Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jarmo on October 05, 2004, 04:50:21 AM

Title: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 05, 2004, 04:50:21 AM
I have the opportunity to meet Tommy for an interview on Sunday in Gothenburg and thought that maybe some of you have questions for him.

You might wanna remember that he's in Europe to promote his (excellent) solo album "Village Gorilla Head" and not GN'R. So the focus of the interview will be his solo work.

I can't guarantee I will use all/any of the questions submitted, but let's see what happens.

Thanks to the people who made this possible!


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: remcognr on October 05, 2004, 04:58:39 AM
ask him if he might have heard some songs from CD, like 6 weeks ago, right before mastering or so, and if there are 6 epic songs on it.. ;D

maybe ask him if he's planning on playing his songs with a 'real' band, like with more instruments.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: fixintodie on October 05, 2004, 05:02:38 AM
Has he considered playing VGH stuff as support act on the next GN'R tour?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: nesquick on October 05, 2004, 05:12:27 AM
So the focus of the interview will be his solo work.
is "chinese democracy" is part of his solo work too?  ;D

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Mysteron on October 05, 2004, 05:16:30 AM
So the focus of the interview will be his solo work.
is "chinese democracy" is part of his solo work too?? ;D

I think it'll be ok to ask a few gnr question, but you have to remember that Tommy is promoting his solo album. I suggest, therefore, that questions on gnr be clever questions and ones that have not been asked before

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: One in a million on October 05, 2004, 05:17:14 AM
How come Richard and Dizzy plays on the album? Apart from they're great musicians.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Mysteron on October 05, 2004, 05:19:30 AM
Has he considered playing VGH stuff as support act on the next GN'R tour?

That has already been asked. He said no

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: norway on October 05, 2004, 05:46:06 AM
Has he planned any videos with gnr or the vgh thing :confused:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: 14 years of silence on October 05, 2004, 05:48:15 AM
What is your peronal favourite track off VGH?
Which track took the longest time to complete?
How highly do you rate Richard Fortus, do you think he has the ability to be a lead guitarist?
Where was your favourite gig ever?
What music are you currently listening too?
What is your favourite track off Chinese Democracy?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: DemocracyRose on October 05, 2004, 06:22:28 AM
Ask him about, what he is planing to do next year....

And will there be 2 or 3 guitarist in GNR?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: shaun on October 05, 2004, 06:33:24 AM
...CD, has he seen the cover art work?? : ok:

what's it like?   :)

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Voodoochild on October 05, 2004, 07:45:38 AM
- Ask him about world plans: is he planning to promote VGH through South America too? I don't see this album in any local stores here in Brasil, so you might ask him about it too.

- How was the work with Roy Thomas Baker?

- How can you deal with the need to answer questions about GNR and The Replacements in your solo tour supporting your album?

- Ask what current music he likes or if he liked the VR album.

- About GNR, I guess you should ask if this is the first time that they're mastering or doin' the track's final mix.

- Ask him if they will have Buckethead tracks on the album or if this Bumblefoot blurb about recording guitar tracks is for real.

Ok, I'm journalist but if I could make questions in my first language (portuguese) I would made it better...? :-\
Hey Jarmo, I guess you are the first GNR admnistrator's site to officially interview a new GNR member. Congratulations, I'm happy for you and for us!?I wish I had this opportunity! : ok:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Christos AG on October 05, 2004, 08:18:17 AM
I wanted to ask him some questions but since his gigs in Greece are not 100% sure I'll ask here.

1) Will anybody, except from Axl, handle lead vocals on any song from Chinese Democracy?

2) Is Chris Pittman a touring member or is he in the band for good?

3) Lyrics, Axl Rose only or others too?

4) VGH is an awesome record, will it get released in all countries (cause many people in Greece ask me where can they find it)?

5) How is the tour with Jesse going? Are many Gunners attending the shows? Are they supportive of his new record?

6) How many copies has VGH sold so far?

7) How many chicks has he scored with on this tour? Cause rumours are going crazy... ;)

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Voodoochild on October 05, 2004, 08:40:03 AM
1) Will anybody, except from Axl, handle lead vocals on any song from Chinese Democracy?
I guess he already said something about this. He said that he will do just a lot of backing vocals.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: yagami1gnr on October 05, 2004, 08:47:34 AM
1)How long is going to go your tour?
2)What music are you listening now?
3)How's the work that Robin does on Chin Dem?
4)Have you ever have listened rock or music in different languages?
5)Do you play songs from "Perfect's album" in your tour and which ones are your favorites?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: SINSHINE on October 05, 2004, 09:05:58 AM
Double edged sword here. Has Mr. Stinson agreed to be interviewed by JARMO because he wants to promote his solo efforts ONLY? Or has Mr. Stinson agreed to be interviewed by JARMO because JARMO happens to be the originator of HTGTH...the greatest GN'R website around? Hmmmm...maybe both.

