Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: kj_jive on October 10, 2004, 02:32:05 PM

Title: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: kj_jive on October 10, 2004, 02:32:05 PM
Since Halloween is coming up and stuff i was just wondering what some of your favorite horror movies are.  I am a huge horror fan, it's probably my favorite genre.  i enjoy the campy B-movies just as much as the "masterpieces" and zombie movies are my overall favorites.  My top ten horrors are:

1:Dawn of the Dead (Original)- Great plot, lots of gore, characters that you actually care about and an awesome soundtrack.  my mom actually took this movie away from me as a little boy cause i used to watch it everyday after school.

2:The Sixth Sense: This movie still creeps me out

3:The Return of the Living Dead: Awesome zombie comedy/horror with sweet special effects

4:28 Days Later: Seemed like a pretty realistic zombie movie and the cinematography was awesome

5:Dead Alive: Zombies galore! Also one of the gofiest/goriest movies ever!

6:The Exorcist: Still scary as hell...just not that fun to watch though.

7:Army of Darkness: not exactly a horror...but a classic

8:Killer Klowns from Outer Space: Probably the cheesiest movie ever.  But it knows its cheesy and loves it.

9:House of 1000 Corpses: This movie is an acquired taste

10:Evil Dead 2: Again, a kickass movie

Honorable mentions: Reanimator, Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, Creepshow, They Live, Sorority Babes at the Slimeball Bowlerama

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: axl_rose_700 on October 10, 2004, 02:51:21 PM

Shaun of the dead (not really a horror but kinda)

Dawn of the Dead

Night of the Living Dead

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Izzy on October 10, 2004, 03:11:07 PM
The only horror film i have ever watched and liked is Scream - the rest i just resent wasting those 2 hours to see......

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: kj_jive on October 10, 2004, 03:27:17 PM
Axl_rose_700: Shaun of the Dead is definetely a comedy/horror.  It would have made my list, but I'll see how time treats it.

Izzy:The only horror you've ever liked is Scream!? ::)  What else have you seen? lemme guess...Jason X, The Bride of Chucky, Dracula 2000 etc...

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Izzy on October 10, 2004, 03:49:40 PM
Izzy:The only horror you've ever liked is Scream!? ::)? What else have you seen? lemme guess...Jason X, The Bride of Chucky, Dracula 2000 etc...

No need for rolly eyes smiley's - this is a thread about personal opinions remember?

I haven't seen those films u mention but i have seen most of the films on ur list - inc Kilelr Klowns :nervous:

I don't like any of them - yes, because they scare me ::) No, because i just don't like 'em - Scream is the sole exception

...well i liked the excorcist - i have rarely laughed so much in my life, that film is a travesty 'your mother sucks cocks in hell!' - classic :-\

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 10, 2004, 05:38:57 PM
Izzy:The only horror you've ever liked is Scream!? ::)? What else have you seen? lemme guess...Jason X, The Bride of Chucky, Dracula 2000 etc...

Dude, Jason X ruled!!

I bought it on DVD a little while ago, I fucking love it, one of the much better latter Friday the 13th films.

My favourite favourite horror films include these:

The Thing (Both of them)
Prince of Darkness

All of which (Meaning obviously The Thing remake) are John Carpenter classics. If you haven't seen all three of the above then you can barely call yourself a fan of horror films.

I have a lot more favourites...

I'll post again later though (Otherwise how can I spam?).

Edit to say: Haha, yeah, while mentioning Killer Klowns, has anybody seen Clown House? I saw it about six years ago, and at the time I'd never laughed through an unintentionaly funny film that much in my life.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 10, 2004, 05:49:58 PM
Dude, Jason X ruled!!

I bought it on DVD a little while ago, I fucking love it, one of the much better latter Friday the 13th films.

Dude, no. No.

Night Of The Living Dead is probably my favourite. Pumkinhead, Zombie Flesh Eaters, the Old Frankenstein movies (anything with Peter Cushing) and stuff nor strictly horror: The Ring, Dark Water, Battle Royale,Ichi The Killer.

