Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: MoonMax on July 17, 2004, 11:17:00 AM

Title: Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: MoonMax on July 17, 2004, 11:17:00 AM
I mean, what does Guns N' Roses meant and mean to You?

When I was a kid and started to listen to GN'R, it was Axl's voice and again Axl's voice, his personality and Slash. I very, very like Slash(thought Velvet Revolver sucks), but now, he's out of Guns and I realy don't care. As I can see, on this board, he is being mention not very often.

I don't realy care if Buckethead left or not, if ot's still Guns N' Roses.

So, are we Axl's die hard fans, or Guns N' Roses as the band, not Guns N' Roses-Axl's nickname.

Do You get my point?

MoonMax :smoking:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 17, 2004, 11:27:30 AM
No, I don't get your point, but fuck Slash, he can't go one article or interview without talkin shit about the new band.  If he thinks VR is so good, then he needs to shut the fuck up and just talk about them instead of dropping Axl's name everywhere.  CD will prove that as far as the writing goes Slash and Duff weren't the most important pieces, and it Contraband shows that without Axl, these guys would probably be still livin on the strip.
Just my opinion. I know I'm gonna get attacked.  Can't we all just get along?

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Mikkamakka on July 17, 2004, 11:50:28 AM
No, I don't get your point, but fuck Slash, he can't go one article or interview without talkin shit about the new band.  If he thinks VR is so good, then he needs to shut the fuck up and just talk about them instead of dropping Axl's name everywhere.  CD will prove that as far as the writing goes Slash and Duff weren't the most important pieces, and it Contraband shows that without Axl, these guys would probably be still livin on the strip.
Just my opinion. I know I'm gonna get attacked.  Can't we all just get along?

I do love Slash, he was the one i liked the most in the band he inspired me to play guitar. My second favourite was Izzy, and the third was Axl. I don't understand people who hates Slash, 'cause he was one of the reasons why GN'R became popular, he is a Guitar God, he played on every released GN'R songs (except 2), so hating him and the others is very childish. You can love Axl without hating the others. Velvet Revolver is good, but not that great like GN'R was, just like the Nu-GN'R cannot be compared with the old band. When they'll have their records released we can judge whether it's good or genius, till then they proved nothing. I know that some on the board will bash CD and some will glorify it just based on their bias. I don't care, I'm tired of these 'Slash is a fuckin' bitch he is always talks shit about the new band'-panels - he never said anything negative about the new musicians, he's never said that Pittman looks like a guy from Village People, Buckethead is a bit strange, Fortus is an Izzy-clone and Robin Finck ruins his guitar parts. Maybe wasn't a nice thing saying that Nu-GN'R has only a couple of songs completed, but we don't know if it was right or not - I hope it wasn't. But compare what Slash said to the things Axl said about the old members - yeah, I know, Axl is a straight guy, he says what he thinks. Think it if you want. But if you listen to GN'R songs from the '85-'94 era, or the covers by Nu-GN'R, DON'T EVER CRITISIZE Slash'S, Duff's, Izzy's, Steven's and Matt's importance, otherwise you'll be a fool. If you like AFD, Lies, UYI, TSI, Sympathy, LE or the bootlegs, then you must like Slash & Co. 'cause they made those albums (with Axl).

PS: I wish the forum rules had a part that denying the old members contribution to te band is forbidden. But I know we live in a free world, and everybody has the right to be stupid.  :rant:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Slashly on July 17, 2004, 11:52:43 AM
I certanly dont get  you, and I dont have your same opinion.But, shit, I do love Slash.Haven`t u realized that when people talk about  Axl`s new band, they call
 it NEW gn`r and when they talk about Slash, Duff,Axl, Matt or Steven, Gilby or Izzy, they talk about Guns N` Roseh, not some fake cover band,ok?Although thats just my opinion.

