Title: Axl too old? Post by: jbreezy on July 16, 2004, 12:32:04 PM As a response to a locked post that said Axl is getting too old to be a rockstar. I was unaware there was an age limit on being a rockstar and as far as I'm concerned I've been waiting just as long as you guys and I'll wait longer, because I have faith that whenever this thing sees the light of day it will be an awesome day for me and the rest of the REAL Guns N Roses fans.
Sorry if this is a dead horse jarmo, I just had to respond to the age thing. :peace: Title: Re:Axl too old? Post by: Evolution on July 16, 2004, 03:03:26 PM 2 words
Mick Jagger.... Title: Re:Axl too old? Post by: jbreezy on July 16, 2004, 03:16:48 PM are you agreeing cause, we could list a ton of other over the hill rock stars that are still tearin it up out there. : ok: