Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: shaun on June 22, 2004, 03:14:00 PM

Title: What do you want from CD
Post by: shaun on June 22, 2004, 03:14:00 PM
I was wondering what everyone wants from CD as and when it is released?

I am expecting 2 CD's worth of great songs. I want to hear Studio versions of The Blues and Madagascar. I want to hear what Buckethead has pulled out of the hat. The new drummer i think is the best of the GN'R drummers to date.

Will there or won't there be any cover songs on there. I really really hope not. I have nothing against cover songs, i simply think cover songs should either appear on an album of their own or as B-Sides/Bonues tracks on singles.

Silk Worms is a track that i don't find to be too hot. I prefer raw songs with lots of guitars, vocals and maybe some piano. I am not too interested in electronic keyboard stuff. I really dislike sound fx too (Some of the UYI albums had sound FX in, i would have liked the songs more without them. AFD didn't need such things)

On a finnal note. Wouldn't it be great if there was a 3 compact disc in there which was a version AFD as recorded by the new line up  : ok:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Neemo on June 22, 2004, 03:23:52 PM
I just want it to be released!!!

But I don't know if Axl can live up to that. :hihi:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2004, 03:49:32 PM
I want it to dance on command!

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: C0ma on June 22, 2004, 04:00:51 PM
1. I want it to be released
2. I want it to be a Guns N Roses Album (not the most diverse album created)
3. I want it to atleast have some sort of traction on the top of the disc so it can be turned over and       used as a high quality coaster if the album sucks

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on June 22, 2004, 04:09:35 PM
1. I want it to be released
2. I want it to be a Guns N Roses Album (not the most diverse album created)
3. I want it to atleast have some sort of traction on the top of the disc so it can be turned over and       used as a high quality coaster if the album sucks

Damn straight if Axl aint a rocking he better be keeping ring marks off my coffee table.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: RnT on June 22, 2004, 04:12:02 PM
some songs about alcohool, some songs about sex, some songs like november rain...

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on June 22, 2004, 04:28:54 PM
Guns N' Roses were always diverse with their music. So if ur not gonna be expecting a diverse album then u probably wont like it. This album is gonna fuckin kick ass. And I want it to be diverse, I don't want the "same old song and dance."

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: blues_rock_axeman on June 22, 2004, 04:58:29 PM
At least a fraction of an insight into what the hell has really been up with Axl Rose for the last 10 years.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: AdZ on June 22, 2004, 05:12:02 PM

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Dave_Rose on June 22, 2004, 05:21:58 PM
I think I speak for every one on this board when I say We wanna hear the album and want it to sell well and GN'R 2 rule the world again : ok:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Voodoochild on June 22, 2004, 05:31:37 PM
I don't get why people says "nah, I just want the album" in threads like this. I guess it's kinda obvious, everybody wants. The guys is just asking about our expectations...
Anyways, I would love to hear great 3 guitars in the face, 2 guitars duel in a solo (like that Paradise City thing with Bucket and Finck) and different textures. I would love to listen to great keyboards like in Madagascar and Chinese Democracy, with a good mix that allow us to hear everything, not just a mess like Oh My God (I love the song, but the mix...  :no:).
I would love to hear some great drums like OMG and Rhiad. Really like Brain's work in those too (altough I prefer OMG with Freeze).
Finally, I want some great lyrics, with a lot of emotion and angry. I want Axl singing with his best through a beautiful piano sound and breaking into duet with a solo (like The Blues).  : ok:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on June 22, 2004, 05:40:21 PM
I don't get why people says "nah, I just want the album" in threads like this. I guess it's kinda obvious, everybody wants. The guys is just asking about our expectations...
Anyways, I would love to hear great 3 guitars in the face, 2 guitars duel in a solo (like that Paradise City thing with Bucket and Finck) and different textures. I would love to listen to great keyboards like in Madagascar and Chinese Democracy, with a good mix that allow us to hear everything, not just a mess like Oh My God (I love the song, but the mix...  :no:).
I would love to hear some great drums like OMG and Rhiad. Really like Brain's work in those too (altough I prefer OMG with Freeze).
Finally, I want some great lyrics, with a lot of emotion and angry. I want Axl singing with his best through a beautiful piano sound and breaking into duet with a solo (like The Blues).  : ok:

