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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Ville Valo on August 24, 2004, 03:51:30 PM

Title: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Ville Valo on August 24, 2004, 03:51:30 PM
do you think that the reason why mtv failed to nominate velvet revolver for any vma's is the fact that they want to leave the door open for a gnr appearance. the producers have already commented on the fact that when they invited gnr the last time, they did not want to spook axl, and if vr were to make an appearance at this years show, axl would be sure not to show up.

please comment

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Naupis on August 24, 2004, 03:59:38 PM
No, they didn't nominate VR because they didn't have a wildly successful video that deserves nominating. They aren't the type of band that gets alot of play on MTV, thus they will not be getting nominated for awards. I can guarantee Axl had NOTHING to do with it as they are not going to bring him back until he releases something. The 2002 appearance was a novelty more than anything given it was the first big appearance for the new band to the American public. Now that that has worn off, they will be waiting on a product that warrants fans having requested the video enough to put them back on a VMA show.

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Jaded on August 24, 2004, 03:59:39 PM
hmmm.. that is one very clever idea!!
 : ok:

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Jonx on August 24, 2004, 04:01:55 PM
I think the fact they didnt want to spook Axl was because it was the first time anyone at MTV had seen him in a long time. As those MTV executives said, they had dealt with him before and know that its never a wise choice to piss Axl off. I would give anything to see that rehearsal footage, see how Axl sounds.

Its pretty surprising the VR have not been nominated for a VMA but then again Slither isnt anything special when you compare it to all the other stuff that is around. Its just your average rock song thats kind of catchy.

Axl wont be there this year, its just not right. The VMAs are totally the wrong place to announce the release of the album. The majority of people watching the VMAs are going to be people who dont care about the album and just want to see some cheesy manufactured crap played live. Axl should just put out a press release or come into this forum and tell us all. Then let the hype grow

just my 2 cents


Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Jaded on August 24, 2004, 04:19:19 PM
yeah the VMAs are usually aload of shite but i watch them anyway lol...
you never know who's going to be on.. might suprise you!  :smoking:

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on August 24, 2004, 04:25:06 PM
Yeah, since 1999 when Axl did that interview with Kurt Loder I would always watch the VMA's to see if he would ever perform or something. That was before I ever went on message board. Then in 2002 it happened and it was so awesome cause it was a total surprise b/c at that time I still never went on message boards, but ever since then I have been on them, and I dont see myself leaving them now. It's cool to chat with fellow Gunners.

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Jaded on August 24, 2004, 04:30:31 PM
to be honest i wasn't a gnr fan in 2002 so i never saw it! if someone had said 'W. Axl Rose' to me a year ago i would have said 'who?' but i'm only young n there's so much crap around- that's my excuse! i'm a big fan now though!  ;D

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: willow on August 24, 2004, 04:33:18 PM
The VMA's are crap to begin with. And I agree VR doesn't fit the mold!!

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Jaded on August 24, 2004, 04:49:21 PM
velvet revolver- the music is great- the singing n lyrics are bollocks!! just my opinion!!  :smoking:

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: MadmanDan on August 24, 2004, 05:08:58 PM
to be honest i wasn't a gnr fan in 2002 so i never saw it! if someone had said 'W. Axl Rose' to me a year ago i would have said 'who?' but i'm only young n there's so much crap around- that's my excuse! i'm a big fan now though!? ;D

You are a smart girl! You have seen the light!

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on August 24, 2004, 05:53:51 PM
That actually makes sense in the world of Axl Rose, but we'll see. I did think 'Slither' would be nominated for best rock video...

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: mega_music on August 24, 2004, 05:57:31 PM
velvet revolver- the music is great- the singing n lyrics are bollocks!! just my opinion!!? :smoking:

I have the same opinion :smoking:

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Falcon on August 24, 2004, 06:27:47 PM
Fuck no on the lack of nomination to anything GNR related...

The vid (though good) wasn't anything too special, basically a performance piece.

It is the Video Music Awards you know.

