Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: D on August 14, 2004, 03:27:47 PM

Title: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: D on August 14, 2004, 03:27:47 PM
I keep hearing how people chant "Fuck Axl Rose" etc etc.

I've learned in my many years on earth, that if people don't like you, they simply don't mention you. If someone doesn't like Axl, it's probably got more to do with his inactivity than actually not liking him.

I can almost guarantee if we ever do get Chinese Democracy, these same people who "hate" axl now, will go back to being his biggest fan.

Axl has hurt himself a lot over the years by making false promises,the 2002 tour,and failing to deliver with Chinese Democracy.

Axl has also been hurt by band members,relatives etc etc talking and giving fans false hope.

The only thing that matters is Chinese Democracy and the quality of that compact disc. I don't believe anyone can sit here and say that if Chinese Democracy lives up to the hype that Axl will still be villified.

Lars was right, Axl is such a magnetic figure, people love to hate axl in the whole anti-hero type way, Axl will always be cool because he is real and not manufactured in a studio, his image isn't made up.

You couldn't create Axl Rose in a book of fiction that hows unique,interesting,and intriguing he is.

One of the things that has kept me around this board for so long, besides the people ive met etc. is just so i can see the reaction of everyone when C.D. drops.

I'm predicting a mass hysteria that we've never seen in music before, at least for us Guns 'n' Roses fans.

Wow this grammar stuff is pretty cool!!!!!

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: axl_rose_700 on August 14, 2004, 03:47:30 PM
Yea, I agree with that.

If people didn't care for him they wouldn't have much of an opinion, but then again there are die hard Axl haters, like Dizzy, who will never like him, which is fair enough!

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: ppbebe on August 14, 2004, 03:48:06 PM
Dude I? totally? agree with your post and holy fuck your grammar is amazing.? :P

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Dave_Rose on August 14, 2004, 04:12:25 PM
I can agree with you all the so called hater will be silenced

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: F*ck Fear on August 14, 2004, 04:12:47 PM
I agree and it's probably always been that way.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Falcon on August 14, 2004, 04:17:27 PM

Axl will always be cool because he is real and not manufactured in a studio, his image isn't made up.

Since fall of 1991, I really don't think Axl has been considered cool in too many circles.

Enigmatic? Yes.

Intriguing? Absolutely.

Cool? Not really...

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Walapino on August 14, 2004, 04:34:02 PM
I dont think the "fuck u Axl" chants on VR shows are because they hate him but more because they are dissapointed and frustrated that Guns N Roses as they knew it doesnt exist anymore.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Dayle1066 on August 14, 2004, 08:05:52 PM
Im a die-hard slash fan, yet i love axl too. so i agree with you, i just wish he nvr had surgery :'(

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: younggunner on August 14, 2004, 08:10:14 PM
Since fall of 1991
What was the month and date of when he stopped being cool in  fall of 1991?

Axl will always be considered cool to some and a dickhead to others. Its a love hate thing. SOme stil lthink Axl is cool and has an amazing presence while others think hes a primadonna.

The best thing about it though is that Axl is just Axl, he never did and never will try to act or be cool. What you see is what you get. If you like it, hop on, if not, well....

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on August 14, 2004, 08:16:41 PM
Im a die-hard slash fan, yet i love axl too. so i agree with you, i just wish he nvr had surgery :'(

when did he get surgery? i doubt that he did..

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: willow on August 15, 2004, 10:04:39 AM
Axl has never stopped being cool. Since when is it a crime to better your life? Like Axl use to say,( do what ever it takes to get threw the day. ) or something to that effect.

And yes I agree, what makes Axl cool is he is real, not some phony rock star!

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Chunkie on August 15, 2004, 10:14:27 AM
C.D will be a mass hysteria.... No doubt about it. Every single FUCK will buy it, fans or not , it will sell faster than Contraband and still we love Contraband!! Hope The C.D will be as great...  : ok:

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: axl2 on August 15, 2004, 10:25:14 AM
Ive had the same view on him for a while. its none of our business when this album comes up or weither he owes it to us cause i remember he said before " i make music for myself not the people" it wasnt exactly like that but it was out of that content...and i think if he releases it, it will be the best thing hes created where hes had nearly complete control compared to when the band used to like to just jam a song for 5 minutes and record.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Falcon on August 15, 2004, 08:05:13 PM
Since fall of 1991
What was the month and date of when he stopped being cool in? fall of 1991?

