Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: the dirt on June 30, 2004, 09:47:36 PM

Title: Pigeonholed
Post by: the dirt on June 30, 2004, 09:47:36 PM
One could easily assume (and we have had our fair share of discussions on the matter) that VR went with Scott Weiland because of his standing in the alternative rock scene, among other things. They would be able to get their songs onto radio stations and markets that they would have not been able to crack with a Seb Bach type.

Fans of alternative style music, and fans of today's rock music would give them a chance, wheras they would not have had one before.

So, the question is, if Axl comes back with CD, will he be pigeonholed with the 80's bands? Will people give GNR a chance despite the fact that Axl sounds more like Bach, Josh Todd, and Steven Tyler than the alternative music contemporaries?

Or will his new GNR be dismissed right off the bat by many people and most radio stations?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: 99 Problems on June 30, 2004, 10:12:15 PM
Most of your questions have been answered somewhat in some of the concert reviews from the shows that they put on.  I think even some magazines like blender and such had some concert reviews in them.  There were many mixed reviews over the new band.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2004, 10:45:08 PM
They'll be played on "classic" and "real rock" formatted stations in the US..

No chance at the likes of KROQ and modern rock formats stateside.

The GNR brand name goes a long way in some circles but has no roots
or credibility with that segment of radio.

A double edged sword to say the least.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: D on June 30, 2004, 10:58:29 PM
They'll be played on "classic" and "real rock" formatted stations in the US..

No chance at the likes of KROQ and modern rock formats stateside.

The GNR brand name goes a long way in some circles but has no roots
or credibility with that segment of radio.

A double edged sword to say the least.

i dont necessarily agree falcon, i still think it comes down to the material

if the song kicks ass and is in that format, they will play it, based on the scott weiland argument shangri la di da or whatever the last stp album wouldve got airplay but it didnt do anything

also with the payola shit that goes on etc, u better believe geffen will pump dollars to get gnr out there on formats, first single will be played to shit, now after that it depends

but im not gonna automatically say GNR will be dismissed etc, cause i am one that doesnt think of GNR as an 80's band, they were nothin like the 80's band

this CD will come off huge outta the gates on anticipation alone, radio stations arent stupid! no one on here cant tell me that madagascar wouldnt have been number 1 or at least in the top 5 on modern and mainstream rock if it had been released the day after the VMA's

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2004, 11:07:44 PM
They'll be played on "classic" and "real rock" formatted stations in the US..

No chance at the likes of KROQ and modern rock formats stateside.

The GNR brand name goes a long way in some circles but has no roots
or credibility with that segment of radio.

A double edged sword to say the least.

i dont necessarily agree falcon, i still think it comes down to the material

By your "material" argument, Aerosmith would have a chance at modern rock if the material was suited.

Sorry D, not buying it.

GNR is much more associated with the likes of "Smith and the Stones and those connotations still hold true to this day.  Great company for sure, but the death knell when it comes to the likes of KROQ...


Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on June 30, 2004, 11:16:25 PM
No chance at the likes of KROQ and modern rock formats stateside.
No chance? Falcon my man, your wrong. Why no chance? Because they arent grunge or alternative? If the music is modern then THEY WILL  be played on stations like KROCk.

This isnt the blues base old GNR. JUst because old GNr doesnt get played on a station like krock doesnt mean anything. Like I said its totally dependent on the material. IF its current and modern and good, you bet dam well it will be on krock.

Old GNR was associated with old bands. NOt this one. They are their own band and when they do thier promos and stuff that will all surface. Its all on the material.
They were willing to play OMG, but it didnt catch on musically not because it was GNR.

Its all about the music. PLain and simple.

I emailed KRock a few years ago when those Catcher IN the Rye rumors were "hot" and asled them the same basica questions regarding new gnr and the material. They said if the material is current and the fans request/ like it, GNR would not fall into any category or anything like that.

What is so 80's about songs like OMG,CD Silk worms, Maddy? Again if the material is current and modern they will be given a chance to play on any station. Plus they will get a huge promotional push from the lable when things get goin.

If i go by what your saying, then your telling me VR are only being played on stations liek krock because of Weiland? If so, your dead wrong. Im not saying he isnt a reason. He most certainly is but the msuic sounds modern so hence they are being played.

They play nickelback on krock all the time. Lets not act like krock and stations liek that are these sacred prestigious gotta be alternative shit only music to be played there. Its about money and what peopel like.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2004, 11:29:52 PM
Sorry YG, it's not "all about the music".

I've said it before and I'll say it again, perception is reality and GNR, no matter what era, hasn't/won't get any run on the KROQ's of the world.

History backs my point of view the n'th degree, the "material" point of view has no basis in fact nor even a basis for hope to crack that market.

Can you name me one band from that era  (using the same name with the same singer) that has re-invented itself and had success in that genre?

Didn't think so.


Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2004, 11:37:11 PM
No chance at the likes of KROQ and modern rock formats stateside.

If i go by what your saying, then your telling me VR are only being played on stations liek krock because of Weiland? If so, your dead wrong. Im not saying he isnt a reason. He most certainly is but the msuic sounds modern so hence they are being played.

To a degree, yes.

The same music with Bach as the singer would have no chance at this format.

The same music with Josh Todd would get some run, Buckcherry lit up modern rock with, uh.... "Lit Up" like a Christmas tree, but that's about it.

Nothing like the massive amounts of alterna cred STP and Weiland have along those lnes..

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on June 30, 2004, 11:40:01 PM
hasn't/won't get any run on the KROQ's of the world.

Ill put money on that.
Dude they got a run on Krock with OMG. It didnt do well for various reason but they were given the chance to be played on that  station.

If the material is modern it will be given a slot on the roattion. The longevity of the music depends on the quality of music and if the fans liek it.

Metallica/U2/ozzy is always being played on krock. New and old stuff.

If Axl puts out a record that sounds like the 80's then your 100% right. It will not be played on Krock. But if it sounds modern and current it most certainly will....

I asked the program director at krock this very topic. ANd he told me what im telling you right now!...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2004, 11:49:18 PM
hasn't/won't get any run on the KROQ's of the world.


