are at last nearly there with regards to the album and I felt like sharing some thoughts for once instead of just coming on HTGTH and reading different thoughts from around the world!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: grog mug on October 14, 2004, 12:52:41 AM
Madagascar is my favorite song right now.  Sounds really good on his sound clip from 2002.  I always tell people wait to you hear this song in the studio, it's going to be BIG!!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: ClintroN on October 14, 2004, 03:45:09 AM
I dont really expect this to be a post that gets any replies, but I just had to get it off my chest in the completely vain hope that Axl may read this message board! I have just been driving hoem from the pub after watching England play footy and I was listening to a bootleg of the MSG show in 02 and whilst listening to Madagascar I just couldnt believe how fucking superb this song is and if that is just a taste of what is to come with the album then I just more and more fucking excited about the anticipated release! I'm startting to feel like I did when I queueed outside Tower Records in London in 1991 for UYI. Basically my point is if like I said its unlikely, but if Axl ever reads this message board, I just wanted to say that your a fucking genius mate and your lyrics just say something different to any other music out there and listening to Madagascar tonight even though Ive probably heard it hundreds of times now it just made me think that Chinese Democracy could just be a fucking work of art! Sorry if I have bored you but I had to getit off my chest!!

I know how you feel, you've heard the song for ages but for some reason on the million'th time it hits you again, fuck i love this song : ok: : ok: :yes:

The Blues gets me more, that song i cant get enough of n' as for Chinese Democracy, that just tops the cake : ok: : ok:

Chinese Democracy will be the biggest treat for us, something no other fan of some other band will experience, takin' this fuckin' long n ' were still here waiting for the big one.  I cant wait!!!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: willow on October 14, 2004, 05:27:16 AM
Good thread, and I agree with you. It has the potental of being the biggest GNR  song yet!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: shaun on October 14, 2004, 07:32:01 AM
Madagascar is my favorite song right now.? Sounds really good on his sound clip from 2002.? I always tell people wait to you hear this song in the studio, it's going to be BIG!!

I sure hope so, although sometimes a song perfermed live can out do the studio version. I really hope this will not be the case with CD  : ok:

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: bolton on October 14, 2004, 12:25:38 PM
I dont really expect this to be a post that gets any replies, but I just had to get it off my chest in the completely vain hope that Axl may read this message board! I have just been driving hoem from the pub after watching England play footy and I was listening to a bootleg of the MSG show in 02 and whilst listening to Madagascar I just couldnt believe how fucking superb this song is and if that is just a taste of what is to come with the album then I just more and more fucking excited about the anticipated release! I'm startting to feel like I did when I queueed outside Tower Records in London in 1991 for UYI. Basically my point is if like I said its unlikely, but if Axl ever reads this message board, I just wanted to say that your a fucking genius mate and your lyrics just say something different to any other music out there and listening to Madagascar tonight even though Ive probably heard it hundreds of times now it just made me think that Chinese Democracy could just be a fucking work of art! Sorry if I have bored you but I had to getit off my chest!!
Yes man,this song is Art.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 14, 2004, 01:04:52 PM
If I said this once, then I am saying it one time too many (yea yea but fuck that old saying)....

It is FUCKING CRIMINAL that Axl is keeping this music from the world. And Axl brother, if you are reading this, then I got this to say to you.

Who the fuck do you think you are? What is it you think you are doing? Listen "mate." Sit down, smoke this shit, and release the music so the rest of us can enjoy it too you selfish prick! Keeping the music just for yourself. What is that? You are like that punkass kid who got the new game and won't let anyone else play.

I can just hear you screaming "No! This music is MINE...ALL MINE! HeeeeheeeHEeeeeeee!!"

Damn, maybe one of you artist can do a cartoon of this.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: takeshi on October 14, 2004, 02:04:50 PM
Soccer = A game for communists.  : ok:

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: 33 on October 14, 2004, 02:26:42 PM
I know I'm gonna probably get a reprimand for these comments but I'm pissed off now. Firstly 'Buddha Master', who the f**k do you think you are, making stupid comments like that? Your comments didnt even tie in with the subjest of my original thread! You also keep trying to promote the fact that you obviously like smoking pot which dont really have a lot to do with GnR! And secondly 'Takeshis Castle' why is football a game for communists? I thought it was a game for people!!!! And it was only a comment I made saying that was why I had been out driving because I had just watched a game of footy! Everyone is entitled to like different sports, and football wasnt the subject of my thread nor is it the subject of this message board!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 14, 2004, 03:01:12 PM
Laughing My Fucking Ass Off (the innitials just undermine how funny I actually find estranged33).

It is a trip how serious some of you are. Chill out dude. You are not Axl. So don't pretend you are and react to something in a way you think Axl would. Give Axl some credit son. He probably finds all this shit funny. Your not his mommy. I dont think he needs you to protect him, so stop with the overprotectiveness.

So I fuck around and say something. You don't have to take something that is so obviously tongue and cheek, so personally.

And who the Fuck am I? I know who I am. All you need to know is that in here, I'm Buddha Master. Pappadoc.
Do you know who you are? You know what you need brother? A fat dose of the good weed. Put a smile on your face.!

