Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: D on September 15, 2004, 12:18:54 AM

Title: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: D on September 15, 2004, 12:18:54 AM
this isnt my infamous what are u watching post whore thread part 2.

this is a thread to discuss TV shows u watch every week, whats gonna happen etc etc.

For instance if anyone watches "the apprentice", "benefactor", big brother 5,survivor,6 feet under, nip/tuck,rescue me etc etc etc

ive never seen this thread before, so lets get discussing!

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Sukie on September 15, 2004, 12:49:37 AM
The only show that I watch more or less religiously is Six Feet Under.  This past week was rather shocking.  Lots of stuff happened that I never would have imagined.  I know that people who aren't in the US don't get to see the current season, though, so I don't want to spoil the future story line for them. 

Plus, unless somebody else watches it and wants to talk about it, I'd just be talking to myself anyway.   :hihi:

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: D on September 15, 2004, 12:53:01 AM
i currently love watching big brother 5, this show is awesome! does anyone else watch it? micheal,diane and drew are going for head of household, who will double cross who? i think its an awesome show.

Has anyone been watching the surreal life? FLavor Flav is so hilarious! jordan knight up to this point has been a prick.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: journey on September 15, 2004, 10:48:27 AM
The only show that I watch more or less religiously is Six Feet Under.? This past week was rather shocking.? Lots of stuff happened that I never would have imagined.? I know that people who aren't in the US don't get to see the current season, though, so I don't want to spoil the future story line for them.?

Plus, unless somebody else watches it and wants to talk about it, I'd just be talking to myself anyway.? ?:hihi:

I watch Six Feet Under too.? I'm glad Nate finally discovered who killed Lisa.? That was very surprising. I was sure that Brenda had something to do with it, but I was wrong.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Lady Livin on September 15, 2004, 04:11:10 PM
i've only seen big brother's seasons 1-3.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Evolution on September 15, 2004, 05:46:31 PM
My favourite tv show is WWE Raw

Its gone through a few some tough years recently in the ratings despite it's ,for me anyway, improved content.

I can't wait for this weeks as it's a after PPV event show so it should be great!

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Cornell on September 15, 2004, 07:07:49 PM
My favorite show is "24".  I can't wait for the new season.

For comedy relief:  Everyone Loves Raymond, Still Standing and the old Seinfelds.  This is ELR's last season.  :(

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Sukie on September 15, 2004, 08:01:21 PM
The only show that I watch more or less religiously is Six Feet Under.? This past week was rather shocking.? Lots of stuff happened that I never would have imagined.? I know that people who aren't in the US don't get to see the current season, though, so I don't want to spoil the future story line for them.?

Plus, unless somebody else watches it and wants to talk about it, I'd just be talking to myself anyway.? ?:hihi:

I watch Six Feet Under too.? I'm glad Nate finally discovered who killed Lisa.? That was very surprising. I was sure that Brenda had something to do with it, but I was wrong.

I can't believe how Claire is becoming such a druggie.  And George!  Poor bad man after another. 

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: journey on September 15, 2004, 08:35:42 PM
The only show that I watch more or less religiously is Six Feet Under.? This past week was rather shocking.? Lots of stuff happened that I never would have imagined.? I know that people who aren't in the US don't get to see the current season, though, so I don't want to spoil the future story line for them.?

Plus, unless somebody else watches it and wants to talk about it, I'd just be talking to myself anyway.? ?:hihi:

I watch Six Feet Under too.? I'm glad Nate finally discovered who killed Lisa.? That was very surprising. I was sure that Brenda had something to do with it, but I was wrong.

I can't believe how Claire is becoming such a druggie.? And George!? Poor bad man after another.?