Either way, that's great that you got the interview.

I'm not sure what to ask him about his solo work as I have not heard it yet (plan to). However, if he's agreed to be interviewed by the owner of HTGTH I have to believe he's expecting some GN'R questions. PERHAPS, can use that to your advantage by asking him questions that 99% deal with his solo work and only 1 (that's right, folks) 1 question about GN'R at the very end. I think he'd be very appreciative of that gesture and if handled delicately he might even offer more info than he planned on offering feeling that his new GN'R fans completely support him as a solo artist as well. No?

So...what could that one question be. Maybe something as simple as, "...Mr. Stinson, I'd like to thank you for taking time to speak with us today. We at HTGTH wish you all the luck on the new album and will be sure to check out your tour. Before you go, is there anything you can share with us, the patient fans at HTGTH about the status of Chinese Democracy?"

Plain, simple and to the point. Like I said, I think he'd appreciate that greatly and maybe he'll reward your edicate with some dazzling juicy news about GN'R.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Goddamn_Electric on October 05, 2004, 09:39:55 AM
Double edged sword here. Has Mr. Stinson agreed to be interviewed by JARMO because he wants to promote his solo efforts ONLY? Or has Mr. Stinson agreed to be interviewed by JARMO because JARMO happens to be the originator of HTGTH...the greatest GN'R website around? Hmmmm...maybe both.

Either way, that's great that you got the interview.

I'm not sure what to ask him about his solo work as I have not heard it yet (plan to). However, if he's agreed to be interviewed by the owner of HTGTH I have to believe he's expecting some GN'R questions. PERHAPS, can use that to your advantage by asking him questions that 99% deal with his solo work and only 1 (that's right, folks) 1 question about GN'R at the very end. I think he'd be very appreciative of that gesture and if handled delicately he might even offer more info than he planned on offering feeling that his new GN'R fans completely support him as a solo artist as well. No?

So...what could that one question be. Maybe something as simple as, "...Mr. Stinson, I'd like to thank you for taking time to speak with us today. We at HTGTH wish you all the luck on the new album and will be sure to check out your tour. Before you go, is there anything you can share with us, the patient fans at HTGTH about the status of Chinese Democracy?"

Plain, simple and to the point. Like I said, I think he'd appreciate that greatly and maybe he'll reward your edicate with some dazzling juicy news about GN'R.

I definately like this idea.  However, elaborate a bit more...."Is mastering in progress, has album art been layed out, any info you could offer would be more than appreciated"

Although, if you added something like that he may not offer as much at all.  Axl keeps to  tight of reigns.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: younggunner on October 05, 2004, 09:47:16 AM
ask him what are some of his favorite songs on CD.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Mysteron on October 05, 2004, 09:51:53 AM
Some other ideas;

1 - One of Sweden's biggest musical exports, historically speaking, was Abba. Are you a fan?
2 - If you hadn't become a musician, where do you think you'd be right now?
3 - If you consider all the songs you have worked on in your entire career, which one(s) would you say were your favourites
4 - If you had the choice, which song would you put out as the first gnr single
5 - Of all the countries you have travelled to in your illustrious career, which one would you say had the best ladies  ;) :hihi:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: pilferk on October 05, 2004, 09:57:53 AM
What were your influences/inspirations when recording/writing the tracks on  VGH?

If you could play/jam with any 4 musicians, living or dead, who would they be?

If you were stranded on a desert island with a solar powered CD player, what 5 CD's would you want with you?

If you were stranded on a desert island, WITHOUT a solar powered CD player, what 5 people would you want with you?

What's the most "extravagant" thing you've ever bought for yourself, when, and why (as in, was it to celebrate a record release, contract, birthday, etc).

What 3 Chords, if you were forbidden from ever playing them again, would cause you to break down into a weeping puddle of goo?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Beholder on October 05, 2004, 10:14:22 AM
Invite him to join HTGTH community...
Some occasional posts would be great....

