Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Mattman on September 20, 2004, 01:02:25 AM

Title: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mattman on September 20, 2004, 01:02:25 AM
I'm starting to reconsider the benefits of drinking.  There are three things I like to do when I'm drunk - talk aggressively to people, hit on girls, and bounce off the walls like a lunatic.  Unfortunately, this weekend it got me into a lot of trouble.  Friday night I went to a party at a friend's house, where I hit on her and all her friends...a bit of groping was involved.  I felt bad about it the next day, so I called and apologized, although she seemed fine with it ("we all do stuff like that when we're drunk").

If Friday made me think about the negative consequences of drinking, Saturday smacked me upside the head with them.  A friend of mine came over to the university and we were partying on my floor with people.  We drank six shots of vodka and then went around wandering the streets, eventually going to the Student Ghetto (so called because the houses are really shitty, and a lot of students live there).  There was a party going on in one of the houses, and I went in there a few times, although it started to become clear that The Homeowner didn't want me there.  It seemed pretty lame, though.  But then I lost my buddy, and I was walking up and down the streets calling out for him.  So I stumbled back to the party again, and The Homeowner's tough-looking, beer-swilling friend is telling me to go away, and I tell him to fuck off.  The Homeowner, though, says, "Hey, let him in, man, whatever."  I go inside, my friend isn't there, I go back out.  And then Tough Guy pushes me in the chest and tells me to get the fuck out.  And, being drunk, I tell him, "FUCK YOU!"  That would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

Tough Guy grabs me in a crushing choke hold and drags me right down the street.  I can't even breathe and I struggle to get out because I'm a skinny guy.  Somebody manages to get him off me, and this really nice upper-year girl walks me home.  And it's a good thing she did, too, because I was absolutely destroyed.  I kept on blubbering the whole way home, about how my friend was missing, about how I hated the university (or at least I did that night), about how I was going to kill the guy that choked me.  But anyway, she brought me back to my dorm and up to my room.  But of course I had a bit of drunken stupidity left in me, and I tried to hit on her, told her to stay in my room.  She gave a mild laugh and said, "Have a good night," and that was that.  In an amazing stroke of luck, my friend showed up 10 minutes later.  He had found my floormates and gone back with them.

I woke up the next morning to my very first hangover, and found that my wallet was either lost or stolen, because I looked through the whole room and it wasn't there.  I only had 10 bucks in there, but a whole bunch of cards that it'll be a big hassle to replace.

Drinking has always been fun for me, as a very extroverted, animated drinker.  But last night, it got me into a lot of shit.  I really am a different person when I'm drunk - a definite Jekyll-and-Hyde kind of thing.  I don't think I'll be drinking for a while (at least a few weeks).  Maybe this will be a funny drinking story in a while.  But it was kind of a shock to me, a point where drinking stopped being harmless fun and got me into a really dangerous situation.  I don't really drink all that often, because I don't have a fake ID.  But when I do drink, I get pretty wild.

Did anybody else here have a certain moment where the novelty of getting drunk wore off and they thought maybe they'd better adjust their behaviour a little bit?

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 20, 2004, 02:09:40 AM
9-10-04 was seven years of no drinking for me.

I stopped for a reason(s).

Quality of life and integrity topped the list.

If you don't like who you are when you drink.....

Don't drink.

If you are smart enough to question it now, be even smarter and stop now.

There are a million stories of sorrow out there.

Why make it a million and one?

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Will on September 20, 2004, 02:14:07 AM
Wow, not even wine?

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 20, 2004, 02:16:28 AM
Wow, not even wine?


I quit everything on that day in 1997.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Chris Misfit on September 20, 2004, 03:28:13 AM
I've done some stupid things.

Most of which involve ladies which is fair play.

From the ages of 15 - 21 was always quite sensible. My friends would always be throwing up or be kicked out of pubs, or something. I was always the funny drunk.

But from the ages of 21 onwards drinking has become somewhat of a  problem: I won't go into detail, but it has caused relationship problems between me and the people I hold close.

Y'see when I drink it's not 6 vodkas, or 10 pints. When I hit 10 pints I can't stop there. I dri nk very quickly too. If there's 15 beer in the house, I'll drink them all. If I have money to buy beer after beer, I will.

I'm not violent. I like a bit of craic. You may think "ach well, sure as long as you're not hurting anyone" but if you'd seen some of the states I've been in because of drink, or the after afects (shaking, waking up screaming, others I am far too embaresed to say) you wouldn't find it so funny.

I had to leave Ireland because of my habits. I was drinking as long as I had money. 4-5 times per week. I always thought I was ok, because my friends did it too, I now realise we all had problems.

But I still drink, I always will.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Aava on September 20, 2004, 03:33:22 AM
Sound like a normal weekend for someone in your age. Or at least mine used to be the same back when i was just turned 18.

