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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: D on June 24, 2004, 11:11:02 AM

Title: in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: D on June 24, 2004, 11:11:02 AM
it came down to bach vs weiland and for a little bit i was on the bach bandwagon

i realized something though, name one skid row hit that bach did anything but sing on? i cant name any, im not real familiar with skid row's work but i do know that rachel bolan,snake sabo and maybe rob affuso wrote most of the stuff * i may be wrong if so i stand corrected*

but anyhow i broke out my skid row subhuman race cd a few minutes ago and to be quite honest i didnt make it past 4 songs

if slash and co had chose bach, VRs cd wouldve been like a straight to dvd movie

die hard fans wouldve bought it i suppose but it wouldnt be all over mtv,vh1 and radio like it has been cause when it boils down to it, scott has all the street cred and love from radio that VR needed

Scott's lyrics have improved with every listen now i understand more what he is tyrin to say, on written page alot of peoples lyrics arent all that and if i only listened to artists based on lyrics on a written page i would never be a bonjovi fan

so in hindsight do we all agree that scott was the absolute 100 percent best choice?

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: slashedguns on June 24, 2004, 11:16:40 AM
I agree,Scott has the charisma and talent .. I like him more and more with every listen too.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Timothy on June 24, 2004, 11:20:14 AM
Agree Scott was the right choice.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 24, 2004, 01:31:08 PM
Like I said before they even picked a singer and everyone was hard for Bach.
That Weiland was the best choice for this band to have a chance to be popular.

Bach is the better singer but Weiland has more fans.

If Bach was in the band then they would have used Izzys lyrics so the songs may have been better and the album could have been better but the band would not have been as popular because the band would have been looked at as an 80s retread band.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Izzy on June 24, 2004, 01:33:31 PM
Izzy would have been much better - okay they may not have got the press attention - but if ur intrested in music and not album sales then Izzy would have been the man

Scott has the stage presence and all the gimmicks but we'd have had a better rock album with Izzy at the helm

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: matt88 on June 24, 2004, 01:42:56 PM
Yep agreed. I really don't see anyone else who i can picture besides Scott as VR frontman.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 24, 2004, 01:52:35 PM
Scott was picked to sell albums its that simple.
Josh todd would have been a better choice too but slash figured with scott they will get the stp fans to buy the album too.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: the dirt on June 24, 2004, 02:13:12 PM
Scott was picked to sell albums its that simple.
Josh todd would have been a better choice too but slash figured with scott they will get the stp fans to buy the album too.

I'm liking Scott more and more myself. Wouldn't Josh Todd have been able to bring Buckcherry fans with him, though? I know Timebomb didn't sell all that well, although it was better overall than self-titled, but I'm sure it didn't sell that much less than STP's latest offering. For all of Scott's cred, it did not do too much for people wanting to buy Shangri. It was probably only the die hards...

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 24, 2004, 02:36:49 PM
Scott was picked to sell albums its that simple.
Josh todd would have been a better choice too but slash figured with scott they will get the stp fans to buy the album too.

Which is why they dropped Todd before Weiland was even a realistic option... ::)

Absolutely clueless, as usual.

Like I said before they even picked a singer and everyone was hard for Bach.
That Weiland was the best choice for this band to have a chance to be popular

OMG yur such a profit!1!

You also said that they would have really sucked with Bach...then you said Bach is a better singer/songwriter than Weiland...Youre even clueless as to your own opinions.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: the dirt on June 24, 2004, 02:47:38 PM
Although he's a better vocalist, there's no way Baz is a better songwriter. As the guys in Skid Row said, the band began to collapse when Baz decided that he wanted to write too, and he had no clue as to what he was trying to do.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: AxlFink on June 24, 2004, 02:53:12 PM
Josh Todd has a better voice and wo9uld have been really cool.  Bach would be amazing but they would have been stuck with an 80's image.   Weiland has changed my mind a bit about the band(I actually dont hate them and kinda like them)  

also.... did Chris Robinson really try out?  I'd have gone with him.  His solo shows have been amazing.

Actually, if I really think about it.... I may have picked Booker Floyd.  He'd be the best choice by far.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on June 24, 2004, 03:27:17 PM
I was actually going to set up a thread similar to praise Scott!

I am just sooooo pleased VR got Scott- i mean we wouldnt have such great lyrics without him!

He is a HUGE part of VR!
I mean they all are- but i'm soooooo pleased how he handles the press, and how he sings his wonderful songs, and how he gels with the band!
I praise him! I really do!

He's just a great frontman- i love how he sways in "Slither", its very sexual, but artistic if you know what i mean!