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: GypsySoul on October 05, 2004, 10:54:27 AM
This happened at Tommy's show in Portland:

What Tommy did was spit a big lugy off to the side of the stage.

Ask Tommy NOT to do that anymore.? That's just foul.? ?:rant:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Ali on October 05, 2004, 11:15:28 AM
I would be curious to know if he has heard anything about the auditioning of new guitarists for GN'R.  We know that he recommended Richard Fortus, so how about asking him, "Have you recommended anyone for the vacant guitar slot, or have you been asked about your impressions, if you have any, of a guitar player who has been discussed as a possible guitar player for GN'R?"


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: GypsySoul on October 05, 2004, 11:27:30 AM
Some of the songs on VGH have a Dylan-esque sound to them.? Ask him what influence, if any, Bob Dylan has on him and his song writing.

Edited to add in 2 GNR questions

What is the REAL reason the remainder of the 2002/2003 GNR tour was cancelled?

As far as you know, is Brain still in GNR?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Skeletor on October 05, 2004, 11:33:49 AM
2)What music are you listening now?

This inspired the following questions:

If you could choose one dead rock star to still be alive who would it be?
Where?s Robin in the middle of all this?
New Gn'R Guitarist Found?
Post your real rare (!) Axl pics here!
Discuss favorite SNL cast members (previous or current)
Star you look like the most
Who the F*** is Warren Batey???
God, I hate Chris Misfit!

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: SINSHINE on October 05, 2004, 12:02:42 PM
...or...instead of my idea on the first page, how 'bout you take the sludge approach and just ask him...

"Which Rock Star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?"    :hihi:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: J? on October 05, 2004, 12:12:44 PM
How about no kiss ass question and cut to chase...

So when are we going to hear a statement from the red head, and does he like pissing off his fans with the constant bullshit and no like hey we got a new single coming out whenever album is due whenever, like enough is enough already.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Scabbie on October 05, 2004, 12:33:34 PM
How do you feel the new album / tour has been received?

What are your plans if there is another unexpected delay to CD?

How do you know Mysteron?

Where would you most like to play that you haven't already?

Will any of the songs off VGH be released as a single?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: damnthehaters on October 05, 2004, 01:19:27 PM
The biggest question I would have would be..

1)  Are you guys going to get a new guitar player?  And if so, will this delay CD?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Chief on October 05, 2004, 01:22:13 PM
What are some of your favorite albums from the past year or 2?

What are some of your favorite current bands? 

Have you seen any good rock shows lately?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: PhillyRiot on October 05, 2004, 01:27:57 PM
When can fans from Philadelphia expect an explanation of the December 2002 no show.  If it is legal reasons that restrict an answer, at least give an idea of when we can expect an explanation.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Johnnyblood on October 05, 2004, 01:49:32 PM
First of all, a round of fucking applause for Jarmo!


You have to hand it to a guy who runs a GNR website that anyone from GNR would actually want to talk to!

Now as for the questions, Jarmo...

Does Tommy view all the GNR delays as a positive, in light of it allowing him to release and tour behind VGH?

I would also second the question about there being a new guitarist and if that will cause even more delays.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Jim on October 05, 2004, 02:30:20 PM
I think...

...That in order to work out the reliability of anything that Tommy says at any time about Guns N' Roses...

...That you casually ask when the last time he was in correspondance with Axl was...

Oh, and also what his favourite film is, as well as his favourite sandwich filling.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 05, 2004, 02:32:47 PM
When can fans from Philadelphia expect an explanation of the December 2002 no show.? If it is legal reasons that restrict an answer, at least give an idea of when we can expect an explanation.

I think I'll skip that one. He has mentioned the fact that he can't really talk about that thing for legal reasons.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: smeagol2124 on October 05, 2004, 02:41:18 PM
Could you ask him if there's any song off of either UYI 1 or 2 that he would like to play live (other then what they've already played live)?  Maybe also ask him something along the lines of communication with the fans, since it does seem that he is very approachable on his solo tour.  Maybe asking something abotu that will get him to reveal future GNR plans regarding communication with the fans.  Good luck Jarmo, I have always held this site in high regard and I think it is awesome that you are getting a chance to talk to a member of the band.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: ChristineP on October 05, 2004, 02:55:53 PM
As an artist, does he feel he would like to promote his own music and become the statis of a band like GnR? or rather just dedicate being a member of GnR forever?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: GypsySoul on October 05, 2004, 03:24:56 PM
When can fans from Philadelphia expect an explanation of the December 2002 no show.? If it is legal reasons that restrict an answer, at least give an idea of when we can expect an explanation.