Oh....and to Takeshi, for calling soccer, a game for communists. That is funny.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: 33 on October 14, 2004, 03:44:52 PM
I ent gonna get embroiled in a row with ya mate, but I dont think Im axl, I'm 28 years old Im past that kind of thing. I react to something how I want to react to it and Im sure Axl would react in his own way! If you read my original post I simply state I think the bloke is a fucking genius, plain and simple, but I dont think Im him or would I want to be him. Im pretty fucking happy with who I am as a person thanks. Im an individual not a wannabee of somebody who I admire as an artist! Next I didnt take what you said personally I just thought it was a stupid post, just a waste of your time really! And no I dont need a good dose of weed I overdosed on smack when I was 23 so drugs ent really my bag any more buddy, just a nice pint of carling and a packet of benson & hedges will do me mate! Also where did you get from my thread that I was trying to protect Axl? How can I do that? I live in England, Axl in the states and I dont know the man so I cant very well protect him, and Im sure he can do that for himself. Yeh Takeshis comment may have been funny but it isnt a game for communists as I stated its a game for people! Love and kisses Mike!    P.S Dont call me son.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Jaded on October 14, 2004, 04:17:23 PM
P.S Dont call me son.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: MadmanDan on October 14, 2004, 04:28:09 PM
It's amazing how a lot of people(me included) aren't yet bored with the new GNR tracks,how we can still feel the magic of Madagascar or the Blues or the energy of CD or OMG. That's the ultimate proof that CD will be huge:it hasn't been released yet and allready it stood the test of time!!!

And for that guy who said soccer is for comunists,well,that proves that you don't know anything about soccer or comunism.It also hints at the fact that you aren't very bright.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 14, 2004, 05:02:54 PM
Axl will put it out when it is done. LIke Tommy said, its not like he`s hanging around watching TV and not trying to get the album finished. I know he`s been trying for 9 years, but when we have waited this long, it`ll comeout when it comes out. In the meantime I`ll go to work everyday and do my normal thing with no good music to listen to untill then.

What`s all the excitement about watching Footsy out on the soccer field? The soccer riots are cool when they happen, but... :rofl:

At least in (American) football it is more of a contact sport and is much more exciting.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 14, 2004, 05:48:13 PM
I ent gonna get embroiled in a row with ya mate, but I dont think Im axl, I'm 28 years old Im past that kind of thing. I react to something how I want to react to it and Im sure Axl would react in his own way! If you read my original post I simply state I think the bloke is a fucking genius, plain and simple, but I dont think Im him or would I want to be him. Im pretty fucking happy with who I am as a person thanks. Im an individual not a wannabee of somebody who I admire as an artist! Next I didnt take what you said personally I just thought it was a stupid post, just a waste of your time really! And no I dont need a good dose of weed I overdosed on smack when I was 23 so drugs ent really my bag any more buddy, just a nice pint of carling and a packet of benson & hedges will do me mate! Also where did you get from my thread that I was trying to protect Axl? How can I do that? I live in England, Axl in the states and I dont know the man so I cant very well protect him, and Im sure he can do that for himself. Yeh Takeshis comment may have been funny but it isnt a game for communists as I stated its a game for people! Love and kisses Mike!    P.S Dont call me son.

Dude, you ever hear about a thing called "Figure of Speech?" Its cool you clarified that you aren't Axl's mom or that you aren't really Axl Rose. You really had me going when you used words like, "mate" and "bloke." Its also good to hear how much you enjoy benson & hedges. You do realize that cigarettes and alcohol are drugs right? But at least you kicked your smack habit. I think I can speak for the rest of us in here, when I say, we are damn proud of you kid.

You are also way off when you said soccer isn't a game for communists. I was just watching the news and they said that only the Chinese and the North Koreans like soccer. Did you know that soccer balls used to be red? Yup, but when Reagan kicked Russia in the balls, they were forced to change soccer balls from red, to black and white. Learn something everyday huh Mike.

Oh, this really isnt a waste of time at all. Its recreation. You know doctors say that everybody would be a lot healthier if they have at least one big laugh a day. You keep this up chief, and I will be one healthy motherfucker.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: elevendayempire on October 14, 2004, 05:56:51 PM
Anyway, back on topic... Madagascar is a huge song, the best Axl's ever done, IMO. It's GNR's Bohemian Rhapsody, and I play it to every bugger I can get to listen to it. It deserves to be heard by more people - so hurry up and get the album out, yeah?


Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: estranged.1098 on October 14, 2004, 06:58:09 PM
I agree.? In fact, I think that Axl and any former member of GNR who reads these forums would laugh at all of us, especially when we're debating who was wrong in the breakup, who is lying and who's not, etc.? Because to them, we're all just ignorant speculators who know nothing about their relationship.