U2 is always being played on krock. New and old stuff.

U2's history lies in that of the British post punk/new wave eras, not the Sunset Strip of the mid to late 80's.  

Two entirely different animals to say the least.  One perceived as cool and influential, the other lampooned on VH1 on many a show.

Again, show me a historical example....

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on June 30, 2004, 11:52:11 PM
the other lampooned on VH1 on many a show.
GNr are for from that hairband scene.

Metallica is always being played on krock.

There arent many examples because it really hasnt been done liek this before. Most bands just stay in their format and thats it. BUt gnr broke up. they are a new band.

Give me an example of where a band didnt make it onto a format liek krock that tried to.?

If Axl renamed the band and called it something else,  and the music sounded modern and was great would krock still not play it?

Plus your forgetting the rest of the band. There are no 80's guiatarists or whatnot in this band.
Robin is from nin{which krock plays all the time}
Brain- they play primus
tommy is a punk
fortus is a rocker
and if buckets stuff stays on then hes the total opposite of an 80's guitarist.

My point is this isnt a band with a bunch of has been hair metal rockers that are trying to re live the past. They have made contemporary music and if its good will be played on such formats...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: the dirt on June 30, 2004, 11:55:01 PM
And the singer has a lot to do with it, no matter the ability it seems. Axl sings a certain way.

Buckcherry had that sound you're talking about Falcon, but they were a new band. Todd has a style of singing that grouped him with bands that had their heyday 15 years ago.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 12:00:50 AM
hasn't/won't get any run on the KROQ's of the world.

Plus your forgetting the rest of the band. There are no 80's guiatarists or whatnot in this band.
Robin is from nin{which krock plays all the time}
Brain- they play primus
tommy is a punk
fortus is a rocker
and if buckets stuff stays on then hes the total opposite of an 80's guitarist.

Robin was never a creative force in NIN, it's all Trent.

Primus is all Claypool..and a novelty band at that..

The "Mats were all Westerberg...and barely heard..

Fortus' claim to fame is a cover of The Smith's "How Soon is Now?" with Love Spit Love.

Bucket is much more akin to Malmsteen, Gary Hoey and Joe Satriani then he is to Stone Gossard, Dave Navarro or Jerry Cantrell.

I've talke to many radio folk in the modern rock sect and each have told me 'no way" in regards to GNR...

Hell, look at any "edge" formatted station, GNR is nowhere to be found, not even at flashback Friday...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on July 01, 2004, 12:01:48 AM
I agree, no band with their roots being the sunset strip would be played on modern rock stations.  But, I think that GnR/Axl are the only possible exception where the music will decide.  GnR were the only band in that scene with real credibility in the music world.  That has got to matter for something.  Plus the fact that this generation does not know really know Axl and might be willing to give him more of a chance than the kids in the same age group only 5 or 6 years ago.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 12:05:49 AM
Robin was never a creative force in NIN, it's all Trent.

Primus is all Claypool..and a novelty band at that..

The "Mats were all Westerberg...and barely heard..

Fortus' claim to fame is a cover of The Smith's "How Soon is Now?" with Love Spit Love.

Bucket is much more akin to Malmsteen, Gary Hoey and Joe Satriani then he is to Stone Gossard, Dave Navarro or Jerry Cantrell.
Dude my point was these arent has been hair metal rockers trying to make a comeback.

You cant disect it all you want but if the material is good and modern they will be played on krock.

I've talke to many radio folk in the modern rock sect and each have told me 'no way" in regards to GNR...
Ive talked to the program director at krock. He told me the exact opposite.

Hell, look at any "edge" formatted station, GNR is nowhere to be found, not even at flashback Friday...
That has nothing to do with if they will be played on modern stations. Old gnr was old gnr and new gnr is new gnr.

SO if Axl renamed the band would they be played on krock falcon?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on July 01, 2004, 12:05:57 AM
I believe Falcon when he says these new rock guys are saying no way in hell.  Axl knows CD has to be incredibly amazing and modern to really be success.

I think the reason Axl has been after Navarro all these years may not even be the guys talent, maybe he just wants the name and Navarro's credibility in the alt-nu-rock world.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 12:12:06 AM
I think the reason Axl has been after Navarro all these years may not even be the guys talent, maybe he just wants the name and Navarro's credibility in the alt-nu-rock world.
I highly doubt that. Axl has always loved Janes Addiction even before they got big. So Im it was more of the fact that he likes his style.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 12:19:05 AM

You cant disect it all you want but if the material is good and modern they will be played on krock.

I've cited historical trends and examples to back my point of view, if that's "dissecting", so be it.

Until you show me facts to back your "if the material is good and modern"
viewpoint, it's just an argument based in hope.

Cite a historical precedent and I'll consider your views as valid possibilities.

Also, I'm talking KROQ in LA, the most powerful and influential modern rock formatted station in the US...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on July 01, 2004, 12:21:16 AM
Falcon, you're wrong. Just because GNR was an "80's band", doesn't mean that the new band won't have any credibilty in the modern world of music. This is a new beginning, if you will, and 'Chinese Democracy' won't sound like 80's music, it will be heavier, more modern, and Axl's voice seems to be one to transcend any "era" or "genre", i.e. if you listen to 'Oh My God', you wouldn't think "Hey, that guy sounds like he used to sing in the 80's". People are too caught up with labels and whatnot, if an album is rock, and it's of good quality, it WILL be played on rock radio, modern, alternative, whatever, and the fact that there will be a much wider range of different styles of music, you can say "The Blues" would go over on "Adult" radio because it's a more mellow, more mature song than say 'Chinese Democracy', which would go over well with the KROQ crowd. Don't be so quick to determine what various groups of people will want to listen to. Good music is good music.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on July 01, 2004, 12:24:46 AM
I think if CD goes to number 1 for a few weeks, K-Rock may change their opinion slightly.  Not to mention the amount of money that will be offered by GnR's record label to play their stuff.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on July 01, 2004, 12:26:04 AM
This hasn't been an issue "historically" because how many sunset strip rock bands have had a number 1 album in the last decade?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 12:28:16 AM
Falcon, you're wrong. Just because GNR was an "80's band", doesn't mean that the new band won't have any credibilty in the modern world of music. This is a new beginning, if you will, and 'Chinese Democracy' won't sound like 80's music, it will be heavier, more modern, and Axl's voice seems to be one to transcend any "era" or "genre", i.e. if you listen to 'Oh My God', you wouldn't think "Hey, that guy sounds like he used to sing in the 80's". People are too caught up with labels and whatnot, if an album is rock, and it's of good quality, it WILL be played on rock radio, modern, alternative, whatever, and the fact that there will be a much wider range of different styles of music, you can say "The Blues" would go over on "Adult" radio because it's a more mellow, more mature song than say 'Chinese Democracy', which would go over well with the KROQ crowd. Don't be so quick to determine what various groups of people will want to listen to. Good music is good music.