Baby Slash//

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Layne420 on July 17, 2004, 12:10:41 PM
Yeah I like slash and all the other old guns n roses. The only bad thing is that they all have thier differences. Since Axl been talking about the new stuff and seing the new guns n roses it's been great. It's almost like when I see Robert Plant these days come  out on Letterman and do his solo record it's just that great to see him even if thier is no Jimmi around.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: matt88 on July 17, 2004, 12:12:29 PM
I love the whole fuckin band. Everyone was important in the lineup.

To jbreezy, U ever thought that in interviews Slash isn't asking the questions or rambling shit, the interviewer is asking him questions and he merely states his opinion. In not one interview have i actually heard him say something derogatory about the new band.

At the recent VR concerts Slash has defused alot of chants that are in poor taste about Axl. Now if Slash won't  say shit about Axl or the new band at a concert with the crowd dissing Axl, where else would he do it.

Slash has class. I respect him :)

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 17, 2004, 01:17:15 PM
No, I don't get your point, but fuck Slash, he can't go one article or interview without talkin shit about the new band.  If he thinks VR is so good, then he needs to shut the fuck up and just talk about them instead of dropping Axl's name everywhere.  CD will prove that as far as the writing goes Slash and Duff weren't the most important pieces, and it Contraband shows that without Axl, these guys would probably be still livin on the strip.
Just my opinion. I know I'm gonna get attacked.  Can't we all just get along?

I do love Slash, he was the one i liked the most in the band he inspired me to play guitar. My second favourite was Izzy, and the third was Axl. I don't understand people who hates Slash, 'cause he was one of the reasons why GN'R became popular, he is a Guitar God, he played on every released GN'R songs (except 2), so hating him and the others is very childish. You can love Axl without hating the others. Velvet Revolver is good, but not that great like GN'R was, just like the Nu-GN'R cannot be compared with the old band. When they'll have their records released we can judge whether it's good or genius, till then they proved nothing. I know that some on the board will bash CD and some will glorify it just based on their bias. I don't care, I'm tired of these 'Slash is a fuckin' bitch he is always talks shit about the new band'-panels - he never said anything negative about the new musicians, he's never said that Pittman looks like a guy from Village People, Buckethead is a bit strange, Fortus is an Izzy-clone and Robin Finck ruins his guitar parts. Maybe wasn't a nice thing saying that Nu-GN'R has only a couple of songs completed, but we don't know if it was right or not - I hope it wasn't. But compare what Slash said to the things Axl said about the old members - yeah, I know, Axl is a straight guy, he says what he thinks. Think it if you want. But if you listen to GN'R songs from the '85-'94 era, or the covers by Nu-GN'R, DON'T EVER CRITISIZE Slash'S, Duff's, Izzy's, Steven's and Matt's importance, otherwise you'll be a fool. If you like AFD, Lies, UYI, TSI, Sympathy, LE or the bootlegs, then you must like Slash & Co. 'cause they made those albums (with Axl).

PS: I wish the forum rules had a part that denying the old members contribution to te band is forbidden. But I know we live in a free world, and everybody has the right to be stupid.  :rant:

Maybe you misunderstood, I never said they didn't contribute, I said Axl was a bigger part of it than Duff, Slash and Matt.  Izzy was bigger than those three too.  Axl and Izzy were the main songwriting force behind GNR, period.  And it wasn't just the CD remark by Slash, IT'S EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HE'S IN.  I just got the new Guitar World and he even takes a stab at him there.  My point is, if he has this new band and all this "great" shit happening then drop the past and move forward, he just looks like an ass whenever he starts rippin people and especially when he starts talking about shit he has no clue about, like the status of CD.
Does that help.  Yes everybody does have the right to be stupid and they also have the right to be iliterate assholes.  