I think I'll skip that one. He has mentioned the fact that he can't really talk about that thing for legal reasons.


Ask him why he's doing an interview with a GNR board when he can't or won't answer any of the questions to the stuff that we're really interest in knowing.*? ::)


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: oneway23 on October 05, 2004, 03:29:20 PM
Congrats Jarmo for nabbing a great interview.....Ask Tommy if Axl still smokes bud ;D
No, really, ask him how he feels the more epic songs on CD stand-up when compared to epics like Coma or Estranged, and what Tommy views as the centerpiece of the new album....

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: AdZ on October 05, 2004, 03:45:50 PM
Ask him what he's listening to at the moment/what he's brought on tour to keep him occupied.
How did you meet ACS originally?
Why did you decide to the other half of the tour acoustically?
Is the running order of VGH the DEFINITIVE running order, or was it thrown together by putting whatever sounded good together?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: NickNasty on October 05, 2004, 03:51:42 PM
- Does he expect to be on the road throughout 2005?

- Do any VGH B-sides exist?

- When was the last time he talked to each band member?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: RnT on October 05, 2004, 03:52:54 PM
Double edged sword here. Has Mr. Stinson agreed to be interviewed by JARMO because he wants to promote his solo efforts ONLY? Or has Mr. Stinson agreed to be interviewed by JARMO because JARMO happens to be the originator of HTGTH...the greatest GN'R website around? Hmmmm...maybe both.

Either way, that's great that you got the interview.

I'm not sure what to ask him about his solo work as I have not heard it yet (plan to). However, if he's agreed to be interviewed by the owner of HTGTH I have to believe he's expecting some GN'R questions. PERHAPS, can use that to your advantage by asking him questions that 99% deal with his solo work and only 1 (that's right, folks) 1 question about GN'R at the very end. I think he'd be very appreciative of that gesture and if handled delicately he might even offer more info than he planned on offering feeling that his new GN'R fans completely support him as a solo artist as well. No?

So...what could that one question be. Maybe something as simple as, "...Mr. Stinson, I'd like to thank you for taking time to speak with us today. We at HTGTH wish you all the luck on the new album and will be sure to check out your tour. Before you go, is there anything you can share with us, the patient fans at HTGTH about the status of Chinese Democracy?"

Plain, simple and to the point. Like I said, I think he'd appreciate that greatly and maybe he'll reward your edicate with some dazzling juicy news about GN'R.

Ii liked... BUT, he?ll answer the same thing again "will be release soon, very soon..."  :P

ask something more objective, like "You of course already heard some finished songs, what?s your favorite song from the album? and what?s your favorite part of a lyric sung by Axl in the new Cd?  - something like the part of madagascar with axl singin with such a feeling "I won?t be told anymore..." ( elaborate this a bit more)"  ;)


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 05, 2004, 03:56:22 PM
- Do any VGH B-sides exist?

"I had a lot of different songs but to make this record cohesive, I had to forgo the softer songs. So I have a few left over for b-sides and stuff," he tells me, when asked if there is any material from these recording sessions that may surface soon.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: elevendayempire on October 05, 2004, 03:56:40 PM
- Is Buckethead's guitar going to be on CD?

- Axl hasn't really been working on CD for over 10 years without a break, has he? When did the album get underway in earnest?

- Are we ever going to get a making-of CD boxset, with all the Dave Navarro/Brian May/Josh Freese/Zakk Wylde/Slash stuff on it?


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Malcolm on October 05, 2004, 04:15:53 PM
Id Appreciate it if u just told tommy and the band (mainly axl) this one thing..and it is..when the album is matter how good it is the media will have bad things to say..thats just them and i think axl knows that ..but just tell him not to take it hard cause all the fans will love it and the media can shove it

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: MeanBone on October 05, 2004, 04:25:49 PM
ask him
when can we expect a new solo effort from him

is he planning on bringing his tour to spain and portugal

what's on his cd player right now

and if he could say anything to his fans,

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: F*ck Fear on October 05, 2004, 04:28:06 PM
Ask him what he thinks about the response his album got.

For GN'R,ask him if the Rob Thal(or whatever his name is)thing is true.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: ppbebe on October 05, 2004, 04:32:16 PM
1)What is the funniest story on this solo tour so far.
2)There is a speculation on your fav T-shirts. Is the (oriental looking?)man a Chinese solder or a slow policeman?
3) What do you feel about Europe?
4) What do you think of China?
5) How do you like Democracy?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: MadmanDan on October 05, 2004, 04:32:39 PM
He said he heard a few incredibly good songs from CD. Were there any vocals on them??

