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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Eazy E on September 09, 2004, 04:59:29 PM

Title: Arena Tour?
Post by: Eazy E on September 09, 2004, 04:59:29 PM
I'm not too sure what the band is planning on doing after their current tour in Europe, but I suppose a tour of arenas in North America would make sense.  Is it possible though??  Velvet Revolver have become a pretty popular band, but do they have it in them to fill up 15-20,000 seat arenas??  Fall To Pieces is doing good, but it certainly hasn't exploded up the charts or anything (yet  :P).  In my opinion the best idea for getting the band into larger venues is through a co-headlining tour.  I can't really think of a band that would match-up well with Velvet Revolver though.  What are your thoughts about an arena tour?  Who would be a good co-headliner (or well=known opening act)?  Would VR's live intensity translate well to a big show?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Jizzo on September 09, 2004, 07:09:18 PM
they are already planning arenas for this fall

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 09, 2004, 08:39:20 PM
I can`t see them filling arenas just yet.

Most mainstream listeners are just becoming aware or have recently found out about them.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Mikkamakka on September 10, 2004, 04:46:20 AM
I can`t see them filling arenas just yet.

Most mainstream listeners are just becoming aware or have recently found out about them.

Yes, you are right. I think they should find a good co-headliner (Brides Of Destruction? Audioslave?) or join something like Ozzfest. And after the second album they'll fill arenas alone, but not now.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on September 10, 2004, 11:38:02 AM
I find it hard to believe that VR is arena ready. Even Guns didn't headline arena's til 3-4 albums in & they were the biggest thing ever.  They need another album with a monster anthem or something before they expect to fill arena's.

I say they play theaters in all the major college towns this fall/winter(less than 10,000 capacity places) & then headline a traveling summer festival, release another album, then hit the arena's!

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: darkmonth on September 10, 2004, 12:06:00 PM
Even Guns didn't headline arena's til 3-4 albums in...

Where the hell do you get this info ????

Guns N' Roses were headlining the biggest tour in the world in STADIUMS, BEFORE the Use Your Illsuions albums were released!!!!!

hehe... jeeez dude.  Do you even remember Guns N' Roses back then ?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 11, 2004, 09:33:12 AM
They could pull of venues of about 10k... I think fter ftp's they will be set, they need to take places like germany, & the uk and instead of doing say 3-5 shows do one in each country... This will have people travel for one show... That's how I feel....There are definetly enough fans, just need to spread the dates wisely..

I want them to play msg, it's about 19 thousand seater, they would definetly sell the place out, they just need to do ONE show in nyc... You'll get fans from nyc, jersey, & conn... Bigger venues need less shows in certain areas...People will travel for good music.. :yes:

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: tomass74 on September 13, 2004, 06:18:23 AM
I agree, I don't really see them doing anything over 10,000. They may not even sell those out but that doesnt really matter. I think Fell To Pieces is gonna shoot them in the foot and backfire. Its to 80's and comes across cheesy. I know its deep song to Scott but it doesn't really come across that way. I was sick of it after like the second time I heard it. And most of the world when hearing it just think its a love song.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: atto on September 14, 2004, 08:08:37 PM
Well, the only Arena show confirmed is a festival, they're headlining and it's called Rocktober fest. It's on October 25th and it's in Hidalgo, TX. The link is here

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Booker Floyd on September 14, 2004, 09:38:58 PM
And most of the world when hearing it just think its a love song.


Did they call you up afterward or something?  Was a poll taken?  That claim is a little presumptuous, dont you think?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: nesquick on September 14, 2004, 09:44:13 PM
Even Guns didn't headline arena's til 3-4 albums

excuse me? LOL!
they sold out wembley stadium in 1991 within 10 minutes before the "Use Your Ilusion" release. back in the days GN'R were fucking huge.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: tomass74 on September 14, 2004, 10:20:45 PM
And most of the world when hearing it just think its a love song.


Did they call you up afterward or something?? Was a poll taken?? That claim is a little presumptuous, dont you think?