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on August 24, 2004, 06:36:50 PM
I think the VR album came out too late.
Thehy will probably get a nomination next  year

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: GNFNR_UK on August 24, 2004, 08:57:24 PM
Although I agree 'Slither' isn't the most amazing rock video in the world I still believe it should have been nominated. I know they're suposed to go on the videos and not the song but surely this cannot always be the case?  I watch the VMA's every year and some of the shit videos that get nominated are ridiculous! I mean Green Days video for 'Time of Your Life' not only got nominated but they won! That video can't have cost more than $50 to make! All it was, was the singer sitting on a bed playing guitar while some clips of some extras looking sad were thrown in! But everyone voted for it, why??Because everyone and their mother loves the SONG. Velvets video deserves to be there more than the shite that has been nominated in that category.

As for when GNR turned up in '02, oh shit, I almost pissed my pants! I wasn't a member of this board then (just used to check the HTGTH news section) and had no idea this was going to happen. Apparantly Pink had let slip earlier on in the night that she saw Axl backstage but I didn't watch the opening show luckily. When Guns hit the stage I watched in awe as they burst into WTTJ, then sort of cringed when Axl sang 'It's gonna bring you to your kneeees' in the wrong place but it redeemed itself when they went into 'Madagascar', I can't explain the feeling watching that live, it was so intense, the hairs were standing up on my neck!! I'm sure I will have this same feeling listening to Chinese Democracy when it finally arrives.

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on August 24, 2004, 09:03:02 PM
velvet revolver- the music is great- the singing n lyrics are bollocks!! just my opinion!!? :smoking:

I have the same opinion :smoking:

agreed.. i'd like to understand what's going on in some of the lyrics without having to be on heroine..  :-\

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: GNFNR_UK on August 24, 2004, 09:21:43 PM
velvet revolver- the music is great- the singing n lyrics are bollocks!! just my opinion!!? :smoking:

I have the same opinion :smoking:

agreed.. i'd like to understand what's going on in some of the lyrics without having to be on heroine..? :-\

What isn't normal about lyrics such as?:
'I never noticed, how lovely were the aliens, how lovely were the aliens.'
'Were all running from the goose she's high on cocaine'
'Somebody raped my tapeworm abortion, come on motherfuckers and deliver the cow'

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: ScottyGNR on August 24, 2004, 10:22:42 PM
The VMAs are shit.  how else do you explain eminem winning "video of the year" for the same video?  in 2000 he won with "Real Slim Shady" and 2002 won with "Without Me".  It's the same freaking video.  There is no artistic account or meaning or whatever taken into account with these awards.  They just take the first video/single they released off their latest album of the "in" groups and nominate that.  Oh and what do you know D12 and Eminem are up for "video of the year" for "My Band"

ps:  sorry for the "quotation" marks.

on topic:  VR lyrics are awesome as well as the music.  It's not breaking new ground but it rushes everything that's out there IMO.  I don't see why "slither" wouldn't be nominated  it beats all that's in the " best rock category".  nothing really stands out.  scratch that, the darkness is a cool gimmick.  don't get me started on hoobastank with the reason.  easy easy way to sell cds, release a single that's gonna be played at the end of every middle school dance for the next 3 years.

GNR will not be at the VMAs until they have something.  as a poster said earlier to have them in 2002 is two fold.  One it works for MTV bringing Axl out of hiding and helps GNR launch the tour.  Since neither parties have any interest in doing any of those things now, there is no reason.  Public interest is dead and they can get more people watching with little Jon.  "Yeah!"  (Love that guy)

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: noonespecial on August 25, 2004, 09:37:46 AM
Didn't VR stuff come out "too late" to be included...I don't get the logic of it having ANYTHING whatsoever to do with Axl???

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: Jaded on August 25, 2004, 03:58:24 PM
velvet revolver- the music is great- the singing n lyrics are bollocks!! just my opinion!!? :smoking:

I have the same opinion :smoking:

 :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi: :rofl: :hihi:

agreed.. i'd like to understand what's going on in some of the lyrics without having to be on heroine..? :-\

What isn't normal about lyrics such as?:
'I never noticed, how lovely were the aliens, how lovely were the aliens.'
'Were all running from the goose she's high on cocaine'
'Somebody raped my tapeworm abortion, come on motherfuckers and deliver the cow'

Title: Re: an actual vma topic that isnt a rumor
Post by: jarmo on August 25, 2004, 04:11:19 PM
No, I don't think so.

Locking this since we don't really need more VMA threads. GN'R aren't scheduled to appear.