Now i can go to a pub and drink just few ciders and then go back home, no fights or anything stupid. Usually.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 20, 2004, 03:59:21 AM
I've done some stupid things.

Most of which involve ladies which is fair play.

From the ages of 15 - 21 was always quite sensible. My friends would always be throwing up or be kicked out of pubs, or something. I was always the funny drunk.

But from the ages of 21 onwards drinking has become somewhat of a? problem: I won't go into detail, but it has caused relationship problems between me and the people I hold close.

Y'see when I drink it's not 6 vodkas, or 10 pints. When I hit 10 pints I can't stop there. I dri nk very quickly too. If there's 15 beer in the house, I'll drink them all. If I have money to buy beer after beer, I will.

I'm not violent. I like a bit of craic. You may think "ach well, sure as long as you're not hurting anyone" but if you'd seen some of the states I've been in because of drink, or the after afects (shaking, waking up screaming, others I am far too embaresed to say) you wouldn't find it so funny.

I had to leave Ireland because of my habits. I was drinking as long as I had money. 4-5 times per week. I always thought I was ok, because my friends did it too, I now realise we all had problems.

But I still drink, I always will.

Wow im a spitting image of you im only nineteen but im starting to realise theres a problem cause im starting to drink daily even by myself ahhh... never thought that would happen.ive been drinking since i was 14 it probably doesnt help that i have a pretty strong irish german backround

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: matt88 on September 20, 2004, 05:24:50 AM
I usually have a big piss up with all my mates and our group from school every couple of weeks. But lately it's been kinda u know repetitive. I'm kind of looking forward to turning 18 and going to pubs and meeting new people and stuff. Because when my friends and i drink we do crazy shit and lately it's gotten me into trouble.

I like having alcohol because i'm a shy person and when i have it i can be myself a bit more and the opposite sex doesn't seem as scary when i'm tipsy or drunk lol.

But it does give me a big mouth and when people do somehthing i don't like i will say what i think. Not to long ago i got into an argument with a guy who got some friends down to bash me, but cos i had some mates with me and talked me out of getting into a fight nothing happened. If gettin into fights and putting up with hangovers continues i wont drink 4 2 much longer.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Will on September 20, 2004, 09:32:11 AM
But I still drink, I always will.

Same here. I kinda stopped the "heavy drinking" after 18 though. I did some stupid things when I was 16 and drunk, but never any fight or shit like this. Now I got my wine with dinner, I'm fine with that. It always makes me laugh when people are "drunk" on Miller lite or Coors lite around I mean come on, this is water, this is not even beer, how can you be drunk with that?? ;D

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mattgnr on September 20, 2004, 10:28:07 AM
Yeah, Alcohol can be great.. and sometimes it can make you pull a fat bird- damn those beer goggles.

Beware the fat birds buying you drinks  :-\  :yes:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: loretian on September 20, 2004, 10:29:56 AM
I used to drink pretty much nonstop.? I don't believe I was ever really an alchoholic, but I partied every night and it got to the point that I would get a hangover if I didn't drink.? I really like talking to people and making new friends, but I'm more introverted than extroverted, so I haven't done that many stupid things when drunk.? After I started drinking, I quickly picked up pot smoking (actually, the pot smoking might have come first, I don't even remember now) and that has been more of a problem for me.

Smoking pot is just something I love to do.? No matter where I'm at, no matter what I'm doing, I'd rather be stoned than sober.? It's not the same with getting drunk, most of the time, I'd rather not be drunk, or I don't drink to the point of getting drunk anymore.? I've quit pot a couple of times but never been able to shake it completely.? I smoke it now, but in extremely small quantities.? Pot, unlike alcohol, generally doesn't make you do stupid things (unless you combine the two), but it can also make you lazy.? If you do it right, it can make you focus in on something too, so I used to get stoned right before playing a game of football, and just tear it up, until about an hour in when I would get really tired.  It really can help you focus, unlike what it usually does.  I used to get so focused in on catching the football that I'd pay no attention to what was around me, and injured myself pretty badly a few times, and one time had to go to the emergency room.  I never dropped the ball, though.   ;D? ?It's great for writing music and playing music too, but it doesn't really inspire you to get off your ass if you've been lazy about cleaning your place, for example.

Along with pot there has been other drugs, but I never really had a problem resisting the urge to constantly do the rest.? Besides, last time I tried to shroom, I started vomiting and it went on for a whole day.? ?:confused: :drool:

SLC, I think you quitting cold turkey and never looking back speaks volumes about your character.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 20, 2004, 02:04:59 PM

SLC, I think you quitting cold turkey and never looking back speaks volumes about your character.

