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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: heelaxl on September 16, 2004, 04:51:37 AM

Title: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: heelaxl on September 16, 2004, 04:51:37 AM
Hello Gunners,

Does anyone have some pictures of Axl's home?
Or is there some link to pictures?
Wouldn't it be great to see Axl's home on MTV cribs?

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Estranged fucker on September 16, 2004, 05:48:02 AM
Look at the estranged-video........ you'll see his house there :o

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: mega_music on September 16, 2004, 07:02:06 AM
Look at the estranged-video........ you'll see his house there :o

Is that really his houst in the estranged video????

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Estranged fucker on September 16, 2004, 07:09:16 AM
yep! at least it was in 1992/1993

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Axlative on September 16, 2004, 09:19:46 AM
There's a glimpse also in one of the And 1 Mixtapes. Maybe Vol. 3 or 4. When the credits scroll some guy points at a house and says "That's Axl Rose right there, baby!"  :peace:

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 16, 2004, 02:30:16 PM
Yes..he still lives at the same house in Malibu as the Estranged vid. I know a fan was invited many years ago to his house for a Halloween party. I guess every year (well back then) he has a huge blow out costume party. She took some pics and only posted like 2-3 on the Net, so to not piss him off. I guess she started one of the first GnR sites or maybe one of the first GnR sites in Brazil. Axl found the website and wanted to say thank you by bringin her and her family to his house. Anyway, if I can dig them up I'll post them.

Now, granted, that story could be horse shit, since I read it on some board (maybe this one long ago) but she seemed reliable.


Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Lady Livin on September 16, 2004, 05:11:35 PM
from my friend's recent online journal entry from august 30th:

Started off with a nice breakfast at some greasy place in the AV, it was wonderful... Then...


And what is there in Malibu, you ask? Well other than gorgeous-but-too-small-and-too-expensive-and-too-Lutheran-and-too-conservative Pepperdine, and Point Doom, the place where Jessica and Ethan got married (don't worry it's actually spelled Dume).....

Axl Rose's house!

Don't worry, it was quite the religious experience, even though Ethan was sighing impatiently in the backseat and Tom was filming/making fun of us the whole time. We drove the route that the Limo drove in the Estranged video, it was awesome. We even got our picture taken in his driveway. I was slightly terrified of being assaulted by Axl (he does that, I swear), but it was totally awesome.

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 16, 2004, 05:21:24 PM
Cool story! The addy of the "Estranged house" is commonly known and a friend of mine got pics of his mailbox. lol. I guess Axl has cameras and gates (as he should, consider the stalker incident before). It seems I've read other places that while it seems Axl "hides" a lot, there is a good amount of traffic going in and out of the house, limos, etc. If anything, he likes to just entertain at home. :)


Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Cowboy Buddha on September 16, 2004, 08:46:59 PM
there was this website where a lady and her kid went to his house and it had as loads of pictures and she watched him write Madagascar during that time too.  but the bad thing is is that I lost the site.  Sorry. 

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: badgirl on September 16, 2004, 09:29:01 PM
from what i understand, those pictures are totally legit.

i love how "80's coke den" Axl's house is.  : ok:

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: TIPSY on September 16, 2004, 09:41:05 PM
 :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:


Lad, I ask that you remove this thread.  Betsy has her own site with these links and pictures.

HTGTH is an advocate on privacy.  Although these pictures can be found online, all the more reason for them not to be shown here. 

Axl is a private mate.  I think we should not entice people to seek him out or disrupt his lifestyle and I am sorry to say that this thread may just invoke that in some :no:

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Lady Livin on September 16, 2004, 10:02:05 PM
I think we should not entice people to seek him out or disrupt his lifestyle

oh c'mon! you think people who watch their idols on mtv cribs actually start to plan out ways to go and visit it? personally, i couldn't give two shits less what axl's home looks like, but it's all in harmless curiosity.

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on September 16, 2004, 10:03:37 PM
:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:


Lad, I ask that you remove this thread.? Betsy has her own site with these links and pictures.