His hair in da vid is lush too- i mean he's got the look- VR is sooooooooooooo much better with Scott, than without him, you know!

He brings a hard-rockin' spirit to the group- i mean they're more mysterious! You know- they're like you never know what'll happen next kinda thing, and its exciting to see their next videos, and album, and interviews etc.!
They're a HOT new band- that'll stick around i think!
They got the chemistry you know!
They rock!

I'm sowwy - i'm not good with words!  ::)

Hopefully you guys understand where i'm coming from?

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: D on June 24, 2004, 09:09:22 PM
u are absolutely right rebecca duff!!!!!!!!!!

scott's moves are excellent! i love just watchin him dance

i became a scott fan watchin the sour girl video

josh todd?  please he cant carry scotts microphone case!

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Dizzy on June 24, 2004, 09:39:07 PM
i realized something though, name one skid row hit that bach did anything but sing on? i cant name any, im not real familiar with skid row's work but i do know that rachel bolan,snake sabo and maybe rob affuso wrote most of the stuff * i may be wrong if so i stand corrected*

You're correct, Rachel Bolan wrote the vast majority of Skid Row lyrics, Sebastian only cowrote one song on their first album, and it was most likely just the vocal melody that he wrote then.

Bach cowrote a few songs on their next album Slave to the Grind, and he is not actually a bad lyricist, but he is definitely a better singer than he is a songwriter.  Simply put, Seb is one of the best singers alive.

but anyhow i broke out my skid row subhuman race cd a few minutes ago and to be quite honest i didnt make it past 4 songs

I hope you don't judge Skid Row as a whole on that album, because that album sucked except for "Eileen" and "Into Another".

so in hindsight do we all agree that scott was the absolute 100 percent best choice?

I'm with you all the way.  I love Seb Bach, I've seen him live and he's an incredible singer and frontman, but he's much better on his own, and VR is much better with Weiland.  I completely agree with what Slash said: "[with Bach] We sounded too much like Skid Row."  Weiland was from a slightly different musical genre, so he was able to cross over successfully into the pure rock n roll that VR is, and he was able to pull it off.  Weiland sounds great and perfect on all the VR songs.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Top-Hatted One on June 24, 2004, 11:45:40 PM
I agree with everything the creator of this post said!

I too was pulling for Baz....until I bought STP's "Thank You" DVD/CD Greatest Hits package. Now I realize that it would've totally sucked. Axl would've also worked because he's also miles ahead of Baz as a great frontman

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: killingvector on June 25, 2004, 01:31:45 AM
I can't believe that anyone was surprised that it was Weiland as if it was a hard decision. No offense but Bach is past his prime. It was a no brainer in fact, it all came down to whether Weiland wanted to be in VR instead of the other way around.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 25, 2004, 01:31:48 AM
I would have been happy with either.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: metallex78 on June 25, 2004, 02:07:38 AM
I think Scott was a good choice, although I too was hoping for Bach to make the cut to begin with.

I think Baz could've easily handled all the old GN'R tracks with no vocal problems at all, and also if they wanted to head into a more classic rock musical direction, but obviously they didn't, so Scott suits them better.

I highly doubt the move to get Scott was based on album sales, as Dave keeps harping on about, but rather for their musical direction they were going in.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: D on June 25, 2004, 02:28:57 AM
maybe they didnt take bach because of some of his similarities to axl and they wanted to be sure they were not comparable at all to GNR anymore than they already were

bach is an amazing singer

slave to the grind cd is my fav skid row cd but i think scott has more vocal melodies, bach sounds kinda the same on most songs in my opinion

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 25, 2004, 02:42:40 AM
He has a great range for sure.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Jizzo on June 25, 2004, 02:43:39 AM
All 3 would of been good choices.

I've really been meaning to go see Josh todd play. I just found out he played tonight at the Whisky. He's playing the Roxy tommarow, but I can't go unless I break a date, and I think she's worth more than Josh Todd.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Guns N Ballz on June 25, 2004, 03:33:45 AM
I like Josh Todd's solo cd. It's got some great rock on it. I've also listened to Time Bomb recently and I don't see how it was so bad. "You" is a great song. Track 13 on Time Bomb is even better. "Porno Star" is fun as hell but I couldn't see them playing it on radio due to the content. Only rap can get away with blatent sexual remarks like "I'm a mother fuckin porno staaaaaaaar" or "Life ain't nothing but bitches and money." haha  :beer:

Scott is my first choice but I think Josh Todd would've been great too.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 25, 2004, 04:56:40 AM
I like Josh Todd's solo cd. It's got some great rock on it. I've also listened to Time Bomb recently and I don't see how it was so bad. "You" is a great song. Track 13 on Time Bomb is even better. "Porno Star" is fun as hell but I couldn't see them playing it on radio due to the content. Only rap can get away with blatent sexual remarks like "I'm a mother fuckin porno staaaaaaaar" or "Life ain't nothing but bitches and money." haha  :beer:

Scott is my first choice but I think Josh Todd would've been great too.

