Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Estranged fucker on September 17, 2004, 07:10:29 AM

Title: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Estranged fucker on September 17, 2004, 07:10:29 AM
gotta get this outta my head! ???

I dream about GNR
I check this site and many others 5 times a day at least
When somebody talks about music, i manage to change the subject to GNR within a minute
Everybody thinks i'm a fool for thinking CD will come out
I listen to Estranged every day

Does anybody has this 'problem' too???

And going to pukkelpop in 2002 only made it worse......

Anyway had to share this

Estranged @##@-er

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Nytunz on September 17, 2004, 07:15:10 AM
gotta get this outta my head! ???

I dream about GNR
I check this site and many others 5 times a day at least
When somebody talks about music, i manage to change the subject to GNR within a minute
Everybody thinks i'm a fool for thinking CD will come out
I listen to Estranged every day

Does anybody has this 'problem' too???

And going to pukkelpop in 2002 only made it worse......

Anyway had to share this

Estranged @##@-er

Well ur not the onlyone! I have to register me in the club too!
Cheack the site  7- 8 times at day! Sometimes more!
Always talk about GNR when talking about music!

I think this is just the way GNR fans are! We Are real!

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: SON OF A PREACHER on September 17, 2004, 08:12:17 AM
gotta get this outta my head! ???

I dream about GNR
I check this site and many others 5 times a day at least
When somebody talks about music, i manage to change the subject to GNR within a minute
Everybody thinks i'm a fool for thinking CD will come out
I listen to Estranged every day

Does anybody has this 'problem' too???

And going to pukkelpop in 2002 only made it worse......

Anyway had to share this

Estranged @##@-er

It is driving me insane, ;D I know everything there is to know about GNR, I have million of bootlegs, all the demos,? know all the stories ( or plenty at least) and IM GOING MAD :confused: with all the waiting, and I still listen to GNR everyday, hell ! I got ' I THINK ABOUT YOU' playing right now on my computer !!!!! :-\
If there's no word from the GNR camp at least by the end of this year Im gonna have a breakdown? :P :P :P :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
I had a dream about a new GNR song,(not the ones we've heard, but a product of my imagination) I woke up and I thought....damn ! that was a cool song !!
When Talking music on other sites I always mention GNR, it seems to piss people off :hihi:
Im addicted alright.
And like every drug....its GONNA BRING ME DOWN.? :rant:

ps: Someone on another site had a good analogy, Velvet revolver is my meth....But GNR used to be my heroin  :-\


Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Crashdiet on September 17, 2004, 08:43:06 AM
Yep I'm addicted... i listen to gnr everyday... i have a zillion boots and its growing all the time thanx to the hub.

My roomate laughs because everyday he catches me here and askes with a sarcastic tone "so the albums coming today right... haha?"

Thank god my girlfriend thinks its cute... but ya i'm obessed

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: matt88 on September 17, 2004, 08:52:07 AM
I think about GN'R more than i think about sex.

I read the paper hoping there's a mention of them all the time. I listen to them everyday, spend hours on here.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: ClintroN on September 17, 2004, 09:24:28 AM
im loosing control, the voices say what im supposed to do
Gunners every bloody day man, its nuts : ok:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Neemo on September 17, 2004, 11:07:02 AM
It's a Bad Obsession, Bad Obsession, Bad Obsession, It's always messin' my myy-ee-ind!!! ;D

Holy fuck! this is a pretty scary topic guys :nervous:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 17, 2004, 11:14:04 AM
I used to think I went a little overboard with my love for G N' R, then I started reading this message board!  Some of you beat me by a long shot!  But I think its very cool, and if I ever have a question I know who to ask!

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on September 17, 2004, 01:06:10 PM
gotta get this outta my head! ???

I dream about GNR
I check this site and many others 5 times a day at least
When somebody talks about music, i manage to change the subject to GNR within a minute
Everybody thinks i'm a fool for thinking CD will come out
I listen to Estranged every day

Does anybody has this 'problem' too???

And going to pukkelpop in 2002 only made it worse......

Anyway had to share this

Estranged @##@-er

hells yeah.. that's exactly me except instead of pukkelpop 2002 i was at madison square garden 2002..  :beer:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 17, 2004, 01:08:03 PM
Msg was great estranged...  :beer:

I think we all are addicted to gnr to some degree..

I remember the old days with no pc waiting for an artricle in the mags.. :'(

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: McGann on September 17, 2004, 03:16:38 PM
I might be about the worst, really.  I'm tied to a sound board all day, and I have stretches as long as two hours that I can't leave the board but can run pretty much on instinct.  I read fast, too, so I have a bunch of websites I cycle through constantly.  I probably check this board more than twenty times during my shift, at several minutes each time, sometimes while doing voicework, IMing with my wife, teleconferencing,  or producing live programming.  Still haven't screwed anything up, though... :D


Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: willow on September 17, 2004, 04:20:45 PM
This is a strange topic, but lets face it a lot of us have this problam. I think as long as you are living a life outside of the whole gnr thing its ok. I am on several sites once or twice a day. And I admit gnr is a lot of my life. I know thats not to healthy, but I am single and don't have much else going on in my life.

As long as your happy and you don't take it to far. Don't need anymore stalkers out there.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: ppbebe on September 17, 2004, 05:01:50 PM
Not me.  :D

I never have addictions in any form, true to form.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Kitty on September 17, 2004, 07:18:03 PM
I think I am addicted. And it just gets worse and worse with every minute I listen to them, go on a gnr site, or read a new article/interview.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: AxlRocks on September 17, 2004, 07:18:51 PM
I definataly have a addiction! I sing GN'R in class, on the bus, at home, I headbang and don't realise it (guess thats just a problem!  :hihi: )

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Genesis on September 18, 2004, 08:49:45 AM
Does anybody has this 'problem' too???