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: IndiannaRose on October 05, 2004, 04:35:53 PM
Ask him if Axl still has the braids, but don't do it directly. In the middle of your conversation tell him "I love Axl's braids, I'm thinking of getting some. I know he still has them right now." Even though I suspect you hate the braids if you say that Tommy will either tell you if Axl still has the braids or not. Muahaha it's a trap you see. :hihi:

Not but for real, ask him about There Was A Time. Also ask him if he contributed any Village Gorilla Head style of material to Chinese Democracy, and compliment him on his Kilborn Motivation performance. Also tell him you love his vocals; ask if he contributes any background or lead vocals to C-Democracy because you loved his vocals in A Moment Too Soon and OK especially. In the middle of all that ask him about Axl's voice on the album, and ask how the first single will sound like.

See I'm good with mental traps. ;D 

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: J? on October 05, 2004, 04:42:19 PM
This wasnt mentioned and I'm think well some people will appreciate this:

Ask Mr Stinson

Who wrote Madagascar and the Blues was it all Axl or who helped him with the lyrics.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: ChristineP on October 05, 2004, 04:51:41 PM
First of all, a round of fucking applause for Jarmo!


You have to hand it to a guy who runs a GNR website that anyone from GNR would actually want to talk to!

Now as for the questions, Jarmo...

Does Tommy view all the GNR delays as a positive, in light of it allowing him to release and tour behind VGH?

I would also second the question about there being a new guitarist and if that will cause even more delays.
:hihi: Excellent!? did not read all the posts before I posted mine...Got to stop doing that!? Jarmo does seem like a cool cat...

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: ChristineP on October 05, 2004, 04:53:48 PM
Don't know if this was posted...What kind of interview is Jarmo conducting with Mr. Tommy?  In person or by phone? or?   He must be excited!

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 05, 2004, 05:19:40 PM
Don't know if this was posted...What kind of interview is Jarmo conducting with Mr. Tommy?? In person or by phone? or?? ?He must be excited!

It's gonna be done before the show on Sunday, in person.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: nesquick on October 05, 2004, 06:05:05 PM
oh yeah Jarmo just a question about the GNR Tour: are stadium shows in the plan? or just arenas?
thank you

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Continental Drift on October 05, 2004, 08:24:14 PM
Lots of great questions there and... congrats Jarmo. : ok:

What was his opinion of Axl Rose from "afar" before he signed on with GN' R in '98? How has his opinion of Mr. Rose changed in the past six years?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: nesquick on October 05, 2004, 08:41:24 PM
another one (the last one): according to you (tommy) who will be the next member to be fired or to leave the band? is there "a plan" for that? a "release date" for the next departure? will there have "delays"?? or will it happen "soon"? or maybe "sooner than later"! :hihi:
(that's a joke: Do NOT ask that question? :rofl:)

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on October 05, 2004, 08:46:04 PM
Ask him if axl would ever considering letting tommy open for gnr or go on before the opening band to play a few songs.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 05, 2004, 08:49:11 PM
Ask him if axl would ever considering letting tommy open for gnr or go on before the opening band to play a few songs.

Almost the same question. ;)


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: noizzynofuture on October 05, 2004, 09:47:00 PM
I would definitely ask some questions about VGH and the tour and let him know that HTGTH supports the album with regular updates.

Jarmo, does he know who you are ? And about your website ?

I'm assuming he does, and if thats the case, i'd think he'd respect questions about GNR and talking to the fans.  He'd know who you represent.

I've heard and i'm sure that Tommy has heard every question that people have asked about VGH and the tour.

How many opportunities will you have to interview a real live GNR member ?

I say ask the GNR questions that are to the point;

Anything new info about CD's release ?

Any news on a single release ?

Any news on an upcoming GNR tour ?

Any changes with the bandmembers ?

Any news that he can share with GNR Fans ?

Don't let a golden opportunity go by cause everyone's afraid to step on toes.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Goddamn_Electric on October 05, 2004, 10:03:23 PM
How about this one:

"Does Axl have any plans whatsoever to start playing his greatest songwriting work of alltime; ESTRANGED; Live again?"