That pretty much sums it up for me right there. A mix of different things mixed together that sounds great. I want it to be a diverse record with familar stuff and new different stuff, not just the "same old song and dance,"  like I said before. I want experimentation with keyboards and piano, heavy guitars, awesome drumming, great lyrics and vocals, orchestral arrangments, and even effects. That is pretty much what I want, and I think that we will get. I cant wait for this album, its gonna kick ass.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Lord Kayoss on June 22, 2004, 06:08:19 PM
It would be easy to say that I want the best damn album ever created seeing how it's been a decade but realistically I just hope it silences the critics and most importantly blows little shit bands like Nickelback, Linkin Park, and Incubus the hell outta here!

Yeah, some good music would be nice too.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: MeanBone on June 22, 2004, 06:18:47 PM
i want it to be all about Axl, the main man in guns N Roses... also i'd like to see some musical and lyrical contributions by robin finck and tommy stinson. and i'd really love to see dizzy play the fuck outta his piano, he is such a brilliant player that should get his chance to truely shine in this record.
i hope the cd will reflect Axl's demons and his view of the world and relationships. i want it to be sincere, and i can't ask much more than that. how ever it comes out, or when, if its sincere and if it has the heart in the right place i know i'll like it, and knowing Axl's attitude towards music that's what we'll get and only when its the best they can do as a band.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Dave_Rose on June 22, 2004, 06:28:41 PM
I guess I'll answer this correctly now I want GN'R to make the best album and take over the album as for my expections some old guns and ballads with piano's and to hear Axl new voice in studio form and to blow critics away and have a real rock band back and put Linkin Park and this rap metal crap on its ass and put it in a trash can and prove what the new gn'r can do and I want to hear what the different songs I like because Tommy said it had a couple of old guns feeling I wanna hear the new guns feeling I think I know every one is gonna like the album on hear. Just want GN'R mania to break out again! ;D

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: kujo722 on June 22, 2004, 07:49:32 PM
I want songs that remind everyone why we are still waiting for Axl all these years. I want some nice ballads for being with that someone special (Dont say a word D :hihi:) and some heavy as shit songs that will tear the fucking roof off of Madison Square Garden when I go see them live.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on June 22, 2004, 08:49:38 PM
I want an album that is wholly original, and that will showcase 110% of what all of the musicians involved can do. I want songs that will give me chills when I hear them.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Falcon on June 22, 2004, 08:57:55 PM
I want a focused record that has a sense of urgency.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: anarchy on June 22, 2004, 09:44:07 PM
Music and free porn.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: insupportofaxl on June 22, 2004, 09:46:05 PM
CD will no doubt mirror Mr. Rose:

true talent, expertise, beauty, honesty, music that will no doubt move masses

CD is for Mr. Rose and is all about Mr. Rose.

I expect it to be his is his dream

I have no doubt in my mind and heart that CD will be a success.

Thanks Mr. Rose ;) :-*

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: ClintroN on June 22, 2004, 11:15:52 PM
For Axl to appolagise to all his fans n' everything for this fuck of a long wait :rant:

Just a new Guns n' Roses record, that'll be great : ok:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: younggunner on June 23, 2004, 12:45:52 AM
I want an album that is a melting pot of everything. I want it to be original, unique and something different...yet still be GNR.

I want songs that have Axl just gasping for air when he delivers the lyrics to the song like the end of Coma and YCBM.

I want lyrics that are inspiring and funny. I want a unique sound.

If the band was able to mesh all thier talents together then theres nothin to worry about. I know Axl will step up in terms of lyrics and vocal tones etc.

IM what a day thats gonna be.....