Thanks. Everytime I'm up skiing somewhere, or reminds me of how worth it, it was.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: sandman on September 20, 2004, 02:41:51 PM
you people are weak.

i love alcohol. it's a great thing.

just don't let it control you. learn to be a happy drunk. and let the good times roll!  :beer:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 20, 2004, 03:16:19 PM
you people are weak.

i love alcohol. it's a great thing.

just don't let it control you. learn to be a happy drunk. and let the good times roll!? :beer:

Have fun.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Acquiesce on September 20, 2004, 03:30:43 PM
you people are weak.

i love alcohol. it's a great thing.

just don't let it control you. learn to be a happy drunk. and let the good times roll!? :beer:

Actually, I think the weaker person is someone who needs alcohol to have fun! Not that I am totally against alcohol, but I don't see the appeal in being drunk.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Skeletor on September 20, 2004, 03:30:44 PM
Alcohol works well for me, I'm never aggressive or otherwise annoying, I'm just in a good mood and happy most of the time. OK, once I start guzzling tequila, I might get into something stupid, but then again I've also done lots of great, dissolute things while drunk.. the stuff of legends!  :)

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: MadmanDan on September 20, 2004, 03:57:19 PM
Like someone before me said: If you don't like yourself when you drink,don't drink.
  I love myself when I drink! I'm in an excellent mood and nothing makes me angry or upset.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Dot on September 20, 2004, 04:24:48 PM
If alcohol is a demon, then I?m clearly possesed.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: ClintroN on September 20, 2004, 04:29:28 PM
9-10-04 was seven years of no drinking for me.

Thats excellent dude, really : ok:

when the weekend hits, i cant help myself, straight to the pub n' take aways for the night.
No shit guys, me n' the guitarist in my band went through a bottle of Rum in 45 minutes, i couldnt bloody beleive it and when i wake up after the night, the first thing a do is look for a drink and keep goin' until sunday night, plus were on a mission to get some buds, it's not good!!!!

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Chris Misfit on September 20, 2004, 04:36:36 PM
It always makes me laugh when people are "drunk" on Miller lite or Coors lite around I mean come on, this is water, this is not even beer, how can you be drunk with that??

Some of my friends in Ireland drink that shit, even normal Miller is water. I dunno how many of those things I'd need to get drunk, possibly run out of money before that.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: R4tfink on September 20, 2004, 04:43:00 PM
It always makes me laugh when people are "drunk" on Miller lite or Coors lite around I mean come on, this is water, this is not even beer, how can you be drunk with that??

Some of my friends in Ireland drink that shit, even normal Miller is water. I dunno how many of those things I'd need to get drunk, possibly run out of money before that.

The Mller brewery would be in danger of going out of business.

Drunken Irish hooligan!

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Will on September 20, 2004, 04:44:59 PM
Some of my friends in Ireland drink that shit, even normal Miller is water. I dunno how many of those things I'd need to get drunk, possibly run out of money before that.

No kidding...ever noticed how they don't put the alcohol percentage on those "beers"? On a Leffe or Grimbergen or any belgian/german beer you can see the alcohol percentage, and usually it's pretty high. Good thing they don't drink Leffe triple (it's like 8%)... ;D

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mattgnr on September 20, 2004, 04:59:56 PM
You can only get Leffe in half pints in my area - i always tick with Stella or Fosters when i have football the following day.

I always find, that if you drink a pint of water before you get to sleep, you won't wake up with a headache - the water seems to inflate your brain after the alcohol shrinks it  :beer:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Will on September 20, 2004, 05:02:02 PM
Yeah I noticed that too, that's especially a good advice when you drink champagne!

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Eazy E on September 20, 2004, 05:14:33 PM
I woke up the next morning to my very first hangover,

Did anybody else here have a certain moment where the novelty of getting drunk wore off and they thought maybe they'd better adjust their behaviour a little bit?

Your very FIRST hangover?  and you're in University?

Sure I've had these "moments" before.  You feel like some big revelation has been made and say you're going to stop drinking.  It probably won't happen though, next weekend the guys will be heading out to the bar, and you'll have recovered.

You can't let drinking take you over though.  Mattman in particular doesn't really need to worry about that yet... if it's the first time having a hangover, and he remembers what happened the night before, he's not in deep shit yet.  Wait for those times when you blackout, that can get scary as hell.

As Slash says "A man's got to know his limitations".

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: MCT on September 20, 2004, 06:45:14 PM
I woke up the next morning to my very first hangover,

Did anybody else here have a certain moment where the novelty of getting drunk wore off and they thought maybe they'd better adjust their behaviour a little bit?

Your very FIRST hangover?? and you're in University?

Sure I've had these "moments" before.? You feel like some big revelation has been made and say you're going to stop drinking.? It probably won't happen though, next weekend the guys will be heading out to the bar, and you'll have recovered.

You can't let drinking take you over though.? Mattman in particular doesn't really need to worry about that yet... if it's the first time having a hangover, and he remembers what happened the night before, he's not in deep shit yet.? Wait for those times when you blackout, that can get scary as hell.

As Slash says "A man's got to know his limitations".

That's actually some good advice.............realistic and from someone who's been there.........