Shaun of the Dead is definetely a comedy/horror.  It would have made my list, but I'll see how time treats it.

I think it's a movie that'll be played once. I saw the trailers for it, and then watched it, there was little in the movie of interest that wasn't in the trailer. Kinda dissapointed me. I don't think it's got much on ROTLD or Braindead.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 10, 2004, 05:57:51 PM
When I say it ruled...

...I mean in a way that if you've had a few cans and you're sitting around with your mates, and want to watch something that you really don't have to take too seriously at all, and enjoy toungue in cheek humour....Well. Then it ruled.

The first Franksensteins ruled...

...They completly invented everything that people associate with Frankenstein's monster these days (The bolts etc...).

And you're right Battle Royal rules, but not as a horror movie at all.  :P Can you imagine watching it on Halloween?

Oh, and I'm going to assume (and hope to God) that, when you say The Ring, you mean the original?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Wheres Izzy on October 10, 2004, 05:58:20 PM
Ohhhh baby do I love horror movies. Ok from kj's list.....
dawn of the dead and actually all of the george ramero films are amazing. Fucking love em. lumping them altogether they are number 2 on my list. Only because the evil dead films are my number ones. I don't know why but I find them insanely engrossing. I love the 6th sense and killer klowns makes me laugh my fucking head off. Exorcist and house of a thousand corpses were both good but none of the exorcist sequels I enjoyed at all. I HATED 28 days later. I was so disappointed. I left the theatre like in a funk lol. I just thought it was a waste of a cool premise. I liked the 1st scream but the 2nd two I thought sucked. Shaun of the dead I thought was going to be more of a comedy but it turned out to be a pretty decent zombie movie. OH They Live is one of my favorite movies. Ya gotta take horror movies with a grain of salt and laugh when you don't expect to and they live is filled with that.
What else...the chuckie movies sucked. I like some of the hellraiser series, nightmare on elm street is good, the first 2 halloweens, and I actually thought freddie vs jason was good altho most others hated it. This post looks really random and incoherent right now but I am drunk so I am going to let it slide.

smell yall later

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 10, 2004, 06:03:49 PM
Oh, and I'm going to assume (and hope to God) that, when you say The Ring, you mean the original?

Yeah.I know many people liked it, but it actually scared the utter shit out of me, I couldn't sleep. This was about 4 years ago. Great cinema.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: kj_jive on October 10, 2004, 09:15:39 PM
When you say the original Ring, are you talking about Ringu, the Japanese one?....cause i never saw it

I liked The Ring though, thought it was pretty cool.  Scared me pretty good, and thats rare.

What does everyone think of Poltergeist? That movie used to be real scary to me, but i just watched it the other day and it was....pretty bad.  seemed like the plot just jumped right in too fast.

Izzy: sorry for rolling eyes at your opinion....i just hate scream and all the scream clones (know what you did last summer etc)

and for the record, Jason X was the worst movie i've ever seen...i wouldn't even want to watch it with my buds for the cheesiness of it...i find not a single redeeming value in that trainwreck.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: journey on October 11, 2004, 02:19:15 AM
Night of the Living Dead (the original black and white version)

Blair Witch Project

Pet Cemetery



Nightmare on Elm Street

The Shining


Ammityville Horror

American Werewolf in London

Jeepers Creepers

Jurassic Park

Lost Boys


Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: D on October 11, 2004, 03:17:25 AM
i like all of those everyone has listed here are a couple more


has anyone besides me ever seen the awesome movie

this movie kicked so much ass. anyone else seen it?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: matt88 on October 11, 2004, 07:41:40 AM
The Exorcist and Friday the 13 part 3

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Dizzy on October 11, 2004, 11:16:14 AM
Being the huge horror buff that I am, it's hard to pick just a few.

My personal favorite is The Fog, John Carpenter's 1979 film starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Adrienne Barbeau

I also love the entire Friday the 13th series.  Anybody got the new F13 box set yet?  It's got all the uncut gore from Part VII on a separate reel.  That movie was hacked to bits to get an "R" rating in the U.S.  The other movies were cut too, but Part VII is the only one with all the footage included in the boxset.  Some from Parts 1, 4, and 6 is included, though not much.

