Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Eeebs on July 07, 2004, 11:17:33 PM

Title: VR announcement (was: Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour))
Post by: Eeebs on July 07, 2004, 11:17:33 PM
Okay okay, I may be somewhat naiive and what not when it comes to Guns N' Roses rumours and gossip, but hey, I thought as well post the information I just heard about.  Of course, this could be all about the rumoured November 2004 release date, then again, who knows?

In any case, I was listening to the local rock station here where I live - 97.7 Hitz FM and I was pleased (haha, what a word) that they were playing Welcome to the Jungle as I was driving home from work.

After the song, the DJ announced that they have a very special annoucement regarding Guns N Roses, and it will make Guns N Roses fans very happy.  He then stated that the annoucenment will be made something during the next seven days, so stay tunned.

So, yeah.  That is my Gn'R rumour report for the day.  The official link to this particular radio station is here ::

Edit: New subject /jarmo

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on July 07, 2004, 11:24:17 PM
Keep us updated on the situation.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: SOH on July 07, 2004, 11:24:37 PM
I doubt they'd build up just bullshitting about November unless it's actually an announcement by Axl/GNR Management. Maybe they're announcing that Geffen is officially countersuing Axl for recordings.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: darknemus on July 07, 2004, 11:27:00 PM
Can you tell us what DJ made the mention?  It'll make it easier to try to contact him for more information.  (I totally believe you - I just want to see if a bit of social engineering can get us anywhere in regards to the on-air talent :)


Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: TIPSY on July 07, 2004, 11:27:30 PM
They will announce that Jarmo's site is the place to see if you want to squash a GNR rumor ;D :rofl:

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on July 07, 2004, 11:44:16 PM
definitely keep your ears open. I think an announcement for something is really coming soon.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: NickNasty on July 07, 2004, 11:52:26 PM
I doubt they'd build up just bullshitting about November unless it's actually an announcement by Axl/GNR Management. Maybe they're announcing that Geffen is officially countersuing Axl for recordings.

HMMM. Now wouldnt that be something. Thanks for the report. Keep us informed. : ok:

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on July 07, 2004, 11:58:12 PM
They will announce that Jarmo's site is the place to see if you want to squash a GNR rumor ;D :rofl:
Also the place to crush your dreams, and rule out all hopes you have

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Nacho Man Randy Salsa on July 08, 2004, 12:57:14 AM
There is a section of that site where you can email the DJ's.Which one said this so we can shower him with emails?

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on July 08, 2004, 12:58:52 AM
They will announce that Jarmo's site is the place to see if you want to squash a GNR rumor ;D :rofl:
Also the place to crush your dreams, and rule out all hopes you have

and the best place for free laughs of the hyuk, hyuk kind.  Occasionally a belly laugh, and sometimes a post so funny it makes you spill your Coke on the your keyboard!  :rant:

Well, I hope you got something good in store for us Eeebs.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: D on July 08, 2004, 02:28:17 AM
axl said in feb an announcement would be forthcoming

axl may actually keep his word this time wouldnt that be fuckin something

hey its gotta happen sometime, so just like the lottery slogan

somebody has to win why not u

someday we will get cd so why not now?

eebs wouldnt lie, she has been on this board to fuckin long people so dont any of u disrespect her for what she heard on the radio

we will wait and see!

i know one thing

if its true this board is about to blow the fuck up!

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: POPmetal on July 08, 2004, 02:42:43 AM
axl said in feb an announcement would be forthcoming

axl may actually keep his word this time wouldnt that be fuckin something

it's already been half an year since february, I think we can safely say Axl has NOT kept his word.

hey its gotta happen sometime

unfortunately, I don't think that's the case when it comes to CD's release

eebs wouldnt lie, she has been on this board to fuckin long people so dont any of u disrespect her for what she heard on the radio

we will wait and see!