Mattman........if I were you, I'd give credence to what Sky said and ignore the AA bullshit...... :yes:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Will on September 20, 2004, 09:24:49 PM
Your very FIRST hangover?? and you're in University?

Yeah, mine was like ten years ago, long before College...I'm glad I didn't have too many. I've never gotten aggressive because of alcohol though, so I guess that's one good thing.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Dot on September 20, 2004, 10:41:41 PM

when the weekend hits, i cant help myself

Sometimes I can?t even wait for the weekend, and I get drunk on the most unusal days and hours, I?ve been drunk on a wednesday before 4pm for instance...last week for example, I got drunk on monday and had at least one alcoholic drink every I flirting with alcoholism?

I have a lot to celebrate anyway.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: sandman on September 21, 2004, 11:00:04 AM
i feel bad for people that can't handle beer, and don't get to enjoy it. when you don't let it control you, it's a very fun social activity.

like a great man once said, "i feel bad for people that don't drink, cause when they get up in the morning that's the best they're gonna feel all day".

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 21, 2004, 02:06:45 PM
i feel bad for people that can't handle beer, and don't get to enjoy it. when you don't let it control you, it's a very fun social activity.

like a great man once said, "i feel bad for people that don't drink, cause when they get up in the morning that's the best they're gonna feel all day".

Alcohol effects everybody different. They teach you that way back in jr high. You know that.

Not everybody is as 'strong' as you.  :hihi:

I watch people drink and from what I see, the majority of people are pretty 'weak' when it comes to alcohol. Most people should not drink IMO.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: sandman on September 21, 2004, 03:31:30 PM
i feel bad for people that can't handle beer, and don't get to enjoy it. when you don't let it control you, it's a very fun social activity.

like a great man once said, "i feel bad for people that don't drink, cause when they get up in the morning that's the best they're gonna feel all day".

Alcohol effects everybody different. They teach you that way back in jr high. You know that.

Not everybody is as 'strong' as you.? :hihi:

I watch people drink and from what I see, the majority of people are pretty 'weak' when it comes to alcohol. Most people should not drink IMO.

i see the total opposite. it's a very small percentage of people that are not able to control alcohol. those people should not drink.

most people are able to have a couple drinks socially and have a fun time with it.

and most people that drink can and do have alot of fun times without drinking alcohol. but there are certain times that are just so much fun because you have a bunch of people drinking together - wedding receptions, graduation parties, etc. where without the alcohol loosening everyone up, it wouldn't be as much fun.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: ClintroN on September 21, 2004, 04:20:40 PM

when the weekend hits, i cant help myself

Sometimes I can?t even wait for the weekend, and I get drunk on the most unusal days and hours, I?ve been drunk on a wednesday before 4pm for instance...last week for example, I got drunk on monday and had at least one alcoholic drink every I flirting with alcoholism?

I have a lot to celebrate anyway.

i've been on a 15 day binge,over $1500 gone, we all party'd for weeks on some occasion, now i try n' stick to weekends, but the occasional week night is ok,  but it's hard for me to beleive my body still functions :hihi:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: MadmanDan on September 21, 2004, 04:30:59 PM
It always makes me laugh when people are "drunk" on Miller lite or Coors lite around I mean come on, this is water, this is not even beer, how can you be drunk with that??

Some of my friends in Ireland drink that shit, even normal Miller is water. I dunno how many of those things I'd need to get drunk, possibly run out of money before that.

It's impossible for me to get drunk with beer. My body eliminates more alcohol then I can put in me

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mattman on September 21, 2004, 05:12:57 PM
Your very FIRST hangover?? and you're in University?

Yeah.? Although I've gotten drunk a bunch of times before, I never woke up with a hangover.? That was nice.

Sure I've had these "moments" before.? You feel like some big revelation has been made and say you're going to stop drinking.? It probably won't happen though, next weekend the guys will be heading out to the bar, and you'll have recovered.

You can't let drinking take you over though.? Mattman in particular doesn't really need to worry about that yet... if it's the first time having a hangover, and he remembers what happened the night before, he's not in deep shit yet.? Wait for those times when you blackout, that can get scary as hell.

I'm starting to think you're right, Sky.? The day after the incident, I was pretty screwed up.? Depressed, and for some reason I didn't get to sleep until 5:45 AM Sunday night.? I couldn't sleep, and I felt like I was on drugs even though I wasn't - felt like I was dreaming, even though I was awake.? It was pretty fuckin' weird.? Monday I started to feel better, and now Tuesday I feel fine.? So maybe you're right...maybe next weekend I'll feel like drinking again.? Still, the whole thing kinda freaked the shit out of me.? Being an aggressive drunk has never gotten me in trouble before, it was just a fun way to let off steam.? But that night it did get me in trouble.? I'd like to think I'll smarten up next time, but if I'm under the influence again, will I think, "nah, better not tell this drunk black belt to fuck off"?? Or will I do it again?? I hope not.