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on October 05, 2004, 11:07:46 PM
I've seen that you aren't a huge fan of the current musical environment in this country, where you can only have a hit if you're a rapper or are a teen-angst-emo-pop-punk band, but I won't name any names. What do you think needs to or will come along in music that will change the landscape? What does the music community need to witness or take part in in order to turn general music into something more heartfelt, more tangible? Your album is a step in the right direction, with putting all of your talent, belief, and emotion into something that conveys your musical self.

You could probably word it a little shorter, but the jist is "What do you hope to see in music, that will completely reinvigorate the creativity and genuineness, something that will eclipse what's popular, such as benign rap or alt-emo-pop-punk?"

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Fuckin' Gunner on October 06, 2004, 01:43:14 AM
1. Have you ever tought about get out of GN'R?

2. Have you ever had problems with drugs?

3. Did you wrote any song or any lirycs for Chinese Democracy?

4. Why did Axl called you "The General Tommy Stinson" at Rock In Rio 3? Is there any relation wih the song "The General"?

5. Who do you prefer working with? Paul ou Axl? Jokeeeeeeee  :smoking:  >:(

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 06, 2004, 03:10:38 AM
I dunno. Can you give him a question he can't dodge too easily?

Throw some easy ones and once he thinks it's a cake interview, sneak the tough ones in.... :hihi:

Get some info out of the guy!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Will on October 06, 2004, 08:49:03 AM
I've seen that you aren't a huge fan of the current musical environment in this country

If I'm not mistaken the interview will take place in maybe instead of "in this country", he should say "in the US"... ;D

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Skeletor on October 06, 2004, 09:00:19 AM
"Does Axl have any plans whatsoever to start playing his greatest songwriting work of alltime; ESTRANGED; Live again?"

That's an interesting question, but I doubt Tommy will know the answer..

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Voodoochild on October 06, 2004, 09:07:51 AM
One more question: what about the new songs we already know? Madagascar, The Blues, Rhiad, Chinese Democracy and Silkworms will be in the album or will be released as b-sides or whatever? They changed since 2002 or it's just the same songs?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: PhillyRiot on October 06, 2004, 09:29:35 AM
That question about Estranged raises a great question:  Have the new GNR band members taken the time to learn the majority of the songs on the UYI albums.  Have they ever practiced songs like Coma, Breakdown, Dead Horse, Estranged, and other UYI songs.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: coolman78SLASH on October 06, 2004, 11:14:02 AM
Ask the guy what he thinks of Velvet Revolver !
Also ask him as a guitarist, what do you think of Slash's playing?  It could be cool, maybe he says something bad, maybe he says something nice.. But then we could know what he feels about the old members without asking him too directely...

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: grog mug on October 06, 2004, 02:05:46 PM
I know these are the questions everyone wants answered but heres my suggestion:

Are you still in contact with Buckethead, do you think/want him to return?

Is Chinese Democracy a glimpse in to the past Axl Rose works (UYI, AFD, etc.)  or is it a mix of everything including new stuff?

Will Madagascar make the album cut?

Are you still going to use the bike against the wall for the album cover, or have you figured out any album cover art?

Will GN'R ever put out any Vegas DVD's or video of the new band?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Izzy on October 06, 2004, 02:20:49 PM
Not sure if this has been asked already but

Why did he join/remain with Guns N' Roses a band that effectively ended a long time ago?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on October 06, 2004, 02:29:15 PM
Not sure if this has been asked already but

Why did he join/remain with Guns N' Roses a band that effectively ended a long time ago?

Again, why do you even post here?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: takeshi on October 06, 2004, 02:40:23 PM
What toppings do you like on your pizza?

How many of the Halloween movies have you seen?

How do you feel about the proposed school voucher system?

I'm thinking about buying a big screen tv, would you recommend LCD or plasma?

What do you think of the Matrix movies?  Are they crappy or do they just suck?

How do you feel about the current property tax rate in Tokyo?

How hard will you slap Axl if he doesn't release CD soon?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: GnFnRs2016 on October 06, 2004, 02:47:17 PM
Shall we hear something about GNR in one or two months?

What do you think about Mexico?  ;)

what?s the most dramatic thing you?ve ever experienced in a concert?

What?s your favorite track in your album? and....... in CD? :)

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: IndiannaRose on October 06, 2004, 03:45:48 PM
Now Jarmo, I believe this would be a very good question to ask:

Hey Tommy, do you have any information on the whole Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal ordeal? Are you allowed to speak about that?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2004, 04:26:18 PM
Just a reminder: The main focus of the interview will be Tommy, his album, his tour.