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 17, 2004, 01:21:05 PM
and further more, all he has to do is not answer the question, or say no comment.  If you love Slash so much then go listen to that shitty record he put out and stop coming to the Guns N Roses boards and go to the VR boards.  Another thing is that we'll all have to just wait and see when CD comes out who's on top of their shit and who hires cracked out heroin addicts to sing for their over the hill band.  Oh yeah, Robin Finck is the shit, I saw 'em in Vegas and he tore it up.  Slash has about as much class as Steven "I wouldn't take A billion dollars to join the new group" Adler does.
End of story,  no hard feelings, it's squashed.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 17, 2004, 01:25:59 PM
I certanly dont get  you, and I dont have your same opinion.But, shit, I do love Slash.Haven`t u realized that when people talk about  Axl`s new band, they call
 it NEW gn`r and when they talk about Slash, Duff,Axl, Matt or Steven, Gilby or Izzy, they talk about Guns N` Roseh, not some fake cover band,ok?Although thats just my opinion.

Baby Slash//
Damn, why are you guys even here, all anyone does is rip on GNR and then say, "God, I love Guns N Roses.  I loved the old band as much as anyone, but it's over.  All we can do is look to the future and try to be as optimistic as possible.  They ain't gonna get back together and Contraband ain't gonna tide me over.  So, I'm in it for the long hall.  By the way I'm sick of ranting.  I love everyone.  No hard feelings.  I get a little passionate when it comes to the greatest band in the world.  PUT OUT THE FUCKIN CD ALREADY.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Mikkamakka on July 17, 2004, 01:50:27 PM

Maybe you misunderstood, I never said they didn't contribute, I said Axl was a bigger part of it than Duff, Slash and Matt.  Izzy was bigger than those three too.  Axl and Izzy were the main songwriting force behind GNR, period.  And it wasn't just the CD remark by Slash, IT'S EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HE'S IN.  I just got the new Guitar World and he even takes a stab at him there.  My point is, if he has this new band and all this "great" shit happening then drop the past and move forward, he just looks like an ass whenever he starts rippin people and especially when he starts talking about shit he has no clue about, like the status of CD.
Does that help.  Yes everybody does have the right to be stupid and they also have the right to be iliterate assholes.  

1. You think that and I think that without Slash's guitar work (don't forget that he wrote the solos for most of the songs that are credited to Axl or Izzy) GN'R wouldn't have been GN'R.

2. If someone was in one of the biggest r'n'r bands, he will always be asked about the past and the other members. Try to understand, that GN'R was a big part of the ex-members life and they often talk about this experience. So does Axl. Nobody asks him, he say things. They all have the right. Slash has the right to say that Axl has lost his voice, Axl has the right to say that Slash can't play guitar anymore.

3. You said that Slash, Duff and Steven would be nothing without Axl (and maybe Izzy). You maybe right. Maybe Axl would be dead for years or would be in prison without Slash. Who knows. It's not a computer game when you can save and load a previous state of the game. But all you say is fantasy.

4. Please, don't tell what meassage board I should read.

5. I repeat again: who hates the ex-members is a complete idiot, 'cause they mean Guns N' Roses, if you like the old songs. If you like only CD, Blues, Madagascar, Riyadh, OMG and Silkworms, then let's bash them. I wish you enjoy hating them.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: John Daniels on July 17, 2004, 02:11:48 PM

to me it's my brother that brought me into this band..firstly I really learned to love all that attitude that this unknown singer yelled all over..I mean his voice and attitude of his singing (well..I was about 8 years old or me it was just so amazing that someone could say all the swearwords..and with that kind of attitude  ;D)..So it was definetely the melody and the voice of the singer that brought me into GNR world. So at the was Axl years went by and I grew a little bitt and learned about GNR, I learned that the whole band (GNR) was so great and talented one. Every member, now I'm talking about Izzy, Axl, Slash and Duff, they contributed so much to the whole GNR "thing" (the music, attitude, lifestyle etc.) It was a perfect packet. to me it was and is that Izzy was way too underrated, and so I could say about Duff..but still the main characters were Axl and Slash. Axl was the music genious producer and Slash was always more of kind of like an artist, who did his thing and didn't think how this 'thing' will affect to the trend.

much of bullshit and bad grammar... to the topic question  :)...........How couldn't we love the guitarist who did all these great riffs and solos....that made GNR what it stands for and what it is..For examble..bring the solos of Estranged, Nov.rain and Sweet Child Of Mine to your memory and ask the queation again..