As Slash says "A man's got to know his limitations".

Didn't Dirty Harry say that?? Either way, it was what I was thinking the morning after.

I guess idolizing Ozzy Osbourne had its benefits for me, because watching him go through the shit he's been through with alcohol, I never wanted to touch it.? Speaking of Ozzy, this was a great title for this thread, since "Demon Alcohol" is the title of an Ozzy song.? And there's a dead-on line in the song which says it all...

Although that one's too much, you know ten's not enough....

What album is that song on?? I have put on "Suicide Solution" before as a good song when I'm in the paranoid, depressed and/or angry stage of drunkenness, or even in the fun stage.  You wouldn't think it would make a good drinking song, but whattaya know.

I might as well say here that my favourite song to drink to is GN'R's "Nightrain".  Do I have any agreements on that?  :beer:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Dizzy on September 21, 2004, 06:32:07 PM
What album is that song on?? I have put on "Suicide Solution"

"Demon Alcohol" is on Ozzy's 1988 album No Rest for the Wicked.  It's kind of like a sequel to "Suicide Solution".  He even mentions the latter in the song lyrics of "Demon Alcohol".

Don't speak of suicide solutions..

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on September 22, 2004, 02:35:33 AM
It always makes me laugh when people are "drunk" on Miller lite or Coors lite around I mean come on, this is water, this is not even beer, how can you be drunk with that??

Some of my friends in Ireland drink that shit, even normal Miller is water. I dunno how many of those things I'd need to get drunk, possibly run out of money before that.

It's impossible for me to get drunk with beer. My body eliminates more alcohol then I can put in me

not true get a beer bong

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 22, 2004, 02:41:21 AM
It always makes me laugh when people are "drunk" on Miller lite or Coors lite around I mean come on, this is water, this is not even beer, how can you be drunk with that??

Some of my friends in Ireland drink that shit, even normal Miller is water. I dunno how many of those things I'd need to get drunk, possibly run out of money before that.

It's impossible for me to get drunk with beer. My body eliminates more alcohol then I can put in me

haha, yea right.

The last guy I heard say that puked all over himself.

Good one though.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Sin Cut on September 22, 2004, 03:16:27 AM
Did anybody else here have a certain moment where the novelty of getting drunk wore off and they thought maybe they'd better adjust their behaviour a little bit?

I started to think maybe drinkin' too much wasn't the solution after I got beat up bad and needed a visit to the hospital.

The last straw was wheno once again I was totally wasted, and my friend had never seen me like that, and the funny part was that I haven't even drunk that much, so we figured that someone (or something:)) had put something extra to that beer I had.

So a lot of my stuff went missing and I felt like shit next morning, not because of the stuff, but because I was so.. vulnerable or something. So I decided to stop there and sit down and think. Before it was drinkin' games, blackouts, girls and fights. And about calling my friends next morning for the nights details.

So I calmed down a bit, I still drink, but not totaled, just in that drunken state where everyone is having fun and being able to play. And the best part after I cut down the alcohol is that I've had more real relationships and my life is healthier, too.

Only bad trade off when drunk is, that I'm a bit more agressive and won't step down a challenge. But sometimes that have been a good thing.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on September 22, 2004, 08:08:48 AM
I remember one time making a trip to another state to pick up the liquer called EVERCLEAR.  The 95% alcohol 190 proof drink that burns blue. I drank a whole bottle of it while watching some movie at the movie theatre......

I woke up about 12 hours later home in my bed. Dirt and little rocks stuck in my skin. Cuts on my handss. I wondered what happened in them hours and found out.

We went to Steak N Shake where I ordered 3 kids meals for some reason and didnt eat any of them, and I was threatening people and breaking plates on the ground. Having the cops called on me.

Threatened my friends and tried fighting them at my house.

Threw up all over the drive way and crawled through gravel.

Got rolled over on my back a few times so I didnt pull a Bon Scott.

Had good enough friends to take care of me and bring me into my room.

Woke up 12 hours later with a headache and in pain and that was the last time I was "drunk" . Although I still drink I usually only drink 1 maybe 2 beers while at the bar for 3-4 hours.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: MCT on September 22, 2004, 11:12:14 AM
I remember one time making a trip to another state to pick up the liquer called EVERCLEAR.? The 95% alcohol 190 proof drink that burns blue. I drank a whole bottle of it while watching some movie at the movie theatre......

You're full of shit................ ::)

If you actually travelled to another State to get some booze, then I'd imagine that you'd be picking up more than a flask. Otherwise the trip itself wouldn't make much sense now would it? Jesus! Even a twenty-sixer would seem a little frivolous......... :yes:

In any case, if you drank a 'whole bottle' of that shit - i.e. a 26 or 40 ouncer - you'd have to get fuckin' pumped out.............. ::)

Moreover, I seriously doubt that you dragged a 26 or 40 ouncer into a movie theatre with ya........... :-\...........where did you hide it? In your fucking sock?..........