If there's time and he's interested in talking about GN'R, maybe I'll ask a few questions. I'm aware that the most of you would like to get GN'R news from him, but it seems like he's told all the other people who has asked about the album that it's coming soon.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Johnnyblood on October 06, 2004, 05:11:11 PM
You might ask Tommy if he's satisfied with the label support of VGH.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Ignatius on October 06, 2004, 05:30:32 PM

Since Tommy recorded his album in the Charles Thompson ( a.k.a Frank Black) studio, will he support any forthcoming Pixies gigs or has any future colaboration between the two been drawn up?

How has the crowd responded to your concerts in Europe? Is the crowd familiar with the album?

During the past 25 years of your career, which moments will you choose as your "highs" and which as your "lows" and why?

What was yout first reaction when you found out Axl was interested in your services?

Question about GNR:

How close are the band members? When GNR started, the group outshadowed any individual interests. It was the force and strenght the five original members brought, what make the band universally huge. How's GNR as a band these days? Do you guys hang out in your time off?

About new album:

Throughout your entire career, is Chinese Democracy the album you feel most proud of?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Pinball Wizard on October 06, 2004, 05:33:35 PM
1- What does he think about the musical scene that we have today, like bands that ply just for money and don't care abut the music.
2- VGH take a lot of time to get ready, wich somgs take more time to get done?
3- Do he play covers on his shows? If so, why he choosed that song(s), and if not, why not? (PS.: I don't know if he play covers on his shows...)
4- What make his going to play bass? And who is his favorite bass player?

And, if there's any time to ask any gnr question, ask some about, of course, Chinese Democracy!

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: badintentions on October 06, 2004, 05:40:11 PM
Please, if you are going to ask gnr related questions, try not to ask questions that can be given the same generic responses that him and dizzy have given everyone. ask specifically about the mastering process and if recording is finally absolutely done on the album. also see if he knows how many songs are going to be on it. what is favorite song is. what cather in the rye is about etc. and other good question would be to ask if they are still planning on releasing 3 albums in succession as axl stated or if they are mainly concentrating on chinese democracy. just please try to be specific so we don't get responses like "it's coming soon" or "its closer to being done now than it ever has been". thats just a waste.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: PeterCoffin on October 06, 2004, 07:12:40 PM
"Where by hos at?"

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Nytunz on October 06, 2004, 08:11:06 PM
Just a reminder: The main focus of the interview will be Tommy, his album, his tour.

If there's time and he's interested in talking about GN'R, maybe I'll ask a few questions. I'm aware that the most of you would like to get GN'R news from him, but it seems like he's told all the other people who has asked about the album that it's coming soon.


Well, im going to the Tommy conceert here in Oslo on Thirsday, so ill see what i get out of the guy then.. About GNR ..

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Saul on October 06, 2004, 08:32:20 PM
Hmmm ...  "Tommy , you've said buckethead isnt an amazing person just recently .. can you tell us why you feel this way?"

Since Buckethead isnt a GNR member anymore this isnt a GNR question.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: J? on October 07, 2004, 12:33:32 AM
Could you ask him were he got that kick ass Mao Tseung black T shirt that hes has from?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Evil Ash on October 07, 2004, 12:20:12 PM
When i saw him yesterday he mentioned this interview!! (I mentioned htgth)

It was a great fucking night yesterday, met him at the bar together with ACS singer! We chatted, he bought me and a friend a beer!!! Then we went to see jesse malin together and my friend, she sat next to him, they were chatting the whole time we were there (about 15 minutes)! Then he went backstage and when he came back the ACS singer rolled my joint and we smoked it together :D:D


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 07, 2004, 12:23:43 PM
When i saw him yesterday he mentioned this interview!! (I mentioned htgth)

So Tommy's been warned.  :hihi:

It's really nice to see that so many people from this board have gotten to meet him and see his shows. :)


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Nytunz on October 07, 2004, 12:37:09 PM
When i saw him yesterday he mentioned this interview!! (I mentioned htgth)

So Tommy's been warned.? :hihi:

It's really nice to see that so many people from this board have gotten to meet him and see his shows. :)


So... i guess this is good promotion for HTGTO Jarmo! And thats great, coz this board fucking kickazzz...!!!
and im for sure gonna mention it for Tommy 12.okt... It would be great if there was a Thanks to HTGTH in the Chinese Democracy booklet!