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: SlashFan on June 23, 2004, 01:29:02 AM
I hope that CD isn't all about Axl Rose,if it is he should call the album Axl Rose.I think it will just be a great album not just about Axl.He's a great songwriter and an amazing singer,so I think we all just want to hear it and make up our minds. :beer:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: recklesslife on June 23, 2004, 03:45:03 AM
CD will no doubt mirror Mr. Rose:

true talent, expertise, beauty, honesty, music that will no doubt move masses

CD is for Mr. Rose and is all about Mr. Rose.

I expect it to be his is his dream

I have no doubt in my mind and heart that CD will be a success.

Thanks Mr. Rose ;) :-*

Christ, you've gotta be the most idiotic person I've ever come across.  How can you even believe what you're saying?!  Delusional dipshit...why don't you seek some serious help?

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: DJM on June 23, 2004, 07:54:00 AM
I think I speak for every one on this board when I say We wanna hear the album and want it to sell well and GN'R 2 rule the world again : ok:

I also want to be released in a 2cd set like UY1 UY2 and a 2 dvd box set

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: shaun on June 23, 2004, 09:25:43 AM
2 CD's in 1 box for sure. The 2 separate CD thing with UYI I & II was a bit of a con. Why was the DVD split across 2 DVD's too???

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: DJM on June 23, 2004, 10:52:55 AM
2 CD's in 1 box for sure. The 2 separate CD thing with UYI I & II was a bit of a con. Why was the DVD split across 2 DVD's too???

In 2 DVD set i would have RIR & Leeds gig 0n them and see if this stuff some of the older & younger fans would get more excited to see & buy GNR

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: nesquick on June 23, 2004, 11:01:46 AM
FIRST: I just want them to look normal. They are awfull to watch and the "visual" thing is important I think. I just want them to look like normal guys and like a normal band. just like HUMANS, not monsters.

Then, we can talk about the abum. Very simple: The best of Appetite (raw music)+ the best of lies(accoustic parts) + the best of Illusions (killer mixing+ killer Rock songs like YCBM+ Blues Rock songs+ long epic songs with piano)= Chinese Democracy.

I just want a Classic Album. No "indus" sound or VERY FEW, just a Rock n' Roll album with a blues-Rock/pure Rock n' Roll/Long epic ballad feelings. And then believe me, it would have an enormous success because people are hungry of real music. I think most of people are fed up with all this ultra-manufactured music like Rn'B or new-metal, They just want real music, real instruments, just look at Norah Jones, 20 millions copies sold for her 1st record. why? because this is real music. Just real feelings.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: axl_rose_700 on June 23, 2004, 11:05:23 AM
I want Jenna Jameson to spring out of the case and give me a blowjob!!!   :hihi:

Seriously though, 2 CD's and a DVD of live material/interviews etc!

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: C0ma on June 23, 2004, 11:42:05 AM
I want two CD's packaged together. But I want two different feels for each disc. The first one would be a straight out rocker. The second disc would be deep and meaningful. I also want a mini novel worth of liner notes. I want to know what he has to say after all this time, I want to know who he thanks, and who he tells to go fuck themselves with a big rubber dick.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: younggunner on June 23, 2004, 12:38:34 PM
FIRST: I just want them to look normal. They are awfull to watch and the "visual" thing is important I think. I just want them to look like normal guys and like a normal band. just like HUMANS, not monsters.
They look quite normal to me

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: F*ck Fear on June 23, 2004, 02:24:03 PM
I want a band with talent(wich is what we will get)to put out a record that is great musically.....I have alot of faith in what Axl is doing.

I am not greedy and want 3 or even 2 disc's.....i could live with just one.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: shaun on June 23, 2004, 05:14:48 PM
I want a band with talent(wich is what we will get)to put out a record that is great musically.....I have alot of faith in what Axl is doing.

I am not greedy and want 3 or even 2 disc's.....i could live with just one.

I?m not a gabbling man, ok I lied, yes I do like to gamble and I usually win! ? More to the point, I think CD will be at least 2 discs!!!  : ok:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: metallex78 on June 23, 2004, 08:34:54 PM
What can I say that hasn't already been said?

I want an album that delves deep into the inner psyche of Axl, an album so deep that there are songs filled with Axl's anger, depression, happiness - A true melting pot continuing on from UYI.