So if Aerosmith recorded  the song "Chinese Democracy" it would
garner airplay with the KROQ crowd?

Keep trying...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 12:28:16 AM
I've cited historical trends and examples to back my point of view, if that's "dissecting", so be it.
NO you havnt. I asked you what band has done what Axl is doing and failed in doing so in regards of being shutdown by modern stations.You still havnt answered.

I also asked you what if Axl renamed the band.

Until you show me facts to back your "if the material is good and modern"
viewpoint, it's just an argument based in hope.
No its not. If its good and modern it will be played. Its not rocket science. WHat is so alternative about jet,nickeleback and the darkness?

Also, I'm talking KROQ in LA, the most powerful and influential modern rock formatted station in the US...
Im talking baout here in NY. I have no clue about whats played over there and how they work. So im not talking about them.

I dont need to prove anything. TIme will tell. Until it actaully happens no1 can prove anything. All I know is that if the material on CD is not hairmetal or garbage then it will be given a chance on krock here in ny. How far it goes depends soley on how good it is and if the fans like it. LIke i said this isnt rocket sciebce.

Just because Axl wasnt a part of the grunge or alternative movement doesnt mean he will be shut out. Velvet Revolver consist of mostly 80's icons. They are being played on krock. YEs, weiland is a reason why but the music is not 80's music. Its modern and descent. HEnce it will get played.

Old gnr and what it played and was all about died a long time ago. New gnr is something different. Whether it will be good or not i cant factually tell you. But to say they will not get a standard crack at the rotation on a station like krock here in ny is false.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 12:33:05 AM
So if Aerosmith recorded  the song "Chinese Democracy" it would
garner airplay with the KROQ crowd?

Keep trying...
It wouldnt because its just one song. Plus its the same band.
Liek I said before. GNr isnt a washed up band thats trying to reivent itself and place itself into a format just to be popular.

Its a new band that had nothing to do with the old and had nothing to do with any 80's movement

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 12:41:05 AM
I asked you what band has done what Axl is doing and failed in doing so in regards of being shutdown by modern stations.You still havnt answered.

I believe I asked you to cite an example of a frontman from that
era reinventing himself with the same brand name first ,while my perspective can be proved on any "Edge" formatted stations playlist.

Here's something from KROCK, and it's a "flashback" example nonetheless..

Due to overwhelming demand, K-Rock launches Resurrection Lunch hosted by Julie Slater; Monday thru Friday from noon to 1pm. Tune in as we resurrect classic alternative rock from the 80?s & 90?s - from the Clash, U2?and The Ramones ?to Pearl Jam?Live?and The Smashing Pumpkins.

No GNR to be found....

I also asked you what if Axl renamed the band.

WHat is so alternative about jet,nickeleback and the darkness?

1. Who knows, he didn't.  

2. They are considered "new" entities, GNR isn't.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 12:54:48 AM
From the All Music Guide:

since by the time they released Generation Swine in the summer of 1997, it was nearly a full decade since Dr. Feelgood ? there was no other way they could get any attention. Not that the Cr?e doesn't try to shake things up, hiring Nine Inch Nails keyboardist Charlie Clouser to bring some alternative and industrial textures to Generation Swine.

Sound familiar?

Replace "The Crue" with "GNR" and you have a strikingly similar scenario...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 12:55:59 AM
I believe I asked you to cite an example of a frontman from that
era reinventing himself with the same brand name first ,while my perspective can be proved on any "Edge" formatted stations playlist.
Since you still havnt answered...ill answer for you...none

Due to overwhelming demand, K-Rock launches Resurrection Lunch hosted by Julie Slater; Monday thru Friday from noon to 1pm. Tune in as we resurrect classic alternative rock from the 80?s & 90?s - from the Clash, U2?and The Ramones ?to Pearl Jam?Live?and The Smashing Pumpkins.

No GNR to be found....
Why do you keep bringing that up? What does old gnrs music have to do with new gnr music?

1. Who knows, he didn't.  
2. They are considered "new" entities, GNR isn't.
Im asking you though. If he called it something else would it be played on krock.{if it was modern and good}
So now your telling me because jet, darkness and nickleback were not part of the 80's {yet they are referenced when people say they are the bands that are trying to bring back "old school" rock} they are still played on krock even though its an alternative station.

Now your making it a name/history issue.

If the material new GNR make is modern and people like it, it will be played on krock. case closed.  I cant give you an example of bands from that era that are being played on krock because none of those bands are trying to do what Axl is doing. And you cant give me an example of a band thats been shut down by this prestigious alternative world.
GNR will get a huge promotional push. They will at the least get a chance to be played on the likes of krock. Whether they remain a force is if the kiddies like it . plain and simple...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 12:58:21 AM
From the All Music Guide:

since by the time they released Generation Swine in the summer of 1997, it was nearly a full decade since Dr. Feelgood ? there was no other way they could get any attention. Not that the Cr?e doesn't try to shake things up, hiring Nine Inch Nails keyboardist Charlie Clouser to bring some alternative and industrial textures to Generation Swine.

Sound familiar?