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: MoonMax on July 17, 2004, 02:40:42 PM
John Daniels, perhaps I made a mistake. I should ask if we still love Slash. Because I'm asking about present time.

The CD is still the myth for everyone. But I've been to Guns N' Roses gig at Pukkelpop. I was like:

1.Axl lost his voice...
2.No, he changed the technique of singing
3.He's fuckin great about new songs

And Slash... I love "It's Five O'clock Somewhere". After "Ain't Life Grand", I felt bad. Like Slash failed me. But now, I found it as pretty good record. But after "Contraband", I don't love Slash anymore. Now he dissapointed me so much.
Axl changed the way of singing, because(as I think), he's older and throat isn't something you can replace like the guitar.
Slash got older and his amazing spirit with him. He didn't change shit, he didn't evolved, he stucked between "It's five O'clock" and ALG. Sorry, sad but true.

MoonMax :smoking:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Mikkamakka on July 17, 2004, 02:48:57 PM
And Slash... I love "It's Five O'clock Somewhere". After "Ain't Life Grand", I felt bad. Like Slash failed me. But now, I found it as pretty good record. But after "Contraband", I don't love Slash anymore. Now he dissapointed me so much.
Axl changed the way of singing, because(as I think), he's older and throat isn't something you can replace like the guitar.
Slash got older and his amazing spirit with him. He didn't change shit, he didn't evolved, he stucked between "It's five O'clock" and ALG. Sorry, sad but true.

It's funny, because Contraband is my least favourite post-GN'R Slash album, although I really like it, but I loved the others much more, 'cause I feel Contraband's style is very different from the previous ones. Contraband is a modernized R'n'R record for me, and I prefer the traditional ones.  :peace:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 17, 2004, 04:12:46 PM

Maybe you misunderstood, I never said they didn't contribute, I said Axl was a bigger part of it than Duff, Slash and Matt.  Izzy was bigger than those three too.  Axl and Izzy were the main songwriting force behind GNR, period.  And it wasn't just the CD remark by Slash, IT'S EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HE'S IN.  I just got the new Guitar World and he even takes a stab at him there.  My point is, if he has this new band and all this "great" shit happening then drop the past and move forward, he just looks like an ass whenever he starts rippin people and especially when he starts talking about shit he has no clue about, like the status of CD.
Does that help.  Yes everybody does have the right to be stupid and they also have the right to be iliterate assholes.  

1. You think that and I think that without Slash's guitar work (don't forget that he wrote the solos for most of the songs that are credited to Axl or Izzy) GN'R wouldn't have been GN'R.

2. If someone was in one of the biggest r'n'r bands, he will always be asked about the past and the other members. Try to understand, that GN'R was a big part of the ex-members life and they often talk about this experience. So does Axl. Nobody asks him, he say things. They all have the right. Slash has the right to say that Axl has lost his voice, Axl has the right to say that Slash can't play guitar anymore.

3. You said that Slash, Duff and Steven would be nothing without Axl (and maybe Izzy). You maybe right. Maybe Axl would be dead for years or would be in prison without Slash. Who knows. It's not a computer game when you can save and load a previous state of the game. But all you say is fantasy.

4. Please, don't tell what meassage board I should read.

5. I repeat again: who hates the ex-members is a complete idiot, 'cause they mean Guns N' Roses, if you like the old songs. If you like only CD, Blues, Madagascar, Riyadh, OMG and Silkworms, then let's bash them. I wish you enjoy hating them.
Never used the word, hate, I love what Slash did for Guns N roses back ni the day.  But I just think that VR proves that without Axl they aren't even close to as good.  Maybe when CD comes we'll see that Axl isn't shit without them, either way, it doesn't really matter does it.  Slash and the rest of 'em need to get over it, cause it gets reading the same old shit about how everything is Axl's fault and they were just being ordered around.  Also, how did the Snakepit do, when it was Slash's thing, oh yeah, they sucked.  So, when it's all out there and CD is out we'll see who's right.  Until then I'll agree to disagree and won't stoop to name calling, I was just stating my opinion.  