The original A Nightmare on Elm Street is one of the best horror films ever.  That was back when Freddy was actually scary instead of the comedian he turned into in the later films.

And as for old school, I love pretty much anything with Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi.

I've been to several horror conventions and met tons of celebrities from the horror genre, including Linda Blair, Tony Todd (the Candyman himself), Brad Dourif, Linnea Quigley, Jonathan Breck (the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers), the entire cast of the original Night of the Living Dead, and Kane Hodder (Jason in F13 Parts 7-10), among many others.  I also met Alice Cooper at one of those conventions.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: kj_jive on October 11, 2004, 11:58:16 AM
Linnea Quigley in Return of the living dead :drool: :drool:   She was so're lucky

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Rohlm on October 11, 2004, 12:39:11 PM
I love watching Halloween. Especially in the fall with the leaves changing color, it looks just like the movie.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 11, 2004, 01:10:17 PM


While your list features some shocking films that I would never dream classing as horror, you've made up for it by including this!!

It was the first film to ever totally scare the fucking shit out of me. I was about seven the first time I saw it and it was one of the most chilling things I had ever seen.

Okay, so maybe if you watch it when you're older you won't understand so much...

...But it really did terrify me.

While on the Nightmare films, I and III really are the only top quality ones, although the rest are (on the whole) leaning towards reasonable...Sometimes.

One of my favourite Freddy bits is from Dream Warriors, his let's get high bit. Ahh cracks me up every time.

Oh, and about all of the Friday the 13th films kicking ass...

...Surely you don't include Jason goes to Hell in that summary...?

...Do you...?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: MadmanDan on October 11, 2004, 03:43:05 PM
My opinion,the only good horror movies are the ones in witch the idea is meant to scare you,not some crappy special effects and tons of blood all over the walls. The best example that's in my head right now is "The 6th sense"

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 11, 2004, 04:17:39 PM

...Invest in some John Carpenter stuff if that's your thing.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: kj_jive on October 11, 2004, 05:17:43 PM
Most horror movies don't even scare me, I just love watching them though.  They're so much more unpredictable than regular movies.  People can just die out of nowhere and the plots are usually pretty unique.  Horror movies with tons of blood rule too.  shit i gotta go

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Danny Top Hat on October 12, 2004, 06:19:56 AM
Hey, I may go on a bit of a rant here, but for all the people who struggle to enjoy horror films (or find them scary, which ultimately is the point), this is my take on the whole idea.

Okay, I am, and have always been, a really big fan of horror.? I was raised on action films, but nothing effects me more than a good horror film.? There's nothing else like them - unlike all other forms of cinema (with the possible exception of porn), they evoke a physical reaction.? You get shivers, you get goosebumps, your breathing stutters, your palms sweat - all in all you get entirely engrossed in what you're watching, so much so that you get freaked out later when you're making a sandwitch at night.

This is, of course, only good horror films, and it only works in the right conditions.? I find that, if you watch a horror film with any more than three people (yourself included), many of the effects are taken away.? The house has to be empty, it must be night-time, the light must be turned off, and the volume turned up very loud (that's the most important bit).? If you get all that right, then you're on course.

Now, one of the big problems with the horror genre is that it's veerryyy difficult to find a film that is actually, y'know, good.? From the night I stumbled across 'The Shining' while flicking channels late at night, i've searched and searched to find more of the same, but it's very rare.? Good horror is pure horror, without any other genres creeping into the picture to distract you (no comedy, no teen angst, no ultra-violence, no deep and meaningful conversations - that's all a distraction to suit the lazy Western audience).? Every seemingly irrelevent scene should be preparing you for the next scary moment, keeping exactly the same mood throughout so you really have no idea when the next scare will be.? If a suspenseful scene is included to trick the audience, it should not be ended with a cat jumping out or a friend jumping out and saying "boo" - that undermines the whole film and pisses me off greatly.

