Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: nesquick on July 09, 2004, 07:25:14 PM

Title: Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: nesquick on July 09, 2004, 07:25:14 PM
I've read lots of topics where some of you seem to be absolutely sure that "Chinese Democracy" will be released in November. Calm down.
There is nothing official, no press release and we seem very far to see the whole promotion begins. Buckethead hasnt been replaced yet to tour, and there is no tour announcement...guys, there is nothing!
If you want my opinion, I don't feel the album to be released in November. It's too soon. Promotion usually comes 5-6 months before an album is out. We are FAR from that. So Don't get too exited...

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Dave_Rose on July 09, 2004, 07:29:01 PM
Well everybody on this board is used to being disappointed so it wont be the 1st and wont be the last

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Captain Obvious on July 09, 2004, 07:32:46 PM
You know what would be a really good prank?  If there was no album to begin with.
It would be very funny for a second.

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Bill 213 on July 09, 2004, 07:48:12 PM
I've read lots of topics where some of you seem to be absolutely sure that "Chinese Democracy" will be released in November. Calm down.
There is nothing official, no press release and we seem very far to see the whole promotion begins. Buckethead hasnt been replaced yet to tour, and there is no tour announcement...guys, there is nothing!
If you want my opinion, I don't feel the album to be released in November. It's too soon. Promotion usually comes 5-6 months before an album is out. We are FAR from that. So Don't get too exited...

You know the new people on this board might not get excited and believe this crap if people like yourself would stop making topics about it over and over when in all reality it all comes boiling back to the same damn topic.  I personally dont' need you to serve as an unofficial PR rep for GNR.  When news is officially released then you'll have your damned album.

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: nesquick on July 09, 2004, 08:13:25 PM
You know the new people on this board might not get excited and believe this crap if people like yourself would stop making topics about it over and over when in all reality it all comes boiling back to the same damn topic.  I personally dont' need you to serve as an unofficial PR rep for GNR.  When news is officially released then you'll have your damned album
WELL, if you are not happy nobody obliged you to anwser. You are new, I am not. so learn respect. Is it ok?
have a good day newbie

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Bill 213 on July 09, 2004, 08:17:20 PM
You know the new people on this board might not get excited and believe this crap if people like yourself would stop making topics about it over and over when in all reality it all comes boiling back to the same damn topic.  I personally dont' need you to serve as an unofficial PR rep for GNR.  When news is officially released then you'll have your damned album
WELL, if you are not happy nobody obliged you to anwser. You are new, I am not. so learn respect. Is it ok?
have a good day newbie

Sorry friend, not a newbie.....I deleted my old account which had more posts than you'll ever manage to make.  I've been on this board since 01, so if you want respect you better try harder.

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Evolution on July 09, 2004, 08:18:07 PM
You are new, I am not. so learn respect. Is it ok?
have a good day newbie

nesquick you joined on April 22nd

Calm down you're not quite the HTGTH veteran yet

you earn respect by posts with integrity not by post counts and membership length

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: younggunner on July 09, 2004, 08:22:47 PM
Promotion usually comes 5-6 months before an album is out
NOt really. Promotion usually come anywhere from 1-3 months before an album comes out.

The single is usually released 2-4 weeks before the album comes out. Right around then is when a band will beign doing interviews etc.

And did we really need a new thread on this same topic?

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: nesquick on July 09, 2004, 08:26:55 PM
I changed my login some month ago because I had enough with the old one. I have been here for 2 years I think. and I discovered this website around 1999 at the begining. I went to the forum but I didn't post. I wasn't registered. In fact I used to go to this message board during years without beeing registered! I know this website from the begining. There wasn't a lot of people in 1999! ;D
This website has grown over the years , that's cool  8)

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Evolution on July 09, 2004, 08:29:59 PM
I changed my login some month ago because I had enough with the old one. I have been here for 2 years I think. and I discovered this website around 1999 at the begining. I went to the forum but I didn't post. I wasn't registered. In fact I used to go to this message board during years without beeing registered! I know this website from the begining. There wasn't a lot of people in 1999! ;D
This website has grown over the years , that's cool  8)

my mistake, peace :beer:

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: nesquick on July 09, 2004, 08:34:12 PM
no problem that's ok. I also discovered the very very beging of the french GN'R website (because I'm french). at the time it was something like gnr or something like that, and there was also a french website called "la renaudi?re"  ;D
Oh my god I feel so old! like we say in french: "je suis un ancien" :hihi:

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Voodoochild on July 09, 2004, 09:50:20 PM
I used to check,, (lot of mp3, I downloaded Oh My God sample in EOD trailer and listened for the first time because this site) and, of course, HTGTH back in '98-99. Later, in '01-02, I used to hang out in - with all that Pure shit, hehehehe. :P
Anyways, back on topic, I'm not very excited for November. Not at all. Too many times frustrated, don't want to believe in anything. When some official statement or even a single will be released, I'll get excited.  :-\

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: youngerformofaxl on July 09, 2004, 10:18:07 PM
I used to check,, (lot of mp3, I downloaded Oh My God sample in EOD trailer and listened for the first time because this site) and, of course, HTGTH back in '98-99. Later, in '01-02, I used to hang out in - with all that Pure shit, hehehehe. :P
Anyways, back on topic, I'm not very excited for November. Not at all. Too many times frustrated, don't want to believe in anything. When some official statement or even a single will be released, I'll get excited.  :-\

I think a lot of us are like that, we won't believe it's coming out until we have it in our hands. I've only been following Guns N' Roses since last December and I feel this way just because of what would happen to the music scene once Chinese Democracy comes out.

