Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Mattman on September 20, 2004, 01:45:09 AM

Title: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Mattman on September 20, 2004, 01:45:09 AM
One of the things about Axl back in his 80s heyday was that he managed to make ANYTHING look cool.  Kilts, spandex biker shorts, red confederate flag jackets, massively puffed up hair, or just plain ol' bandana 'n' leather, he always looked like the consumate rock god in action.  Ever since his attempts at a comeback, though, he's seemed the exact opposite - constantly LACKING in style.  First it was the opened plain white shirt, back in Vegas in 2001.  Then it was the infamous sports jerseys, and the braids.  It all seems like pathetic attempts to have a new style, but really, he doesn't need it.  I mean, he's Axl Friggin' Rose.

By the way, does anyone know how long it takes for Botox treatments to wear off?  Because Axl seemed a whole lot easier on the eyes in 2001, before you could see your reflection in his cheekbones.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: ClintroN on September 20, 2004, 02:01:50 AM
trust me dude, if Axl kept wearing all that shit from back in the day today, you included would knock the shit out of him.

Axl still has style mate, whats wrong with the jerseys ???

Pathetic attempt you say, do you still want Axl wearing bike shorts???
It just wouldnt work today, dont get me wrong, but c'mon man, do you think anyone would give him a chance if he was still wearing all that stuff. I thought it was all cool, i didnt have a problem at all with his clothes, but what about the ex-members, non of them wear that shit neither.
Motley Crue aint gonna wear all that crape they wore when they do their reunion.

Your last paragraph just tops the cake too, just leave him alone : ok:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 20, 2004, 03:46:17 AM
Im with you clintron I wish people would get off his ass about how he dressed man i think the braids are tight and i beleive if he kept the straight plain hair it wouldnt be that apealing to a younger generation.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Mattman on September 20, 2004, 03:56:49 AM
trust me dude, if Axl kept wearing all that shit from back in the day today, you included would knock the shit out of him.

Axl still has style mate, whats wrong with the jerseys ???

Pathetic attempt you say, do you still want Axl wearing bike shorts???
It just wouldnt work today, dont get me wrong, but c'mon man, do you think anyone would give him a chance if he was still wearing all that stuff. I thought it was all cool, i didnt have a problem at all with his clothes, but what about the ex-members, non of them wear that shit neither.
Motley Crue aint gonna wear all that crape they wore when they do their reunion.

Your last paragraph just tops the cake too, just leave him alone : ok:

Yeah, I know he's older, but I think there's a better way to mature in your style than sports jerseys and braids.? I don't see Jon Bon Frickin' Jovi with braids and sports jerseys (I did, however, see Jani Lane with a mohawk and wallet chain, and Tommy Lee with a Coolio haircut back when that was popular.? But those cases are far more pathetic than Axl's).

Im with you clintron I wish people would get off his ass about how he dressed man i think the braids are tight and i beleive if he kept the straight plain hair it wouldnt be that apealing to a younger generation.

You guys can believe what you want to believe.? But I'm part of the younger generation, and I like the old clothes Axl and GN'R and Motley Crue used to wear.? Not that I think they should be wearing that stuff today.? But I'm forming a band right now and we are gonna have that 80s trash-glam look.? I think it's cool.

So maybe the problem isn't Axl's sense of style, but mine.  In that case, I'm proudly in the camp with Axl 1988 rather than Axl 2002.  That's the guy I admire more, anyway.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 20, 2004, 04:32:03 AM
sorry dude or should i say mr 5 shots gets me wasted.. but im a part of this generation too and i happen to have grown up with parents that done the whole 80's bs and i can honestly say if axl attempted that i would thrash him... i love the style just not in now 17 years ago it was great but now its just too much

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: norway on September 20, 2004, 04:47:05 AM
 what happene with axl's whatever?
One word: Age
... when your looks change (like it does with time) you have to follow and throw away some clothes you used to wear.

(still, i don't understand why he don't even sporting leather jackets anymore, even judaspriest (70?) uses them)

Anyway, he's still fit to rock :yes:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: willow on September 20, 2004, 05:46:27 AM
What a guy can't change once in a while?? And please don't compare him to Jon, but if you must, Jon has changed a lot too.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: SON OF A PREACHER on September 20, 2004, 05:54:22 AM
I dont have a problem with the way he is dressing, not even the braids.....BUT THE CLOTH HAS TO BE SO BIG ???????????????ITS LIKE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: noonespecial on September 20, 2004, 07:00:08 AM
"I dont have a problem with the way he is dressing, not even the braids.....BUT THE CLOTH HAS TO BE SO BIG ???ITS LIKE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