The best place to look for a good horror these days is, as per usual, the marvellous Tartan Asia Extreme.? The Asian film industry is still pure, the directors are allowed to be auteurs without having to compensate for audience expectations.? The films have all the imagination of the old-school greats, but have fewer barriers in terms of technology and censorship.

So, anyway, my choices:

The Shining - Still my favourite horror film to date, and also my favourite Kubrick film.? Genuinly terrifying the first few times you watch it, although admittedly loses the impact after you've watched it as much as I have.

A Tale of Two Sisters - Possibly (and i'll need to see it again to be sure) scarier than The Shining.? From the very first scare, the mood stays exactly the same throughout the whole film, and that's definately the key to it's success.? Worked wonderfully in the cinema with surround sound, and definately requires the volume turned up.? It's a Korean film and, although it's probably not showing in any cinemas right now, I highly recommend people to give it a try when it comes out on DVD next month.

The Eye - very scary film, and nice and cheap as well on (*sighs lovingly*).? One or two of the scenes are truely, truely scary - like, so scary you wanna cling onto the person next to you.? Made by the Pang brothers, who specialise in horror.  Unfortunately, the ending is a dull anticlimax and prevents this from being one of my very favourite films, but it's definately worth watching for the good bits.

Ring - Yes, the Japanese version also known as 'Ringu'.? Like The Shining, I stumbled into this while flicking channels late night, aagggeesss before the shit remake came out.? Once again, the secret behind it's success is maintaining the same feeling of dread constantly, without lightening the tone once.? To be honest, it's not quite as scary as 'A Tale of Two Sisters' or 'The Eye', but the mood is terriffic, the character Sadako is really memorable, and at times it really is very, very scary.? Tragically, like 'Scream' before it, the film has triggered an awful trend of new films coming out that are basically tacky rip-offs like "Phone" and "Into the Mirror".? Hideo Nakata's other film "Dark Waters", which Chris mentioned earlier, is a pretty similar concept, and I didn't think it was that great.

Audition - I'm not really sure whether this classes as horror or not.? I think it does, but it's also got a kinda shocker element to it.? Definately worth watching, but watch this one alone, and don't read any reviews of it beforehand.? Again, nice and cheap on (says the walking, talking advertisement).

Other great films (including some old-schoolers) that I can't be bothered to review are:

Candyman (suprisingly good)
Rosemary's Baby
Freddie's New Nightmare (my personal favourite)
Don't Look Now
Scream (the only good teen horror, although more entertaining than scary).

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Rockin' Rose on October 12, 2004, 12:53:23 PM
Stephen King's "It" :nervous:

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Dizzy on October 12, 2004, 07:05:12 PM
Freddie's New Nightmare (my personal favourite)

That's Wes Craven's New Nightmare, and Freddy is the character.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Danny Top Hat on October 12, 2004, 07:06:43 PM
Sorry, i'd got tired by that point.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 12, 2004, 07:21:35 PM
Yes, the Japanese version also known as 'Ringu'.  Like The Shining, I stumbled into this while flicking channels late night, aagggeesss before the shit remake came out.  Once again, the secret behind it's success is maintaining the same feeling of dread constantly, without lightening the tone once.

There's not an ounce of blood in the whole movie (That I remember). I think that's awesome. AWESOME TO THE MAX!

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Gunner80 on October 13, 2004, 02:18:57 AM
The Exorcist is my all time favorite horror film.  With Nightmare on Elm street IV- Dream Warriors a close second.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 13, 2004, 02:35:37 PM
The Asian film industry is still pure, the directors are allowed to be auteurs without having to compensate for audience expectations.?

Do you actually believe that auteurs exist?

Or did you just mean it in a 'total creative freedom' sort of way?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Danny Top Hat on October 14, 2004, 05:24:59 AM
Total creative freedom.

Why, how else could you look at it?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 14, 2004, 08:38:48 AM
Well there's a theory called the Auteur Theory.

What it basically means is that an individual can effect a film and make it 'theirs' by their creative input.

An auteur could be a director, actor, writer...Although it is incredibly hard for the latter to be considered such.

