Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: damnthehaters on August 27, 2004, 09:09:06 PM

Title: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 27, 2004, 09:09:06 PM
I got a pretty cool story.  I'm from Portland so I went to Tommy's show last night.  I decided to go early and eat before seeing the show.  It was at a small venue so when I got there around 7pm, Tommy was sitting at the bar eating a cheeseburger and having a beer.  Other band members were all around the bar also.  Within 5 minutes of being in the bar, I had to go up to him and say hi.  I wasn't going to let this slip by.  So I went up to him and said that I really liked his new cd (which I really do), and told him that I'm a big fan of the new GNR.  He smiled and said "thanks, I appreciate it".  I told him that I didn't want to bother him too much, but it was nice meeting him and he said the same.  About 10 minutes later, I was sitting eating my food and he came up and asked if I was having the cheeseburger because it was great.  I said know, "the french dip".  He then asked If I was staying to watch the show.  I said yeah, and then that's when we actually started to talk more.  I again told him that I really liked his new cd, but actually the only reason I bought it was because I'm such a big gnr and Axl fan, but now after buying it, I'm a Tommy fan as well and he said "oh that's awesome man, thanks".   Then I told him how I really respect the fact that he sticks up for Axl in the media, because Axl gets so much shit printed about him.  He responded by saying "yeah, a bunch of unnecessary shit".  I then told him that I saw them in Tacoma a couple of years back for there opening show on there eventually cancelled tour.  He goes "oh we almost didn't make that one".  I responded by asking what happened in Vancouver the night before and he said that Axl got stuck in bad weather in LA and he couldn't make it.  Tommy said that the rest of the band flew up a couple of days earlier to rehearse and Axl was meeting them there. (Stuff I already knew, but thought I would share everything).  I then told him that it must be nice to have the leway to go out and do your solo stuff.  He said "yeah, it makes it really fun".  I mentioned how Dizzy and Buckethead (and yes, I know that Buckethead is out of the band) were doing the same and he said yeah, but that Brain is no longer playing with Buckethead.  Tommy said that Buckethead is just really high mantanaince, and unpredictable.  (So you wont be seeing Brain on tour with Bucket this fall).  I then finished up by saying that it was nice meeting him and asked him how Chinese Democracy was coming.  He said that is the reason why he is touring now, because it's a last chance to speek his peece (about what?  I'm not sure.  I'm thinking that he was referring to the Replacements material because he did talk a lot about Replacement songs during his set), and went on to say that Chinese Democracy is very close to being done and that it "should be out by the end of the year".   

Later in the night, he signed a poster for me and wrote "thanks for coming, see you next year".  I also met a guitarist named Mike from the band that played before him (Very cool guy).  And this was my experience, a pretty fun night for me, and Tommy played well too.  My favorite was "Without a View", I like that song a lot.

Hope you guys like the story.  I think next year will be a huge year for us GNR fans.  I can't wait.

Peace and rock on!         

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: jarmo on August 27, 2004, 09:19:09 PM
Thanks for sharing your concert experience.  : ok:

Did he play many tracks from Village Gorilla Head?


Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Ignatius on August 27, 2004, 09:30:29 PM

Good Story : ok:

So a chesseburger sparked the conversation?? surreal....

You should've asked what happened in Philly since we already knew the reason why the Vancouver show got cancelled.

It could be great if you could scan the poster he signed for you...

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on August 27, 2004, 09:38:02 PM
Thats awesome man. Glad you had a good time. Tommy seems like such a cool guy!!!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Timothy on August 27, 2004, 09:41:35 PM
Thanks for posting about your experience, sound like it was a good show.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: killingvector on August 27, 2004, 09:44:42 PM
Well, Brain and Buckethead played the Giant Robot tour together just this summer so either something happened recently or Tommy is mistaken.

Sounds like bucket is out though which is what we all presumed.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: killingvector on August 27, 2004, 09:47:10 PM
brain is doing the C2B3 tour also with bucket so either this story is bogus or Tommy doesn't know what he's talking about.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: SOH on August 27, 2004, 09:47:20 PM
So it looks like Brain is staying with GNR. Good. Buckethead must really be a headcase.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 27, 2004, 09:47:29 PM
Yeah, a cheesburger sparked the convo.  Pretty funny huh?  Anyhow, he played about 7 or 8 songs off his new album and he played about 2 old replacements songs, and 2 songs that were never put out by the replacements. 

Yeah, if I would have written down questions to ask him before I talked to him, I would have asked him about Philly, but the whole conversation was rather sureal.  I don't have a scanner, or else I would.  Sorry!

One more thing, after I talked to Tommy I was sitting with this guy who I had just met and was a big fan of the replacements.  He didn't even realize that Tommy was sitting right in front of him the whole time until I told him.  After a little while when Tommy was up on the side of the stage tuning his guitar, my buddy for the night went up to talk to him but couldn't get anything out.  I think he was awstruck.  All my buddie could do was puff away on his cigerette and that's when Tommy looked up at him and said "can you smoke that thing somewhere else?"  I thought it was funny.  Anyhow, I guess later Tommy told the guy "no disrespect". 

peace and rock on

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 27, 2004, 09:50:08 PM
Maybe Brain leaving Bucket is new.  I don't know, I'm just posting what Tommy said. 

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: killingvector on August 27, 2004, 09:54:55 PM
Once again, Brain is playing C2B3 with Buckethead starting in September. That statement by Tommy is wrong as stated.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: younggunner on August 27, 2004, 10:11:25 PM
how long was the set?

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on August 27, 2004, 10:21:21 PM
Once again, Brain is playing C2B3 with Buckethead starting in September. That statement by Tommy is wrong as stated.

Even if he is playing with Buckethead on the C2B3 tour it ends on November 7, so that will still coincide with what Tommy said about Rehearsals starting in December. I dont think we have anything to worry about.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: jnn on August 27, 2004, 10:42:43 PM
He said that is the reason why he is touring now, because it's a last chance to speek his peece (about what?? I'm not sure.? I'm thinking that he was referring to the Replacements material because he did talk a lot about Replacement songs during his set), and went on to say that Chinese Democracy is very close to being done and that it "should be out by the end of the year".? ?

I'd assume that what he meant by this is he wants to take advantage of the opportunity to tour in support of his own music while he still has a chance because this time around GNR touring and possibly more recording should be a more long term commitment.

Thanks for sharing your story.  Sounds like a good night.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 27, 2004, 10:54:36 PM
Once again, Brain is playing C2B3 with Buckethead starting in September. That statement by Tommy is wrong as stated.

He probably meant that Brain won't play as a support drummer on Buckethead shows. Colonel Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains is a band that both are in.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on August 27, 2004, 10:57:01 PM
I find it strange this is his first post on this board. I dont believe it.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: FlashFlood on August 27, 2004, 11:34:02 PM
eh, its believable. but hey, i'll believe anything.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 28, 2004, 12:39:50 AM
I find it strange this is his first post on this board. I dont believe it.

You can believe what you want.? Why would I make up a story like this?? And that was my 1st post because the only place that I have posted in the past has been at and it isn't working.? My screen name on is damnthehaters so some of you might know me.?

To answer an above question, the set was about 3 hours total.? Tommy played two songs to lead it off, then the other band came on, and then Tommy came back on and played for about an hour 1/2.? The show ended around 12:30am.?

peace and rock on!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: killingvector on August 28, 2004, 12:51:07 AM
Once again, Brain is playing C2B3 with Buckethead starting in September. That statement by Tommy is wrong as stated.

He probably meant that Brain won't play as a support drummer on Buckethead shows. Colonel Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains is a band that both are in.

LOL.  I think you are trying to find truth with this statement when there is none. Brain and Bucket are close buds. They worked together this summer with the Buckethead's Giant Robot project and now with C2B3. There is no rift between them.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: vicarious existence on August 28, 2004, 01:03:32 AM
and went on to say that Chinese Democracy is very close to being done and that it "should be out by the end of the year".? ?

