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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dontcry44 on September 20, 2004, 10:53:07 PM

Title: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: dontcry44 on September 20, 2004, 10:53:07 PM
After all that has happened over the past few years, including cancelled shows, a delayed album, slack from the press, and an ever changing line-up of band member's, can Axl redeem himself and become the saviour of rock once again?

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: younggunner on September 20, 2004, 11:00:58 PM
we will know after we hear the last note of CD

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Timothy on September 20, 2004, 11:03:36 PM
Yeah but only if Cd kick major ass, and he can do a fucking tour with out haveing a major fuck up.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Crashdiet on September 20, 2004, 11:48:09 PM
Would you be here if you didn't think he could?

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Danny on September 20, 2004, 11:51:06 PM
I actually think that if the album comes out (which I doubt it ever will) Axl has a pretty good shot of redeeming himself.  He really didn't get as much press during "Round 1" as some of the posters here make it seem.  At this point, no press is good press, if you get my drift.


Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Falcon on September 20, 2004, 11:59:36 PM
Sure he can redeem himself, release a record and complete a tour is redemption enough.

Saviour of rock is goofy talk, putting a final shine on a tarnished perception is much more realistic.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 21, 2004, 12:35:39 AM
Personally, I don't think he needs to "redeem" himself.  His erratic behavior and unpredictablity is part of what makes him Axl Rose.  I don't think any less of him now than I did 10 years ago.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 21, 2004, 03:36:22 AM
Personally, I don't think he needs to "redeem" himself.? His erratic behavior and unpredictablity is part of what makes him Axl Rose.? I don't think any less of him now than I did 10 years ago.

Agreed. And as a "sorta" PR person..there is such a thing as bad press. TO SOME. To us, we know its just Axl being Axl. But to promoters and venues, it IS bad press and his bad rep. Which in turn hurts us fans. Not only are they against his "bad tude" and the giant that is Clear Channel, there might be less venues to play. Which we might get screwed on. Higher ticket prices, longer drives to venues. He really needs a smart PR person (not saying thats me, I'm just now learning about the trade) that would know how to make us fans happy AND the "higher ups." Gotta let Axl be Axl, but somehow not let hims fuck himself, like he sorta always does (which isn't all his fault, like I said its music biz bullshit). I think its very hard to let a artist be an artist sometimes, when its all driven by money, not art.

And I don't think we need a rock savior. We just need Axl back, going on tour and giving us his art. Fuck the music biz and charts. I HOPE they don't become "ultra huge" again. Axl will go back in hiding on us again and he will face the same demons he had to before. I want us fans to love the CD, see them in a small venue and all the haters to leave us alone!


Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: willow on September 21, 2004, 05:43:40 AM
The CD and Tour will tell!!

I believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 10:55:46 AM
It all depends on how they market the album..If they come out solid as one and make their rounds they should do good regardless of how it sounds, but if they do this band is never seen together live era type campaign then who knows..

Being it is the gnr name the initial sales will do well because of the established fan base..

I seriously think they need to be somewhat mtv friendly, they need a video..  It's a different world then when they left the scene, emo is big, hip hop n rap is huge, they definetly need to put an effort into it.. Please don't say they definetly will have videos because of the 13 million + put into this album, one never knows when it comes to axl..

I think it's different in the states then say the uk, I think gnr will be big in europe, but they'l need to make an effort for the USA...

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: younggunner on September 21, 2004, 11:00:32 AM
Please don't say they definetly will have videos because of the 13 million + put into this album, one never knows when it comes to axl..
LOL, if you dont think there will be videos your smokin some good stuff

Will they be as big as old gnr? Absolutely not. But theres no reason for them not to be the leaders of the rock world. Theres no reaosn to be where VR is right now but much more. Its all going to hinder on the music. If Axl and the band deliver a masterpiece of an album, people wont deny it. If Axl has written some all time great songs, he will elevate his rock status even more. If it bombs hes going to be taking a big hit.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 11:11:23 AM
He doesn't even mention the album for years, so why is not seeing a video impossible, he'll take forever on this one album.. Sitting there tweaking the same songs over n over isn't doing anything, you either have it or you don't, you can only improve so much..

Chinese d has been mentioned now for like 4 years, how long does it take to do on album.. As for those other albums I'll believe it when i see one of them.. Everything is hear say, nothing is in stone anywhere..How can there be no set dates for anything?

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 21, 2004, 11:16:17 AM

I seriously think they need to be somewhat mtv friendly,

I agree, they will probably need the support of MTV to gain many younger fans.? I suspect that won't be a problem, considering Kurt Loder's fondess for Axl/GNR.?

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 01:29:34 PM

I seriously think they need to be somewhat mtv friendly,

I agree, they will probably need the support of MTV to gain many younger fans.? I suspect that won't be a problem, considering Kurt Loder's fondess for Axl/GNR.?