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 17, 2004, 06:35:08 PM
Axl and Slash both complimented each other very well.  Axl even admitted it after GnR broke up, that the reason he was having trouble working on the new album was because he couldn't vibe with any other guitarists like he could for Slash.

"Loder: What prevented you from doing, like, a traditional rock record?

Rose: Slash.

Loder: [Laughs] But you could have found another guitar player or something, right?

Rose: Well, not really.... Not to make a true Guns record. It's kind of like, I don't know, if you know somebody has a relationship, and there's difficulties in that, and Mr. or Mrs. Right doesn't kind of just stumble into their path, or they don't stumble across that person, they can't really get on with things. Somebody didn't come into my radar that would have really replaced Slash in a proper way."

Slash still shows flashes of brilliance once in a while, but the reality is that GnR was one of those rare groups where everyone brought out the best in everyone else, even when there was animosity.

To say that the release of Contraband proves that Slash wasn't as important to the band as Axl or Izzy is a stretch, Izzy's work since GnR has ranged from really good to just okay but never on the same level as Guns, and Axl hasn't done jack shit.  So Contraband, which I think is one of the best rock albums of the last year, doesn't just nullify everything Slash did.  Another contributing factor is that Slash is no longer on drugs.  Yes, this does effect the music.  

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Billo on July 17, 2004, 06:39:42 PM
Stupid question....Sure we do...Hes been one of the best Guitarests ever and was a HUGE factor in guns success weather u like it or not he was.. :peace:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: D on July 17, 2004, 10:27:17 PM
i sing slash's guitar melodies and solos as much as i do axls vocals and lyrics

slash is why i picked a guitar up, slash is my guitar hero if i had to choose one id pick axl just because i dig frontmen more than guitarists

but i love slash will always love and support slash regardless of what he does!

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: ClintroN on July 17, 2004, 11:21:05 PM
slash who.. :hihi:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: John Daniels on July 18, 2004, 03:25:31 AM
Axl and Slash both complimented each other very well.  Axl even admitted it after GnR broke up, that the reason he was having trouble working on the new album was because he couldn't vibe with any other guitarists like he could for Slash.

"Loder: What prevented you from doing, like, a traditional rock record?

Rose: Slash.

Loder: [Laughs] But you could have found another guitar player or something, right?

Rose: Well, not really.... Not to make a true Guns record. It's kind of like, I don't know, if you know somebody has a relationship, and there's difficulties in that, and Mr. or Mrs. Right doesn't kind of just stumble into their path, or they don't stumble across that person, they can't really get on with things. Somebody didn't come into my radar that would have really replaced Slash in a proper way."

Slash still shows flashes of brilliance once in a while, but the reality is that GnR was one of those rare groups where everyone brought out the best in everyone else, even when there was animosity.

To say that the release of Contraband proves that Slash wasn't as important to the band as Axl or Izzy is a stretch, Izzy's work since GnR has ranged from really good to just okay but never on the same level as Guns, and Axl hasn't done jack shit.  So Contraband, which I think is one of the best rock albums of the last year, doesn't just nullify everything Slash did.  

Great post..

Another contributing factor is that Slash is no longer on drugs.  Yes, this does effect the music.  

but this line..on drugs or not on drugs..does drugs inspire to compose better music..I wouldn't state that as a fact...although Oasis's best album 'the morning glory' was made by Noel being on drugs.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: noonespecial on July 18, 2004, 06:45:14 AM
personally, yeah, I still dig Slash...especially without the drama...Axl was not the reason I got into GNR in the first was a band thing :peace:
Keeping my fingers crossed that Scott beats the monkey on his back and doesn't stir up any more drama of his own....I think he's met his quota  :hihi:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Dayle1066 on July 18, 2004, 07:24:43 AM
No, I don't get your point, but fuck Slash, he can't go one article or interview without talkin shit about the new band.  If he thinks VR is so good, then he needs to shut the fuck up and just talk about them instead of dropping Axl's name everywhere.  CD will prove that as far as the writing goes Slash and Duff weren't the most important pieces, and it Contraband shows that without Axl, these guys would probably be still livin on the strip.
Just my opinion. I know I'm gonna get attacked.  Can't we all just get along?