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Beholder on October 07, 2004, 12:57:44 PM
This interview should appear in the "Next 5 Events" box on the HTGTH main page...
 : ok:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Almost Famous on October 07, 2004, 07:10:43 PM
In regards to the 'democracy' of Guns N' Roses:

It often appears that the only person who truly knows what is happening with the record or the cohesiveness of the band as a whole is Axl Rose. It is blatantly obvious that Robin Finck has made himself scarce as of late to say the least, and at the other end of the spectrum, you are out on a full-blown tour conversing with your adoring fans each and every night. Without overstepping a repectful line of privacy, I would like to ask if there is some Internet-shattering 'elephant in the room' that you are trying so hard to keep to yourself in regards to GNR's status or that of the record? If so, would you think it easier to hole up somewhere in obscurity with Mr. Finck until you can actually let the world know, or are you coping with the rabid fans pecking at you for info night after night?

I can be too 'wordy' sometimes... sorry.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Scabbie on October 08, 2004, 09:24:17 AM
My aoplogies if this has already been posed as a question...

The track Village Gorilla Head is much diffrent from the other tracks on the album. What inspired you to write this track and select it as one of the final tracks the album?


What musical influences did you draw upon when writing VGH?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Christos AG on October 08, 2004, 10:35:53 AM
How many opportunities will you have to interview a real live GNR member ?

I'll have one next week...  ;D

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: DazRose85 on October 08, 2004, 12:27:38 PM
QUESTIONl: The new Guns lineup re-recorded "Appetite...", were or are there any plans to release it and does it sound close to the original? Thanks

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Christos AG on October 08, 2004, 02:56:12 PM
3) The latest rumor is that CD is coming out in February.  If this is true, when can we expect to here some official news?  Or when can we look forward to having a single? 

I believe Tommy will tour Europe again in January or February...

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Mikkamakka on October 08, 2004, 03:32:58 PM
I think you wrote a lot of great questions. I'd add:

Which are your favourite old GN'R songs?

Will Nu-GN'R play other old GN'R songs than they played during the last tour?

What does Tommy think of the ex-GN'R members? Has he heard the VR album?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: damnthehaters on October 08, 2004, 05:58:37 PM
3) The latest rumor is that CD is coming out in February.? If this is true, when can we expect to here some official news?? Or when can we look forward to having a single??

I believe Tommy will tour Europe again in January or February...

This doesn't meen that CD can't be released then.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: darkdays_01 on October 08, 2004, 10:21:25 PM
A couple quick ones here:

1: What are his thoughts on VR
2: If The Jayhawks had any influence on his solo work.
3: What is the real deal going on in the Guns camp, he surely has to accept some questions related to GnR, I mean he knows you run a GnR site. : ok:

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: sweechile on October 09, 2004, 03:47:51 AM
  My question to him would be simply: 
"How easy is it to tour with a guy that can totally disrespect his band and audience, by not informing on his intentions to cancel?"
"How long can the band hang on to this, due to the fact that you aren't being paid or informed?"

 I expect a bit silence or 'please go on to the next question please!"

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Booker Floyd on October 09, 2004, 04:48:21 AM
"How long can the band hang on to this, due to the fact that you aren't being paid or informed?"


And you know this how?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Chandler on October 09, 2004, 08:37:46 AM

Ask Tommy when he says he hopes to be back in euro in Feb, does that mean just him or with GnR.?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 09, 2004, 08:47:53 AM
? My question to him would be simply:?
"How easy is it to tour with a guy that can totally disrespect his band and audience, by not informing on his intentions to cancel?"
"How long can the band hang on to this, due to the fact that you aren't being paid or informed?"

 I expect a bit silence or 'please go on to the next question please!"

Maybe you should expect a "not going to ask your questions" from me instead.


Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Eternal Flaming Sword of Death... on October 09, 2004, 05:41:55 PM
Tell him the album kicks ass, from beginning to end.

Ask him why everything with GNR is such a damn secret...

Is Axl totally against communicating with his fans?

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: Slayer on October 09, 2004, 06:40:05 PM
I like the suggestion in the last post

Why the (almost) absolute silence from Axl and the GNR camp?  There might be legal reasons to not talk about some of the things, but not every one of them.

Title: Re: Ask Tommy
Post by: jarmo on October 10, 2004, 04:37:55 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've picked a few and added them to my list of questions.

I don't know how many I can use since I don't know much time I've got. We'll see what happens.