I don't think she's lying, but it'll probably turn out to be a Velvet Revolver announcement (that would make most GN'R fans happy) or something like that, or it would be yet another GN'R announcement that will get scrapped before it actually happens like RIR Lisabon

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: AxlFink on July 08, 2004, 02:42:48 AM
Axl keep his word this time?  When has he lied?  

If you believe all the rumours then maybe you feel lied to but Axl's  last two comments on a release date are i dont know iif soons the word and also a releasae date may come in the next few months.  I dont remember Axl going back on his word.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: D on July 08, 2004, 02:48:58 AM
axl has lied plenty of times with his "see u next summer" and the album is almost done and its comin in 2000 or whenever that mtv interview was

late feb to early july is only 4 and a half months popmetal

he said a few so 4 and a half could be stretched to be included  in the few statement

if they announce cd is comin in nov hell even if axl has an mtv press conference tomorrow and announces it, ill still hold my breath till nov because even if axl said it today by nov shit could change in a hurry

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Nightfall on July 08, 2004, 03:05:23 AM
axl said in feb an announcement would be forthcoming

axl may actually keep his word this time wouldnt that be fuckin something
wasn't that the end of March? I mean i think you're referring to the letter he wrote for the cancellation of RIR Lisboa...and as far as i know that was 2 months prior to RIR.

ah well and for the's just back to ususal..

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: D on July 08, 2004, 03:23:29 AM
march 30th 2004 was axl's press release where he said u will hear something in a few months

march 30th to july 4th equals? hmmmmmmm 3 months 4 days or so?

wow what do u fuckin know a few months, finally chinese democracy slated for nov release

now that makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Eazy E on July 08, 2004, 04:07:43 AM
march 30th 2004 was axl's press release where he said u will hear something in a few months

march 30th to july 4th equals? hmmmmmmm 3 months 4 days or so?

wow what do u fuckin know a few months, finally chinese democracy slated for nov release

now that makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!


You're getting all worked up over nothing.  ;D

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: willow on July 08, 2004, 05:37:44 AM
EEbS, I bet it's just a VR show! I hope its more then that.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Mutherfunker on July 08, 2004, 05:41:42 AM
axl said in feb an announcement would be forthcoming

axl may actually keep his word this time wouldnt that be fuckin something

it's already been half an year since february, I think we can safely say Axl has NOT kept his word.

You clearly can't say anything safely. We had this discussion in another thread. A few can be anything from 3-9 months (with Axl you'd even expect it to be the latter). So far it's been just over 3 months.

As for the announcement, I've got a little hope as they said GNR infor not VR info. If it is VR info. then it's a bit sad that they are still being referred to as Guns N' Roses.


Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: 33 on July 08, 2004, 05:47:57 AM
Hey Hey Hey!! This sounds a bit more promising!! You see there has got to be something happening in the camp!! I know that none of know quite what it may be, but it gotta be something!!! The day draws nearer, me thinks!!!!!

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Eeebs on July 08, 2004, 07:07:04 AM
Hi again guys.

Well, I heard this annoucement at approximately 10:40 p.m.  Usually, during this time, a DJ by the name of Diane is on.  However, yesterday, some guy was on her radio time instead.  I figure that she is probably on holiday, and this guy is her replacement.

In any case, I figure that all of the DJ's must know of this special annoucement.  I will try emailing a few of them using the cc feature.  I will let you know if I hear back from any of them.  You can try emailing them too if you want.  You can find their addresses here ::

Like I said, this could be nothing.  Who knows what BS the DJ could be spewing about.  My immediate thoughts was a release date annoucement... maybe they picked up about the November VH1 comment... I also thought about it also being an annoucement about VR.  But again... the DJ specifically said "Guns N Roses" and "Guns N Roses fans".  

But yeah, I will listen to the station and let anyone know of any news they have.  If any.  