Replace "The Crue" with "GNR" and you have a strikingly similar scenario...
NOt the same thing. That crue band had the same mebers its had since their hayday. Plus it even states taht they tried to bring in some1 so they can fit in.

NEw gnr has only Axl. The rest of the band is new and unknown. They are not washed up has beens trying to re invent themselves. thats the difference

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 01:05:26 AM
Velvet Revolver is your example. They are always being referenced as former members of gnr. They are getting airplay.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 01:15:34 AM

Im asking you though. If he called it something else would it be played on krock.{if it was modern and good}

Ya know, it just might get a fair(er) shot if he'd gone that route.  It would have been fun to watch for  sure.

So now your telling me because jet, darkness and nickleback were not part of the 80's {yet they are referenced when people say they are the bands that are trying to bring back "old school" rock} they are still played on krock even though its an alternative station.

Did any of the bands above sew their oates on the Strip in the mid eighties and then go dark for 11 years?  

They're new bands that were never pidgeonholed, hence, no steroetype.

Now your making it a name/history issue.


The brand "name" GNR has never been a factor in that market.  "History" proves just that.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 01, 2004, 01:19:15 AM
The song chinese democracy is bascially a modern rock song, so you dont think a song like that would be played on modern rock stations?

Yes they will be played on modern rock stations.
End of story.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 01:21:17 AM
The brand "name" GNR has never been a factor in that market.  "History" proves just that.

"Coming up next, vr featuring the boys from gnr...heres slither......that was from vr featuring slash duff and matt who used to be with gnr"

Thats the basic intro outro to vr....

If im not mistaken, LSash and duff were a big part of old gnr??? How come their history isnt shutting them down in this alternative market?

They're new bands that were never pidgeonholed, hence, no steroetype.
new bands playing old school music on a alternative station. It tells me if its good it will get played.Stop putting lables on things. Krock plays anything that is popular. If its rock they will play it.

Ya know, it just might get a fair(er) shot if he'd gone that route.  It would have been fun to watch for  sure.
they will get that shot....and it will be fun to watch

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 01:25:05 AM
Velvet Revolver is your example. They are always being referenced as former members of gnr. They are getting airplay.

Weiland is a singer that has huge credibility within the genre fronting a new band (name and all)..

Axl is the singer with zero credibility within the genre (fair or not), though new in some of  it's players, still GNR.

Keep trying...

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 01:32:38 AM
Weiland is a singer that has huge credibility within the genre fronting a new band (name and all)..
Vr is getting played because the music is modern

Axl is the singer with zero credibility within the genre (fair or not), though new in some of  it's players, still GNR.
new players new music. like i said, not rocket science....

Krock will not play gnr becaus eits gnr. They are not gonna say wow this music kicks ass but we cant play it because its from gnr. Even though its a whole new band and doesnt sound liek 80's music. NA na we cant play this sorry....ya ok

Keep trying...
Im not trying buddy. You nor I is correct. When its out we will find out.

Like i said ill bet you they will get a chance to have a spot on the rotation.

If they do, you can buy me another Monster Magnet CD and if not Ill buy you whatver cd you want.

If gnrs sound is modern they will be on stations like krock....

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 01:34:28 AM

If im not mistaken, LSash and duff were a big part of old gnr??? How come their history isnt shutting them down in this alternative market?

Would they be getting that run with Bach?


The Weiland factor weighs heavily in the whole scheme of things, the guy made his bones in that genre.  

By their own admission, Slash and Duff had "never stepped foot" in the KROQ studios until they were there to promote Contraband.  Anyone who doesn't believe this kind of recognition isn't directly correlated with Scott Weiland isn't seeing the big picture.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 01:37:31 AM

If they do, you can buy me another Monster Magnet CD and if not Ill buy you whatver cd you want.


Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 01:41:06 AM
Would they be getting that run with Bach?


The Weiland factor weighs heavily in the whole scheme of things, the guy made his bones in that genre.  

By their own admission, Slash and Duff had "never stepped foot" in the KROQ studios until they were there to promote Contraband.  Anyone who doesn't believe this kind of recognition isn't directly correlated with Scott Weiland isn't seeing the big picture.
It depends how bach would sound over the music. If he sounded like he didnt leave the 80's then your right they defiantely wouldnt get the airplay they ae getting from "alternative" stations. BUt if he himslef sounded modern witht he music, then they would...

Im not denying the Weiland factor 1 bit. I know he is a big reason why they are getting played on stations like krock. BUt the music is modern. I think its unfiar to say that the sole reason why vr is successful and getting played is because of scott. Scotts the reason why its basically an average album and not better. {but thats for another topic}....

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 01:42:44 AM
sounds good...

time for me to go to sleep...we'll talk tomorrow...peace

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 01:49:14 AM
sounds good...

Rock on young man.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: D on July 01, 2004, 01:59:25 AM
i think its unfair to say anything till we hear chinese democracy

radio companies are whores, if chinese democracy is huge they will play whatever and u know universal will pumpmodern radio to play it and they will, label and radio are such a dirty business together

granted the blues wont get played on modern radio because its not modern

but if they release a kick ass modern rock song it will be played, end of story, falcon u act like radio stations have integrity or something, or like GNR are vanilla ice or one of the new kids

axl rose will always be a superstar and have credibility and as long as the song is close to modern format, it will get played,

we can argue and argue but till CD is released we wont know but when a release date is set, and they release a modern single, ill bet u any amount of money it goes top 5 modern and ill pay u thru paypal

but the song has to be modern rock genre

bet is void if its a love song or a rock song that isnt in that genre!

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 02:10:45 AM

granted the blues wont get played on modern radio because its not modern

Very true.

With that in mind, FTP has already been added to KROQ's "What's New" list.
Hardly a "modern" tune by any means, but it's by a new band with a singer named Scott Weiland.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Timothy on July 01, 2004, 02:22:34 AM
I've talke to many radio folk in the modern rock sect and each have told me 'no way" in regards to GNR...