Kurt loder, yeah he's been covering the gnr stuff for a long time.. Such a shame though that he gives an interview like a teenage girl who is interviewing timberlake.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: C0ma on September 21, 2004, 01:36:04 PM
Redeem himself??


Restore himself to his "Savior of Rock" "Face of Rock" status??

I don't think so, just because the idea of a "Rock Star" is sort of a bloated 70'- 80's concept. One man will never get that sort of attention again (unless things change (could he change them?))

"Video killed the radio star".........well, "Nirvana killed the Rock Star"

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 21, 2004, 02:06:15 PM

I don't think so, just because the idea of a "Rock Star" is sort of a bloated 70'- 80's concept. One man will never get that sort of attention again (unless things change (could he change them?))

"Video killed the radio star".........well, "Nirvana killed the Rock Star"

LMAO! How true! Great insight :)

I sure do miss rock stars tho. We need them badly. What happened to "fun" in music? I thought for sure the Darkness might bring it back..but that must have fizzled out. :(


Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 03:48:57 PM

I don't think so, just because the idea of a "Rock Star" is sort of a bloated 70'- 80's concept. One man will never get that sort of attention again (unless things change (could he change them?))

"Video killed the radio star".........well, "Nirvana killed the Rock Star"

LMAO! How true! Great insight :)

I sure do miss rock stars tho. We need them badly. What happened to "fun" in music? I thought for sure the Darkness might bring it back..but that must have fizzled out. :(


The darkness seemed to fissle out on their own, lack of new material.. I have chatted with people in the uk and they say they're pretty big.. Everyone fades unless they keep up their material..

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 21, 2004, 03:55:25 PM
true true..

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: MadmanDan on September 21, 2004, 04:09:40 PM
Redeem himself??? He has done nothing to disappoint me yet. There's no clear proof that he was responsable for the concert cancels,and from what I know,he's just taking his time to create an album I'll love.

Whenever I have doubts,I watch the RIR bootleg.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Lord Kayoss on September 21, 2004, 04:24:36 PM
All he has to do is release a great album.  And with all the time and money that has been invested in CD I don't think he has much to worry about. :nervous:

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 04:25:34 PM
Redeem himself??? He has done nothing to disappoint me yet. There's no clear proof that he was responsable for the concert cancels,and from what I know,he's just taking his time to create an album I'll love.

Whenever I have doubts,I watch the RIR bootleg.
I think with three guitairsts they could have done some much better promo material for the shows..That's just how I feel.. This is gnr , so being a older fan I have been waiting since the illusions for the new material, so it has been a disappointment to me..

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: ClintroN on September 21, 2004, 04:28:18 PM
Redeem himself??


Restore himself to his "Savior of Rock" "Face of Rock" status??

I don't think so, just because the idea of a "Rock Star" is sort of a bloated 70'- 80's concept. One man will never get that sort of attention again (unless things change (could he change them?))

"Video killed the radio star".........well, "Nirvana killed the Rock Star"

Fuckin' oath Axl has what it takes to have it back, name one other singer that can take the crowny, sure there out there but who els can acheive it, i beleive this album is gonna seriously fuck with the way things are today, fuck the top 50 n' fuck all that nonsence. For the record i do beleive this GnR with have the some if not more success then ol' GnR, WHY THE FUCK NOT : ok:

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Acquiesce on September 21, 2004, 04:30:23 PM
I guess I must ask what do you mean by redeem himself. If you mean can he redeem himself to the fans, my answer would be for the most part he doesn't need to do that. Most fans will forget everything once the CD is released.

If you mean redeem himself with the press I would say that is unlikely. He will always have his reputation with them.

Do you mean the public in general? I think that is unlikely, too. He is not going to be the savior of rock again because the music climate is entirely different today.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: D on September 21, 2004, 04:34:38 PM
axl will be the biggest thing music wise once he comes back

the darkness are such a fuckin joke, they are ok but they are more of a spinal tap novelty band to me then a serious rock n roll band, they are like a cliche or almost like they are playin the part of a rock star, they dont seem authentic and genuine to me.

Scott is awesome and there is no one like him right now, so imagine when axl comes back with something incredible, it will be the biggest comeback ever.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 04:38:56 PM
Scott is awesome and there is no one like him right now, so imagine when axl comes back with something incredible, it will be the biggest comeback ever.

I just hope axl wants everything we do...