The braids in my opinion make him look like the predator...and we all know what a mean SOB the predator is... :hihi:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: nesquick on September 20, 2004, 07:23:06 AM
Sure that for those (the general public) who knew the Axl of the early 90's (a huge Rockstar, who dressed like a Rockstar, very muscled etc...), seeing him now with braids and large XXXXXXLLLLLL clothes is a really shock, pretty awfull to watch.
You know Axl just should dress like a normal guy, like Fortus, Stinson, Dizzy or Brain in the band, just normal. Jean + tee-shirt and sometimes fashion clothes. That's it. Look at U2, they all dress normal. The red hot chilli peppers all dress normal. just dress normal.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Butch Français on September 20, 2004, 09:32:05 AM
it went on a permanent vacation about the time the UYI's was released! ;D

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on September 20, 2004, 09:45:05 AM
   A big predictor of success for Axl and the new Guns is going to be (and I know some of you may get mad at this) is his weight and conditioning.  Out of breath, heavier rock stars can't succeed.  Of course, I am measuring success in plain old $$$ brought in.  The music is going to be great.  I have no doubt about that...but...let's be real.  In the real world, people who look good, i.e. taller, leaner, younger, etc. get paid more per hour for doing the same exact job as others who don't look as good. 
  If Axl comes back looking chiseled, confident, and ready to kick some ass, there is no limit to this band's potential.  I can't f'in wait!!!

-Axl4Prez2004 :)

PS If he can do this, braids or no braids, it won't matter what he wears!     

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Booker Floyd on September 20, 2004, 09:51:55 AM
Yeah, Im not a fan of oversized hockey and football jerseys...but its not that big of a deal. 

I liked the blazer look from Las Vegas a few years ago (although I hated the glitter/Chinese shirts)...Wouldnt mind seeing something like that again.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: amundsma on September 20, 2004, 10:03:40 AM
He never had a good sense of style. 

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Izzy on September 20, 2004, 10:25:15 AM
For fucks sake!

Endlessly talking about a 42 year old's clothing is very VERY gay

Give it a break

If it bothers u so much go follow another band other wise shut up - we have this thread every 25 mins

''blah blah i hate the braids''

Well go to his house and fuckin' cut them off them.

Axl always dressed weird - its called rock n' roll and its why GNR were so distinctive - now go back to inane threads about axl's teeth or whether Buckethead is better than Slash :confused:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: horsey on September 20, 2004, 11:25:14 AM
as for the style i don't have braids.but have had cornrows in  my hair.when the sixers were in the playoffs.the styles did change much since then.and i think he is just going with the times.and just maybe he likes what he wears now.and i do agree it is different to what we are used to.but it seems all normal to me.and i do dress the same way and  have changed from a biker to jerseys also.and sports things i wear now.but a leather sixers coat still.still love leather just not biker leather anymore.and i do like myself more now then yrs ago.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 20, 2004, 11:31:57 AM
I can remember him getting seriously made fun of for the kilt look, and even the biker shorts.  Now some people want that look back?  Some people just like to ridicule and complain.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: noonespecial on September 20, 2004, 11:42:59 AM
Izzy--dude--either up the dosage or lower it (whatever it takes) Good Lord calm down...if you can't see the humor in this than maybe you should not have clicked on the's pretty clear what kind of stuff was going to be talked about... :hihi: Sheeesh!

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on September 20, 2004, 11:46:50 AM
i dunno how to explain the jerseys or braids.. but all i can think of is Midlife Crisis..  :hihi:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 20, 2004, 11:48:55 AM
I can remember him getting seriously made fun of for the kilt look, and even the biker shorts.? Now some people want that look back?? Some people just like to ridicule and complain.
I remember that, people just like everything gnr did back then, as in today.. Everything looks bad as and great today, but for the younger fans they don't realise it wasn't always like that.

I personally think some jeans, or leather pants with a rock t-shirt looks cool.. If I had to pick a look for an older axl it would be the way he looked in the Yesterday's video.. I'm definetly not a fan of the hair n jerseys..When I saw them live I didn't think he needed to keep changing new york jerseys.. I guess he's trying to show appreciation towards the city, but it was never about that..

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: hoolign10 on September 20, 2004, 01:20:27 PM
I am going to have to agree that axl does not dress cool anymore.  He is not in style for the times in giant jerseys and braids.  His look would be in style for a rapper not a rock n roll singer.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Acquiesce on September 20, 2004, 03:13:35 PM
It seems like Axl is going for a more modern style, but unfortunately the style isn't that flattering to Axl. I agree that the jerseys look more like they are for a rapper instead of a rock star. I also don't think oversize jerseys are that fashionable in the first place. They make a person look more sloppy in my opinion. I do like braids, but it's just not a flattering hairstyle for Axl.