I do love Slash, he was the one i liked the most in the band he inspired me to play guitar. My second favourite was Izzy, and the third was Axl. I don't understand people who hates Slash, 'cause he was one of the reasons why GN'R became popular, he is a Guitar God, he played on every released GN'R songs (except 2), so hating him and the others is very childish. You can love Axl without hating the others. Velvet Revolver is good, but not that great like GN'R was, just like the Nu-GN'R cannot be compared with the old band. When they'll have their records released we can judge whether it's good or genius, till then they proved nothing. I know that some on the board will bash CD and some will glorify it just based on their bias. I don't care, I'm tired of these 'Slash is a fuckin' bitch he is always talks shit about the new band'-panels - he never said anything negative about the new musicians, he's never said that Pittman looks like a guy from Village People, Buckethead is a bit strange, Fortus is an Izzy-clone and Robin Finck ruins his guitar parts. Maybe wasn't a nice thing saying that Nu-GN'R has only a couple of songs completed, but we don't know if it was right or not - I hope it wasn't. But compare what Slash said to the things Axl said about the old members - yeah, I know, Axl is a straight guy, he says what he thinks. Think it if you want. But if you listen to GN'R songs from the '85-'94 era, or the covers by Nu-GN'R, DON'T EVER CRITISIZE Slash'S, Duff's, Izzy's, Steven's and Matt's importance, otherwise you'll be a fool. If you like AFD, Lies, UYI, TSI, Sympathy, LE or the bootlegs, then you must like Slash & Co. 'cause they made those albums (with Axl).

PS: I wish the forum rules had a part that denying the old members contribution to te band is forbidden. But I know we live in a free world, and everybody has the right to be stupid.  :rant:

Maybe you misunderstood, I never said they didn't contribute, I said Axl was a bigger part of it than Duff, Slash and Matt.  Izzy was bigger than those three too.  Axl and Izzy were the main songwriting force behind GNR, period.  And it wasn't just the CD remark by Slash, IT'S EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HE'S IN.  I just got the new Guitar World and he even takes a stab at him there.  My point is, if he has this new band and all this "great" shit happening then drop the past and move forward, he just looks like an ass whenever he starts rippin people and especially when he starts talking about shit he has no clue about, like the status of CD.
Does that help.  Yes everybody does have the right to be stupid and they also have the right to be iliterate assholes.  

Im sorry SLASH should move on?? Slash isnt the one getting shit load of musicians playing old songs trying to relive past glories, slash has moved on. Good for Axl you know, he's working hard(apparently) on the new album. Think about this, he isn't Guns n Roses Axl is only 1/5. The GNR he is with today isn't GNR its an Axl Rose solo project. He may be using the name but he isnt Guns n Roses. Period.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jarmo on July 18, 2004, 08:51:57 AM
Think about this, he isn't Guns n Roses Axl is only 1/5. The GNR he is with today isn't GNR its an Axl Rose solo project. He may be using the name but he isnt Guns n Roses. Period.

He's not playing all the instruments by himself, there's a band there with him. It's called GN'R.

Get over it already.


Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: w.axlrose on July 18, 2004, 09:34:34 AM
its just great to know Slash plays the guitar solos on every single gnr album released, of course we love him!

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Midnight on July 18, 2004, 11:47:37 AM
Can anyone point me towards these "so called" interviews where Slash "supposedly" says something negative about the new line up?

Not once have I heard Slash say anything negative about the new line up, or even really comment on them at all.   The thing is Slash has moved on as has Axl.   It is certain fans who keep compairing the line ups and dissin' the ex/new members, with the help of their little "so and so said this, I have nothing to prove it but let's start dissin whoever anyway" posts.