Yep, that's a great way to hijack this topic.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: 33 on October 15, 2004, 04:33:26 AM
Dude, you ever hear about a thing called "Figure of Speech?" Its cool you clarified that you aren't Axl's mom or that you aren't really Axl Rose. You really had me going when you used words like, "mate" and "bloke." Its also good to hear how much you enjoy benson & hedges. You do realize that cigarettes and alcohol are drugs right? But at least you kicked your smack habit. I think I can speak for the rest of us in here, when I say, we are damn proud of you kid.

You are also way off when you said soccer isn't a game for communists. I was just watching the news and they said that only the Chinese and the North Koreans like soccer. Did you know that soccer balls used to be red? Yup, but when Reagan kicked Russia in the balls, they were forced to change soccer balls from red, to black and white. Learn something everyday huh Mike.

Oh, this really isnt a waste of time at all. Its recreation. You know doctors say that everybody would be a lot healthier if they have at least one big laugh a day. You keep this up chief, and I will be one healthy motherfucker.


Hello again Buddha Master! Wow you are one patronising dude!
I didn’t realise that using the words “mate” or “bloke” would really get somebody going, they are just quite common English words especially in the part of England where I live. And thanks for letting me know that cigarettes and alcohol were drugs, ill be more careful next time! It absolutely amazes me how many people on this message board turn the whole point of an original thread into something completely unrelated and have to make it a kind of personal attack back to other people to make themselves look good with some kind of opinionated comment. I think it makes you look pretty stupid really especially when you start making political comments about football. Makes me wander what kind of issues you have to make these comments. All I originally said was that I was driving home from watching a footy match. On a final note note thanks to all the people who made positive comments about my original thread. Like I had said it was only my thoughts and listening to Madagascar the other night really made me think just what a monster of a song it is along with the Blues and Chinese Democracy. Which makes me happy in the fact that we have got what promises to be a very special album to look forward to. That was it really to my thread not rocket science, or anything political or me thinking I know what Axl and the band are thinking!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: 33 on October 15, 2004, 04:43:21 AM
Fuck I can never get those quote boxes to work right! They never go in the box! I think I must be the most untechnical fucker in the world! So for anyone thinking it dont make sesne that was just a quote from Buddha Masters previous tirade at me!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 15, 2004, 06:00:53 PM
Hello again Buddha Master! Wow you are one patronising dude!
I didn?t realise that using the words ?mate? or ?bloke? would really get somebody going, they are just quite common English words especially in the part of England where I live. And thanks for letting me know that cigarettes and alcohol were drugs, ill be more careful next time! It absolutely amazes me how many people on this message board turn the whole point of an original thread into something completely unrelated and have to make it a kind of personal attack back to other people to make themselves look good with some kind of opinionated comment. I think it makes you look pretty stupid really especially when you start making political comments about football. Makes me wander what kind of issues you have to make these comments. All I originally said was that I was driving home from watching a footy match. On a final note note thanks to all the people who made positive comments about my original thread. Like I had said it was only my thoughts and listening to Madagascar the other night really made me think just what a monster of a song it is along with the Blues and Chinese Democracy. Which makes me happy in the fact that we have got what promises to be a very special album to look forward to. That was it really to my thread not rocket science, or anything political or me thinking I know what Axl and the band are thinking!

What amazes me is how you don't see how my first post related to the topic. But you have to get that when you start a conversation, and then others add in their 2 cents, the conversation evolves. Its about goin with the flow, you dig? If I say something in response to what another post added, don't get offended that it didnt exactly follow the format of the very first post. Also, this whole topic is really about a thought (which I assume you have many of), that you had while driving. So really man, its nothing terribly deep that you need to take on such a personal level.

But Ill do this just for you mate. Let me know if this is really a better post and more along the lines of what you wanted. Imagine this is was first post in this thread alright? Read on:

Yea, estranged33, Madagascar fucking rules! And to think its not even one of the big guns! CD will be the fucking greatest ever! I always liked Madagascar, but it didnt hit me how fucking amazing it was until you pointed it out. Man, I wish I had thoughts like that when I'm driving! You rock estranged33!

Now, is that really the typed of response you were looking for man? Why sell yourself short and only hoping to get the most generic ho hum, been there done that, blah blah blah, kind of post. I would rather get a fresh opinion on something I am curious about. Why only read posts that you yourself could have typed. How boring. The whole point in here is to talk to different people with different ideas but all share a similar thing we are passionate about. So its all good mike.

Now...get us back on topic yo!

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 15, 2004, 06:32:16 PM
Quite a heavy statement coming from a guy who once said this (and many statements like it)....

To the guy who insulted Axl, you are a little fucking bitch.

 : ok:

And Dizz...fucking please dude. When did I ever say that? I do tend to defend Axl, but what you said is nonsense. I might have said told someone they were fucking clown shoes and they could suck a fart from my asshole, but what you said is outrageous!  : ok:

common estraged33, get us back homie.

Title: Re: Just a thought whilst driving
Post by: Buddha_Master on October 16, 2004, 02:53:07 AM
See, the thing is Dizz, is that I didn't chastise him at all. I just said some shit to be funny. I don't know man. Sometimes words here are taken too literally.

But shit, if you are telling me I said that dialog you paraphrased, then Ill believe you. That must have been that one day that I had that was bad. First time for everything.