I do like most of Axl's 80's style but come on the biker shorts are one thing I do not miss. I wouldn't want him to go back to the kilts either. 

I really liked Axl's RIR3 look. It suited him well. He still looked like a rock star without looking dated.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: neko on September 20, 2004, 03:53:55 PM
like Acquiesce said i also like how he looked in rock in rio 3 , the dragon shirt and the hair looked pretty cool , i think he should keep that look , i dont know why he change it but well , and yes i was little when Axl used to wear those shorts , but people make fun of that also .

i think that he will have a different look when he appear in public again . i havent seen any picture of las vegas 2001 , can anyone post one of the concert?

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on September 20, 2004, 04:16:34 PM
like Acquiesce said i also like how he looked in rock in rio 3 , the dragon shirt and the hair looked pretty cool , i think he should keep that look , i dont know why he change it but well , and yes i was little when Axl used to wear those shorts , but people make fun of that also .

i think that he will have a different look when he appear in public again . i havent seen any picture of las vegas 2001 , can anyone post one of the concert?

you can go to and find some concert pics and also on the rare axl pics thread on this forum, you'll find a couple of pics taken by fans outside of the concert on the same night..

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: sergejg on September 20, 2004, 04:23:47 PM
All I have to say is that if the music is awesome then what the hell do we care about the crappy look. (by the way my G-friend is very disapointed too by the overzised cloths)

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 20, 2004, 06:13:04 PM
I seriously doubt he ever decided to put on a kilt so others would think he looked cool.  I don't remember anyone at the time saying "wow, sweet, I'm gonna go buy me a kilt too!"  But he did get a reaction and did get people to notice, which I'm guessing was his main goal.  In which case, he's been pretty successful with the braids, cause everyone remembers it from the VMA's and we are all still talking about it 2 years later.  So good for him. 

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: vicarious existence on September 20, 2004, 06:17:17 PM
i think that he will have a different look when he appear in public again .

Same here, I have a feeling the braids and oversized jerseys might be gone next time we see him. Has he ever really kept the same look for very long?

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on September 20, 2004, 06:46:10 PM
For fucks sake!

Endlessly talking about a 42 year old's clothing is very VERY gay

Give it a break

If it bothers u so much go follow another band other wise shut up - we have this thread every 25 mins

''blah blah i hate the braids''

Well go to his house and fuckin' cut them off them.

Axl always dressed weird - its called rock n' roll and its why GNR were so distinctive - now go back to inane threads about axl's teeth or whether Buckethead is better than Slash :confused:


Axl's style is still just that:  Axl's style
 : ok:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on September 20, 2004, 08:01:07 PM
Axl has always worn some strange outfits.  Running around in a catcher's chest protector and a kilt is not exactly the greatest fashion statement ever.  Nor are spandex bike shorts and see through net shirts.  I'd rather see him wearing jerseys and braids than that stuff

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: jabba2 on September 20, 2004, 08:55:02 PM
In some photos its like hes trying to look like Eddie Vedder. His hairs permed and dyed light brown...well maybe it was a wig. But whatever. Axl was by far the coolest when he wore leather and dressed like Slash-leather pants/jacket, jeans, tshirts. Even the biker shorts were kind of a signature for him. If he broke those out on occasion everyone will probably at least relate to that better.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 20, 2004, 09:05:20 PM
on wonder cd has never came out... god hes to damn paranoid to come out in public cause you fucks give to much thought into wat he wears

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Boner on September 20, 2004, 09:40:52 PM

Yeah, I know he's older, but I think there's a better way to mature in your style than sports jerseys and braids.? I don't see Jon Bon Frickin' Jovi with braids and sports jerseys (I did, however, see Jani Lane with a mohawk and wallet chain, and Tommy Lee with a Coolio haircut back when that was popular.?

Bon Jovi  looks like a total Homo....I'm not sure what he is, a musician or a Model boy?

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on September 20, 2004, 09:43:00 PM
Axl has always worn some strange outfits.  Running around in a catcher's chest protector and a kilt is not exactly the greatest fashion statement ever.  Nor are spandex bike shorts and see through net shirts.  I'd rather see him wearing jerseys and braids than that stuff

i think the net shirts kicked @$$..