I love Slash and always will.   I do not force others to like him, like who you want but there is no call to diss the guy because he is a legend and HELPED make Gn'R what they were.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: VolcomStone on July 18, 2004, 02:19:09 PM
I agree, I have not read or heard anything by Slash where he blatantly insults or rants about the new GN'R.  There are the occasional evasive remarks and chuckles concerning Axl's new style, but that is all that he has resorted to in recent interviews.  And also, could it be that interviewers want to utilize the mysteriousness of Axl and his new band to appeal to the readers?  GN'R was the biggest band in the world during their heyday, and it's demise, due in part to the transformations attempted by it's eccentric frontman, is still a very hot topic in the music world.  Interviewers are always looking for a good article and if they can get Slash or any other past or present members of GN'R to give word about the new project, it would definitely not hurt.  So, get over it.  Axl is not Guns N' Roses.  Neither is Slash or the rest of the company.  Think of it as Led Zeppelin or Seinfeld.  In both examples, the individual musicians or actors/comedians (whichever the case), contributed to something that was profound, but when they all went their separate ways the new projects were never quite the same as their combinations once were.  I'm not saying that the new projects by the ex-Gunners are poor.  I love Velvet Revolver and I think that's what today's rock needs.  But even though it is 3/5 ex-Gunners (which far exceeds the new GN'R at 1/4 composition, counting Axl and Dizzy), it is still not Guns N' Roses.  Now, I know all of this has been said before, but why not reiterate it once again.  To all of you who think that Axl was and is Guns N' Roses, you need to step away from your shrines to the highly-misunderstood frontman and realize that the new line-up is dubbed GN'R merely because of a smart business ploy executed over 10 years ago, and for that reason alone.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 18, 2004, 02:30:14 PM

Another contributing factor is that Slash is no longer on drugs.  Yes, this does effect the music.  

but this line..on drugs or not on drugs..does drugs inspire to compose better music..I wouldn't state that as a fact...although Oasis's best album 'the morning glory' was made by Noel being on drugs.

I didn't mean to say that being on drugs causes you to make better music.  But generally someone's music will sound drastically different when they're on drugs than when they're not.  It doesn't mean it will always be better or worse, but I think that being high on hard drugs will make your music sound a lot different.  As for whether or not it's better, that's up to the individual listener to decide.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: Music For Life on July 18, 2004, 02:54:00 PM
Quote from: jarmo
He's not playing all the instruments by himself, there's a band there with him. It's called GN'R.

Get over it already.


good to know that there is people that think that just because it has the name it means the same thing.  its a shame that people think the way you do.  if you like the music axl is creating thats fine, nobody can tell you what music you can or cant like, but to think its gnr because the name is still under axls control is sickening.  

there is nothing in that band that has anything to do with gnr, not even axl, hes not the same anymore at all.  even if he was the same as he was back in the day it still wouldnt be gnr.

it really does make me sick that there are people out there as simple minded as to think that just becuase it says gnr that it means its gnr.  you know that its not gnr, but thats pretty lame argument you have..."it says gnr, so it must be"  how ridiculous is that.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: MoonMax on July 18, 2004, 04:21:24 PM
 Axl is not Guns N' Roses.  Neither is Slash or the rest of the company.  Think of it as Led Zeppelin or Seinfeld.  In both examples, the individual musicians or actors/comedians (whichever the case), contributed to something that was profound, but when they all went their separate ways the new projects were never quite the same as their combinations once were.  

He's not playing all the instruments by himself, there's a band there with him. It's called GN'R.

Get over it already.


I didn't want to start the Axl/Slash war.  I just wanted to ask, how much do we need Slash now and how much of involvement he made in past days.
When it comes to The Rolling Stones, it's ofcourse that Mick and Kieth made it, thought there was also Brian Jones. In Guns N' Roses it's different a little bit. Will Axl make it without Izzy, I would ask neither then will he make it without Slash.

For now, Slash didn't offered me nothing interesting to still enjoy his music, 'cause he offered eveything when he was in Guns N' Roses. I just wanted to know if you share the same point of view.