So, we now come come back to one of only two conclusions (one of which I already covered in the first line of this post......... : ok:), and that's the flask.............

Yes you could have easily smuggled a flask into a theatre. Previous experience on my part tells me that. However, unless you're some kinda fucked-up mutant with the constitution of a cast-iron pot-belly stove, you just ain't gonna polish off a flask of 95% alcohol............ :no:

Let me tell ya a little story...............

Friday past, a buddy of mine came back to the Rock from Alberta for a visit. So we all got together - the boys - and had a party of sorts (in other words, about 10 fella's got together and just drank). My buddy had brought a 26er of Absinth (70% alcohol) with him. Now this shit is horrible. It's like a mutated form of Scope. Actually more like Listerine. Scope has the potential to taste good. Listerine is horrible. Anyway, we all had at least one shot of it - I had two, and would have preferred to have a rabid beaver gnawing away on my nuts for an hour rather than have another shot of the 'Demon Alcohol' - and one guy in particular was brave enough to have 5................5 fucking shots of this crap that would probably burn a hole in your goddamn sphincter...........

Now this guy is a 250 pound beer monster. Not too many people around here can hold what he can hold, or actually give less of a fuck about they ingest. And he could barely do what he done that night - drink 5 shots - and not only that, before he drank his dozen beer (which is pretty much the minimum that we all take to a so-called 'party') he was flattened. END OF STORY.

So...............assuming that you're not a mutant, I'm gonna say one more time - you're full of shit.............. :yes:

.......................unless of course you have some other, cogent explanation............ ???

And if you actually try to retell your story (you know, the one about travelling to another State to pick up a bottle of booze), please make the bottle at least a 40 ouncer.........anything less just wouldn't be worth the effort.............

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Chris Misfit on September 22, 2004, 12:19:25 PM
Not to start a "I did this, you did that" competition, but I've done absinthe, me and three friends drunk half a litre one night. It was around 90% proof. The stuff that makes you hallucinate (sp?) Legally, you're only allowed to buy 2 shots of this in one night, but the barman didn't read the bottle until after we had drunk it (i Can remember his expression) . I don't remeber how many shots we had, but we had quite a few, and to be honest I don't even remember leaving that bar, but we did. But the first thing the barman said to me next time I was in was "Were not getting it again" not because we did anything bad, but because we were sober one minute, absolutely fucked 10 minutes later. I do remember having trouble holding it down, coz it stunk, like drinking acid, and I never puke when drinking, ever.

I managed to drink that night until dawn, I ended up at some poor smucks house party. How, why, when, I do not know, but I've never touched that stuff since, it's a true killer.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mattgnr on September 22, 2004, 01:33:50 PM
Yeah i had 3 large shots of absinthe (70%- 75%) proof in Tenerife a couple years back (Plus several beers) and i remember waking up in the morning not being able to see over 20m in distance for about an hour - it did something to my eyesight? ???

I have never touched it since - worst drink i have ever tried is something called 'Knobs-creek' Vile stuff.

We did a pikey/tramp night a while ago, and all we were only allowed to drink, was a cocktail of 'White lightening cider' mixed with 'Tennents super larger'

Both very cheap and very strong and very horrible - give it a go? :drool:

Edit: forgot the 'e' on the end of 'Absinthe'? ;)

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: loretian on September 22, 2004, 02:07:24 PM
Isn't real absinthe something more than just alcohol?  My understanding is that in the early 1900's a lot of French poets would get hooked on it, and eventually go crazy, because of the other drugs in it.  Now there is a lot of things marketed as absinthe, but they just have a high alcohol content, versus being "real" absinthe.  Or am wrong?

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Chris Misfit on September 22, 2004, 02:30:17 PM
The real stuff is illegal in many countries, hence the reason you find so many watered down types, the US is one I believe. It has some elements that make up heroin in it, or so I've heard.

The stuff we drank that, I think is possibly illegal, because my friends tried to get it in other bars, and they claimed that the drink we had that night was illegal to sell. I dunno.

Absinthe is Greek for "undrinkable". Although, I don't speak Greek so that could be a lie.

It is believed that Van Gogh cut off his ear because he went crazy from drinking the stuff.

We did a pikey/tramp night a while ago, and all we were only allowed to drink, was a cocktail of 'White lightening cider' mixed with 'Tennents super larger'

Mixing lager and cider = Snakebite. And you couldn't have chosen two more disgusting drinks to mix. White Lightning is a killer cider, that stuff will fuck you up.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: loretian on September 22, 2004, 03:44:41 PM
It is believed that Van Gogh cut off his ear because he went crazy from drinking the stuff.

I need to find some of this.

Check out this link for info on absinthe.? ?It looks like it has a lot more than just opiates (heroin) in it.? Wormwood sounds tasty.

Mixing lager and cider = Snakebite.