I think we should post stuff like what the CD will sound like or how rare it is for a band to spend this much time on one project.

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Bill 213 on July 09, 2004, 10:40:39 PM
I used to check,, (lot of mp3, I downloaded Oh My God sample in EOD trailer and listened for the first time because this site) and, of course, HTGTH back in '98-99. Later, in '01-02, I used to hang out in - with all that Pure shit, hehehehe. :P
Anyways, back on topic, I'm not very excited for November. Not at all. Too many times frustrated, don't want to believe in anything. When some official statement or even a single will be released, I'll get excited.  :-\

I think a lot of us are like that, we won't believe it's coming out until we have it in our hands. I've only been following Guns N' Roses since last December and I feel this way just because of what would happen to the music scene once Chinese Democracy comes out.
I think we should post stuff like what the CD will sound like or how rare it is for a band to spend this much time on one project.

Check out the Dead Horse section bro or the search option in this section.  You'll find hundreds of threads of peoples thoughts on CD and how long they've spent making it and the reasons/rumors why it's taking so long etc.

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: FragileVision on July 09, 2004, 10:44:15 PM
Without any official news, I'm not holding out for anything this year.

Even though Axl's press release in March made mention of announcing a release date soon, he was just vague enough that it could be well into early 2005 before we hear anything. Notice that Axl wrote "We hope" instead of "We promise..." there's a hell of a difference.

I'm not expecting anything, but I may be pleasantly surprised. If it does come out this year, that's certainly cause for celebration.  :beer: :beer:

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: estranged.1098 on July 09, 2004, 10:51:54 PM
And did we really need a new thread on this same topic?

My thoughts exactly...

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: D on July 09, 2004, 11:03:28 PM
nesquick u tellin us to not believe is no different than us believing

its two sides

we have little proof it will come out in nov

but u have just as much proof that it wont

so stop being so cynical

an established name doesnt have to hype anything 6 months before as long as GNR make an announcement by mid september they can easily have a single out by oct 1st and a video which will give 4 to 6 weeks b4 the record drops

plenty of time there

and they should be able to get the cd mixed by end of nov

u dont have to even have the entire cd mixed to release the first single

shit creed had the wrong version of my sacrifice shipped to the record plant for mass production and they had to halt the trucks and take the radio version of my sacrifice

so there is plenty of time

most people on this board are skeptical cause of course u have to be, but im believing for now, i mean why not, it isnt hurting anyone or anything to believe

i think more evidence points towards it being possible now more than ever

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: youngerformofaxl on July 10, 2004, 04:35:58 PM

Check out the Dead Horse section bro or the search option in this section.  You'll find hundreds of threads of peoples thoughts on CD and how long they've spent making it and the reasons/rumors why it's taking so long etc.

Yeah, I checked out the Dead Horse section today and there was some interesting (humorous) stuff on there. But, it's definetely not a place where I would want to hang out.

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: NickNasty on July 10, 2004, 11:27:22 PM
most people on this board are skeptical cause of course u have to be, but im believing for now, i mean why not, it isnt hurting anyone or anything to believe

i think more evidence points towards it being possible now more than ever

I agree. There are 3 things I want to happen that could happen by the end of November:

--- The Red Sox Winning the World Series

--- John Kerry winning the Presidency

--- Chinese Democracy Being released

The most likely one of these (Kerry getting elected) is still 50 % at best, while I'd put the other two at around 10-20%. This doesnt mean I give up hope that none of them will happen. In the end if none happen, I have plenty of other things to look forward to. There will always be more elections, there will be more baseball seasons, and always more time for Axl to release album. :drool:

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on July 11, 2004, 10:51:58 AM
Well everybody on this board is used to being disappointed so it wont be the 1st and wont be the last

That is totally true!
It is the most honest post I've read!  ;)

And another thing- the number of posts don't matter- it's what bloody goes in them!!!  ::)

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: younggunner on July 11, 2004, 11:35:34 AM
John Kerry winning the Presidency
Ill be pissed if that happens

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Evolution on July 12, 2004, 09:14:33 PM
fuck it! im excited all the time for Chinese Democracy being released why should November be any different?

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: parisrocks on July 13, 2004, 03:07:54 AM
'Cause Tommy and Dizzy have both said that it's pratically finished.  

Plus, Dizzy said, "this year".

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on July 13, 2004, 03:23:22 AM
New President, CD, Hell decemeber looks pretty damn good here

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Butch Français on July 13, 2004, 09:21:55 AM
'Cause Tommy and Dizzy have both said that it's pratically finished.  

Plus, Dizzy said, "this year".

and he haven't said that before...?

Title: Re:Don't get too exited for November...
Post by: Evolution on July 13, 2004, 10:18:59 PM
'Cause Tommy and Dizzy have both said that it's pratically finished.  

Plus, Dizzy said, "this year".

well yeah CD looks most likely for Nov but i meant that i am excited about CD 24/7

It could pop out next week!

chances are it wont be still i'm excited!