They play what they are told to play, also why the hell is the Darkness getting air time then there are a fucking 80's sounding band?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: D on July 01, 2004, 02:44:22 AM
I've talke to many radio folk in the modern rock sect and each have told me 'no way" in regards to GNR...

They play what they are told to play, also why the hell is the Darkness getting air time then there are a fucking 80's sounding band?

nice point timothy! spoken like a true prodigy!

GNR will get played, they wont be the only radio station in the world missing out on the GNR phenomenon thats gonna be all over every music headline

no way!

granted one single may be all they play after the hoopla goes down some, just depends on the material

if its awesome i believe it will be played

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Timothy on July 01, 2004, 02:51:19 AM
Well I try ;D

And if you go by what Falcon is saying then Chinese Democracy should be the first single it sound like something that would of came during the whole grung era.   :beer:

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: RitzWalker8 on July 01, 2004, 08:35:39 AM
I live in Boston and they play GNR more now than they did 5-7 years ago.  They talk about Chineese Democracy atleast 4-5 times a friggin day.  The alternative rock stations have gone by the waste side (thank god).  They are more of a hybrid of classic rock and alternative.  

I believe that VR will help GNR if Axl ever choses to release the CD.  I have serious reservations regarding any possible release.  The radio stations around here love playing that VR song, slither(which is really starting to get on my nerves, I like it at first.  Now I can't stand it anymore) and then they play a GNR song.  They always conclude the two songs with some kind of dialog regarding VR and Chinese Democracy.  People are really starting to get facinated with shit.

If I had to venture a guess I would say they will play GNR purely out of curosity over the VR vs. GNR thing.  And from there the material decide how far it goes.  On a side note, critics love to hate AXL, not GNR.  So if this thing is ever released expect some biast unfavorable reviews and discussions on radio no matter what the material sounds like.  It could sound like the second coming of the beatles it wouldn't make a difference.   Conversley, VR could take a shit in a CD case and wrap it and it would get great publicity.  However, that novelity for VR will only last so long.  They need to start producing something better in my opinion.  Lastly, If the Chinese Democracy is good enough over time Axl could win some of the music media back.



Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 09:05:15 AM
zzzzzzzzzzzzz.......Who gives a fuck about what format either band is played on? Ultimately, it is about buying product. FALCON, do you honestly think the name Scott Weiland holds sway over the name Axl Rose? Seriously. Assume Axl releases the record and is not played on modern rock radio, do you think Contraband will sell more than Chinese? Don't give me this Gnr brand name either, Axl has lost the advantage of the name by showing the world his freaky new band two years ago. The cat is out of the bag and any one who is remotely in to music knows it is Axl Rose's band. So, it ultimately comes down to can Axl outsell Velvet? FALCON, what do you personally think? I believe Axl will bury them on a worldwide basis and clearly beat them in US sales, but it will be closer in the US due to the bad taste Axl left in our mouths. ???

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 11:19:44 AM
I believe Axl will bury them on a worldwide basis and clearly beat them in US sales, but it will be closer in the US due to the bad taste Axl left in our mouths.
I agree. If its remotely good, CD will sell bigtime. Peopel around the world crave for gnr and love Axl. Here in the US, they have to prove it more. OS if the material is big, they wil ldo fine. Theres going to be a lot of hype and promo fpr the album. The music will have to carry it in the long run....

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 02:54:01 PM
FALCON, do you honestly think the name Scott Weiland holds sway over the name Axl Rose?

In the world of KROQ and stations like it, absolutely.  Axl is a non-entitiy in that realm.  If by chance he is mentioned, he's portrayed as a buffoon. you think Contraband will sell more than Chinese? Don't give me this Gnr brand name either, FALCON, what do you personally think? I believe Axl will bury them on a worldwide basis and clearly beat them in US sales, .

No way Contraband outsells CD (if/when).  Curiosity alone will take care of that.

One more thing, most of the viewpoints differing from mine about this subject are based on the premise "if the material is modern/good argument, KROQ and like formatted stations will jump on the bandwagon, correct?

I think most would agree "Oh My God" was a good tune that sounded modern (at the time) so to speak, correct?  It had a guitar player (Navarro) with huge cred within the genre, right?

FACT: When released to modern rock radio in the US, "Oh My God" fell off the radar faster than you can say Paul Huge.  It tanked horribly.  That is non disputable.

By opposing viewpoints, if the material was good/contemporary, it should have had success in that venue, right?


I think most are hoping for acceptance across the board if/when CD sees the light of day, and that's fine.

Does that hope have any basis in historical perspective?  Not really.

Is it a realistic scenario?  Of coure not.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 03:28:09 PM
I don't care about formats and Rose is generally considered more crazy than a buffoon. Weiland is the one throughout his career potrayed as a drug addict trend following wannabe-in all formats including modern/alternative rock. First, it was Vedder sound alike, then Bowie, now glam rock second rate 1988 Axl. I truly believe you feel this guy is on par or exceeds Rose in historical rock and roll importance and credibility. It truly boggles my imagination. I rarely do this anymore, but I pulled out Axl with the Stones in 1989, Axl at Farm Aid, Axl with Queen, Axl with Petty and reminded myself what a special performer and artist he was back in his day. Just looked at some clips of 2001 Rio and 2002 MSG. Weiland is a good frontman but Axl is and always will be head and shoulders above the guy. Fuck, the song Coma alone justifies Axl's importance as an artist and clearly distinguishes him from run of the mill talents like Weiland. Weiland can do all the moves and try as hard as he wants, but some people just ooze charisma and talent. Axl is a lighnting rod of controversy, both good and bad, but charismatic none the less. Morrison had it, Vedder has it, Rotten had it, Iggy had it, Plant had it, and Axl has it. Weiland-no. My whole point is it is meaningless if Gnr get played on modern rock radio. It will be a nice bonus if they did, but it won't effect the ultimate success or failure of their record. You are probably right, they won't be played no matter what...even though I imagine the record ultimately will be far more modern and creative than the bland- 1988 riffs- with trendy modern production- Contraband. If Axl panders or sells out like they did, I will be pissed at him as well. Contraband is as lukewarm and forgettable as it gets, outside of Slash's ripping leads. Granted, we'll probably never hear Chinese so my arguments are ultimately futile and Rose will forever be remembered as a coulda- woulda-shoulda-unfullfilled potential. :-\

