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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Gordi on September 08, 2004, 10:11:35 AM

Title: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Gordi on September 08, 2004, 10:11:35 AM
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone agrees with me when I say that Chinese Democracy will most likely follow the path of the Beach Boys 'Smile' album, Martin Scorcese's 'Gangs of New York' movie etc?... I personally think that it will be thought of in much the same way as Smile: a lost classic that could have changed music forvever. Or Gangs of New York: in work since 1977 finally released 2002...who agrees?? ???

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: liquidvirus on September 08, 2004, 11:15:16 AM
i thought about that many times.....but don't see it happening.
it will be released, the record company wants it's money back
(post no. 500, damn it, i lose my rocker status)

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: fixintodie on September 08, 2004, 11:19:28 AM
I think it already is considered lost by most people. Of course that will change when/if it's ever released.  :drool:

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Dave_Rose on September 08, 2004, 11:22:04 AM
I think it already is considered lost by most people. Of course that will change when/if it's ever released.? :drool:

What he said

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Sillything on September 08, 2004, 11:40:37 AM
It will never be released. Hope I'm wrong :peace:

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: fixintodie on September 08, 2004, 11:46:46 AM
Just imagine when this is all over. We all own C.D. and after the tour, the inevitable question...'When's the follow up?'

The nightmare begins again...

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Timothy on September 08, 2004, 12:24:06 PM
Just imagine when this is all over. We all own C.D. and after the tour, the inevitable question...'When's the follow up?'

The nightmare begins again...

Never really thought about that , damn.Why are guns fans so tortured? :nervous:

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Wheres Izzy on September 08, 2004, 12:34:03 PM
I hated gangs of NY lol. I think the only way the album will fly under the radar and be "lost" is if Axl never releases it. Even if it turns out to suck it will still garner alot of attention upon it's release.

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: C0ma on September 08, 2004, 12:47:57 PM
Right now it is a 'great lost album'

Thats the best thing Axl has going for him right now, he has the mystique of Chinese Democracy following him everywhere.  Once its released he loses that. Do you think everyone follows Scorcese around now asking about Gangs of New York, once that movie came out it wasn't a mystery one whispered about the movie in the works since the late seventies.

I'm afraid Axl doesn't want to give the up.

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: madagas on September 08, 2004, 01:14:36 PM
Actually I believe there will be a release of the album soon. However, I also believe there are a couple of "lost" versions of Chinese within the last six years. He plainly stated after Rio that the album would be out by summer and a single in spring 2001. I believe that album was shelved or he simply got cold feet with it and went back in the studio. Then, you have the 2002 fall statement where he said they had a tracklist etc. That could have been version 2. Now, over two years later, I can't imagine Axl has stuck with the tracklist from 2002 because more recording was done in early 2003 and still continues till today.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: bubba on September 08, 2004, 03:17:37 PM
the blues is shit...or the shit, i forgot ???

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: chineseblues on September 08, 2004, 05:29:09 PM
the blues is shit...or the shit, i forgot ???

bubba, go back to spamming the strip ::)

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on September 08, 2004, 07:39:33 PM
Right now it is a 'great lost album'

Thats the best thing Axl has going for him right now, he has the mystique of Chinese Democracy following him everywhere.? Once its released he loses that. Do you think everyone follows Scorcese around now asking about Gangs of New York, once that movie came out it wasn't a mystery one whispered about the movie in the works since the late seventies.

I'm afraid Axl doesn't want to give the up.

I agree mostly with what he said. To me there is now so much mystery around this album and its unknown release that to me its harder to imagine it actually being released and not have an inclination as to how good it is. Axl will always be a musical icon no matter if the album ever surfaces or it doesnt. I cant think of any other artist who has lived in the shadows recording in sollitude for years of heitus that is still praised hook, line and sinker no matter no matter how many dissappointments have been dished out

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Lord Kayoss on September 08, 2004, 11:16:45 PM
Just imagine when this is all over. We all own C.D. and after the tour, the inevitable question...'When's the follow up?'

The nightmare begins again...

Ominous words.  Great post.

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on September 08, 2004, 11:19:19 PM
nope geffen will never let that happen

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Butch Français on September 09, 2004, 02:52:54 AM
nope geffen will never let that happen

they already have...

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: neko on September 09, 2004, 05:23:26 PM
i really hope im wrong , but the album wont get relased , i dont even think that Axl is working in the album anymore , maybe he goes to the studio an does something but not really trying to finish it.

in other thing to belive wether the album will come out or not its not about if you are a true fan or not , because many pople post things like that if you belive the album wont be out. ill be happy if im wrong on this , and Axl release tht album

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on September 09, 2004, 06:31:50 PM
i really hope im wrong , but the album wont get relased , i dont even think that Axl is working in the album anymore , maybe he goes to the studio an does something but not really trying to finish it.

i agree with you.. because think about it.. axl already owned the world at one point and now he's living very comfortably in his mansion and his new car and etc.. he doesnt even have an obligation to the fans anymore because didnt he tell us to live our lives and when it comes out, we'll know or something to that content? he could give two shits about the fans.. i love axl axl i would definetly understand if he never released anything again.. i'm like axl myself in the sense that we both like to keep to ourselves (be that a good thing or a bad thing) and if i was on top of the world for six years and couldnt go anywhere the cameras didnt follow me, for six damn years, then i wouldnt wanna be in the spotlight again either..

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Gordi on September 09, 2004, 11:22:00 PM
I think you guys are right about the whole mystique thing...and yes guns fans are tortured!  :'(
But what I was getting at was that maybe chinese democracy will never be released, axl may call it quits or release another album instead! maybe leaving this one to fall under the tracks, it's not like they don't have enought songs anyway. what was it 3 albums worth?

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Walapino on September 09, 2004, 11:27:00 PM
its certainly making merits!

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 10, 2004, 10:34:45 AM
13 Million later, its gonna come out.

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: matt88 on September 10, 2004, 10:57:46 AM
Just imagine when this is all over. We all own C.D. and after the tour, the inevitable question...'When's the follow up?'

The nightmare begins again...

I guess Chinese Democracy will never leave it's spot in my 5cd disk changer along with Appetite For Destruction, Are You Experienced, Queen's Greatest Hits Volume 1 and Highway To Hell..until Chinese Democracy's follow up is released.

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Elrothiel on September 10, 2004, 08:36:11 PM
Just imagine when this is all over. We all own C.D. and after the tour, the inevitable question...'When's the follow up?'

The nightmare begins again...

I guess Chinese Democracy will never leave it's spot in my 5cd disk changer along with Appetite For Destruction, Are You Experienced, Queen's Greatest Hits Volume 1 and Highway To Hell..until Chinese Democracy's follow up is released.
You lucky devil! I want a 5CD changer! :drool:
All I have at the moment is a shitty one CD player where the Stop button is broken, tapes don't work, and it DOESN'T HAVE A REMOTE CONTROL! So when I'm there reading and listening to my music, if I feel like listening to a certain song right then, I have to move my lazy ass from the comfyness of my bed, and press the >> button. Grr.
BUT! My comment on the topic... I think its gunna be great, and although its lost right now, it won't be when it comes out, which will PROBABLY be in the next 20 years or so. :smoking: Wow.. in 20 years I'll be 38! AAAH! Scary!

Title: Re: Do you think chinese democracy will become a 'great lost' album?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on September 10, 2004, 10:51:23 PM
Let's see the album and then we will decide.