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Neemo on July 08, 2004, 10:59:59 AM
I listen to that station all the time!  For the most part it kicks ass!  they have feature called 80's hair cut where they play rock tunes from the 80's everyday.
and then they have a cool little show around 6:00pm every day called "Music Notes @ 6" where they go over all the rumors and everything about Bands. They talked about the Van Halen reunion rumors and twisted sister touring again and all kinds of good stuff in the past, but, they usually don't announce anything until its been on the web for a few days.  So they may just be reacting to all the speculation about the "VH1 controversy" on the web.  I know its not what everyone wants to hear but I wouldn't get ur hopes up.  I doubt they know anymore than we do. cause like I said their info is usually dated by a few days. (if you follow internet rumors that is. Do we gunners do that? :rofl:)

Hell "the Project" didn't get talked about on 97.7 HTZ FM until a week after the rumor of the audition tapes being released on VH1. (that was a rumor right? I seem to recall a rumor of the whole thing being broadcast as a reality show taped with hidden cameras and shit) Like I said I wouldn't get our hopes up about this. They seem to be a credible source of musical info but still. Nothing is secure (or credible) with G'N'F'N'R's  :nervous:

It does keep you on your toes though  :)

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Ignatius on July 08, 2004, 11:13:52 AM


If Eebs ain't lying, this could be something. I don't think the announcement has anything to do with VR because it cleary said " it would make GNR fans very happy" had it been VR's new single/show whatever, they would've said VR fans.

As for reporting what VH1 said last Sunday, I don't thing that would be the announcement either. That's old news and the quote said " within the next week..stay tuned..." What would then this radio station report what VH1 said in a week from now?? It doesn't make any sense.

I'll say it again, if Eebs ain't lying ( and I don't think she is) this could be what we've been waiting for. What else could be?

I'm optimistic about this

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Neemo on July 08, 2004, 11:21:29 AM
No I'm not saying that EEBS is lying or that they will report what VH1 said. I'm saying they may be saying what everyone on this board has been saying for a few days:

"we should hear something official soon"

That's the general idea around here isn't it?

However everything they do say on the Station usually is correct.  I hope as much as anyone that it is the official announcement. But I don't think we should get overly excited about it. Good rumor find EEEBS!  : ok:  I love HTZ FM they rock.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: oneway23 on July 08, 2004, 11:31:53 AM
I realize I'm not adding anything particularly new to the discussion, but I'm inclined to believe it's an announcement for some fall VR dates stateside...I will remain optimistic though....

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: DemocracyRose on July 08, 2004, 11:35:49 AM

After the song, the DJ announced that they have a very special annoucement regarding Guns N Roses, and it will make Guns N Roses fans very happy.  He then stated that the annoucenment will be made something during the next seven days, so stay tunned.

Did the DJ really said in the next 7 days....????

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Neemo on July 08, 2004, 11:37:16 AM
Nah, its g'n'r news guaranteed.  Velvet revolver is pretty big on that station and if it was V.R. news they would've said V.R. not G'n'R.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on July 08, 2004, 11:43:41 AM
HTZ FM seems to get all the dirt - They are very reliable - I guess I'll start having to listen to Music Notes at 6

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: BKinNYC on July 08, 2004, 12:04:57 PM
Hey guys - just to chime in:  97.7 is REALLY reliable.  I remember they were the first ones I heard make the announcement about the "Illusions," and they were also the first station I heard play "Civil War."   :beer:

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Jonx on July 08, 2004, 12:18:30 PM
Its possible, think about it?

We have heard that legal issues are the only thing holding the album up and that Axl wanted to get these out of the way before releasing Chinese Democracy. Today we get the announcement that Axl had lost the Hollywood Rose suit and maybe an agreement was reached about the Slash/Duff ownership suit. Maybe all legal issues have now been resolved and the label is now ready to push forward with a release date and some promotion.

So many release dates have come and gone, the label and management must have had a promotion schedule worked out years ago, its probably been sitting gathering dust waiting to be pulled out for the past few years.

At least we wont have to wait long for confirmation, im prepared to wait for 7 days!


Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Izzy on July 08, 2004, 12:21:05 PM
Another day ANOTHER DJ with GNR info ::)

I lost any faith in DJ's info after the first 80 rumours - then we had that bollocks about I.R.S. which was never played, fuckin' liars the lot of 'em.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: christina_rose on July 08, 2004, 12:46:08 PM
And on the seventh day, Axl Rose created Chinese Democracy.    ;D

I really hope it is something credible, and they're not bluffing or just repeating the VH1 thing.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: GnRNightrain on July 08, 2004, 01:16:56 PM
it will probably be something like they are back in the studio recording.

Dont you find it odd that they havent hired a new guitarist yet?  Maybe that is the news.  If they plan on releasing the album, you would think they would have a new guitarist before they did so.

OUt of the many things this could be (if it is something) the very last thing I would put my money on is a release date of CD (despite VH1).  

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: oneway23 on July 08, 2004, 01:26:44 PM
I would be shocked if GNR actually enlisted another guitarist....As far as WE know, Bucket's parts are to remain on CD.....If they ever actually tour again, perhaps they would recruit someone for the road, seeing as 3 guitarists played on CD.  I'm assuming that they will need someone to replicate those parts, but there is also the distinct possibility (I have NO tangible proof to substantiate this opinion) that they will release albums and not tour.  As with everything else, hopefully time will tell, perhaps not.


Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Sino-lieS on July 08, 2004, 01:44:39 PM
I listen to 97.7 all the time....hey actually ARE reliable.

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: chas on July 08, 2004, 01:57:33 PM
I would be shocked if GNR actually enlisted another guitarist....As far as WE know, Bucket's parts are to remain on CD.....If they ever actually tour again, perhaps they would recruit someone for the road, seeing as 3 guitarists played on CD.  I'm assuming that they will need someone to replicate those parts, but there is also the distinct possibility (I have NO tangible proof to substantiate this opinion) that they will release albums and not tour.  As with everything else, hopefully time will tell, perhaps not.


I think the problem with buckethead leaving must be having a big effect on the 'release' of CD. If there is no chance of him returning to GnR i would prefer his parts on cd to be rerecorded by a new or one of the current guitarists. I know it will further delay the release but i dread to think what would happen if they released cd with buckets parts on it; how would they then make a video???

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: ktucker450 on July 08, 2004, 04:07:02 PM
just use axl in the video? :nervous:

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: chineseblues on July 08, 2004, 04:17:58 PM
The announcement has nothing to do with guns, its about vr:


I knew my comments last night might be misleading to GNR fans. I'm sure I
phrased it that if "you were a big GNR fan, that we will be making an
announcement that will interest you later in the week." .... but its about
Velvet Revolver, not GNR. Stay tuned. writes:
>hello, i was wondering if you had any information about this Guns N'
>Roses announcement that you guys have forthcoming.
>thank you

Paul Morris
97.7 HTZ-FM Program Director
12 Yates Street
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2R 6Z4
ph. 905.688.0977 ext. 232
fx. 905.684.4800

Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: Rockin' Rose on July 08, 2004, 04:23:06 PM
The announcement has nothing to do with guns, its about vr:


I knew my comments last night might be misleading to GNR fans. I'm sure I
phrased it that if "you were a big GNR fan, that we will be making an
announcement that will interest you later in the week." .... but its about
Velvet Revolver, not GNR. Stay tuned. writes:
>hello, i was wondering if you had any information about this Guns N'
>Roses announcement that you guys have forthcoming.
>thank you

Paul Morris
97.7 HTZ-FM Program Director
12 Yates Street
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2R 6Z4
ph. 905.688.0977 ext. 232
fx. 905.684.4800


Title: Re:Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour)
Post by: NickNasty on July 08, 2004, 04:24:19 PM
And the iron rule of never trusting DJ's is again reinforced.  :P ::)

Title: Re:VR announcement (was: Gn'R Special Annoucement (rumour))
Post by: jarmo on July 08, 2004, 04:26:10 PM
Since it turned out to be VR, I'll lock this.

Those of you who wish to continue the discussion should do it in the right section.