Ok , I didn't totally think that out before I said it.   But If you do not know anything about Scott and you hear the lyrics you wouldn't think it was anything about his drug issues and getting sober or whatever else was going on in his life. It just sounds like a love ballad about some guy being miserable without a chick. I know this doesn't speak for anyone but my buddy got the CD the other day and pointed that song out specifically as being lame. I have seen two people now switch the song on the radio when it came on because it was cheesy. And myself who is a VR fan doesnt really like the song. Whatever the song is cheesy and it's songs like this that kill bands.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on September 16, 2004, 11:40:26 AM

Where the hell do you get this info ????

Guns N' Roses were headlining the biggest tour in the world in STADIUMS, BEFORE the Use Your Illsuions albums were released!!!!!

hehe... jeeez dude.? Do you even remember Guns N' Roses back then ?

Ok dumbfuck, what material were they playing? UYI material. It's just that the records kept getting postponed by u know who, but the concerts were already booked. So they played the gigs a few months before UYI's were released.

GnR were not headling huge stadiums & arena's until they had 3-4 albums worth of material to play from. Get it?!?

Can u people think?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Top-Hatted One on September 16, 2004, 12:08:11 PM
5-10,000 seaters for now

whether they will play arenas will depend on how good the next record is. Contraband is great but it lacks a true Anthem other than Slither.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 16, 2004, 12:10:37 PM
They could choose to do one show in a certain areas, rather then three shows..  That's the only way I could see a big seater working

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 16, 2004, 12:13:26 PM
Of course they could also be selective and do bigger shows in big places like NYC...msg : ok:

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on September 16, 2004, 12:17:38 PM

whether they will play arenas will depend on how good the next record is. Contraband is great but it lacks a true Anthem other than Slither.

Slither an anthem? Anthems have obvious, great chorus' that crowds can sing along with, huge, memorable guitar hooks, etc....

Contraband has no anthems, basically because Weiland writes way to abstract & relies heavily on vocal melodies/studio tricks to keep up with Slash & co. instead of just belting out huge vocals. 

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Jizzo on September 16, 2004, 01:59:39 PM
they are playing a 18000 seat gig as one of the first announced new shows

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Top-Hatted One on September 16, 2004, 02:26:04 PM

whether they will play arenas will depend on how good the next record is. Contraband is great but it lacks a true Anthem other than Slither.

Slither an anthem? Anthems have obvious, great chorus' that crowds can sing along with, huge, memorable guitar hooks, etc....

Contraband has no anthems, basically because Weiland writes way to abstract & relies heavily on vocal melodies/studio tricks to keep up with Slash & co. instead of just belting out huge vocals.?

If you go see VR live you would know what I mean. I not saying it's of epical proportions as Jungle. paradise city is but you can't deny that it's the song that keeps the crowd going the most out of the new songs

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on September 16, 2004, 03:11:25 PM

If you go see VR live you would know what I mean. I not saying it's of epical proportions as Jungle. paradise city is but you can't deny that it's the song that keeps the crowd going the most out of the new songs

Actually, I have seen VR live & I would have to say the reason people seemed more into Slither is for the simple fact that it's the only original song most of the audience knew. It's a nice little rocking song, but I doubt it conjures up any "anthem" type of emotions from anyone. Is there even a memorable chorus? No. Is there a huge, bring down the house guitar break. No. It's simply not an anthem of any type.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Booker Floyd on September 16, 2004, 03:34:36 PM
Is there even a memorable chorus?

Obviously, since 3,000 people were sing along to it at the concert I went to...and that was only a month or so after "Slither" came out.

You can give your own "anthem parameters" if you want, but when the entire venue is pumping their fists and singing along to that chorus, does it really matter what you think?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: moreblack on September 16, 2004, 03:56:15 PM

whether they will play arenas will depend on how good the next record is. Contraband is great but it lacks a true Anthem other than Slither.