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: dontcry44 on September 20, 2004, 10:17:28 PM
Axl has a presence that is untouchable.... when GnR performed at the Freddy Mercury Concert back in 92, GnR was in their prime.... when axl stepped on stage, he had never looked cooler.... he was undoubtably the star of the night as he strutted on stage wearing his British flagged jacket and Dr. Martins.....  then when I saw Axl come out of his 10 year old shell at the VMA's, he looked totally different but at the same time refreshed... you can say what you want about his style but in the end it's still Axl and you can't knock him..... he can still make a football jersey look cool and braids a fashion trend because he's Axl and everyone loves the guy. You can say you wish he still looked the same as he did in 1988, but would you want to look the way you did in 1988 and wear clothes from 1988? The world evolves and so do people.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Danny on September 20, 2004, 11:54:24 PM
White cowboy hat with sheriff star + kilt + umpire's chestplate = successful Axl comeback

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Lady Livin on September 20, 2004, 11:55:23 PM
look at brides of destruction.. look at sebastian bach.. they still have their style that they were known for before. i agree with the one who created this thread; when it comes to style, i just don't think oversized jerseys and oversized pants do him justice. the braids, i couldn't care less about.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 21, 2004, 12:29:51 AM
ok well i tend to argue that axl does dress cool compared to the listed artists below.....? ?






for fucks sake get off his fucking ass..

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: ClintroN on September 21, 2004, 04:04:35 PM
Axl has always worn some strange outfits.? Running around in a catcher's chest protector and a kilt is not exactly the greatest fashion statement ever.? Nor are spandex bike shorts and see through net shirts.? I'd rather see him wearing jerseys and braids than that stuff

thats fuckin' right dude,
it's hard to beleive that some people here actually want that back, it's was cool for it's time but yeah, chest protector n' bike shorts wouldnt go to well in 2004'.

the only jersey i didnt like that was to baggy was at MSG 02' during YCBM, the rest were? pretty cool,

are some of you gay :hihi:

n' plus, quit sayin' he looks more of a rapper n' shit, if he did he would be wearin' heavy gold chains with all the bullshit that comes along with it, hell, some of you's think Fred Durst is a rock star!!!!!!

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 21, 2004, 04:43:30 PM
//RQ, so anyone with braides is on axl's dick..? Glad he invented them.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: anarchy on September 21, 2004, 04:59:51 PM
Axl's style?


He never had any.  ;)

Or more accurately, it's unique.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Leah_RocketQueen on September 21, 2004, 05:44:42 PM
I love axl, and personally, i don't care what he wears. His hair and his clothes dont change who he is, or his voice, or his attitude!!! so, guys, get off his case! give the guy a break, he is always gonna be a rocker, no matter what he is wearing.  : ok:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: sergejg on September 22, 2004, 01:48:19 AM
ok well i tend to argue that axl does dress cool compared to the listed artists below.....? ?

for fucks sake get off his fucking ass..

You are so fucking right. That was a good one, he will always look more ass kickin than those guys.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 22, 2004, 03:18:32 AM
u know it

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: metallex78 on September 22, 2004, 03:19:05 AM
The way I look at it, it's almost as if Axl is dressing the complete opposite to how he did in the early 90's, where everything he wore was skimpy and skin-tight. Now everything he wears is 5 sizes too big.

Maybe he needs a fashion guidance counsellor so he can get clothes that actually fit him... : ok:

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: darkmonth on September 22, 2004, 07:02:13 AM
Im with you clintron I wish people would get off his ass about how he dressed man i think the braids are tight and i beleive if he kept the straight plain hair it wouldnt be that apealing to a younger generation.

eerrrrr ... what?

Braids make you appeal to younger audiences?

Hmm... yeah... whatever....

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 22, 2004, 09:46:25 PM
The way I look at it, it's almost as if Axl is dressing the complete opposite to how he did in the early 90's, where everything he wore was skimpy and skin-tight. Now everything he wears is 5 sizes too big.

Maybe he needs a fashion guidance counsellor so he can get clothes that actually fit him... : ok:

He can`t get away with wearing skin tight clothes anymore. Middle age happened  :hihi:

Seriously, who wears the same stuff they wore 15 years ago? I don`t have a problem with the braids or football jerseys. As long as he makes great music thats all that matters.

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on September 23, 2004, 01:28:16 AM
He can`t get away with wearing skin tight clothes anymore.

Somebody PLEASE tell that to Scott Weiland. 

Title: Re: Whatever Happened to Axl's Sense of Style?
Post by: Naupis on September 23, 2004, 01:33:24 AM
Weiland has a great sense of style and is rail thin, so he can wear whatever he wants and get away with it. He is actually an example of someone who has come a long way style wise. When you see him out now he looks like a rockstar, that hasn't always been the case.