Josh Todd to me has the best rock n roll image of any of those guys, and a great voice.I heard he is amazing in concert too. I love the song "lawless and lulu" what a kick ass song that is.

What is his solo album named?

Wasn't he forming a new band named "shots fired"? Or was that the name of his album?

Anyway, he would have been great too. Any of those guys could have turned it out really.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: the dirt on June 25, 2004, 11:36:53 AM
Quoates from: The Keymaster

Josh Todd to me has the best rock n roll image of any of those guys, and a great voice.I heard he is amazing in concert too. I love the song "lawless and lulu" what a kick ass song that is.

He is great in concert. I saw the tail end of one of the last Buckcherry shows (3 songs) and I wish I had gotten there sooner.

What is his solo album named?

You Made Me

Wasn't he forming a new band named "shots fired"?

Don't know abot that.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: tomass74 on June 28, 2004, 03:02:50 AM
Scott was the perfect choice and his influence is all over Contraband.  Sebatian Bach is good and Skid Row were good for what they were but I would have been highly upset if they chose him. I also liked Subhuman Race by the way. Anyway out of all the singers they were looking at the other one that intrigued me the most was Travis Meeks. Did he turn them down or something??? If he did I bet he feels like a prick now.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: London Hudson on June 28, 2004, 08:23:40 AM
I like Scott but I think bach fits in more with the whole slash,duff and matt sound, I bought the contraband album I like it but to me it sounds to much like STP Im not a big fan of STP. yEAH BACH MAY NOT BE  that great of a song writer but being around slash and duff would of helped him out alot. Bach sounds more closer to axl than Scott does instead of the rock era it sounds more like the grunge era again and if they were looking for a stage presence Jason Todd would kick some ass. I cant wait for the GNFR

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: D on June 28, 2004, 09:56:26 AM
i think thats a big reason london they didnt choose bach, cause he was close to axl's singing style

i think recording the record and everything they made a concious effort to not sound like guns or STp and i dont thnk they sound like either

even slash's solo's, in GNR he always went over the top and just went off, on the contraband record everything seems toned down a tad, it still kicks ass but slash u can tell has evolved actually and his style has changed to fit with the new band, and thats awesome!

everytime i listen to this record though i like scott more and more and i think he is truly phenomenal and great

i lisen to contraband everyday and scott's vocal melodies are unbelievable,Bach can hit higher notes but he cant create vocal melodies like scott can

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: DeadHorse on June 28, 2004, 10:31:43 AM
I think Scott is the by far the best choice for this band.

BAch would of been constantly compared to Axl, there's no escaping that. Plus as mention b/f his song writing skills are less than par.

I bought Josh Todd's cd thinking it would be great.
There are a couple of catchy songs but for the most part it's the same old same old.
Personally, I think it sucks and blows.
Scott has proven himself ( in STP and now with VR)  in arrangements, harmonies, song writing and is an awssome front man.  I saw VR in Toronto and the chemistry in this band is nothing I have ever seen b/f.

Scott rocks, good choice boys.




Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: the dirt on June 28, 2004, 01:59:02 PM
Anyway out of all the singers they were looking at the other one that intrigued me the most was Travis Meeks. Did he turn them down or something??? If he did I bet he feels like a prick now.

They turned him down.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Skeletor on June 28, 2004, 03:12:32 PM
I also think Izzy would've been the best choice by far, if only he'd been willing. I'd actually be pretty hyped up about this band if Izzy was a part of it.. maybe they would've been able to include more substance and soul with Izzy's aid.

Title: Re:in hindsight scott weiland was in fact the best choice by far!
Post by: Thorned Rose on June 28, 2004, 04:21:33 PM
I'm not all that sure if Scott was the best decision.

He's got a lot to deal with. I was thinking and if Scott get busted again or whatever he's in jail this time. I mean if Scott messes up what will happen to VR?

He is a small liability man...

I like Bach's singing more then Weiland's. Bach can't write lyrics worth a damn though.

I like Skid ROw, and I think Bach has co-written 3 songs... never written one himself...
Singer - yes
Writer - no
Worry - no

Singer - yes
Writer - yes
Worry - yes

Take your pick... right now, I like Scott. If he fucks up I'll wish for Bach