Yeah, I think Claire gets high in almost every episode now. Now she's getting involved with Brenda's crazy brother. :nervous:
And, I feel really bad for Rico, because Vanessa refuses to get back with him. Poor guy.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Chris Misfit on September 15, 2004, 09:15:16 PM
Probably Ali G repeats at the moment (never seen him first him round, as when I was in Ireland I never watched TV). I can't fucking stand people who watch, what I like to call "retard" TV (See Sukie and Journey). I have found myself watching more sports though. Comedys and sports, that's all I like.

I actually watched a very interesting biography recently regarding Jesus and the bible, which was interesting beyond belief.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: loretian on September 16, 2004, 03:07:49 PM
I still need to watch Six Feet Under.  It's one of those shows that I've wanted to watch for awhile, I just haven't done it yet.

Anyway, shows I like:

The Sopranos - 'nuff said.
Deadwood - The first season was brilliant.  I can't wait for the next season.  Though not quite as brilliant as The Sopranos, it makes up for it with a slightly more intense nature.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Funniest show ever.  Even funnier than Seinfeld.
X-Play - OK, I'm a total geek about this, but it's a video game review show.  I don't even have to play video games anymore, I can just watch this show and find out they suck ahead of time.  Plus... Morgan Webb...   :drool: :love:

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: D on September 16, 2004, 03:19:04 PM
I still need to watch Six Feet Under.? It's one of those shows that I've wanted to watch for awhile, I just haven't done it yet.

Anyway, shows I like:

The Sopranos - 'nuff said.
Deadwood - The first season was brilliant.? I can't wait for the next season.? Though not quite as brilliant as The Sopranos, it makes up for it with a slightly more intense nature.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Funniest show ever.? Even funnier than Seinfeld.
X-Play - OK, I'm a total geek about this, but it's a video game review show.? I don't even have to play video games anymore, I can just watch this show and find out they suck ahead of time.? Plus... Morgan Webb...? ?:drool: :love:

ive been wanting to watch "curb your enthusiasm" but i dont have satellite so i cant, ive always heard of how great and hilarious it is, i may have to buy a season on dvd or something.

My brother has the same infatuation with Morgan Webb on that Xplay show! lol! : ok: :hihi:

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: loretian on September 16, 2004, 04:41:58 PM
ive been wanting to watch "curb your enthusiasm" but i dont have satellite so i cant, ive always heard of how great and hilarious it is, i may have to buy a season on dvd or something.

It's worth buying on DVD.  Each season gets progressively more outrageous - the last season had me going "Holy shit he didn't just do that" every few minutes.

My brother has the same infatuation with Morgan Webb on that Xplay show! lol! : ok: :hihi:

She is amazing.  AMAZING.  And she plays video games.  REALLY, she does.   :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  Some guy hacked Madonna's website awhile back, and then used it to propose to Morgan.  She said "Send me the ring I'll do it"

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Sukie on September 16, 2004, 10:46:38 PM
Probably Ali G repeats at the moment (never seen him first him round, as when I was in Ireland I never watched TV). I can't fucking stand people who watch, what I like to call "retard" TV (See Sukie and Journey). I have found myself watching more sports though. Comedys and sports, that's all I like.

I actually watched a very interesting biography recently regarding Jesus and the bible, which was interesting beyond belief.

I can't fucking stand people who are such snobs when it comes to entertainment.   :P

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Hammy on June 23, 2006, 09:59:12 AM
Rather than start loads of different threads for different tv shows i though i'd just use this to discuss a few of my current faves.

Prison Break, Lost, My Name Is Earl & Supernatural i've discussed before (in the relevant threads...) so i won't delve into them i'll just simply say all 4 are Fantastic Shows and i look forward to the new seasons at the end of this year.....

Deadwood - The first season was brilliant.? I can't wait for the next season.? Though not quite as brilliant as The Sopranos, it makes up for it with a slightly more intense nature.
In the past few months i've had marathon sessions watching this show.  I'd seen it advertised but never watched it, and as somebody who likes to see an entire series (start to finish i won't start watching mid season....) i decided to download the whole of the first series.  Fantastic stuff! It's probably the closest i have seen to a realistic portrayal of the western ways of old.  Ian Mcshane (Lovejoy! :rofl:) steals the show as Al Swearengen one of the best villians in a tv show in years, he delivers the line cocksucker with such venom i found him hilarious, he's a nasty bastard but you can't help but love him.