MoonMax :smoking:

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 18, 2004, 04:26:09 PM
No, I don't get your point, but fuck Slash, he can't go one article or interview without talkin shit about the new band.  If he thinks VR is so good, then he needs to shut the fuck up and just talk about them instead of dropping Axl's name everywhere.  CD will prove that as far as the writing goes Slash and Duff weren't the most important pieces, and it Contraband shows that without Axl, these guys would probably be still livin on the strip.
Just my opinion. I know I'm gonna get attacked.  Can't we all just get along?

I do love Slash, he was the one i liked the most in the band he inspired me to play guitar. My second favourite was Izzy, and the third was Axl. I don't understand people who hates Slash, 'cause he was one of the reasons why GN'R became popular, he is a Guitar God, he played on every released GN'R songs (except 2), so hating him and the others is very childish. You can love Axl without hating the others. Velvet Revolver is good, but not that great like GN'R was, just like the Nu-GN'R cannot be compared with the old band. When they'll have their records released we can judge whether it's good or genius, till then they proved nothing. I know that some on the board will bash CD and some will glorify it just based on their bias. I don't care, I'm tired of these 'Slash is a fuckin' bitch he is always talks shit about the new band'-panels - he never said anything negative about the new musicians, he's never said that Pittman looks like a guy from Village People, Buckethead is a bit strange, Fortus is an Izzy-clone and Robin Finck ruins his guitar parts. Maybe wasn't a nice thing saying that Nu-GN'R has only a couple of songs completed, but we don't know if it was right or not - I hope it wasn't. But compare what Slash said to the things Axl said about the old members - yeah, I know, Axl is a straight guy, he says what he thinks. Think it if you want. But if you listen to GN'R songs from the '85-'94 era, or the covers by Nu-GN'R, DON'T EVER CRITISIZE Slash'S, Duff's, Izzy's, Steven's and Matt's importance, otherwise you'll be a fool. If you like AFD, Lies, UYI, TSI, Sympathy, LE or the bootlegs, then you must like Slash & Co. 'cause they made those albums (with Axl).

PS: I wish the forum rules had a part that denying the old members contribution to te band is forbidden. But I know we live in a free world, and everybody has the right to be stupid.  :rant:

Maybe you misunderstood, I never said they didn't contribute, I said Axl was a bigger part of it than Duff, Slash and Matt.  Izzy was bigger than those three too.  Axl and Izzy were the main songwriting force behind GNR, period.  And it wasn't just the CD remark by Slash, IT'S EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HE'S IN.  I just got the new Guitar World and he even takes a stab at him there.  My point is, if he has this new band and all this "great" shit happening then drop the past and move forward, he just looks like an ass whenever he starts rippin people and especially when he starts talking about shit he has no clue about, like the status of CD.
Does that help.  Yes everybody does have the right to be stupid and they also have the right to be iliterate assholes.  

Im sorry SLASH should move on?? Slash isnt the one getting shit load of musicians playing old songs trying to relive past glories, slash has moved on. Good for Axl you know, he's working hard(apparently) on the new album. Think about this, he isn't Guns n Roses Axl is only 1/5. The GNR he is with today isn't GNR its an Axl Rose solo project. He may be using the name but he isnt Guns n Roses. Period.

You do realize the is a guns n roses board right?  Cause it sure seems like everyone is just into ripping Axl and singing the praises of some band that can't even put together a decent cd.  In my opinion VR sounds like GNR with somethin missing.  And by the way, I'm entitled to my opinion and if you don't like it, I got somethin' fat and hard in my pants that you could lick.
P.S. I wouldn't put out CD either if these were my fans.

Title: Re:Do We love Slash? [it's in the right section]
Post by: jbreezy on July 18, 2004, 04:28:44 PM
I do agree with you moonmax, Slash offered a whole hell of a lot back in the day and I really don't like what he's done since.
So, yeah, I agree with you man.  And I ain't warrin', I'm just havin fun at others expenses and maybe playing a little devil's advocate.  It's just that some people can't read, so they insert there little comments into others mouths.
Anyway, I agree, good post man, it certainly passed some spare time for me.