Well... at least this is more specific than "soon" or "hairs breadth"

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: NickNasty on August 28, 2004, 01:36:02 AM
Sounds like a cool experience...probably one of the few times you'll see the band members up close and intimate now if there is going to be a major tour experience.  Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Village Gorilla on August 28, 2004, 01:38:07 AM
As much as I love Tommy, and his new album--in grand Replacements style (best band on earth one night, worst band on the next), Tommy and crew were in awful form in Portland.  I have been a Mats fan since 1982, and have seen many of their shows, have followed Bash n Pop, Perfect, and Tommy's career in GNR closely.  I have nothing but the ultimate respect for him and his tremendous talents.  Village Gorilla Head is the greatest achievement of any Post Mat's or Post original GNR members; moreover  Tommy Stinson, hands down, is the definition of Rock n Roll.  He is my all time favorite artist.  But, as is with any favorite artist, they all have bad nights.   Portland was one.  Tommy misses the Figgs, like Axl missed Izzy during the Illusion tours.

I am inclined to say that "Peeps" story is false.  One based on the bad Brain info (I reckon he is out, and Freese maybe back, or Axl and co. want him back in--PURE Speculation on my behalf), and how much was left out of what went on during the show. 

One question Peeps, and you can prove if you were there or not.  Tommy did something on stage, and said:  "I hate to do that in public, but I had to."  He physically left something on the stage.  Peeps, what was it? 

One more note, Alien Crime Syndicate, besides the drummer, stink.  Either they were being the most sarcastic group of arses known to earth, or they were complete morons.  I have no clue, but The Figgs are great and wish Tommy could have toured with them.

Peeps, what did Tommy do, which subsequently left something on stage?

"Anyone got a dime, I need some Jack and coke?"  T. Stinson in Portland.

P.S. it's about time you all figure out who Mister-On is...LOL!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: mulanrouge on August 28, 2004, 01:41:06 AM
Yes i believe you.   :hihi:

I read a recent interview with Tommy.  I think he was in Seattle during the interview and it just came out.

Just got the link a while ago from another forum.

You are soooooo lucky dude  :peace: 

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: grog mug on August 28, 2004, 03:30:54 AM
I remember the exact same quote from last year.  I'm starting to believe that Axl will release the album BEFORE he tours.  November is looking more likely everyday.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Dave_Rose on August 28, 2004, 07:12:12 AM
WOW! Cool news

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: jarmo on August 28, 2004, 08:38:48 AM
I find it strange this is his first post on this board. I dont believe it.

FYI, this time the IP# is actually in the same area where the show was and not on the other side of the Atlantic.


Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: AxlGunner on August 28, 2004, 10:27:57 AM

P.S. it's about time you all figure out who Mister-On is...LOL!

care to elaborate?

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: gabble on August 28, 2004, 10:36:54 AM
Don't know if any of what you said is true, but I do recall your usernames from  A GN'R-board-newbie you are not.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 28, 2004, 11:33:52 AM
Once again, Brain is playing C2B3 with Buckethead starting in September. That statement by Tommy is wrong as stated.

He probably meant that Brain won't play as a support drummer on Buckethead shows. Colonel Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains is a band that both are in.

LOL.? I think you are trying to find truth with this statement when there is none. Brain and Bucket are close buds. They worked together this summer with the Buckethead's Giant Robot project and now with C2B3. There is no rift between them.

There is no telling what the situation is. Whether this story is true or false, I would not assume Bucket and Brain are not having any issues. If I had to believe someone who has allegedly talked to Tommy opposed to someone who has not talked with anyone.......  ???

This is one of the joys of being a GNR fan. Lots of rumors and no official information from the band!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: youngerformofaxl on August 28, 2004, 12:08:53 PM
I believe one day we will receive something official. I think that day is coming up soon.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 28, 2004, 12:16:27 PM
I believe one day we will receive something official. I think that day is coming up soon.

I think so too. I am hoping for some kind of promo spot/commercial on the VMA`s on sunday. I`ll be pretty dissapointed if I watch the whole thing and no GNR news since I`m not really into most of the people that will be on there. The current state of music is getting pretty awful. Its like 1990 again.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: DemocracyRose on August 28, 2004, 12:38:03 PM
I believe one day we will receive something official. I think that day is coming up soon.