HTGTH is an advocate on privacy.? Although these pictures can be found online, all the more reason for them not to be shown here.?

Axl is a private mate.? I think we should not entice people to seek him out or disrupt his lifestyle and I am sorry to say that this thread may just invoke that in some :no:

I agree,Betsy asked in the disclaimer on her site for those pics not to be hot linked.
That is why  I didnt link them, I hope the poster takes them down.

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 16, 2004, 10:09:00 PM
I didn't see the request not to be hot linked, I got the links from another board.  But I will take your word for it and I have deleted the post.

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on September 16, 2004, 10:10:20 PM

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: TIPSY on September 16, 2004, 11:00:16 PM
I think we should not entice people to seek him out or disrupt his lifestyle

oh c'mon! you think people who watch their idols on mtv cribs actually start to plan out ways to go and visit it? personally, i couldn't give two shits less what axl's home looks like, but it's all in harmless curiosity.

Harmless curiosity you say?

Axl was stalked once before.? And if you had any sense of current events, you'd see that now Catherine Zeta Jones is dealing with a stalker.

Maybe it is hard for you to see reality, but something like this could bring out the bad in some.? And it is not fair to Betsy to link these pictures when she has it written on her site that they are not to be linked.

What ever happened to respect for others? :confused:

Edited to say Sterlingdog thanks mate : ok:

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 16, 2004, 11:08:20 PM
I think we should not entice people to seek him out or disrupt his lifestyle

oh c'mon! you think people who watch their idols on mtv cribs actually start to plan out ways to go and visit it? personally, i couldn't give two shits less what axl's home looks like, but it's all in harmless curiosity.

Harmless curiosity you say?

Axl was stalked once before.? And if you had any sense of current events, you'd see that now Catherine Zeta Jones is dealing with a stalker.

Maybe it is hard for you to see reality, but something like this could bring out the bad in some.?

Perhaps many of us think of it as harmless curiousity because we would never consider doing that ourselves.? That said, I can see your point.? Sometimes we have to think about how the "crazies" might respond.

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: jabba2 on September 16, 2004, 11:37:09 PM
Wow, i wanted to see Axls house too. Thanks for whining constantly untill the link was removed, so noone can see it. That was real mature  ::).

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Lady Livin on September 16, 2004, 11:49:23 PM
>> you'd see that now Catherine Zeta Jones is dealing with a stalker.

i'm sorry, but i don't watch access hollywood. why would i care about that? here's a newsflash: people know who axl is!!!

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 17, 2004, 12:18:33 AM

She never released ALL  her pics out of respect for Axl. That I know for a fact. The pics I saw WERE NOT of his HOUSE. The one I d/l to my hard drive was the VIEW he has outside his home. All you see are mts. and water...christ people..Matter of fact I used it as  desktop pic as  nature shot cause it was such a pretty view. Do you think that SHE, I OR AXL would want the inside of his house shot? And posted on the Net?

Not to mention, I didn't find the pic I had. But you guys would be seeing the pretty ocean,  not his freakin bathroom. Give some of us some credit here. Some fans do try to respct the artist. As for his addy, that is common knowledge and I believe is posted all over the Net!!!

I understand your guys' point..but I think you jumped the gun a bit. I didn't see the link posted before it was taken down. But if she doesn't want others to see it..then maybe she should take it down completely. The ONLY reason I saw it was cause it on a board. As I said, maybe this one. Not sure. But you're all sorta blowing this whole "take down the thread" thing a bit far. You should trust us a bit more!

But no harm done. No pics were posted and its all cool now. Just surprising it became an issue. Please remember there are good fans out there that wouldn't disrespect our Uncle Axl like that!!!



Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: Sterlingdog on September 17, 2004, 12:50:23 AM
Honestly, anyone who wanted to see those pics could just search the web, the site would come up.  But I was asked to take the post with the links down and so I harm done.  Nothing to get so worked up about, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Pictures of axl's home? or MTV Cribs!!!
Post by: AylaRose28 on September 17, 2004, 12:51:59 AM
true and agreed