Around here, a snakebit is Wild Turkey whiskey with lime juice.  Guess we're just weird.   : ok:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mattgnr on September 22, 2004, 05:44:05 PM
The real stuff is illegal in many countries, hence the reason you find so many watered down types, the US is one I believe. It has some elements that make up heroin in it, or so I've heard.

The stuff we drank that, I think is possibly illegal, because my friends tried to get it in other bars, and they claimed that the drink we had that night was illegal to sell. I dunno.

Absinthe is Greek for "undrinkable". Although, I don't speak Greek so that could be a lie.

It is believed that Van Gogh cut off his ear because he went crazy from drinking the stuff.

We did a pikey/tramp night a while ago, and all we were only allowed to drink, was a cocktail of 'White lightening cider' mixed with 'Tennents super larger'

Mixing lager and cider = Snakebite. And you couldn't have chosen two more disgusting drinks to mix. White Lightning is a killer cider, that stuff will fuck you up.

Yes, you're correct - the 'snakebite' in the trampy style - Tramps drink these kinds of cheap, strong beverages!!

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Danny on September 22, 2004, 06:35:11 PM
"I never trust a man who does'nt drink."

-John Wayne

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Cornell on September 22, 2004, 06:45:05 PM
Well, since we're discussing the Demon Alcohol, here's a story I read in my local newspaper today.

A 23 year old college kid went out drinking with two of his buddies, drinking liquor and beer all night at several bars.? His buddies had to carry him out after the third bar, and he never woke up.? He was found dead in his dorm room in the early morning hours.? They're still conducting the autopsy, but it's widely presumed that he died of alcohol poisoning.

This kid is my boss's nephew.  :'(

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Laura on September 22, 2004, 06:46:30 PM
im only 17 (31 days till im legal!) and i drink often enough like once every 2 weekends cause we have to take turns driving! ive dont do stupid stuff when im drunk unless there is some creapy guy touchin one of my friends or me then i go a little angry mode! but other than that i just laugh a lot... and have a good time... sure there have been times where i get a little moody and just go to bed... but nothin too stupid that i can remeber!

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on September 22, 2004, 07:24:13 PM
I remember one time making a trip to another state to pick up the liquer called EVERCLEAR.? The 95% alcohol 190 proof drink that burns blue. I drank a whole bottle of it while watching some movie at the movie theatre......

You're full of shit................ ::)

If you actually travelled to another State to get some booze, then I'd imagine that you'd be picking up more than a flask. Otherwise the trip itself wouldn't make much sense now would it? Jesus! Even a twenty-sixer would seem a little frivolous......... :yes:

In any case, if you drank a 'whole bottle' of that shit - i.e. a 26 or 40 ouncer - you'd have to get fuckin' pumped out.............. ::)

Moreover, I seriously doubt that you dragged a 26 or 40 ouncer into a movie theatre with ya........... :-\...........where did you hide it? In your fucking sock?..........

So, we now come come back to one of only two conclusions (one of which I already covered in the first line of this post......... : ok:), and that's the flask.............

Yes you could have easily smuggled a flask into a theatre. Previous experience on my part tells me that. However, unless you're some kinda fucked-up mutant with the constitution of a cast-iron pot-belly stove, you just ain't gonna polish off a flask of 95% alcohol............ :no:
OK let me anwser your questions one at a time. I live in Michigan and go to this casino in Indiana called BLUE CHIP. Its about an hour drive. On the way back I picked up 5 bottles of Everclear the 350 ml size bottles.

You dont need a flask. I fill up a sprite bottle with everclear and top it off with just a little sprite on top. It's easy to walk into a movie theatre in the mall, (like a cinemark.) with a bottle of "sprite"

Yes everclear burns like hell the first shot but after drinking it and you are buzzed it doesn't burn. Let me add here I am 6'2'' 250 lbs. so you don't need an iron stomach to drink it, just a stupid brain.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Skeletor on September 22, 2004, 08:12:41 PM
What do you guys think of Night Train? I have no idea how they get away with calling that stuff wine :P

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on September 22, 2004, 09:36:10 PM
What do you guys think of Night Train? I have no idea how they get away with calling that stuff wine :P
My friends drink it they say it makes you feel like you are on acid (which I didnt feel)

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: MCT on September 23, 2004, 12:25:16 PM
OK let me anwser your questions one at a time. I live in Michigan and go to this casino in Indiana called BLUE CHIP. Its about an hour drive. On the way back I picked up 5 bottles of Everclear the 350 ml size bottles.

You dont need a flask. I fill up a sprite bottle with everclear and top it off with just a little sprite on top. It's easy to walk into a movie theatre in the mall, (like a cinemark.) with a bottle of "sprite"

Yes everclear burns like hell the first shot but after drinking it and you are buzzed it doesn't burn.