Slither an anthem? Anthems have obvious, great chorus' that crowds can sing along with, huge, memorable guitar hooks, etc....

Contraband has no anthems, basically because Weiland writes way to abstract & relies heavily on vocal melodies/studio tricks to keep up with Slash & co. instead of just belting out huge vocals.?

I guess they're just not an anthemic cheesy arena rock band like U2... :-\

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: jarmo on September 16, 2004, 04:21:11 PM
Ok dumbfuck, what material were they playing?

Read the rules.

Can u people think?


GN'R didn't start selling out arenas in 1991 because they had more songs to play. They sold out those places because people wanted to see them.  :P


Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Jizzo on September 16, 2004, 06:24:29 PM
Each time ive seen them play, when they get to slither the crowd goes fucking nuts

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Booker Floyd on September 16, 2004, 07:04:49 PM
Each time ive seen them play, when they get to slither the crowd goes fucking nuts

Exactly...Which kind of transcends any personal formula check on whether its "anthem worthy" or not.

Hearing all 3,000 people at the Electric Factory join in for "Yeeeaahhh, here comes the waaaater..." was a  :o moment.  I distinctly remember thinking to myself, "Wow...this is crazy."  The song was only a month old at that point too.  Now youre hearing it in stadiums, various live broadcasts, and radio station promos (94 WYSP in Philly uses this often in its drops, as well as "DIFTK").  That moment right after the second breakdown, when that last verse kicks back in ("When you look you see right through me!") was the absolute highlight of the night.  The place exploded.  They also emphatically chanted the "Yeah!"s in the beginning and end of the song, and went crazy during the solo.  And like I said, that speaks for more than any personal opinion of whether the song is technically an "anthem"; and it downright disproves any claim that the chorus isnt memorable.  Is there anybody here that doesnt remember it?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: tomass74 on September 17, 2004, 03:14:52 AM
Slither is great live and people go nuts.  I saw it too before the album came out.  Whether people want to admit it or not ,the song is huge.  It would definately get 10,000 people rockin.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Eazy E on September 17, 2004, 11:21:31 AM
they are playing a 18000 seat gig as one of the first announced new shows

See I don't think they can pull this off yet.  Who else is on the bill?

What do you guys think about Jet as an opening act?  I think they would draw a crowd and suit the style of VR more than anyone else.

BTW, I agree about Slither getting the greatest response from the crowd.  People were going pretty crazy at the show I went too.  However, I wonder if it was so great because it was more of an intimate show?  I mean, would people be enjoying it as much from the upper level of an arena?

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: Ignatius on September 18, 2004, 10:04:45 AM

It all depends on the venue/location ( same as GNR 2 years ago) and setlist/material. VR could sell out a 10,000 seater in larger cities; NY, Philly, Chicago or LA if they had two or more albums worth of material. You can't play MSG for 65 minutes and then piss off.

Arena acts normally last between 90' to 150'. VR doesn't have enough songs yet.

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on September 18, 2004, 10:14:12 AM

It all depends on the venue/location ( same as GNR 2 years ago) and setlist/material. VR could sell out a 10,000 seater in larger cities; NY, Philly, Chicago or LA if they had two or more albums worth of material. You can't play MSG for 65 minutes and then piss off.

Arena acts normally last between 90' to 150'. VR doesn't have enough songs yet.

I agree they should wait, bu tI do believe they could make it with the album and some covers.. Each gnr show I've seen tehy played a bunch of covers regardless of how much material they had.. Also vr has other songs tehy recorded before releasing contraband, tehy even said they write as they go.. I'm sure they could also introduce some new songs as well...

If they do a bigger set of venues I believe they will give ample notice before and go out and promote it, and play less shows in certain areas..

I want MSG :beer:

Title: Re: Arena Tour?
Post by: jarmo on September 18, 2004, 10:28:59 AM
Arena acts normally last between 90' to 150'. VR doesn't have enough songs yet.

Add a 10 minute drum solo and a 15 minute guitar solo and you're above 90 minutes. ;)