I've also been watching the NEW Celebrity Deathmatch, i was really happy when i heard they were bringing it back and for the msot part it's been quite amusing, i like how they've improved the animation and the Michael Jackson piss takes each week have been really good......

.....My other favourite show of the moment is Supergroup.  Great to see all these musicians working together, Ted Nugent is a legend and i really like the guy.  I've always been a big Sebastian Bach fan but on the show he is really coming across as an asshole.

Did anyone see the BBC Series Life on Mars? a few months ago.  That was a great show with for once an original idea.  Here's the plot outline from ......After being involved in a car accident in 2006, DCI Sam Tyler (John Simms) wakes up to find himself in 1973, the era of 'Sweeney' type policing, Mark III Cortinas, and flared trousers.

So basically you have a 70s cop show, with great music.  What is entertaining to see is how their 2 methods of policing clash, plus you also have the time travel aspect where he is trying to get back to 2006.....Great stuff!

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: fieldsy on June 23, 2006, 10:15:55 AM
without any shadow of a doubt....24

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: pasnow on June 23, 2006, 11:10:38 AM
Soprano's sucked ass this season. WTF was with that season finale??

My fav's currently are Lost, Deadliest Catch, Earl, The Office and football {American} anything football. College/Pro Sunday, Monday night, Saturday, Thursday night. Anything.

In the past watched The Apprentice, kinda jumped the shark when the moved it to Mondays, and the Simpsons have sucked for several years now. The Office British version is hysterical.. Got it on DVD.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Jim on June 23, 2006, 11:46:44 AM
... he delivers the line cocksucker with such venom i found him hilarious...

It can only ever be the second best cocksucker ever, though.

I've never seen it, but I'm sure it's no "... Hand me the keys..." ;D

Oh, and I'll throw X-Files in. Best. Show. Ever.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: pasnow on June 23, 2006, 12:33:27 PM
Oh, and I'll throw X-Files in. Best. Show. Ever.

Wrong, Married with Children. Period.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Sakib on June 23, 2006, 04:12:22 PM
I love 24. It ROCKS BRO. But i hate the Apprentice. Tis soooooo boring

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: D on June 23, 2006, 06:34:27 PM
Rescue Me is THE show to watch right now.

Im catching all the first 3 seasons of Nip/Tuck right now so i can get caught up for Season 4.

on Saturday Nights starting usually around 11PM eastern, they show somewhere between 2 to 3 reruns.

It starts from season 1 and goes all the way up to the finale of season 3 to catch up people for season 4.

Of course My Name Is earl is amazing and I hope it lasts a long time.

WWE Monday Night Raw is still my favorite, I had a 10 year consecutive watch streak going until my Girlfriend turned off my DVR  box accidentally and it didnt record......... :rant: :rant:

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 23, 2006, 06:40:54 PM
I love 24. It ROCKS BRO. But i hate the Apprentice. Tis soooooo boring

Sakib, we agree on something!? I love 24 too.
Family Guy, Invasion, Pro Football (American), The Office (American), The McGlaughlin Group, and repeats of Seinfeld and The Simpsons.? I also must confess I watch American Idol.? It's totally mindless and awful, but fun to make fun of.? :-[

Before I forget though!? If anyone here gets public television here in the United States, or sees the news show Frontline overseas, I watched a wonderful documentary called The Dark Side.? It was the best episode of Frontline I've ever seen.? ?:beer:?

