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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: DemocracyRose on September 22, 2004, 05:10:10 AM

Title: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: DemocracyRose on September 22, 2004, 05:10:10 AM
Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?

I think there is a good chance here.

If GNR are going on a tour early next year, i think vegas would be a perfect start. Like a rehearsel show.

And Axl seems to like Vegas

What do you think?

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: willow on September 22, 2004, 05:33:27 AM
Not sure, but if they do I'll be there!!!

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Christos AG on September 22, 2004, 05:45:07 AM
don't think so.

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: 0001001 on September 22, 2004, 06:31:50 AM
would be a perfect warmup gig but I doubt it

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 22, 2004, 08:13:11 AM
We know he likes the strip clubs.

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: nesquick on September 22, 2004, 08:20:22 AM
I don't think so but why not? 8)
Never say never  :P

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on September 22, 2004, 08:23:50 AM
I dont think its happening, he has already played a handful of gigs with this band is ready to go, no need for a one off show, Hit Europe where they still have a taste for good music, then come home to the US.

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: LimeGreen_Engines on September 22, 2004, 01:10:02 PM

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Nytunz on September 22, 2004, 02:56:09 PM
hope not! Coz then i gotta use alot of monny on tickets

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on September 22, 2004, 03:16:47 PM
I doubt it very highly. If there were positive news, or a release for shortly after new years set in stone then yeah it would be awesome to happen. Just reemerging after 2 years heitus to play a single show would be without purpose I think. I personally think if the ball ever gets rolling for this band, everything will be announced all at once. Also, Axl has to of course have a comeback planned and Id rather it happen touring behind a brand new cd or at a huge festival like Rio, with a  new album shortly after of course. :-\

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Jizzo on September 22, 2004, 03:27:34 PM
 sure just like everyother year :smoking: : ok: :beer:

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: estranged.1098 on September 22, 2004, 03:45:07 PM

Brain will be doing the Bucket dates, then the Tom Waits dates then returning to the gnr camp in January. This has come from Brain  (Jarmo has a copy of the correspondence)

 : ok:

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 22, 2004, 04:12:35 PM
I don't see any reason to do that again(one show), unless they play nevada as a tour date..

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: oneway23 on September 23, 2004, 02:42:22 AM
Maybe for the Chinese New Year..... :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Butch Français on September 23, 2004, 04:58:48 AM

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: fixintodie on September 23, 2004, 09:02:20 AM
Guns N' Roses won't play Vegas, Europe, Axl's backyard, or anywhere else this year. It's a fact. Get used to it.
But just for the rumor lovers, I'd like to start this one for you all. I will reveal my source to the moderators in the next few weeks. Nah, just kidding, I'll make this one post then disappear.

There will be no GN'R tour/live show this year.
There will be no album this year.
There will be no single this year.
There will be no gnronline update this year.
There will be no Axl interview this year.
There will be no announcement this year.
Next February the album will be rumored to be released in April.
Next April the album will be rumored to be released in December '05.

Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.

Do you know where you are?! You're in the GN'R vicious circle baby! You're gonna die of old aaaaaaaaaaaaage....

Title: Re: Do you think that GNR will play Vegas this year?
Post by: Lesty on September 23, 2004, 02:03:30 PM
I'm skeptical about a lot of things, but I can see them playing a new years eve show in vegas.
The band will be back together rehearsing, the record will be done (but most likely not out).
Since they'll be rehearsing in LA, it's totally conceivable that if they do a special "one off" show in Vegas.
Just fly in for a day or 2 and do it. Lots of venues to choose from, and none of them have those damn "curfews" that many venues have in other cities. Axl can go on whenever the hell he wants.