I think so too. I am hoping for some kind of promo spot/commercial on the VMA`s on sunday. I`ll be pretty dissapointed if I watch the whole thing and no GNR news since I`m not really into most of the people that will be on there. The current state of music is getting pretty awful. Its like 1990 again.

Dont count on it....  :no:

Back to the topic... Great story, but is it true...? :-\

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 28, 2004, 12:53:47 PM

LOL.? I think you are trying to find truth with this statement when there is none. Brain and Bucket are close buds. They worked together this summer with the Buckethead's Giant Robot project and now with C2B3. There is no rift between them.

No, I'm just saying what I understood from that when I first read it.

If peeps is telling the truth or not we may never know, but I wouldn't assume he's lying only because many people came here and lied before, like almost everyone does in this forum.

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: younggunner on August 28, 2004, 12:55:13 PM
I`ll be pretty dissapointed if I watch the whole thing and no GNR news since
Why are you setting yourself up for dissapointment. I dont get it. Dont listen to these rumors and stuff. Take it with caution. If somehting happens we will be the firts to know about it. Dont put your hopes on the internet bullshit.

I know GNR doesnt talk. BUt again. WHen its ready we will know. If you wanna go with all the rumors, fine, but atleast take it with caution. Havnt we learned by now. The road is coming to an end. Trust me. It will be here sooner than we think. Lets just remain strong down the stretch. Many of us have managed to remian patient. And when that day comes....we are gonna be the happiest bunch of peopel in the world. NOt only because its in our hands but because of the actual music flowing into your ears....

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 28, 2004, 12:56:59 PM
I`ll be pretty dissapointed if I watch the whole thing and no GNR news since
Why are you setting yourself up for dissapointment. I dont get it. Dont listen to these rumors and stuff. Take it with caution. If somehting happens we will be the firts to know about it. Dont put your hopes on the internet bullshit.

I know GNR doesnt talk. BUt again. WHen its ready we will know. If you wanna go with all the rumors, fine, but atleast take it with caution. Havnt we learned by now. The road is coming to an end. Trust me. It will be here sooner than we think. Lets just remain strong down the stretch. Many of us have managed to remian patient. And when that day comes....we are gonna be the happiest bunch of peopel in the world. NOt only because its in our hands but because of the actual music flowing into your ears....

you really speak like guru or jesus christ :)

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 28, 2004, 01:07:25 PM
As much as I love Tommy, and his new album--in grand Replacements style (best band on earth one night, worst band on the next), Tommy and crew were in awful form in Portland.? I have been a Mats fan since 1982, and have seen many of their shows, have followed Bash n Pop, Perfect, and Tommy's career in GNR closely.? I have nothing but the ultimate respect for him and his tremendous talents.? Village Gorilla Head is the greatest achievement of any Post Mat's or Post original GNR members; moreover? Tommy Stinson, hands down, is the definition of Rock n Roll.? He is my all time favorite artist.? But, as is with any favorite artist, they all have bad nights.? ?Portland was one.? Tommy misses the Figgs, like Axl missed Izzy during the Illusion tours.

I am inclined to say that "Peeps" story is false.? One based on the bad Brain info (I reckon he is out, and Freese maybe back, or Axl and co. want him back in--PURE Speculation on my behalf), and how much was left out of what went on during the show.?

One question Peeps, and you can prove if you were there or not.? Tommy did something on stage, and said:? "I hate to do that in public, but I had to."? He physically left something on the stage.? Peeps, what was it??

One more note, Alien Crime Syndicate, besides the drummer, stink.? Either they were being the most sarcastic group of arses known to earth, or they were complete morons.? I have no clue, but The Figgs are great and wish Tommy could have toured with them.

Peeps, what did Tommy do, which subsequently left something on stage?

"Anyone got a dime, I need some Jack and coke?"? T. Stinson in Portland.

P.S. it's about time you all figure out who Mister-On is...LOL!