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: neko on September 21, 2004, 05:19:27 PM
well i think he cant be the Savior of Rock , for the fans of course yes,but for the general public? the same crap of music will be played on mtv even with Axl , he would inspired new generations and that would be cool , there are now many young bands that are inspired by Axl but they are not in mtv , the main thing is that everything that makes a change then becomes popular and then becomes overused , for example the rap ,  rap is execelent , not the one that is on mtv all the day, thats a joke not rap , so the bad thing is not the music as rap , rock , etc , its the kind of overused make money that companys start doing when something is big , so Axl can change a face of Rock again , but that wont last,  then the Rock would be popular again and you know whats the next thing.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: Mattman on September 21, 2004, 05:34:40 PM
well i think he cant be the Savior of Rock , for the fans of course yes,but for the general public? the same crap of music will be played on mtv even with Axl , he would inspired new generations and that would be cool , there are now many young bands that are inspired by Axl but they are not in mtv , the main thing is that everything that makes a change then becomes popular and then becomes overused , for example the rap ,? rap is execelent , not the one that is on mtv all the day, thats a joke not rap , so the bad thing is not the music as rap , rock , etc , its the kind of overused make money that companys start doing when something is big , so Axl can change a face of Rock again , but that wont last,? then the Rock would be popular again and you know whats the next thing.


Ahem.  I think that the only way MTV will stop being a rap-o-centric station is if someone comes along and has a Nirvana-size effect on music, completely overturning past trends in favour of a new sound.  Unfortunately, even if he has the musical balls to do it, Axl can't do that, simply because there is an unspoken ageism in rock music.  I'm as guilty as the next guy in that regard, often dismissive of acts over 40 years old (except for Neil Young).  Axl can become very popular, but he won't change the face of music.

Back to the main topic of this thread.  I think Axl NEEDS to redeem himself at this point.  His last tour became kind of a caricature of himself - the late/missed shows, the ego, etc.  In the last tour he rested mainly on the laurels of Appetite, and no matter how much you guys say you like the new band, I'm never going to have respect for them if they remain an Appetite For Destruction cover band - they have to begin playing their own material.  I don't want to hear Slash's solos played unless they're by Slash - I want to hear a solo by Robin Finck or Richard Fortus (well, truthfully, I want to hear a solo by Buckethead, but so much for that).  Axl needs to redeem himself as a MUSICIAN, first and foremost.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: November Rain 91 on September 21, 2004, 10:07:43 PM
I guess I must ask what do you mean by redeem himself. If you mean can he redeem himself to the fans, my answer would be for the most part he doesn't need to do that. Most fans will forget everything once the CD is released.

If you mean redeem himself with the press I would say that is unlikely. He will always have his reputation with them.

Do you mean the public in general? I think that is unlikely, too. He is not going to be the savior of rock again because the music climate is entirely different today.

*agreed* assuming axl releases CD and finishes the tour, i think he could go two directions from there. He could either release another cd ASAP, in which case i think he will have made a successful comeback, or he can go back to the studio for who knows how long. If this were the case, i don't think he will have "redeemed" himself, just released another cd and disappeared again. If he doesn't keep himself and new gnr in the spotlight, we'll be right back at this thread again... :no:

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on September 22, 2004, 08:51:08 PM
we will know after we hear the last note of CD

Once he drops the CD he will redeem himself. But like one of you siad, I don't think has to redeem hiself at all.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: jarmo on September 23, 2004, 06:52:30 AM
No he can't.

He could release the best album in the history of music and people would still complain.  :P

It's always been like that.


Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: yagami1gnr on September 23, 2004, 07:23:30 AM
Well, does he have to?
Besides, it doesn't matter, like Jarmo said even if  he delivers one of the best albums in history, people would still complain. This reminds me the caricature of Axl with B'head made byLethyC where B'head reads the news and he tells
that all the wrong things on the world are his fault.  :peace:

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: fixintodie on September 23, 2004, 10:06:12 AM
If Axl wants to redeem himself, he needs to concentrate on the fans he's let down over the last few years first, before he goes recruiting a bunch of teenage MTV viewers. How about writing us once in a while dude?

And for the last time, The Darkness are a parody band. And a shit one at that. GN'R are/were the real thing. The Darkness fizzled out because they're absolutely fucking shit. A squealy voiced Freddie Mercury rip off, guitar riffs that are total Brian May ripoffs, and an attitude that pisses on everything rock stands for doesn't make a great band IMO. And I'm from the UK, so spare me 'but they're still big over there' bullshit. Yeah, so are the Cheeky Girls. Whats your point?

Release some music Axl.

Title: Re: Can Axl redeem himself?
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 23, 2004, 01:26:08 PM
If Axl wants to redeem himself, he needs to concentrate on the fans he's let down over the last few years first, before he goes recruiting a bunch of teenage MTV viewers. How about writing us once in a while dude?

And for the last time, The Darkness are a parody band. And a shit one at that. GN'R are/were the real thing. The Darkness fizzled out because they're absolutely fucking shit. A squealy voiced Freddie Mercury rip off, guitar riffs that are total Brian May ripoffs, and an attitude that pisses on everything rock stands for doesn't make a great band IMO. And I'm from the UK, so spare me 'but they're still big over there' bullshit. Yeah, so are the Cheeky Girls. Whats your point?

Release some music Axl.

Eeks. sorry I brought the Darkness up. I thought they were cool. A nod to glam metal more than GnR type of music.