In simple terms it means that you could watch a film, and then know it was directed by, say, Shyamalan because of how it is...What comes across...and so forth.

I'm torn over whether I think that it is possible to be an auteur...

...When so many different people on such different levels have an input in any given film, how could you then attribute it to one person...

...Famous considered Auteurs are Hitchcock and Spielberg.

Obvious examples are how Hitchcock frequently has blonde women in trouble throughout a lot of his films (I'm doing this on a very basic level, yeah?), or how Spielberg constantly makes films which involves children that either don't have any parents, have divorced parents, or a bad relationship with their parents. Spielberg's parents got divorced, yeah?  ;)

But, bleh, yeah.

I'm writing an essay/presentation on the Auteur Theory at the moment, my chosen auteur being John Carpenter...

...Which fits nicely into this thread.  :)

Although, I may yet change, and opt for somebody who may more obscure and/or challenging.

I think it's an interesting thing to read about, and there's bucketloads of stuff about it on the net.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Danny Top Hat on October 14, 2004, 10:08:53 AM
Hmm, well I suppose it'd be impossible for a director to have absolute creative freedom, because the actors interpret the script in certain ways (for example, it was Eihi Shiina's decision to make her character giggle in the closing scenes of 'Audition' - not Takashi Miike's).  However, I feel that, as long as the director has total control of the script and the shooting of the film - or is attempting to show his vision of the film - that's good enough to make him an auteur.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 14, 2004, 11:43:32 AM
Hmm, well I suppose it'd be impossible for a director to have absolute creative freedom

Actually, I don't think that it is necesarily impossible...

If you are given Total Creative Freedom (usually any director with their name above the titles does), and final cut then you pretty much have absoloute creative freedom....

But you make a good point...

Similar to why I think that being an auteur is verging on impossible...

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Foxy on October 15, 2004, 08:51:27 PM
All the Halloween Movies, Friday the 13th movies. I like scary movies.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Drew on October 16, 2004, 12:33:05 PM
Several of these would probably be classified more as Suspense/Thriller type movies. But I like....

The Ring
The Blair Witch Project
The Sixth Sense
The Others

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: kj_jive on October 16, 2004, 02:24:31 PM
Several of these would probably be classified more as Suspense/Thriller type movies. But I like....

The Ring
The Blair Witch Project
The Sixth Sense
The Others

I thought The Others was really cool.  It was pretty creepy and i liked the plot a lot.  The twist at the end was awesome but takes a bit of the appeal away once you know what it is.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: ppbebe on October 16, 2004, 02:28:54 PM
Yes, the Japanese version also known as 'Ringu'.? Like The Shining, I stumbled into this while flicking channels late night, aagggeesss before the shit remake came out.? Once again, the secret behind it's success is maintaining the same feeling of dread constantly, without lightening the tone once.

There's not an ounce of blood in the whole movie (That I remember). I think that's awesome. AWESOME TO THE MAX!
Awesome Indeed.? I saw the Original one and read the book afterward. I jumped up when Sadako came out of the telly.
Poor Sadako. :'(

However the real Horror is ? :nervous: who are you? SLC? His twin or what?
Ever heard of doppelganger/double-goer?
Poor SLC.? :P

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jaded on October 16, 2004, 03:06:21 PM
The Ring (not the jamanese version) and The Shining, oooh and i like the recenter version of Psycho cos it features Flea from the RED HOT Chili PepperS  : ok:

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Jim on October 16, 2004, 05:30:37 PM
Yeah, at I saw the other at the cinema, and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would have. Not very scary, but a good film.

The Ring (not the jamanese version) and The Shining, oooh and i like the recenter version of Psycho cos it features Flea from the RED HOT Chili PepperS  : ok:

You're shitting me?

The Psycho remake? I disagree with you so much that I've just asked jarmo to ban you, I'll tell you what his reply is. It's awful.

Maybe you haven't seen the original though? If that's the case, then I'll settle it so you're only banned for a little while.

And you prefered the ring remake to the original....Jamenese version....

I bet you loved the Texas Chainsaw remake...