Your funny dude!? I was at the show, believe it or not.? What Tommy did was spit a big lugy off to the side of the stage.? I was right in front of him.? I was wearing a Guns N Roses at the Whiskey shirt that was black and yellow.? What else do you want me to prove?? There was also a guy who was really wasted that was up front the whole time dancing around and had long hair-sprayed hair.? This was the guy I mentioned earlier that I was talking to.? You might recall me bringing him a beer earlier in the night when he was the only guy out there.? When the first band came on with the girl singing, he was the only guy dancing on the floor.? And another thing, when you entered the venue, they put a stamp on your wrist that read "I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing".? What else do you want to here?

P.S.? And your opinion is one, but I actually liked? Alien Crime Syndicate and thought that Tommy did do pretty well.? I didn't think the show was perfect by any meens, but I liked it.? I wasn't a big replacements fan so I can't judge, but get out of the past dude.? I don't think Tommy is going to tour with the mats.? And about the Brain story, Tommy told me to my face that "Brain isn't playing with Bucket anymore, he is just to high maintanence".? ? Maybe Tommy was too fucking high to know what he was talking about and was wrong, I don't know.? All I know is what Tommy said.? Do you have any more questions for me?? I will check back here in a day or two.?

peace and rock on!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 28, 2004, 01:19:21 PM
Don't know if any of what you said is true, but I do recall your usernames from A GN'R-board-newbie you are not.

I've been a member of for about 11/2 years.? So that is probably pretty new to a lot of you.? ?

Another thing, after reading Village Gorilla's post again.? I didn't say that Brain was out of GNR.? I said that Tommy told me that he was leaving Bucket.? Bucket and GNR are two competely different things.? It sounds like that is what you thought, am I wrong?
? ?

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on August 28, 2004, 01:23:55 PM
Maybe if you provide photos, a police report, fingerprints from the show and a stool sample he`ll believe you were there!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: damnthehaters on August 28, 2004, 01:24:46 PM
Maybe if you provide photos, a police report, fingerprints from the show and a stool sample he`ll believe you were there!

Yeah, no kidding!

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: NickNasty on August 28, 2004, 02:09:17 PM
So was Tommy pretty, you know, 'happy'? Shall we say?

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: ccorn69 on August 28, 2004, 04:47:54 PM

P.S. it's about time you all figure out who Mister-On is...LOL!

care to elaborate?

yeah would you

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: ccorn69 on August 28, 2004, 04:50:11 PM
Maybe if you provide photos, a police report, fingerprints from the show and a stool sample he`ll believe you were there!

 :rofl: :rofl: DAMN the things you have to do to prove stuff to gnr fans

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: GNFNR_UK on August 29, 2004, 12:55:46 AM
and went on to say that Chinese Democracy is very close to being done and that it "should be out by the end of the year".? ?

Is everyone overlooking this statement?? If this guy is telling the truth (which everyone seems to think he is) then Tommy just said CD is coming before the end of the year! Not that GNR is re grouping, recording, touring...None of that! The actual album will be coming before the end of the year according to Tommy!
I know band members have said this last year and the year before even but Axl did say he was gonna announce a release date soon so it looks good to me.

And remember 'Do You Believe in Santa Ivan?'  :hihi:

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: Jizzo on August 29, 2004, 01:03:49 AM
Remember Dizzy telling me in october 02 that CD would be in my hands in february 2003. Or tommy and dizzy saying it would be out by the end of 2003 or Axl telling someone at the led zeppelin release party it would be out by the end of 03

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: ccorn69 on August 29, 2004, 01:49:01 AM
Remember Dizzy telling me in october 02 that CD would be in my hands in february 2003. Or tommy and dizzy saying it would be out by the end of 2003 or Axl telling someone at the led zeppelin release party it would be out by the end of 03

im taking the same stance when i hear something official though im gonna party it up

Title: Re: Talked to Tommy in Portland
Post by: grog mug on August 29, 2004, 02:40:40 AM
In conclusion to this post, only the king of seclusion knows when Chinese Democracy is coming out.