September 24.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: bad tripp on August 16, 2004, 12:22:48 AM
i think C.D. will be good of course im a huge fan and would prolly listen to it even if it sucked. but i garuantee that every music critic and person alike will be like wow this is good but not good enough to take a decade

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Oddy on August 16, 2004, 02:00:05 AM
Dude I  totally  agree with your post and holy fuck your grammar is amazing.  :P

ppbebe that was genius.

fuck i almost fell out of my chair on that one.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: matt88 on August 16, 2004, 06:11:02 AM
I agree with everything starting with the thread name : ok:

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: C0ma on August 16, 2004, 09:59:56 AM
I'm predicting a mass hysteria that we've never seen in music before, at least for us Guns 'n' Roses fans.

Thats a kind of loaded statement. Of course it's going to be huge with Guns N' Roses fans. The Mama Mia soundtrack was mass hysteria with ABBA fans.
I just wish everyone would take a deep breath and wait for C.D. before predictions are made that this will be the "Wild Stallions Album" that brings world peace. I don't think George Carlin ever showed up in Lafyette Indiana in a flying phone booth to make sure that Axl creates CD in the future. 

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: virtuoso on August 16, 2004, 10:07:10 AM
Yeah i totally agree with you D,  :)

And like the other dude said... the haters WILL be silenced...   :-X  he he

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 16, 2004, 11:44:06 AM
i dont know .
see how a lot of people dislike britney spears, and talk shit about her, how people dislike Hitler and talk shit about him,  .....
i mean, when u hate someone u have the right to talk about it ...

conan o brien making jokes on axl doesnt necessarily mean that he is secretly in love with him ...

i've been talking about axl rose to some friends that didnt know him, and although they kinda like his songs sometimes, they all think that he is an ASSHOLE.

we love him, cause we love guns n roses, and he is part of it.

but i still think that axl haters , simply hate axl rose, and thats find with me :)

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: ccorn69 on August 16, 2004, 12:30:26 PM
I think most people who are pissed of at axl and say things like fuck axl are ether one of two things; there fans who are pissed of at him for one reason or another being CD not out  or blame him for breaking up original band and carrying on without the old band under GNR name.  BUt in someway they have been fans in the past, but I wouldnt say that they love axl,

peace :peace:

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: noonespecial on August 16, 2004, 04:41:12 PM
Love is just a four letter word when it comes to Axl (LOL) :yes:

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Wheres Izzy on August 17, 2004, 12:48:19 AM
I have loved Axl my entire life practically. Amazing artist and performer. The greatest thing is there is no one ever in the middle. You either think he is great or u fucking loathe him. He did lose credibility with me in the past few years tho. I used to love thinking Axl didn't give a fuck about being cool or anything lame like that. Then I saw him on the VMAs and in pictures from the tour and he looks like he had a face lift, plus the baggy clothing, and the dreds. Looks lioke he is trying to pull off some sort of image and it just seemed very disingenuous to me.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: ppbebe on August 17, 2004, 09:38:52 AM
Dude I? totally? agree with your post and holy fuck your grammar is amazing.? :P

ppbebe that was genius.

fuck i almost fell out of my chair on that one.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hit?? :D Yay!

I just took the words right out of Dizzy(the bitter)?s mouth.
"Should of" thread made me think?that he should have some sympathy with Axl.
His strict attitude towards language is somehow similar to an obsessed artist?s one towards his works.

The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Metallica Man on August 17, 2004, 10:40:34 PM
I have much love and respect for Guns and Roses,and of course Axl is the guy you love to hate,but he definitely one of the greatest rock front man ever....I think from watching some of the shows that Axl reminds me alot of Jim Morrison wanting that same perfection,however,the thing that scares me is what it will actually be like with just Axl....that's just one man's thoughts....

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: SlashFan on August 23, 2004, 11:51:54 PM
Well I don't know about loving Axl Rose,most people respect him,it doesn't mean they can stand to be around him.Us fans don't know what it's like working with Axl and we never will know.I think he's a great singer,but I don't care about him,because he doesn't care about his fans,everyone knows that,if you think he does then there would have to be something wrong with you. :peace: :beer:

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on August 23, 2004, 11:59:52 PM
No matter how good CD is, certain people will still bash it.

Title: Re: regardless of what people say, they still love Axl!
Post by: Falcon on August 24, 2004, 06:57:06 PM
On the other hand, if it stinks people wll still love it..