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: D on July 01, 2004, 03:45:06 PM
i dont agree falcon, oh my god was a very experimental sounding track, hardly radio friendly

u cant compare Oh My God to what might be on CD

i like oh  my god but if CD doesnt have anything better than OMG on it, i think the whole board will commit mass suicide

my argument is, if OMG had been a radio friendly kick ass song, it wouldve got played, it still got in the top 25 didnt it on modern? and we can all agree that song isnt quite what u would call single material

i dont agree with the aerosmith argument or rolling stones argument either

GNR are way more aggressive than aerosmith or the stones

aerosmith has been cashin in with the tongue and cheek type shit for the last few records, but id love to look back on a chart and see if fallin in love is hard on the knees did well on modern radio and im sure "pink was near the top on modern radio charts

my main argument is u are basically sayin regardless of how awesome a song is KROQ wont play it cause its GNR and im arguing as long as the song is modern rock type format and kicks ass it will get played and be number 1 or top 5 easy

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 06:00:43 PM
i dont agree falcon, oh my god was a very experimental sounding track, hardly radio friendly


u cant compare Oh My God to what might be on CD

Why not?  It's a relavent analogy.

...but if CD doesnt have anything better than OMG on it, i think the whole board will commit mass suicide

Agreed. :yes:

my argument is, if OMG had been a radio friendly kick ass song, it wouldve got played, it still got in the top 25 didnt it on modern? and we can all agree that song isnt quite what u would call single material

Apparently Axl thought it was...

i dont agree with the aerosmith argument or rolling stones argument either

GNR are way more aggressive than aerosmith or the stones

GNR are much more associated with "Smith and The Stones than they ever were PJ o or AIC.  

That fact is un-arguable.

 but id love to look back on a chart and see if fallin in love is hard on the knees did well on modern radio and im sure "pink was near the top on modern radio charts


Neither act above has ever sniffed those charts.

my main argument is u are basically sayin regardless of how awesome a song is KROQ wont play it cause its GNR and im arguing as long as the song is modern rock type format and kicks ass it will get played and be number 1 or top 5 easy

Historical references back my point of view.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: McGann on July 01, 2004, 06:32:28 PM
Falcon is on the money here.  I manage talk radio stations and I have quite a few friends in the music radio biz.  A few points:
1.  Radio DJs are generally privy to no more info that you or me.
2.  Guns is now classic rock, and airs on several classic rock stations.  Modern/alternative rock stations won't touch anything played on classic rock stations.
3.  Two alternative rock music directors have echoed what Falcon's buddy chance in Hell of EVER hearing Gn'R on their stations.  Why?  Because it's off-format.
4.  An increasingly common way of determining playlists is to have consultants invite large groups of people to music venues and play 6-10 second snippets of whatever is being pushed by the labels that week IN THAT FORMAT.  The people then fill out questionnaires based on familiarity and whether or not they like what they heard.  The consultants deliver the results to program and music directors with recommendations of what to add to playlists or increase/decrease in rotation.  It's programmed up to 10 days in advance at a few stations near where I live.  The audiences will never hear Gn'R for a modern rock format at these gatherings, and it will not be on playlists.

There is a razor-slim chance this could change if sales are absolutely through the roof, but then again, Usher  sales blew everybody away and he got no airplay on modern rock becasue he's not in that format.
The only format that will likely carry Gn'R is AOR (album-oriented rock) and they've gotten pretty few and far between.

Here's to hoping I'm wrong. :beer:


Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 06:42:17 PM
Apparently Axl thought it was...
It was more for the soundtrack then a single.

Historical references back my point of view.
No they dont. There is no historical reference. no other band from that era is trying to do what gnr are doing.

2.  Guns is now classic rock, and airs on several classic rock stations.  Modern/alternative rock stations won't touch anything played on classic rock stations.
Not really. NOt here in ny atleast. Q104.3 plays gnr occasionally but it isnt really in their rotation. ANd Krock doesnt play them at all. For a band that was so successfull they arent in any particular format. The only station that plays them day in and day out is a local nj station 95.9......

3.  Two alternative rock music directors have echoed what Falcon's buddy chance in Hell of EVER hearing Gn'R on their stations.  Why?  Because it's off-format.
How can new gnr material be off format? How can songs that fit the format and are modern be left off a format. MAkes no sense.

Usher  sales blew everybody away and he got no airplay on modern rock becasue he's not in that format.
:rofl: AM I missing something?

You peopel are not making sense. If the singles on CD are modern and kick ass and do not sound liek classic rock or hairmetal, it will get played on rock,modern,alternative, and any other rock based station. CAse Closed. I asked krocks friggen program director will GNR be given a chance to play thier singles on a station liek yours. He said yes, if it fits the format, meaning its modern and good and if the fans want to hear it. He said its not a problem.

You all have this idea that GNR wont even get a crack at the rotation simply because its gnr. Meanwhile 3 members of gnr are in a band thats being played on krock and stations liek that all the time. If the music is modern it will get played on those stations.

Dont make it seem like krock here in ny is some prestigious elite station. They play garbage. They play whatevr type of rock is hot and popular. Whetehr its nickleback,good charlotte, or the jayz/eminem rock type songs.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 07:21:59 PM

Historical references back my point of view.
No they dont. There is no historical reference. no other band from that era is trying to do what gnr are doing.

The historical reference I speak of is the fact GNR has never
been considered a viable entity at modern rock.  Nothing to do with what "they are trying to do".  It's just a cold hard fact.

Again YG, if you think VR would've gotten run at that format with Bach or a modern sounding Aerosmith would get played at modern rock, the premise for your entire point of view is shot.

You said it yourself, KROCK doesn't play them at all.