Ooops, forgot to mention The Apprentice.  Trump's a cool guy.  He's got charisma.  : ok:

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 23, 2006, 11:57:26 PM
I have seen a similar thread, but it was a while ago, whatever.
Everyone loves Raymond
Food network

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Kaybee on June 24, 2006, 02:20:40 AM
The only shows I watch are The Office (British version.. American version is so bad it's offensive), and The Simpsons.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Bill 213 on June 24, 2006, 02:25:09 AM
TV is so horrid these days.....I just watch King of Queens on CBS and either Travel, Discovery or History Channel.  I can't fathom the shit they pass off anymore.  The only show I liked recently was Free Ride on fox and they cancelled it after six episodes.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: nycangel on June 24, 2006, 10:22:02 AM
i have a list of shows i love:

Law & Order
Without a Trace
Judging Amy
The Nanny
Golden Girls
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
and the vh1 series I love the 80s, and all the other ones

for now thats all i can think of lol

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: zakas80 on June 24, 2006, 10:51:26 PM
TV is pretty much shit these days...but the few shows that I do actually look forward to watching are....

Da Ali G Show
The Office
My Name is Earl
South Park
Family Guy
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 25, 2006, 05:57:15 AM
Soprano's sucked ass this season. WTF was with that season finale??

My fav's currently are Lost, Deadliest Catch, Earl, The Office and football {American} anything football. College/Pro Sunday, Monday night, Saturday, Thursday night. Anything.

In the past watched The Apprentice, kinda jumped the shark when the moved it to Mondays, and the Simpsons have sucked for several years now. The Office British version is hysterical.. Got it on DVD.

Oh no Season Six of the Sopranos sucks??! Please dont say that mate. Its my fave show but living in good ol England we havnt had the season yet.

How anything with those characters in can suck baffles me.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 25, 2006, 06:11:20 AM
I thought this sopranos was quite good... I just think we want violence all the time and that's not what it's really about, it's about ton'y life which does include family and dr's appointments

I'm sure a mass whacking will happen when the last shows start

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Bill 213 on June 25, 2006, 06:22:03 AM
I thought this sopranos was quite good... I just think we want violence all the time and that's not what it's really about, it's about ton'y life which does include family and dr's appointments

I'm sure a mass whacking will happen when the last shows start

Half of the cast hasn't even signed on for the last 8 episodes because they want a huge pay raise....there may be a mass whacking for sure.  Gandolfini is signed on though so at least Tony will be kicking it!

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 25, 2006, 06:26:27 AM
I thought this sopranos was quite good... I just think we want violence all the time and that's not what it's really about, it's about ton'y life which does include family and dr's appointments

I'm sure a mass whacking will happen when the last shows start

Half of the cast hasn't even signed on for the last 8 episodes because they want a huge pay raise....there may be a mass whacking for sure.? Gandolfini is signed on though so at least Tony will be kicking it!

they'll all be back, just give me tony, sil paulie and chris... Juliana was looking damn good, love that sexy milf

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 25, 2006, 06:45:51 AM
I just love the Sopranos - my g/f was into it and id never seen it before as I think tv on the whole, is the devil. But she bought me Season 1 for my birthday last year and it backfired as i spent the ensuing months at night in bed smoking spliffs watching Seasons 1-5. She wasnt to pleased about that.

Even less pleased now that ive started back at season 1 as the new one comes out here Septemberish. Heh heh.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: SpUd_Jr on June 25, 2006, 09:43:50 PM
The greatest television show of all-time is Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 25, 2006, 09:59:30 PM
Scrubs is worth a mention.

Title: Re: discuss your favorite tv shows!
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 26, 2006, 03:30:34 AM
I just love the Sopranos - my g/f was into it and id never seen it before as I think tv on the whole, is the devil. But she bought me Season 1 for my birthday last year and it backfired as i spent the ensuing months at night in bed smoking spliffs watching Seasons 1-5. She wasnt to pleased about that.

Even less pleased now that ive started back at season 1 as the new one comes out here Septemberish. Heh heh.

Be happy about that, now you get to enjoy the show one after another, I did that with OZ by renting all the shows and watching episode after episode