Ha, Are u kidding? I have listen to SCOM atleast twice, once when i wake up and once before i go to sleep... I think it's safe to say i'm addicted :hihi:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Dave_Rose on September 18, 2004, 09:53:21 AM
I am always on this site and always to talk about GN'R till people tell me shut up

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: willow on September 18, 2004, 05:50:38 PM
Bad habit, huh Dave? I think I even drive my roommate nuts and she is a big gnr fan.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: ccorn69 on September 19, 2004, 01:35:30 AM
I used to think I went a little overboard with my love for G N' R, then I started reading this message board!? Some of you beat me by a long shot!? But I think its very cool, and if I ever have a question I know who to ask!

same here, some people here take it overboard but thats cool whatever floats your boat

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: Civil Attitude on September 19, 2004, 07:30:51 PM
yeah all i have to say is.....god damn you to hell jarmo for makin this site and ruining my life!!!!!.....its been takin away from my internet porn time............

and all you other sick fuckers that come to this site......prayin every day for a morsel of gnr related news......need to get a life......together i think we can colectivley beat the addiction and change this into a cyndi lauper fan site......and slowly stop listening to gnr and replace it with Cher.we shall overcome.....god damn i hate myself lol

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: N.I.B on September 19, 2004, 07:49:11 PM

and all you other sick fuckers that come to this site......prayin every day for a morsel of gnr related news......need to get a life......together i think we can colectivley beat the addiction and change this into a cyndi lauper fan site......and slowly stop listening to gnr and replace it with Cher.

 :rant::rant: Bite your tounge!!!  :rant::rant:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: mega_music on September 19, 2004, 09:32:09 PM
I might be about the worst, really.? I'm tied to a sound board all day, and I have stretches as long as two hours that I can't leave the board but can run pretty much on instinct.? I read fast, too, so I have a bunch of websites I cycle through constantly.? I probably check this board more than twenty times during my shift, at several minutes each time, sometimes while doing voicework, IMing with my wife, teleconferencing,? or producing live programming.? Still haven't screwed anything up, though... :D

You work in Radio? I do and everynight before I leave my shift I play a different Guns song. I have the repatation around the community as the Guns N Roses worshiper. My advice to all you other addicts STAY AWAY FROM EBAY! I have spent over $500.00 this year buying Guns shit. Last weekend after I got laid the chick said you know I feel like I just had sex with Axl Rose because I was staring, and listening to all your Guns N Roses shit.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 20, 2004, 02:51:49 AM
gotta get this outta my head! ???

I dream about GNR
I check this site and many others 5 times a day at least
When somebody talks about music, i manage to change the subject to GNR within a minute
Everybody thinks i'm a fool for thinking CD will come out
I listen to Estranged every day

Does anybody has this 'problem' too???

And going to pukkelpop in 2002 only made it worse......

Anyway had to share this

Estranged @##@-er

The problem started sometime ago. :hihi:

However seeing them in LV was the one that got me hooked. Then I was desperate for more info, more shows, etc etc.

Saw one more.

Bought another ticket for the next LV show...

Then they disapeared.

Time has passed, and my addiction has gone back to sleep.

It may awake again, if Axl does.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: norway on September 20, 2004, 04:56:15 AM
Lettin it all out now :)

I'm checking this site almost everytime i'm online
gotta check for updates ;)

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: dontcry44 on September 20, 2004, 10:28:29 PM
I'm obsessed with GnR... its takin on a life of its own... it all started with AFD... i enjoyed it so much, I went out and bought UYU 1 and 2.... then Lies, then everything else.... the music is so life changing and the lyrics touch base in so many ways.... I listen to GnR every day and if it wasn't for GnR, I don't know if I could get through my day... knowone can sing a tune or write lyrics like Axl, and knowone can play a guitar like Slash... GnR may not have came out with much music in the past decade but the 4 true albums they came out with still hold up over time and never get boring... I've had to buy all my GnR cd's 3 times over because I keep wearing them out to the point that they are unplayable... I am on this webpage everytime I am on the net, looking for news!  I along with many others is anticipating Chinese Democracy and know that it is very close to completion....  Guns and Roses F'n Rules!

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on September 20, 2004, 11:39:23 PM
I just had my middle name changed to Jarmo.... - I know what you mean  : ok:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: YouCouldBeMine on September 21, 2004, 01:52:23 AM
me three, I cant stop listening to live era '87-'93 estranged. I litterally play Guns N Roses 85% of the time  :drool:

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: sami on September 21, 2004, 04:01:56 AM
Last november I heard Dont Damn Me and very soon after that I had all the GnR cds.
Last spring I had to do a presentation at school subject was free and I decided to mine
on GnR. I listen way too much gnr but I just cant help it. I check up on this site several times
 every day and I must say you guys are pretty fucked ;D   

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: PhillyRiot on September 21, 2004, 11:09:04 AM
5 years ago I would go on GNRonline and the topic would be: When is Chinese Democracy coming out?  5 years later the topic remains the same, yet I must check GNR websites daily.  Addicted?  Yes, to a certain degree.

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: cUzIn It on September 21, 2004, 11:30:40 AM
i did a school project on gnr too... twice. :o
its weird coz evrytime i turn the radio on its a gnr song. and just last nite they played a gnr song while i was sleeping and i just sat up and listend to it  :nervous:

  man, if it wasnt for gnr id probly be listning to whatever mtv gives me.......
      or worse... not listening at all!    :crying: :-X

Title: Re: GNR Addicted??
Post by: norway on September 21, 2004, 11:32:34 AM
holy fuck, scary tread this one :nervous:

The new drug perhaps?