Why would they start?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 07:33:04 PM
Youngun, the problem is people are prejudice and prejudge everything. Axl has created this problem by using the Gnr name. Gnr is associated now, basically, as classic rock, and it is. When Axl released OMG, it did not fit ANYONES perception of GNR. Thus, no one gave it a chance. It sucks but it is the truth. That is why I completely disregard the radio now and formatting. It is a complete joke. Falcon, OMG was never released as a single, no video, a stereotypical soundtrack song. The only reason Axl discussed it was because it was the first original song in 8 years. It was never shoved down anyone's throat like Slither is. Big difference. :yes:

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 07:45:24 PM
Falcon, OMG was never released as a single, no video, a stereotypical soundtrack song. The only reason Axl discussed it was because it was the first original song in 8 years. It was never shoved down anyone's throat like Slither is. Big difference. :yes:

Actually, it was.

It was released to radio as the lead promotional single for the "End of Days" soundtrack.

Who said anything about "Slither"?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 07:53:57 PM wasn't. It was never released to the public as a cd single in the US. The biggest thing that shows you he didn't care about the song that much is the lack of a video. A good video is WAY better than radio airplay. Slither is just an example of a true single being played up to the max. That's different than Nov Rain etc..It is a good example of how to market your product. Set Me Free was never appropriately played up either...thank God.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 08:00:35 PM wasn't. It was never released to the public as a cd single in the US. .

Notice I said "released to radio"...

A CD "singlle" release denotes absolutely mothing.

It was in fact released to radio, and it tanked.

It's all in the "Dead Horse" section I'm sure.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 08:13:09 PM
No shit Sherlock...of course it tanked. Again, it did not fit anyone's perception of Gnr. Axl made one of his many mistakes. Believe me, I don't have to read this fucking board to know what happened. I feel like an idiot even arguing about such trivial shit as radio formatting and the complete joke that is "MODERN ROCK".. WAIT A SECOND, THERE IS A DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL SONG ON THE RADIO, HOLY SHIT NEXT IS NEW FOUND GLORY,,,OH VELVET REVOLVER IS COMING ON RIGHT AFTER THEM...COOL.....ROCK IS BACK.....YEEEEAAHHHH ::)

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 01, 2004, 08:14:46 PM
No shit Sherlock...of course it tanked. Again, it did not fit anyone's percetion of Gnr. Axl made one of his many mistakes. Believe me, I don't have to read this fucking board to know what happened. I feel like an idiot even arguing about such trivial shit as radio formatting and the complete joke that is "MODERN ROCK".. WAIT A SECOND, THERE IS A DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL SONG ON THE RADIO, HOLY SHIT NEXT IS NEW FOUND GLORY,,,OH VELVET REVOLVER IS COMING ON RIGHT AFTER THEM...COOL.....ROCK IS BACK.....YEEEEAAHHHH ::)

Is your wife out of town again madagas?? :yes:

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 08:19:48 PM
Now that was fucking funny! You almost hit the nail on the head. Her and my daughter are over at Grandma's house. I am sitting here, bored, drinking Budweiser, and listening to that nut Bill O'Reilly. Good one Falcon. You win. ;D ;D

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Booker Floyd on July 01, 2004, 08:41:02 PM
It was never shoved down anyone's throat like Slither is. Big difference. :yes:

Not a fair comparison...A fair comparison would be "Set Me Free".  Like "OMG," there was no video or official single - just a soundtrack song hyped for merely existing.  The difference is, "Set Me Free" was a moderate radio hit, getting considerable play for most of last summer.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 08:42:00 PM
You said it yourself, KROCK doesn't play them at all.

Why would they start?
Because GNr will be playing modern music that will probably be a lot better than the stuff on that station now.
Because the record company will push the album and singles very hard to major market radio stations such as krock
BEcause their will be a video to go a long with the single
because there will be an album to go along with the single
because there will be a tour to go along with the single and album

And because if its good kids will request it.

Lets just say its a masterpiece. just for arguments sake. Its a killer song and album. The video is a hit on mtv. And kids are calling in like crazy for it to be played. Your telling me krocks not going to play it because its gnr? EVen though its a totally different band and modern sound? hell fukin no...not only will I be listening to a great cd in CD, but ill also be waiting for a cool MM cd.

You can talk about these viable entities all you want. The fact is krock plays whats hot in music. That includes bands that have nothing to do with alternative music like jet, nickleback, the darkness etc. If GNR put out an amzing modern record, it will be played and it will be played a lot. BUt until it comes out and it happens or doesnt happen we can go back n forth till the end of time.....

Krock calls themself an alternative staton but their not. They play whatevr is rock and modern. Bring up thr old gnr stuff all yoiu want, fact is old gnr really isnt radio friendly. They are rarely played on q104.3 one of the country biggest classic rock stations. Its more of the material old gnr played ratehr than where they came from. Other then the hits from afd which krock would not play because that doesnt fit the format and the non "rock" type songs old gnr did like on the illusions are too strong for radio and krock format. Its more of the material than anything else. Old gnr material is kinda in the middle.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 08:44:48 PM
Not a fair comparison...A fair comparison would be "Set Me Free".  Like "OMG," there was no video or official single - just a soundtrack song hyped for merely existing.  The difference is, "Set Me Free" was a moderate radio hit, getting considerable play for most of last summer.
SMF lasted 2 months topps here in ny. Lets not go crazy. You are right they were both soundtrack songs that werent meant to make any type of impact regarding each bands album.

We have had this omg discussion a billion times.
I know many of you want to see this band fail, but until they put out a single/video/album and do all the promotional things a band does when releasing an album, then they havnt failed musically. When they do the above and it does jack shit, then yes new gnr will have failed commercially.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Booker Floyd on July 01, 2004, 08:53:17 PM
STM lasted 2 months tops here in ny.

Like I said - most of last summer.  Tell me where I lost you...

The fact that it as played for more than a month, and it wasnt even a single, indicates to me - and anybody with a modicum of common sense - that the song was a moderate radio hit, just like I said.  Again, let me know where I lost you.

You are right they were both soundtrack songs that werent meant to make any type of impact regarding each bands album.