...And y'know, Alfie's comming out soon, should be right up your street.  :P

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Buddy J.B. on October 04, 2005, 12:42:57 AM
Horror movies blow ass crack anymore, they're so phony and fake. I can't stand those Halloween movies, the guy has been around for 30 years and the dumb fuckers still can't kill him. Look how many times they used guns , and they never thought of shooting the fucker in the head. And all those guys like Michael Myers, Jason, Leatherface, Freddy ever do is kill hot girls, what are they gay? If you're going to watch a horror movie, rent something like The Wolfman, Dracula, or Frankenstien, now those are real stories written with talent.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Queen of Everything on October 04, 2005, 01:59:30 AM
House on Haunted Hill

The Ring one

Secret Window (Thriller)

Road Kill (Good old fashioned fun!)

Slash!  (YES YOU HEARD RIGHT - A Horror movie called SLASH!  Its about this rock n roll band that go out to a farm and get killed.. its weird but AWESOME)

 : ok:

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: ClintroN on October 04, 2005, 04:59:59 AM
The Lost Boys
Bad Tast
Brain Dead
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (orig)
Leatherface - Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 - Dream Worriers
Friday 13th 6 - Jason Lives
Return of The Living Dead 1, 2, 3, havent seen the new ones)
Night of The Living Dead  (origenal n' remake)
Dawn Of The Dead (orig)
Day Of The Dead
Evil Dead 1, 2, 3
...And Now The Screaming Starts
Body Melt
Zombie High (childhood fav. :hihi:)

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 04, 2005, 10:05:05 AM
The ring (original)
Texas chainsaw Masacre (original)
Amytiville Horror
Nightmare on ELM street
Pet cementery

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 04, 2005, 01:05:29 PM
mmm well, something that really crept me out , was Sinned O Conner, tearing up a Pope John Paull II in pieces, in a saturday night live, performance... anyone saw this?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 04, 2005, 01:48:29 PM
Yeah I saw that actually it didn't creep me out, yet I feel like someone spoke for me  :-\

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Rob on October 05, 2005, 02:20:34 AM
Halloween 1,2,4,5,H2O (but especially the first one)
Pet Sematary

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: jameslofton29 on October 05, 2005, 07:48:01 AM
Texas Chainsaw Massacre(original), The Burning, Black Christmas, The Shining, Pet Semetary, Halloween 4, The Thing, Friday the 13th part 3, Hellraiser

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: ClintroN on October 05, 2005, 08:06:56 AM
Texas Chainsaw Massacre(original), The Burning, Black Christmas, The Shining, Pet Semetary, Halloween 4, The Thing, Friday the 13th part 3, Hellraiser

interesting :yes:

pet semetary II i like heaps more :yes:

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 05, 2005, 12:33:03 PM
Texas Chainsaw Massacre(original), The Burning, Black Christmas, The Shining, Pet Semetary, Halloween 4, The Thing, Friday the 13th part 3, Hellraiser
How can I forgot hellraiser, thats one of the greatest horror movies I've ever watch.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Rob on October 05, 2005, 01:32:47 PM
I heard Pet Sematary 2 was way gorier, but not nearly as good a movie...never seen it though.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: jameslofton29 on October 05, 2005, 02:46:59 PM
Rob, Pet Semetary 2 was a pretty good movie. The first one was definitely more creepy. The second one wasn't really scary at all. I'm actually surprised they didn't make a 3rd one.

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 05, 2005, 05:53:17 PM
Yeah I saw that actually it didn't creep me out, yet I feel like someone spoke for me? :-\

It crept me out dude, do you know, what she meant, doing that?

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Vicious Wishes on October 05, 2005, 07:11:27 PM
Burnt Offerings
The Shining

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: ClintroN on October 05, 2005, 07:21:07 PM
check out HOUSE 3, how the hell they went from a M rating, then pt. 2 PG, then pt. 3 straight to an R ratting man :o

its fuckin' gross

Title: Re: Favorite Horror Movies
Post by: Gunner80 on October 06, 2005, 01:09:14 AM
My all time favorite would have to be The Exorcist.