Those supposed "studio" clips that appeared in the Boston radio promo sounded fucking amazing, I just hope the rest of the album, or albums is just as amazing.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: EstrangedNightrain on June 23, 2004, 09:01:35 PM
Just to hear Axl again.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Voodoochild on June 24, 2004, 12:48:10 AM
CD will no doubt mirror Mr. Rose:

true talent, expertise, beauty, honesty, music that will no doubt move masses

CD is for Mr. Rose and is all about Mr. Rose.

I expect it to be his is his dream

I have no doubt in my mind and heart that CD will be a success.

Thanks Mr. Rose ;) :-*

Christ, you've gotta be the most idiotic person I've ever come across.  How can you even believe what you're saying?!  Delusional dipshit...why don't you seek some serious help?
Dude, what the hell? Respect her and shut up, you're the one who needs some serious help.  :rant:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Axl Adler on June 24, 2004, 01:06:57 AM
 :rant:I want it to sound like music,not like that stupid song Oh My God and those other 'new'gn'r songs,it all sounds like shit.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Mr Cowbell ? on June 24, 2004, 04:17:59 AM
I want an  album with tastes of AFD + the UYI's and updated. I think Axl's new stuff sounds fresh and would take control of Rock N Roll today. I hope the lineup he has now is set and they can tour again soon.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: shaun on June 24, 2004, 01:02:31 PM
...and what about the cover art work?

_A photo of the band?
_A photo of a place? - like some of the mock ups out there already  ;)
_Art work like AFD?
_Art work like UYI?

I sure hope it's not some picture of China  ;) - the great well for example  ;)
...or some arty black & white photo depicting under fed China people  ;)

Maybe CD will be released under a different name, after all there does only seem to be 1 China related song that we know of  ;)

...who knows? time will tell for sure  : ok:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: nesquick on June 24, 2004, 02:31:17 PM
I want it to sound like music,not like that stupid song Oh My God
I agree with you  for "oh my god". This is the biggest piece of shit I have ever heard with "my world" and "silkworms". This is not music. This is horrible noize. I HATE with passion all these stupid techno/indus/rock songs.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: younggunner on June 24, 2004, 03:32:36 PM
Na i hope there are a few songs like OMG on the album or the xtra tracks. Not the whole album just 1 or 2. OMG kicks major fukin ass. Lyrically its awesome. Musically its awesome, and the way Axl sings it its aweosme. That song gets me so pumped up. They should have extended the  intro.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on June 25, 2004, 03:50:52 AM
you guys said some great stuff  : ok:

bonus disc "a version AFD as recorded by the new line up"

" diverse, I don't want the same old song and dance."

'insight into what Axl's been up to...'.

"Axl singing with his best through a beautiful piano sound"

I loved this idea:  "3 guitars in the face, 2 guitars duel in a solo (like that Paradise City thing with Bucket and Finck) and different textures"

and this one:  "i'd really love to see dizzy play the fuck outta his piano"

Another thing a few of you mentioned was variety and originality.
This is what I'm hoping for / expecting.

I'm also looking forward to hearing what each of the guys 'brought' in... with such a diverse background it oughtta be really interesting an cool.

um... what else?  oh yeah - easy open cd packaging so I don't hurt myself trying to get it open real fast!  :hihi:

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 25, 2004, 04:46:44 AM
DVD clips from the LV show would be nice.

But more than anything, I just want it in my hands.

Title: Re:What do you want from CD
Post by: shaun on June 25, 2004, 07:03:57 AM
I want it to sound like music,not like that stupid song Oh My God
I agree with you  for "oh my god". This is the biggest piece of shit I have ever heard with "my world" and "silkworms". This is not music. This is horrible noize. I HATE with passion all these stupid techno/indus/rock songs.

I have mixed views towards OMG. On the one hand it was the 1st new GN'R song to appear in years, and i was happy for that. Then when i heard the song, i thought it was ok, i was kinda hopping that not all future GN'R would sound this way. I do like the song, it just has that slighty irritating slightly muffled sound about it. Almost as if it?s being played under water  :)