No, but they were both designed to generate some kind of interest, otherwise whats the point of even releasing them (unless releasing songs for soundtracks with press releases and MTV interviews are meant to be low-key)? One succeeded, the other...not so much.  Deny and justify and excuse it all you want...thats just how it is.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 09:01:37 PM
The greatest lost track of all-time
The Late Greats' Turpentine
you can't hear it on the radio
can't hear it anywhere you go

the best band will never get signed
The Kay Settes starring Butchers Blind
so good you won't ever know
they never even played a show
can't hear'em on the radio

the greatest singer in rock n' roll
would have to be Romeo
his vocal chords are made of gold

the best songs will never get sung
the best life never leaves your lungs
so good you won't ever know
you'll never hear it on the radio
can't hear it on the radio

The Late Greats by Wilco

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: younggunner on July 01, 2004, 09:08:19 PM
The fact that it as played for more than a month, and it wasnt even a single, indicates to me - and anybody with a modicum of common sense - that the song was a moderate radio hit, just like I said.  Again, let me know where I lost you.

Yes booker, smf lasted a month longer than OMG. Im sorry.  ::)
No, but they were both designed to generate some kind of interest, otherwise whats the point of even releasing them.  One succeeded, the other...not so much.  Deny and justify and excuse it all you want...thats just how it is.
"Once the opportunity was presented, the song was given priority in our recording process. As the verse, performance and lyrics were decided on, for us (that especially includes Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine) the choice became obvious. We were more than pleased Mr. Roswell (the film's music supervisor) agreed! Our thanks to Arnold and all for the consideration - it is an association in which we have always felt honored.

The song was soley for the soundtrack. Of course they would have hoped it did well, but that song wasnt the comeback song or part of the comeback plan. It was song they had that fit the theme of the movie. They were given an oppurtunity get a song out there so they took it out of the vault or whatver worked on it and gave it to the movie. No video, no album, no promotion. AGain until gnr do what vr is doing now{singles/videos promos etc} then we cant gauge how they will do.

Im not denying anything. OMG failed. Where did i lose you?BUt in life there are reasons why things happen.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: madagas on July 01, 2004, 09:09:15 PM
Booker, do you really think Contraband will outsell Chinese (assume it will come out). Because, really, that will be the only way to separate their success. Chinese, no matter how good the album is, will get mixed reviews, just like Contraband. Come clean. I truly believe that Axl has some great things in store. He simply has spent too much effort and has such a great sense of melody, that I figure, he has at least one major hit in store. The guy simply writes catchy songs.  :-\

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: yagami1gnr on July 01, 2004, 11:07:13 PM
Who really gives a Fuck?
If Chin Dem comes out, it is going to get played in my stereo. If you are expecting to come first Blink182, then NFG, Then Avril, Then SugarRay and so and so and then listen the song of your favorite group, well you're sick. If by achieving that means that its music cool then, I will throw that CD. Besides who listens to radio anyway, many comercials and then stupid discusions, like one time in a rock station they were discusing about Cuba and Fidel, and they were showing all that attrocities that he made , but also mockering the country and its habitants, and when a somebody make a call to the station, this person gave his opinion which was that FC did bad things, but also good things and that he would love to go back to his country, and the guys on the station tried to change the point of view and then they cut him off air. Yes, It's very good to listen to radio.  :hihi:

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: yagami1gnr on July 01, 2004, 11:09:40 PM
Also the version of  "Oh My God" in EOD is quite bad; however the version that they played on Rio was pretty cool.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 01, 2004, 11:12:07 PM
Ive said this once and Ill say it again. DJs dont know shit. They play what they are told. If they are told to play gnr they will have to play it. Its as simple as that.

Also, a lot of modern rock stations are falling by the wayside, for modern/classic format. Like someone said, here in boston wbcn switched over to a mix format because WAAF was kicking its ass with its mix of modern rock and classic rock format.

As for oh my god, didnt axl say it was never intended for a single and was bascially a demo? The song was not even finished when geffen gave it to the end of days movie ppl.

As for if the new gnr songs are not catchy or radio friendly, tools and apc's songs are not catchy or radio friendly and they are played on modern rock stations.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: D on July 02, 2004, 12:23:16 PM
cmon guys set me free is 20 times more radio friendly than oh my god, oh my god doesnt really have a bighook, axls vocals are muffled of course it isnt gonna do good on radio

old gnr wont be played on modern i agree totally but if new GNR have modern songs they will

the aerosmith argument isnt valid cause aerosmith havent done a modern rock song ever, so of course they arent gonna get played on modern radio

i guess no one knows for sure till or if CD is released

how bad do u guys think it would effect GNRs popularity if its not? would it hurt them any?

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on July 02, 2004, 01:04:36 PM
I heard Set Me Free a grand total of 2 times on the radio when The Hulk came out. Now thats a huge success!!!  ::)

I dont even hear Slither that much. I've heard it maybe 5 times since Contraband has been released. Thats not to great for a #1 album.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Falcon on July 02, 2004, 01:51:42 PM

I dont even hear Slither that much. I've heard it maybe 5 times since Contraband has been released. Thats not to great for a #1 album.

You must be listening to the wrong stations then..

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on July 02, 2004, 02:38:46 PM

I dont even hear Slither that much. I've heard it maybe 5 times since Contraband has been released. Thats not to great for a #1 album.

You must be listening to the wrong stations then..

I dont think so. I live near Boston, and I listen to WAAF, WBCN, and LASER 99.3 and they all play new music. They are the most popular radio stations for rock music and I still dont hear Slither that much.

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: McGann on July 02, 2004, 02:46:11 PM
The two local alt/rock stations near me rotate "Slither" pretty heavily.
To the MDs there, it's all about the Weiland, baby.


Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Layne420 on July 03, 2004, 01:06:30 AM
Fuck the radio I wanna see a video  :smoking:

Title: Re:Pigeonholed
Post by: Timothy on July 03, 2004, 01:18:47 AM
Hell yes I could care less if some shit ass radio station plays the song but you know damn well mtv will play the fucking video .Even though they suck, but it will reach a lager audience.