Well, that's certainly a more believable story than:

I remember one time making a trip to another state to pick up the liquer called EVERCLEAR.? The 95% alcohol 190 proof drink that burns blue. I drank a whole bottle of it while watching some movie at the movie theatre......

I woke up about 12 hours later home in my bed. Dirt and little rocks stuck in my skin. Cuts on my handss. I wondered what happened in them hours and found out.

We went to Steak N Shake where I ordered 3 kids meals for some reason and didnt eat any of them, and I was threatening people and breaking plates on the ground. Having the cops called on me.

Threatened my friends and tried fighting them at my house.

Threw up all over the drive way and crawled through gravel.

Got rolled over on my back a few times so I didnt pull a Bon Scott.

Had good enough friends to take care of me and bring me into my room.

Woke up 12 hours later with a headache and in pain and that was the last time I was "drunk" . Although I still drink I usually only drink 1 maybe 2 beers while at the bar for 3-4 hours.
Let me add here I am 6'2'' 250 lbs. so you don't need an iron stomach to drink it, just a stupid brain.

Other than telling that you're not short & fat, what does your height have to do with anything?

EDIT: Absinth was just the brand-name of the stuff we were drinking......(As far as I know)....

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Chris Misfit on September 23, 2004, 01:01:09 PM
[Around here, a snakebit is Wild Turkey whiskey with lime juice.  Guess we're just weird. 

In my country, we call that breakfast.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: ClintroN on September 24, 2004, 02:25:07 AM
i cant spell it, but has anyone ever heard or tried a 'SA- TRUSE', pranounced like that but spelt totally different, knocks you the fuck out.

For my 21st, my mate invented me a coctail, i still dont know the mix but it was a full bucket with ice n' a  little end of a straw on the top from a 1.25 coke bottle in it, the steam from the ice didnt help and no bastard will tell me what i drank 'cause it was that strong n' fucked up i chucked up 30 mins later.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: loretian on September 24, 2004, 11:55:44 AM
In my country, we call that breakfast.

And I call that Irish.   ;)

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: loretian on November 05, 2005, 10:21:00 AM
I tried Absinthe (supposedly the real stuff) last night to celebrate the completion of my album (see my soon to exist topic in Nice Boys)

Wow.  That stuff will fuck you up pretty damn nice.  Between four of us, we went through a couple of bottles.  It was disgusting.  I don't know if this was "real" absinthe, or watered down, or how pure, or what.  I mainly felt drunk though it was a different kind of drunk than normal.  I blacked out most of the night, but I woke up here at home, and I have the strangest lingering feeling, that's actually kind of nice.  Not a hangover.

Anyway, that's my story.   : ok:

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Evolution on November 05, 2005, 10:51:04 AM
Sounds good!

Well when i started drinking at 16 i had a stupid gung ho attitude to it. I would down a Vodka bottle in 10 minutes. Fucking stupid. Blackouts were the norm until i got a beating from some idiot which wised me up.

Recently i drank to much too early and slapped a friend. Thankfully we are cool again but i know i fucked up bad. Nowadays i just drink till i am pretty merry and drunk  : ok: Better feeling, i remember the night and it's easier on the wallet. When i drink too much i become a alcohol hoover and get aggressive which sucks.

Hmm.....i fancy a wee bevvy tonight actually  :D

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 05, 2005, 12:11:14 PM
I tried Absinthe (supposedly the real stuff) last night to celebrate the completion of my album (see my soon to exist topic in Nice Boys)

  I blacked out most of the night, but I woke up here at home, and I have the strangest lingering feeling, that's actually kind of nice. 

Most people seem to black out on this stuff.

I remember seeing an interview with Lemmy and he said he blacked out, ran through a hotel naked and then pooped in a closet somewhere.  :o

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Rob on November 05, 2005, 02:40:51 PM
I guess I'm lucky that I never seem to get aggressive when I'm drunk.  I get loud and stupid, but I never say or do shit that gets me in trouble.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: makane on November 05, 2005, 06:08:33 PM
I usually drink alone or with a few close friends, so fuckin' up really doesn't matter :)

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: loretian on November 06, 2005, 10:51:32 AM
Most people seem to black out on this stuff.

I remember seeing an interview with Lemmy and he said he blacked out, ran through a hotel naked and then pooped in a closet somewhere.? :o

Yeah... I found out that I went to another bar afterwards and did a couple of shots, and then won a few poker games!? But since I was so inebriated, nobody paid me.? ?:crying:

Lemmy remains the hero he always was.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 06, 2005, 03:26:13 PM
I guess I'm lucky that I never seem to get aggressive when I'm drunk.  I get loud and stupid, but I never say or do shit that gets me in trouble.

I'd just get louder. Usually ending in me falling down a flight of stairs or being arrested for one thing or another.

Title: Re: Demon Alcohol
Post by: Rob on November 07, 2005, 05:02:10 PM
I'm an excellent drunken stair climber.  Although I often have trouble operating door knobs.